Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat

Information and resources related to the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat's policy and public engagement work. It coordinates federal action across the Government of Canada aimed at transforming the lives of people facing racism in their daily lives across Canada.

This work is guided by the “nothing about us without us” principle. It centres the intersectional voices and experiences of Indigenous Peoples, Black, Asian, Arab, Latin American, Muslim, Jewish, Palestinian, and many other racialized and religious minority communities in policy development.

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Services and information

About the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat

An overview about the Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat.

International engagement for racial equity

Discover how the Federal Anti-Racism is leveraging international engagement to advance racial equity at home. Find out how you can get involved.

Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy

Changing Systems, Transforming Lives: Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy, 2024-2028 is a roadmap to combat racism and discrimination in Canada.

Federal action against racism

Priority Areas for actions identified in Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy

Facts and figures

Disaggregated data from StatCan's data platform.

Call to Action on Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion in the Federal Public Service

The Privy Council’s call to action in the Public Service.

Get involved!

Sign-up to our e-blast to learn more about data, opportunities, and our upcoming events.

Join a pan-Canadian network for racial justice by signing-up for the Canadian chapter of the North American Network for Equity and Racial Justice.

Related anti-racism resources

Contact us

Federal Anti-Racism Secretariat
Department of Employment and Social Development Canada
Place du Portage Phase IV
140 Promenade du portage
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0J9

1-866-811-0055 (toll-free)

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