2022-2023 Call for Concepts for the Innovation Initiative

Innovation Initiative 2019-2022

Think you have a great idea to improve sport participation? We want to hear from you!

Sport Canada is looking for organizations that are interested in testing new ways of working in sport, are committed to monitoring and measuring results, have an interest in collaborating with researchers and evaluators, and are willing to share the stories nationwide to improve sport participation experiences for Canadians.

The Innovation Initiative of the Sport Support Program enables the testing of innovative quality sport approaches, the trial of new programs, strategies, and technologies in order to develop evidence-based solutions that can be shared nationwide.

Together, we can test ideas to:

Increase accessibility to sport programs

Improve frequency, rates and retention of participation in sport

Reduce or eliminate barriers to participation in sport

Enhance physical literacy

Achieve social goals through the intentional use of sport

To address sport participation issues* for:

  • Black
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • Newcomers

*Pilot projects intended to address sport participation challenges for priority populations with added intersecting identity factors are encouraged, welcome and eligible for consideration.

Ready to submit your idea for the Innovation Initiative?

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Read the Call for Concepts

Get details on submitting a pilot project concept including eligible projects and how to apply.

Step 2: Contact us

After reading the Call for Concepts, and prior to submitting your concept, contact the Sport Canada Innovation Team by email to discuss your idea.

Submission deadline

The 2022-2023 call for concepts is closed.

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