Surveillance des sables bitumineux : articles scientifiques et présentations
Articles scientifiques et des présentations de l’évaluation et de l’interprétation des mesures de surveillance dans la région des sables bitumineux. Environnement et Changement climatique Canada accessibles des publications et présentations sont énumérés ci-dessous. Voir la liste complète des publications et présentations pour le programme. (2020)
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Publications 2025
Publications 2024
- Total organic carbon measurements reveal major gaps in petrochemical emissions reporting
- Modeling below-cloud scavenging of size-resolved particles in GEM-MACHv3.1
- HETerogeneous vectorized or Parallel (HETPv1.0): an updated inorganic heterogeneous chemistry solver for the metastable-state NH4+–Na+–Ca2+–K+–Mg2+–SO42−–NO3−–Cl−–H2O system based on ISORROPIA II
- Measurement constrained emission estimates of alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Canadian Athabasca oil sands region
- Capturing the Aerobiome: Application of Polyurethane Foam Disk Passive Samplers for Bioaerosol Monitoring
- The differences between remote sensing and in situ air pollutants measurements over the Canadian Oil Sands
- Aircraft-derived CH4 emissions from surface and in-situ mining activities in the Alberta oil sands region
- Contribution of emissions from the oil sands activities in Alberta, Canada to atmospheric concentration and deposition of nitrogen and sulfur species at a downwind site
- Oil Sands Process-Affected Water Composition Effect on Henry's Law Constants for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds: Theory and Experiment
- The importance of moist thermodynamics on neutral buoyancy height for plumes from anthropogenic sources
- Using in situ measurements of δ13C in methane to investigate methane emissions from the western Canada sedimentary basin
- Organic carbon dry deposition outpaces atmospheric processing with unaccounted implications for air quality and freshwater ecosystems
Publications 2023
- Emissions database development and dispersion model predictions of airborne particulate elements in the Canadian Athabasca oil sands region
- Aircraft and satellite observations reveal historical gap between top-down and bottom-up CO2 emissions from the Canadian oil sands
- Contributions of the oil sands sources to the ambient concentrations and deposition of particulate elements in the Canadian Athabasca oil sands region
- Source Apportionment of Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compounds in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
- Aerosol deposition to the boreal forest in the vicinity of the Alberta Oil Sands
- Atmospheric deposition mapping of particulate elements in the Canadian Athabasca oil sands region
Publications 2022
- Estimation of atmospheric dry and wet deposition of particulate elements at four monitoring sites in the Canadian Athabasca oil sands region
- Evaluating SOA formation from different sources of semi- and intermediate-volatility organic compounds from the Athabasca oil sands
- Development of aerosol optical properties for improving the MESSy photolysis module in the GEM-MACH v2.4 air quality model and application for calculating photolysis rates in a biomass burning plume
- Using carbon-14 and carbon-13 measurements for source attribution of atmospheric methane in the Athabasca oil sands region
- Comparing airborne algorithms for greenhouse gas flux measurements over the Alberta oil sands
Publications et présentations 2021
- Polycyclic aromatic compounds in ambient air in the surface minable area of Athabasca oil sands in Alberta (Canada)
- Quantifying fugitive gas emissions from an oil sands tailings pond with open-path Fourier transform infrared measurements
- Airborne and ground-based measurements of aerosol optical depth of freshly emitted anthropogenic plumes in the Athabasca oil sands region
- Evolution of atmospheric total organic carbon from petrochemical mixtures
- Inconsistencies in sulfur dioxide emissions from the Canadian oil sands and potential implications
- The effects of plume episodes on PAC profiles in the Athabasca oil sands region
- Insights into sources and occurrence of oxy- and nitro-PAHs in the Alberta oil sands region using a network of passive air samplers
- Evaluating the impact of storage-and-release on aircraft-based mass-balance methodology using a regional air-quality model
- Impact of Athabasca oil sands operations on mercury levels in air and deposition
- New methodology shows short atmospheric lifetimes of oxidized sulfur and nitrogen due to dry deposition
- Biomass burning nitrogen dioxide emissions derived from space with TROPOMI: methodology and validation
- Characterization and source apportionment of airborne particulate elements in the Athabasca oil sands region
- Methane emissions from an oil sands tailings pond: a quantitative comparison of fluxes derived by different methods
