Actual Full Time Equivalent (FTE) by Program and by Organization - (2016-17)

This table presents actual Full-time Equivalents (FTEs) by Program. This table also aligns actual Full-time Equivalents (FTEs) for each Program with its corresponding Government of Canada Spending Area and Activity.


  • Actual FTEs is a measure of the extent to which an employee represents a full person-year charge against the departmental budget. Full-time equivalents are calculated as a ratio of assigned hours of work to scheduled hours of work. Scheduled hours of work are set out in collective agreements.
  • Internal Services supports all Government of Canada Activities and Spending Areas but cannot be disaggregated amongst them. Accordingly, for analytical purposes, it is assigned a virtual activities and a spending area named “Internal Services”.
  • The data entries with “.” are intentional to distinguish no recorded value for a cell as opposed to an actual recorded value of zero.
  • This table consolidates 2016-17 Departmental Result Report Actual FTE data submitted by federal organizations although totals may not match or agree with those presented in these documents due to rounding.
Name of the Organization Name of the Strategic Outcome Name of the Program Name of the Sub-Program Name of the Sub-Sub-Program Description Government of Canada Spending Areas and Activities 2016-17 Planned FTE 2016-17 Actual FTE 2016-17 Difference (actual minus planned) Explanation
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada Efficient and effective services which support tribunal chairs and members in exercising their statutory responsibilities and ensure that their independence is protected in a manner which promotes Canadians' confidence in the federal tribunal system. Payments to Tribunal Chairs and Members The Program administers appropriations with respect to tribunal chairs’ and members’ salaries and other compensation pursuant to the terms of tribunals’ enacting legislation and Governor-in-Council appointments. Government Operations 110 110 0
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada Efficient and effective services which support tribunal chairs and members in exercising their statutory responsibilities and ensure that their independence is protected in a manner which promotes Canadians' confidence in the federal tribunal system. Registry Services The Registry Services Program provides registry services in support of tribunals. The Program works closely with tribunal chairs and members to ensure that matters before a tribunal can be heard and disposed of in a timely and efficient manner and within statutory obligations. Services provided include: processing tribunal documents; maintaining and safeguarding tribunal records; providing information to the public regarding tribunal procedures; assisting in the scheduling and conduct of tribunal hearings and assisting in communicating tribunal decisions to the parties and the public. Within the direction, legislative requirements and quasi-judicial principles of the tribunals they support, the Registry Services Program also is responsible for developing and monitoring many service standards, assessing the performance of registry functions and implementing required improvements. Government Operations 181 154 -27 The FTE variance between planned and actual numbers for 2016-17 can be primarily attributed to delays in the implementation of the new Governor in Council (GIC) appointment process, which impacted GIC appointments and reappointments, and had a compounding effect on the hiring process for associated planned staff.
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada Efficient and effective services which support tribunal chairs and members in exercising their statutory responsibilities and ensure that their independence is protected in a manner which promotes Canadians' confidence in the federal tribunal system. Tribunal Specialized and Expert Support Services The Tribunal Specialized and Expert Support Services Program provides expert research, analysis, drafting support and advice as well as other support services including investigation and mediation to assist tribunals in the discharge of their statutory responsibilities. These services are provided by ATSSC employees such as legal counsel, sectoral experts, tribunal assistants and research personnel. Government Operations 220 203 -17
Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 132 131 -1
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy. Community Development Community Investment To be sustainable and to grow, communities must take responsibility for their own economic development future. They must have the capacity and resources available to them at a local level to lead the community development process as well as to invest in those initiatives that stimulate their economic development. These communities include geographic communities and communities of interest such as industry sectors, non-profit organizations and Aboriginal and francophone organizations. The Agency works with these communities, assisting them to develop their own vision for economic growth through targeted planning and by making strategic investments toward increasing the human capacity present in the community, including skills development, training, and coordination, as well as physical capacity (i.e. community infrastructure). This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the Innovative Communities Fund (ICF) and the Business Development Program (BDP). Economic Development 84 87 3
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy. Community Development Community-based Business Development The lack of business capital available in rural regions of Canada has the potential to be a significant economic development barrier. It impedes the establishment and expansion of small businesses that are essential to the vitality and sustainability of communities in rural areas. The Agency provides targeted support to community-based non-profit organizations to address investment capital gaps that focus on small businesses. The Agency provides contributions to a network of Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs) in Atlantic Canada that are run by community-based volunteer boards of directors. CBDCs provide an essential source of investment capital that focuses on small rural businesses as well as services that include business counselling and skills development. In addition, the Agency assists Aboriginal communities by improving access to capital for small and medium-sized Aboriginal businesses. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the Community Futures (CF) program, the Innovative Communities Fund (ICF) and the Business Development Program (BDP). Economic Development 17 15 -2 This variance is the result of transfering FTE to another sub program.
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy. Enterprise Development Innovation and Commercialization Raising the levels of research and development and of innovation in the region is fundamental to increasing Atlantic Canada’s competitiveness and to closing the productivity gap with the rest of the country. The Agency invests in innovation and commercialization by supporting the research and development of new products, services and processes, as well as their commercialization in the marketplace. The Agency also provides support for the adoption and adaptation of leading-edge technologies. Clients include businesses and organizations such as universities and research institutes. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the Atlantic Innovation Fund (AIF) and the Business Development Program (BDP). Economic Development 76 72 -4
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy. Enterprise Development International Business Development Canada’s Global Markets Action Plan identifies global value chains and new economic forces as offering opportunities while recognizing increased competition for Canada. To strengthen the country’s position in international markets, the strategy prescribes taking advantage of emerging global opportunities and reinforcing Canada’s image internationally as a preferred business partner and premier investment destination. Consistent with this strategy, the Agency pursues international opportunities with a view to increasing the number of exporters and the volume of export sales, to attracting foreign direct investment and to supporting the international commercialization of technology. Further, the Agency promotes Atlantic Canada abroad as a world leader in energy production, export and research, as a centre of innovation, as a skilled labour pool, as a reliable supplier of quality products at competitive prices and as the gateway to the North American market. The Agency also plays a role in coordinating the efforts of federal, provincial and private-sector organizations in Atlantic Canada in pursuing international business opportunities. Clients include businesses, non-profit organizations, learning and research institutions, and provincial governments. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: the Business Development Program (BDP). Economic Development 53 51 -2
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy. Enterprise Development Productivity and Growth The Agency invests in productivity and growth to enhance Atlantic Canadians’ access to the information, business skills and financing they require to start and/or grow a business. This enables businesses to get established, become more productive and grow, which generates wealth and jobs in the economy. Investments in productivity and growth are made directly by helping businesses to increase competitiveness through activities such as productivity improvement, expansion, modernization, business skills development, training and hiring skilled personnel, and indirectly through contributions to non-profit organizations such as business and economic development associations that undertake activities that foster business productivity and growth. The Agency also administers Canada Business, which acts as a comprehensive source of information on government services, programs, regulations and resources for businesses. By reducing the complexity of dealing with various levels of government, Canada Business plays a role in the business development process. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: the Business Development Program (BDP). Economic Development 85 95 10
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy. Policy, Advocacy and Coordination Advocacy Federal decision-makers must understand and consider Atlantic Canada’s interests, and regional stakeholders must remain well-informed of federal government actions and of opportunities that are relevant to the economic interests of the region. The Agency’s advocacy activities aim to advance the region’s interests in national policy and program development. In the case of federal government procurement, particularly major Crown projects, the Agency advocates to leverage industrial benefits for small and medium-sized Atlantic Canadian businesses. Economic Development 22 20 -2
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy. Policy, Advocacy and Coordination Coordination The Agency is mandated by its legislation to coordinate the policies and programs of the Government of Canada in relation to opportunities for economic development in Atlantic Canada. The coordination function engages a range of economic partners to address the economic priorities of Atlantic Canada through a coherent and collaborative approach to development, including federal-provincial initiatives, round tables and expert panels. The Agency coordinates with other federal departments on regional development efforts and through the Atlantic Federal Council on Government of Canada priorities. Economic Development 13 13 0
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency A competitive Atlantic Canadian economy. Policy, Advocacy and Coordination Policy Policy provides a solid base of understanding for the development of the Agency’s strategic priorities and initiatives, program design and input to national policy development and federal-provincial relations. This includes policy analysis and advice (including the development of policies and frameworks), economic analysis, research and stakeholder engagement. The policy function is carried out by officials in Moncton and Ottawa, as well as those in the regional offices located in the capitals of each Atlantic province. The Agency’s policy work is supported in part by a dedicated Agency fund that contributes to building policy research capacity in Atlantic Canada. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the Atlantic Policy Research Initiative (APRI) and the Business Development Program (BDP). Economic Development 33 34 1
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 0 195 195
Canada Border Services Agency International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks. Admissibility Determination Through the Admissibility Determination program, the CBSA develops, maintains and administers the policies, regulations, procedures and partnerships that enable border services officers to intercept people and goods that are inadmissible to Canada and to process legitimate people and goods seeking entry into Canada within established service standards. In addition, the Agency develops, maintains and administers the policies, regulations, procedures and partnerships to control the export of goods from Canada. In the traveller stream, border services officers question people upon arrival to determine if they and their personal goods meet the requirements of applicable legislation and regulations to enter Canada. Border services officers will then make a decision to grant entry or refer a person for further processing (e.g., payment of duties and taxes, issuance of a document), and/or for a physical examination. In the commercial stream, carriers and importers are required to provide information to the CBSA at or prior to arrival in Canada. Border services officers review the status of pre-arrival decisions and/or the provided accompanying documentation to determine whether the goods meet the requirements of applicable legislation and regulations to enter Canada. Based on this determination, a border services officer may refer the goods for further processing, examination and/or scientific/engineering analysis. Upon further examination goods may be seized or penalties imposed. With some exceptions, all goods being exported from Canada must be reported “in writing” to the CBSA. Safety and Security 7687 7240 -447 The Agency’s actual FTEs were lower than its planned FTEs by 447 FTEs. The majority of the variance is related to the revision to the implementation timelines associated with IT and Infrastructure major projects. The resulting surplus will be reinvested in the remaining development activities of those projects.
Canada Border Services Agency International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks. Criminal Investigations Under the Criminal Investigations program, the CBSA protects the integrity of border-related legislation and contributes to public safety and Canada’s economic security by investigating and pursuing the prosecution of travellers, importers, exporters and/or other persons who commit criminal offences in contravention of Canada’s border-related legislation. CBSA investigators review potential border legislation violations and gather evidence using a variety of investigative techniques, including search warrants, production orders and digital forensic analysis. These violations include criminal offences under the Customs Act, Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, various food, plant and animal legislation, and other border-related legislation. In conjunction with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, the CBSA pursues the prosecution of individuals or business entities who violate Canada’s border-related legislation. Safety and Security 338 287 -51 Actual Full-Time Equivalents were lower than Planned primarily due to a realignment among programs subsequent to the production of the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities.
Canada Border Services Agency International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks. Immigration Enforcement The Immigration Enforcement Program determines whether foreign nationals and permanent residents who are or may be inadmissible to Canada are identified and investigated, detained, monitored and/or removed from Canada. Foreign nationals and permanent residents of Canada believed to be inadmissible are investigated and may have a report written against them by a CBSA inland enforcement officer. Depending on the type of inadmissibility, the merits of the report are reviewed by either a Minister’s Delegate or an independent decision maker at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) where a CBSA hearings officer represents the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness. Subsequent to this review, a removal order may be issued against the foreign national or permanent resident in question. Removal orders issued against refugee claimants are conditional and do not come into force until the claim against the removal order is abandoned, withdrawn or denied by the IRB. Safety and Security 1091 1079 -12
Canada Border Services Agency International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks. Recourse The Recourse Program provides the business community and individuals with an accessible mechanism to seek an impartial review of service-related complaints, program decisions and enforcement actions taken by the CBSA. This program ensures that their decisions are fair, transparent and accurately reflect the Agency’s policies and the Acts administered by the CBSA. Individuals can complete a written submission if they disagree with an enforcement action or a program decision made by the CBSA or wish to submit a complaint or compliment about services. Clients are provided with a timely acknowledgement of their correspondence, before CBSA officials conduct a thorough review, taking into consideration the legislation administered by the Agency, CBSA policies, the client’s point of view and, where necessary, technical opinions from CBSA experts or legal advice from the Department of Justice. Individuals who are not satisfied with the CBSA’s review can appeal to the appropriate court, tribunal or external review body. The Recourse Program also facilitates the review of external complaints of discrimination filed with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and assists the Department of Justice representing the Agency on appeals to the Federal Court, various tribunals and other external bodies. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 113 102 -11
Canada Border Services Agency International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks. Revenue and Trade Management The Revenue and Trade Management Program administers international and regional trade agreements and domestic legislation and regulations governing trade in commercial goods. The Program ensures that appropriate trade data is collected and that the duties and taxes owed to the Government of Canada are remitted in accordance with Canadian trade laws and import requirements. Commercial importers must accurately report on their goods at the time of importation, and remit the required payment, or self-correct their entries, and pay any additional amounts owing, when they have reason to believe that trade-related reporting errors have occurred. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 835 763 -72
Canada Border Services Agency International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks. Risk Assessment Program The Risk Assessment program “pushes the border out” by seeking to identify high-risk people, goods and conveyances as early as possible in the travel and trade continuum to prevent inadmissible people and goods from entering Canada. This benefits the travelling public and the trade community by enabling the Agency to focus its examination and interdiction activities on high-risk people and goods, thereby facilitating the entry of low-risk travellers and goods. The Agency uses a variety of threat and risk assessment methodologies, intelligence and supporting technologies to identify potential risks to the security and safety of people and goods. International Engagement 1085 1239 154 The actual number of FTEs is higher than the planned FTEs for the eManifest project and the increase of the full-time equivalents as a result of the incremental funding provided, under Responding to the Syrian refugee crisis and the Mexico Visa Lift initiatives.
Canada Border Services Agency International trade and travel is facilitated across Canada's border and Canada's population is protected from border-related risks. Secure and Trusted Partnerships Through the Secure and Trusted Partnerships Program, the CBSA works closely with clients, other government departments and international border management partners to enhance trade chain and traveller security while providing pre-approved, low-risk travellers and traders with streamlined and efficient border processes. The CBSA develops and administers programs and cooperative agreements with its partners to ensure alignment with international standards (e.g., World Customs Organization (WCO) SAFE Framework of Standards) and promote best practices in global border management. By increasing membership in trusted traveller and trader programs, the CBSA is able to improve its capacity to mitigate risk in advance and focus examination efforts on identifying travellers and traders of unknown or higher risk. International Engagement 363 419 56 Actual Full-Time Equivalents were higher than Planned primarily due to a realignment among programs subsequent to the production of the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities.
Canada Border Services Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 2053 2411 358
Canada Revenue Agency Eligible families and individuals receive timely and accurate benefit payments. Benefit Programs Benefit Enquiries The Benefit Enquiries sub-program offers benefit recipients timely and accessible information on their entitlements and obligations through the CRA’s call centres. Employment and Income Security 550 325 -225 Decrease primarily due to lower than planned call volumes associated with the Canada Child Benefit program as a result of a high number of these inquiries being made through the first call resolution line, which is tracked under the Taxpayer information services and assistance program. Calls received were not redirected to Benefit enquiries if they could be addressed immediately.
Canada Revenue Agency Eligible families and individuals receive timely and accurate benefit payments. Benefit Programs Benefit Programs Administration The Benefit Programs Administration sub-program delivers a range of ongoing benefits and one-time payment programs that support the economic and social well-being of Canadians. Through its processing and validation activities, it makes sure the right benefit payment is made to the right individual at the right time. Employment and Income Security 995 974 -21
Canada Revenue Agency Eligible families and individuals receive timely and accurate benefit payments. Benefit Programs Statutory Children’s Special Allowance Payments The Statutory Children’s Special Allowance Payments sub-program makes payments to federal and provincial agencies and institutions that care for children. It makes sure all funding flows through to recipients without deductions for administrative expenditures. Employment and Income Security 0 0 0
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers and benefit recipients receive an independent and impartial review of their service related complaints. Taxpayers' Ombudsman The Taxpayers’ Ombudsman reports directly to the Minister of National Revenue and operates independently at arm’s length from the management of the CRA and the CRA Board of Management; provides advice to the Minister of National Revenue about service matters at the CRA; addresses requests for reviews made by taxpayers and benefit recipients with respect to service matters, including the service rights outlined in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights; and identifies and reviews systemic and emerging service-related issues within the CRA that have a negative impact on taxpayers and benefit recipients. Transparency and Accountability 31 25 -6 Decrease primarily due to vacant positions and delays in planned staffing actions.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Appeals Canada Pension Plan/Employment Insurance Appeals to the Minister and Appeals to the Courts The Canada Pension Plan/Employment Insurance Appeals to the Minister and Appeals to the Courts sub-program offers a timely and objective dispute resolution process to parties who disagree with decisions relating to assessments or rulings made under the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act by the CRA. It is also responsible for working with the Department of Justice Canada on appeals before the courts. Transparency and Accountability 136 122 -14 Decrease primarily due to workload transfers to other appeals programs during the 2016-17 fiscal year and lower than planned spending.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Appeals Commodity Taxes Objections and Appeals to the Courts The Commodity Taxes Objections and Appeals to the Courts sub-program offers a timely and objective dispute resolution process for taxpayers who disagree with decisions relating to assessments or determinations the CRA made under the Excise Tax Acts. It is also responsible for working with the Department of Justice Canada on appeals before the courts. Transparency and Accountability 189 179 -10
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Appeals Income Tax Objections and Appeals to the Courts The Income Tax Objections and Appeals to the Courts sub-program offers a timely and objective dispute resolution process for taxpayers who disagree with decisions relating to assessments or determinations the CRA made under the Income Tax Act. It is also responsible for working with the Department of Justice Canada on appeals before the courts. Transparency and Accountability 1008 1084 76
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Appeals Service Complaints The Service Complaints sub-program offers taxpayers a process to resolve complaints about the service, quality, or timeliness of the CRA’s work and complaints related to the Taxpayer Bill of Rights. Transparency and Accountability 91 104 13 Increase primarily due to workload transfers from other appeals programs during the 2016-17 fiscal year as well as higher spending for the Agency wide service feedback model.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Appeals Taxpayer Relief The Taxpayer Relief sub-program administers the process under which the Minister of National Revenue may, under legislative provisions, grant relief from penalties and interest to taxpayers who are unable to meet their tax obligations because of personal misfortune or circumstances beyond their control. Transparency and Accountability 222 259 37 Increase primarily due to changes in workload associated with the administration of the Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing Business Returns The Business Returns sub-program helps businesses voluntarily comply with Canada’s tax laws by processing their information as quickly and accurately as possible. It assesses the information businesses give and tells them the results of their assessment or reassessment. It also registers businesses for a business number and administers T2, GST/HST, excise, and other levies programs. Government Operations 1511 1296 -215 Decrease primarily due to workload shifts associated with the Service Renewal initiative as well as delays in planned staffing actions.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing Goods and Services Tax Administration in Quebec The GST Administration in Quebec sub-program administers the CRA’s memorandum of understanding with Revenu Québec under which Revenu Québec administers the Goods and Services Tax in Quebec. Government Operations 0 0 0
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing Individual Returns The Individual Returns sub-program helps individuals voluntarily comply with Canada’s tax laws by processing their information as quickly and accurately as possible. It assesses the information individuals give and tells them the results of their assessment or reassessment. Government Operations 2702 2650 -52
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing Payments The Payments sub-program helps individuals and businesses voluntarily comply with Canada’s tax laws by processing payments Government Operations 239 309 70 Increase primarily due to additional spending in the payment processing unit associated with the drive to electronic.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Assessment of Returns and Payment Processing Voluntary Disclosures Program The Voluntary Disclosures sub-program encourages and processes voluntary disclosures by taxpayers and their representatives who want to correct inaccurate or incomplete information. Government Operations 67 75 8 Increase primarily due to workload associated with the new Datamart project.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Collections, Compliance and Verification Collections – Tax and Government Programs The Collections – Tax and Government Programs sub-program collects tax debts on behalf of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, as well as for other government departments and agencies. It also collects non-tax debts including social program overpayments and defaulted Canada Student Loan debt on behalf of various government programs that have transferred collection responsibilities to the CRA. Government Operations 4818 4733 -85 Decrease primarily due to lower spending as a result of the transition to a new service model for collections and verifications, partially offset by new funding for various measures announced as part of Budget 2016.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Collections, Compliance and Verification Compliance and Verification The Compliance and Verification sub-program enforces registration and completes validations and reviews of withholding, remitting, reporting, and filing obligations for individuals and businesses, payroll deductions, GST/HST, other levies, and non-resident taxes. It is designed to encourage individuals, businesses, and trusts to file on time, to educate them about their tax obligations, and to help them with their obligations. Government Operations 4643 4926 283 Increase primarily due to new funding for various service and tax evasion measures announced as part of Budget 2016 and legislative and enhanced compliance measures announced as part of Budget 2015.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Reporting Compliance Criminal Investigations Program The Criminal Investigations sub-program enforces the Acts administered by the CRA by detecting and addressing tax evasion and fraud. It conducts investigations into suspected significant cases of fraudulent non-compliance and recommends such cases for prosecution. To enhance public awareness and encourage voluntary compliance, it also publicizes the results of court convictions. Government Operations 597 549 -48
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Reporting Compliance GST/HST The GST/HST sub-program is responsible for enhancing the reporting compliance of GST/HST registrants with the Excise Tax Act. The sub-program is designed to promote compliance and identify, address and deter non-compliance with the legislation through a risk-based, balanced approach that includes quality audits, examinations, education, targeted communication, and outreach activities. Government Operations 2699 2675 -24
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Reporting Compliance International and Large Business The International and Large Business sub-program helps to ensure that Canada receives its share of taxes from international and large entities with complex financial transactions. It enforces compliance with Canada’s tax legislation by encouraging, assisting, and verifying compliance by large entity taxfilers. It does this through taxpayer consultations, education, legislative reviews, and enforcement measures. Government Operations 2041 2041 0
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Reporting Compliance Scientific Research and Experimental Development The Scientific Research and Experimental Development sub-program (which includes the Film Tax Credit) provides tax assistance and investment tax credits to Canadian businesses as an incentive to conduct qualifying industrial research and development activities and film or video production activities in Canada. This sub-program ensures that all claims are in line with the legislative requirements, tax laws, policies, and procedures. It also ensures that the applicants have the information and timely services they need to access investment tax credits, and that the tax credits or cash refunds are delivered in a prompt, consistent, and predictable manner. Government Operations 689 671 -18
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Reporting Compliance Small and Medium Enterprises The Small and Medium Enterprises sub-program ensures small and medium businesses and non-resident taxpayers comply with Canada’s tax laws. It supports compliance through a mix of education and compliance-based treatments and interventions depending on the level of risk of the individual or sector. This includes treatments that are aimed at preventing errors from occurring prior to tax returns being submitted, letters to educate taxpayers on how to correct past errors, and audit interventions for high risk taxpayers. Government Operations 3637 3696 59
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Taxpayer and Business Assistance Charities The Charities sub-program is responsible for administering the national registration program for charities, registered Canadian amateur athletic associations, and registered national arts service organizations. It is also responsible for activities that span the full spectrum of the compliance continuum, including registration, communications and outreach, processing and examination, audit and enforcement, and policy and technical guidance. Transparency and Accountability 328 260 -68 Decrease primarily due to the transfer of workload for field audits to compliance programs during the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Taxpayer and Business Assistance Charities – Public Safety and Anti-Terrorism The Charities - Public Safety and Anti-Terrorism sub-program protects the integrity of the registration system for charities under Canada’s Income Tax Act by screening applications and monitoring registered charities for risks of terrorist involvement. Transparency and Accountability 40 44 4
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Taxpayer and Business Assistance Policy, Rulings, and Interpretations The Policy, Rulings, and Interpretations sub-program offers taxpayers, registrants, and tax intermediaries binding rulings and non-binding interpretations of the acts the CRA administers (including the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act). In doing so, it gives taxpayers early certainty by explaining how the law applies to specific situations. It also works closely with the Department of Finance Canada in developing legislative policy and providing legislative policy and administrative services to other Canadian government organizations. Transparency and Accountability 1022 1006 -16
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Taxpayer and Business Assistance Registered Plans The Registered Plans sub-program enforces the provisions of the Income Tax Act relating to deferred income and savings plans by registering and monitoring the plans and by approving the deductibility of employer contributions to defined benefit pension plans. It also gives information about registered plans on the CRA website and in response to enquiries. Transparency and Accountability 167 140 -27 Decrease primarily due to a reduction in planned staffing actions.
Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers meet their obligations and Canada's revenue base is protected. Taxpayer and Business Assistance Tax Information Services and Assistance The Tax Information Services and Assistance sub-program gives taxpayers the accurate and timely information they need to comply with Canada’s tax laws. It provides this information on the CRA website, in response to enquiries, and in printed products. Transparency and Accountability 2108 2710 602 Increase primarily due to new funding for spending to implement and administer service measures announced as part of Budget 2016 and increased volumes in the first call resolution line associated with the Canada Child Benefit program.
Canada Revenue Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 7348 7875 527
Canada School of Public Service Federal public service employees have the common knowledge, skills and competencies to fulfill their responsibilities in serving Canadians. Learning Services This program delivers learning services to the federal public service, providing standardized training to build common knowledge, skills and competencies that support public service employees in fulfilling their responsibilities in delivering programs and services to Canadians. This program is responsible for enterprise-wide training and development in support of government priorities, leading to a centralized, common approach to the managemetn and delivery of learning services which are open to all federal public service employees, throughout their career and are common to the operation of all federal institutions, regardless of mandate or location. The Learning Services Program offers a curriculum consisting of foundational development training, which is designed to build a core common culture throughout the federal public service, specialized development training, open to all employees working in information technology, human resources or finance, in addition to those areas of specialization and management/executive development. This program achieves its results through a common curriculum, both in person and online, which is supported by technology infrastructure, enablling the delivery of training across the federal public service. Government Operations 477 428 -49 Lower-than-planned expenditures and full-time equivalents in 2016–2017 reflect the completion of most transformation initiatives, as well as planned expenditure reductions to prepare the School for a reduced funding base in 2017–2018 and thereafter.

