Top Ten Don’ts of GBA Plus

Transcript and described video

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Gender-based analysis plus)

GBA Plus helps ensure that everyone can benefit equally from government programs and services, regardless of the many identity factors that make us unique.

(Text on screen:
Benefit equally
Identity factors

(Animation: The GBA Plus pinwheel of identity factors appears.)

But there are some common misconceptions that can prevent you from doing a comprehensive GBA Plus.

(Animation: The numbers 1 through 10 move across the bottom of the screen.)

(Text on screen: Common misconceptions

Here are the Top 10 “don’ts” to watch out for to help sharpen your GBA Plus reflex!

(Animation: The numbers stop moving when the number 10 reaches centre of screen. A red X appears.)

(Text on screen: Top 10 Don’ts to help sharpen your GBA Plus reflex!)

Number 10 – Only mention that the proposal will benefit both men and women.

(Animation: The number 10 grows larger then disappears. A red X appears. A proposal document appears. A man stick-figure and a woman stick-figure appear.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 10
Only mention that the proposal will benefit

GBA Plus helps us move beyond the gender binary by assessing impacts on diverse groups of people of all genders, and by supporting strategies to mitigate impacts.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. Different icons of diverse groups of stick-figures appear.)

(Text on screen:
Helps us move beyond the gender binary

Number 9 – When asking Cabinet for a mandate to negotiate an agreement or contract, indicate that a GBA Plus cannot be conducted until the negotiation is complete.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 9 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears. The parliament building appears, a circle expands showing a document with a checkmark, the document then turns into signed contract.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus don’ts 9
Mandate to negotiate an agreement or contract
A GBA Plus cannot be conducted until the negotiation is complete)

GBA Plus can help to inform objectives and the negotiation.

For example, whose point of view is reflected in defining the problem?

Who will be at the negotiation table?

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. Several photos of diverse people appear. Several diverse stick-figures surrounding a boardroom table appear.)

(Text on screen:
Inform objectives & the negotiation
Whose point of view is reflected in defining the problem?
Who will be at the table?)

Number 8 – Indicate that the proposal is designed to target vulnerable groups and does not require a GBA Plus.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 8 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears. The GBA Plus logo appears. A target appears and arrows travel towards it, but the arrows miss the target. The GBA Plus logo falls off the screen.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 8
The proposal is designed to target vulnerable groups)

GBA Plus can help ensure that actions targeting vulnerable groups achieve greater equality for diverse groups of people.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. A desktop computer appears with GBA Plus logo on the screen, a checkerboard of diverse people animates on the computer screen.)

(Text on screen:
Actions targeting vulnerable groups
Achieve greater equality
Diverse groups of people)

Number 7 – After failing to conduct a GBA Plus for a proposal to Cabinet, pledge to do it during implementation.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 7 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 7
After failing to conduct a GBA Plus
Pledge to do a GBA Plus during

GBA Plus must be part of the proposal itself!

Ministers need thorough analysis to inform all of their decisions.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. A magnifying glass is moving around a document. The word Analysis animates with changing colors.)

(Text on screen:
Must be part of the proposal itself!
Inform all decisions)

Number 6 – Indicate that the proposal meets a low-risk criteria, making GBA Plus unnecessary.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 6 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 6
Indicate that the proposal meets a low-risk criteria)

Embrace every opportunity to discuss the impacts of an initiative; your analysis might shed light on emerging issues.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. A box appears and then a circle enters the box. The circle acts as a spotlight and illuminates the previously-hidden words: “EMERGING ISSUES”.)

(Text on screen: Embrace every opportunity
Discuss the impacts of an initiative
Emerging issues)

Remember that processes such as Government responses support the public interest.

(Animation: Speech bubbles containing maple leaves appear. Diverse stick-figures appear.)

(Text on screen: Government responses support the public interest)

Number 5 – Provide disaggregated statistics only, without offering corresponding analysis.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 5 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears. Several data icons appear.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 5
Provide disaggregated statistics only,
Without offering corresponding analysis)

Although gathering disaggregated data is key to a good GBA Plus, it’s only one part of the process.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. Several different graphs appear.)

(Text on screen: Gathering disaggregated data is key to a good GBA Plus
It’s only one part of the process)

Quantitative and qualitative data serve to assess potential impacts, identify possible mitigation strategies and inform the proposal.

