Supplementary Estimates (C), 2023-24

In order to make expenditures, the government must receive Parliament’s approval, either through previously adopted legislation or, on an annual basis, through the introduction and passage of appropriation bills. Prior to the introduction of each appropriation bill, the President of the Treasury Board tables an Estimates publication (Main or Supplementary) in Parliament to provide information and details on spending authorities sought.

While the Main Estimates provide an overview of spending requirements for the upcoming fiscal year, Supplementary Estimates present information on additional spending requirements which were either not sufficiently developed in time for inclusion in the Main Estimates, or have subsequently been refined to account for developments in particular programs and services.

The Supplementary Estimates (C), 2023–24 is the third and final Supplementary Estimates planned for this fiscal year.

On this page


In this section

The Supplementary Estimates (C), 2023–24 present a total of $13.2 billion in incremental budgetary spending, which reflects $8.9 billion to be voted and a $4.3 billion increase in forecast statutory expenditures.

Table 1. Supplementary Estimates as part of total Estimates, 2023–24 Estimates (dollars)
  Main Estimates Supplementary A Supplementary B Supplementary C Total
Voted 198,150,946,696 20,478,605,110 20,678,755,329 8,911,403,788 248,219,710,923
Statutory 234,790,698,111 1,384,994,281 3,912,605,217 4,278,027,278 244,366,324,887
Total Budgetary 432,941,644,807 21,863,599,391 24,591,360,546 13,189,431,066 492,586,035,810
Voted 227,703,000 0 0 0 227,703,000
Statutory 41,680,784 0 0 2,650,264,726 2,691,945,510
Total Non-Budgetary 269,383,784 0 0 2,650,264,726 2,919,648,510

Voted Expenditures

If approved by Parliament, voted budgetary spending would increase by $8.9 billion (3.7%) to a total of $248.2 billion. The primary objectives for new voted spending and the organizations responsible are:

  • programs for First Nations (Department of Indigenous Services: $818.1 million for child and family services, $803.9 million for services and supports under Jordan’s Principle, and $260.0 million for emergency management);
  • compensation and benefits (Treasury Board Secretariat: $1.2 billion to compensate departments and agencies for negotiated salary adjustments and $200.0 million for adjustments made to terms and conditions of employment in the federal public administration); and
  • military procurement projects and operations (Department of National Defence: $590.9 million for multi-mission aircraft, $510.0 million for Strategic Tanker Transport Capability Aircraft, and $284.7 million for operations in Latvia).

Initiatives for which multiple organizations are seeking funding include reimbursement of security costs for the United Nations Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, response to the crisis in Haiti and protection for at-risk whale populations.

A full list of these horizontal items is available in the online annex.

Reflecting these and other activities, five organizations are each seeking $500 million or more (excluding transfers) to support their priorities:

  • the Department of National Defence ($2.2 billion);
  • the Department of Indigenous Services ($2.0 billion);
  • the Treasury Board Secretariat ($1.6 billion);
  • the Department of Citizenship and Immigration ($566.5 million); and
  • the Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority ($507.3 million).

Statutory Expenditures

Changes to forecasts of statutory spending, including updated forecasts for interest costs, student financial assistance and elderly benefits from the 2023 Fall Economic Statement, are shown in these Estimates to provide additional information on organizations’ total estimated expenditures. Statutory budgetary expenditures are forecast to rise $4.3 billion (1.8%) to a total of $244.4 billion. The largest changes are:

  • a $3.2 billion increase in interest on unmatured debt, primarily due to higher projected interest rates and higher inflation impacts on real return bonds;
  • $576.5 million in Fiscal Stabilization for a payment to Alberta to assist with a year-over-year decline in the province’s revenues from the 2019–20 to 2020–21 fiscal years;
  • a $499.2 million increase in Canada Student Grants reflecting enhancements to the program announced in Budget 2023; and
  • a $437.0 million decrease to Old Age Security payments based on updated forecasts of the average monthly rate, number of beneficiaries, and benefit repayment amounts.