- Fugitive Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from a Tailings Pond in the Oil Sands Region of Alberta
- Fugitive emissions of polycyclic aromatic compounds from an oil sands tailings pond based on fugacity and inverse dispersion flux calculations
Présentations 2021
Publications 2020
Publications 2019
- Advances in science and applications of air pollution monitoring: A case study on oil sands monitoring targeting ecosystem protection
- An evaluation of the efficacy of very high resolution air-quality modelling over the Athabasca oil sands region, Alberta, Canada
- High‐Resolution Mapping of Nitrogen Dioxide With TROPOMI: First Results and Validation Over the Canadian Oil Sands
- Measured Canadian oil sands CO2 emissions are higher than estimates made using internationally recommended methods
- Secondary organic aerosol formation from a-pinene, alkanes, and oil-sands-related precursors in a new oxidation flow reactor
- Temporal and spatial trends of polycyclic aromatic compounds in air across the Athabasca oil sands region reflect inputs from open pit mining and forest fires
- A Large Contribution of Anthropogenic Organo-Nitrates to Secondary Organic Aerosol in Alberta Oil Sands
- Understanding the Impact of High-NOx Conditions on the Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol in the Photo-oxidation of Oil Sand-Related Precursors Environmental Science and Technology
Publications 2018
- A chemical transport model study of plume rise and particle size distribution for the Athabasca oil sands
- A comparison of plume rise algorithms to stack plume measurements in the Athabasca oil sands
- A fully autonomous ozone, aerosol and night time water vapor LIDAR: a synergistic approach to profiling the atmosphere in the Canadian oil sands region
- Airborne lidar measurements of aerosol and ozone above the Canadian oil sands region
- Air synthesis review: Polycyclic aromatic compounds in the oil sands region
- Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds: First Nations Cohort Study Rationale and Design (Abstract only)
- Comparison of polycyclic aromatic compounds in air measured by conventional passive and passive dry deposition samplers and contributions from petcoke and oil sands ore
- Contributions of natural and anthropogenic sources to ambient ammonia in the Athabasca oil sands and north-western Canada
- Deposition mapping of polycyclic aromatic compounds in the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada and linkages to ecosystem impacts (Abstract only)
- Dry deposition of reactive nitrogen from satellite observations of ammonia and 1 nitrogen dioxide over North America
- Emissions preparation and analysis for multiscale air quality modelling over the Athabasca oil sands region of Alberta, Canada
- Emissions databases for polycyclic aromatic compounds in the Canadian Athabasca Oil Sands Region – development using current knowledge and evaluation with passive sampling and air dispersion modelling data
- Estimates of exceedances of critical loads for acidifying deposition in Alberta and Saskatchewan
- High-resolution mapping of nitrogen dioxide with TROPOMI: First results and validation over the Canadian oil sands
- How important is biomass burning in Canada to mercury contamination?
- Impacts and effects indicators of atmospheric deposition of major pollutants to various ecosystems – A review
- Improving air quality model predictions of organic species using measurement-derived organic gaseous and particle emissions in a petrochemical-dominated region
- Principal component analysis of summertime ground site measurements in the Athabasca oil sands: Sources of IVOCs
- Quantification of methane sources in the Athabasca oil sands region of Alberta by aircraft mass-balance
- Size distribution and coating thickness of black carbon from the Canadian oil sands operations
- The use of hierarchical clustering for the design of optimized monitoring networks
- Associativity Analysis of SO2 and NO2 for Alberta Monitoring Data Using KZ Filtering and Hierarchical Clustering
- Elevated exposure, uptake and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) through multiple exposure routes in active mining-related areas of the Athabasca oil sands region
Publications 2017
- AEROCAN, the Canadian sub-network of AERONET: Aerosol monitoring and air quality applications
- Application of ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC/QTOF-MS) for the characterization of organic aerosol: searching for naphthenic acids (Abstract only)
- Assessment of the aerosol optical depths measured by satellite-based passive remote sensors in the Alberta oil sands region
- Characterization and modeling of polycyclic aromatic compound uptake into spruce tree wood
- Characterization of the ambient air content of parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their transformation into the corresponding quinones