Lower expenditures in 2016–2017 are also due to the use of digitally enabled learning methods such as online courses and webcasting of learning events, which allow more efficient and accessible delivery of learning to a greater number of learners.
Canada School of Public Service The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 163 153 -10
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Improved workplace conditions and practices that enhance the health, safety, and well being of working Canadians. Occupational health and safety information development, delivery services and tripartite collaboration The goal of this public service program is to provide free information on occupational health and safety to support Canadians in their efforts to work safely and create healthy and safe workplaces. Citizens are provided information through a free and impartial personalized service via telephone, e-mail, person-to-person, fax or mail. Alternatively, they can independently access a broad range of electronic and print resources developed to support safety and health information needs of Canadians. This may include cost recovery products and services and is supported financially by contributions from various stakeholders.
Through health and safety information development, CCOHS collects, processes, evaluates, creates and publishes authoritative information resources on occupational health and safety for the benefit of all working Canadians. This information is used for education and training, research, development of policy and best practices, improvement of health and safety programs, achieving compliance, and for personal use. When the product or service provided by CCOHS is offered to identifiable external recipients with benefits beyond those enjoyed by the general public, the product or service becomes part of the cost-recovery program and a fee is charged.
CCOHS promotes and facilitates consultation and cooperation among federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions and participation by labour, management and other stakeholders in the establishment and maintenance of high standards and occupational health and safety initiatives for the Canadian context. The sharing of resources results in the coordinated and mutually beneficial development of unique programs, products and services. Collaborative projects are usually supported with a combination of financial and non-financial contributions to the programs by partners and stakeholders and result in advancement of the health and safety initiatives.
Health 73 65 -8 The lower than target FTEs is due to staffing delays. CCOHS plans to grow the amount of products and services it offers which will result in an increase in staffing levels.
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 23 18 -5
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency High quality and timely environmental assessments of major projects to protect the environment and support economic growth. Environmental Assessment Delivery Program This program ensures that high quality environmental assessments of major projects are conducted and completed in a timely and predictable way, thereby supporting economic growth while preventing or reducing adverse environmental effects. The most appropriate means of avoiding duplication of assessment activities with other jurisdictions is applied, thereby, increasing efficiency and providing certainty for all participants in the process. The Agency will promote, monitor, and facilitate compliance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. The environmental assessment process provides for the meaningful participation of the public and Indigenous groups. Indigenous consultation obligations are integrated to the greatest extent possible with the federal environmental assessment process. As such, the Agency consults with Indigenous groups during the environmental assessment process to assess how the proposed project may adversely impact potential or established Aboriginal or Treaty rights and related interests, and find ways to avoid or minimize these adverse impacts. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the Participant Funding Program, and the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. Economic Development 142 164 22 The increase in staffing is primarily a result of Budget 2016, restoring robust EAs, and the review of EA processes.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency High quality and timely environmental assessments of major projects to protect the environment and support economic growth. Environmental Assessment Policy Program The EA Policy program develops and promotes robust policies and practices for high quality environmental assessment (EA) in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. This is achieved by building and reinforcing policies, procedures and criteria for the conduct of federal EA, by promoting cooperation and coordinated action between the federal government and other jurisdictions, by promoting communication and cooperation with Indigenous Peoples, and by developing instruments and training for EA practitioners. EA Policy enables continuous improvement through research, monitoring, analysis and advice. Recommendations inform the development of new regulatory and policy approaches as well as the revision of guidance, training and knowledge based instruments. The program also provides support for the conduct of EA through various means, such as federal provincial agreements and policy criteria. Economic Development 42 59 17 The increase in staffing is primarily a result of Budget 2016, restoring robust EAs, and the review of EA processes.
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 50 42 -8
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Animal Health and Zoonotics Program Aquatic Animal Health The Aquatic Animal Health sub-program aims to mitigate risks associated with the introduction and spread of certain aquatic animal diseases of concern to Canada. This sub-program achieves its objectives by partnering with Fisheries and Oceans Canada to deliver on initiatives that track, detect and control aquatic animal diseases as set out in the relevant governing acts and regulations. Through verification of compliance, this sub-program supports domestic and international confidence that Canada’s aquatic animal resources are free from aquatic animal diseases, and contributes to the sustainable productivity of aquaculture and harvest fisheries. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Statutory Compensation Payments. Health 37 37 0
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Animal Health and Zoonotics Program Feed The Feed sub-program aims to minimize risks associated with livestock and poultry feeds manufactured in or imported into Canada. The sub-program achieves its objectives by verifying that feeds are safe, effective and labelled in accordance with the relevant governing acts and regulations. This sub-program contributes to the production and maintenance of a healthy and sustainable animal resource base which supports food safety and environmental sustainability. Through verification of compliance, this sub-program supports confidence in feed manufactured in Canada. Health 178 189 11
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Animal Health and Zoonotics Program Terrestrial Animal Health The Terrestrial Animal Health sub-program aims to prevent the entry of reportable, foreign animal diseases and the spread of reportable domestic animal diseases as set out in the relevant governing acts and regulations. This sub-program achieves its objectives by delivering initiatives that track, detect, and mitigate risks to the terrestrial animal resource base. This sub-program supports food safety, public health, and protection of the animal resource base, and instills national and international confidence in Canadian agricultural products. Through verification of compliance, this sub-program supports domestic and international confidence that Canada’s animals are free from certain reportable diseases, particularly those potentially transmissible to humans. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Statutory Compensation Payments. Health 808 749 -59
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Food Safety Program Dairy The Dairy sub-program aims to mitigate risks associated with dairy and dairy products that are produced in Canada’s federally registered establishments or imported for consumption. The sub-program achieves its objectives by verifying that dairy and dairy products meet health and safety requirements through verification of compliance with the governing acts and regulations. The sub-program also helps to mitigate unfair market practices by verifying that labelling for pre-packaged dairy products meets the requirements as set out in the acts and regulations. This sub-program supports confidence in Canada’s dairy products. Health 125 99 -26 Planned FTEs were greater than actual mainly due to the impact of absorbing ongoing cost increases of anticipated collective bargaining settlement negotiations and other in-year adjustments.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Food Safety Program Egg The Egg sub-program aims to mitigate risks associated with egg and egg products that are produced in Canada’s federally registered establishments or imported for consumption. The sub-program achieves its objectives by verifying that eggs and egg products are graded according to relevant governing acts and regulations and that they comply with the requirements of the said acts and regulations. The sub-program also helps to mitigate unfair market practices by verifying that labelling and advertising practices meet the requirements for pre-packaged egg products. This sub-program supports confidence in Canada’s egg and egg products. Health 77 63 -14 Planned FTEs were greater than actual mainly due to the impact of absorbing ongoing cost increases of anticipated collective bargaining settlement negotiations and other in-year adjustments.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Food Safety Program Fish and Seafood The Fish and Seafood sub-program aims to mitigate risks associated with fish and seafood products processed in Canada’s federally registered establishments or imported for consumption. It achieves its objectives by developing product and process standards and ensuring that products, importers and domestic industry comply with quality, safety and identity of fish and seafood requirements through verification of compliance with the governing acts and regulations. This sub-program supports confidence in Canada’s fish and seafood products. Health 491 467 -24
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Food Safety Program Fresh Fruit and Vegetables The Fresh Fruit and Vegetables sub-program aims to mitigate risks associated with fresh fruits and vegetables and their products produced in Canada   or imported for consumption. It achieves its objectives by verifying that products meet all stipulated health and safety requirements through verification of compliance with the relevant governing acts and regulations. This sub-program mitigates unfair market practices by verifying that labelling and net quantity requirements for pre-packaged Fresh Fruit and Vegetable products are adhered to. This sub-program supports confidence in Canada’s fresh fruit and vegetable products. Health 332 237 -95 Planned FTEs were greater than actual mainly due to the impact of absorbing ongoing cost increases of anticipated collective bargaining settlement negotiations and other in-year adjustments.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Food Safety Program Imported And Manufactured Food Products The Imported and Manufactured Food Products sub-program aims to mitigate risks associated with food commodities that are regulated by the relevant governing acts and regulations. The CFIA and provincial/territorial governments share the jurisdiction over Imported and Manufactured Food Products because the sector includes a large variety of foods that are traded intra-provincially or inter-provincially. This sub-program achieves its objectives by verifying that these products comply with the health, food safety, and consumer protection requirements. The sub-program mitigates unfair market practices by verifying that requirements related to net quantity, composition, claims, labelling, and advertising of these foods are adhered to and by enforcing the governing acts and regulations. Through enforcement of the acts and regulations, the sub-program supports confidence in Canada’s imported and manufactured food products. Health 469 394 -75 Planned FTEs were greater than actual mainly due to the impact of absorbing ongoing cost increases of anticipated collective bargaining settlement negotiations and other in-year adjustments.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Food Safety Program Meat and Poultry The Meat and Poultry Sub-Program aims to mitigate risks associated with meat and poultry and their products that are produced in Canada’s federally registered establishments or imported for consumption. The sub-program achieves its objectives by verifying that meat, poultry and their products meet health and safety requirements through verification of compliance with the relevant governing acts and regulations. The sub-program also helps to mitigate unfair market practices related to labelling compliance nfor pre-packaged meat products, and audits the delivery of a grading program based on objective meat quality and retail yield standards. The Meat and Poultry sub-program supports confidence in Canada’s meat, poultry and their products. Health 1530 1880 350 Actual FTEs were greater than planned FTEs mainly due to in-year increases, including the renewal of sunsetting initiatives and the Improving Food Safety for Canadians new initiative.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Food Safety Program Processed Products The Processed Products sub-program aims to mitigate risks associated with processed products, including honey and maple products, which are produced in Canada or imported for consumption. The sub-program achieves its objectives by verifying that processed products comply with health and food safety requirements through verification of compliance with the relevant governing acts and regulations. This sub-program minimizes unfair market practices by verifying that labelling and net quantity requirements for pre-packaged processed products are adhered to. The sub-program supports confidence in Canada’s processed products. Health 92 80 -12 Planned FTEs were greater than actual mainly due to the impact of absorbing ongoing cost increases of anticipated collective bargaining settlement negotiations and other in-year adjustments.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. International Collaboration and Technical Agreements The Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s International Collaboration and Technical Agreements program contributes to a coherent, predictable, and science-based international regulatory framework that facilitates  meeting regulatory requirements of importing countries’ food, animals, and plants, and their products, resulting in the facilitation of multi-billion dollar trade for the Canadian economy. The program achieves its objectives through active participating in international fora for the development of international science-based rules, standards, guidelines and policies and the management of sanitary and phytosanitary committees established under international agreements. The CFIA’s active promotion of the Canadian science-based regulatory system with  foreign trading partners and negotiations to resolve scientific and technical issues contribute to market access. International Trade and Investment 343 295 -48 Planned FTEs were greater than actual FTEs mainly due to the impact of absorbing ongoing cost increases of anticipated collective bargaining settlement negotiations and other in-year adjustments.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Plant Resources Program Fertilizer The Fertilizer sub-program aims to ensure that regulated fertilizer, fertilizer/pesticides and supplement products sold in Canada are properly labelled, effective and safe for humans, plants, animals, and the environment. The sub-program achieves its objectives by verifying that all fertilizers and supplements meet the standards for safety and efficacy as set out in the relevant governing acts and regulations. Through verification of compliance, the sub-program contributes to public health and environmental sustainability and supports domestic and international confidence in fertilizers, fertilizer/pesticides and supplements manufactured in Canada.
Environment 36 38 2
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Plant Resources Program Intellectual Property Rights The Intellectual Property Rights sub-program, by which plant breeders can obtain intellectual property rights for their new plant varieties, aims to create an environment in Canada which supports innovation in plant breeding, as set out in the relevant governing acts and regulations. This sub-program achieves its objectives by assessing applications from plant breeders to determine that new plant varieties meet the criteria for protection, and when all requirements have been met, granting rights to the variety breeder/owner for a period of up to 18 years. The owner of a new variety who receives a grant of rights has exclusive rights over use of the variety, and will be able to protect his/her new variety from exploitation by others. By enforcing the relevant governing acts and regulations, this sub-program stimulates plant breeding in Canada, facilitates better access to foreign varieties for Canadian producers and supports the protection of Canadian varieties in other countries. Environment 9 9 0
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Plant Resources Program Plant Protection The Plant Protection sub-program aims to mitigate the risks associated with the introduction and spread of plant pests of quarantine significance to Canada. This sub-program achieves its objectives by delivering initiatives that track, detect and control, or eradicate regulated plant pests and diseases as set out in the relevant governing acts and regulations. The sub-program verifies that plants and plant products, and their associated risk pathways, meet phytosanitary requirements. Through verification of compliance, this sub-program supports environmental sustainability, and public health and instills confidence in Canada’s plants and plant products. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Statutory Compensation Payments. Environment 607 542 -65 Planned FTEs were greater than actual FTEs mainly due to the impact of absorbing ongoing cost increases of anticipated collective bargaining settlement negotiations and other in-year adjustments.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency A safe and accessible food supply and plant and animal resource base. Plant Resources Program Seed The Seed sub-program aims to ensure that seeds sold in Canada meet established standards,  that seeds are properly represented in the marketplace and that most agricultural crop kinds are registered before entering the marketplace. The sub-program achieves its objectives by verifying that seeds meet quality, biosafety, labelling and registration standards as set out in the relevant governing acts and regulations. Regulating the environmental release of plants with novel traits contributes to environmental sustainability and the health and safety of Canadians. Furthermore, quality assured and accurately labelled seeds contribute to a prosperous agricultural production system and to domestic and international confidence in Canada’s seeds. Environment 104 106 2
Canadian Food Inspection Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 749 916 167
Canadian Grain Commission Canada's grain is safe, reliable and marketable and Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain deliveries to licensed grain companies. Grain Quality Research Program The Canada Grain Act requires the CGC to undertake, sponsor and promote research related to grains. The CGC conducts research in support of Canada’s grain quality assurance system to address emerging issues and facilitate the effective marketing of Canadian grain in domestic and international markets. The CGC’s Grain Research Laboratory (GRL) researches factors affecting the quality and safety of grain and grain-based products as well as procedures and technologies to quantify those factors. Research in the GRL forms the basis of grade specifications. This program benefits not only the agricultural sector, but also Canadians as consumers of grain products. Close collaboration with Canadian and international scientific, academic, analytical, grain industry organizations, as well as other Canadian government departments (e.g., Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada) ensures that the CGC remains abreast of new research developments and is able to adapt research priorities to emerging challenges. The grain quality research program is funded by a combination of revolving fund revenue and appropriations. Research and Development 47 48 1
Canadian Grain Commission Canada's grain is safe, reliable and marketable and Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain deliveries to licensed grain companies. Producer Protection Program Licensing and Security Program Pursuant to the Canada Grain Act and Canada Grain Regulations, the CGC licenses or exempts grain companies from licensing if their businesses meet certain legislated requirements. The licensing and security program mitigates risks to producers of not being properly compensated for grain delivered to licensed grain companies and provides the framework for establishing and maintaining the Canadian grain quality assurance system. CGC licensees are required to obtain and maintain prescribed security for the purpose of covering their potential obligations to producers in the event of a company default. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 10 12 2 2016-17 total actual full-time equivalents (FTEs) is 2 more than 2016-17 planned FTEs for the licensing and security program due to an increase in resource requirements for making operational program improvements.
Canadian Grain Commission Canada's grain is safe, reliable and marketable and Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain deliveries to licensed grain companies. Producer Protection Program Producer Car Allocation Program Pursuant to the Canada Grain Act and Canada Grain Regulations, the CGC provides an alternate grain delivery mechanism for producers and producer groups that wish to ship their own grain by railcar. The CGC works closely and cooperatively with the grain industry and the railways in an effort to ensure that producer car orders are filled in a timely manner. The CGC has sole responsibility for the allocation of available producer cars for all grains. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 3 3 0
Canadian Grain Commission Canada's grain is safe, reliable and marketable and Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain deliveries to licensed grain companies. Producer Protection Program Producer Support Programs The CGC has several programs and activities to ensure producers are properly compensated for the quality of grain delivered and shipped. These programs and activities are not material enough to be considered independently. They include the submitted samples program, the harvest sample program, reinspection of samples on producer request, and investigation of quality and dockage complaints. In addition, the CGC continually collects and updates grain quality data and grain handling information and makes it available to producers and other interested parties to facilitate producer sales and marketing decisions. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 18 18 0
Canadian Grain Commission Canada's grain is safe, reliable and marketable and Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain deliveries to licensed grain companies. Quality Assurance Program The CGC’s quality assurance program is delivered pursuant to the Canada Grain Act and the Canada Grain Regulations. This program assures consistent and reliable grain quality that meets the needs of international and domestic markets. Grain quality refers to end-use processing quality, grain safety and cleanliness, and, in some cases, the composition of varieties in shipments of grain. Provision of grain inspection, grain safety, grain sanitation, grading and analytical services, as well as strong scientific and technical support programs and services are integral components to the overall delivery of an effective quality assurance program. The program includes a complaints resolution process for resolving customer complaints and disputes with respect to grain quality assurance. An effective grain quality assurance program is a key factor in permitting Canadian exporters to market successfully in competitive international grain markets and is essential for producers to realize maximum value from their grain. The quality assurance program is funded by revolving fund revenue. Research and Development 219 219 0
Canadian Grain Commission Canada's grain is safe, reliable and marketable and Canadian grain producers are properly compensated for grain deliveries to licensed grain companies. Quantity Assurance Program The CGC’s quantity assurance program is delivered pursuant to the Canada Grain Act and the Canada Grain Regulations. The services delivered under this program facilitate the official weighing of export shipments of grain discharged from terminal elevators and the issuance of accompanying quantity assurance documentation. This program ensures international grain buyers and end users that Canadian export grain shipments are accurately weighed and that the weighed product is delivered to conveyances as reported on CGC documentation. The program includes validation of weighing process documentation and weighing device records, establishing and maintaining a weighing systems certification program, and providing input into weighing equipment requirements to ensure accurate weighing of grain shipments from terminal elevators. The quantity assurance program is funded by revolving fund revenue. Research and Development 15 16 1
Canadian Grain Commission The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 92 110 18
Canadian High Arctic Research Station Canada has world-class Arctic science and technology to support the development and stewardship of Canada's North and is recognized as a leader on circumpolar research issues. Polar Knowledge Application Knowledge Management Knowledge management will involve engaging key stakeholders and the production and dissemination of science and technology results. This will happen not only through traditional scientific papers but also through a variety of media including policy briefs, social media, input to program design, scientific assessments, decision-support tools and models, and evaluation frameworks. POLAR will support the translation of knowledge into tangible outcomes for communities, industry, decision-makers, and other stakeholders across all the Station’s activities. Transfer Payments: Grant to support the advancement of Northern science and technology (Knowledge Mobilization Award) Research and Development 7 7 0
Canadian High Arctic Research Station Canada has world-class Arctic science and technology to support the development and stewardship of Canada's North and is recognized as a leader on circumpolar research issues. Polar Knowledge Application Outreach and Capacity Building This Sub-program aims to build capacity through training, outreach and employment opportunities. POLAR will work with partner organizations to use Northern science and technology to promote and build a science culture in Canada, and to build awareness of Arctic science and technology domestically and internationally. Outreach will include dedicated support for consultation activities, and building and maintaining POLAR’s social media and a web presence. Capacity Building will manage and support partnered activities and initiatives to advance and support the next generation of researchers and highly qualified personnel and to strive to fulfill Canada’s obligations under Article 23 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. Transfer Payments: Grants to individuals, organizations, associations and institutions to support research and activities relating to the polar regions Research and Development 12 7 -5 Following circumstances beyond POLAR’s control, the organization had to postpone the staffing processes to fiscal year 2017-18.
Canadian High Arctic Research Station Canada has world-class Arctic science and technology to support the development and stewardship of Canada's North and is recognized as a leader on circumpolar research issues. Science and Technology for the North Science and Monitoring This Sub-program aims to pursue partnerships with organizations in order to collaborate on cross-disciplinary, cross-sectoral issues, leveraging their experience, expertise, and resources. This Sub-program also aims to have direct competitive and peer-reviewed processes that fund external recipients with shared goals (e.g., academics, communities, not-for-profit organizations, industry, governments, and international scientists). Funding to external recipients will be guided by relevance to the Science and Technology Plan, scientific excellence, and the extent to which projects strengthen Northern capacity and leadership in science and monitoring. POLAR will lead the development of the Canadian Arctic Monitoring and Prediction Network to coordinate with existing efforts and implement new initiatives in a network of coordinated and strategically-located social and environmental monitoring sites, surveillance, and observation activities. Transfer Payments: Grant and contributions to support the advancement of Northern science and technology Environment 10 9 -1
Canadian High Arctic Research Station Canada has world-class Arctic science and technology to support the development and stewardship of Canada's North and is recognized as a leader on circumpolar research issues. Science and Technology for the North Technology Development and Transfer This Sub-program aims to create POLAR as a major hub for Arctic technology development. This Sub-program activity also aims to foster Northern technology development by providing a research platform, expertise, infrastructure, and funding to support Northern entrepreneurs and innovators in development, adapting, and testing technologies that could be used in the North. POLAR will work with Aboriginal Peoples of Canada’s North to create an environment at the facility and in its work in which both traditional knowledge and science can contribute to building solutions to challenges in the Arctic. Transfer Payments: Grant and contributions to support the advancement of Northern science and technology Environment 12 6 -6 Following circumstances beyond POLAR’s control, the organization had to postpone the staffing processes to fiscal year 2017-18.
Canadian High Arctic Research Station The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 10 14 4
Canadian Human Rights Commission Equality of opportunity and respect for human rights. Human Rights Program This program helps people and federally regulated organizations understand and comply with the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Employment Equity Act. It respects the Paris Principles, a set of international standards which frame and guide the work of national human rights institutions. The program promotes and protects human rights by developing and sharing knowledge, conducting audits, and managing complaints. It works collaboratively with people and organizations to conduct research, develop tools and policies, and raise awareness. It audits federally regulated employers to ensure that they are providing equal opportunities to the four designated groups: women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities. It screens, investigates and resolves human rights complaints, and decides whether they should go to a full legal hearing. It represents the public interest in legal cases to advance human rights in Canada. Social Inclusion 125 113 -12
Canadian Human Rights Commission The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 69 67 -2
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canada is a world leader in the creation, dissemination and application of health research knowledge. Investigator-Initiated Health Research Operating Support Provides grant funding to researchers to conduct ethically sound research in any area related to health aimed at the discovery and application of knowledge. Investigators identify and propose the nature and scope of the research and compete for support by demonstrating the potential impact the research will have with respect to improving health systems and/or health outcomes. Funds are disbursed through the Grants for Research Projects and Personnel Support transfer payment program for funding the operational support of research from open competitions. Examples of funding use are, but not exclusive to: the cost of the research project; consultation fees and/or; fees paid to research participants, etc. Health 72 81 9 As noted above, CIHR received an additional 15 FTEs directly allocated to programs.   As CIHR created these positions throughout 2016-17, some of these positions resulted in partial FTEs being utilized for 2016-17.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canada is a world leader in the creation, dissemination and application of health research knowledge. Investigator-Initiated Health Research Training and Career Support Provides award funding to promising researchers and trainees to support training (master’s, PhD, postdoctoral fellow) or career advancement (chairs, salary awards) in order to continue to build and maintain Canada’s health research capacity across all aspects of health research. Funds are disbursed through the following transfer payment programs: Grants for Research Projects and Personnel Support; the Canada Graduate Scholarships; the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships; the Canada Excellence Research Chairs; the Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges; and the College and Community Innovation Program. Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships and Canada Research Chairs are also disbursed through the transfer payment programs mentioned. Funds can be used to cover such expenses as research equipment, materials and research supplies or travel to scientific meetings. Health 32 36 4 CIHR FTEs supporting the Training and Career Awards had less vacancy than anticipated.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canada is a world leader in the creation, dissemination and application of health research knowledge. Priority-Driven Health Research Horizontal Health Research Initiatives Provides targeted funding for the advancement and application of health research knowledge to address, in an ethical manner, priority health challenges identified by CIHR in collaboration with other federal departments or agencies, other national governments, non-governmental organizations, or private sector organizations. Funds may be used to cover research project expenditures as well as salaries or consultation fees. Targeted health challenges currently include: HIV/AIDS Initiative; National Anti-Drug Strategy (NADS); Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network (DSEN); Hepatitis C; and the Networks of Centres of Excellence. Funds are disbursed through the following transfer payment programs: Grants for Research Projects and Personnel Support; the Networks of Centres of Excellence; the Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence; and the Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research; and Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF). Health 29 29 0
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Canada is a world leader in the creation, dissemination and application of health research knowledge. Priority-Driven Health Research Institute-Driven Initiatives Provides targeted grant and award funding to mobilize researchers, health practitioners and decision makers to work together to address priority health challenges in an ethical manner. These priority areas are identified by CIHR in consultation with partners and stakeholders. Researchers compete for funding by demonstrating the potential impact the research will have with respect to addressing priority areas. Funds may be used to cover such expenses as stipends and salaries. Funds are disbursed through the Grants for Research Projects and Personnel Support transfer payment program for funding research from targeted competitions while the Institute Support Grant transfer payment program is used to operationalize CIHR’s virtual model. Health 75 81 6
Canadian Institutes of Health Research The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 194 198 4
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat Senior-level intergovernmental conference services are professionally and successfully delivered. Conference Services Provision of expert, impartial support services for the planning and conduct of First Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers level federal-provincial-territorial and provincial-territorial conferences. Government Operations 23 23 0
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 9 8 -1
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners. Economic Development Business Development This sub-program supports the growth and expansion of northern businesses, including small and medium enterprises, through advice, and funding support. The sub-program’s objective is to encourage a competitive, diverse northern business sector that is aligned with economic development opportunities across the North. Economic Development 4 20 16 The increase of 16 FTEs is related to new resources for major program renewal (eg.14 FTE’s for Strategic Investments in Northern Economic Development Program)
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners. Economic Development Community Development This sub-program supports community-level investments in infrastructure and organizations, and individual-level investments in skills and capacity development. The sub-program’s objective is the establishment of economically sustainable northern communities with a high quality of life for residents. Economic Development 9 9 0 <10%
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners. Policy and Alignment Coordination and Alignment This sub-program engages a range of economic actors (government, non-governmental organizations, Aboriginal organizations and private companies) to address the economic priorities of the North, and to leverage resources and investments by building partnerships and coordination with other federal departments and northern stakeholders. CanNor’s Northern Projects Management Office (NPMO) is a reflection of this approach as it works with project proponents, federal and territorial departments, Aboriginal communities and others to advance resource development. Economic Development 6 13 7 The increase of 7 FTEs is due to the renewal of the NPMO program.
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Developed and diversified territorial economies that support prosperity for all Northerners. Policy and Alignment Policy and Advocacy This sub-program informs departmental decision making by providing a solid base of knowledge and understanding to develop effective programs and federal initiatives; to support the development of the Agency’s strategic priorities; to provide input to national programs and policies; and to establish strategic partnerships with governments and stakeholders from the private and not-for-profit sectors. CanNor puts a particular emphasis on the overall performance of natural resource development sector. Economic Development 6 13 7 The increase of 7 FTEs is due to the renewal of the NPMO program.
Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 30 27 -3
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Nuclear Processing Facilities This sub-program regulates all phases of nuclear processing in Canada (including site preparation, from construction and operation to decommissioning). Nuclear processing facilities process nuclear substances – either as part of the nuclear fuel cycle, or for other industrial or medical uses. The licensing process follows the stages laid out in the Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations. At each licensing stage, the CNSC determines whether the licence applicant is qualified and will adequately provide for the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment. Compliance activities are applied to operating and decommissioned processing facilities. These activities include facility inspections, review of licensee reports, and environmental, radiation, and conventional health and safety data analysis.

The stakeholders associated with this sub-program are primarily licensees associated with uranium refineries, uranium conversion facilities, nuclear fuel fabrication facilities, tritium light source facilities and medical radioisotope processing facilities.
Safety and Security 16 21 5 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Nuclear Waste Management Facilities This sub-program regulates all phases of nuclear waste management facilities in Canada which process, store or dispose of nuclear waste (including site preparation, from construction and operation to decommissioning and long-term storage). Nuclear waste is defined as any material (liquid, gas or solid) that contains a radioactive nuclear substance (defined in the Nuclear Safety and Control Act) and which the owner has determined to be waste. Nuclear waste management is regulated through the policies, legislation and responsible organizations set in place to govern the management of radioactive waste in Canada, and outlined in the Government of Canada’s Radioactive Waste Policy Framework.

At each licensing stage, the CNSC determines whether the licence applicant is qualified and will adequately provide for the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment. Compliance activities are applied to operating and decommissioned processing facilities. Compliance activities include facility inspections, review of licensee reports, and environmental, radiation, and conventional health and safety data analysis.

The stakeholders associated with this sub-program are primarily licensees associated with nuclear waste management facilities, categorized by the type of waste managed (low-, intermediate- or high-level radioactive waste).
Safety and Security 33 28 -5 Delays in planned staffing and a reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Uranium Mines and Mills This sub-program regulates all phases of uranium mining and milling in Canada (including site preparation, from construction and operation to decommissioning). The licensing process follows the stages laid out in the Uranium Mines and Mills Regulations. At each licensing stage, the CNSC determines whether the licence applicant is qualified and will make adequate provisions for the health, safety and security of Canadians and the environment. Compliance activities are applied to operating and decommissioned mines and mills. These activities include facility inspections, review of licensee reports, and environmental, radiation and conventional health and safety data analysis. The stakeholders associated with this sub-program are primarily uranium mines and mills. Currently, operating uranium mines and mills are located in Saskatchewan. Safety and Security 31 22 -9 Delays in planned staffing and a reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Non-proliferation Domestic and International Arrangements This sub-program aims to establish and maintain domestic and international arrangements – in collaboration with other organizations within Canada and abroad – to implement measures of control and international obligations to which Canada has agreed.

The CNSC negotiates administrative arrangements with domestic and international organizations to align regulatory systems and processes, to comply with and maintain international commitments, and to implement measures pursuant to Canada’s nuclear non-proliferation policy. These measures include bilateral nuclear cooperation agreements with Canada’s nuclear trading partners. The CNSC is also responsible for the administration and implementation of the nuclear security programs, and other supporting nuclear security requirements and guidance related to domestic and international activities.
Safety and Security 6 7 1 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Non-proliferation Import and Export This sub-program activity area establishes controls on the exports and imports of nuclear substances, equipment and information (technology), through licensing, compliance and counter-proliferation measures. The objective is to ensure that nuclear goods and technology are transferred internationally solely for peaceful purposes, and do not contribute to threats to nuclear non-proliferation or security. Controls are implemented consistent with requirements under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA), other relevant national legislation, international standards and guidelines to which Canada adheres (e.g., Nuclear Suppliers Group Guidelines, or IAEA codes of conduct) and Canadian nuclear non-proliferation policy (e.g., Nuclear Cooperation Agreement provisions). Safety and Security 17 19 2 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Non-proliferation Safeguards This sub-program activity area aims to maintain the IAEA’s broader conclusion for Canada, by ensuring that Canada’s obligations under the Canada-IAEA Safeguards Agreement and Additional Protocol are met. The broader conclusion is an annual statement by the IAEA that over a given year there was no diversion of declared nuclear material and no indication of undeclared nuclear material or nuclear activity. The Safeguards Agreement (1972) and the Additional Protocol (2000) are treaty-level instruments between the Government of Canada and the IAEA requiring Canada to accept and facilitate IAEA safeguards on all nuclear material and certain specific nuclear activities. The signing of the Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA was required by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, while the Additional Protocol is a voluntary safeguards-strengthening instrument.