(Animation: An icon of a table surrounded by stick-figures with speech bubbles appear. Lines from the graph and the stick-figures travel down into a proposal document.)

(Text on screen: Quantitative and qualitative data
Assess potential impacts
Identify possible mitigation strategies
Inform the proposal)

Number 4 – Only discuss employment equity considerations.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 4 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 4
Only discuss employment equity considerations)

GBA Plus helps us move beyond providing equal opportunities, to advancing more equitable impacts of the opportunities.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. A fence and 3 stick-figures with different heights appear. The stick-figures are trying to see a fireworks display over a fence. First, they each stand on 1 box, but only the tallest stick-figure can see the fireworks over the fence. Then the shortest stick-figure is on 3 boxes and the medium-height stick-figure is on 2 boxes so that all 3 stick-figures can see the fireworks over the fence. Then all the boxes disappear as the fence disappears so that all 3 stick-figures can see the fireworks display without any boxes.)

(Text on screen:
Helps us move beyond providing
Equal opportunities, to advancing more
Equitable impacts of the opportunities)

Number 3 – Say that there are women on your Board.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 3 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears. Several women and men stick-figures appear.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 3
Say that there are women on your board)

While important, securing gender parity on a Board does not change the requirement for GBA Plus to inform all Cabinet proposals.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. Circles containing women and men stick-figures appear. A proposal appears.)

(Text on screen: Gender parity on a board does not change
Requirement for GBA Plus to inform all cabinet proposal)s

Number 2 – Refer to a past GBA Plus as a reason why one isn’t required this time.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 2 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears. A filing cabinet appears with a past GBA Plus document sticking out of top drawer.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 2
As a reason why GBA Plus isn’t required)

GBA Plus must be part of each stage of analysis.

Although a past GBA Plus can provide valuable input, a new proposal will have its own diversity-related considerations.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. An animated infographic showing 4 stages appears with a GBA Plus logo inside each stage. A bookshelf with GBA Plus binders appears. One of the GBA Plus binders comes off the shelf and opens up. A variety of documents and items appear representing the research that goes into a GBA Plus. )

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Must be part of each stage of analysis
A past GBA Plus can provide valuable input)
A new proposal will have its own diversity-related considerations

Also, recently generated data and research could help you update and refine the findings of an older GBA Plus.

(Animation: Several data charts and graphs appear. The “past” GBA Plus binder re-appears and then closes and goes back on shelf.)

(Text on screen: Recently generated data and research
Update and refine an older GBA Plus)

Number 1 – Conduct a superficial analysis, failing to show that your analysis is based on data and research, or that analysis informed or shaped the proposal.

(Animation: The numbers reappear at the bottom of the screen. The number 1 slides to the centre and grows larger then disappears. A red X appears. The tip of an iceberg appears. The screen pans down to reveal the bigger part of the iceberg under the water. A square appears consisting of jumbled-up pieces. The pieces re-arrange themselves into the correct order, revealing the words: SHAPED THE PROPSOAL.)

(Text on screen: GBA Plus Don’ts 1
Conduct a superficial analysis
Analysis is based on data and research
Informed or
Shaped the proposal)

This is the classic example of a GBA Plus that is tacked on at the last minute, with little consideration for the proposal put before Ministers.

(Animation: A proposal document appears. A GBA Plus file folder appears along with an hourglass that is almost out of sand in the hourglass’ top. The sand in the hourglass runs out.)

(Text on screen: Proposal
GBA Plus That is tacked on at the last minute
With little consideration for the proposal)

Start your GBA Plus earlier, so that it informs the design and development of your proposed options.

(Animation: A green checkmark appears. A calendar appears next to an hourglass. The top of the hourglass is full of sand. GBA Plus research materials appear, including documents, graphs, books, and a tablet.)

(Text on screen: Start your GBA Plus earlier
Informs the design and development of your proposed options)

GBA Plus is a way to create stronger, more inclusive government initiatives.

(Text on screen: GBA Plus
Is a way to create

To learn more, visit the GBA Plus GCpedia page and join the GCconnex GBA Plus community.

(Animation: GBA Plus logo appears.)

(Text on screen: Visit the GBA Plus gcpedia page
Join the GCconnex GBA Plus community
Department for Women and Gender Equality)

(Text on screen: Copyright Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada,
as represented by the Minister for Women and Gender Equality, 2019)

(Text on screen: Canada wordmark with a waving flag.)

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