Statutory non-budgetary expenditures are forecast to rise $2.7 billion, primarily related to:

  • $1.4 billion for the acquisition of shares in the Canada Growth Fund, part of the $15.0 billion initial capitalization announced in Budget 2022; and
  • a $1.3 billion increase in student loans, which reflects changes to loan limits and eligibility requirements announced in Budget 2023.

Major Items

The following is a list of the major voted initiatives, which are included in these Supplementary Estimates to seek parliamentary approval.

Treasury Board Secretariat: $1.2 billion

Funding for compensation adjustments – Transfers to departments and agencies for negotiated salary adjustments

This funding will compensate departments, agencies and appropriation-dependent Crown corporations for the impact of collective bargaining agreements and other related adjustments to terms and conditions of service or employment. The costs arise from agreements concluded and terms and conditions updated from May to December 2023, including one-time lump sum payments.

Department of Indigenous Services: $818.1 million

Funding for implementation reforms to the First Nations Child and Family Services Program

This funding will improve services which preserve the ability for children to be cared for in their communities, such as ameliorating the impact of poverty and remoteness as well as improving the availability of safe and adequate housing for children on-reserve.

Department of Indigenous Services: $803.9 million

Funding for the continued implementation of Jordan’s Principle

This funding will be used to provide First Nations children with access to needed health, social and education products, services, and supports.

Department of National Defence: $590.9 million

Funding for the Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft project

The P8-A Poseidon is a long-range, long-endurance multi-mission aircraft specialized in anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare. The scope of the project includes the procurement of up to 16 Poseidon aircraft, spare parts, training, support equipment, mission support centres, integrated logistics support, weapons and expendables, infrastructure, capability upgrades and initial in-service support.

Department of National Defence: $510.0 million

Funding for the Strategic Tanker Transport Capability Aircraft project

The CC-330 Husky fleet will conduct multiple tasks such as in-flight refueling of other aircraft, airlift of military personnel and cargo, medical evacuations, and strategic transport of Government of Canada officials. The project includes the acquisition and configuration of up to 9 aircraft, in-service support, infrastructure to house and maintain the fleet, and training and simulation capability.

Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority: $507.3 million

Funding for the Gordie Howe International Bridge

The Gordie Howe International Bridge project includes the construction of a six-lane toll bridge between Windsor and Detroit, including ports of entry into both countries and a connection to Interstate 75. This funding is for adjustments to the contract with the private sector partner related to delays and increased costs following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Department of Citizenship and Immigration: $362.4 million

Funding for the Interim Housing Assistance Program

This funding will help provinces and municipalities to continue delivering interim housing for asylum claimants.

Department of National Defence: $284.7 million

Funding for North Atlantic Treaty Organization assurance and deterrence measures in Central and Eastern Europe (Operation REASSURANCE)

This funding will be used to scale up current Canadian Armed Forces activities in Latvia under Operation REASSURANCE, including increased personnel deployment, acquisition of supplies and ammunition, and infrastructure projects.

Department of Indigenous Services: $260.0 million

Funding for the Emergency Management Assistance Program

This funding will be used to reimburse First Nations communities, municipalities, provinces, territories and non-governmental emergency service providers for costs incurred during response and recovery activities on reserves across Canada. Emergencies include events such as natural disasters, loss of essential services and health related crises.

Department of National Defence: $250.0 million

Funding for military aid to Ukraine

This funding will support the delivery of equipment or services to Ukraine in the defence of its sovereignty, including armoured personnel carriers and medical evacuation vehicles.

Comparison of the Fall Economic Statement 2023 and Estimates

The following reconciliation is for the purpose of providing greater clarity on the relationship between the figures presented in the 2023 Fall Economic Statement and the 2023–24 Estimates and to allow for a more effective comparison and study of how the Estimates cash requirements are derived from the accrual-based budget plan.