The CNSC maintains the IAEA broader conclusion for Canada – achieved annually since 2005 – to provide assurances to Canadians and the international community of the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities in Canada. The attainment of the broader safeguards conclusion was the prerequisite for the introduction of an “integrated safeguards” regime in Canada, which allows the IAEA to adjust its technical objectives for Canada, increasing the efficiency of the national overall inspection effort without undermining effective safeguards implementation. This, in turn, allows the IAEA to dedicate resources to areas of greater proliferation concern.
Safety and Security 13 5 -8 Delays in planned staffing and a realignment resulting from a review of activities subject to cost recovery.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Reactors Nuclear Power Plants This sub-program regulates all the lifecycle stages for nuclear power plants in Canada (from site preparation, construction and operation, to decommissioning and abandonment, once operations are ended). Nuclear power plants generate electricity for public and industrial consumption. The CNSC’s licensing of nuclear power plants is comprehensive and covers 14 separate topics referred to as “safety and control areas.” The licensing process provides assurance that the applicant is qualified and implements appropriate provisions to assure safety and security of the facility. After a licence is issued, the CNSC stringently evaluates compliance to ensure that the license holder meets its responsibilities. In addition to having a team of onsite inspectors, CNSC staff with specific technical expertise regularly visit the plants, to verify that operators are meeting the regulatory requirements and licence conditions. The stakeholders associated with this sub-program are primarily nuclear power plant licensees: Bruce Power, Ontario Power Generation, New Brunswick Power and Hydro Quebec. Safety and Security 223 221 -2
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Reactors Research Reactors This sub-program regulates all the lifecycle stages for research reactors in Canada (from site preparation, construction and operation, to decommissioning and abandonment, once operations are ended). Research reactors help scientific research, conduct non-destructive testing and produce radioactive substances for medical, industrial and scientific use. The CNSC’s licensing of research reactors is comprehensive and covers 14 separate topics referred to as “safety and control areas.” The CNSC assesses licence applications to ensure that safety and control measures are technically and scientifically sound, that all requirements are met, and that the appropriate safety systems are in place to protect people and the environment. After a licence is issued, the CNSC stringently evaluates compliance. CNSC staff with specific technical expertise regularly visit the sites, to verify that operators are meeting the regulatory requirements and licence conditions. The stakeholders associated with this sub-program are primarily research reactor licensees: the National Research Universal reactor, the McMaster Nuclear Reactor, and the SLOWPOKE reactors. Safety and Security 44 40 -4
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment Academic and Research Sector This sub-program aims to regulate the production, possession, and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and other prescribed equipment in Canada, as it relates to the academic and research sector. The academic and research sector focuses primarily on biological and biomedical research with open-source radioisotopes. The sector also employs research particle accelerators and research irradiators. Nuclear substances found in the academic field include those used in irradiators, which irradiate cells or samples in research laboratories. Particle accelerators are used for research in the fields of subatomic physics, materials and biomedicine and may also generate some nuclear materials for medical and research facilities. Nuclear substances are used in teaching and research laboratories for diverse activities such as gas chromatography, which analyzes environmental samples. Licences are issued for the safe handling and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and other prescribed equipment in this area. Compliance activities are conducted to monitor the safety and compliance with regulatory requirements. Safety and Security 10 7 -3 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment Commercial Sector This sub-program aims to regulate the production, possession, and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and prescribed equipment in Canada, as it relates to the commercial sector. The commercial sector focuses primarily on the production and sale of nuclear substances and the third-party servicing and distribution of radiation devices and other prescribed equipment (such as particle accelerators). Nuclear substances are found in many products used to protect the health and safety of Canadians (including smoke detectors, self-lighting exit signs and security-screening equipment). Such devices may not require a licence for possession by the end-user; however, their manufacturing and initial distribution in Canada are licensed by the CNSC. Licences are issued for the safe handling and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and other prescribed equipment in this area. Compliance activities are conducted to monitor the safety and compliance with regulatory requirements. Safety and Security 9 8 -1 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment Dosimetry Services This sub-program licenses dosimetry service providers under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) and the CNSC Radiation Protection Regulations. Each dosimetry service provider must meet the technical and quality assurance requirements outlined in the CNSC’s Technical and Quality Assurance Standards for Dosimetry Services. Compliance activities are conducted to monitor the safety and compliance with regulatory requirements. Dosimetry service providers are either commercial service providers, which service external clients, or in-house service providers, which are nuclear licensees with the capability of providing dosimetry services for their own employees and visitors. Safety and Security 3 1 -2 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment Industrial Sector This sub-program aims to regulate the production, possession, and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and prescribed equipment in Canada, as it relates to the industrial sector.
The industrial sector uses nuclear substances for various purposes, ranging from civil engineering work, measurement and control, to the delivery of services such as industrial radiography and oil well logging. These nuclear substances are found in radiation devices, such as fixed nuclear gauges (which monitor production processes in the pulp and paper industry), portable nuclear gauges (which measure moisture and density in soil and the compaction of asphalt in road construction) and in radiography devices (used for materials analysis).The production of several day-to-day commodities (such as smoke detectors), also requires the aid of nuclear substances, whose use is regulated by the CNSC. Licences are issued for the safe handling and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and other prescribed equipment in this area. Compliance activities are conducted to monitor the safety and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Safety and Security 32 36 4 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment Medical Sector This sub-program aims to regulate the production, possession, and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and other prescribed equipment in Canada as it relates to the medical sector. The medical sector uses nuclear substances and nuclear energy for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Medical applications using radiopharmaceuticals are designed to target specific tissues and organs, delivering nuclear substances to specific areas of the body. Radiopharmaceuticals are widely used in the diagnosis of heart disease and cancer. Nuclear energy (produced by nuclear substances and particle accelerators) is used for radiation therapy, to treat various types of cancers and other diseases. Licences and certificates are issued for the safe handling and use of nuclear substances, radiation devices and other prescribed equipment in this area. Compliance activities are conducted to monitor safety and compliance with regulatory requirements. Safety and Security 18 20 2 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Nuclear Substances and Prescribed Equipment Packaging and Transport This sub-program aims to regulate the packaging and transport of nuclear substances in Canada. The CNSC’s packaging and transport regulations are based on international transport regulations published by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), ensuring a high level of safety of persons and to the environment. The CNSC certifies package designs requiring competent authority approval in Canada and worldwide, and requires the registration of those packages prior to their use in Canada, as a way of ensuring the safe packaging and transport of nuclear substances. Other regulatory requirements (such as labeling, documentation, quality assurance program and radiation protection program for carriers) exist to further strengthen transport safety. The CNSC issues transport licences for specific circumstances, however transport activities are generally exempt from CNSC licensing. Compliance activities are conducted to monitor the safety and compliance with regulatory requirements. Safety and Security 11 13 2 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Scientific, Technical, Regulatory and Public Information Public Engagement and Outreach This sub-program identifies existing and emerging key stakeholder groups, and develops tools, tactics and strategies to reach and engage these stakeholders with plain-language, credible information that has been tailored to them and their needs. Stakeholders include the Canadian public, Canadian nuclear licensees, vendors, the academic community, special interest groups, other government departments, other jurisdictions, international organizations, and Aboriginal groups. This program administers funding from the following transfer payments program: Participant Funding Program. Safety and Security 12 6 -6 Delays in planned staffing and a realignment resulting from a review of activities subject to cost recovery.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Scientific, Technical, Regulatory and Public Information Regulatory Framework This sub-program develops and makes improvements to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s regulatory framework. The regulatory framework includes the Nuclear Safety and Control Act (NSCA) and its associated regulations, the Nuclear Liability Act, federal environmental legislation, regulatory documents outlining requirements and guidance, and nuclear standards developed by the CSA Group (formerly named the Canadian Standards Association). The framework also takes into account Government of Canada regulatory policy guidance, as well as the views of stakeholders and the general public. Safety and Security 112 78 -34 Delays in planned staffing and a realignment resulting from a review of activities subject to cost recovery.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Scientific, Technical, Regulatory and Public Information Research This sub-program conducts research to generate objective, scientific and technical information to address gaps and uncertainties in the CNSC’s knowledge base, through the administration of contracts, contribution agreements, and grants. CNSC staff and management benefit directly from this research. Other beneficiaries include: the nuclear technical community (nuclear safety experts, academic community, research laboratories), nuclear licensees, other government departments, other jurisdictions, international organizations (such as the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Energy Agency), and the general public. This program administers funding from the following transfer payments program: Class Grants and Contributions Program. Safety and Security 5 8 3 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Safe and secure nuclear installations and processes used solely for peaceful purposes and an informed public on the effectiveness of Canada's nuclear regulatory regime. Scientific, Technical, Regulatory and Public Information Scientific and Technical Information This sub-program explains the scientific knowledge basis for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s regulatory positions. This sub-program is related to the research sub-program by using scientific and technical information generated from outside sources (contracts, contribution agreements and grants) as well as inside sources (CNSC staff research and analysis) to provide a reasonable base for the systematic review of existing and new scientific information supporting the regulatory decision-making by the Commission and its delegated authorities. This assessment of scientific information is adapted, customized and translated for use by stakeholders, including the nuclear technical community (such as nuclear safety experts and academia), nuclear licensees, vendors, special interest groups, Aboriginal groups, other government departments, other jurisdictions, international organizations (such as the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Energy Agency), and the general public. Safety and Security 26 36 10 Reallocation of resources across sub-programs to meet changing regulatory oversight demands in the industry sectors.
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 229 247 18
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Canadians have access to a world-class communication system. Canadian Content Creation Compelling Canadian Content Through the conditions it places on broadcasters and distribution undertakings, the CRTC will ensure that Canadians have access to high quality Canadian programming that is supported by strong production values. Canadian drama and comedy programs that reflect our values and attitudes will be compelling to Canadians. Heritage and Culture 61 60 -1
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Canadians have access to a world-class communication system. Canadian Content Creation Diverse Canadian Content As outlined in the Broadcasting Act and through its broadcasting licensing processes and regulatory frameworks, the CRTC will support the creation of diverse Canadian programming that provides a balance of information and entertainment for all Canadians. The CRTC will ensure that Canadian programming is available in both official and minority languages. By providing access to a number of local, regional and national information sources, Canadians will be better informed and therefore more able to actively participate in our democratic society. Heritage and Culture 54 55 1
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Canadians have access to a world-class communication system. Connection to the Communication System Affordable Communication Services The CRTC seeks to ensure that Canadians are able to connect to telephone, internet access, wireless and broadcasting distribution services at rates that are affordable and provide value. The CRTC will assess tariffs provided by service providers, monitor developments in the Communications industry, monitor consumer complaints and provide information to consumers to ensure that Canadians can make informed choices between service providers who offer innovative and affordable packages of services. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 71 63 -8 The actual full time equivalents (FTEs) were less than expected for a total of 8 FTEs. This reduction is attributable to a decrease in salary expenditures, to the benefit of the sub-program Safety-Enhancing Communication Services, and delays in staffing processes resulting in vacant positions over the course of the fiscal year.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Canadians have access to a world-class communication system. Connection to the Communication System Quality communication services Through its regulatory frameworks, the CRTC will ensure that Canadians have a choice of quality communication service providers for telephone, internet access, wireless and broadcasting distribution services. The CRTC will monitor the broadband speeds and network practices of internet service providers to ensure that they meet the expectations of Canadians and are capable of providing Canadians with access to new and innovative services. The CRTC will review and update its regulatory decisions and provide alternative dispute resolution services to ensure all impediments to a competitive marketplace for the delivery of communication services are addressed. As well, the CRTC will continue to develop regulatory frameworks and coordinate the activities of industry groups to provide Canadians with disabilities access to communication services. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 77 70 -7
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Canadians have access to a world-class communication system. Protection within the Communication System Safety-enhancing communication services The CRTC will ensure that the Canadian Communication system provides services that enhance the safety of Canadians. All Canadians will have access to emergency communication services, such as 911 services and public alerting systems. The CRTC will monitor the development of, and broadcaster participation in, the public alert system. In order to ensure that the 911 system remains up to date, the CRTC will review the regulatory framework for next generation 911 systems. Safety and Security 17 19 2 The actual full time equivalents (FTEs) have exceeded initial forecasts by 2 FTEs. This increase is attributable to the reallocation of salary expenditures that had originally been scheduled under the program Connection to the communication system.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Canadians have access to a world-class communication system. Protection within the Communication System Unsolicited commercial communications The CRTC will enhance the privacy and protection of Canadians by promoting compliance with and enforcement of its rules and regulations relating to unsolicited communications, including those related to the National Do Not Call List (DNCL) and Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL). In order to make Canadians more aware of the measures available to protect themselves from unsolicited communications, the CRTC will design public education and outreach activities for the DNCL and CASL. The CRTC will also develop domestic and international partnerships in order to facilitate enforcement activities related to the DNCL and CASL. The CRTC will investigate complaints and take appropriate enforcement actions for both the DNCL and CASL. Safety and Security 66 64 -2
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 119 129 10
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Future Canadian Space Capacity Qualifying and Testing Services This Sub-Program consists of specialized activities and services for the assembly, integration, and testing of space hardware and involves space qualifying technology, sub-units, units or entire spacecraft developed by Canadian academic institutions, Government of Canada (GoC) organizations, and industry, as well as international partners and clients. This Sub-Program is necessary to ensure that mission-assigned technology and entire systems can safely and reliably meet the rigors of space and to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of new Canadian space technology for providing valuable contributions to space missions. This provides an effective base for increasing Canada’s capability to participate in future space programs. This Sub-Program is delivered by the CSA’s David Florida Laboratory on a fee-for-service basis. Research and Development 33.8 34.59 0.79
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Future Canadian Space Capacity Space Expertise and Proficiency This Sub-Program includes the development and enhancement of Canada’s space capacity. This Sub-Program supports research in private or public organizations and sustains the development of highly qualified personnel in science and engineering. We encourage scientifics and engineers to perform relevant development activities in space science and technology, and to develop their know-how by offering them financial support to sustain their research project and access to infrastructure devoted to world class research and training, among which fast execution and small size missions offer frequent flight opportunity. This Sub-Program is necessary to create and sustain a pool of space expertise and proficiency that will form the next generation of space professionals and workers and to provide solutions for future Canadian space endeavours. This Sub-Program is delivered with the participation of funding agencies, Government of Canada (GoC) organizations, foreign space agencies and not-for-profit organizations. This collaborative effort is formalized under national and international partnership agreements or contracts. This Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning. Research and Development 38.6 46.89 8.29 The variance of 8.3 FTEs  is mainly attributed to the following: (1) the creation of the Project Management office; (2) the transfer of the Exploration rover program from SE to SST; (3) the increased portfolio of the Science & Technology Expertise Development in Academia (STEDiA) program; and (4) the recruitment of junior engineers.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Future Canadian Space Capacity Space Innovation and Market Access Enabling Technology Development This Sub-Sub-Program consists of technology development and demonstration activities that contribute to maintaining or developing a technological edge in promising fields, such as switches, batteries, launchers, antennas, solar panels, etc. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary as the enabling (generic) technology developed reduces costs and technological risks on multiple mission types, enhances the efficiency or performance of already established space solutions, and facilitates the commercialization of new products through innovation. This Sub-Sub-Program is performed with industry and is formalized under contracts. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning. Research and Development 17 20.55 3.55 The variance of 3.55 FTEs is mainly attributable to additional funds allocated to the Space Technology Development Program (STDP) following the amendment of contracts previously awarded.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Future Canadian Space Capacity Space Innovation and Market Access International Market Access This Sub-Sub-Program consists of facilitating foreign market access by the Canadian space industry through negotiating, implementing and managing special international arrangements. For example, in return for Canadian Space Agency (CSA) monetary contributions to the European Space Agency (ESA) under the long-lasting ESA-Canada Agreement, Canadian industry obtains some of the contracts awarded by ESA; thus penetrating a market that would otherwise be limited to Europeans. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary as it results in increased access to foreign government market share for Canadian industry. This Sub-Sub-Program is delivered through concluding international agreements, trade measures, or other mutually beneficial arrangements that create a favourable political or trade environment that facilitates access to global markets. This Sub-Sub Program is funded through the European Space Agency Contributions program Research and Development 2.2 3.84 1.64 The variance of 1.6 FTEs is mainly the result of additional resources reallocated from sub-sub-program Advanced Exploration Technology Development to sub-sub-program  International Market Access in order to improve efficiency and program results in the future.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Data, Information and Services Earth Orbit Satellite Missions and Technology Communications Missions This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses the definition, design, technology development, and implementation of Earth orbit satellites dedicated to delivering continuous communications, including Navigation, Positioning and Timing (NPT) services. This Sub-Sub-Program serves continuous operations and is necessary to provide pertinent communications and NPT services that assist Government of Canada (GoC) organizations in the delivery of their mandate, particularly those locating and monitoring vehicle or ship signals, those dealing with remote communities or those managing other key national priorities, such as sovereignty, defence, safety and security. This Sub-Sub-Program is delivered in collaboration with GoC organizations, along with the participation of Canadian industry, academia and foreign space agencies. This collaborative effort is formalized under contracts, and partnership agreements with national, public/private and international organizations. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning. Government Operations 7.3 6.9 -0.4
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Data, Information and Services Earth Orbit Satellite Missions and Technology Earth Observation Missions This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses the definition, design, technology development, and implementation of Earth orbit satellites dedicated to producing data, information or imagery of Earth and its atmosphere, ranging from its sub-surface to its upper atmospheric layers, including space surveillance for asteroids, earth orbiting objects and space debris. This Sub-Sub-Program serves continuous operations and is necessary to produce pertinent Earth Observation data and imagery that assist with the mandate delivery of Government of Canada (GoC) organizations that deal especially with key national priorities, such as environment, climate change, weather, natural resources, sovereignty, defence, safety and security. It also provides academia with data required for its research. This Sub-Sub-Program is delivered in collaboration with GoC organizations, along with the participation of Canadian industry, academia and foreign space agencies. This collaborative effort is formalized under contracts and partnership agreements with national, public/private and international organizations. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning. Government Operations 68.7 66.3 -2.4
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Data, Information and Services Earth Orbit Satellite Missions and Technology Scientific Missions This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses the definition, design, technology development, and implementation of Earth orbit satellites dedicated to producing scientific data and information for research performed by Government of Canada (GoC) organizations or academia. Examples of this research are those pertaining to climate processes and space weather (solar winds and their interaction with the Earth’s magnetic field). This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to produce pertinent scientific data and information that allow GoC organizations to mitigate damage or avoid the disabling of critical ground and space infrastructure, such as pipelines, electricity networks and satellites that can sustain damage from the effects of solar winds. In addition, with their enhanced understanding of climate processes and the improved models made possible through this Sub-Sub-Program, GoC organizations are better able to provide weather and climate forecasting. Academia also uses the data and information produced through this Sub-Sub-Program to perform their own research. This Sub-Sub-Program is delivered in collaboration with GoC organizations, along with the participation of Canadian industry, academia and foreign space agencies. This collaborative effort is formalized under contracts and partnership agreements with national, public/private and international organizations. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning. Government Operations 1.7 3.04 1.34 The variance of 1.34 FTE between planned and actuals is explained by the reallocation of FTEs planned under the sub sub-program  Earth Observation Missions  to the to  sub-sub-program  Scientific Missions.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Data, Information and Services Ground Infrastructure Data Handling This Sub-Sub-Program includes a coordinated national approach to determine optimal station locations and space data handling. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary for the planning and tasking of data acquisition, as well as the capture, calibration, cataloguing, archiving and availability of space data received from domestic or foreign satellites to assist Government of Canada (GoC) organizations in delivering their mandate. Data handling operations are mostly conducted with Canadian Space Agency (CSA) equipment, located in its ground facilities. In some instances, formal arrangements can be concluded between CSA, GoC organizations or international partners to use another party’s equipment located within its facilities. This Sub-Sub-Program is delivered with the participation of Canadian industry, foreign space agencies and GoC organizations. This collaborative effort is formalized under contracts and partnership agreements with national, public/private and international organizations. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning. Government Operations 4.7 2.3 -2.4 The variance of 2.4 FTEs between planned and actuals is mainly explained by the reallocation of resources planned under  sub sub-program   Data Handling to  sub-sub-program  Satellite Operations for RADARSAT-2 and RADARSAT-1.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Data, Information and Services Ground Infrastructure Satellite Operations This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses the Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C) of Canadian satellites or of foreign satellites when such services are required from Canadian stations. It also includes the development, installation and use of ground infrastructure that processes the data and operates satellites. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to render orbiting satellites functional. The operations of Canadian Space Agency (CSA) satellites are mostly conducted with CSA equipment located in Canada. In some instances, formal arrangements can be concluded between CSA, Canadian industry, Government of Canada (GoC) organizations or international partners to operate one party’s satellites using another party’s equipment. Those arrangements can also provide for the location of one party’s equipment in another party’s facilities. Government Operations 14.7 14.93 0.23
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Data, Information and Services Space Data, Imagery and Services Utilization Development Communications Services Utilization This Sub-Sub-Program develops the utilization of space communications, including Navigation, Positioning and Timing (NPT) services available through Canadian and foreign satellites. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to broaden the applicability of currently available communications services (optimization) or to create new ones (innovation) for Government of Canada (GoC) organizations. This Sub-Sub-Program engages the participation of the Canadian space industry and is formalized under contracts and partnership agreements with national, public/private and international organizations. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning. Government Operations 0.5 1.57 1.07 The variance of 1.07  FTE is due to internal reallocations between  sub-sub-program Earth Observation Data and sub-sub-program Imagery Utilization and Communications Services Utilization in order to present S-AIS data applications activities under the appropriate program.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Data, Information and Services Space Data, Imagery and Services Utilization Development Earth Observation Data and Imagery Utilization This Sub-Sub-Program develops the utilization of Earth observation imagery and atmospheric data acquired from Canadian and foreign space assets, ranging from its subsurface to its upper atmospheric layers. This also applies  to weather and climate imagery. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to broaden the applicability of currently available Earth observation space products and services (optimization) or to create new ones (innovation) for the user community (Government of Canada [GoC]  organizations and academia). This Sub-Sub-Program engages the participation of the Canadian Space Industry and academia and is formalized under contracts and partnership agreements with national, public/private and international organizations. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning. Government Operations 5.3 8.21 2.91 The variance of 2.9 FTEs is mainly the result of additional resources of 1.05 FTEs for the management of the EOADP and 2 FTEs for an additional SOAR activity created after the publication of the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP).
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Data, Information and Services Space Data, Imagery and Services Utilization Development Scientific Data Utilization This Sub-Sub-Program develops the utilization and validates the quality of Canadian and foreign space-based scientific data and derived information that address science questions, such as those related to our understanding of the Earth’s climate system and magnetic field (magnetosphere). This Sub-Sub-Program involves the collaboration of Canadian scientists from Government of Canada (GoC) organizations and academia. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to broaden the applicability of currently available space scientific data (optimization) or to create new ones (innovation) for GoC organizations and academia, especially in weather forecasts, climate change and space weather. This Sub-Sub-Program engages the participation of the Canadian space industry, academia and GoC organizations scientists, and is formalized under contracts and partnership agreements with national, public/private and international organizations. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning. Government Operations 0.2 1.39 1.19 The variance of 1.19 FTE is due to two new initiatives approved in February 2016 after the 2016–17 ARLU exercise, which are the Earth Systems Science and the Solar-Terrestrial Science Announcements of Opportunity.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Exploration Exploration Missions and Technology Advanced Exploration Technology Development This Sub-Sub-Program includes the development of advanced Canadian signature technologies to be used in potential astronomy and planetary missions that could be destined for the Moon, Mars, asteroids or other celestial bodies. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to shape or determine the nature of Canada’s contribution to potential international exploration and astronomy missions and could lead to spin-offs. In addition, the Sub-Sub-Program includes terrestrial deployments in analogue sites that offer geological similarities with Martian or Lunar surfaces, where this technology and its operational aspects are being tested and where exploration-related science is conducted for proof of concepts. This Sub-Sub-Program is performed in collaboration with foreign space agencies and Government of Canada (GoC) organizations and through the Canadian Space Agency participation in international groups, such as the International Space Exploration Coordination Group. This collaborative effort takes shape under contracts and/or international partnership agreements. Research and Development 41.1 29.13 -11.97 The variance of 12 FTEs is mainly due to internal reallocations from  sub-sub-program Advanced Exploration Technology Development to  sub-program Space Innovation and Market Access in order to improve efficiency and program results in the future.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Exploration Exploration Missions and Technology Planetary Missions This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses the definition, design, technology development, implementation and use of Canadian scientific instruments and signature technologies made available to international exploration missions. The Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to reach exploration destinations such as planets and asteroids or new exploration platforms to conduct planetary science investigations, to generate data and new knowledge and to conduct engineering and/or planetary resource management activities. This Sub-Sub-Program is performed in collaboration with the international space exploration community, Government of Canada (GoC) organizations and foreign space agencies. This collaborative effort takes shape under contracts and/or international partnership agreements. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning. Research and Development 6.1 6.4 0.3
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Exploration Exploration Missions and Technology Space Astronomy Missions This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses the definition, design, technology development, implementation and use of Canadian scientific instruments and signature technologies made available to Canadian and international space astronomy missions. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to perform space astronomy investigations and generate data and new knowledge about the universe. This Sub-Sub-Program is performed in collaboration with foreign space agencies, Government of Canada (GoC) organizations and through consultations with the Canadian astronomical community. This collaborative effort takes shape under contracts and/or international partnership agreements. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning. Research and Development 4.4 3.66 -0.74 The variance of 0.74 FTE  is mainly due to delays in staffing activities. A corporate staffing action plan is underway.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Exploration Human Space Missions and Support Astronaut Training and Missions This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses activities associated with all phases of an astronaut career from recruitment to retirement, including space missions. This Sub-Sub-Program includes the management of National Astronaut Recruitment Campaigns; the implementation of individualized astronaut career management plan; the implementation of basic, advanced and mission-specific training; collateral duties assignment; space mission negotiations and assignment; as well as all the logistical, administrative and operational support activities in the pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight periods.  This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to live and work in a space environment and in order to further our understanding of human behaviour and health in space, and to conduct experiments and collect space-based scientific data useful to the science community. This Sub-Sub-Program is performed with Government of Canada (GoC) organizations and foreign space agencies. This collaborative effort is formalized under contracts or international partnership agreements. Research and Development 7 18.41 11.41 The variance of 11.4 FTEs is the result of the reallocation of resources from different CSA sectors for the Astronaut Recruitment Campaign that was announced after the planned FTEs were published in the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP).
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Exploration Human Space Missions and Support Health and Life Sciences This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses space medicine and life sciences activities that explore health care delivery and life sustainability solutions on future long-duration exploration missions. These benefits are targeted at the space exploration community, mainly academia and partnering agencies. This Sub-Sub-Program develops collaborative projects with academia and industry. It uses analog sites that offer relevant similarities with the harsh environment of space, and where exploration-related health and life science studies are conducted. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to identify, understand, mitigate or eliminate health risks associated with human space flights, and to understand and address the needs of humans during those missions. The solutions could also be offered as alternative healthcare applications for terrestrial benefits through the transfer of space technology. This Sub-Sub-Program is performed with Government of Canada (GoC) organizations and foreign space agencies. This collaborative effort is formalized under contracts or international partnership agreements. This Sub Sub Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning. Research and Development 3.5 7.72 4.22 The variance of 4.2 FTE is due to a reallocation between sub-sub-program Advanced Exploration Technology Development and  sub-sub-program Health and Life Sciences related to the development of an advanced crew medical system for future distant space missions.
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Exploration Human Space Missions and Support Operational Space Medicine This Sub-Sub-Program delivers operational and clinical healthcare activities during all phases of basic, advanced and mission-specific training as well as during the pre-flight, in-flight and post-flight periods. It also promotes and ensures the physical, mental, social well-being and safety of Canadian astronauts. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to ascertain the overall health of Canadian astronauts and to monitor long-term health status. This Sub-Sub-Program is performed with Government of Canada (GoC) organizations and foreign space agencies. This collaborative effort is formalized under contracts or international partnership agreements. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to Support Research, Awareness and Learning. Research and Development 3.5 1.88 -1.62 The variance of 1.6 FTEs is the result of the reallocation of resources for the Astronaut Recruitment Campaign that was announced after the planned FTEs were published in the 2016–17 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP).
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Exploration International Space Station (ISS) International Space Station Assembly and Maintenance Operations This Sub-Sub-Program includes the provision and operation of the Canadian Mobile Servicing System (MSS), composed of three Canadian robots - Canadarm2, Dextre and the Mobile Base System. MSS operations and maintenance services are conducted by Canadian or foreign astronauts on board the International Space Station (ISS) and by ground controllers and engineers located in established facilities at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) - Johnson Space Center. This Sub-Sub-Program also includes the provision of specialized MSS training, systems engineering and software services, flight procedures development as well as the facility infrastructure necessary to operate the MSS through its life cycle. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary to fulfill Canada’s ongoing commitment to the international partnership to assemble and maintain the ISS, a legally binding obligation under the Canadian Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act. Research and Development 78.4 71.59 -6.81
Canadian Space Agency Canada's exploration of space, provision of space services and development of its space capacity meet the nation's needs for scientific knowledge, innovation and information. Space Exploration International Space Station (ISS) International Space Station Utilization This Sub-Sub-Program encompasses the implementation of scientific, operational, medical and technological studies in specific areas, such as life sciences, radiation, material or fluid sciences, to be conducted aboard the International Space Station (ISS) by Government of Canada (GoC) organizations, academia or the private sector. The ISS offers said organizations the advantages of an orbiting platform with human presence and prolonged microgravity exposure. This Sub-Sub-Program is necessary for testing novel technologies and conducting scientific studies in the unique environment of the ISS, leading to a better understanding of long-duration space missions and to potential terrestrial benefits. This Sub-Sub-Program is performed in collaboration with GoC organizations and foreign space agencies. This collaborative effort is captured under contracts and/or international partnership agreements. This Sub-Sub-Program is also funded through the Class Grant and Contribution Program to support Research, Awareness and Learning. Research and Development 16.6 12.29 -4.31 The variance of 4.3 FTEs is due to revised cash flow reallocation.
Canadian Space Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 263.7 252.37 -11.33
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Independent investigations into transportation occurrences contribute to making the transportation system safer. Aviation Occurrence Investigations The Aviation Occurrence Investigations program is governed by the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act, the Transportation Safety Board Regulations, and Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Under this program, the TSB conducts independent investigations into selected aviation transportation occurrences in, or over Canada, and in certain circumstances internationally, to identify causes and contributing factors. This program includes the publication of investigation reports, the formulation and monitoring of recommendations and other safety communications, as well as the conduct of outreach activities to advocate for changes to operating practices, equipment, infrastructure, and legislation to advance transportation safety. The Aviation Occurrence Investigations program also includes the fulfillment of specific Government of Canada obligations related to transportation safety under conventions of the International Civil Aviation Organization and other international agreements. Safety and Security 89 89 0
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Independent investigations into transportation occurrences contribute to making the transportation system safer. Marine Occurrence Investigations The Marine Occurrence Investigations program is governed by the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act, the Transportation Safety Board Regulations, and the Casualty Investigation Code of the International Maritime Organization. Under this program, the TSB conducts independent investigations into selected marine transportation occurrences in Canada, and in certain circumstances internationally to identify causes and contributing factors. This program includes the publication of investigation reports, the formulation and monitoring of recommendations and other safety communications, as well as the conduct of outreach activities to advocate for changes to operating practices, equipment, infrastructure, and legislation to advance transportation safety. The Marine Occurrence Investigations program also includes the fulfillment of specific Government of Canada’s obligations related to transportation safety under conventions of the International Maritime Organization and other international agreements. Safety and Security 37 36 -1
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Independent investigations into transportation occurrences contribute to making the transportation system safer. Pipeline Occurrence Investigations The Pipeline Occurrence Investigations program is governed by the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and the Transportation Safety Board Regulations. Under this program, the TSB conducts independent investigations into selected pipeline occurrences under federal jurisdiction within Canada to identify causes and contributing factors. This program includes the publication of investigation reports, the formulation and monitoring of recommendations and other safety communications, as well as the conduct of outreach activities to advocate for changes to operating practices, equipment, infrastructure, and legislation to advance transportation safety. Safety and Security 3 3 0
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Independent investigations into transportation occurrences contribute to making the transportation system safer. Rail Occurrence Investigations The Rail Occurrence Investigations program is governed by the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and the Transportation Safety Board Regulations. Under this program, the TSB conducts independent investigations into selected rail transportation occurrences in Canada to identify causes and contributing factors. This program includes the publication of investigation reports, the formulation and monitoring of recommendations and other safety communications, as well as the conduct of outreach activities to advocate for changes to operating practices, equipment, infrastructure, and legislation to advance transportation safety. The Rail Occurrence Investigations program also includes the provision of assistance, upon request, to the provinces for the investigation of short-line railway occurrences under provincial jurisdiction. Safety and Security 40 40 0
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 51 46 -5
Canadian Transportation Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 57 58 1
Canadian Transportation Agency Transparent, fair and timely dispute resolution and economic regulation of the national transportation system. Adjudication and Alternative Dispute Resolution The Agency provides formal and informal dispute resolution services to users, service providers and others affected by the federal transportation network, including facilitation, mediation, arbitration, and adjudication. As a quasi-judicial tribunal, the Agency has the authority to issue adjudicative decisions and orders on matters within its jurisdiction over federal rail, air and marine modes of transportation and, in respect of the Agency’s accessibility mandate, extra-provincial bus operations. It resolves disputes between: air travellers and air carriers regarding terms and conditions of air carriage; persons with disabilities and service providers regarding undue obstacles to the mobility of such persons within the federal transportation network; rail shippers, railway companies, and those affected by railway service regarding level of service; shippers and railway companies when they are unable to negotiate level of service agreements; municipalities, provinces and road authorities regarding crossings and firefighting expenses, landowners and railways regarding rail infrastructure; railways and individuals or communities affected by rail noise and vibration; public passenger service providers and railway companies regarding conditions or amounts to be paid for the use of railways, land, equipment, facilities or services; Canadian ship owners and other interested persons regarding coasting trade and pilotage and port authorities regarding charges for pilotage services or port fees. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 75 72 -3
Canadian Transportation Agency Transparent, fair and timely dispute resolution and economic regulation of the national transportation system. Economic Regulation The Agency supports an efficient and accessible federal transportation system for users, service providers and other stakeholders through economic regulation of federal air, rail and marine transportation. It acts as the regulator of air transportation by enforcing the Canada Transportation Act and related regulations, administering a licensing and charter permit system, authorizing code share and wet lease arrangements, supporting the negotiation of air bilateral agreements, and ensuring that terms and conditions of carriage of air carriers are consistent with Canadian legislation. It develops regulations and codes of practice to remove undue obstacles to the mobility of persons with disabilities from the federal transportation network. It regulates rail transportation by issuing certificates of fitness and enforcing compliance with minimum insurance requirements consistent with Canadian legislation and regulations. It determines railway costs, approves rail line construction, oversees the discontinuance of service, establishes the net salvage value of rail lines, and determines interswitching rates and the maximum revenue entitlement for the movement of Western grain. It acts as an economic regulator in marine transportation by determining whether suitable Canadian vessels are available when applications are made to use foreign vessels. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 98 90 -8
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Confidence in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Civilian Review of Royal Canadian Mounted Police members' conduct in the performance of their duties The Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP (CRCC) is an independent agency created by Parliament to provide fair and independent civilian review of RCMP members’ conduct in the performance of their duties. The CRCC accomplishes this by receiving complaints from the public about the conduct of RCMP members and monitoring the RCMP’s investigations of such complaints. Where a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the RCMP’s response to a complaint, a request can be made to the CRCC for an independent review of the members’ conduct and the RCMP’s handling of the matter. In reviewing complaints, the CRCC may find that it is satisfied with the RCMP’s handling of the complaint or it may make findings and recommendations to the RCMP Commissioner and the Minister of Public Safety with respect to matters addressed in the complaint. The CRCC also conducts reviews of specified RCMP activities, reports to provinces which contract RCMP services, conducts research, program outreach and public education, and provides independent observers to investigations of serious incidents involving RCMP members. Safety and Security 44 43 -1
Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 23 19 -4
Copyright Board Fair decision-making to provide proper incentives for the creation and use of copyrighted works. Copyright Tariff Setting and Issuance of Licences The Board is an economic regulatory body empowered to establish, either mandatorily or at the request of an interested party, fair and equitable tariffs that remunerate rights owners for the use of copyrighted works, when the administration of such copyright is entrusted to a collective-administration society. The Board also has the right to supervise agreements between users and licensing bodies and issues licences when the copyright owner cannot be located. Research and Development 15 14 -1
Copyright Board The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 3 2 -1
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Community Supervision Community Health Services The Community Health Services Program contributes to public safety by facilitating access to essential health services for offenders residing in a Community Correctional Centre. CSC pays, on a fee-for-service basis, the costs associated with essential health services for non-insured offenders in the community. In addition, as part of its Mental Health Strategy, CSC provides, during conditional release, mental health services to offenders with significant mental health challenges, including psychological services pursuant to Parole Board of Canada conditions; as well as facilitates access to community services to support rehabilitation and successful reintegration. Key activities include providing discharge planning services to ensure continuity of support, mental health services to address mental health needs (e.g., crisis intervention and counselling), and links to community agencies. Safety and Security 104.92 105.52 0.6
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Community Supervision Community Management and Security The Community Management and Security Program contributes to public safety by supervising and managing offenders in the community, and by gathering, analyzing, and sharing intelligence. Key activities include supervising offenders, updating correctional plans, the Community Staff Safety Program, Electronic Monitoring of offenders, the National Centralized after hours Duty Office, the After Hours Victim Notification Program and the Correctional Service of Canada Tip Line program. Safety and Security 112.72 117.24 4.52
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Community Supervision Community-based Residential Facilities Community Correctional Centres The Community Correctional Centres program contributes to public safety by managing federally-operated community-based residential facilities that provide a 24-hour structured living environment for the purpose of safely reintegrating offenders into the community. Community Correctional Centres accommodate offenders under federal jurisdiction who have been released to the community on unescorted temporary absences, day parole, full parole, work releases, statutory release, as well as those subject to Long-Term Supervision Orders. Safety and Security 4.29 2.69 -1.6 Less Full Time Employees were required for the administration of this program
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Community Supervision Community-based Residential Facilities Community Residential Facilities The Community Residential Facilities Program contributes to public safety by providing accommodation for offenders in what are commonly known as “halfway houses” as well as Hostels, Private Home Placements and Treatment Centres. Community Residential Facilities are operated by non-profit community-based agencies under contract with CSC and promote the successful reintegration of offenders into the community. Key activities include providing supervision, intervention, support, monitoring and accommodation for offenders on release. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions CORCAN Employment and Employability The CORCAN Employment and Employability Program contributes to public safety by helping offenders develop and enhance their employment skills to meet the specific demands of the labour market, thereby improving their chances of employment and safe release into the community. Key activities include employment training and career planning programs for inmates as well as employment and job placement services for offenders after release. The program, which includes CORCAN and other employment and employability initiatives, is designed to allow offenders to acquire skills and develop the pro-social attitudes and behaviours that are valued by employers, which represents a key part of CSC’s efforts to actively support offenders to become law-abiding citizens. Safety and Security 489.91 511.82 21.91
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Community Engagement The Community Engagement Program contributes to public safety through citizen engagement by developing and maintaining relationships with participants, partners, stakeholders and Canadian communities and provides voluntary client-centered services focused on restorative justice and victim services that further contribute to the federal correctional process in areas including meaningful accountability, meeting victims needs, and the reintegration of offenders. Key activities include raising public awareness to improve confidence in federal corrections; providing/receiving information to/from victims; providing opportunities for and delivering victim-offender mediation services to address serious crime nationally, developing and maintaining partnership agreements; creating collaborative working relationships with diverse segments of the community, non-governmental agencies and other government departments; providing leadership to the volunteer program, engaging in restorative justice initiatives; and supporting ongoing activities that promote the successful reintegration of offenders into the community. Safety and Security 82.5 81.44 -1.06
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Correctional Reintegration Program Correctional Program Maintenance The Correctional Program Maintenance Program includes nationally recognized correctional programs designed to support offenders to continue to make changes and maintain skills learned through their participation in correctional programming. These programs are delivered to offenders in the institution and in the community. Key activities include providing support to offenders to maintain and apply the skills that they learned in other correctional programs in order to monitor and cope with daily challenges. Safety and Security 105.49 122.02 16.53 Correctional Program Maintenance is a new Program Activity Architecture program in 2016-17 and in-year adjustments were required to address operational requirements.
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Correctional Reintegration Program Correctional Program Readiness The Correctional Program Readiness Program includes nationally recognized programs that prepare and motivate offenders to address risk factors related to offending. Key activities include identification of problematic behavior, providing motivational support to offenders, and preparing offenders to address their risk factors. Safety and Security 15.14 89.12 73.98 Correctional Program Readiness is a new Program Activity Architecture program in 2016-17 and in-year adjustments were required to address operational requirements.
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Correctional Reintegration Program Correctional Programs Correctional Programs include nationally recognized correctional programs to specifically address risk factors related to offending at intensity levels commensurate to offenders’ risk and needs. Key activities include teaching offenders skills that will help reduce their problematic behaviour and assisting offenders to change pro-criminal attitudes and beliefs, manage themselves, set goals, solve problems, and develop healthy interpersonal relationships and coping skills. Safety and Security 677.55 597.6 -79.95 Correctional Programs is a new Program Activity Architecture  program in 2016-17 and in-year adjustments were required to address operational requirements.
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Offender Case Management The Offender Case Management program contributes to public safety through a dynamic process that includes interventions to assess, guide, and support offenders throughout their sentences. Key activities include sentence management, intake assessment, penitentiary placement, offender personal development, transfers, the development and management of correctional plans, and institutional and community supervision. Safety and Security 2291.38 2266.42 -24.96
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Offender Education The Offender Education Program contributes to public safety through interventions designed to provide offenders with basic literacy, academic, and personal development skills thereby improving their capacity to effectively participate in correctional programs. It also offers them an opportunity to improve their education qualifications, increasing their likelihood of successfully reintegrating into the community. Key activities include the implementation, delivery and management of education programs. Safety and Security 134.95 162.33 27.38 Correctionnal Service of Canada has been transitioning from a contract-based educational service to the employment of certified teachers, resulting in the permanent hiring of educational staff.
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Social Program The Social Program contributes to public safety by providing a combination of structured and unstructured interventions and activities designed to prepare offenders for reintegration into the community as law-abiding citizens.The program encourages offenders to adopt pro-social lifestyles and contributes to a meaningful use of time by providing basic life skills. It provides offenders with opportunities to learn and practice social skills, necessary for personal and social development, and increases offenders’ awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, which assists them to overcome possible roadblocks to reintegration. Key activities include community integration program, social integration program for women, recreation and leisure activities, hobby crafts, self-help, life skills training, social and cultural activities, and community contact opportunities. Safety and Security 210.27 207.66 -2.61
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Spiritual Services Chaplaincy The Chaplaincy Program contributes to public safety by providing opportunities for offenders to examine their behaviours and decisions and discover new ways of living in the context of their faith practice. This can help offenders find greater wholeness and accept responsibility for their actions, which in turn contributes to their safe reintegration into Canadian communities. The right of offenders to practice their religion is guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and other legislation. Chaplaincy ensures that offenders of all traditions are offered opportunities to practice their faith. Key activities include the development, implementation, delivery, and management of religious and spiritual activities, which includes volunteer and other community resources. Safety and Security 15.57 15.07 -0.5
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Correctional Interventions Spiritual Services Elder Services The Elder Services Program contributes to public safety through the counselling, teachings and ceremonial services provided to First nations, Métis and Inuit men and women offenders who are following a traditional healing path. Elder services also include the provision of spiritual support and advice to the institutional Head regarding ceremonies and offenders’ access to ceremonial objects or traditional medicines within the institution. Key activities include counseling, providing spiritual and cultural teachings to First Nations, Métis and Inuit offenders; delivering ceremonial services and establishing and maintaining partnerships to help offenders reintegrate and live in the community as law-abiding citizens. Safety and Security 4.19 3.93 -0.26
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Custody Institutional Health Services Clinical and Public Health Services The Clinical and Public Health Services Program contributes to public safety by providing essential health care in accordance with professionally accepted standards. Key activities across the continuum of care include disease prevention and control, health promotion, screening, assessment and treatment, hospital care, referral to medical specialists,pharmacy services and release planning. Safety and Security 721.88 715.15 -6.73
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Custody Institutional Health Services Mental Health Services The Mental Health Services Program contributes to public safety by providing inmates with essential mental health care and reasonable access to non-essential mental health care in accordance with professionally accepted standards. These services are delivered from intake to release, while considering the needs of vulnerable populations. The continuum of care is reflected through CSC’s comprehensive Mental Health Strategy which is consistent with the five pillars of the Government of Canada’s Mental Health Action Plan for Federal Offenders to address complex mental health needs, namely: timely assessment; effective management; sound intervention; ongoing training and development; as well as robust governance and oversight. Key activities include mental health screening at intake, primary mental health care in institutions, intermediate mental health care at Regional Treatment Centres and some institutions, psychiatric hospital care at Regional Treatment Centres; as well as release preparation and transitional care for release to the community. Safety and Security 598.52 609.14 10.62
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Custody Institutional Management and Support The Institutional Management and Support Program contributes to public safety through the day-to-day management of operational activities and institutional services for offenders in custody. Key activities include administering, operating and maintaining institutions; establishing operational processes and procedures; managing allocated financial and human resources; directing and overseeing the delivery of integrated correctional operations; monitoring the effectiveness of institutional security activities; considering threats, risks, vulnerabilities and physical security requirements and controls; managing the intelligence function for institutions; ensuring coordination across the criminal justice system; providing a safe environment for staff and inmates; and making decisions and recommendations related to offenders within delegated authorities. Safety and Security 945.96 938.24 -7.72
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Custody Institutional Security Drug Interdiction The Drug Interdiction Program contributes to public safety through the development, implementation, and coordination of activities included in Correctional Service Canada’s National Drug Strategy. This is done to ensure a safe, drug-free institutional environment for inmates, which is a fundamental condition for their successful reintegration into society as law-abiding citizens. Key activities include assessing risk related to drug use and trafficking, detecting and deterring drug use and/or trafficking of drugs, using security services such as urinalysis, drug detector dogs, ion mobility spectrometry, and other services or devices, and reviewing the imposition of administrative measures. Safety and Security 93.33 92.33 -1
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Custody Institutional Security Intelligence and Supervision The Intelligence and Supervision Program contributes to public safety through the provision of security and the gathering, analysis, and sharing of intelligence. This is done by identifying and managing illegal activities and threats to security for offenders in institutions and in the community in conjunction and cooperation with external partner agencies. Key activities include gathering and sharing information and intelligence to prevent security incidents, eradicate illegal activity and support the case management process; continually assessing threats and risks to identify and mitigate internal and external threats to the safety of individuals (inmates, staff and public) and institutions; collaborating, liaising and sharing information with justice partners both domestically and internationally; identifying and managing security threat groups; and preventing, intercepting, and eliminating illegal or threatening activities. Safety and Security 6959.76 6699.87 -259.89
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Custody Institutional Services Accommodation Services The Accommodation Services Program contributes to public safety through maintenance and repair of institutional buildings/structures, vehicles, and lands as well as related basic services for offenders. This is done so that institutions can meet their operational requirements including the provision of safe and clean living and working conditions for staff and for offenders in custody. Key activities include the provision of basic necessities to offenders, technical support, housekeeping, clothing and cell furnishings, laundry services, engineering services, environmental services, waste management, electrical, water and sewage, heating/co-generation of power, plumbing, fire protection, motor vehicle maintenance and operations, carpentry, masonry, painting, welding and millwright, general labour, general maintenance, and landscaping. Safety and Security 984.97 962.48 -22.49
Correctional Service of Canada The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in communities and in institutions, contribute to public safety. Custody Institutional Services Food Services The Food Services Program contributes to public safety by providing nutritionally balanced meals to offenders in institutions. Meal preparation is based on appropriate nutrition standards for Canadians such as Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide. The program meets the needs of offenders requiring specific diets for their faith or for therapeutic reasons. Key activities include setting the overall policy direction for the delivery of food services; monitoring food services activities to ensure adherence to standards; ensuring all activities related to the ordering, storage, preparation and service of food and disposal of waste meet food safety standards; and planning for food service within the established budget. Safety and Security 414.18 415.76 1.58
Correctional Service of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 2627.46 2505.29 -122.17
Courts Administration Service The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 160 165 5
Courts Administration Service The public has timely and fair access to the litigation processes of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada. Judicial Services The Judicial Services program provides legal services and judicial administrative support to assist members of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada in the discharge of their judicial functions. These services are provided by legal counsel, judicial administrators, law clerks, jurilinguists, judicial assistants, library personnel, and court attendants, under the direction of the four Chief Justices. Democratic Institutions 191 182 -9
Courts Administration Service The public has timely and fair access to the litigation processes of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada. Registry Services Registry Services are delivered under the jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada and the Tax Court of Canada. The registries process legal documents; provide information to litigants on court procedures; maintain court records, participate in court hearings, support and assist in the enforcement of court orders, and work closely with the Offices of the four Chief Justices to ensure that matters are heard, and decisions are rendered in a timely manner. Registry Services are offered in every province and territory through a network of permanent offices, and agreements with provincial and territorial partners. Democratic Institutions 291 290 -1
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Business Risk Management AgriInsurance AgriInsurance helps producers minimize the economic impacts of production losses caused by adverse weather, diseases and other specified perils. AgriInsurance is a program that uses premiums to fund liabilities. The premiums are cost shared between the federal government, provincial governments and producers. The commodities covered vary by province and continue to expand. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (Statutory) Contribution payments for the AgriInsurance program. Economic Development 20 21 1
