Commissioner's update for correctional employees:
November 27, 2023

This content is a message to Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff from CSC's Commissioner.

This Sunday, December 3, is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The day promotes understanding of disability issues. It encourages all of us to help uphold the dignity, rights, and well-being of people with visible and invisible disabilities.

By addressing misconceptions and countering stereotypes, we are promoting the integration of people with disabilities into every aspect of political, social, economic, and cultural life. It is a reminder that everyone deserves understanding and respect for who they are. Thank you to our National Employees with Disabilities Working Group, and all other staff who continue to build a stronger, more inclusive workplace for everyone.

I encourage you all to take time to learn more about International Day of People with Disabilities by joining the various events that are being organized across government departments.

For more information on what CSC is doing to eliminate barriers to accessibility, please see CSC’s 2022-2025 Accessibility Plan​ and our 2022-2023 Progress Report will soon be available on our external website, as well as on the Hub.


GivingTuesday is a global movement for giving and volunteering. It is the biggest day for individual giving, raising an estimated $50.5 million for charities last year in Canada. This year, it takes place tomorrow, November 28.

Across the country, people are feeling the pinch from increasing costs. The demand for community services is higher than ever. Your donations make a difference in the lives of friends, neighbours and family who rely on the essential services provided by charitable organizations across Canada.

Thank you for supporting your community through the GCWCC. Your generosity matters and helps charities nationwide continue their work to build stronger communities and support the health of Canadians.

Memorial Ceremony for Fallen Employees

On November 4, the Memorial Ceremony for Fallen Employees was held by Quebec Region, in Laval. The procession, made up of the Regional Honour Guard, members of the Guard from various partners, guests, management and staff members, and families of those who died in the line of duty, paid tribute to the employees of the Quebec region who lost their lives in the line
of duty.

Processions at the Memorial Ceremony for Fallen Employees in Laval, Quebec.
Processions at the Memorial Ceremony for Fallen Employees in Laval, Quebec.

Four Year Anniversary of the Structured Intervention Units

This coming Thursday, November 30, marks another year since CSC abolished administrative segregation and implemented Structured Intervention Units (SIUs) at 15 of our institutions. Thanks to our partners and the incredible daily efforts of CSC staff, the SIUs are providing inmates opportunities to develop behavioural skills, work on their wellbeing through education, programming, and cultural activities, as well as take an increased ownership over their health.

The ongoing implementation and improvement to the operations of SIUs could not be done without your endless dedication and efforts. Our staff and partners play an important role in preparing inmates to successfully reintegrate into the mainstream inmate population. We continue to improve and find innovative ways to make a difference. Let’s keep striving for excellence and thank you for your hard work and dedication!

Annual APEX Ceremony of Recognition of Entry to the
Executive Ranks 2023

On November 15, the annual APEX (Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada) 2023 Ceremony of Recognition of Entry to the Executive Ranks was held. I was there in-person to welcome and congratulate our new executives.

I was so inspired by this new wave of talent.
I am proud of them and all our executives who are role models to others and play an important leadership role in helping us with our mission of changing lives and protecting Canadians.

For those who could not attend the ceremony in person, please know that your presence was missed, and that over the next couple of weeks
I will be sending an invitation out to each one of you so that I may congratulate you personally.

Commissioner Anne Kelly with new executives at the Annual APEX Ceremony of Recognition of Entry to the Executive Ranks.
Commissioner Anne Kelly with new executives at the Annual APEX Ceremony of Recognition of Entry to the Executive Ranks.

CSC’s presence at Remembrance Day Ceremony

Every November 11, CSC staff attend Remembrance Day ceremonies across the country to pay their respects. I am pleased to acknowledge the members of the Pacific Region Ceremonial Unit that represented CSC this past Remembrance Day in Abbotsford where approximately 2,000 community members gathered.

The Parade Marshall for this year’s ceremony was Adam Webber, who is the National Command Sergeant-Major for CSC’s Guard of Honour. For the past five years, Adam has been sought after to coordinate and lead community events such as this one. He also arranged for a drummer and piper at the ceremony. Thanks to Adam, CSC received special mention and formal recognition at the ceremony, along with the Abbotsford Police Department and Abbotsford Fire and Rescue.

Parade Marshall Adam Webber stands beside Pacific Regional Deputy Commissioner Constance Hourie as she lays the wreath at the cenotaph in Abbotsford, BC.
Parade Marshall Adam Webber stands beside Pacific Regional Deputy Commissioner Constance Hourie as she lays the wreath at the cenotaph in Abbotsford, BC.

I would like to thank Adam for his high calibre deliverance, dedication, and professionalism. I know when members of our Guard of Honour CSC Community Pipes and Drums, and Ceremonial Guard represent CSC at community events, it inspires pride in our colleagues and in our organization.

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.

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