Commissioner's update for offenders and their families: July 2, 2024

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC's) Commissioner.

Yesterday, July 1st, was Canada Day – a day that celebrates the anniversary of Canadian Confederation, which occurred on July 1, 1867.


It is really important that our institutions remain safe places for those who live and work there – everyone has a right to this. I wanted to reach out to you personally to ask that you find productive ways to deal with conflict and not resort to violence. Any violence against our staff or each other is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  Please speak up or seek the assistance of staff to find ways to avoid conflict or situations that can feel unsafe and encourage others to do the same.

Forest Fires in Quebec

You may have heard that, due to the forest fires in the area, we had to evacuate Port-Cartier Institution, in Quebec, last weekend.  This was a complex operation, but we kept the safety and security of everyone involved top of mind. The state of emergency remains in place and we are closely monitoring the situation. For those impacted, we will continue to communicate directly with you to provide ongoing updates. Please know that your cooperation, patience, staying calm makes a positive difference for everyone.

Support from Elders

June was National Indigenous History Month. One of our Indigenous Elders, Dalton Francis, recently said. “Each one of us has a journey that we are given. Each day we go into the journey, we learn something. If we make a mistake, it’s a teaching”. I find this really impactful.

Elders share their wisdom and provide cultural and spiritual guidance. They bring a sense of community and belonging to many Indigenous individuals incarcerated in our facilities. Elders are able to acknowledge the trauma and hurt of generations and provide individualized counselling, support, cultural teaching, and ceremonial guidance.

They are an important resource that can help Indigenous individuals reconnect with their culture and help in their rehabilitation and reintegration. If you are interested in working with an Elder, I encourage you to inquire with staff or reach out to the Elder or Indigenous Liaison Officer to set up a meeting. 

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

― Archbishop Desmond Tutu

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