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Business Risk Management AgriInvest AgriInvest helps producers manage income declines, and provides support for investments to mitigate risks or improve market income. Producers’ AgriInvest accounts build as they make annual deposits based on a percentage of their Allowable Net Sales and receive matching contributions from federal, and provincial or territorial governments. AgriInvest is cost shared 60:40 by federal, and provincial or territorial governments. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (Statutory) Grant payments for the AgriInvest program and (Statutory) Contribution payments for the AgriInvest program. Economic Development 125 132 7
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Business Risk Management AgriRecovery AgriRecovery is a disaster-relief framework that allows federal, provincial and territorial governments to work together on a case-by-case basis to assess natural disasters (for example, extreme weather, disease, pests, et cetera) affecting Canadian farmers and respond with targeted, disaster-specific programming when assistance is needed beyond existing programming (AgriStability, AgriInvest, AgriInsurance, Canadian Food Inspection Agency compensation, et cetera). The aim of AgriRecovery is to provide affected producers with assistance to help them take action to mitigate the impacts of the disaster and/or resume business operations as quickly as possible following a disaster event. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (Statutory) Contribution payments for the Agricultural Disaster Relief program/AgriRecovery. Economic Development 11 10 -1
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Business Risk Management AgriRisk Initiatives The AgriRisk Initiatives program provides financial and technical assistance to private-sector or industry-led projects to research, develop, implement, and deliver new risk management tools, including insurance-based products. The objective of the program is to increase producers’ ability to address the risks they face by facilitating the development and adoption of agricultural risk management tools. Research and development projects receive federal-only funding for implementation and delivery projects are cost shared with provinces or territories. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grant payments for the AgriRisk Initiatives program and Contributions for the AgriRisk Initiatives program. Economic Development 7 8 1 Actual full-time equivalents were higher than planned as it reflects a reallocation of full-time equivalents within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to better manage operational work load, taking into account the increased operational tempo driven by the emerging priorities, including Growing Forward 2 program initiatives.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Business Risk Management AgriStability AgriStability provides support when producers experience large margin declines. A producer may be able to receive an AgriStability payment when their current year program margin falls below a percentage of their historical reference margin. AgriStability is cost-shared 60:40 by federal, and provincial or territorial governments. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (Statutory) Grant payments for the AgriStability program and (Statutory) Contribution payments for the AgriStability program. Economic Development 164 162 -2
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Business Risk Management Agricultural Marketing Programs Act The Advance Payments Program and the Price Pooling Program are active federal loan-guarantee programs legislated under the authority of the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act. Under the Advance Payments Program, the government guarantees the repayment of the cash advances made to crop and livestock producers by third-party administrators for a specified period of time, based on the value of their agricultural product. These cash advances improve producers’ cash flow throughout the year, enabling them to meet financial obligations and benefit from the best market conditions. Eligible producers can receive an Advance Payments Program advance of up to $400,000 at a preferential interest rate, with the government paying the interest on the first $100,000. Producers repay their advance plus interest, as their product is sold. Target clients are producers of agricultural products as defined under the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act. The Price Pooling Program helps market agricultural products under cooperative plans by guaranteeing an average initial price for products sold by marketing agencies. This enables marketing agencies to secure financing and to issue initial delivery payments to their members. The government guarantee protects agencies against unanticipated declines in the market price of their products that exceed 35%. Target clients are marketing agencies of agricultural products defined under the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Payments in connection with the Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (S.C. 1997, c. 20). Economic Development 32 31 -1
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Business Risk Management Canadian Agricultural Loans Act The Canadian Agricultural Loans Act is a legislated financial loan guarantee program that improves availability of credit to farmers and agricultural co-operatives. Under the program, the Government of Canada guarantees to financial institutions repayment of the loans that they make to farmers and agricultural co-operatives for eligible purposes. Farmers use these loans to establish, improve and develop their farms, while agricultural co-operatives use loans to process, distribute, or market the products of farming. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Loan guarantees under the Canadian Agricultural Loans Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. 25 [3rd Supp.]). Economic Development 4 3 -1 Actual full-time equivalents were lower than planned as it reflects a reallocation of full-time equivalents within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to better manage operational work load, taking into account the increased operational tempo driven by the emerging priorities, including Growing Forward 2 program initiatives.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Business Risk Management Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve The Hog Industry Loan Loss Reserve Program (HILLRP) is aimed at assisting viable hog operations with their short term liquidity pressures by providing long term loans. The program will reduce lenders’ exposure to risk by sharing the risk of long term loans with the Government of Canada, thereby encouraging these lenders to extend credit and facilitate debt restructuring. Economic Development 0 0 0
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Farm Products Council of Canada Established under the Farm Products Agencies Act, the Farm Products Council of Canada is an oversight body that reports to Parliament through the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (the Minister). The Farm Products Agencies Act provides for the creation of national marketing agencies, which are not subject to the Competition Act, as well as promotion and research agencies. The Farm Products Council of Canada supervises these agencies, and works with them to ensure that the supply management system for poultry and eggs and promotion-research activities for beef cattle work in the balanced interest of all stakeholders, from producers to consumers, and can evolve to respond to current and future challenges. The Farm Products Council of Canada also provides advice and recommendations to the Minister, collaborates with provincial supervisory boards and actively works with the Department and Agriculture and Agri-Food portfolio organizations. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 26 24 -2
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems Assurance Systems The Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector is supported to prevent and control risks to the animal and plant resource base, provide safe food and meet evolving market requirements and consumer demands for these assurances. Federal programming under Growing Forward 2 supports national organizations in developing national assurance systems, standards and tools that include food safety systems, biosecurity standards, traceability systems, animal and plant health surveillance systems, and market-attribute standards. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriMarketing program under Growing Forward 2. Economic Development 21 21 0
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Market Development and Competitiveness This Growing Forward 2 program provides support for provincial and territorial activities aimed at assisting the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector in maintaining and creating market-based opportunities for individual farms and firms, and providing industry with the knowledge and tools to compete at home and abroad. Specific provincial or territorial programs support the sector in identifying new domestic and global opportunities and markets that enhance competitiveness and prosperity, as well as support the sector in its endeavors to prevent and control risks to the animal and plant resource base, provide safe food and meet new market demands for assurance. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Cost-shared Strategic Initiatives programming in Competitiveness and Market Development under Growing Forward 2. Economic Development 8 6 -2 Actual full-time equivalents were lower than planned as it reflects a reallocation of full-time equivalents within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to better manage operational work load, taking into account the increased operational tempo driven by the emerging priorities, including Growing Forward 2 program initiatives.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems Market Development This Growing Forward 2 program supports the agricultural sector by providing resources through matching contribution agreements to ensure that industry has the capacity to take advantage of gains made in market access, as well as to seize new opportunities presented by consumer preferences and emerging food trends, in order to be competitive in domestic and export markets. Market Development supports Canada’s agriculture and agri-food industry to build and deliver on long-term international strategies, to gain and expand international recognition in key markets and enhance market opportunities for Canadian agriculture and agri-food products. This ensures that Canada is well positioned to succeed in key markets and respond to consumer demands and global competition. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriMarketing program under Growing Forward 2. Economic Development 27 26 -1
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems Pest Management: Pesticides Minor Use Program This Growing Forward 2 program improves grower access to new minor uses of pesticides. Pesticide residue, efficacy and crop tolerance studies are conducted to generate and to inform regulatory data packages, which are submitted to Health Canada for new minor uses of pesticide products. In addition, collaborative work with our colleagues in the United States results in joint pesticide submissions to the regulatory agencies of both countries and the simultaneous availability of new pesticide minor uses in both countries. The increased availability of new minor use pesticides prevents trade barriers with countries where these products are already available. Economic Development 53 49 -4
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems Pest Management: Pesticides Risk Reduction Program Under the Pesticides Risk Reduction Program, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada develops technologies, tools (including biopesticides) and techniques aimed at reducing the risk to the environment and human health posed by pesticide use. The increased availability of biopesticides and reduced risk technologies, products and techniques, contribute to sustainable agriculture. Collaboration with counterparts at Health Canada assists with targeting reduced risk alternatives to pesticides whose registration is being phased out due to toxicity. Economic Development 7 7 0
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems Sector Engagement and Development The Sector Engagement and Development program, funded by existing departmental resources and Growing Forward 2, seeks to improve the sector’s competitiveness and market success. Regional and sector specialists work to maintain and expand working relationships through collaboration with provinces and territories, national and regional agricultural and food associations, individual companies and value chain members, in order to develop knowledge and address issues of importance facing the sector, including market and regulatory issues. Economic Development 171 160 -11
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food A competitive and market-oriented agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector that proactively manages risk. Market Access, Negotiations, Sector Competitiveness, and Assurance Systems Trade and Market Expansion The Trade and Market Expansion program, funded by existing departmental resources and Growing Forward 2, enhances Canada’s market presence by promoting science-based trade rules, re-opening, maintaining and expanding markets, and pursuing free trade agreements with key trading partners, recognizing the importance of global markets to the profitability of Canada’s agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. To fully capture the benefits of free trade agreements and increased access, the Trade and Market Expansion program also provides resources and tools, such as market intelligence, a trade commissioner service and Canada Brand tools and coordination that enable industry to seize new market opportunities and build commercial success. The program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to foreign recipients for participation in international organizations supporting agriculture. Economic Development 132 131 -1
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency Section 204 of the Criminal Code of Canada designates the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food responsible for making the regulations that direct the lawful conduct of pari-mutuel betting in Canada on horse racing. The Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency is a special operating agency within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada that approves and supervises pari-mutuel betting conducted at racetracks and betting theatres across Canada, with the objective of ensuring that betting is conducted in a way that is fair to the betting public. Costs associated with the activities of the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency are recovered through a levy on every dollar bet in Canada on horse races. The levy is currently set at eight-tenths of a cent of every dollar bet. Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency’s strategic plans are focused on regulating and supervising pari-mutuel betting on horse races in the most modern, effective and transparent manner. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 36 32 -4 Actual full time equivalents were less than planned due to attrition and timing of the staffing.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Industry Capacity Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program The Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program (2014-2019) helps the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based products sector seize opportunities, respond to new and/or emerging issues, and pathfind and/or pilot solutions to new and ongoing issues so it can adapt and remain competitive. The Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program is a five-year program providing non-repayable contributions for industry-led projects that address national or sector-wide matters. Funding is delivered directly from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to successful applicants. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program. Economic Development 16 5 -11 Actual full-time equivalents were lower than planned as it reflects a reallocation of full-time equivalents within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to better manage operational work load, taking into account the increased operational tempo driven by the emerging priorities, including Growing Forward 2 program initiatives.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Industry Capacity Churchill Port Utilisation Program The Churchill Port Utilisation Program provides grant payments to legal entities that arrange for the shipment of grain, outward, by ocean-going vessel, from the Port of Churchill. The Program is designed to provide support to the Port of Churchill during the transition to the new grain marketing model in Western Canada. Assistance under this federally delivered program is up to $4.6 million per year for up to 500,000 tonnes of grain. Total assistance is up to $23 million. This five-year program ends on March 31, 2017.This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grant payments for the Churchill Port Utilisation Program. Economic Development 0 0 0 Full-time equivalents in support of this sub-program were shared and were reported under other sub-programs.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Industry Capacity Community Pastures The Community Pastures program enhances the sustainability of prairie rangeland for agriculture through livestock production. This work includes managing prairie rangeland to serve livestock producers and provide grazing for livestock. Economic Development 90 90 0
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Industry Capacity Farm Debt Mediation Service Pursuant to the Farm Debt Mediation Act, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada delivers the Farm Debt Mediation Service that provides financial counselling and mediation services to farmers who are having difficulty meeting their financial obligations. A financial consultant conducts a financial review of the operation and prepares a recovery plan. Professional mediators help the farmer and his or her creditors to reach a mutually satisfactory financial arrangement. A stay of proceedings may be put in place to protect the farmer against recovery or seizure of assets. To be eligible, clients must be insolvent individuals, corporations, partnerships, co-operatives or other associations of persons engaged in farming for commercial purposes. This program receives funding as per the Farm Debt Mediation Act. Economic Development 13 14 1
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Industry Capacity Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Adaptability and Industry Capacity This Growing Forward 2 program provides support for provincial and territorial activities aimed at building capacity within the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector and its businesses to sustainably succeed in a market-driven and competitive world. These activities mainly focus on encouraging the use of sound business management practices and tools, while providing for enhanced participation by young or new entrants and clients in specific sub-sectors in transition; supporting the sector and its businesses to improve access to key infrastructure; and building leadership within the sector. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Cost-shared Strategic Initiatives programming in Adaptability and Industry Capacity under Growing Forward 2. Economic Development 2 4 2 Actual full-time equivalents were higher than planned as it reflects a reallocation of full-time equivalents within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to better manage operational work load, taking into account the increased operational tempo driven by the emerging priorities, including Growing Forward 2 program initiatives.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Industry Capacity Fostering Business Development This Growing Forward 2 program builds awareness of the benefits and encourages the use of sound business management practices, while also enabling businesses in the sector to be profitable and invest where needed. It funds activities related to business management practices and skills that strengthen the capacity of businesses in the sector to: assess the financial implications of business improvements; respond to change and adapt; help agri-business owners understand their financial situation; and provide for enhanced participation by young or new entrants. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriCompetitiveness program under Growing Forward 2, and Contributions under the Career Focus program - Youth Employment Strategy. Economic Development 6 7 1 Actual full-time equivalents were higher than planned as it reflects a reallocation of full-time equivalents within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to better manage operational work load, taking into account the increased operational tempo driven by the emerging priorities, including Growing Forward 2 program initiatives.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Industry Capacity Water Infrastructure The Water Infrastructure program is the management and operation of federally owned water structures in southern Saskatchewan. This program was established to ensure sound asset management of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada dams and irrigation projects while ensuring that the responsibility for public safety and water delivery obligations to irrigators, local and/or regional communities, and international obligations were met. Dams and water conveyance structures serve the agriculture and rural communities by providing irrigation, recreation, community supplies and livestock watering. Economic Development 36 36 0
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program The Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program provides contribution funding to the agriculture industry, provincial and territorial governments and academia for projects to undertake research on greenhouse gas mitigation and make new mitigation technologies and Beneficial Management Practices available to farmers. The Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program represents Canada’s contribution to the Global Research Alliance on agricultural greenhouse gases, an international alliance aimed at increasing collaboration in agricultural research on greenhouse gas mitigation and Beneficial Management Practices. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions in support of the Agricultural Greenhouse Gases program. Research and Development 2 3 1 Actual full-time equivalents were higher than planned as it reflects a reallocation of full-time equivalents within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to better manage operational work load, taking into account the increased operational tempo driven by the emerging priorities, including Growing Forward 2 program initiatives.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability Enabling Commercialization and Adoption The objective of Enabling Commercialization and Adoption under Growing Forward 2 is to accelerate the demonstration, commercialization and/or adoption of innovative agri-based products, technologies, processes, or services to increase sector competitiveness. This program provides repayable contributions for industry-led agri-based projects aimed at facilitating the commercialization or adoption of agri-innovations. Funding is provided for activities including construction; purchase and installation of equipment; training; and marketing, where it forms a minor component of a project. Eligible recipients are for-profit organizations. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriInnovation program under Growing Forward 2. Research and Development 18 19 1
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Environment This Growing Forward 2 program provides support for provincial and territorial activities aimed at supporting the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based sector and its businesses to assess and respond to priority environmental risks and manage the natural resource base sustainably. The programming is mainly designed to minimize and mitigate impacts and risks to the environment by maintaining or improving the quality of soil, water, air, and biodiversity; ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of natural resources used for agricultural production and, supporting the long-term economic and environmental viability of the agriculture industry. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Cost-shared Strategic Initiatives programming in Innovation under Growing Forward 2. Research and Development 4 3 -1 Actual full-time equivalents were lower than planned as it reflects a reallocation of full-time equivalents within Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to better manage operational work load, taking into account the increased operational tempo driven by the emerging priorities, including Growing Forward 2 program initiatives.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability Federal-Provincial-Territorial Cost-shared Research, Adoption and Commercialization This Growing Forward 2 program provides funding for provincial and territorial activities aimed at accelerating the pace of innovation in the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. The programming supports research and development activities and facilitates demonstration and commercialization in order to enhance the productivity, competitiveness, economic growth and adaptability of the sector, and assists in capturing opportunities for the sector in domestic and global markets. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Cost-shared Strategic Initiatives programming in Innovation under Growing Forward 2. Research and Development 5 5 0
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability Research Accelerating Innovation This Growing Forward 2 program is designed to address emerging science-based requirements of the Canadian agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector by generating and providing access to scientific knowledge that helps the industry to: identify and mitigate risks to agriculture and agri-food production; enhance the safety of the food system; sustainably increase productivity to improve its bottom line through more efficient use of inputs; enhance the resilience of the sector to a changing climate; and to capture market opportunities. Objectives of this program include: conduct innovative research to understand key challenges and opportunities facing the sector; transform scientific knowledge into agricultural products, processes and practices that improve competitiveness; promote research to understand the key environmental sustainability challenges facing Canadian farmers; encourage the transformation of scientific knowledge into agricultural practices that improve the environmental sustainability and profitability of farming operations; support scientific measurement and analysis of the environmental sustainability performance of the sector that will facilitate competitiveness; and work with industry to target Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada efforts towards key business risks and opportunities. Research and Development 537 430 -107 Actual full-time equivalents were lower than planned primarily due to a realignment among programs in response to shifting priorities.
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability Research, Development and Knowledge Transfer The objective of Industry-led Research, Development and Knowledge Transfer under Growing Forward 2 is to accelerate the pace of innovation in the sector by supporting industry-led research, development and knowledge creation and transfer activities of innovative agricultural products, technologies, practices, processes and services in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector to increase market opportunities, foster innovation, industry investment and leadership. This program provides non-repayable contributions to recipients and research support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to conduct approved applied science activities in support of a project. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contribution payments for the AgriInnovation program under Growing Forward 2. Research and Development 221 200 -21
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food An innovative and sustainable agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector. Science, Innovation, Adoption and Sustainability Science Supporting an Innovative and Sustainable Sector Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada conducts longer term core research and development work to advance the understanding of: the resource base upon which agriculture depends; threats to Canadian agriculture production; mechanisms to protect and conserve Canadian bioresources and genetic diversity; and future new opportunities for the sector. This program also maintains a strong network of world-class research centres and offices across the country with scientific expertise to meet the research needs of existing and emerging agricultural commodity groups, and to participate in collaborative partnerships with industry, academia, non-governmental organizations, and others that undertake research aimed at yield enhancement, input reductions, prevention of diseases or pests, market access, as well as risk mitigation, and development of new areas of opportunity for the sector. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to foreign recipients for participation in international organizations supporting agriculture. Research and Development 1739 1866 127
Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1167 1089 -78
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Arts Canada Arts Presentation Fund The Canada Arts Presentation Fund gives Canadians access to a variety of professional artistic experiences in their communities. It provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit organizations that professionally present arts festivals or performing arts series, as well as their support organizations. The Canada Arts Presentation Fund also supports emerging presenters and presenter support organizations whose activities target underserved communities or artistic practices. The goal is to allow Canadians from all regions of the country to engage in and value a variety of professional artistic experiences. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Arts Presentation Fund and Contributions under the Canada Arts Presentation Fund. Heritage and Culture 64.1 65.5 1.4
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Arts Canada Arts Training Fund The Canada Arts Training Fund contributes to the development of Canadian creators and future cultural leaders of the Canadian arts sector by supporting the training of artists with high potential through institutions that offer training of the highest calibre. It provides financial assistance to Canadian not-for-profit institutions that specialize in delivering focused, intensive and practice-based arts studies. These schools offer professional training at the highest level in disciplines such as dance, theatre, circus arts, visual arts and music (opera, orchestral), etc. It also provides financial support to training in Indigenous and ethnocultural artistic practices. Canadians and the world benefit from high-quality artistic achievements by Canadian artists trained in Canada at institutions funded through the program. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions under the Canada Arts Training Fund. Heritage and Culture 7.5 7.8 0.3
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Arts Canada Cultural Investment Fund The Canada Cultural Investment Fund helps arts and heritage organizations build and diversify their revenue streams, improve their business practices, and assists them in being better rooted and recognized in their communities. This is achieved through three components. The Endowment Incentives component provides grants to match private sector funds raised on behalf of professional, not-for-profit arts organizations. The Strategic Initiatives component provides financial assistance to projects that strengthen business practices of multiple partner organizations. The Limited Support to Endangered Arts Organizations is a rarely used component which allows the federal government to partner with other levels of government and the private sector to help an arts organization move from near bankruptcy to sustainability if they have an appropriate business strategy. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Cultural Investment Fund and Contributions under the Canada Cultural Investment Fund. Heritage and Culture 13.9 14.1 0.2
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Arts Canada Cultural Spaces Fund The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund seeks to improve the physical conditions for the arts and heritage related to creation, presentation, preservation and exhibition. The program also aims to increase and improve access for Canadians to performing arts, visual arts, media arts, and to museum collections and heritage exhibitions. To achieve these objectives, the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund provides financial assistance in the form of grants and contributions for infrastructure projects for professional, not-for-profit arts and heritage organizations, as well as municipal and provincial governments and agencies with a mandate for arts and heritage, and equivalent Indigenous peoples’ organizations. The goal is to provide Canadians in all regions, including underserved communities, with access to new or improved arts and heritage spaces in their communities for creation, presentation, preservation and exhibition. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund and Contributions under the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. Heritage and Culture 37.2 49.2 12 The difference is mainly due to the new social infrastructure projects (Budget 2016).
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Arts Harbourfront Centre Funding Program (HCFP) The Harbourfront Centre Funding Program is a single-recipient program that provides operating funding to the Harbourfront Centre. The Harbourfront Centre creates cultural and artistic events and activities to enliven, educate and entertain the public on Toronto’s waterfront. Its mission is to nurture the growth of new cultural expression, stimulate Canadian and international interchange and provide a dynamic, accessible environment for the public to experience the marvels of the creative imagination. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contribution to the Harbourfront Centre. Heritage and Culture 0 0 0
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Broadcasting and Digital Communications The Broadcasting and Digital Communications program provides advice on the overall legislative, policy and regulatory framework for broadcasting and digital communications in Canada, including advice on the Broadcasting Act. Objectives of the Broadcasting Act include, among other things, ensuring that Canadian programming is created and that Canadians have access to it. The program conducts monitoring, research and analysis of emerging trends, of industry performance and of the needs and interests of Canadians to provide evidence-based policy advice. It is responsible for policy development and advice to ensure a responsive legislative and policy framework in support of Canada’s broadcasting and digital communications sector and the role it plays in enriching the cultural, political, social and economic fabric of Canada. Heritage and Culture 50.3 47 -3.3
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Canada Book Fund The Canada Book Fund supports the activities of Canadian book publishers and other sectors of the book industry to ensure access to a broad range of Canadian-authored books. This support is delivered through the following streams of funding: 1) Support for Publishers, which provides funding distributed primarily through a formula that rewards success in delivering content that Canadians value. This funding contributes to the ongoing production and marketing of Canadian-authored books by offsetting the high costs of publishing in Canada and building the capacity and competitiveness of the sector; 2) Support for Organizations, which provides funding to develop the Canadian book industry and the market for its products by assisting industry associations and related organizations to undertake collective projects offering broad benefits to the industry and, ultimately, to readers everywhere. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Book Fund and Contributions under the Canada Book Fund. Heritage and Culture 27.7 29.5 1.8
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Canada Media Fund The Canada Media Fund is funded by the Government of Canada and the cable, satellite distributors and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV). It supports the creation of digital content across multiple platforms such as television, wireless devices or the Internet. The Canada Media Fund focuses investments on the creation of content Canadians want, and harnesses the opportunities provided by new technologies to deliver content to Canadians where and when they want it. Organizations supported by the Canada Media Fund include, but are not limited to, Canadian television and digital media production companies. Canadians as consumers of convergent programs and creators of leading-edge content and applications represent the ultimate target group. Indigenous communities, official language minority communities and other diverse language groups are also targeted by specific production funding envelopes. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions under the Canada Media Fund. Heritage and Culture 11.8 10.4 -1.4 Although the variance is greater than 10%, the change of 1.4 FTEs is immaterial and is not attributable to a single factor.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Canada Music Fund The Canada Music Fund supports the activities of Canadian music creators, artists and entrepreneurs aimed at increasing the creation of and access to a diversity of Canadian music for audiences everywhere by enhancing the sector’s ability to compete in domestic and international markets. This support is delivered through the following components: 1) Music Entrepreneur, which provides funding to Canadian music entrepreneurs as well as for not-for-profit national service organizations in support of the creation, publishing, production, distribution or and marketing of Canadian music, including touring related activities; 2) New Musical Works, which provides funding to Canadian music artists and entrepreneurs for the creation, publishing, production, distribution or marketing of Canadian music, including touring related activities, music showcases and business development activities; 3) Collective Initiatives, which provides funding to Canadian not-for-profit organizations as well as music entrepreneurs in support of a diverse range of collective activities aiming to enhance the visibility and accessibility of Canadian music; and 4) Canadian Music Memories, which provides funding for the preservation of Canada’s musical heritage for future generations. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Music Fund and Contributions under the Canada Music Fund. Heritage and Culture 13.7 14 0.3
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) The Canada Periodical Fund supports the activities of Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper publishers and organizations to ensure that Canadians have access to diverse Canadian magazines and non-daily newspapers. The Fund is delivered through the following components: 1) Aid to Publishers, which provides formula funding to Canadian print magazines and non-daily newspapers for publishing activities, such as distribution, content creation, online activities and business development; 2) Business Innovation, which provides funding to print magazines and digital periodicals for business development and innovation projects; and 3) Collective Initiatives, which provides funding to Canadian magazines and non-daily newspaper organizations for industry-wide projects to increase the overall sustainability of the Canadian magazine and non-daily newspaper industries. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the Canada Periodical Fund and Contributions under the Canada Periodical Fund. Heritage and Culture 38.4 39.8 1.4
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Copyright and International Trade Policy Copyright and International Trade Policy supports the development of a consistent and predictable copyright framework that enables an efficient marketplace as well as serves the interests of Canadians. This is achieved through the delivery of policies and initiatives aimed at fostering the development of a Canadian copyright regime responsive to changes in the domestic and international environments. Copyright and International Trade Policy also encourages the understanding and application of Canadian copyright laws, regulations and mechanisms. In addition, Copyright and International Trade Policy supports the development of Canada’s positions pertaining to copyright and cultural trade policy in international negotiations. This is achieved notably through the delivery of expert advice to Canada’s negotiators aimed at ensuring an effective representation of Canadian cultural interests and policy in all international trade negotiations by maintaining flexibility to carry out our cultural policy objectives. Heritage and Culture 21.3 26.6 5.3 The difference is mainly due to new hirees in support of the promotion of Canadian artists and cultural industries abroad initative (Budget 2016)
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Cultural Sector Investment Review The Minister of Canadian Heritage has been responsible for reviewing and approving investments by foreign investors in the cultural sector, in accordance with the Investment Canada Act (the Act) and Regulations, since 1999. The purpose of the Act is "to provide for the review of significant investments in Canada by non-Canadians in a manner that encourages investment, economic growth and employment opportunities in Canada." The Cultural Sector Investment Review Branch administers the Act (Annual Report on the Administration of the Investment Canada Act), as it pertains to acquisitions or to the establishment by non-Canadians of cultural businesses in Canada. Such businesses include those involved in the publication, distribution or sale of books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers or music in print or machine readable form. Also covered are the businesses involved in the production, distribution, sale or exhibition of film or video products or audio or video music recordings. The mandate of the Cultural Sector Investment Review is to apply the Act to such cultural investments to ensure they generate net benefit to Canada.** Quarterly listings of all completed applications and notifications of investments are available on Canadian Heritage’s website. Heritage and Culture 6.7 6.4 -0.3
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Film and Video Policy The Film and Video Policy program supports the overall federal policy, legislative and regulatory framework for the audiovisual sector, fostering the creation of a range of film and video productions and access to Canadian content by Canadian and international audiences. The Film and Video Policy program also implements Canada’s Policy on Audiovisual Treaty Coproduction by negotiating coproduction treaties. Heritage and Culture 14.4 13.9 -0.5
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries Film or Video Production Tax Credits The Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO) administers, with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), the following refundable tax credit programs to support the film and television production industry in Canada: 1) The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC), which encourages the creation of Canadian programming and the development of an active domestic independent production sector. It is available to Canadian production companies for productions qualified as Canadian content; qualified productions must meet specific criteria for key creative personnel and production costs. The CPTC is available at a rate of 25 percent of the qualified labour expenditure; and 2) The Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit (PSTC), which encourages the employment of Canadians by taxable Canadian or foreign-owned corporations with a permanent establishment in Canada. The PSTC is equal to 16 percent of salary and wages paid to Canadian residents or taxable Canadian corporations for services provided to the production in Canada. Heritage and Culture 37.8 46.4 8.6 The difference between planned and actual FTEs is a direct result of an increase in demand for Film and Video Production tax credits which led to some temporary hiring.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Cultural Industries TV5 TV5 supports the international TV5 partnership with France, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Switzerland, Québec and Canada. TV5 enables Canadian productions to be presented around the world through TV5MONDE. Moreover, through TV5 Québec Canada, it provides Canadians with access to a rich diversity of programming from the international Francophonie. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grant to TV5MONDE and Contribution to TV5 Québec Canada. Heritage and Culture 4.6 4 -0.6 Although the variance is greater than 10%, the change of -0.6 FTEs is immaterial and is not attributable to a single factor.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Heritage Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program Through the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program (INDEM), established pursuant to the Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act, the Government of Canada assumes potential liability for loss or damage to objects in eligible travelling exhibitions. The program’s objectives are to increase Canadians’ access to Canadian and international heritage through the circulation of artefacts and exhibitions in Canada, and to provide eligible Canadian heritage institutions with a competitive advantage when competing with foreign institutions for the loan of prestigious international exhibitions. Eligibility criteria and liability limits for the Government are defined in the Act and its Regulations. To be approved for indemnification, exhibitions and hosting facilities must meet assessment standards. Once indemnification of an exhibition is approved, the program issues contractual indemnity agreements that must be signed with the Owner of the loaned works. This is not a grants and contributions program. Indemnification is a contingent liability as it provides compensation for damage or loss only if they occur. Heritage and Culture 4.3 3.7 -0.6 There were some unexpected employee departures whose vacancies have not yet been filled.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Heritage Canadian Conservation Institute The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) is a special operating agency within the Department of Canadian Heritage. CCI supports heritage institutions and professionals in conserving Canada’s heritage collections so they can be made accessible to current and future generations. This mission is achieved through research, expert services, professional development and information (web site and publications). CCI has expertise in conservation science, treatment of heritage objects and works of art, preventive conservation and heritage interiors. Its primary clients are approximately 2,000 heritage institutions in Canada such as museums, archives, libraries, and historic sites, as well as public authorities with heritage collections. Unique in Canada, CCI is considered a leader in the international conservation community and frequently establishes partnerships and collaborative relationships to undertake joint projects related to research and knowledge dissemination with Canadian and international institutions. Heritage and Culture 67.9 70.8 2.9
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Heritage Canadian Heritage Information Network The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) is a special operating agency of the Department of Canadian Heritage. CHIN serves as a national centre of expertise to museums and other heritage institutions across Canada, enabling them to connect with each other and their audiences through digital technologies. CHIN is an international leader in the creation, management, presentation and preservation of digital heritage content. It provides Canada’s not-for-profit heritage sector with research, products, services and fora that support skills and career development. CHIN delivers much of this support through its online resources for heritage professionals and volunteers. Heritage and Culture 14.3 10.1 -4.2 In December of 2015, the Canadian Conservation Institute and the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CCI & CHIN) received approval to merge the administrative support of CCI and CHIN to maximize efficiencies following the transfer of the Virtual Museum of Canada (VMC). This was implemented at the beginning of 2016.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Heritage Movable Cultural Property Program The Department of Canadian Heritage, through the Movable Cultural Property Program, administers the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, which aims to preserve in Canada significant examples of our artistic, historic, and scientific heritage so that they are accessible in public collections. The Act serves this objective through five provisions, namely, the designation of organizations that have demonstrated the capacity to preserve cultural property and make it accessible to the public over the long term; tax incentives to encourage Canadians to donate or sell significant objects to designated organizations; Movable Cultural Property grants to help designated organizations purchase significant cultural property that is threatened with export or available on the international market; export regulations to prevent the permanent loss to Canada of significant cultural property; and import controls to discourage illicit traffic in cultural property internationally. The responsibility for carrying out these provisions is shared by the Minister of Canadian Heritage and an independent tribunal established by the Act, the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board, together with other government organizations responsible for administering and enforcing specific elements of the legislation. Heritage and Culture 10 9.8 -0.2
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadian artistic expressions and cultural content are created and accessible at home and abroad. Heritage Museums Assistance Program The Museums Assistance Program (MAP) supports heritage institutions and workers in the preservation and presentation of heritage collections. MAP provides financial assistance to Canadian museums and related institutions for activities that facilitate Canadians’ access to our heritage, foster the preservation of Canada’s cultural heritage, including the preservation of representative collections of Aboriginal cultural heritage, and foster professional knowledge, skills and practices related to key museum functions. In support of the Youth Employment Strategy, MAP helps heritage organizations create summer employment and internship opportunities for Canadian youth through the heritage components of Young Canada Works. MAP also provides grants through the Movable Cultural Property Program to assist designated institutions to acquire cultural property threatened with export or available on international markets. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants under the MAP and Contributions under the MAP. Heritage and Culture 27.3 26.6 -0.7
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians participate and excel in sport. Sport Athlete Assistance Program The Athlete Assistance Program contributes to the pursuit of excellence through its support for improved Canadian athlete performances at major international sporting events, enabling athletes to combine their sport and academic or working careers while training intensively in pursuit of world-class performances. To this end, the program identifies and supports athletes already at or having the potential to be in the top sixteen in the world in their sport. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants to the Athlete Assistance sub-program. Heritage and Culture 8.1 7.8 -0.3
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians participate and excel in sport. Sport Hosting Program The Hosting Program is a key instrument in the Government of Canada’s overall approach to sport development in Canada and aims to enhance the development of sport excellence and the international profile of sport organizations by providing assistance for the hosting of the Canada Games and international sport events in Canada. The Hosting Program offers Canada-at-large a planned and coordinated approach to realizing direct and significant benefits, from bidding and hosting projects, in the areas of sport development, economic, social, cultural and community impacts, across a broad range of government priorities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Contributions for the Games’ Hosting sub-program. Heritage and Culture 48.3 43.1 -5.2 The difference is mainly due to delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians participate and excel in sport. Sport Sport Support Program The Sport Support Program is the primary funding vehicle for initiatives associated with the delivery of the Government of Canada’s commitments to the Canadian Sport Policy. The Sport Support Program funding is aimed at developing athletes and coaches at the highest international levels; providing sound technically-based sport programming for all athletes; increasing the number of Canadians from all segments of society involved in sport; and advancing Canadian interests and values in Canada and abroad. This funding is provided to eligible organizations for programming that supports the goals of The Canadian Sport Policy. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Contributions for the Sport Support sub-program. Heritage and Culture 51.7 44.5 -7.2 The difference is mainly due to delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Attachment to Canada Canada History Fund The Canada History Fund encourages Canadians to learn about Canada’s history, civic life, and public policy. The Fund provides funding through agreements in support of the development and/or enhancement of learning materials, the organization of learning and developmental experiences, and the establishment and maintenance of networks. Through various partnerships within government and through key national history and civic sector organizations and post-secondary educational institutions, the Fund gives Canadians opportunities to enhance their understanding of Canada, thus building an informed and engaged citizenry. This fund uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Canada History Fund and Contributions in support of the Canada History Fund. Social Inclusion 5.7 5.5 -0.2
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Attachment to Canada Capital Experience The objective of this program is to foster pride amongst Canadians towards their Capital, while increasing their overall awareness of the Canada’s Capital Region as a destination where people can experience Canada’s heritage, culture and achievements. To reach its objectives, the Capital Experience Program organizes Canada Day celebrations in the Canada’s Capital Region, Winterlude and Christmas Lights across Canada. It leads in the Canada’s Capital Region the creation of new commemorative monuments, provides support to other federal institutions to highlight important commemorative events and anniversaries, and offers visitor information and interpretation regarding the Canada’s Capital Region’s sites and symbols of national significance. It also presents the Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill, ensures that Canadian values, stories and symbols are represented in the Canada’s Capital Region, showcases Canadian artistic expression through a public art collection and organizes activities for youth. The sub-program also promotes Canada’s Capital Region to Canadians across the country through outreach and broadcast initiatives using both traditional and new media. Social Inclusion 83.4 81.1 -2.3
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Attachment to Canada Celebration and Commemoration Program This program provides funding through grants and contributions to non-governmental and community organizations for community-based activities organized during the Celebrate Canada period, from June 21 to July 1. These activities celebrate National Aboriginal Day on June 21, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day on June 24, Canadian Multiculturalism Day on June 27 and Canada Day on July 1. Funding is also available for commemorations with a national scope that commemorate and celebrate nationally significant historical figures, places, events, and accomplishments. The activities that are funded build pride, promote participation in celebrations and commemorations and strengthen understanding of shared history. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants in support of the Celebration and Commemoration sub-program and Contributions in support of the Celebration and Commemoration sub-program. Social Inclusion 79.1 85 5.9
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Attachment to Canada Exchanges Canada Program The Exchanges Canada Program provides grants and contributions in support of youth participation initiatives that allow young Canadians to learn about Canada, create linkages with each other and better appreciate the diversity and shared aspects of the Canadian experience. The program supports not-for-profit organizations to provide Canadian youth with a range of exchange and forum activities to strengthen their sense of belonging to Canada and therefore their sense of Canadian identity. The program has two components: Youth Exchanges Canada (YEC) and Youth Forums Canada (YFC). YEC funds reciprocal homestay exchanges for youth, and also includes the Summer Work / Student Exchange sub-component, which provides summer job opportunities for 16 and 17 year-olds in their second official language. YFC enables young Canadians to connect with one another through forums, study sessions and workshops on a range of relevant topics. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of Innovative Youth Exchange Projects and Contributions in support of the Exchanges Canada Initiative. Social Inclusion 12.9 13 0.1
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Attachment to Canada State Ceremonial and Protocol State Ceremonial and Protocol (SCP) provides authoritative information on Canada’s national symbols such as the National Flag. SCP responds to public inquiries related to commercial use of symbols, rules for flying the flag, flag etiquette and the use of Royal images. SCP is the centre of expertise for domestic protocol and procedures and provides information and advice to provincial and territorial government protocol offices. SCP manages national ceremonies, including State funerals, installation of a new Governor General, the Canada Day Noon Show and Royal Tours. SCP is responsible for managing the half-masting of the National Flag of Canada, including policy development, in collaboration with other departments. SCP manages federal responsibilities related to Lieutenant Governors (LGs) by providing salaries to LGs, delivering annual grants to help fund LGs’ operating costs, providing advice for special events, and providing LGs with information on their roles and responsibilities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants to the Lieutenant Governors of the provinces of Canada. Social Inclusion 18.1 19.2 1.1
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Attachment to Canada Youth Take Charge The objective of the Youth Take Charge Program is to strengthen youth attachment to Canada through engagement in the fields of history and heritage, civic engagement and youth service, arts and culture, and economic activities. The program provides grants and contributions to eligible organizations in support of youth-led projects involving youth generally aged 7 to 30, which demonstrate the ability to strengthen attachment to Canada while addressing one or more of the above-mentioned thematic areas. It is expected that the program will increase awareness among youth participants of the importance of being an active and engaged citizen; will increase relevance of youth-serving organizations to youth; and will increase youth engagement in communities. These outcomes will, in the long-term, lead to increased youth attachment to Canada and an increased sense of shared Canadian identity among youth. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Youth Take Charge sub-program and Contributions in support of the Youth Take Charge sub-program. The sub-program is also responsible for managing an annual matching grant payment to the Michaëlle Jean Foundation. Social Inclusion 4.3 4.8 0.5 Although the variance is greater than 10%, the change of 0.5 FTEs is immaterial and is not attributable to a single factor.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Engagement and Community Participation Aboriginal Peoples’ Program The Aboriginal Peoples’ Program (APP) focuses primarily on strengthening cultural identity, encouraging the full participation of Indigenous peoples in Canadian life, and supporting the continuation of Indigenous cultures and languages as living elements of Canadian society. APP programming incorporates Indigenous cultures and languages into community-driven activities designed to strengthen cultural identity. The APP provides investments that help to support the efforts of Indigenous communities to develop and deliver innovative and culturally appropriate projects, under initiatives such as the Aboriginal Languages Initiative, Northern Aboriginal Broadcasting, Scholarships and Youth Initiatives, Territorial Language Accords, National Aboriginal Day, and the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Aboriginal Peoples’ sub-program and Contributions in support of the Aboriginal Peoples’ sub-program. Social Inclusion 20.9 20.5 -0.4
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Engagement and Community Participation Building Communities through Arts and Heritage The Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage sub-program (BCAH) provides grants and contributions in support of local festivals, community anniversaries and capital projects. Funding is made available to stakeholders presenting arts and heritage festivals and events that emphasize local engagement. Its objective is to engage citizens in their communities through performing and visual arts as well as through the expression, celebration and preservation of local historical heritage. The program has three components: 1) Local Festivals supports recurring festivals that involve the whole community and give opportunities to local artists and artisans to engage in their communities and/or celebrate local history and heritage; 2) Community Anniversaries supports one-time commemorations through activities that celebrate a major anniversary (100 years and then increments of 25 years) of a significant local person or event; and 3) Legacy Fund supports tangible, lasting capital projects that commemorate or celebrate a major anniversary (100 years and then increments of 25 years) of a significant local person or event. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants in support of the Building Communities through Arts and Heritage sub-program and Contributions in support of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage sub-program. Social Inclusion 62.1 61.3 -0.8
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Engagement and Community Participation Canada 150 Federal Secretariat The Canada 150 Federal Secretariat is responsible for coordinating and providing oversight for the whole-of-government approach to the 150th anniversary of Confederation. It supports federal institutions in the implementation of this one-time initiative. It is also responsible for engaging non-governmental organizations, other levels of government and the private sector to develop projects throughout the country. Finally, the program coordinates outreach and marketing activities to sustain engagement of Canadians. Social Inclusion 25 38.1 13.1 The difference is mainly due to the additional support required for Canada 150 Federal Secretariat.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Engagement and Community Participation Human Rights Program The Human Rights Program contributes to increasing the respect for, awareness and enjoyment of human rights in Canada. It also seeks to inform and support enhanced domestic implementation of international human rights instruments in Canada. The program manages federal-provincial/territorial consultations on human rights issues, coordinates interdepartmental consideration of treaty body recommendations and those arising from Canada’s Universal Periodic Reviews, prepares Canada’s reports to the United Nations on domestic implementation of international human rights obligations, provides policy advice in developing Canada’s positions on emerging human rights issues and promotes human rights instruments through the dissemination of human rights information. The program seeks to strengthen and maintain one of the core values relating to Canadian identity – the respect for human rights – by addressing barriers to active participation that arise from a lack of awareness, understanding and access to rights. Social Inclusion 8 8.8 0.8
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Multiculturalism In accordance with the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, the Multiculturalism Program seeks to build an integrated, socially cohesive society, improve the responsiveness of institutions to the needs of a diverse population, and engage in discussions on multiculturalism, integration and diversity at the international level. To advance these objectives, the Multiculturalism Program provides grants and contributions to not-for-profit organizations, the private sector, non-federal public institutions and individuals, conducts direct public outreach and promotional activities, helps federal institutions to meet their obligations under the Act, supports the annual tabling in Parliament of a report on the operation of the Act, and engages non-federal public institutions seeking to respond to diversity. The Multiculturalism Program also supports Canada’s participation in international agreements and institutions. Social Inclusion 0 22.1 22.1 Funding for the Multiculturalism Program was received through supplementary estimates A and B, therefore the financial and FTE information was not included in the 2016-2017 Report on Plans and Priorities planned items.
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Official Languages Development of Official-Languages Communities Program The Development of Official-Language Communities Program fosters the vitality of Canada’s English- and French-speaking minority communities and enables them to participate fully in all aspects of Canadian life. The program has two components. Through contributions and grants to non-profit organizations, the Community Life component supports the offer of activities and services designed for official-language minority communities by community organizations in various fields, especially arts, culture and heritage as well as youth. Through intergovernmental contribution agreements, this component also supports the offer of minority-language services by provincial and territorial governments. The Minority-Language Education component supports the offer of provincial and territorial programs and activities aimed at providing education in the language of official-language minority communities, at all levels of education, through intergovernmental contribution agreements. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants to the Development of Official-Language Communities sub-program and Contributions to the Development of Official-Language Communities sub-program. Social Inclusion 100.4 99.6 -0.8
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Official Languages Enhancement of Official Languages Program The Enhancement of Official Languages Program helps Canadians gain a better understanding and appreciation of the benefits of linguistic duality, as well as awareness of the constitutionally guaranteed language rights. The program has two components. Through contributions and grants to non-profit organizations, the Promotion of Linguistic Duality component supports activities and projects to enhance official languages and unite Canadians, enhance the French language and culture in Canada, and increase the offer of services in both official languages from non-governmental organizations. Through intergovernmental contribution agreements, the Second-Language Learning component supports the offer of provincial and territorial programs and activities related to learning English and French, as second official languages, among young Canadians. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants to the Enhancement of Official Languages sub-program and Contributions to the Enhancement of Official Languages sub-program. Social Inclusion 25 23.2 -1.8
Department of Canadian Heritage Canadians share, express and appreciate their Canadian identity. Official Languages Official Languages Coordination Program Canadian Heritage contributes to the horizontal coordination of all Government of Canada official languages activities. In particular, the Department supports federal institutions in the implementation of the Government’s commitment to the development of official-language minority communities and promotes the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society. The Department also coordinates the implementation of the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013–18: Education, Immigration, Communities, a horizontal governmental strategy on official languages. Social Inclusion 24.9 23.7 -1.2
Department of Canadian Heritage The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 657.7 643.6 -14.1
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted. Family and Discretionary Immigration Humanitarian and Compassionate and Public Policy Considerations The humanitarian and compassionate and public policy provisions of IRPA enable the Minister to address exceptional circumstances by granting an exemption from certain criteria or obligations of the Act or by granting permanent or temporary residence. These discretionary provisions provide the flexibility to approve exceptional cases that were not envisioned in the legislation. Under the humanitarian and compassionate provisions of IRPA, an applicant’s circumstances are assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account establishment in Canada, the best interests of a child, and other relevant circumstances brought forward for consideration. The public policy provision is a discretionary tool designed to grant permanent or temporary resident status to individuals in similar circumstances, all of whom must meet eligibility criteria defined in the public policy. The outcome of this program is that exceptional cases are treated with appropriate flexibility, in accordance with Canadian values. Eligibility assessment and processing involve the granting of permanent or temporary residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Social Inclusion 97 118 21 Realigment of resources to meet operational requirements and meet targets
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted. Family and Discretionary Immigration Parents and Grandparents Reunification The objective of this program is to grant permanent resident status to sponsored foreign nationals who are the parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents. This program makes it possible for Canadian citizens and permanent residents to be reunited with their extended family members, while ensuring that there is no undue cost to the general public. Sponsors must demonstrate, on the basis of three years of Canada Revenue Agency documentation, that they meet minimum necessary income thresholds to sponsor, and can meet their sponsorship obligations (which include providing for the basic needs of their parents and grandparents for 20 years). These requirements, together with this category’s lower processing priority, distinguish it from the spouses, partners and dependent children category. Processing involves the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Social Inclusion 105 146 41 The variance is explained by funding received for additional resources required to reduce processing times and achieve higher admission as per the 2016 Annual Immigration Plan  which was not yet approved at the time of the planning  and to the realigment of resources to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted. Family and Discretionary Immigration Spouses, Partners and Children Reunification The objective of this program is to grant permanent resident status to foreign nationals who are the sponsored spouses, partners and dependent children (including adopted children) of Canadian citizens and permanent residents. This supports the government’s objective to reunite close family members while ensuring that there is no undue cost to the general public. The sponsor, who is a permanent resident or Canadian citizen, is responsible for providing the basic needs of his or her spouse or partner for three years, and for their dependent children for up to 10 years. Processing involves determining the sponsor’s ability to meet the sponsorship obligations and verifying the bona fides of the relationships. Given the close family relationships involved, these family members are the highest priority for processing. Eligibility assessment and processing involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Social Inclusion 231 324 93 The variance is explained by funding received for additional resources required to reduce processing times and achieve higher admission as per the 2016 Annual Immigration Plan  which was not yet approved at the time of the planning  and to the realigment of resources to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted. Refugee Protection Blended Visa Office Referred Refugees Under the Blended Visa Office Referred Refugees (BVOR) Program, Convention Refugees Abroad, who have no durable solution within a reasonable period of time, other than resettlement to Canada as permanent residents, are referred by a Canadian visa office to be matched with a private sponsor. Subsequently, upon arrival in Canada, refugees receive six months of income support from the Government of Canada via the Resettlement Assistance Program and six months of income support from their sponsor. Private sponsors also provide arrival and orientation services, temporary accommodation, and ongoing emotional and social support for 12 months. The program is a unique public-private partnership that encourages faith-based, ethnocultural and other community organizations in Canada to play a larger role in offering durable solutions to refugees found to be in need of resettlement by the UNHCR, supporting the objectives of both the GAR and PSR programs.

