Find key dates including filing and payment due dates and dates for receiving credits and benefit payments from the CRA.
Filing dates for 2024 taxes
- March 3, 2025: Deadline to contribute to an RRSP, a PRPP, or an SPP
- April 30, 2025: Deadline to file your taxes
- June 15, 2025 (June 16, 2025, since June 15 is a Sunday): Deadline to file your taxes if you or your spouse or common-law partner are self-employed
Payment due date for 2024 taxes
- April 30, 2025: Deadline to pay your taxes
Services and information
Filing due date for your 2024 tax return
Filing due date is April 30 for most taxpayers, June 15 for self-employed, and may vary for a deceased person’s return
Payment due date for 2024 taxes
Pay your balance owing on or before April 30 to avoid interest and penalties, find payment options to pay your taxes
Interest and penalties
How much interest is charged, when interest starts being applied to unpaid amounts, late-filing and other penalties
Non-Resident income tax filing due date for 2024
Filing due date is April 30 for most non-residents, June 15 for self-employed, and may vary for a deceased person’s return
Instalment payment due dates for 2025
Payment deadlines for quarterly instalment payments for next year's taxes
GST/HST credit payment dates
List of dates when the CRA will send quarterly GST/HST credit payments to you
Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payment dates
List of dates when the CRA will send your monthly CCB payments
Important dates for RRSPs, HBP, LLP, FHSAs and more
Deadlines for opening savings plans, contributions, and making withdrawals from your plans
Excess RRSP, PRPP, or SPP contributions filing and payment due dates
File and pay your balance on a T1-OVP return for RRSP, PRPP, and SPP excess contributions on or before March 31
Balance owing due date for a deceased person's final return
Due date may vary on a balance owing for a deceased person’s final return, depending on the date of death
Trust Income Tax Return (T3) payment due date
Pay balance owing on taxes within 90 days after the trust’s tax year-end
TFSA payment deadline for taxes owed
If taxes are applicable on your TFSA, filing and payment deadline is June 30 of the following year
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