New suite of initiatives aimed at growing the Prince Edward Island livestock sector

News release

January 30, 2025 – Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

In collaboration with the Government of Canada, the Province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) is launching new funding opportunities to further support its cattle and livestock sectors.

Through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP), the governments of Canada and PEI will be introducing the Grow the Herd Pilot Program, as well as a new PEI Livestock Champion. The pilot program will include 2 funding streams focusing on supporting the unique growth requirements of each Island farm.

  • Heifer or Cow Retention / Purchase Incentive: Applicants will be eligible
    for additional funding per retained heifer or the acquisition of bred heifers,
    bred cows or cow-calf pairs;
  • PEI Certified Beef Brand Incentive: PEI feedlot and cow calf producers
    can receive additional funding for increasing the availability of cattle eligible under the PEI Certified Beef marketing brand.

The PEI Livestock Champion position, created in collaboration with the PEI Cattle Producers and Atlantic Beef Products, will complement these programs, as well as other existing programs and services offered, by providing leadership, expertise and direction to Island livestock producers. The programs announced in this suite of initiatives support PEI’s Livestock Strategy and will continue to improve the quality of PEI’s products available to local markets as well as help drive new markets.


“We have a world-class livestock industry here on the Island and that’s thanks to the care our farmers put into their operations. Through this investment, we’re making sure the sector can continue to provide top-quality products to Canadians and remain strong for future generations.”

- The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

“I am thrilled to announce these new investments which aim to increase the brood-cow and beef feeder inventory on Prince Edward Island. Additionally, the introduction of the new Livestock Champion ensures that producers across the province can create strategic growth plans to suit their individual needs, that in turn, not only grow the sector, but also our Island economy.”  

- The Honourable Bloyce Thompson, Prince Edward Island Deputy Premier and Minister of Agriculture

Quick facts

  • The Grow the Herd Pilot Program and PEI Livestock Champion are programs under the PEI Livestock Strategy, funded through Sustainable CAP, a 5-year, $3.5-billion investment by the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of Canada's agriculture, agri‐food, and agri‐based products sector. 

  • This agreement includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and a $2.5 billion commitment that is cost-shared 60% federally and 40% provincially/territorially for programs that are designed and delivered by provinces and territories.

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For media:

Annie Cullinan
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
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Kip Ready
Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture

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