- Differences between measured and reported volatile organic compound emissions from oil sands facilities in Alberta, Canada
- Profiling quinones in ambient air samples collected from the Athabasca region (Canada)
- Quantifying the primary emissions and photochemical formation of isocyanic acid (HNCO) downwind of oil sands operations (Abstract only)
- Sources of particulate matter in the Athabasca oil sands region: Investigation through a comparison of trace element measurement methodologies
- Understanding the primary emissions and secondary formation of gaseous organic acids in the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada
- Heterocyclic Aromatics in Petroleum Coke, Snow, Lake Sediments, and Air Samples from the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Publications et présentations 2016
- A decade of change in NO2 and SO2 over the Canadian oil sands as seen from space (Abstract only)
- A preliminary investigation into the use of Red Pine (Pinus Resinosa) tree cores as historic passive samplers of POPs in outdoor air (Abstract only)
- Atmospheric dry deposition of sulfur and nitrogen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada
- Aura OMI observation of regional SO2 and NO2 pollution changes from 2005 to 2015
- Characterizing PUF disk passive air samplers for alkyl-substituted PAHs: Measured and Modelled PUF-AIR partition coefficients with COSMO-RS (Abstract only)
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of a newly designed passive particle sampler (Abstract only)
- Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Program Emissions Inventory Compilation Report
- Limb–nadir matching using non-coincident NO2 observations: proof of concept and the OMI-minus-OSIRIS prototype product
- Mapping indicators of toxicity for polycyclic aromatic compounds in the atmosphere of the Athabasca oil sands region
- Modelling PUF passive air samplers: Temperature dependence of polyurethane foam – Air partitioning of PAHs and their O-, N-, and S-derivatives computed by COSMO-RS (Abstract only)
- Oil sands operations as a large source of secondary organic aerosols (Abstract only)
- Sulphur dioxide (SO2) vertical column density measurements by Pandora spectrometer over the Canadian oil sands
Publications et présentations 2015
- Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) satellite observations of tropospheric ammonia
- Determining air pollutant emission rates based on mass balance using airborne measurement data over the Alberta oil sands operations
- Dry deposition of polycyclic aromatic compounds to various land covers in the Athabasca oil sands region
- Evaluation of the particle infiltration efficiency of three passive samplers and the PS-1 active air sample
- First results from the oil sands passive air monitoring network for polycyclic aromatic compounds
- PAH measurements in air in the Athabasca oil sands region (Abstract only)
- Scavenging ratios of polycyclic aromatic compounds in rain and snow in the Athabasca oil sands region
- Stability of polycyclic aromatic compounds in polyurethane foam-type passive air samplers upon O3 exposure (Abstract only)
- Temperature dependence of Henry's law constants and KOA for simple and heteroatom-substituted PAHs by COSMO-RS (Abstract only)
- Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) satellite observations of ammonia, methanol, formic acid, and carbon monoxide over the Canadian oil sands: validation and model evaluation
- Ambient monitoring of volatile organic compounds in Fort McKay (Video of presentation 7.2)
- Atmospheric deposition of contaminants to the Alberta oil sands region (Video of presentation 7.1)
- Better estimates of geography-based emissions from the oil sands (Video of presentation 1.1)
- High-resolution air quality modelling in the oil sands (Video of presentation 8.3)
- Recent findings from the summer 2013 intensive monitoring campaign (Airborne and ground-based components) (Video of presentation 8.1)
Publications et présentations 2014
- A prototype passive air sampler for measuring dry deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Abstract only)
- Assessment of Odin-OSIRIS ozone measurements from 2001 to the present using MLS, GOMOS, and ozonesondes
- Preliminary measurement-based estimates of PAH emissions from oil sands tailings ponds (Abstract only)
- Improved satellite retrievals of NO2 and SO2 over the Canadian oil sands and comparisons with surface measurements
- Trend and variability in ozone in the tropical lower stratosphere over 2.5 solar cycles observed by SAGE II and OSIRIS
Publications 2013
- Calibration and application of PUF disk passive air samplers for tracking polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) (Abstract only)
- Comparison of tropospheric NO2 vertical columns in an urban environment using satellite, multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy, and in situ measurements
