Backgrounder - Federal programs under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership


March 6, 2023 – Ottawa, Ontario – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

The five-year, $3.5 billion Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership includes six federally funded national programs to help drive growth and sustainability in the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry. The programming includes:

AgriAssurance Program ($64.05 million over 5 years)

Consumer trust in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector is critical to ensuring the competitiveness of the sector, both internationally and domestically. The objective of the AgriAssurance Program is to foster this trust by helping the industry develop and adopt systems, standards and tools to make credible, meaningful and verifiable claims about the health, safety and quality of Canadian agricultural and agri-food products and how they are produced or manufactured.

For program details and applications, go to: AgriAssurance: National Industry Associations; Agri-Industry: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

AgriCompetitiveness Program ($25.72 million over 5 years)

In an increasingly crowded marketplace, those involved in Canadian agriculture and agri-food continually need to improve their competitive advantages. The AgriCompetitiveness Program supports industry activities to identify best practices and build sector capacity, to improve farm business management and farm safety tools and information, and to promote awareness of agriculture.

For program details and applications, go to: AgriCompetitiveness

AgriDiversity ($5 million over 5 years)

Diversity and inclusion are key to creating a Canadian agricultural economy that works for everyone. The AgriDiversity program supports under-represented and marginalized groups, including Indigenous Peoples, to increase their capacity to take on a greater leadership role in the sector and build entrepreneurial capacity and business skills.

For program details and applications, go to: AgriDiversity

AgriMarketing ($129.97 million over 5 years)

Nearly half of Canada’s food production is exported, making Canada the 5th largest exporter of agriculture and agri-food products in the world. With trade playing such a vital role, the objective of the AgriMarketing Program is to help the agriculture and agri-food industry promote and market its products to consumers in Canada and around the world.

For program details and applications, go to: AgriMarketing

AgriScience ($324.77 million over 5 years)

Science continues to drive innovations that help Canadian food and agricultural producers to better manage risks (including from climate change), increase their competiveness, protect the environment and develop new products and markets. The objective of the AgriScience Program is to accelerate the pace of innovation by funding and supporting pre-commercialization science and research for the benefit of the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadians.

For program details and applications, go to: AgriScience Clusters; AgriScience Projects

AgriInnovate ($95.4 million over 5 years)

To remain competitive and successful, Canadian agriculture and agri-food must continue to be on the leading edge of technology and innovation. The AgriInnovate Program supports projects that accelerate the commercialization, demonstration and adoption of innovative technologies and processes that improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the sector.

For program details and applications, go to: AgriInnovate

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Government of Canada opens applications for federal programs under Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership


For media:

Marianne Dandurand
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
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