Commissioner's update for offenders and their families:
November 6, 2023

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC's) Commissioner.

November 5 was International Volunteer Managers Day; a day CSC recognizes the important role our staff play in coordinating volunteers within our institutions. Volunteers are mainly managed by social program officers and chaplains. They play an essential role in ensuring that you have a connection to the outside world through activities led by Alcoholics Anonymous, Book Clubs For Inmates, to name a few, and volunteers that provide escorts for temporary absences.

If you are interested in working with a volunteer, talk to staff to find out what is available to you.

On book clubs and reading, I also encourage you to visit the libraries in our institutions as they are a great resource for information, education, and recreational reading. You can also ask staff about opportunities such as ethnocultural book clubs, and the book clubs offered by the community organization Book Clubs for Inmates.

These are important as they focus on improving literacy and academic skills to support your successful reintegration into the community.

November 7 is International Inuit Day. On this day and every day, we honour Inuit culture and the important role it has in the rehabilitation of Inuit incarcerated individuals. We have been working with Indigenous partners to expand culturally responsive approaches to Indigenous corrections.

This week is Veterans Week; a week where we take time to honour veterans and reflect on their service to our country in times of war, conflict, and peace. We express our deep gratitude for their sacrifices to ensure our freedom and peace.

On November 8, we will take the time to remember Indigenous Veterans who have served in missions across the world. On November 11, for Remembrance Day, we will come together in ceremonies across the country to honour our veterans.

Last week, the Annual Report of the Office of Correctional Investigator (OCI) was tabled in Parliament. CSC welcomed this report, its recommendations, and the opportunity to work together to review and enhance the work we do in corrections.

The OCI is the ombudsman for federally sentenced offenders. It provides independent, impartial, and timely investigations into complaints and concerns in the federal correctional system. If you are interested in reading this report and CSC’s response to it, please ask your case worker for a copy.

The only impossible journey is the one you never begin. —  Tony Robbins

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