Table 2. Comparison of the Fall Economic Statement 2023 and Estimates to date 2023–24
(billions of dollars)
Estimates to Date 2023–24 492.6
Of which:
Related to Budget 2023
Plus: Items not included in Estimates 57.2
Of which:
Employment Insurance benefits
Canada Child Benefit
Other Tax Credits and Repayments
Plus: Netted Revenue 14.4
Less: Accrual and other (75.5)
Fall Economic Statement 2023 (Projected Total Expenses for 2023-24) 488.7

Items not included in the Estimates

The Fall Economic Statement forecast covers the complete scope of the Government’s fiscal framework, including revenues, program and tax expenditures, statutory expenditures such as Employment Insurance benefits, and provision for future obligations such as public service pensions. The scope of the Estimates is narrower than the Fall Economic Statement forecast. The main purpose of the Estimates is to support Parliament’s consideration of the appropriation bills, which are the legal instruments for authorizing certain payments.

The Estimates are therefore focused on the government’s cash needs which require parliamentary appropriations and exclude certain items reported in the Fall Economic Statement. Costs related to children’s benefits and Employment Insurance benefits are the largest components of the items excluded from the Estimates.

The Canada Child Benefit is legislated through the Income Tax Act and is considered an expenditure for government financial reporting purposes. Parliament does not authorize annual spending for this item or for any other tax expenditure or refundable tax credit.

Most Employment Insurance costs are paid directly out of the Employment Insurance Operating Account, rather than a departmental appropriation, and are therefore not included in the Estimates.

Netted revenues

Certain expenditures are funded through departmental revenues. Accrual expenses in the Fall Economic Statement are on a ‘gross’ basis, meaning the revenues are included in the accrual-based revenue forecast, while they are netted against expenditures in the Estimates.

Accrual and other

Federal budgets, as well as economic statements or updates, are presented on a full accrual basis whereas the Estimates are presented on a modified cash basis. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes income when it is earned and expenses when they are incurred, whereas cash accounting recognizes them when the cash or its equivalent has been paid. As a result, certain items will be reported differently between the two types of publications, for example legal settlements and capital projects. This category also includes costs related to consolidated Crown corporations that are funded from their own revenues, as well as adjustments for frozen allotments in voted authorities and for items that have been approved and earmarked in the fiscal framework (at the time of the 2023 Fall Economic Statement and since then).

Additional and Technical Information

Structural Changes and Changes to Voted Authorities

The following structural change has taken effect since the publishing of the 2023–24 Main Estimates:

  • control and supervision of the Canadian Digital Service was transferred from the Treasury Board Secretariat to the Department of Employment and Social Development (Order in Council P.C. 2023-0784).
  • the Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs has been designated as the appropriate minister for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act for the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (Order in Council P.C. 2023-1062).

The following new or amended authorities are sought through the Appropriation Act for these Estimates:

  • the Correctional Service of Canada is adding Vote 10 to reduce the drawdown limit of the CORCAN Revolving Fund from $20.0 million to $17.0 million;
  • the Department of Employment and Social Development is adding Vote 10 to write off $215.5 million in debts relating to student and apprentice loans; and
  • the Department of Indigenous Services is adding Vote 15 to increase the amount of loans that the Minister of Indigenous Services is authorized to guarantee from $2.2 billion to $3.0 billion.

Appropriation Acts in 2023–24

The following acts have provided supply for appropriation-dependent organizations:

  • Appropriation Act No. 1, 2023–24 provided interim supply of $89,678,492,027, to cover requirements for the first three months of the fiscal year;
  • Appropriation Act No. 2, 2023–24 provided the remaining supply of $108,700,157,669, for the 2023–24 Main Estimates;
  • Appropriation Act No. 3, 2023–24 provided supply of $20,478,605,110 for the spending requirements presented in Supplementary Estimates (A), 2023–24; and
  • Appropriation Act No. 4, 2023–24 provided supply of $20,678,755,329 for the spending requirements presented in Supplementary Estimates (B), 2023–24.

