Faith Dickinson

Faith Dickinson

Faith Dickinson is the founder of Cuddles for Cancer, an organization that provides fleece blankets to cancer patients and others in need of “cuddles” throughout the world. Born and raised in Lakefield, Ontario, Dickinson was nine when she made a fleece blanket for her aunt, who was being treated for breast cancer. Her aunt explained that many cancer patients feel cold during treatment, which prompted Dickinson to launch Cuddles for Cancer. Over the past five years, Dickinson has made and shared more than 3,500 blankets with people across Canada and in the United States, UK, Germany, France, Brazil, Australia and Africa. She now makes blankets for people with other afflictions, including trauma and grief, and is providing blankets to the ME to WE organization in support of their work in Haiti. Dickinson has also developed a special blanket for Canadian veterans and soldiers. In 2017, she was one of twenty people around the world selected to receive the Diana Award, commemorating the legacy of the late Princess Diana. She continues to spread her message of warmth, love and kindness worldwide.

“Everyone deserves a cuddle.”

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