Proud to be a public servant – Federal Youth Network - Transcript
What makes me proud to be a public servant is the people that I work with – just really passionate people who care about the immigrant experience.
And I know what it means to be in a different culture, learn a new language. I feel like I bring something very important to the public service.
Protecting and serving Canadians is a really honourable job in my opinion. The people are so impressive and so dedicated to whatever they’re doing.
Some people think that they don’t have an impact, that because they’re a clerk, they work at their desk, going about their business. But everyone has an impact on everything else.
One of the proudest moments that I have had is watching the youth network grow and how we’ve started to, like, permeate through the department’s culture.
There’s a sense of community, a sense of belonging.
You know, send that document up, and you know the Minister’s going to read it, and that it might influence how they interact with the stakeholder. You can’t help but feel good about that.
I deliver training and whenever you can see that moment where it clicks for someone, it’s almost, you know it’s hard to put a price to that.
It really made me realize the importance of my work, because I was able to help Canadian businesses to find local contacts. It’s really then that I realized, “wow,” this kind of work is for me.
I remember the time that my father actually had to use a form that I posted because it was part of my program. It was silly, I was so excited, and I asked him if it was easy to fill out and did he get good service.
You get really invested.
I know that I’m committed to the public service and I will be here for the next thirty years, meeting new challenges, meeting new people, engaging with different organizations, and that’s something, that’s an opportunity that’s pretty unique.
My dad worked at the Public Service Commission. I remember being at his retirement party and you could see the number of people that he impacted. I felt a sense of responsibility to continue, kind of pushing the envelope in terms of what type of value I can add to the public service, and I know they are proud.
I’m proud of working for the Government of Canada. I’m a proud Canadian.
I have the opportunity being a public servant to touch Canadians in so many different ways. I’m very proud to be a public servant.
I love my country very much, and the opportunity to be a part of that and contribute to that directly every day is amazing.