In March 2024, the President of the Treasury Board will introduce a bill to provide supply for the spending requirements presented in these Supplementary Estimates (C), 2023–24.

Tabled and Online Information

For this exercise, the President of the Treasury Board tables a document in Parliament that includes:

  • highlights of incremental financial requirements and major funding requests;
  • a comparison of the 2023 Fall Economic Statement to planned expenditures in the 2023–24 Estimates;
  • an overview of structural changes and new authority requirements;
  • a summary of appropriation acts for the current fiscal year;
  • funding details by organization; and
  • a proposed schedule to the appropriation bill to be approved by Parliament.

In addition to the tabled document, the following supplemental information is also available online:

  • a detailed listing of statutory expenditures reported through the Estimates;
  • a complete breakdown of planned expenditures by standard object, such as personnel, professional services and transfer payments;
  • planned expenditures by purpose in accordance with each organization’s Departmental Reporting Framework;
  • a listing of horizontal items presenting funding requirements;
  • frozen allotments in voted authorities; and
  • allocations from Treasury Board Central Votes.

Estimates by Organization

129 organizations are presenting funding requirements in the 2023–24 Estimates. Of these, 58 organizations are included in these Supplementary Estimates: 4 for information only and 54 for consideration by Parliament.

Table 3. Estimates by Organization (dollars)
Department, Agency or Crown corporation 2021–22 Expenditures 2022–23 Estimates to date Authorities To Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada 72,270,690 76,472,108 88,976,378 0 88,976,378
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency 443,490,213 461,303,645 525,674,605 (117,046) 525,557,559
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited 1,008,769,322 1,326,573,883 1,541,555,307 5,760,000 1,547,315,307
Canada Border Services Agency 2,478,717,991 2,637,385,771 2,949,288,637 57,377,889 3,006,666,526
Canada Council for the Arts 510,389,080 423,322,380 364,349,448 650,000 364,999,448
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 4,042,530,388 5,406,597,674 6,503,279,716 90,593,247 6,593,872,963
Canada Post Corporation 22,210,000 22,210,000 22,210,000 0 22,210,000
Canada Revenue Agency 9,489,294,614 12,649,488,553 16,678,394,100 297,118,385 16,975,512,485
Canada School of Public Service 81,336,421 78,859,576 88,856,775 383,230 89,240,005
Canadian Accessibility Standards Development Organization 16,500,614 20,877,446 21,792,791 225,000 22,017,791
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority 686,115,078 922,689,126 1,074,515,043 0 1,074,515,043
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1,250,423,241 1,287,123,241 1,287,258,894 0 1,287,258,894
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 13,093,032 11,540,881 10,617,644 0 10,617,644
Canadian Commercial Corporation 0 13,000,000 13,000,000 0 13,000,000
Canadian Dairy Commission 4,291,407 4,153,333 4,999,298 0 4,999,298
Canadian Energy Regulator 109,369,353 114,852,416 118,434,135 0 118,434,135
Canadian Food Inspection Agency 824,448,834 889,227,807 932,889,411 11,670,670 944,560,081
Canadian Grain Commission 16,046,114 13,209,950 9,377,328 0 9,377,328
Canadian High Arctic Research Station 27,335,298 35,366,139 39,635,925 0 39,635,925
Canadian Human Rights Commission 35,786,850 40,639,507 44,266,296 0 44,266,296
Canadian Institutes of Health Research 1,384,299,264 1,359,172,027 1,367,087,806 1,019,305 1,368,107,111
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat 4,893,775 6,056,666 8,135,977 0 8,135,977
Canadian Museum for Human Rights 29,336,716 30,736,716 26,837,337 0 26,837,337
