Persons Case Awards 2017 – Honouring Canadians who advance gender equality 

News Release

Canadians have until July 3 to submit nominations for the Governor General’s Awards in Commemoration of the Persons Case

May 1, 2017 – Ottawa, ON 

Status of Women Canada is calling for nominations for the 2017 Governor General's Awards in Commemoration of the Persons Case. Each year, these awards recognize individuals across the country, including youth, who have made outstanding contributions in the pursuit of gender equality in Canada.

Gender equality depends on women being empowered with opportunities – the opportunity to participate in democratic and public life, the opportunity to achieve economic security and the opportunity to live free of violence. While the Government of Canada is firmly committed to achieving gender equality, recognizing the achievements of individuals who are helping to advance gender equality is essential as their successes can inspire others to make a difference. Canada needs more women and men, boys and girls, to step up if we are to continue to make progress towards gender equality. 

The 2016 recipients were Cecilia Benoit (Victoria, BC), Anna-Louise Crago (Youth Recipient – Toronto, ON), Lucia Lorenzi (Youth Recipient – Port Coquitlam, BC), Pascale Navarro (Montréal, QC), Norma Jean Profitt (Yarmouth, NS) and Diane Redsky (Winnipeg, MB). They were recognized because their successes have helped shape Canada for the better and we have all benefited from their achievements.

While nominations are accepted all year, the deadline for nominating someone for the 2017 awards is July 3. To get inspired, visit the Status of Women Canada website, which includes a list of past recipients, videos, and the nomination package.

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Nanci-Jean Waugh
Director General, Communications and Public Affairs
Status of Women Canada

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