International Engagement 3 6 3 Funding received for additional resources from reprofile to continue to process the 25,000 Syrian Privately Sponsored Refugees in the context of the government's response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis that was not yet approved at the time of the planning cycle.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted. Refugee Protection Government-Assisted Refugees To guide and operate the Government Assisted Refugees (GAR) Program, Canada works closely with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and other referral agencies, to identify Convention Refugees Abroad, who have no durable solution within a reasonable period of time, other than resettlement to Canada as permanent residents. The primary objectives of the program are to provide individual protection solutions to refugees, to affirm Canada’s humanitarian commitment to assist refugees in need of international protection through the provision of government assistance, and to assist the countries hosting them through responsibility sharing.

International Engagement 46 68 22 Funding received for additional resources to process 10 000 government-assisted refugees announced by the government in its response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis that was not yet approved at the time of the planning cycle.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted. Refugee Protection In-Canada Asylum Flowing from Canada’s international and domestic legal obligations, Canada’s asylum system provides protection to persons fleeing persecution and risk of torture, risk to life, or risk of cruel treatment or punishment, by way of legislative and regulatory measures that enable Canada to meet those obligations. The program establishes fair and efficient procedures that uphold Canada’s respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all human beings, while maintaining the overall integrity of the Canadian refugee determination system. Canada’s asylum system ensures that fair consideration is granted to those who come to Canada claiming persecution. Those found by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) to be in need of refugee protection receive protected person status, and may apply for permanent residence.

