Grade Crossing Improvement Program


Through the Government of Canada’s Grade Crossing Improvement Program (GCIP), contributions are available to road authorities and railway companies for safety improvements at public grade crossings that are under federal jurisdiction.

Transport Canada funds up to 50 per cent of safety enhancement costs (to a maximum of $550,000 per project) at many rail crossing locations across the country every year.

Some examples of eligible projects are:

  • installing flashing lights, bells and gates;
  • replacing incandescent lights with LEDs;
  • adding gates or extra lights to existing signal systems;
  • interconnecting crossing signals to nearby highway traffic signals;
  • modifying operating circuits within automated warning systems;
  • improving roadway alignment or grades; and
  • modifying nearby intersections and adding traffic control signals in some circumstances.

These sites are most often identified through:

  • an application from a road authority and/or railway company;
  • an inspection by a Transport Canada railway safety inspector, through regular monitoring or after an accident;
  • a recommendation following an accident, including any made by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada; or
  • a complaint concerning the safety of a crossing.

This year, Transport Canada is investing more than $10.9 million under the GCIP, to upgrade over 400 rail grade crossings across the country.

The majority of the projects involve the replacement of incandescent lights to light emitting diode (LED) signal modules which will greatly improve the safety of Canadian motorists and pedestrians by improving warning system visibility, and result in grade crossing warning systems that operate more efficiently.

Province Number of Projects Federal Contribution
British Columbia 12 $1,552,459.72
Alberta 107 $1,665,246.63
Saskatchewan 41 $1,643,392.46
Manitoba 53 $1,368,442.00
Ontario 93 $2,680,052.22
Quebec 100 $1,999,518.75
Total 406 $10,909,111.78

April, 2016

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