Canadian Museum of History 84,700,406 77,279,111 78,651,435 0 78,651,435
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 9,546,694 8,956,694 9,130,073 0 9,130,073
Canadian Museum of Nature 35,681,183 32,797,236 32,381,178 0 32,381,178
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency 88,371,514 107,617,728 88,759,082 0 88,759,082
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 143,540,298 152,216,791 161,663,218 0 161,663,218
Canadian Race Relations Foundation 6,180,001 5,115,542 9,000,000 0 9,000,000
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission 13,979,081 21,076,498 23,015,663 0 23,015,663
Canadian Security Intelligence Service 642,172,827 656,618,835 724,640,776 (1,381,322) 723,259,454
Canadian Space Agency 368,108,149 584,880,167 601,722,345 20,456,638 622,178,983
Canadian Tourism Commission 121,159,703 156,130,263 111,199,653 9,750,687 120,950,340
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board 35,936,917 35,761,282 43,886,535 0 43,886,535
Canadian Transportation Agency 42,887,887 41,496,728 56,444,717 0 56,444,717
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 10,530,635 12,814,397 16,865,155 0 16,865,155
Communications Security Establishment 800,990,706 913,422,354 1,028,600,114 10,592,560 1,039,192,674
Copyright Board 3,650,672 4,292,538 4,690,227 0 4,690,227
Correctional Service of Canada 2,909,923,253 3,164,665,598 3,612,652,478 35,311,017 3,647,963,495
Courts Administration Service 100,372,516 106,376,866 136,067,792 0 136,067,792
Department for Women and Gender Equality 230,653,872 325,260,225 322,671,369 0 322,671,369
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food 3,461,924,485 3,570,941,925 3,871,704,392 170,479,523 4,042,183,915
Department of Canadian Heritage 2,006,534,179 2,390,698,014 2,186,439,056 8,585,472 2,195,024,528
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 3,451,273,280 5,881,400,989 5,940,969,971 573,171,033 6,514,141,004
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 4,832,142,977 13,761,666,183 26,473,861,230 23,909,865 26,497,771,095
Department of Employment and Social Development 95,784,864,315 89,067,954,494 94,087,616,435 247,030,049 94,334,646,484
Department of Finance 106,388,052,369 118,160,064,625 132,221,986,769 3,823,959,200 136,045,945,969
Department of Fisheries and Oceans 3,758,867,521 4,544,384,481 4,920,967,272 102,303,099 5,023,270,371
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 8,074,210,761 9,363,648,460 8,547,237,906 185,427,992 8,732,665,898
Department of Health 6,044,784,701 6,342,381,946 7,440,688,234 5,090,697 7,445,778,931
Department of Indigenous Services 18,351,809,592 44,799,119,017 45,616,898,324 2,045,741,975 47,662,640,299
Department of Industry 3,094,863,744 5,869,594,580 6,009,070,598 94,970,980 6,104,041,578
Department of Justice 907,417,603 974,536,252 1,099,795,026 29,615,185 1,129,410,211
Department of National Defence 24,126,144,961 27,580,610,515 29,043,693,814 2,228,961,432 31,272,655,246
Department of Natural Resources 2,121,211,426 3,942,548,267 5,557,860,914 43,624,991 5,601,485,905
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness 1,067,659,811 3,452,111,427 2,771,599,379 222,508,228 2,994,107,607
Department of Public Works and Government Services 4,172,352,231 4,843,318,156 5,197,217,390 263,351,512 5,460,568,902
Department of the Environment 1,712,888,665 2,173,728,859 2,864,127,564 30,558,025 2,894,685,589
Department of Transport 2,183,206,682 3,417,426,596 4,223,794,401 24,383,395 4,248,177,796
Department of Veterans Affairs 5,406,391,796 5,682,993,282 6,074,894,189 19,534,800 6,094,428,989
Department of Western Economic Diversification 431,853,920 583,406,790 414,719,073 12,980,868 427,699,941
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec 443,837,730 712,654,187 591,119,421 0 591,119,421