- Developing a portable, automonous aerosol backscatter lidar for network or remote operations
- Total gaseous mercury concentrations measurements at Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Publication 2024
Publication 2022
- Evaluating the impact of land cover and topography on meteorological parameters' relations and similarities in the Alberta Oil Sands Region
- Long term trend analysis of river flow and climate in Northern Canada
- Wavelet-based spatiotemporal analyses of climate and vegetation for the Athabasca river basin in Canada
- Modelling river flow in the cold and ungauged regions: A review of teh purposes, methods, and challenges
- Suitability assessment of weather networks for wind data measurements in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area
Publications 2021
- Preparative isolation, fractionation and chemical characterization of dissolved organics from natural and industrially derived bitumen-influenced groundwaters from the Athabasca River watershed
- Potential influence of sewage phosphorus and wet and dry deposition detected in fish collected in the Athabasca River North of Fort McMurray
Publications 2019
- A preparative method for the isolation and fractionation of dissolved organic acids from bitumen-influenced waters
- Forage fish and polycyclic aromatic compounds in the Fort McMurray oil sands area: body burden comparisons with environmental distributions and consumption guidelines (Abstract only)
- Long term effects of an early-life exposure of fathead minnows to sediments containing bitumen. Part I: survival, deformities, and growth (Abstract only)
- Microbial metabolic strategies for overcoming low-oxygen in naturalized freshwater reservoirs surrounding the Athabasca Oil Sands: A proxy for End-Pit Lakes? (Abstract only)
- Overview of existing science to inform oil sands process water release – A technical workshop summary (Abstract only)
- Source apportionment of pollutant elements in winter air deposition in the Athabasca oil sands region: A temporal and spatial study (Abstract only)
- The toxicity of organic fractions from aged oil sands process-affected water to aquatic species
- Transcriptome profiling in larval fathead minnow exposed to commercial naphthenic acids and extracts from fresh and aged oil sands process-affected water (Abstract only)
- Development of land-use/land-cover maps using Landsat-8 and MODIS data, and their integration for hydro-ecological applications
Publications 2018
- Aquatic ecosystem health assessment of the Athabasca river mainstem oil sands area using white sucker health
- Developing Triggers to Adapt Fish Environmental Effects Monitoring Programs in the Lower Athabasca River (Abstract only)
- Effects of projected climate on the hydrodynamic and sediment transport regime of the lower Athabasca River in Alberta, Canada
- Episodic acidification of 5 rivers in Canada's oil sands during snowmelt: a 25-year record (Abstract only)
- Erosion potential of dynamic ice breakup in Lower Athabasca River. Part I: Field measurements and initial quantification (Abstract only)
- Erosion potential of dynamic ice breakup in Lower Athabasca River. Part II: Field data analysis and interpretation (Abstract only)
- Meltwater from snow contaminated by oil sands emissions is toxic to larval fish, but not spring river water (Abstract only)
- Metal bioaccumulation and biomarkers of effects in caged mussels exposed in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area (Asbstract only)
- Modelling the Athabasca watershed snow response to a changing climate
- Modelling the potential effects of oil-sands tailings pond breach on the water and sediment quality of the lower Athabasca River (Abstract only)
- Novel insights into freshwater hydrocarbon-rich sediments using metatranscriptomics: Opening the black box (Abstract only)
- Response of Slimy sculpin in the Steepbank River, Alberta, adjacent to oil sands activity (Abstract only)
- Tailings ponds of the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada, are likely not significant sources of total mercury and methylmercury to nearby ground and surface waters (Abstract only)
- Temporal and spatial trends in riverine suspended sediment and associated polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) with in the Athabasca oil sands region (Abstract only)
- Vulnerability of diatom communities in the Peace–Athabasca Delta to environmental change
Publications 2017
- An investigation of the immunotoxicity of oil sands processed water and leachates in trout leukocytes (Abstract only)
- Climate-induced alteration of hydrologic indicators in the Athabasca river basin, Alberta, Canada (Abstract only)
- Heterocyclic aromatics in petroleum coke, snow, lake sediments, and air samples from the Athabasca oil sands region (Abstract only)
- Increased size and relative abundance of migratory fishes observed near the Athabasca oil sands.
