3 Air Maintenance Squadron

3 Air Maintenance Squadron (3 AMS) provides maintenance services to Aircraft and related equipment which are essential to the performance of the tasks assigned to 3 Wing Bagotville.

Besides providing services to the units of 3 Wing, namely 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron, 439 Combat Support Squadron and 12 Radar Squadron, 3 AMS supports 430 and 438 Tactical Helicopter Squadrons at Valcartier and Saint-Hubert, 444 Combat Support Squadron at Goose Bay, 14 Wing Greenwood, 8 Wing Trenton and 4 Wing Cold Lake and several regional cadet corps. 3 AMS also provides technical support to Bombardier Services.

A team of more than 335 military and civilian personnel ensures the smooth operation of the unit's four flights. Highly specialized, the squadron uses and handles equipment at the cutting edge of aerospace technology. Its resources are spread over twenty buildings, the main one being the multi-unit CF-18 repair facility (MURF). This makes 3 AMS one of the Wing's most diversified and complex units.

The Mechanical Support Flight includes the following workshops: mechanical components for the CF-18 fighter, propulsion, Aircraft maintenance support materiel, structure, non-destructive tests and safety systems. These workshops provide second, and for certain systems, third-line repair services.

The Avionics and Armament Support Flight provides services connected with second-line maintenance of avionic components, air weapons systems and ammunition loaded onto the CF-18. It even provides a third-line service for certain avionic components for all of Canada. It is also responsible for storing ammunition and explosives and the destruction of those which are obsolete.

The Armament section also supports operations at the air/ground target range at Canadian Forces Base Valcartier and looks after the training of all the 425 and 433 squadron loading crews. This flight also provides the Wing with imagery services.

The Production Support Flight provides varied services to all 3 Wing maintenance organizations. These centralized services include the quality assurance program, the tools and documents control programs, the employment and staff development office and the engineering, project management and computer-based support services.

Finally, the Administrative Flight provides all services directly affecting personnel. It looks after managing personnel files, information, budgets and contracts. It coordinates all aspects of mission orders. It serves as a service centre for most of the national personnel service programs.

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