Commissioner's update for offenders and their families: June 3, 2024

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC's) Commissioner.

You may have noticed some changes to the food menu in your institution. The updated National Menu took effect in men’s institutions last week, on May 27. Food Services reviews the menu once a year. Thanks to your input and Food Services staff, the new menu offers more variety and replaces some less popular items. The menu follows Canada’s Food Guide and is available for all diet types, such as therapeutic, religious, and conscience diets. If you have questions related to your diet, ask to speak to a regional dietitian.

National Menu changes in effect May 27

June is National Indigenous History Month. This is an opportunity to recognize the rich history, resilience, and diversity of Indigenous communities across Canada. Take this opportunity to speak with Elders, Indigenous staff, and others around you to learn about the culture and traditions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. This is a good way to build deeper understanding and stronger relationships.

I would like to share a success story about a ecently released offender. Several years ago, Mark took the steps needed to complete his Red Seal certification in carpentry. With the support of a Red Seal cabinetmaker, Mark worked away, earning his apprenticeship hours while serving his sentence. When he transferred to the Atlantic Region, he worked with CORCAN and prepared for the inter-provincial Red Seal exam. Mark successfully passed the exam on his first attempt!

"Having my Red Seal is a huge checkmark off my list of goals,” said Mark. “I feel that it allows me a better opportunity to have a career.”

Mark has since returned to the community where he immediately found a job with a large contractor working on local construction projects. He makes around $32 per hour. Mark took advantage of the opportunities available to him through CORCAN to improve himself and start his release on the right foot.

If you are interested in gaining employment skills and want to set yourself up for success, I encourage you to talk with staff in CORCAN.

“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”
―Lhamo Thondup, 14th Dalai Lama

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