International Engagement 152 209 57 Funding received to protect the in-Canada Asylum system thaw was not yet approved at the planning stage
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted. Refugee Protection Pre-Removal Risk Assessment Following Canada’s international commitment to the principle of non-refoulement, and provisions in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA) provides IRCC the ability to ensure that foreign nationals facing removals from Canada are not sent back to their country of origin where they would be in personal danger of persecution, torture (as defined under the Geneva Convention), cruel or unusual punishment, and risk to life is known to exist. IRCC processes applications for PRRA subject to the following restrictions: persons facing removal following a rejected claim for refugee protection may not apply for a PRRA until 12 months have passed; persons facing removal following a rejected claim who are nationals of a Designated Country of Origin may not apply for a PRRA until three years have passed. IRCC further conducts ongoing monitoring for the issuance of exemptions to the PRRA bar based on an assessment of change in country conditions that present personal risks for individuals facing removals.

International Engagement 46 58 12 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Family and humanitarian migration that reunites families and offers protection to the displaced and persecuted. Refugee Protection Privately-Sponsored Refugees The primary objective of the Privately Sponsored Refugees (PSR) Program is to partner with civil society to provide durable solutions to more refugees than would otherwise be admitted under the GAR Program. Canadian visa officers select as permanent residents members of the Convention Refugees Abroad and Humanitarian Protected Persons Abroad classes who are referred by private sponsors for resettlement in Canada. These private sponsors provide the social, financial and emotional support to the refugees upon their arrival in Canada. The program is unique in its engagement of ordinary Canadians and permanent residents in Canada’s international refugee protection efforts and ensures an additional number of refugees are offered protection over and above those sponsored by the government.

International Engagement 53 76 23 Funding received for additional resources from reprofile to continue to process the 25,000 Syrian Privately Sponsored Refugees in the context of the government's response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis that was not yet approved at the time of the planning cycle.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. Canadian Influence in International Migration and Integration Agenda As part of its mandate, IRCC aims to influence the international migration and integration policy agenda. This is done by developing and promoting, together with other public policy sectors, Canada’s positions on international migration, integration and refugee protection issues through meetings with multilateral and bilateral partners, membership in international organizations, and participation in regional forums. IRCC works closely with bilateral partners to ensure the effective management of migration and administration of immigration laws through an exchange of information, including biometric data. This international migration policy development helps Canada advance its interests with respect to international migration as well as meet its international obligations and commitments. IRCC supports international engagement and partnerships through membership in and contributions to such organizations as the International Organization for Migration, Regional Conference on Migration, the UNHCR, the Five Country Conference, the Global Forum on Migration and Development, and the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum and Refugees. The program uses transfer payment funding for the following: Migration Policy Development Program (grants), and membership in the International Organization for Migration (annual assessed contributions) and the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) (annual assessed contributions) formerly called the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research (ITF).

International Engagement 34 33 -1
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. Health Protection Health Screening This program aims to manage the health risks related to permanent and temporary residence according to the three grounds for inadmissibility under IRPA, which are (1) danger to public health, (2) danger to public safety and (3) excessive demand on health or social services. The immigration medical examination (IME) is a tool used to screen for infectious diseases of public health significance in all applicants for permanent residence and certain applicants for temporary residence. It includes x-rays and lab tests that identify applicants who could pose health threats to Canadians or to the Canadian health and social systems. Those who are considered admissible on health grounds are cleared for entry into Canada; those who are found with infectious disease of public health significance are referred for treatment, where relevant, before admittance to Canada; those who are a danger to public health or public safety or are deemed to cause excessive demand on Canada’s health and social system are deemed inadmissible.

Health 58 50 -8 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. Health Protection Interim Federal Health The Interim Federal Health (IFH) Program provides temporary coverage of health-care benefits to protected persons, including resettled refugees, refugee claimants, persons detained under IRPA, and certain others who are not eligible for provincial or territorial health insurance. The IFH Program provides six types of coverage. Eligibility and type of coverage under the IFH Program are determined by the beneficiary’s immigration status in Canada. The program helps protect public health and public safety and supports the successful settlement of resettled refugees receiving government support. IFH Program beneficiaries with valid coverage access health services through registered health care providers, who are reimbursed directly by the IFH Program claims administrator for covered services.

Health 10 14 4 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. Health Protection Medical Surveillance and Notification Section 38(1) of IRPA sets danger to public health as one key condition of inadmissibility to Canada. Applicants for temporary or permanent residence in Canada whose Immigration Medical Assessments (IMAs) demonstrate that one of their health conditions may pose risks to public health require further health assessment and monitoring following their landing in Canada in order to ensure that they do not represent a danger to public health. The Medical Surveillance and Notification Program informs provincial and territorial public health authorities of applicants who require medical surveillance in order to ensure that the terms and conditions of landing are met.

Health 12 15 3 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. Migration Control and Security Management Eligibility and Admissibility Screening, Status and Documents The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations lay out the eligibility and admissibility requirements for foreign nationals seeking entry to Canada as temporary residents (TR) or permanent residents (PR). Various authorizations and/or documents may be required for TRs and new PRs before entry, such as: an electronic travel authorization (eTA) for TRs from visa-exempt countries, a visa for TRs from visa-required countries, a PR card or PR travel document for a person who has become a permanent resident. This program allows IRCC to manage eligibility and admissibility to Canada by screening clients against safety and security criteria established in cooperation with its federal security partners. Once a client passes both eligibility and admissibility screening, the client is issued the appropriate status or document and will become a temporary resident or permanent resident when the document is validated at a port of entry. Under specific conditions, IRCC has the discretion to issue a Temporary Resident Permit or a Public Policy Temporary Resident Visa to individuals who are inadmissible to Canada, if their entry into Canada is justified. This gives IRCC the flexibility to address exceptional circumstances while maintaining the integrity of Canada’s immigration program.

Safety and Security 605 847 242 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements. ******
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. Migration Control and Security Management Global Assistance for Irregular Migrants The purpose of the Global Assistance for Irregular Migrants (GAIM) Program is to provide assistance to migrants intercepted as part of efforts to deter and prevent or disrupt illegal organized human-smuggling operations that are believed to be destined to Canada. The GAIM Program reflects IRCC’s role in Canada’s whole-of-government strategy to combat human-smuggling activities and responds to the need for Canada to have a program to manage the consequences of these activities. The program assists illegal migrants in returning to their home country of origin by providing basic needs and medical support to stranded irregular migrants, assisting in the reintegration of returned individuals, supporting capacity building activities for governments of transit states, delivering information and awareness activities in countries of origin, and conducting research in support of the program. The program provides transfer payments in the form of contributions to trusted international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (such as the International Organization for Migration). This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Global Assistance for Irregular Migrants (GAIM) Program.

Safety and Security 3 1 -2 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. Migration Control and Security Management Identity Management Identity management provides the foundation for all decision-making processes at IRCC by establishing, confirming and managing the identity of each IRCC client across the temporary resident, permanent resident, refugee and citizenship lines of business. This program seeks to ensure that the personal identifiers, identity documents and biometric information of each client are collected, protected and managed appropriately at IRCC. This program contributes to fraud prevention and strengthened program integrity by helping ensure that services are delivered to the correct individual, which in turn allows IRCC to streamline its interactions with repeat clientele and develop efficiencies in processing and reviewing applications in multiple business lines.

Safety and Security 338 159 -179 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Managed migration and facilitated travel that promote Canadian interests and protect the health, safety and security of Canadians. Passport IRCC is accountable for the Passport Program, and collaborates with Service Canada and Global Affairs Canada to provide passport services that enable eligible Canadian travellers to access other countries. Through an extensive service delivery network in Canada and abroad, the program disseminates information, collects and processes Canadian travel document applications, authenticates applicants’ identity and determines eligibility, and issues secure Canadian travel documents. The program also performs activities to ensure that fraud and misuse of travel documents are prevented and detected. The Canadian passport is an internationally recognized and respected travel and identification document for Canadians who travel abroad, and is relied upon in Canada and by foreign governments to support the bearer’s claim to Canadian citizenship. The program operates on a full cost-recovery basis from fees charged for travel document services. Fees are collected in the Passport Canada Revolving Fund and are efficiently managed to ensure value-for-money for Canadians.

IRCC is accountable for the Passport Program, and collaborates with Service Canada and Global Affairs Canada to provide passport services that enable eligible Canadian travellers to access other countries. Through an extensive service
delivery network in Canada and abroad, the program disseminates information, collects and processes Canadian travel document applications, authenticates applicants’ identity and determines eligibility, and issues secure Canadian travel documents. The program also performs activities to ensure that fraud and misuse of travel documents are prevented and detected. The Canadian passport is an internationally recognized and respected travel and identification document for Canadians who travel abroad, and is relied upon in Canada and by foreign governments to support the bearer’s claim to Canadian citizenship. The program operates on a full cost-recovery basis from fees charged for travel document services. Fees are collected in the Passport Program Revolving Fund and are efficiently managed to ensure value-for-money for Canadians.
International Engagement 632 619 -13
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Permanent Economic Residents Canadian Experience Class The Canadian Experience Class (CEC) was introduced in 2008 as a path to permanent residence for those with eligible work experience in Canada, usually obtained as a result of temporary residence as a foreign worker or international student. The program is complementary to the FSW Program but uses different criteria, including eligible skilled Canadian work experience and a minimum level of proficiency in English or French. The program provides a streamlined route to permanent residence for those who have already established themselves in skilled work in Canada. This allows Canada to retain talented workers who have demonstrated a capacity to integrate successfully and contribute to the Canadian economy. The selection and processing involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Economic Development 31 74 43 Funding decision related to I2016 Immigration Level Plan was not yet confirmed at the time the Departmental Plan was approved.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Permanent Economic Residents Caregiver The Caregiver Program allows persons residing in Canada to employ qualified foreign workers to provide care for children, elderly persons or persons with a chronic medical condition or disability. In 2014, two new pathways to permanent residence for caregivers were introduced under Ministerial Instructions pilots that benefit from a processing standard of six months. One pathway features criteria for child care providers that are similar to the requirements of the Live-in Caregiver program, but without the need for the caregiver to live in the home of their employer where they may be vulnerable to abuse. In addition, caregivers in a variety of health care occupations will also have a pathway to permanent residence; eligible caregivers in this stream are able to gain their work experience either in providing in-home care or care in a health-care facility to an elderly person or a person with a disability or chronic medical condition. With the improvements to the Caregiver Program, caregivers who had applied for the Live-in Caregiver program with an initial work permit based on an employer’s approved Labour Market Impact Assessment submitted on or before November 30, 2014, will also be able to complete the work requirement on a live-in basis and eventually apply for permanent residence. The selection and processing in both the Caregiver and the Live-in Caregiver programs involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Economic Development 94 89 -5
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Permanent Economic Residents Federal Business Immigrants Federal Business Immigrants admitted to Canada are intended to have the experience and skills to support, through their investment, entrepreneurial ideas and business skills, or self-employment, the development of a strong and prosperous economy. The program was designed so that immigrant investors bring business capital to Canada, while entrepreneurs contribute to economic development through business ideas and skills that promote enterprise and employment creation. Self-employed persons hold the intention and ability to be self-employed in Canada in such fields as athletics, cultural activities and farming, thereby making a contribution to specified activities in our economy. The Start-Up Visa Program is a five year pilot program that was launched in April 2013 and is designed to attract innovative foreign entrepreneurs with the skills to create new companies that can compete on a global scale. The Immigrant Investor Venture Capital Program is a pilot program designed to target high net-worth business immigrants who will each invest $2 million to fill key financing gaps in the economy in support of promising Canadian entrepreneurs, with selection criteria designed to attract investors with the skills and abilities that will help their integration into the Canadian economy and society. The selection and processing involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.
Economic Development 10 7 -3 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Permanent Economic Residents Federal Skilled Trades The Federal Skilled Trades (FST) Program is intended to attract skilled tradespersons who can meet labour demands in specific trades across the country and who are granted permanent residence based on being qualified in a skilled trade. In contrast with the FSW Program’s points-based selection, the FST Program operates on a streamlined pass/fail basis with four mandatory criteria including: a minimum language threshold; a valid offer of employment in Canada or a certificate of qualification from a province or territory in a qualifying skilled trade; at least two years of work experience in the occupation within the last five years; and meeting the employment requirements set out in the National Occupational Classification system. The selection and processing involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Economic Development 4 4 0
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Permanent Economic Residents Federal Skilled Workers The goal of the Federal Skilled Workers (FSW) Program is to select highly-skilled immigrants whose high human capital enables them to contribute to Canada’s long term national and structural labour market needs, in support of a strong and prosperous Canadian economy. The program uses a points system to identify prospective immigrants with the ability to establish economically in Canada, based on their human capital (education, skilled work experience, language skills, etc.), with a minimum language threshold and a third-party foreign educational credential assessment prior to application. The selection and processing involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.
Economic Development 209 192 -17
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Permanent Economic Residents Provincial Nominee The Provincial Nominee (PN) Program supports the Government of Canada’s objective that the benefits of immigration be shared across all regions of Canada. Bilateral immigration agreements are in place with all provinces and territories except Nunavut and Quebec,* conferring on their governments the authority to identify and nominate for permanent residence immigrants who will meet local economic development and regional labour market needs, and who wish to settle in that specific province or territory. As part of the nomination process, provincial and territorial governments assess the skills, education and work or business experience of prospective candidates to ensure that nominees can make an immediate economic contribution to the nominating province or territory. IRCC retains the final authority to select nominees who can establish economically in Canada, and verifies that nominees meet all admissibility requirements before issuing permanent resident visas. The selection and processing involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.* The relationship with Quebec is governed under the Canada-Quebec Accord.

Economic Development 57 51 -6 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Permanent Economic Residents Quebec Business Immigrants The Canada-Quebec Accord specifies that the province of Quebec is solely responsible for the selection of applicants destined to the province of Quebec. Federal responsibility under the Accord is to assess an applicant’s admissibility and issue permanent resident visas. This program seeks to attract experienced investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons to the province of Quebec, to support the development of a strong and prosperous economy in Quebec. The selection and processing involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Economic Development 3 2 -1 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Permanent Economic Residents Quebec Skilled Workers The Canada Quebec Accord specifies that the province of Quebec is solely responsible for the selection of applicants destined to the province of Quebec. Federal responsibility under the Accord is to assess an applicant’s admissibility and to issue permanent resident visas. The Quebec Skilled Workers (QSW) Program uses specific criteria to identify immigrants with the human capital and skills needed to establish economically in Quebec. Similar to the FSW Program, the QSW Program assesses applicants according to their age, education, work experience, language proficiency (in French) and enhanced settlement prospects (previous education or work experience in Canada, or a confirmed job offer). The selection and processing involve the granting of permanent residence to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Economic Development 45 38 -7 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Temporary Economic Residents International Experience Canada The International Experience Canada (IEC) Program facilitates bilateral, reciprocal agreements with other countries to allow travel and work exchange opportunities for young Canadians and foreign nationals aged 18 35. Exchanges with foreign countries contribute to national interests by strengthening Canada’s bilateral relations and supporting Canada’s economic and trade agenda. Most IEC exchanges occur through bilateral reciprocal Youth Mobility Agreements (YMAs) with other countries. Foreign participants are issued work permits that are exempt from the requirement of a Labour Market Impact Assessment on the basis that their work in Canada creates or maintains reciprocal employment for Canadians in other countries. Some foreign participants will also be eligible to apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class or other programs, thereby contributing to Canada’s permanent economic immigration objectives. Young Canadian participants in other countries obtain foreign work experience, which benefits their future careers in the Canadian workplace and contributes to Canada’s international competitiveness. The IEC Program has a global reciprocal quota of participants each year, and on an annual basis, negotiates bilateral quotas with each country with which Canada has a YMA. The “Participation Fee” paid by approved foreign participants generates revenue to fund program costs. Key program activities include YMA negotiation and liaison with new and existing countries; promotion of program participation to Canadians and foreign nationals; and stakeholder engagement to facilitate participation and enhance program awareness for Canadian youth. Foreign national participant application selection and processing involve the issuance of temporary resident visas (if required) and work permits to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants. Canadians’ applications are processed by the governments of the countries where they would like to participate.

Economic Development 41 63 22 Realignment of FTEs to meet operational requirement to attain quotas in 2016-17
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Temporary Economic Residents International Students IRCC supports a range of goals for immigration by managing the entry of international students to Canada. International students contribute to Canada’s educational and international competitiveness, and strengthen our educational institutions. International students are selected by Canadian institutions according to their respective criteria, and IRCC authorizes their entry into Canada to study by approving study permits and, where necessary, visas, which allow them to obtain a Canadian education. IRCC is responsible for ensuring that the proper documentation, financial and security requirements are met, including the bona fides of all applicants. In order to provide students with additional opportunities to obtain Canadian work experience, qualified international students are authorized to work either on or off-campus without a work permit, or as part of a co-op or internship program with a co-op work permit. Students who want to work in Canada after graduation can apply for a work permit under the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) component, which allows them to gain up to three years of Canadian work experience. Some PGWP holders will also be eligible to apply for permanent residence under the Canadian Experience Class or other programs. The selection and processing of international students involve the issuance of temporary resident visas (if required) and study permits to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants. Economic Development 79 77 -2
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Migration of permanent and temporary residents that strengthens Canada's economy. Temporary Economic Residents Temporary Work Authorization Foreign nationals can be authorized to work in Canada through various processes. Under situations that require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), employers are able to hire foreign workers as a last resort to meet their short-term or acute labour and skills needs when qualified Canadian citizens or permanent residents are not available, ensuring that Canadians have the first opportunity for jobs where appropriate. To hire a temporary foreign worker to respond to labour market shortages, employers require an LMIA from Employment and Social Development Canada, which considers whether a Canadian or permanent resident is available, examines the wage and working conditions being offered, and assess whether the job offer would have a negative, neutral or positive effect on the Canadian labour market. Once the potential employer is in possession of the LMIA, the foreign national may then apply for the work permit at a mission abroad, at the port of entry (if eligible) or inside Canada (if eligible). In certain situations, employers can also seek to employ foreign nationals to work in Canada without an LMIA. Exemptions from the LMIA processes are offered where they support broader Canadian interests such as the competitive advantages and reciprocal benefits that Canadians enjoy as a result of international agreements and partnerships (including North America Free Trade Agreement and others). Under these circumstances, the foreign national applies to IRCC for a work permit overseas, at a port of entry (if eligible) or from inside Canada (if eligible). IRCC’s role is to manage the authorization of foreign nationals to work in Canada. IRCC ensures the foreign national meets all admissibility and eligibility requirements, and, when an LMIA is not required, considers the genuineness of the job offer, while also ensuring a robust operation is in place to enforce employer compliance with program requirements. The selection and processing involve the issuance of temporary resident visas (if required) and work permits to qualified applicants, as well as the refusal of unqualified applicants.

Economic Development 288 195 -93 The variance is mainly attributable to delays associated with legal and privacy issues; the sharing of information between departments; delays in IT development as well as overseas support inspections; and legal services that did not materialize in 2016-2017 in the context of the implementation and administration of the reform of the Temporary Foreign Worker program and the International Mobility program tel qu'annoncé dans le Budget 2015.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Citizenship for Newcomers and All Canadians Citizenship Acquisition, Confirmation and Revocation Citizenship processing activities include interpreting and administering the Citizenship Act and Regulations, managing the naturalization process (whereby non-citizens become citizens), issuing proof of citizenship to those who are citizens by birth or by naturalization, and maintaining these records. The processing of applications for Canadian citizenship contributes to newcomers’ abilities to participate in all aspects of Canadian life and enhances their successful integration into Canadian society. IRCC reviews files particularly where there are allegations of fraud and collects and analyzes information to determine if a recommendation to initiate revocation proceedings should be made to the Minister.

Social Inclusion 746 819 73
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Citizenship for Newcomers and All Canadians Citizenship Awareness The Citizenship Awareness Program aims to enhance the meaning of Canadian citizenship for both newcomers and the Canadian-born and to increase a sense of belonging to Canada. Through knowledge of Canada’s history, institutions and values, as well as the rights and responsibilities associated with citizenship, newcomers and the Canadian-born are better equipped for active citizenship and can contribute to the development of an integrated society. The program undertakes various knowledge-building and promotional activities such as: citizenship ceremonies, citizenship reaffirmation ceremonies, Citizenship Week, and the distribution of citizenship educational publications (e.g., Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship study guide, the Welcome to Canada guide). IRCC also partners with public and private stakeholders on citizenship awareness activities.

Social Inclusion 28 25 -3 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Multiculturalism for Newcomers and all Canadians Federal and Public Institutional Multiculturalism Support Federal and Public Institutional Multiculturalism Support efforts are directed towards improving the responsiveness of institutions to the needs of a diverse population. To help federal institutions meet their obligations under theCanadian Multiculturalism Act, this program leads a Multiculturalism Champions Network which serves as a forum for discussing shared challenges, best practices, lessons learned and tools to help institutions implement the Act. The program develops the Annual Report on the Operation of theCanadian Multiculturalism Act for tabling in Parliament, which fulfils the Minister’s obligations under the Act, and serves as an informative tool for institutions seeking best practices. Dialogue with provinces and territories is also provided through a Multiculturalism Program-led Federal-Provincial-Territorial Network of Officials Responsible for Multiculturalism Issues. Lastly, the program fosters policy relationships with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and the Global Centre for Pluralism. This program uses transfer payment funding from the grant in support of the Multiculturalism Program and contribution in support of the Multiculturalism Program. Social Inclusion 5 0 -5 Program transferred to Canadian Heritage in 2015-16
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Multiculturalism for Newcomers and all Canadians Multiculturalism Awareness Multiculturalism Awareness comprises a suite of policy, program, public engagement, public education and promotional activities. In addition to developing policies that shape Canada’s stance on diversity issues, grants and contributions are disbursed to successful funding applicants that seek to support the Multiculturalism Program’s objectives of building an integrated, socially cohesive society through enhanced intercultural/interfaith understanding, civic memory and pride, respect for core democratic values, and participation in society and the economy. Multiculturalism Awareness also entails direct public outreach and promotional activities, designed to engage citizens and newcomers on multiculturalism issues (for example, Asian Heritage Month, Black History Month and the Paul Yuzyk Award for Multiculturalism). The Multiculturalism Awareness Program is also a locus for Canada’s participation in international agreements and institutions such as the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. This program uses transfer payment funding from the grant in support of the Multiculturalism Program and contribution in support of the Multiculturalism Program. Social Inclusion 35 0 -35 Program transferred to Canadian Heritage in 2015-16
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Newcomer Settlement and Integration Grant to Quebec Under the Canada-Quebec Accord, signed in 1991, Canada has devolved settlement and resettlement responsibility to Quebec, with a grant that includes reasonable compensation for costs. The compensation to Quebec covers services for reception services and linguistic, cultural and economic integration services, provided that they are equivalent to similar federal services in other parts of the country. An objective of the Accord is, among other things, the preservation of Quebec’s demographic importance within Canada and the integration of immigrants into that province in a manner that respects the distinct identity of Quebec. The Accord provides Quebec with exclusive responsibility for the selection of immigrants destined to the province (except for family reunification and asylum seekers in Canada) as well as the reception and linguistic and cultural integration of these immigrants (including resettlement of refugees). Under the Accord, Canada is responsible for defining overall immigration objectives, national levels, admissibility, selecting family category and asylum seekers in Canada and citizenship. This program uses transfer payment funding from the grant for the Canada-Quebec Accord on Immigration.

Social Inclusion 0 0 0
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Newcomer Settlement and Integration Immigration Loan The Immigration Loan Program is a statutory program under IRPA. It ensures that some persons, otherwise unable to pay for the costs of transportation to Canada and medical admissibility exams, have access to a funding source. Assistance loans may also be approved for newcomers in need to cover initial settlement expenses such as rental and utilities deposits. The main target group for the program is resettled refugees. These individuals have undergone extreme hardship and most often have few personal resources and are therefore unable to access traditional lending institutions. Canadian visa officers authorize the transportation and admissibility loans and the International Organization for Migration arranges travel and medical exams for refugees and pays these costs. IRCC reimburses them and the refugee reimburses IRCC through loan repayments. Assistance loans are authorized by in-Canada officers. The interest-bearing loans are repayable in full and payment plans vary by the value of the loan and the recipients’ ability to repay while integrating.

Social Inclusion 12 0 -12 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Newcomer Settlement and Integration Resettlement Assistance Program The Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) provides direct financial support and funds immediate and essential services for RAP clients, including Government-Assisted Refugees and persons in refugee-like situations admitted to Canada under a public policy consideration or on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, to meet their resettlement needs. In most cases, RAP clients have undergone extreme hardship and may lack the social networks and the financial resources to assist in addressing the needs associated with becoming established in a new country that would support their settlement in Canada. Income support is delivered directly by IRCC to RAP clients, typically for up to 12 months, if the RAP client’s income is insufficient to meet his or her own needs and those of any accompanying dependants. In some cases, RAP clients also receive start-up allowances for expenses related to furniture and other household supplies. Immediate and essential services are supported through contributions to SPOs in all provinces in Canada except Quebec, which delivers similar settlement services to refugees destined to that province through the Canada-Quebec Accord. RAP services include, but are not limited to, port of entry services, assistance with temporary accommodations, help locating permanent accommodation, help with acquiring basic knowledge of everyday life skills, orientation sessions, information and orientation on financial and non-financial topics, as well as life skills training, and links to settlement programming and mandatory federal and provincial programs. In addition to the above, Privately-Sponsored Refugees sponsored as part of a blended initiative under the Blended Visa Office Referred Refugees Program receive limited (up to six months’) income support and RAP services (port of entry only). This program uses transfer payment funding from the Resettlement Assistance Program.

Social Inclusion 77 103 26 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Newcomer Settlement and Integration Settlement Community and Labour Market Integration Services Newcomers face a variety of barriers to integration, including the need for information and connections to social and economic networks. Settlement information, bridging, and other support services including foreign credential referrals, attempt to address these barriers. Service provider organizations (SPOs) are funded to design and deliver bridging services that facilitate newcomers’ connections to the labour market and the wider community. Through IRCC offices and SPOs, the program also provides prospective immigrants and newcomers with access to settlement-related information so that they can make informed decisions about immigrating to and settling in Canada. The program also funds SPOs to offer services that improve newcomers’ access to settlement programming; these support services include childminding and transportation. Information on foreign credential recognition is provided in-person and by telephone on behalf of the Foreign Credentials Referral Office by Service Canada and through the IRCC Web site to prospective immigrants overseas. This program uses transfer payment funding from the Settlement Program.

Social Inclusion 184 173 -11
Department of Citizenship and Immigration Newcomers and citizens participate in fostering an integrated society. Newcomer Settlement and Integration Settlement Language Training The ability of newcomers to communicate in one of Canada’s official languages has long been recognized as key to both the initial settlement and the longer-term integration of immigrants. Language learning services are intended to help newcomers develop sufficient linguistic communication skills (including literacy) to enable newcomers to function in Canadian society and contribute to the economy. Through the Settlement Program, IRCC funds service provider organizations (SPOs) to deliver various language learning services for newcomers, including language assessment and official language instruction. This program uses transfer payment funding from the Settlement Program.