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario 89,220,951 135,788,850 77,248,082 0 77,248,082
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario 400,115,480 702,781,464 464,978,334 0 464,978,334
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada 77,028,275 95,044,328 119,120,884 0 119,120,884
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation 0 1 0 0 0
House of Commons 510,094,929 581,381,455 616,896,499 24,328,488 641,224,987
Immigration and Refugee Board 264,252,059 284,507,098 366,010,858 0 366,010,858
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 72,000,736 75,515,117 106,108,727 (105,000) 106,003,727
International Development Research Centre 155,251,325 158,930,728 159,060,903 0 159,060,903
International Joint Commission (Canadian Section) 8,318,598 9,601,062 10,848,643 0 10,848,643
Invest in Canada Hub 34,487,041 33,595,456 35,666,724 0 35,666,724
Law Commission of Canada 0 4,675,069 4,512,528 0 4,512,528
Leaders’ Debates Commission 3,206,396 454,187 3,499,750 0 3,499,750
Library and Archives of Canada 131,803,272 240,130,568 234,199,470 0 234,199,470
Library of Parliament 50,190,946 55,835,039 57,871,678 6,050,545 63,922,223
Marine Atlantic Inc. 130,809,588 158,520,769 211,305,507 0 211,305,507
Military Grievances External Review Committee 7,025,061 7,014,392 8,314,603 0 8,314,603
Military Police Complaints Commission 4,774,817 4,884,675 5,610,723 0 5,610,723
National Arts Centre Corporation 59,920,409 66,111,319 59,394,630 2,350,000 61,744,630
National Capital Commission 191,713,677 191,146,129 95,570,808 250,000 95,820,808
National Film Board 69,336,699 70,946,446 74,682,719 0 74,682,719
National Gallery of Canada 52,002,341 50,256,671 47,062,359 0 47,062,359
National Museum of Science and Technology 43,173,183 39,514,631 35,426,582 1,150,000 36,576,582
National Research Council of Canada 1,436,309,315 1,555,527,140 1,639,363,892 892,801 1,640,256,693
National Security and Intelligence Review Agency Secretariat 17,289,754 28,237,776 24,388,394 0 24,388,394
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council 1,413,274,920 1,382,679,762 1,377,442,822 2,412,756 1,379,855,578
Northern Pipeline Agency 255,692 572,250 572,629 0 572,629
Office of Infrastructure of Canada 8,962,080,971 9,363,149,423 9,943,611,564 974,619 9,944,586,183
Office of the Auditor General 111,370,972 119,881,702 131,983,893 0 131,983,893
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer 627,287,848 203,509,925 218,766,021 0 218,766,021
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs 670,782,934 711,054,715 734,584,788 0 734,584,788
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying 4,653,563 5,464,196 6,184,597 0 6,184,597
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages 23,114,306 22,239,511 25,561,085 0 25,561,085
Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner 7,338,204 8,143,039 8,333,174 0 8,333,174
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada 5,152,994 5,478,282 7,034,651 0 7,034,651
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 201,380,233 219,496,984 234,107,328 0 234,107,328
Office of the Governor General’s Secretary 23,853,829 23,988,252 26,629,964 0 26,629,964
Office of the Intelligence Commissioner 2,051,885 2,535,599 2,710,388 0 2,710,388
Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer 6,090,218 7,401,122 7,640,981 0 7,640,981
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner 5,446,639 5,676,571 6,382,606 0 6,382,606
Office of the Senate Ethics Officer 898,155 1,408,848 1,464,676 0 1,464,676
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 207,628,416 220,521,651 294,725,987 0 294,725,987
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada 48,642,435 45,407,279 53,659,367 0 53,659,367
Pacific Economic Development Agency of Canada 168,705,786 362,507,408 211,780,444 0 211,780,444
Parks Canada Agency 1,163,958,695 1,107,173,445 1,433,761,358 37,978,525 1,471,739,883
