Services and information
Programs and services
Find support and funding to innovate, be more competitive, adopt clean technologies, expand sustainable practices, manage business risk and develop market opportunities
Canada's agriculture sectors
Sector overviews, market information, trade data, economic publications, food system, animal industry, crops, horticulture, food processing industry
Science and innovation
Research and scientific collaboration supporting the sector, technology transfer and licensing, living laboratories, research centres and scientists, open data
Agricultural production tools and data
Interactive maps, tools, practices and technologies relevant to production in agriculture. Weather, drought, land and water, geospatial products
International trade of agri-food products
Export and expand to global markets, trade services for exporters, market information, business opportunities, trade shows, in-market expertise, Canada Brand
Environment and sustainability
Climate change mitigation, farming practices, environmental impacts and indicators
Food Policy for Canada
A roadmap for a healthier and more sustainable food system for Canada
Stay up to date on agricultural programs and services with feature articles, podcasts and good news stories
Indigenous Peoples in agriculture
Indigenous-led agriculture, support for Indigenous business, Pathfinder service
Contact us
About Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Parliamentary Secretary
Sophie Chatel
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Rural Economic Development


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