- In vivo microsampling to capture the elusive exposome
- Molecular responses of Walleye (Sander vitreus) embryos to naphthenic acid fraction components extracted from fresh oil sands process-affected water (Abstract only)
- Parasitological analysis and gill histopathology of pearl dace (Semotilus margarita) and brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans) collected from the Athabasca oil sands area (Canada) (Abstract only)
- Toxicity of naphthenic acids to invertebrates: Extracts from oil sands process-affected water versus commercial mixtures (Abstract only)
- Two-dimensional numerical modelling of sediment and chemical constituent transport within the lower reaches of the Athabasca River (Abstract only)
Publications et présentation 2016
- A numerical framework for modelling sediment and chemical constituents transport in the lower Athabasca River (Abstract only)
- A traceable reference for direct comparative assessment of total naphthenic acids concentrations in commercial and acid extractable organic mixtures derived from oil sands process water (Abstract only)
- An integrated numerical framework for water quality modelling in cold-region rivers: a case of the lower Athabasca River (Abstract only)
- Assessing risks of shallow riparian groundwater quality near an oil sands tailings pond (Abstract only)
- Assessment of 7 Canadian rivers in relation to stages in oil sands industrial development, 1972 to 2010
- Assessing spatial and temporal variability of acid-extractable organics in oil sands process-affected waters (Abstract only)
- Chironomidae larvae from the lower Athabasca River, AB, Canada and its tributaries including macroscopic subfamily and tribe keys, indices for environmental tolerance and trait-based information for biomonitoring
- Comparative evaluation of the effects of climate and land-cover changes on hydrologic responses of the Muskeg River, Alberta, Canada
- Comparative toxicity of selected naphthenic acids, oil sands processed water and surface waters in rainbow trout hepatocytes: A gene expression study
- In-situ bitumen extraction associated with increased petrogenic polycyclic aromatic compounds in lake sediments from the Cold Lake heavy oil fields (Alberta, Canada). (Abstract only)
- In vivo tissue sampling using solid-phase microextraction for non-lethal exposome-wide association study of CYP1A induction in Catostomus commersonii (Abstract only)
- Microbial interactions with naturally occurring hydrophobic sediments: Influence on sediment and associated contaminant mobility (Abstract only)
- Modelling of hydrophobic cohesive sediment transport in the Ells RIver Alberta, Canada (Abstract only)
- PAH distributions in sediments in the oil sands monitoring area and western Lake Athabasca; concentration, composition and diagnostic ratios (Abstract only)
- Parasite community similarity in Athabasca River trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) varies with local-scale land use and sediment hydrocarbons, but not distance or linear gradients (Abstract only)
- Performance of ectomycorrhizal alders exposed to specific Canadian oil sands tailing stressors under in vivo bipartite symbiotic conditions (Abstract only)
- Recent warming, rather than industrial emissions of bioavailable nutrients, is the dominant driver of lake primary production shifts across the Athabasca oil sands region
- Separation of thia-arenes and aza-arenes from polycyclic aromatics in snowpack samples from the Athabasca oil sands region by GC×GC/ToF-MS. (Abstract only)
- Specificity of high resolution analysis of naphthenic acids in aqueous environmental matrices (Abstract only)
- Temporal variation in the deposition of polycyclic aromatic compounds in snow in the Athabasca oil sands area of Alberta (Abstract only)
- The symbiotic relationship of sediment and biofilm dynamics at the sediment water interface of oil sands industrial tailings ponds (Abstract only)
Publications et présentations 2015
- Advances in mass spectrometric characterization of naphthenic acids fraction compounds in oil sands environmental samples and crude oil—A review (Abstract only)
- Beyond naphthenic acids: Environmental screening of water from natural sources and the Athabasca oil sands industry using atmospheric pressure photoionization fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
- Bicyclic naphthenic acids in oil sands process water: Identification by comprehensive multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Abstract only)
- Effects of multi-well plate incubation on embryo-larval development in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) (Abstract only)
- Enhanced characterization of oil sands acid-extractable organics fractions using electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometry and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (Abstract only)
- Fine-sediment Dynamics: Towards an Improved understanding of sediment erosion and transport (Abstract only)
- Naphthenic acid mixtures from oil sands process-affected water accelerate differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells and affect development of the heart (Abstract only)
- Numerical modelling of sediment transport in an ice covered river
- Sensitivity of walleye (Sander vitreus) and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) early-life stages to naphthenic acid fraction components extracted from fresh oil sands process-affected waters (Abstract only)
- Trace analysis of total naphthenic acids in aqueous environmental matrices by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry direct injection (Abstract only)
- Toxicity of naphthenic acid fraction components extracted from fresh and aged oil sands process-affected waters, and commercial naphthenic acid mixtures, to fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) embryos (Abstract only)
- Use of the distributions of adamantane acids to profile short-term temporal and pond-scale spatial variations in the composition of oil sands process-affected waters
- Advances in hydrologic/hydraulic and sediment transport environmental projection modelling (Video of presentation 2.3)