Social Inclusion 95 80 -15 The variance is explained by the realigment of resources that took place during 2016-17 to meet operational requirements.
Department of Citizenship and Immigration The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1473 1576 103
Department of Employment and Social Development A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market. Learning This program helps Canadians participate in post-secondary education and acquire the skills and credentials that enable them to improve their labour market outcomes and adapt to changing labour market conditions. It reduces barriers to education by providing financial assistance to students and apprentices as well as incentives for families to save for a child's post-secondary education. It also provides information and awareness about opportunities to acquire education and skills. The program contributes to the inclusiveness of the workforce by giving Canadians with the required academic abilities a more equal opportunity to participate in post-secondary education. The program is delivered in partnership with the provinces and territories, a third-party service provider, the voluntary sector, financial institutions and other key stakeholders to help Canadians pursue post-secondary education. Research and Development 348 324 -24
Department of Employment and Social Development A skilled, adaptable and inclusive labour force and an efficient labour market. Skills and Employment The Skills and Employment program is intended to ensure that Canadian labour market participants are able to access the supports that they need to enter or reposition themselves in the labour market so that they can contribute to economic growth through full labour market participation. Initiatives in this program contribute to the common overall objectives of promoting skills development, enhancing labour market participation and ensuring labour market efficiency. Employment and Income Security 8872 9722 850
Department of Employment and Social Development Government-Wide Service Excellence. Delivery of Services for Other Government of Canada Programs The Department provides service delivery, oversight and monitoring for other government department programs through service delivery agreements. It provides Canadians with access to a range of Government of Canada programs, benefits and services in person, by phone, by mail and over the Internet through the provision of basic and detailed program and service information; application intake and review for completeness; client authentication and validation of identity documents; quick and direct access to specialized agents within the other department; and provision of space in the service delivery network for other departments. It enables a move from department and program siloes to the achievement of a seamless service delivery network, resulting in timelier, accurate and cost-effective service delivery to Canadians. Transparency and Accountability 2356 1849 -507 With the transfer of responsibility for the delivery of passport services to ESDC, the service was provided within dedicated FTEs. The difference is mainly due to the Passport contingency reserve that was created for unexpected circumstances and increases in volumes and not used.
Department of Employment and Social Development Government-Wide Service Excellence. Service Network Supporting Government Departments This program supports Government of Canada programs by ensuring that Canadians have the information necessary to make informed choices about available programs and services, and the tools to access them, while supporting migration to preferred service channels. Canadians are able to access information about ESDC and other Government of Canada programs and services in the most accessible and convenient way, have their questions answered quickly and accurately, and receive or are directed to the information or service they need. Under this program, information and services are delivered to Canadians through the Internet, 1 800 O-Canada and its customized telephone services as well as through a network of in-person points of service. Transparency and Accountability 410 330 -80 This program includes planned FTEs for which Actuals are presented under other programs.  The difference between Planned and Actual FTEs results from a realignment of FTEs between programs to match variations in staffing and activity within the organization. This program excludes FTEs related to Employment Insurance, Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits which are presented under their respective programs (2.1.1, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and 4.1.3).
Department of Employment and Social Development Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities. Income Security This program ensures that Canadians are provided with retirement pensions, survivor pensions, disability benefits and benefits for children through the Old Age Security program, the Canada Pension Plan, the Canada Disability Savings Program and the National Child Benefit program. Employment and Income Security 3753 4801 1048 The difference in FTEs is mainly due to the fact that requests for additional funding and FTEs to address CPP and OAS workload were done after Planned FTE amounts were determined.
Department of Employment and Social Development Income security, access to opportunities and well-being for individuals, families and communities. Social Development This program supports programs for the homeless and individuals at risk of homelessness, as well as programs for children, families, seniors, communities and persons with disabilities. It provides these groups with the knowledge, information and opportunities to move forward with their own solutions to social and economic challenges. Social Inclusion 337 309 -28
Department of Employment and Social Development Safe, fair and productive workplaces and cooperative workplace relations. Labour This program seeks to promote and sustain stable industrial relations and safe, fair, healthy, equitable and productive workplaces in the federal jurisdiction (interprovincial transportation, post office and courier companies, telecommunications, banking, grain handling, nuclear facilities, federal Crown corporations, companies that have contracts with the federal government and Indigenous governments and their employees). It develops labour legislation and regulations to achieve an effective balance between workers’ and employers’ rights and responsibilities. The program ensures that workplaces under the federal jurisdiction respect the rights and obligations established under labour and employment equity legislation. The program also manages Canada’s international and intergovernmental labour affairs, as well as Indigenous labour affairs responsibilities. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 641 647 6
Department of Employment and Social Development The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 4164 3843 -321
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework Economic Development Policy This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior officials so that they can make informed decisions on the fiscal and economic implications of sectoral and microeconomic policy issues, policies and programs. The Sub-program fulfills the challenge function of the Department of Finance Canada on sectoral and microeconomic policy issues by conducting policy analysis and research regarding the fiscal and economic implications of economic policies and proposals developed by other departments in areas such as the knowledge-based economy, business financing, defence, transportation, public infrastructure, environment, energy and resources, agriculture and fisheries. This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to the Minister of Finance and senior government officials in support of meetings of Cabinet and Cabinet committees, the annual budget and fiscal updates. The Sub-program also plays a lead role in advising the government on the management of its corporate assets. Economic Development 40 46 6 The variance in FTEs for this Sub-Program is explained by higher than anticipated staff requirements to face substantially increased workload pressures, in connection to key priority areas of Government policy.
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework Economic and Fiscal Policy, Planning and Forecasting This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials so that they can make informed decisions on the Government of Canada’s economic and fiscal agenda. The Sub-program analyzes the economic and fiscal position of Canada, the provinces and other countries; advises on the government’s economic policy framework, its budget planning framework, and policy priorities; monitors and prepares forecasts of Canada’s economic and fiscal position; plays a lead role in the management of the government’s fiscal framework; and provides analytical support on a wide range of economic and financial issues related to the government’s macroeconomic and structural policies. Economic Development 70 67 -3
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework Federal-Provincial Relations and Social Policy This Sub-program designs fiscal arrangements between Canada and the provinces and territories, to facilitate the funding of shared priorities and to support the provision of reasonably comparable services at reasonably comparable tax rates across the country. The Sub-program prepares legislation and regulations on major transfers that fall under the responsibility of the Minister of Finance. This Sub-program also provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the fiscal and economic implications of federal-provincial relations and social policies, programs and issues. The Sub-program fulfills the challenge function of the Department of Finance Canada by conducting policy analysis and research regarding the fiscal and economic implications of federal social policies and programs in the areas of health care, immigration, justice and public safety, Employment Insurance and pensions, post-secondary education, Aboriginal and cultural programs, and programs for seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans and youth. This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to the Minister of Finance and senior government officials in support of meetings of Cabinet and Cabinet committees, the annual budget, fiscal updates, and responsibilities for Employment Insurance and Canada Pension Plan legislation. Economic Development 47 51 4
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework Financial Sector Policy This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials so that they can make informed decisions on matters that impact the Government of Canada’s financial sector policy agenda. The Sub-program ensures the overall stability, soundness, efficiency and competitiveness of Canada’s financial sector to support strong and sustainable economic growth. The Sub-program also provides analysis of Canada’s financial services sector and financial markets, and develops the legislative and regulatory frameworks for federally regulated financial institutions (banks, trust and loan companies, insurance companies and co-operative credit associations) and federally regulated pension plans. This Sub-program also plays a lead role in the federal strategy to combat money laundering and terrorist financing; in representing Canada at international forums; and in conducting Canada’s relations, and in negotiating Canada’s commitments, with foreign governments in the area of trade in financial services. The Sub-program works with provinces and territories to improve the capital markets regulatory system. Economic Development 76 82 6
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework International Trade and Finance This Sub program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials so that they can make informed decisions on the Government of Canada’s international trade and finance policy agenda. The Sub program develops and implements policies on trade and tariffs, international development assistance and finance, and global macroeconomic coordination in order to foster sustainable international and domestic economic growth. The Sub-program also manages the Department of Finance Canada’s participation in international financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank; regional multilateral development banks, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; and international economic coordination groups, such as the G7, the G20 and the Asia- Pacific Economic Co operation forum. Economic Development 70 58 -12 The variance in FTEs for this Sub-Program is explained by higher than anticipated staff turnover.
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Economic and Fiscal Policy Framework Taxation This Sub-program provides analysis, research, and advice to the Minister of Finance so that the Minister can make informed decisions on the Government of Canada’s tax policy agenda. The Sub-program focuses on personal income tax, business income tax, sales and excise tax, and Aboriginal tax policy. To support the government’s tax policy agenda, senior departmental officials provide advice and recommendations on improving the competitiveness, efficiency, simplicity and fairness of the tax system while generating sufficient revenue to finance government programs and priorities. This Sub-program develops and evaluates federal taxation policies and legislation, and negotiates international tax treaties, tax information exchange agreements, and tax elements of comprehensive land claim and self-government agreements with Aboriginal governments. The Sub-program is also involved with international tax policy matters, federal-provincial tax harmonization and coordination, federal-provincial Tax Collection and Reciprocal Taxation Agreements, federal-aboriginal Tax Administration Agreements, and tax policy research and evaluation. Economic Development 147 136 -11
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs Commitments to International Financial Organizations This Sub-program ensures that certain commitments of the Government of Canada to international financial organizations are efficiently funded. The Sub-program administers the payments and capital subscriptions for Canada’s commitments to international financial institutions, such as the International Development Association of the World Bank, and other regional multilateral development banks, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Payments to the International Development Association; Debt Payments on Behalf of Poor Countries to International Organizations Pursuant to section 18(1) of the Economic Recovery Act (stimulus); and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the Agriculture Advance Market Commitment (Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, section 8). Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs 1 1 0
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs Fiscal Arrangements with Provinces and Territories This Sub-program ensures that the Government of Canada’s fiscal arrangements with provinces and territories are efficiently managed. The Sub program administers transfer payments to provinces and territories in compliance with legislation and negotiated agreements. In addition, the Sub-program sometimes provides additional, time limited, targeted support to provinces and territories in areas of shared priorities. The Sub program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Fiscal Equalization (Part I—Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Territorial Formula Financing (Part I.1—Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Canada Health Transfer (Part V.1—Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Canada Social Transfer (Part V.1—Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Statutory Subsidies (Constitution Act, 1867; Constitution Act,1982, and other statutory authorities); Additional Fiscal Equalization to Nova Scotia (Part I—Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act); Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payment to Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payments Act); Youth Allowances Recovery (Federal Provincial Fiscal Revision Act, 1964); and Alternative Payments for Standing Programs (Part VI—Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act). Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs 5 5 0
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs Receipts from and payments to Individuals and Organizations This Sub-program ensures that payments owed to and due from individuals and organizations are efficiently managed. The Sub-program administers payments in compliance with the agreed terms and conditions. The Sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Harbourfront Centre Funding Program (Vote 5). Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs 1 1 0
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs Tax Collection and Administration Agreements This Sub-program ensures that the Government of Canada’s tax collection and administration obligations and arrangements and other tax policy-related payments are efficiently managed. The Sub-program manages the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, the First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act, and payments to provinces and territories and Aboriginal governments in compliance with the terms and conditions of Tax Collection Agreements, Tax Administration Agreements, and Comprehensive Integrated Tax Coordination Agreements. Payments relate to provincial and territorial personal income tax and corporate income tax, provincial revenue entitlements associated with the harmonized sales tax, and Aboriginal sales and income taxes. Transfer and Taxation Payment Programs 5 5 0
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Treasury and Financial Affairs Domestic Currency System This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the currency system, which involves the production of banknotes by the Bank of Canada and the circulation of coinage by the Royal Canadian Mint. The Sub-program ensures that the Government of Canada has a cost-effective, adequate and robust supply of domestic currency to meet the needs of the Canadian economy. Economic Development 4 4 0
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Treasury and Financial Affairs Federal Debt Management This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the management of the federal debt. The government’s debt management program includes the payment of interest costs on existing debt instruments and the servicing costs for new borrowings. The Sub-program ensures that the Government of Canada can fund its financial requirements on a timely and effective basis. Economic Development 10 10 0
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Treasury and Financial Affairs Major Federal-Backed Entities’ Borrowing This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the borrowing activities of major entities that are backed by the full faith and credit of the government such as Crown corporations and similar entities. The Sub-program ensures that major federal government backed entities receive timely and effective funding and that their borrowing is cost effective and compliant with the principles of prudent risk management. Economic Development 5 5 0
Department of Finance A strong economy and sound public finances for Canadians. Treasury and Financial Affairs Prudential Liquidity and Reserves Management This Sub-program provides analysis, research and advice to ministers and senior government officials on the management of prudential liquidity and reserves. The Sub-program ensures that the Government of Canada can meet its liquidity needs on a timely and effective basis. The Sub-program safeguards the government’s ability to meet payment obligations in situations where normal access to funding markets may be disrupted, and promotes foreign currency liquidity and orderly conditions for the Canadian dollar in foreign exchange markets, if needed. Prudential liquidity and reserves management involves maintaining domestic cash deposits at the Bank of Canada and financial institutions, and acquiring and managing cash reserves, loans, investments and advances in the government’s Exchange Fund Account. Economic Development 9 9 0
Department of Finance The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 249 254 5
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Aboriginal Strategies and Governance Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management The Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management (AAROM) sub-program is a contribution funding program that assists Aboriginal groups to develop their capacity to more effectively participate in aquatic resource-related activities and in Fisheries and Oceans Canada and multi-stakeholder processes used for aquatic resources and oceans management. The sub-program provides funding to qualifying Aboriginal groups to form aquatic resource and oceans management organizations at the aggregate level and builds technical and scientific capacity required to effectively participate in decision-making and advisory processes. This sub-program increases the level of active Aboriginal participation in collaborative management of aquatic and ocean resources. Increased Aboriginal engagement in planning at the watershed or ecosystem level contributes to certainty, stability and predictability in fisheries management. Other objectives this sub-program achieves include encouraging the establishment of collaborative management structures and improving information-sharing among and between Aboriginal communities, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and other stakeholders. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Oceans Management. Economic Development 10.9 10.2 -0.7
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Aboriginal Strategies and Governance Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy The Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy sub-program is a contribution funding program that provides eligible Aboriginal groups with transfer payments via Comprehensive Fisheries Agreements and Project Funding Agreements for the effective management of the food, social and ceremonial fisheries in a manner consistent with the 1990 Supreme Court of Canada’s Sparrow decision. Fisheries Agreements often include communal fishing licences for food, social and ceremonial and commercial fishing issued under the Fisheries Act under the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations. AFS also includes the Allocation Transfer Program; which facilitates the voluntary retirement of commercial fishing licences and the issuance of communal licenses to eligible Aboriginal groups and includes providing funding for the purchase of equipment, such as vessels and gear necessary for Aboriginal groups to fish these licences. AFS applies where Fisheries and Oceans Canada manages the fishery and where land claims settlements have not already put in place a fisheries management framework. This sub-program provides a mechanism for Fisheries and Oceans Canada to address its obligations while promoting stable and orderly fisheries management for the benefit of all Canadians. Other broader objectives include providing Aboriginal groups with an opportunity to participate in the management of their fisheries; contributing to the economic self-sufficiency of Aboriginal communities; and providing a foundation for the development of treaties and self-government agreements. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy. Economic Development 33 34.4 1.4
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Aboriginal Strategies and Governance Strategies and Governance The Strategies and Governance sub-program is responsible for treaty and non-treaty fisheries negotiations and provides departmental policy development and advice on Aboriginal related fisheries issues, such as: aquatic resource allocation, fisheries and oceans governance, habitat protection provisions, oceans, etc. This sub-program also provides advice on modern treaty fisheries obligations implementation and the monitoring of such departmental obligations in those final agreements. This sub-program works closely with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada to ensure fisheries elements of negotiated agreements advance sustainable aquatic ecosystems and support safe and secure Canadian waters while fostering economic prosperity across maritime sectors and fisheries. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Treaty Related Measures. Economic Development 76 62.5 -13.5
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Aquatic Animal Health In collaboration with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Department co-delivers Canada’s National Aquatic Animal Health Program (NAAHP). The objective of the program is to protect against the introduction or spread of serious infectious diseases of national and international importance, in both wild and cultured aquatic animals. This protection is critical to safeguarding the health of Canada’s aquatic resources and both Canada’s domestic and export markets for fish and seafood products. In doing so, NAAHP provides greater economic stability and potential for growth of the industries and regions that depend on these resources. The Department provides the scientific advice, diagnostic testing and research which inform the certification of aquatic animal health status and support the delivery of federal responsibilities under the Health of Animals Act and the Fisheries Act. The program also supports the delivery of other Fisheries and Oceans Canada programs, such as the Salmon Enhancement Program, Biotechnology and Genomics, and the Sustainable Aquaculture Science Program. Research and Development 53.5 52.2 -1.3
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Biotechnology and Genomics The Department is responsible for developing the knowledge that is required for the regulation and risk assessment of fish products derived from innovations in biotechnology and genomics. Biotechnology and genomics can provide leading-edge techniques and strategies for the sustainable development of aquatic resources. The Department’s use of these tools improves Canada’s ability to protect species at risk, manage the opening and closing of fisheries, prosecute poachers, improve aquaculture practices, control disease outbreaks, and remediate contaminated sites. Research and Development 23.3 19.3 -4 The variance between planned and actuals is a result of delays in staffing that were mitigated by having existing staff work overtime to ensure that operational requirements were met.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Climate Change Adaptation Program Fisheries and Oceans Canada contributes to the growth and sustainability of numerous maritime sectors and has infrastructure assets in the billions of dollars. It needs to have the capacity to adjust its decisions and activities based on the impact of climate change. The Climate Change Adaptation Program assesses risk, develops science knowledge and adaptation tools, which facilitate the integration of climate change considerations and adaptive management strategies into its decision making. Whether it is managing the fisheries resource, small craft harbours, or marine navigation, decision making must take into account climate change to ensure that Canada continues to benefit socially and economically from its oceans and inland waters. This program is one element of a much larger horizontal program which includes nine federal departments, including Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and the Public Health Agency of Canada. Research and Development 0 10.4 10.4 The variance between planned and actuals is a result of the renewal of the Climate Change Adaptation Program subsequent to the submission of the planned figures. The program was set to expire in 2015-16 but was renewed for two years in Budget 2016.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Integrated Fisheries Management Commercial Fisheries The Commercial Fisheries Program is managed in partnership with its stakeholders. It relies on scientific assessments and is dependent on consultative processes to develop and review policies, procedures and regulations and to ensure that the fisheries governance regime is accountable, predictable and transparent. In collaboration with its stakeholders, the program develops and uses management tools such as licences, quotas, trap limits, escapements and bycatch. Economic Development 915.5 976.4 60.9
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Integrated Fisheries Management Recreational Fisheries Recreational fishing is an important contributor to many local Canadian economies. The Recreational Fisheries program focuses on partnerships, citizen-engagement and community stewardship, and promotes public awareness of conservation and sustainable use of the fisheries resource. It also ensures that all stakeholders are engaged in the decision-making process and that allocation decisions made in the Integrated Fisheries Management Plans reflect the interests of the recreational fishery. Economic Development 18.3 16.1 -2.2
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. International Engagement The International Engagement program ensures access for Canadians to fish resources managed internationally, promotes sustainable fisheries management and healthy global marine ecosystems, and contributes to a stable international trade regime for Canadian fish and seafood products. The program advances its goals via multilateral and bilateral engagements, and coordinated strategies with international partners. International Trade and Investment 45.7 50.8 5.1
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Marine Navigation The Canadian Coast Guard Marine Navigation program provides Canadian and international commercial marine transportation sectors, fishers, and pleasure craft operators with information and services to facilitate the safe, economical and efficient movement of ships. Program services include providing survey and forecast information on commercial channels to identify water depth, restrictions, or hazards to navigation; dredging services; marine structures to maintain certain ship channel waterways; aids to navigation, for example short-range marine aids such as buoys, fixed aids to navigation, the Differential Global Positioning System, and information to mariners; assistance to vessels stuck in ice; maintaining tracks through ice-infested channels; breaking out ice in commercial and fishing harbours; providing ice routing advice and information and escorting ships in ice-covered waters; and monitoring and breaking up ice jams to prevent flooding on the St. Lawrence River. Program services also contribute to the development of the Arctic by transporting goods and supplies to northern communities and by maintaining a visible Canadian marine presence in the North. The program is delivered in coordination with the Coast Guard’s Fleet Operational Readiness and Shore-based Asset Readiness programs, Canadian Hydrographic Services, Public Works and Government Services and Procurement Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada. The program’s legal basis derives from the Constitution Act, 1867; the Oceans Act; and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. Economic Development 261 257.2 -3.8
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Salmonid Enhancement Program Salmonid Enhancement Contribution Programs Salmonid Enhancement Contribution Programs provide funding for community-based salmon and fish habitat projects. The Department has established contribution arrangements to support long-term collaboration with the Pacific Salmon Foundation and the T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation. Contribution funding for these foundations is offset by the revenues generated from the Pacific Salmon Conservation stamp and the Commercial Conservation surcharge on Fisher Registration Cards. The Pacific Salmon Foundation uses the contribution funding received from the Department to support community-based salmon and fish habitat projects that conserve, restore and enhance Pacific salmon. The Pacific Salmon Foundation does this in partnership with communities, other governments, First Nation representatives and non-profit organizations. The T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation directly undertakes projects to protect and conserve fish and fish habitat. This program uses funding from the Contribution to the Pacific Salmon Foundation Transfer Payment program. Economic Development 0 0 0
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Salmonid Enhancement Program Salmonid Enhancement Operations Salmonid Enhancement Operations produce Pacific salmon at enhancement facilities, restore habitats, and undertake projects that include citizen participation in fisheries and watershed stewardship activities. Enhancement facilities include hatcheries and spawning channels producing salmon. Enhanced salmon enable economic, social and cultural harvest opportunities for commercial, recreational and First Nations harvesters, support vulnerable stock rebuilding and contribute to Canada’s stock assessment commitments under the Pacific Salmon Treaty with the United States. Opportunities for citizen participation in fisheries and watershed stewardship, habitat restoration and salmon enhancement projects involve: the public, First Nations, as well as other government and corporate partners. Projects with community partners include stewardship activities and the development of integrated local and area watershed plans. Salmonid Enhancement Operations also support school education and public awareness projects. Economic Development 199.1 202.1 3
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Small Craft Harbours Under the authority of the Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act and its regulations, the Small Craft Harbours program operates and maintains a national network of harbours in support of the principal and evolving needs of the commercial fishing industry and the broader interests of coastal communities. Investment in small craft harbour infrastructure supports the economic prosperity of Canada’s fisheries and maritime sectors and contributes to public safety. The Small Craft Harbours program focuses its resources on keeping fishing harbours that are critical to the commercial fishing industry in good repair. The program is delivered in cooperation with Harbour Authorities, local not-for-profit organizations representing the interests of both commercial fish harvesters and the broader community, who manage the harbours under lease agreements with Fisheries and Oceans Canada. In line with the program’s mandate to support the commercial fishing industry, low activity fishing harbours and recreational harbours are divested to third parties. The Small Craft Harbours program is funded through an annual appropriation which includes two transfer payment programs: the Small Craft Harbours Class Grant Program and the Small Craft Harbours Class Contribution Program. Economic Development 180 184.1 4.1
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Sustainable Aquaculture Program Aquaculture Management The Aquaculture Management sub-program’s objective is to enhance the Department’s aquaculture management regime, using a range of regulations, policies, and public reporting to implement its regulatory mandate for the sector. In doing so, efforts are made to improve current regulations and policies as well as develop new ones, which are streamlined and coherent across federal and provincial/territorial regimes while ensuring protection of the aquatic environment. These activities are supported by public reporting on the management of the sector and its economic and environmental performance. Delivery of this sub-program is aligned with Canada’s international obligations and ensures that domestic regulatory responsibilities are consistent with international commitments to sustainable aquaculture management. The Department, in partnership with other government departments, supports Aboriginal communities interested in aquaculture and helps them develop viable aquaculture business plans and establish businesses that bring long-term sustainable economic benefit to their communities. Economic Development 52.8 43.5 -9.3
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Sustainable Aquaculture Program British Columbia Aquaculture Regulatory Program The objective of this sub-program is to effectively manage, administer and regulate aquaculture in British Columbia and govern the aquaculture industry activities, including finfish, shellfish and freshwater or land-based operations. The British Columbia Aquaculture Regulatory Program (BCARP) is implemented under the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations under the Fisheries Act. Specific BCARP areas of responsibility include: site licensing, introductions and transfers licensing, conditions of licence, environmental and fish health management, compliance and enforcement, consultations and engagement, and public reporting. BCARP ultimately ensures that aquaculture activities in the province are sustainable. Economic Development 35 34 -1
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Sustainable Aquaculture Program Sustainable Aquaculture Science Program The objectives of the Sustainable Aquaculture Science Program are to provide a strong science base to underpin regulatory, policy, and program decision making, thereby increasing the stability and soundness of aquaculture-related decisions. Additionally, through collaborative research with the aquaculture industry, the Sustainable Aquaculture Science Program helps to improve the sustainability of the industry, facilitate technology transfer and knowledge mobilization, and increase the scientific capacity of the Canadian aquaculture industry. Science for decision making contributes to transparency and public confidence. The key activities to achieve these objectives will include: (1) implementation of a formal scientific risk assessment framework and the provision of scientifically peer-reviewed risk assessments and associated advice for key aquaculture environment interactions, including fish health; (2) conducting targeted regulatory research in areas such as fish pest and pathogen interactions, cumulative effects, ecosystem management and interactions with wild populations; (3) providing scientific advice on the development of national standards, the development and implementation of indicators and area-based options for addressing overlapping management considerations; and (4) conducting collaborative research to enhance environmental performance and to optimize cultured fish health. Economic Development 110.3 112.3 2
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Economically Prosperous Maritime Sectors and Fisheries. Territorial Delineation The definition and description of Canada’s maritime boundaries is reliant on hydrographic data and nautical geodetic expertise. Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Canadian Hydrographic Service and Oceanographic Services (CHS-OS) is responsible for the provision of hydrographic and nautical data and nautical geodetic expertise. The program’s technical experts define the geographic positions for all Canadian offshore maritime limits and boundaries and provide the nautical geodetic evidence to resolve boundary disputes (e.g., Beaufort Sea, Hans Island) and prosecutions related to the violation of international maritime law (e.g., foreign fishing), as well as other infractions in Canadian waters. Through the international recognition of these limits and boundaries, Canada is able to assert its sovereign rights to resources, and to secure its maritime boundaries. Canada ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and in 2013 submitted evidence to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (the Commission) in support of the establishment of the outer limits of Canada’s continental shelf beyond the current 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone. Canada also submitted a preliminary report indicating that an Arctic submission would be forthcoming after further data collection. The Department works closely in this endeavour with Global Affairs Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada and Natural Resources Canada to prepare the second submission to present and defend Canada’s evidence submission to the Commission. Research and Development 11.8 9.5 -2.3 The variance between planned and actuals is a result of delays in staffing that were mitigated by having existing staff work overtime to ensure that operational requirements were met.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Canadian Coast Guard College The Canadian Coast Guard College, the Coast Guard’s national, bilingual, degree-conferring training institution, educates the marine professionals necessary to deliver programs in support of Coast Guard’s mission and mandate in marine safety, security, and environmental protection. Coast Guard’s Fleet Operational Readiness, Shore-Based Asset Readiness, Marine Communications and Traffic Services, Search and Rescue, and Environmental Response programs are integral contributors to the delivery of this program. The legal basis for this program is found in the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Oceans Act. Safety and Security 284 270 -14
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Fleet Operational Readiness Fleet Maintenance The Canadian Coast Guard’s Fleet Maintenance sub-program ensures that Canadian Coast Guard’s vessels, air cushioned vehicles, helicopters and small craft are available and reliable for the delivery of Canadian Coast Guard programs. The Fleet Maintenance program ensures the availability and reliability of these assets through life cycle investment planning, engineering, maintenance, and disposal services. The Canadian Coast Guard College is an important contributor to the delivery of this program in its provision of technical training. The sub-program is delivered in coordination with Public Services and Procurement Canada. Activities associated with Fleet Maintenance are guided by a number of international and national trade agreements, legal instruments such as the Financial Administration Act and Government Contract Regulations, as well as policies, directives, and guidelines provided by Treasury Board, Treasury Board Secretariat, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and Public Services and Procurement Canada. The legal basis for building fleet capability is found in the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Oceans Act. Safety and Security 185 273.2 88.2
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Fleet Operational Readiness Fleet Operational Capability The Canadian Coast Guard’s Fleet Operational Capability program includes fleet operations, fleet management and the staffing of fleet personnel. The program ensures that certified professionals safely operate vessels, air cushion vehicles, helicopters, and small craft and are ready to respond to on-water and marine related needs. The Canadian Coast Guard College is an important contributor to this program. The program is guided by a number of international conventions and domestic marine-related regulations. For example, the Coast Guard Fleet’s Safety and Security Management System is modeled after the International Ship Management Code (as ratified by Canada as a member of the United Nations’ International Maritime Organization), the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code, and the International Labour Code (applicable to Seafarers). The System design is also influenced by the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution by Ships, the findings of Transportation Safety Board Marine Investigation Reports, the internal safety investigations, the occupational safety and health regulations, and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 regulations governing certification of seafarers, the inspection of vessels, the marine equipment requirements, and other operational regulatory aspects. The legal basis for this program is found in the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Oceans Act. Safety and Security 2500 2595.4 95.4
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Fleet Operational Readiness Fleet Procurement The Canadian Coast Guard’s Fleet Procurement sub-program plans, manages, verifies, and accepts the design and construction of new large and small vessels, air cushioned vehicles, helicopters, and small craft to support the operational requirements identified in the Fleet Renewal Plan and the Integrated Investment Plan. The program provides project management support to ensure effective and efficient project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk, and procurement. The program is coordinated with Public Services and Procurement Canada. Activities associated with fleet procurement are guided by a number of international and national trade agreements; legal instruments such as the Financial Administration Act and Government Contract Regulations; and policies, directives, and guidelines provided by Treasury Board, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, and Public Services and Procurement Canada. The legal basis for building fleet capability is found in the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Oceans Act. Safety and Security 64.5 64.8 0.3
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Hydrographic Products and Services The safe use of Canadian waterways requires knowledge of the physical limitations to navigation. The Canadian Hydrographic Service contributes to safety on Canadian waterways by undertaking hydrographic surveys from primarily Canadian Coast Guard vessels to measure, describe, and chart the physical features of Canada’s oceans and navigable inland waters. As Canada’s hydrographic authority, the Canadian Hydrographic Service uses these data to produce up-to-date, timely and accurate nautical charts and publications in support of domestic and international marine transportation in accordance with the requirements of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and the International Maritime Organization’s Safety of Life At Sea Convention. In addition to supporting Safe and Secure Waters strategic objectives, hydrographic information is used in a number of research and development applications in engineering, ocean research, maritime security, marine navigation, ocean management, ecosystem science and the renewable and non-renewable energy sectors. Research and Development 256 235.2 -20.8
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Marine Communications and Traffic Services The Marine Communications and Traffic Services program is delivered by the Canadian Coast Guard. The safety of mariners and marine environmental protection in Canadian waters depend on the efficient and timely communication of information. The program ensures a reliable communication system is available 24 hours a day to contribute to the safety of life at sea, the protection of the marine environment, and the safe and efficient navigation in Canadian waterways. Services include marine distress and general radio communications, broadcasting maritime safety information, screening vessels entering Canadian waters, regulating vessel traffic in selected Canadian waters, providing marine information to other federal departments and agencies, and providing a public correspondence radiotelephone service in areas where mariners don’t have access to public telephone systems. The Shore-Based Asset Readiness and Canadian Coast Guard College programs are integral contributors to this program. The legal basis for the program derives from the Constitution Act, 1867, the Oceans Act, and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. Safety and Security 349 326.7 -22.3
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Maritime Security The Canadian Coast Guard’s Maritime Security Program supports the work of federal departments and agencies with maritime and national security mandates, including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Forces, the Canada Border Services Agency, Public Safety Canada, and Transport Canada, by sharing maritime expertise and information and lending vessel support. Fleet Operational Readiness, Marine Communications and Traffic Services, as well as Shore-Based Asset Readiness programs are integral contributors to the delivery of the Maritime Security Program. The program is delivered in coordination with the Department’s Compliance and Enforcement program. The legal basis for the support of other federal departments or agencies is found primarily in the Oceans Act. Safety and Security 66 47.3 -18.7 The variance between planned and actuals is a result of human resources for the World Class Tanker Safety System being deferred to 2017-18.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Ocean Forecasting As a maritime nation bordered by three oceans, Canada has an obligation to understand ocean processes and their influence on our environment, ecosystems, and coastal communities. To this end, the Department conducts research, long-term monitoring of key ocean parameters (temperature, sea level, nutrients, tides, salinity, etc.) and manages the resulting data to ensure integrity and accessibility. In turn, the generation of new knowledge allows the Department to provide advice, products and services that support ecosystem management decisions, adaptation to climatic change, emergency preparedness (e.g. tsunami warnings, storm surges), search and rescue, the mitigation of oil spills, and at-sea operations such as fisheries and offshore energy exploration. Clients of the program include the Canadian Coast Guard, other federal government departments and agencies (e.g., Environment and Climate Change Canada, Department of National Defence, Transport Canada, Public Safety Canada), various maritime industries (e.g., commercial shipping, off-shore energy exploration, commercial fishing), the Canadian and international marine science community and Canadians. Research and Development 97.1 95.3 -1.8
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Search and Rescue Services Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary is organized into federally incorporated, not-for-profit volunteer corporations. The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada maintains a formal contribution agreement with each Auxiliary corporation for related eligible costs. The corporations are separate legal entities from the Government of Canada and work closely with the Canadian Coast Guard. The majority of Auxiliary members are commercial fishers and pleasure boaters who donate their time and vessels to assist the Coast Guard with the Search and Rescue Services program. Other members are volunteers from local communities who crew community-based dedicated response vessels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Auxiliary has approximately 4,000 members and access to approximately 1,100 vessels. The local knowledge, maritime experience, seafaring talents, and professional conduct of the members make them one of Canada’s greatest maritime assets. Authority for this contribution program is by Cabinet Directive. This program uses funding from the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Contribution Program and is delivered in coordination with Coast Guard’s Search and Rescue Services and Marine Communications and Traffic Services. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Search and Rescue Services Search and Rescue Coordination and Response The Canadian Coast Guard’s Search and Rescue Coordination and Response program ensures that people caught in on-water distress situations have access to assistance. The program coordinates and delivers on-water response to maritime search and rescue cases, assists the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces in response to aeronautical and humanitarian cases; provides search and rescue response capacity; and manages partnerships essential for the efficient coordination of activities. Through communication, coordination and delivery of maritime search and rescue response, the program increases the chances of rescue for people caught in dangerous on-water situations. The Fleet Operational Readiness and Marine Communications and Traffic Services programs are integral contributors to the delivery of this program. The legal basis for the program derives from the Constitution Act, 1867, the Oceans Act, and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. Safety and Security 139 144.8 5.8
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Safe and Secure Waters. Shore-Based Asset Readiness The Canadian Coast Guard Shore-Based Asset Readiness program ensures that the Canadian Coast Guard’s non-fleet assets are available and reliable for delivery of Canadian Coast Guard programs. These non-fleet assets include both fixed and floating aids, such as visual aids (e.g. buoys); aural aids (e.g., fog horns); radar aids (e.g., reflectors and beacons); and long-range marine aids, such as the Differential Global Positioning System; as well as electronic communication, navigation systems, and over 300 radio towers. The Shore-Based Asset Readiness program ensures the availability and reliability of these assets through life cycle investment planning, engineering, acquisition, maintenance, and disposal services. The Canadian Coast Guard College is an important contributor to the delivery of this program in its provision of technical training. This program is delivered in coordination with Public Services and Procurement Canada. Activities associated with the life-cycle asset management of Canadian Coast Guard shore-based assets are legislated and guided by the Financial Administration Act and Government Contract Regulations, as well as policies, directives, and guidelines provided by Treasury Board, Treasury Board Secretariat, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, and Public  Services and Procurement Canada. The legal basis for this program is found in the Constitution Act, 1867, and the Oceans Act. Safety and Security 719 623.3 -95.7
