HTML version of the form: Canadian Armed Forces Employment Application


  1. In order to undergo applicant processing and be eligible for consideration for the Canadian Armed Forces, we require certain personal information from you.
  2. Any personal information supplied by you is collected and used in accordance with the federal Privacy Act. In some cases, information may be disclosed without your consent for purposes not outlined here pursuant to Subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act .
  3. The personal information collected under the Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting program will be used for recruitment and staffing processes and will be filed under Personal Information Bank: Enrolment Bank - Applicants, DND PPU 025. The information file will be retained for three years after its last use, and will be destroyed in accordance with applicable legislation. Only Department of National Defence members and employees who need to know your personal information in order to process your enrolment application will have access to your personal information. If you are enrolled, some of the personal information may be transferred to some or all of the following Personal Information Banks: CF Member Personal Information File, DND PPE 818; Cadet Instructors Cadre Personal Information Bank, DND PPE 822; DND Defence Integrated Human Resource System (DIHRS), DND PPE 805; Unit Personnel Bank, DND PPE 836.
  4. The Privacy Act states that you have the right to access your personal information and request changes to incorrect information. Contact your recruiting centre to access your personal information, notify us about incorrect information, or withdraw your application after submitting your information. For more information about your right to access, see the website for the National Defence Director Access to Information and Privacy at
  5. If you require clarification about this disclaimer contact our Privacy Coordinator at the office of the National Defence Director Access to Information and Privacy. For more information on privacy issues and the Privacy Act in general, consult the Privacy Commissioner at 1-800-282-1376.


  1.  To be eligible for enrolment in the Canadian Armed Forces, you must meet the following minimal conditions: 

- be a Canadian citizen

- be 17 years of age or older (Note 1) (if you are under 18 years of age, Part I will require parental/guardian consent)

- have successfully completed grade 10 - Secondary IV in Quebec (Note 2) 

Notes: 1) There are two exceptions. You may apply and be enrolled in the Primary Reserve (if you maintain status as a full-time student) or as a Junior

                level Military College applicant at 16 years of age.

            2) Some entry programs have additional academic prerequisites.

2. Should you be deemed eligible and competitive for one of the occupational fields you selected and positions either become vacant or are foreseen as being available in the very near future, you will be contacted for further processing. If your file has been closed, a new application will then be required to reactivate your file.

3. Should you require assistance or have any questions relating to the completion of this form, please call your local Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre toll free at 1-800-856-8488 and ask to speak to a recruiter.

Part A

Personal Information

1. Name and address

  • Surname:
  • All given names:
  • Home:
  • Date of birth DD/MM/YYY:
  • Place of birth:
  • Work:
  • Mailing address:
  • E-mail address:
  • Cell:
  • City:
  • Province:
  • Postal Code:
  • Call at work:
    • Yes
    • No

2. Official language

To which official language do you have a primary personal identification? (the language in which you are more proficient): 

  • English 
  • Francais

Which official language do you wish to use?

  • In correspondence:
    • English
    • Francais
  • During an interview:
    • English
    • Francais
  • For written exam:
    • English
    • Francais

3. Citizenship

Are you a Canadian citizen?

  • Yes
  • No

Have you resided in Canada continuously for the past ten years?

  • Yes
  • No

Have you ever been found guilty of an offence under the Young Offenders Act or Youth Criminal Justice Act for which a disposition is still in effect?

  • Yes
  • No

Have you ever been found guilty under any other Act for which you were convicted and for which no pardon has been granted?

  • Yes
  • No

Part B

Employment Interest

1. Canadian Armed Forces component of interest:

  • Regular (full-time)
  • Reserve (part-time)

If Reserve, which sub-component?

  • Primary Reserve
  • Cadet Organizations Administration Training Service
  • Supplementary Reserve
  • Canadian Rangers

2. Occupational environment preferred

  • Royal Canadian Navy
  • Canadian Army
  • Royal Canadian Air Force
  • No Preference

3. Employment interest

  • Officer
  • Non-commissioned Member
  • Entry Plan

If possible, can you specify up to three desired occupations

  • Choice 1:
  • Choice 2:
  • Choice 3:

4. Miscellaneous

Have you ever applied or do you currently have an outstanding application for enrolment into any component of the Canadian Armed Forces?

  • Yes
  • No
  • If yes, please specify:
    • Location:

Part C

Previous Canadian Armed Forces Service and Cadet Experience

Mention all applicable

  • Regular Force
  • Reserve
  • Cadets

If yes, provide your Service Number (SN):

Part D

Previous Foreign Military Service

Have you ever served with a foreign military service?

  • Yes
  • No

You will be required to provide proof of qualifications and release from foreign military service. If you do not currently have these documents, you should take the necessary steps to obtain them.

