Canadian Conservation Institute and Canadian Heritage Information Network Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Overview
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Canadian Conservation Institute and Canadian Heritage Information Network Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Overview [PDF version - 9.1 MB]

Message from the Director General
With the approach of the 50th anniversary of the Canadian Conservation Institute and the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CCI and CHIN) in 2022, the organizations are looking ahead to meet new challenges, take advantage of new opportunities and to continue to deliver the specialized expertise, guidance and support the heritage community expects from us
Since the last strategic plan, which covered the years 2015 to 2020, a number of new and existing focus areas - some pandemic-related and others not - have taken on increased importance for the heritage community and for the Government of Canada as a whole. These include: working with Indigenous stakeholders and the heritage community on decolonizing museum practices; reaching out to a more diverse community; promoting environmental and operational sustainability; building expertise in modern materials, digital collections and the use of emerging technologies; pivoting to virtual services and knowledge-sharing mechanisms; strengthening CCI and CHIN’s leadership role in preventive conservation; building partnerships; and ensuring that CCI and CHIN are strong and healthy for generations to come.
In order to meet these new challenges and the needs of the heritage community with the same commitment to excellence that our organization is known for throughout Canada and the world, we intend to take advantage of the synergies created by the merger of CCI and CHIN as well as the opportunities resulting from the Laboratories Canada initiative to build a new, more modern scientific facility and a new home for CCI and CHIN, as part of the Cultural Heritage Science Hub.
The CCI and CHIN Strategic Plan 2021-2026 outlines how we aim to achieve this goal.
Jérôme Moisan
Director General, Heritage Branch

Figure 2: Conservation scientist assesses the lightfastness of 19th century dyed textiles with a custom-built fadometer at the Canadian Conservation Institute.
Who we are
Since their creation as a result of the National Museum Policy (1972), the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) and the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) have played a critical role in the conservation and digitization of museum and archival collections in Canada
- CCI was created to promote the proper care and preservation of cultural heritage in Canada and to advance the practice, science and technology of conservation.
- CHIN was created through a need to recognize the extensive range of cultural objects and collections in Canada requiring protection and to facilitate sharing of and access to this common material heritage.

Figure 3: Treatment of Maud Allan’s Vision of Salome Costume belonging to Dance Collection Danse.
CCI and CHIN will advance the sustainable conservation of collections in Canada and expand Canadians’ access to them while developing a professional environment anchored in the values of diversity, inclusion and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) advances and promotes the conservation of heritage collections in Canada through its expertise in conservation science, treatment and preventive conservation.
The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) assists Canadian museums in documenting, managing and sharing information about their collections to ensure that this information is accessible now and in the future.
Areas of Activity
CCI and CHIN will advance the sustainable conservation of collections in Canada and expand Canadians’ access to them while developing a professional environment anchored in the values of diversity, inclusion and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.
To achieve its mission, CCI carries out the following activities:
- Provision of expert services (including scientific services, conservation treatments and preventive conservation services);
- Research and development in conservation (including scientific research, advanced treatment techniques and innovations in preventive collections care); and
- Sharing of conservation knowledge by providing training and learning products, professional development activities, publications and specialized library services as well as conducting other outreach activities.
To achieve its mission, CHIN carries out the following activities:
- Creation and maintenance of online public access to collections in Canada with tools such as Artefacts Canada and linked open data;
- Research and development on collections documentation standards and tools such as Nomenclature online and the CHIN Data Dictionary for Artefacts Canada
- Provision of guidance on collections management best practices and emerging trends through training, professional development and creation of online learning materials and publications concerning collection management systems, digitization and digital preservation.

Figure 4: Treatment of a stylized lion head belonging to the Royal British Columbia Museum.
CCI & CHIN strategy
Strategic Objectives are the pillars of the plan and measurable steps that will guide CCI and CHIN management’s decision-making, operational planning and priorities over the next five years. They will frame CCI and CHIN’s efforts to continue to deliver country-wide services and expertise to the heritage community in the most impactful, beneficial, and cost-effective way.
The Strategic Objectives for 2021-2026:
- Are an extension of the work undertaken under the previous strategic plan;
- Introduce new and emerging areas such as digital collections; and
- Align with the priorities of the Government of Canada and the needs expressed and observed within the heritage community.

Figure 5: Infographic of the strategic objectives for 2021-2026
Description of Figure 5
- Build CCI and CHIN expertise in conservation and preservation of modern materials and digital collections
- Strengthen CCI and CHIN’s leadership in preventive conservation and collections information management
- Leverage and modernize ways of generating and sharing knowledge through outreach, partnerships and networking
- Contribute to the Government of Canada’s priorities:
- Indigenous Reconciliation and Collaboration
- Diversity of Inclusion
- Climate Change and Sustainability
- Museum Policy
- Leverage opportunities within the Laboratories Canada initiative to pursue new ways of achieving science excellence, partnership and ensuring CCI and CHIN have modern and sustainable facilities
As Special Operating Agencies, CCI and CHIN serve a wide range of clients, across the country, whose budgets, facilities and collections vary qualitatively and quantitatively. The needs of the heritage community are considerable and, in a world where technology can facilitate access to services in a faster and more efficient manner, there is a challenge for CCI and CHIN to be responsive to this reality. In implementing the strategic directions, CCI and CHIN will apply the following principles to all activities:
Access: Ensure equal access to professional services for clients from all regions using various outreach and promotional tools and approaches and taking into consideration Internet access for clients in remote areas.
Integration: CCI and CHIN will align internal resources across disciplinary and organizational boundaries in order to foster collaboration and thereby leverage the investments in each area for greater impact.
Enabling: CCI and CHIN will promote the development of tools and products that enable heritage workers to care for their objects and collections themselves and will focus CCI and CHIN’s services in areas that require our specialized expertise or facilities. CCI and CHIN will keep abreast of new technologies to better serve clients and to adapt to newer governmental and scientific environments.
Sustainability: As an overarching principle, CCI and CHIN will align efforts to implement this strategic plan with the Sustainable Development Goals. This will involve identifying the goals that align most closely with each of the Strategic Objectives and of most relevance to the heritage community. CCI and CHIN expect that Sustainable Development Goals will be an part of the consultation process and the development of future strategic plans.

Figure 6: Analysis of a blood stain on Maurice “Rocket” Richard’s hockey jersey belonging to the Canadian Museum of History.
Looking ahead
This Strategic Plan sets a road map for CCI and CHIN to dedicate the resources in its trust to the service of the heritage community over the next five years. It emphasizes the alignment of CCI and CHIN’s work with client needs. It also underscores the importance of leveraging all of our investments through collaboration inside and outside of the organizations and requires no additional authorities.
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