Grey Wolf
Unit Identification

Are you an Indigenous person living in Ontario? Interested in a challenging summer experience that delivers hands-on skills development, encourages teamwork, provides physical fitness training and promotes cultural awareness?
If so, Grey Wolf is the entry program for you! This unique military training program combines Indigenous culture and teachings with military training that will help you develop valuable skills such as self-confidence, self-discipline, teamwork, time management, respect and fitness. Participants train in Meaford, Ontario.
The eight- week program is conducted from early July to late August each year. During this time, you are enrolled as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Upon completion of the training program, you will continue to serve at an Army Reserve unit on a part-time or full-time basis. You may also transfer into the Regular Force.
Benefits of the program
During the program, you will find out more about yourself and what you’re capable of achieving through hard work, perseverance and teamwork. You will also have the chance to meet Indigenous people from across Ontario. Overall, the program will help you prepare yourself for the future with the Army Reserve, but also with a civilian career.
During the periods of training, we will provide you with:
- Meals and accommodation;
- Military clothing and equipment to use during the training;
- Transportation from home to the training location and back home; and
- Approximately $6,000 in salary.
Grey Wolf is an established military training program for which you may eligible for career experience credits through your provincial education system. If you would like the credits, it is your responsibility to arrange it through your school’s guidance counselor before starting the program.
Eligibility requirements
Are you up for the Grey Wolf challenge? The first step is finding out if you are eligible. To be eligible for the Grey Wolf program, you must:
- Be self-declared First Nation, Métis or Inuit;
- Be 16 years of age or older;
- Have completed Grade 10;
- Be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident.
The admission process includes:
- A medical examination;
- A reliability check;
- An in-person meeting.
Further instructions for applicants 18 and under
All applicants under the age of 18 must obtain consent from a parent or legal guardian to participate in this exciting opportunity. Applicants must be at least 16 and enrolled in school full-time at the time of application. If you are not a full-time student, the minimum enrollment age is 17 years.
If you are still completing Grade 10, you must provide us a letter from your high school outlining the courses you are taking and your potential to complete them successfully. You will be enrolled once we receive the transcripts that state that you have passed Grade 10. Make sure to send us your proof of completion early, as you cannot be enrolled in the program without it, and slots fill up early.
Grey Wolf training
Once you are accepted into the Grey Wolf entry program, your training will take place in Meaford, Ontario from early July to late August of that year.
The program is made up of three parts.
The first week involves the Culture Camp, where you will learn traditional Indigenous values and teachings as demonstrated by Indigenous Elders or teachers. The Culture Camp helps candidates understand the need for self-discipline and teamwork and instills pride and the sense of continuing the Indigenous tradition of military service.
At the end of the first week, you will continue your military training with CAF military instructors. The course itself is the standard five-week Army Reserve Basic Military Qualification (BMQ). During the BMQ course, you will learn a number of skills, including weapons handling, navigation with a map and compass, first aid, drill, outdoor field craft and survival skills.
Once you have completed BMQ, you will go on to the experiential portion which is unique to Grey Wolf. Here you will be able to participate on a military training exercise and will gain additional survive skills and training with the 3rd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group
You will also have the opportunity to participate in a local powwow and attend an organized career day that will introduce you to the education and career options in the CAF.
In addition to the comprehensive and extremely demanding training, there are regular Elder hours throughout, and also a mid-course sweat in the sweat lodge.
At the end of the program, you will be congratulated on your success with a graduation ceremony that encompasses military protocol with Indigenous customs. Grey Wolf recruits are enrolled in the Primary Reserve at the beginning of the course. That means that you can continue your service in the home Reserve unit, should you choose to do so, or transfer to a Regular Force unit.
How to apply to the Grey Wolf program
You can apply to the Grey Wolf program online, by email or mail with the following paper applications. Make sure you have all of the required documents, including your:
- Canadian Armed Forces Employment Application (PDF, 793 KB) (HTML)
- Birth Certificate;
- Government Photo Identification, such as a Status Card, a Driver's License, a Passport or a Provincial Health Card;
- Official education transcripts;
- Personnel Security Screening Form;
- Personal Verification Form (PDF, 279 KB);
- Pre-enrolment Security Clearance Pre-Assessment Questionnaire (PDF, 556 KB); and
- Social Insurance Number.
To apply to the Grey Wolf program, we encourage you to get in touch with our program coordinators as well as the staff at the Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre in your area for information. They will be able to answer questions and help walk you through the online application. Our program coordinators can also provide paper application forms, if needed.
The CAF starts taking applications at the beginning of September each year. There are a limited number of vacancies available for Grey Wolf, so don’t wait! However, please contact the Canadian Armed Forces Recruitment Group to confirm as there may be occasions where they accept an application after the deadline. Once you are accepted, you will receive a package containing all course details. We will also work with you to schedule your travel arrangements.
Contact us
Contact the Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Group
Grey Wolf Coordinator: Sgt Agyeman
Phone: 416-633-6200 ext 5524 or 5120
You can also request for a Grey Wolf Coordinator to come to your community or organization to give a presentation about the program. Please send a detailed email request for consideration to the Grey Wolf Coordinator at Canadian Armed Forces Recruitment Group for requests to visit rural or remote locations, the Grey Wolf Coordinator will try to include your community, when it is feasible to do so, during a planned visit to the region.
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