Part E


1. Select highest level of education successfully completed

High School

  • Grade 10/Secondary IV - 24 credits (Quebec)
  • Grade 11/Secondary IV - 25+ credits (Quebec)
  • High School Diploma (or equivalent)/ Secondary V (Quebec)


Post Secondary (non-university)

  • Certificate (1 year)/CEGEP 1
  • Diploma (2-year)/CEGEP 2



  • Degree GPA B- or less
  • Degree GPA B
  • Degree GPA B+ or more
  • Master's or Doctorate

2. Education details

  • Subject major
  • Graduated
    • Yes
    • No
  • Number of years completed
  • Date last attended (yyyy/mm)
  • Name of degree/diploma/certificate Received (if applicable)
  • Name of institution
  • Province and country

3. Other studies, training or qualifications either completed or in progress

  • Course/Training/Qualification
  • Completed
    • Yes
    • No
  • Length
  • Date last attended (yyyy/mm)
  • Institution

Part F

Work Experience

1. During the past 5 years, select in years your total amount of work experience, include full and part-time, seasonal, temporary and volunteer work

  • None
  • Less than 1
  • 1-2
  • 2-3
  • 3-4
  • 5

2. Provide details of your "work experience" during the past 5 years

  • Job title
  • Period
    • From
    • To
  • Part/Full time
  • Employer

Part G

Physical fitness/sports

1. On average, during the past 12 months, select the number of times per week you participated in sports/physical fitness

  • None
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5+

2. Describe (List type, period and duration)

Part H

Activities and Interests

1. On average, during the past 2 years, select the number of hours per week you have devoted to activities outside school or work (such as community involvement, clubs, cadets, committees, chores etc.)

  • None
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5+

2. Describe

Part I

Leadership/supervisory experience

1. Select the total number of years experience you have had in a supervisory role or leadership position

  • None
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5+

2. Describe

Part J

Members of Employment Equity Groups

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) adheres to the principles of Employment Equity (EE) to ensure that as an organization, it reflects the true nature of Canadian society. The CAF is committed to the selection of applicants based on merit by ensuring the full participation of three groups designated in the Employment Equity Act (EEA): women, Aboriginal Peoples, and members of visible minority groups. The collected information helps the CAF fulfill its obligations under the EEA and the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA). Your response to the self-declaration questions is voluntary and will be used for statistical purposes, and may be used in considering your application for joining the CF.

The collection and use of personal information in this self-declaration are authorized under the authority of the EEA and the CHRA. The collection, use and disclosure of personal information is in accordance with the federal Privacy Act and in some cases, personal information may be disclosed without consent under subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

Collection Purposes

If you choose to complete the self-declaration, please select one of the following purposes:

  • Purpose 1: Selection processes and statistics related to applications for employment in the Canadian Armed Forces. By selecting this purpose, you are consenting that your information may be used for determining eligibility for selection processes where belonging to an EE group may be used as a criterion in the screening or selection of applicants for processing; and statistics related to CAF recruiting processes as defined in Purpose 2 below.
  • Purpose 2: Statistics related to applications for employment in the Canadian Armed Forces. By selecting this purpose you are consenting that your information may be used only in reports, analysis and studies intended to help the CAF analyze information on applicants who belong to EE groups, to measure the success rate of EE groups through the recruiting process, and monitor and report on the number of EE applicants and successful applicants.

Consent for the Collection of EE Information

  • I am not a member of an EE group.
  • I wish to complete the self-declaration for EE groups.
  • I do not wish to complete the self-declaration for EE groups.

A) Gender

Are you a:

  • Male
  • Female

B) Aboriginal Peoples

An Aboriginal person is a North American Indian or a member of a First Nation, a Métis or an Inuit. Members of a First Nation include status, treaty or registered Indians. North American Indians include non-status and non-registered Indians.

Based on this description, are you an Aboriginal person?

  • Yes
  • No

Optional: If you wish to provide further details, please specify the group to which you belong.

  • Inuit
  • Metis
  • North American Indian / First Nation
  • Aboriginal
  • No response

C) Visible Minority

A person in a visible minority is someone (other than an Aboriginal person as defined above) who is non-Caucasian in race or non-white in color, regardless of place of birth.

Based on this description, are you a member of a visible minority group?

  • Yes
  • No

Optional: If you wish to provide further details, please specify the group to which you belong.

  • Black
  • Non-White Latin American
  • Person of Mixed Origin
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Filipino
  • South Asian
  • Non-White West Asian
  • Other Visible Minority Groups
  • No response

Part K


Parental/Guardian consent necessary if applicant is under 18 years of age

I, the undersigned, give my consent for my son/daughter/ward to undergo aptitude testing and/or personality testing, a reliability check that will include a criminal record and credit verification, a medical examination and be interviewed by a Military Career Counsellor in order to determine suitability and to enrol into the Canadian Armed Forces.

  • Regular Force
  • Reserve Force

I know him/her to be the full age of ____ years and ____ months.

Declared at _________ in the province of _________ this _________ day of _________  year _________

  • Parent/Guardian name (printed):
  • Parent/Guardian signature:
  • Signature of witness:

Part L

Applicant Signature

I, the undersigned, do declare that the information in this document is true to the best of my knowledge

  • Signature:
  • Application date:

Part M

Conditional Offer of Enrolment

For CFRC use only

On the basis of the information made available by you to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) at this time, you have been found eligible for a conditional offer of enrolment. This offer of enrolment is subject to the following: You must

1) meet CAF aptitude and medical standards;

2) consent to and be able to meet the current reliability and/or security assessment requirements of the CAF;

3) possess sufficient military potential as assessed by a Military Career Counsellor in accordance with current selection standards;

4) accept assignment to and employment in a military occupation for which you meet all requirements and in which there is a vacancy

I accept 1

I do not accept 2

  • This conditional offer of enrolment
  • Signature of applicant:
  • Date:
  • Signature of CFRC staff member:

Note : As per contact guide - applicable Federal information bank number is DND / P-PU-025

Page details

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