Late letter guidance and sample


Submissions received after the deadline for a planned Treasury Board meeting will be rescheduled to a subsequent meeting. In order to have a late submission considered for inclusion on a Treasury Board agenda, the minister responsible for the organization must sign and send a late letter addressed to the President of the Treasury Board seeking support for inclusion of the submission on the TB agenda. With respect to joint submissions (i.e. submissions requiring two or more ministerial signatures), the minister responsible for the lead organization is responsible for signing and submitting the late letter on behalf of all organizations involved.

Late or urgent submissions will only be considered for inclusion on the Treasury Board agenda in exceptional circumstances, notably:

  • Urgent action required to meet government priorities;
  • Urgent action required to protect the health and safety of Canadians; or
  • Immediate consequences of not considering the submission, such as significant financial implications.

Late or urgent submissions will be scheduled for consideration by the Treasury Board solely at the President’s discretion. If your organization anticipates submitting such a request, advise your Secretariat program analyst as soon as possible.

Sample letter

Download the Sample letter

The Sample letter is available as a downloadable format:

The Honourable [enter Minister’s name]
[enter Minister’s House of Commons address]
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

The Honourable [enter Minister’s name], P.C., M.P.
President of the Treasury Board
James Michael Flaherty Building, 8th Floor
90 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0R5

Dear Colleague:

Subject:  Request to Consider a Late Treasury Board Submission

I am writing to request your consideration to include a Treasury Board submission related to [enter organization’s name] [enter submission title] on the agenda for the Treasury Board meeting of [month], [day], [year].

I understand that the deadline for Treasury Board Secretariat to receive signed submissions for the [month], [day], [year] meeting was [month], [day], [year] at 12:00 PM. As a result of [summarize reasons why the submission could not be signed in time], the signed submission could not be delivered until [month], [day], [year].

It is important that the [enter organization’s name] [enter submission title] be considered at the [month], [day], [year] meeting because [provide detailed reasons that require this submission to be considered].

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.


[signature block]

[enter Minister's name]


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