Parliamentary Protective Service 86,622,316 106,398,325 103,713,748 0 103,713,748
Parole Board of Canada 58,752,818 69,470,927 79,259,524 0 79,259,524
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board 12,339,409 17,003,213 18,314,001 0 18,314,001
Privy Council Office 203,615,363 235,598,621 231,530,438 15,496,978 247,027,416
Public Health Agency of Canada 8,705,432,498 11,411,949,483 5,456,285,907 (600,148) 5,455,685,759
Public Service Commission 86,049,789 94,571,374 105,685,820 (10,000) 105,675,820
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada 39,393,726 43,544,045 48,833,797 0 48,833,797
Royal Canadian Mounted Police 5,326,425,666 4,795,647,766 5,152,682,836 276,309,839 5,428,992,675
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 3,874,704 6,442,098 6,595,974 0 6,595,974
Secretariat of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians 2,698,002 3,651,256 3,913,001 0 3,913,001
Senate 96,362,294 121,821,702 126,694,386 0 126,694,386
Shared Services Canada 2,162,154,180 2,698,270,614 2,850,917,896 52,548,248 2,903,466,144
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 1,016,390,638 1,115,008,926 1,164,367,945 671,853 1,165,039,798
Standards Council of Canada 19,271,621 17,702,499 19,868,363 476,635 20,344,998
Statistics Canada 883,383,175 619,176,703 746,506,829 4,078,311 750,585,140
Telefilm Canada 151,228,599 311,108,479 151,908,479 0 151,908,479
The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited 9,123,879 5,303,000 7,381,000 0 7,381,000
The Jacques-Cartier and Champlain Bridges Inc. 235,144,062 280,514,520 231,671,430 0 231,671,430
The National Battlefields Commission 13,201,531 15,768,386 20,660,481 0 20,660,481
Treasury Board Secretariat 11,067,930,305 9,377,699,874 6,038,676,658 1,564,241,709 7,602,918,367
Veterans Review and Appeal Board 11,103,961 14,229,724 24,320,317 (2,965,800) 21,354,517
VIA HFR - VIA TGF Inc. 0 0 51,670,000 0 51,670,000
VIA Rail Canada Inc. 628,856,038 1,096,370,797 1,482,511,019 0 1,482,511,019
Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority 481,287,738 1,106,494,000 1,220,541,683 507,302,126 1,727,843,809
Total Budgetary 374,784,563,217 443,285,263,409 480,468,329,171 13,189,431,066 493,657,760,237
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (168,383,473) (164,412,879) (119,838,866) 0 (119,838,866)
Canadian Dairy Commission (48,153,504) 0 0 0 0
Correctional Service of Canada (32) 0 0 0 0
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food (2,336,283) 0 0 0 0
Department of Citizenship and Immigration 5,086,214 0 0 0 0
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 12,510,719 25,903,000 25,903,000 0 25,903,000
Department of Employment and Social Development 236,547,330 (208,594,735) 161,519,650 1,260,264,726 1,421,784,376
Department of Finance 64,296,624,704 2,311,709,001 0 1,390,000,000 1,390,000,000
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development 154,955,338 348,321,231 201,000,000 0 201,000,000
Department of Industry 435,000,000 800,000 800,000 0 800,000
Department of National Defence (1,248,045) 0 0 0 0
Department of Public Works and Government Services (6,177,491) 1 0 0 0
Total Non-budgetary 64,914,425,477 2,313,725,619 269,383,784 2,650,264,726 2,919,648,510

Note: The Estimates by Organization table includes two-year appropriations of $147,156,946 for the Canada Border Services Agency and $908,579,947 for the Canada Revenue Agency under Authorities To Date and Proposed Authorities. These two agencies have the authority to carry forward funds approved in 2022–23 to 2023–24. Other differences between the Estimates by Organization table and the Supplementary Estimates as part of total Estimates table relate to adjustments to estimated statutory expenditures for employee benefit plans.

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