Video – Facility Assessments


Transcript of the video "Facility Assessments"

Length of video: 00:02:23

To all Canadian museums, art galleries, archives, libraries and historic sites. Have you been wondering whether there is something you could be doing differently to keep your collection in top shape?

[On screen: 10 small illustrations representing physical forces, thieves and vandals, fire, water, pests light, ultraviolet and infrared, incorrect temperature, incorrect relative humidity, and  dissociation.]

Are you planning upgrades or new facilities and want to make the best choices for your collection?

The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) works with heritage institutions and professionals to ensure heritage collections are preserved and accessible to Canadians now and in the future.

Our CCI experts will travel anywhere in Canada for a two-day visit to your organization, provide an on-site technical assessment and prepare a full report with recommendations.

We take into account your collection and how it is used, as well as your experience and concerns working in your facilities. Each assessment reviews where collections are stored and displayed, including galleries, reading rooms, collection workspaces and collection storage, as well as non-collection spaces.

Our comprehensive approach is based on the 10 agents of deterioration and emphasizes preventive conservation.

[On screen: 10 small illustrations representing physical forces, thieves and vandals, fire, water, pests light, ultraviolet and infrared, incorrect temperature, incorrect relative humidity, and dissociation.] We analyze security and fire prevention measures, the museum environment, lighting and pest management.

We encourage you to apply for a facility assessment by one of our CCI experts if you think this service could help you.

  • Our preventive conservation experts can offer a range of options for better collections care suited to any budget. We can also identify preservation problems that may have been overlooked and offer solutions before damage occurs.
  • CCI experts can provide you with recommendations to help you meet the requirements for Category A Designation or other similar programs.
  • As a third-party external opinion, CCI can support your institution's short‑term and long‑term plans.
  • CCI tailors the facility assessment report to your organization's needs, priorities and resources.
  • If you are planning for new collection facilities or major renovations, or if you are investing in upgrades or reorganizing, we can help you evaluate options.

Learn how you can take care of your collections even better by reaching out to the Canadian Conservation Institute.

Canadian Conservation Institute

For more information on applying, eligibility and fees:

[Canadian Conservation Institute signature and Canada wordmark]

This video explains CCI’s Facilities Assessments service. This video was created by the Canadian Conservation Institute.

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