Ann Augusta Stowe-Gullen (1857 – 1943)

Ann Augusta Stowe-Gullen
Library and Archives Canada/C-009481

Dr. Ann Augusta Stowe-Gullen was the first woman to earn a medical degree in Canada. The daughter of Dr. Emily Howard Stowe, whose leadership paved the way for Canadian women to study medicine, Dr. Stowe-Gullen completed her education at the Toronto School of Medicine and graduated from Victoria College in Cobourg, Ontario, in 1883. Working alongside her mother, she helped to establish the Ontario Medical College for Women, where she taught for many years. Dr. Stowe-Gullen was an outspoken suffragist, and, in 1903, she succeeded her mother as president of the Dominion Women's Enfranchisement Association. She was a member of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, a University of Toronto senator and a founder of the National Council of Women. In 1935 Stowe-Gullen was awarded the Order of the British Empire.

“When women have a voice in national and international affairs, war will cease forever.”

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