- Assessment of water quality patterns in 7 Canadian rivers in relation to oil sands industrial development, 1972 to 2010 (Video of presentation 4.4)
- Atmospheric deposition of contaminants to Alberta oil sands region (Video of presentation 7.1)
Publications et présentation 2014
Pulbications 2014
- Atmospheric deposition of mercury and methylmercury to landscapes and waterbodies of the Athabasca oil sands region
- Forensic source differentiation of petrogenic, pyrogenic, and biogenic hydrocarbons in Canadian oil sands environmental samples (Abstract only)
- Intercomparison of high-resolution gridded climate data sets and their implication on hydrological model simulation over the Athabasca watershed in Canada (Abstract only)
- Mass spectral characterisation of a polar, esterified fraction of an organic extract of an oil sands process water (Abstract only)
- Numerical modeling of flow and sediment transport within the lower reaches of the Athabasca River: a case study
- Profiling oil sands mixtures from industrial developments and natural groundwaters for source identification (Abstract only)
- Response to comment on “Profiling oil sands mixtures from industrial developments and natural groundwaters for source identification
- Uncertainty in modelling the hydrologic responses of a large watershed: A case of the Athabasca River basin in Canada (Abstract only)
Présentations 2014
Publications 2013
- Aromatic naphthenic acids in oil Sands process-affected water, resolved by GCxGC-MS, only weakly induce the gene for vitellogenin production in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae (Abstract only)
- Chemical fingerprinting of naphthenic acids and oil sands process waters-A review of analytical methods for environmental samples. (Abstract only)
- Legacy of a half century of Athabasca oil sands development recorded by lake ecosystems
- Progress and Challenges in Hydrological, Hydrodynamic and Transport Modelling of the Lower Athabasca Watershed in Western Canada. (Abstract only)
Contaminants de la faune
Publication 2021
Publications 2020
- Co-exposures to trace elements and polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) impacts North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) baculum
- Inter-annual variation of mercury in aquatic bird eggs and fish from a large subarctic lake under a warming climate
- Integrated analysis of petroleum biomarkers and polycyclic aromatic compounds in lake sediment cores from an oil sands region (Abstract only)
Publications 2019
- Changes in thyroid function of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) in relation to polycyclic aromatic compounds and other environmental stressors in the Athabasca oil sands region
- Distribution of organic and inorganic mercury across the pelts of Canadian river otter (Lontra canadensis)
- Extracts of passive samplers deployed in variably contaminated wetlands in the Athabasca oil sands region elicit biochemical & transcriptomic effects in avian hepatocytes (Abstract only)
- Microbial strategies for overcoming low-oxygen conditions in naturalized freshwater reservoirs surrounding the Athabasca Oil Sands: A proxy for End-Pit Lakes? (Abstract only)
- Naphthenic Acid Mixtures and Acid-Extractable Organics from Oil Sands Process-Affected Water Impair Embryonic Development of Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis (Abstract only)
- The river runs through it: The Athabasca River delivers mercury to aquatic birds breeding far downstream
- Toxicokinetics and bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic compounds in wood frog tadpoles (Lithobates sylvaticus) exposed to Athabasca oil sands sediment (Abstract only)
Publications 2018
- Elevated exposure, uptake and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) through multiple exposure routes in active mining-related areas of the Athabasca oil sands region
- Identification of halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in biological samples from Alberta Oil-Sands Region (Abstract only)
- Reproductive and developmental changes in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) are influenced by multiple stressors, including polycyclic aromatic compounds, in the Athabasca Oil Sands (Abstract only)
- Spatial trends in a biomagnifying contaminant: application of amino acid compound specific stable nitrogen isotope analysis to the interpretation of bird mercury levels (Abstract only)
- Stage of development affects dry weight mercury concentrations in bird eggs: laboratory evidence and adjustment method (Abstract only)
- Using wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles and semipermeable membrane devices to monitor polycyclic aromatic compounds in boreal wetlands in the oil sands region of northern Alberta, Canada
Publications 2017
- Assessment of wetland/upland vegetation communities and evaluation of soil-plant contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and trace metal in regions near oil sands mining in Alberta (Abstract only)
- Spatial modelling of non-target exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides can inform mitigation options in two boreal predators inhabiting areas with intensive oil and gas development
Publications et présentation 2015
- Detoxification, endocrine, and immune responses of tree swallow nestlings naturally exposed to air contaminants from the Alberta oil sands (Abstract only)
- Stress response, biotransformation effort, and immunotoxicity in captive birds exposed to inhaled benzene, toluene, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide (Abstract only)
Publications 2013
Biodiversité et perturbations
Publication 2021
Publications 2020
- pas de publications accessibles
Publication 2019
Publications 2018
- An inordinate fondness for beetles: First description of Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) diet in the boreal biome (Abstract only)
- Avian community response to understory protection harvesting in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada (Abstract only)
- Breeding habitat characteristics of Canada Warblers in central Alberta
- Do boreal chorus frogs think F250s are predators?
