Wolastoq/Saint John River overview


The Wolastoq/Saint John River is an international and interprovincial waterway that flows 673 km through Maine, Quebec and New Brunswick. The watershed, covering 55,000 km2, falls within the traditional territory of the Wolastoqey people, and was designated a Canadian Heritage Rivers System in 2013.  A portion of the river spanning 115 km represents the international boundary between Canada and the US, which makes it a transboundary watershed of national significance.

Just over half a million people live within the watershed, including approximately 51% of New Brunswick’s population. Additionally, approximately 20% of the New Brunswickers rely on the Wolastoq/Saint John River watershed as a source of drinking water. The watershed supports critical economic sectors including hydroelectricity, agriculture, forestry, pulp and paper production, food manufacturing, and tourism.  

Map of the Wolastoq/Saint John River
The Wolastoq/Saint John River  

The Wolastoq/Saint John River is an international and interprovincial waterway that flows 673 km through Maine, Quebec and New Brunswick. The watershed, covering 55,000 km2, falls within the traditional territory of the Wolastoqey people, and a portion of the river spanning 115 km represents the international boundary between Canada and the US.

Key issues

The ecological health of the watershed is being stressed by many factors including agricultural, industrial, and urban activities. These stressors lead to excess nutrient loading, elevated levels of bacteria and, along with other harmful pollutants and contaminants, are impacting freshwater ecosystem health.

Working with others

Various federal, provincial, state, and Indigenous partners, as well as non-government stakeholders are working on improving the health of the river. Through the Wolastoq/Saint John River Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative, advancements in science, nutrient-reduction actions and Indigenous-led activities will be supported to improve water quality and the ecosystem health of the Wolastoq/Saint John River watershed. In 2017, First Nations, Canada and US governments signed a Statement of Cooperation to support collaboration on addressing these issues.

Funding opportunities

Funding is available through the Wolastoq/Saint John River application-based Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative for targeted, outcome-focused actions that address at least one of the three program priorities:

  • Nutrient Reduction
  • Advancing Science and Knowledge
  • Indigenous knowledge, capacity building and engagement

Please visit funding opportunities for Wolastoq/ Saint John River Freshwater Ecosystem Initiative for more information and the status of the call for applications.

Contact us

If you have questions or comments about Wolastoq/Saint John River, please contact us!



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