Commissioner's update for correctional employees: June 3, 2024

This content is a message to Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff from CSC's Commissioner.

Our Mission: The Correctional Service of Canada, as part of the criminal justice system and respecting the rule of law, contributes to public safety by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure and humane control.

June 1 marked CSCAppreciation Day. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize and celebrate the important role we play in upholding public safety.

This day was established in 2015 with our organization being granted the Freedom of the City in Kingston, Ontario. That year, Kingston’s mayor proclaimed June 1 as “Correctional Service of Canada Appreciation Day.”

I am proud to lead our organization, alongside all of you, as we continue to make a difference for those in our care. You remain dedicated to our mandate of actively encouraging and assisting offenders on their path to becoming law-abiding citizens. Every day, you demonstrate outstanding values, courage, and dedication.

As you know, the work we do is unlike any other profession. For many, including myself, it is a passion.

I also encourage you to find ways to show your appreciation to your colleagues. You are all a part of cultivating an environment we can feel proud to be a part of – and culture must belong to each and every one of us.

2023–2024 Federal Pathway Annual Progress Report

Kathy Neil

The government’s 2023–2024 Federal Pathway Annual Progress Report was published today.

This report summarizes the collective efforts of nearly 20 federal departments to advance the priorities outlined in the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ People National Action Plan and respond to the Calls for Justice directed at the federal government.

I invite you to watch our Deputy Commissioner for Indigenous Corrections, Kathy Neil, in this short video . Our organization plays an important role in answering these Calls for Justice to advance systemic change for Indigenous peoples in the federal correctional system. Thank you to all sectors who were involved for your hard work and important contributions to this report and work on this, in general. 

National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to recognize the rich history and diversity of Indigenous communities across Canada. CSC recognizes and celebrates the strength and resilience of our Indigenous staff who work at CSC across the country. They work closely with Indigenous community members and organizations to support Indigenous offenders along their healing paths. We value the work that you do.

We are fortunate to have so many self-declared Indigenous employees and Elders at CSC representing rural and urban Indigenous communities from coast-to-coast-to-coast. This month, take the opportunity to speak with your First Nations, Inuit, and Métis colleagues and deepen your knowledge of their culture and traditions.

National Indigenous History Month

Faces of CSC

Elder Trudy

Elder trudy works at Buffalo Sage Wellness House in the Prairie Region. She talks about working with Indigenous female offenders and empowering them on their own healing journey. You can hear more in her own words in this Lift Me Up video. 

Are you an Indigenous employee looking to network and advance your career? Have you considered networking with CSC's Connecting Spirits, Creating Opportunities (CSCO) initiative aimed at fostering the career development of Indigenous employees. It provides Indigenous employees with tools to navigate both their professional roles and cultural identities.

CORCAN Success Story

I am pleased to share Mark’s story, an offender who was recently released from Dorchester Penitentiary.  Upon his release, he immediately put to use the Red Seal certification that he earned while incarcerated. He began employment with a large contractor working on local construction projects. Mark took advantage of the opportunities available to him through CORCAN to improve himself and start on the right foot when he re-entered the community. Mark is just one of many success stories about offenders on release who received support and encouragement from staff! Your dedication is integral to a successful release for individuals like Mark. I wish him the best!

Change related to Executive Positions

I want to share some news with regards to our executive team. When Alain Tousignant retired, we had agreed to share the acting opportunity of the Senior Deputy Commissioner (SDC) position between two people: Jay Pyke and France Gratton. Effective today, Jay and France will switch roles, with Jay taking on the role as Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs (ACCOP), and France taking on an opportunity as acting SDC. I want to thank Jay, who was acting SDC since last year, supporting us as we worked through many challenges and priorities at CSC.

Please join me in welcoming them in their new roles.

Pride Season

The beginning of June is the start of Pride Season, which runs until September.

Recognizing Pride Season at CSC is about conversations and learning. We work hard to find new ways to promote and support gender and sexual diversity. Discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression has no place in Canada. I encourage you to express solidarity with and celebrate the resilience and spirit of Queer and gender diverse Canadians. To members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community: you are valued and deserve to feel safe being yourself.

Cultural Months in June

In addition to National Indigenous History Month, June is also Italian Heritage Month, Filipino Heritage Month, and Portuguese Heritage month. I know many staff amongst our ranks are part of these ethnocultural groups. Please join me in celebrating the rich cultural diversity they bring to CSC, and to Canada as a whole.

You can find a more complete list of important dates recognized by the Government of Canada at Canadian Heritage . You may also visit the Prime Minister’s page to read statements on these commemorative dates.
The contributions, dedication and hard work of all staff is much appreciated. Thank you for making our communities safer for Canadians.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

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