- Delineating and identifying long-term changes in the whooping crane (Grus america) migration corridor
- Estimating population trends for songbirds in northern Alberta
- Evaluating time-removal models for estimating availability of boreal birds during point-count surveys: sample size requirements and model complexity.
- First full annual cycle tracking of a declining aerial insectivorous bird, the Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor), identifies migration routes, non breeding habitat, and breeding site fidelity
- Long-term changes in boreal forest bird occupancy within regenerating cutblocks (Abstract only)
- Map of whooping crane migration corridor. US Geological Survey data release
- Phylogeny and species traits predict songbird detectability (Abstract only)
- Preliminary trends for Yellow Rail in LAPR
- Risk to Yellow Rails from oilsands mining
- Wildfire-mediated vegetation change in boreal forests of Alberta, Canada
- Use of an acoustic location system to understand how presence of conspecifics and canopy cover influence Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) space use near reclaimed wellsites in the boreal forest of Alberta.
- Using bioacoustics to study habitat use and vocal behaviour of Barred owls, Boreal owls and Great Horned owls
- Utility of automated species recognition for owl acoustic monitoring (Abstract only)
Publications 2017
- Autonomous recording units in avian ecological research: Current use and future applications
- Experimentally derived detection distances from audio recordings and human observers enable integrated analysis of point couint data
- Forestry and conspecifics influence Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) habitat use and reproductive activity in boreal Alberta. (Abstract only)
- Habitat selection at different scales for a declining aerial insectivorous bird as determined by Autonomous Recording Technology
- How to most effectively use Autonomous Recording Units when data are processed by human listeners.
- Recommendations for acoustic recognizer performance assessment with application to five common automated signal recognition programs
- Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) population and distribution data in the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands Region of Alberta using Automated Recording Units (ARUs).
- Sound attenuation in forest and roadside environments: Implications for avian point-count surveys (Abstract only)
- The effect of industrial noise on owl occupancy in the boreal forest at multiple spatial scales
Publications et présentations 2016
- Boreal bird abundance estimates within different energy sector disturbances vary with point count radius
- Community structure and niche characteristics of upland and lowland western boreal birds at multiple spatial scales (Abstract only)
- Regional habitat needs of a nationally listed species, Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), in Alberta, Canada
- Developing standard methods for bioacoustic data collection and processing (Poster)
- Monitoring movement, habitat use, and survival of endangered whooping cranes in the oil sands mining region (Video of presentation 20)
- Oil sands effects on boreal bird communities: Characterizing niche, quantifying cumulative effects, and assessing sector and stressor effects (Video of presentation 25)
Publications et présentations 2015
- Addressing complexity and uncertainty: Conceptual models and expert judgements applied to migratory birds in the oil sands of Canada
- Canadian Toad Recognizer Progress Report
- Data and information management for the monitoring of biodiversity in Alberta (Abstract only)
- Ecological monitoring through harmonizing existing data: Lessons from the Boreal Avian Modelling Project (Abstract only)
- Predictive models for estimating the cumulative effects of human development on mgratory landbirds in the oil sands areas of Alberta
- REVIEW: Wildlife camera trapping: a review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processes.
Publications 2014
- Bat Monitoring Using Wildlife Acoustics SM2BAT+ Detector
- Development of Predictive Models for Migratory Landbirds and Estimation of Cumulative Effects of Human Development in the Oil Sands Areas of Alberta
- Does expected future landscape condition support proposed population objectives for boreal birds?
- EMCLA Amphibian Monitoring using Wildlife Acoustics SM2 Detector
- Owl monitoring using wildlife acoustics ARU recorders versus standard playback methods
- Reviving common standards in point-count surveys for broad inference across studies
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