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Compliance and Enforcement Enforcement Operations Enforcement Operations comprises a variety of compliance and enforcement tools to detect and deter illegal activities. Education and Shared Stewardship promotes compliance, through education, promotional campaigns, and engagement of partners and stakeholders. Educational activities raise awareness and understanding and result in a more informed public and encourage resource users to comply with regulatory requirements. Fisheries monitoring and audit activities provide an oversight function to determine participants’ compliance with legislation, regulations and management measures. The program uses land, water and air-based surveillance along with modern technology such as vessel monitoring systems, video monitoring and satellite surveillance to detect illegal activities. Major Cases and Special Investigations focus on solving high-risk, complex compliance issues that pose significant threat to the sustainability of Canada’s aquatic resources and cannot be addressed through education or, regular monitoring, and control and surveillance activities. Special investigative techniques, including covert operations, technical surveillance, and information technology forensics are used in countering illegal fishing activities. The program is supported by third-party services (guardian, at-sea observer and dockside monitoring programs), and partnerships and joint operations with police and other enforcement agencies. The public assists by reporting violations through “Observe, Record, Report” programs. To deter illegal activities, enforcement interventions may include warnings, seizures, arrests, directions, orders, diversions, tickets, charges and prosecutions. This program meets domestic and international commitments to address illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing; and to protect habitat and species at risk, contributing to sustainable aquatic ecosystems, supporting legitimate economic activities, and protecting consumers from illegally harvested fisheries products. Environment 560.7 558.3 -2.4
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Compliance and Enforcement National Fisheries Intelligence Service The National Fisheries Intelligence Service collects and analyzes all-source information and produces intelligence reports to facilitate knowledgeable and informed decision-making. This program provides advice about aspects of operations to decision-makers. As the Compliance and Enforcement program evolves to an intelligence-led organization, accurate intelligence gathering and an ability to establish priorities and action plans will control, reduce and mitigate threats and risks. Establishing an intelligence model as a core business practice within the Compliance and Enforcement program will shift its resources from crisis response to strategically focussing on areas of greatest risk and ensure maximum program effectiveness. Environment 106.2 48.2 -58
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Compliance and Enforcement Program and Operational Readiness Program and Operational Readiness develops and supports a skilled, equipped, well-informed, safe and effective workforce. Strategic planning, integrated risk assessments, periodic reviews and audits are carried out to identify operational priorities and to ensure the right balance of tools and approaches are used to achieve the program objectives. Acquisition and management of equipment, vehicles, and vessels is necessary to ensure a well-equipped and effective workforce. Program and Operational Readiness ensures a well-trained workforce through the Fishery Officer Career Progression Program and the coordination of specialized enforcement and intelligence training throughout the Compliance and Enforcement program including annual recertification requirements of Fishery Officers as needed. It also ensures rigorous management of data as well as information collection and analysis through the development and maintenance of information management systems notably the Departmental Violation System. Finally, systems for collecting and analyzing information also support strategic planning, priority setting and performance management of the Compliance and Enforcement program overall. Environment 71 80.2 9.2
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Environmental Response Services The Canadian Coast Guard is the lead federal agency for ensuring an appropriate response to all ship-source and unknown mystery pollution spills in Canadian waters and waters under international agreements. The Environmental Response Services program minimizes the environmental, economic, and public safety impacts of marine pollution incidents. Through the program, the Canadian Coast Guard establishes an appropriate and nationally consistent level of preparedness and response services in Canadian waters; monitors and investigates all reports of marine pollution in Canada in conjunction with other federal departments; and maintains communications with the program’s partners, including Transport Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada, to ensure a consistent coordinated approach to the response to marine pollution incidents. The Coast Guard’s Fleet Operational Readiness program contributes to the delivery of this program. The program is delivered in coordination with other federal departments for surveillance information and scientific advice and with ship owners and commercial Response Organizations to support response efforts. The program’s legal basis derives from the Oceans Act, the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, and the Constitution Act, 1867. Environment 112 99.9 -12.1
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Fisheries Protection Aquatic Invasive Species The Aquatic Invasive Species program aims to prevent the introduction of aquatic invasive species (AIS) into Canadian waters, to manage selected existing population of AIS and to provide fisheries managers with information and tools to address AIS. Activities performed by the program include: early detection, response, and management of AIS and the administration of the Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations. The program works with federal, provincial and territorial partners to coordinate AIS issues and to administer and enforce AIS legislation. The program also works with government authorities in Canada and the United States and with non-governmental organizations to manage the threat of AIS through ongoing scientific studies (e.g. research on pathways of invasion, methodologies to detect new invasions), risk assessments and control measures. Information related to AIS, their prevention and management is provided to Canadians. Environment 70.2 76.7 6.5
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Fisheries Protection Partnerships and Regulatory Arrangements Sustainability and ongoing productivity of commercial, recreational and Aboriginal fisheries is best achieved when partners and stakeholders with a common interest work together to conserve and protect fish and fish habitat. The Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnerships Program (RFCPP) forms a key component of the Fisheries Protection Program. This contribution program encourages a partnership-based approach and provides funding to recreational fishing/angling and conservation groups undertaking fish habitat restoration activities, thereby supporting a common long term goal of enhancing the sustainability and ongoing productivity of Canada’s recreational fisheries. With government, recreational fishing/angling groups, conservations groups and other partners working together toward common goals, tangible progress can be made. To help meet that potential, the RFCPP supports multi-partner projects at the local level enabling proponents to manage and execute projects that restore compromised and/or threatened recreational fisheries habitat. Environment 18.9 12.6 -6.3
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Fisheries Protection Regulatory Reviews, Standards and Guidelines TAs part of its core business, the Fisheries Protection Program is responsible for the direct administration of the fisheries protection provisions of the Fisheries Act including the establishment of guidelines and regulations. It is also responsible for the administration of certain provisions of the Species at Risk Act, and has specific legislative responsibilities in relation to federal environmental assessment regimes including, among others, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, and regimes in the territories and under land claims agreements. The program is responsible for meeting the duty to consult, and where appropriate, accommodate in relation to its authorizations and potential impacts on Aboriginal and Treaty rights. The program undertakes the review and authorization of proposed works, undertakings and activities (projects) that may affect fish and fish habitat. The program provides advice to proponents to enable them to avoid and mitigate the effects of projects on fish and fish habitat. When harm cannot be avoided, the program ensures compliance with the Fisheries Act and the Species at Risk Act by issuing authorizations and permits when appropriate, with conditions for offsetting, monitoring, and reporting. Environment 317.6 313.9 -3.7
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Oceans Management The Oceans Management program takes an integrated and evidence based approach to managing oceans issues and collaborates with other federal departments, other levels of government, Aboriginal groups, and stakeholders. Building on a foundation of science, the program addresses a number of challenges facing Canada’s oceans, such as oceans health, marine habitat loss, declining biodiversity and growing demands for access to ocean space and resources. The program gathers, disseminates and considers information on ecological, social and economic impacts to ensure the protection, conservation and sustainable use of Canada’s oceans. The legal basis for the program derives from the Oceans Act along with Canada’s Oceans Strategy which provides the Department with a framework for managing estuarine, coastal and marine ecosystems. Environment 287.3 354.9 67.6 The variance between planned and actuals is a result of additional resources to support the Oceans Protection Plan that was announced in November 2016.
Department of Fisheries and Oceans Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems. Species at Risk The Species at Risk Act is the federal legislative tool for protecting listed wildlife species at risk. It establishes a process for conducting scientific assessments of the status of wildlife species, by an arm’s length organization, and for listing species addressed as extirpated, endangered, threatened and of special concern. The Species at Risk Act also includes provisions for the protection, recovery and conservation of listed wildlife species and their critical habitats and residences. The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard is the competent Minister for all aquatic species at risk in Canada (except those in, or on federal lands administered by Parks Canada). The program is managed according to key principles in the Act, such as stewardship, engagement, consultation, cooperation, compliance, and enforcement. The program is informed by scientific research, social and economic research, and stakeholder and community views. This information then supports the assessment and listing of species; the recovery and protection of listed species at risk through recovery strategies, action plans and management plans; the identification and protection of species’ critical habitats; the implementation of recovery measures; and reporting on progress. The Species at Risk Program helps improve the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems so that they remain healthy and productive for future generations of Canadians. Environment 129.4 133.6 4.2
Department of Fisheries and Oceans The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1735.2 1674.8 -60.4
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's International Agenda - The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values. Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements Assessed Contributions to International Organizations This sub-program enables the timely payment of assessed contributions and membership dues that maintain Canada’s access to more than 40 international and multilateral organizations. International Engagement 19 23 4 The variance is due to new employees hired to support the United Nation Security Council (UNSC) campaign.
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's International Agenda - The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values. Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements Bilateral and Regional Diplomacy and Advocacy Through this sub-program, démarches, official visits, public diplomacy, and other access and advocacy initiatives are used to make bilateral and regional decision makers aware of Canada’s international policies and priorities. International Engagement 1091 1088 -3
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's International Agenda - The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values. Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements Summitry and Multilateral Diplomacy and Advocacy Through this sub-program, démarches, official visits, public diplomacy, and other access and advocacy initiatives are delivered to make summit and multilateral decision makers aware of Canada’s international policies and priorities. International Engagement 223 217 -6
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's International Agenda - The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values. Diplomacy, Advocacy, and International Agreements Trade Agreements, Negotiations, Dispute Settlement and Controls Through this sub-program, Global Affairs Canada works to mitigate market access barriers for Canadian industry by negotiating trade, investment and air transportation agreements, addressing trade policy issues through diplomacy and international dispute settlement mechanisms, and managing Canada’s international obligations under the Export and Import Permits Act to control trade in specific goods and technologies. International Engagement 316 308 -8
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's International Agenda - The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values. Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy International Information and Analysis Government of Canada decision makers are provided with information products such as mission reports, information memorandums and political and economic research so that they are well informed on issues related to Canada’s international values and interests. International Engagement 331 322 -9
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's International Agenda - The international agenda is shaped to advance Canadian security, prosperity, interests and values. Integrated Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Policy International Policy Advice Through this sub-program, Government of Canada decision makers are provided with decision products such as action memorandums, briefing notes, memorandums to Cabinet, and presentations so that they are well advised on options for actions and policies regarding Canada’s international values and interests. International Engagement 499 487 -12
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities. Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad Administration of Foreign Service Directives This sub-program delivers Foreign Service Directives benefits and services. International Engagement 40 34 -6 The variance is attributable to delays in planned spending.
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities. Management of Government of Canada Terms and Conditions of Employment Abroad Administration of Locally Engaged Staff Pension, Insurance and Social Security Programs This sub-program administers pension and insurance plans and enrolment in local social security programs for Locally Engaged Staff (LES) who work at Canada’s missions abroad. This includes providing information regarding pensions, insurance, social security programs and delivering of timely and accurate payments to LES. International Engagement 15 15 0
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities. Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services Information Management/Information Technology This sub-program facilitates the dissemination of service standards and delivers IM/IT services across Canada’s network of missions abroad. International Engagement 1316 213 -1103 N/A (see comment)
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities. Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services Locally Engaged Staff Supporting Other Government Departments This sub-program enables Locally Engaged Staff supporting other government departments at missions to receive timely and efficient salary payments. International Engagement 220 1394 1174 The variance is attributable to LES positions created for other government departments.
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities. Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services Management of Common Services This sub-program provides the costing framework for common services, such as logistics support, banking and financial services, procurement and diplomatic mail services, at Canada’s missions abroad so that clients and partners at missions receive cost-effective and efficient common services and infrastructure support. International Engagement 2284 2381 97
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities. Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services Real Property This sub-program facilitates centralized decision making on property planning and project management so that the Government of Canada receives timely and cost-effective property services and maintenance in support of its programs abroad. International Engagement 185 163 -22 The variance is attributable to delays in planned spending.
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada's Network Abroad - The Department maintains a mission network of infrastructure and services to enable the Government of Canada to achieve its international priorities. Mission Network Governance, Strategic Direction and Common Services Security This sub-program provides cyclical on-site security inspections complemented by ongoing risk assessments and safety audits to ensure that missions are secure, personnel are safe, and federal partners’ and other co-locators’ assets and information are protected at missions abroad. It includes the implementation of the Departmental Security Plan, through which work in this sub-program is coordinated and monitored. International Engagement 146 143 -3
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages. International Development Children and Youth, including Maternal, Newborn and Child Health This sub-program contributes to the well-being and empowerment of children and youth in targeted developing countries by improving maternal, newborn and child health services, increasing equitable access to quality education and learning opportunities, and enhancing protection from violence, exploitation and abuse. International Development 309 298 -11
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages. International Development Food Security This sub-program contributes to food security in developing countries by increasing sustainable agricultural production and productivity of small-holder farms, and strengthening agricultural innovation systems. It also promotes consumption of nutritious foods or supplements for food to insecure, undernourished or food aid dependent families. International Development 140 133 -7
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages. International Development Multisector Assistance, Social Development, and Development Engagement This sub-program provides development assistance that complements targeted interventions of other development programming, and enables the continued engagement of Canadians as global citizens. It includes programming in health and social services that does not specifically target children and youth, including the prevention and treatment of communicable diseases. International Development 143 134 -9
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages. International Development Sustainable Economic Growth This sub-program helps developing countries improve their capacity to manage and grow their economies and increase economic opportunities for their citizens. It focuses on improving the broad investment climate, enabling the growth of small-scale businesses, especially those led by women, and investing in the employment and entrepreneurial skills of individuals, particularly women and youth. International Development 290 283 -7
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages. International Humanitarian Assistance Humanitarian Programming This sub-program delivers timely and effective humanitarian assistance to crisis-affected populations in developing countries. International Development 57 57 0
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages. International Humanitarian Assistance Partners for Humanitarian Assistance This sub-program provides long-term institutional support to key humanitarian assistance partners to improve their effectiveness and ensure continued capacity to deliver humanitarian assistance in an ever-evolving global political and environmental context. International Development 12 12 0
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages. International Security and Democratic Development Advancing Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, and the Rule of Law Through this sub-program, Global Affairs Canada promotes the development and maintenance of democratic, well-governed, pluralistic societies whose accountable governments respond effectively to the needs of their citizens, including respect for human rights and the rule of law. International Development 78 73 -5
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Assistance and Poverty Alleviation - Poverty is reduced, and security and democracy are increased for those living in countries where Canada engages. International Security and Democratic Development International Security and Threat Reduction This sub-program enhances the capacity of foreign governments and international organizations to prevent and respond to threats of transnational crime, terrorism, and weapons and materials of mass destruction. International Development 78 84 6
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians - Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services. Consular Services and Emergency Management Consular Assistance for Canadians This sub-program helps ensure that Canadians travelling abroad receive timely and accurate information on travelling safely and responsibly. Canadians in distress abroad are provided with consular assistance and routine citizenship, passport and consular services through Canada’s network of missions abroad. International Engagement 387 372 -15 The variance is attributable to delays in planned staffing.
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians - Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services. Consular Services and Emergency Management Emergency Preparedness and Response This sub-program enables Canadians abroad to receive timely and appropriate emergency consular services and maintains a whole-of-government capacity to respond to international emergencies in a timely and coordinated manner. International Engagement 46 48 2
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians - Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services. International Commerce Foreign Direct Investment in Canada This sub-program helps ensure that foreign investors are aware of Canada as a competitive investment location and supports efforts to ensure that foreign direct investment is facilitated, expanded or retained. International Trade and Investment 186 184 -2
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians - Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services. International Commerce International Business Development through Promotion of Exports and Trade in Canada and Abroad. This sub-program helps link Canadian business clients to services, contacts and leads that increase access to international commerce opportunities. International Trade and Investment 1111 1092 -19
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development International Commercial and Consular Services for Canadians - Canadians are satisfied with commercial and consular services. International Commerce International Innovation, Science and Technology This sub-program helps Canadian business clients gain access to networks, partners and resources that enhance their ability to innovate. International Trade and Investment 62 62 0
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1517 1382 -135
Department of Health A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians. Canadian Health System Policy Canada Health Act Administration The administration of the Canada Health Act involves monitoring a broad range of sources to assess the compliance of provincial and territorial health insurance plans with the criteria and conditions of the Act, working in partnership with provincial and territorial governments to investigate and resolve concerns which may arise, providing policy advice and informing the Minister of possible non-compliance with the Act, recommending appropriate action when required, and reporting to Parliament on the administration of the Act. The program objective is to facilitate reasonable access to publicly insured health care services without financial or other barriers. Health 19 15 -4 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions
Department of Health A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians. Canadian Health System Policy Health System Priorities Through the Health System Priorities program, Health Canada works closely with provincial and territorial governments, domestic and international organizations, health care providers, and other stakeholders to develop and implement innovative approaches, improve accountability, and responses to meet the health priorities and health services needs of Canadians. Key activities include aligning the health workforce to meet the needs of Canadians, timely access to quality health care services, and accelerating the development and implementation of electronic health technologies. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Brain Canada Foundation, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, Canadian Institute for Health Information, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Canadian Patient Safety Institute, Health Care Policy Contribution Program, Mental Health Commission of Canada, Mood Disorders Society of Canada, Canada Health Infoway, Pallium Foundation of Canada, and Canadian Foundation for Health Care Improvement. The program objective is to use program funding to strengthen and support policy advice, research, programs, practices, services, and knowledge translation and exchange, to address federal health care system priorities across Canada. Health 219 162 -57 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions
Department of Health A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians. Official Language Minority Community Development The Official Language Minority Community Development program involves the administration of Health Canada’s responsibilities under Section 41 of the Official Languages Act. This Act commits the federal government to enhance the vitality of official language minority communities and foster the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian society. This program includes: consulting with Canada’s official language minority communities on a regular basis; supporting and enabling the delivery of contribution programs and services for official language minority communities; reporting to Parliament and Canadians on Health Canada’s achievements under Section 41; and, coordinating Health Canada’s activities and awareness in engaging and responding to the health needs of official language minority communities. The program objectives are to improve access to health services in official language minority communities and to increase the use of both official languages in the provision of health care services. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Official Languages Health Contribution Program. Health 10 8 -2 The variance of 2 in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health A health system responsive to the needs of Canadians. Specialized Health Services The Specialized Health Services program supports the Government of Canada’s obligation to protect the health and safety of its employees and the health of visiting dignitaries. Health Canada delivers counselling, organizational development and critical incident support services to federal government departments through a network of contracted mental health professionals, and also provides immediate response to employees following traumatic incidents in the workplace. Health Canada delivers occupational health and occupational hygiene consultative services to ensure that public servants meet medical requirements to safely and effectively perform their duties and to prevent work-related illness and injury. Health Canada pro-actively contributes to reducing the number of work days lost to illness across the federal government through the provision of occupational and psycho-social health services to federal public servants. Health Canada also arranges for the provision of health services for Internationally Protected Persons (IPP) who have come to Canada for international events, such as meetings or official visits. An IPP is a representative of a State, usually Heads of State and/or Government, members of the Royal Family, or officials of an international organization of an intergovernmental character. The program objective is to ensure continuity of services and the occupational health of federal public servants who can deliver results to Canadians in all circumstances and to arrange health services for IPPs. Health 260 178 -82 The variance of 82 in FTE utilization is mainly due to the calculation of planned FTE figures being based on the Employee Assistance Services program using its full revenue authority. FTE utilization is a reflection of workforce requirements based on actual workload.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care First Nations and Inuit Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Healthy Child Development The Healthy Child Development program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending to support culturally appropriate community-based programs, services, initiatives, and strategies related to maternal, infant, child, and family health. The range of services includes prevention and health promotion, outreach and home visiting, and early childhood development programming. Targeted areas in the delivery of this program include: prenatal health, nutrition, early literacy and learning, and physical and children’s oral health. The program objective is to address the greater risks and lower health outcomes associated with First Nations and Inuit infants, children, and families. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care. Health 117 99 -18 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources within this program to meet program needs and priorities.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care First Nations and Inuit Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Healthy Living The Healthy Living program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending that supports culturally appropriate community-based programs, services, initiatives, and strategies related to chronic disease and injuries among First Nations and Inuit. This program aims to promote healthy behaviours and supportive environments in the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, food security, chronic disease prevention, management and screening, and injury prevention policy. Key activities supporting program delivery include: chronic disease prevention and management, injury prevention, the Nutrition North Canada– Nutrition Education Initiative, and the First Nations and Inuit component of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. The program objective is to address the greater risks and lower health outcomes associated with chronic diseases and injuries among First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care. Health 132 122 -10 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources to meet program needs and priorities.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care First Nations and Inuit Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Mental Wellness The Mental Wellness program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending that supports culturally appropriate community-based programs, services, initiatives and strategies related to the mental wellness of First Nations and Inuit. The range of services includes prevention, early intervention, treatment, and aftercare. Key services supporting program delivery include:  problematic substance use prevention and treatment (part of the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy (CDSS)), mental health promotion, suicide prevention, and health supports for participants of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. The program objective is to address the greater risks and lower health outcomes associated with the mental wellness of First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care. Health 94 143 49 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to in-year resources received for Mental Wellness Interventions and Services Enhancements for First Nations and Inuit and the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support program.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care First Nations and Inuit Primary Care Clinical and Client Care The Clinical and Client Care program is delivered by a collaborative health care team, predominantly nurse-led, providing integrated and accessible health and oral health care services that include assessment, diagnostic, curative, and rehabilitative services for urgent and non-urgent care. Key services supporting program delivery include: triage, emergency resuscitation and stabilization, emergency ambulatory care, and outpatient non-urgent services; coordinated and integrated care and referral to appropriate provincial secondary and tertiary levels of care outside the community; and, in some communities, physician visits and hospital in patient, ambulatory, and emergency services. The program objective is to provide clinical and client care services to First Nations individuals, families, and communities. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care. Health 609 571 -38 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources within this program to meet program needs and priorities.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care First Nations and Inuit Primary Care Home and Community Care The Home and Community Care program administers contribution agreements with First Nation and Inuit communities and territorial governments to enable First Nations and Inuit individuals with disabilities, chronic or acute illnesses, and the elderly to receive the care they need in their homes and communities. Care is delivered primarily by home care registered nurses and trained certified personal care workers. In the delivery of this program, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch provides funding through contribution agreements and direct departmental spending for a continuum of basic essential services such as: client assessment and case management; home care nursing, personal care and home support as well as in-home respite; and, linkages and referral, as needed, to other health and social services. Based on community needs and priorities, existing infrastructure, and availability of resources, the Home and Community Care program may be expanded to include supportive services. These services may include: rehabilitation and other therapies; adult day programs; meal programs; in home mental health; in home palliative care; and, specialized health promotion, wellness, and fitness services. The program objective is to provide home and community care services to First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care. Health 73 94 21 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to in-year resources received for Jordan's Principle - A Child First Initiative.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care First Nations and Inuit Public Health Protection Communicable Disease Control and Management The Communicable Disease Control and Management program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending to support initiatives related to vaccine preventable diseases, blood borne diseases and sexually transmitted infections, respiratory infections, and communicable disease emergencies. In collaboration with other jurisdictions communicable disease control and management activities are targeted to on-reserve First Nations, with support provided to specific instances (such as to address tuberculosis) in Inuit communities south of the 60th parallel. Communicable Disease Control and Management activities are founded on public health surveillance and evidence-based approaches and reflective of the fact that all provincial and territorial governments have public health legislation. Key activities supporting program delivery include: prevention, treatment and control of cases and outbreaks of communicable diseases; and, public education and awareness to encourage healthy practices. A number of these activities are closely linked with those undertaken in the Environmental Health program (, as they relate to waterborne, foodborne and zoonotic infectious diseases. The program objective is to reduce the incidence, spread, and human health effects of communicable diseases for First Nations and Inuit communities. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care. Health 212 179 -33 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources within this program to meet program needs and priorities.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care First Nations and Inuit Public Health Protection Environmental Public Health The Environmental Public Health program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending for environmental public health service delivery. Environmental public health services are directed to First Nations communities south of the 60th parallel and address areas such as: drinking water; wastewater; solid waste disposal; food safety; health and housing; facilities inspections; environmental public health aspects of emergency preparedness response; and, communicable disease control. Environmental public health surveillance and risk analysis programming is directed to First Nations communities south of the 60th parallel, and in some cases, also to Inuit and First Nations north of the 60th parallel. It includes community-based and participatory research on trends and impacts of environmental factors such as chemical contaminants and climate change on the determinants of health (e.g., biophysical, social, cultural, and spiritual). Key activities supporting program delivery include: public health; surveillance, monitoring and assessments; public education; training; and, community capacity building. The program objective is to identify, address, and/or prevent human health risks to First Nations and Inuit communities associated with exposure to hazards within the natural and built environments. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care. Health 115 155 40 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to in-year resources received for Clean Growth and Climate Change, and the First Nations Water and Wastewater Action Plan.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit First Nations and Inuit Health System Capacity Health Facilities The Health Facilities program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending that provide communities and/or health care providers with the facilities required to safely and efficiently deliver health programs and services. Direct departmental spending addresses the working conditions of Health Canada staff engaged in the direct delivery of health programs and services to First Nations. Key activities supporting program delivery include: investment in infrastructure that can include the construction, acquisition, leasing, operation, maintenance, expansion and/or renovation of health facilities and security services; preventative and corrective measures relating to infrastructure; and, improving the working conditions for Health Canada staff so as to maintain or restore compliance with building codes, environmental legislation, and occupational health and safety standards. The program objective is to enhance the capacity of First Nations recipients in capital planning and management, in order to support safe health facilities. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support. Health 36 40 4 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to in-year resources received for Social Infrastructure.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit First Nations and Inuit Health System Capacity Health Human Resources The Health Human Resources program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending to promote and support competent health services at the community level by increasing the number of First Nations and Inuit individuals entering into and working in health careers and ensuring that community based workers have skills and certification comparable to workers in the provincial/territorial health care system. This program engages many stakeholders, including: federal, provincial and territorial governments and health professional organizations; national Indigenous organizations; non-governmental organizations and associations; and, educational institutions. Key activities supporting program delivery include: health education bursaries and scholarships; health career promotion activities; internship and summer student work opportunities; knowledge translation activities; training for community-based health care workers and health managers; and, development and implementation of health human resources planning for Indigenous, federal, provincial, territorial, health professional associations, educational institutions, and other stakeholders. The program objective is to increase the number of qualified First Nations and Inuit individuals working in health care delivery. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support. Health 17 8 -9 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources to meet program needs and priorities.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit First Nations and Inuit Health System Capacity Health Planning and Quality Management The Health Planning and Quality Management program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending to support capacity development for First Nations and Inuit communities. Key services supporting program delivery include: the development and delivery of health programs and services through program planning and management; ongoing health system improvement via accreditation; the evaluation of health programs; and, support for community development activities. The program objective is to increase the capacity of First Nations and Inuit to design, manage, evaluate, and deliver health programs and services. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support. Health 74 63 -11 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources to meet program needs and priorities.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit First Nations and Inuit Health System Transformation Health Systems Integration The Health Systems Integration program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending to better integrate health programs and services funded by the federal government with those funded by provincial/territorial governments. This program supports the efforts of partners in health services, including: First Nations and Inuit, tribal councils, regional/district health authorities, regions, national Indigenous organizations, and provincial/territorial organizations to integrate health systems, services, and programs so they are more coordinated and better suited to the needs of First Nations and Inuit. This program also promotes and encourages emerging tripartite agreements. Two key activities supporting program delivery include: development of multi-party structures to jointly identify integration priorities; and, implementation of multi-year, large scale health service integration projects consistent with agreed upon priorities (i.e., a province-wide public health framework or integrated mental health services planning and delivery on a regional scale). The program objective is a more integrated health system for First Nations and Inuit individuals, families and communities that results in increased access to care and improved health outcomes. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support. Health 36 22 -14 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources to meet program needs and priorities.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit First Nations and Inuit Health System Transformation e-Health Infostructure The eHealth Infostructure program administers contribution agreements and direct departmental spending to support and sustain the use and adoption of appropriate health technologies that enable front line care providers to better deliver health services in First Nations and Inuit communities through eHealth partnerships, technologies, tools, and services. Direct departmental spending also supports national projects that examine innovative information systems and communications technologies and that have potential national implications. Key activities supporting program delivery include: public health surveillance; health services delivery (primary and community care included); health reporting, planning and decision-making; and, integration/compatibility with other health service delivery partners. The program objective is to improve the efficiency of health care delivery to First Nations and Inuit individuals, families, and communities through the use of eHealth technologies for the purpose of defining, collecting, communicating, managing, disseminating, and using data. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support. Health 66 50 -16 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources to meet program needs and priorities.
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit Tripartite Health Governance Health Canada's longer term policy approach aims to achieve closer integration of federal and provincial health programming provided to First Nations, as well as to improve access to health programming, reduce instances of service overlap and duplication, and increase efficiency where possible. The British Colombia (BC) Tripartite Initiative consists of an arrangement among the Government of Canada, the Government of BC, and BC First Nations. Since 2006, the parties have negotiated and implemented a series of tripartite agreements to facilitate the implementation of health projects, as well as the development of a new First Nations health governance structure. In 2011, the federal and provincial Ministers of Health and BC First Nations signed the legally binding BC Tripartite Framework Agreement on First Nation Health Governance. This BC Tripartite Framework Agreement commits to the creation of a new province-wide First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) to assume the responsibility for design, management, and delivery/funding of First Nations health programming in BC. The FNHA will be controlled by First Nations and will work with the province to coordinate health programming. It may design or redesign health programs according to its health plans. Health Canada will remain a funder and governance partner but will no longer have any role in program design/delivery. Funding under this program is limited to the FNHA for the implementation of the BC Tripartite Framework Agreement. The program objective is to enable the FNHA to develop and deliver quality health services that feature closer collaboration and integration with provincial health services. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Health Infrastructure Support. Health 0 0 0
Department of Health First Nations and Inuit communities and individuals receive health services and benefits that are responsive to their needs so as to improve their health status. Supplementary Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit Under the Supplementary Health Benefits for First Nations and Inuit program, the Non- Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program provides registered First Nations and recognized Inuit residents in Canada with a specified range of medically necessary health- related goods and services, which are not otherwise provided to eligible clients through other private or provincial/territorial programs. NIHB Program benefits include: pharmaceuticals; medical supplies and equipment; dental care; vision care; short-term crisis intervention mental health counselling; and, medical transportation to access medically required health services not available on-reserve or in the community of residence. Benefits are delivered through registered, private sector health benefits providers (e.g., pharmacists and dentists) and funded through NIHB’s electronic claims processing system or through regional offices. Some benefits are also delivered via contribution agreements with First Nations and Inuit organizations and the territorial governments in Nunavut and Northwest Territories. The program objective is to provide benefits in a manner that contributes to the improved health status of First Nations and Inuit. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: First Nations and Inuit Supplementary Health Benefits. Health 385 489 104 The variance of 104 in FTE utilization is mainly due to FTEs reallocated from other First Nations and Inuit programs within this strategic outcome to support the NIHB Program.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Consumer Product and Workplace Hazardous Materials Consumer Product Safety The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act and the Food and Drugs Act and its Cosmetics Regulations provide the authorities for this program to support industry’s responsibility for the safety of their products and consumers’ responsibility to make informed decisions about product purchase and use. Health Canada’s efforts are focussed in three areas: active prevention; targeted oversight; and, rapid response. Through active prevention, the program works with industry, standard setting bodies and international counterparts to develop standards and guidelines and share best practices as appropriate. The program also promotes consumer awareness of the safe use of certain consumer products to support informed decision-making. Through targeted oversight, the program undertakes regular cycles of compliance and enforcement in selected product categories, and analyses and responds to issues identified through mandatory reporting, market surveys, lab results and other means. Under rapid response, when an unacceptable risk from consumer products is identified, the program can act quickly to protect the public and take appropriate enforcement actions – including issuing consumer advisories, working with industry to negotiate recalls, or other corrective measures. The Program’s objective is to manage the potential health and safety risks posed by consumer products and cosmetics in the Canadian marketplace. Health 260 258 -2 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Consumer Product and Workplace Hazardous Materials Workplace Hazardous Materials The Hazardous Products Act and the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act provide the authorities for this program. Under the Hazardous Products Act, Health Canada regulates the sale and importation of hazardous chemicals used in Canadian workplaces by specifying the requirements for hazard classification and hazard communication through cautionary labelling and safety data sheets. Under the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act, Health Canada administers a mechanism to allow companies to protect confidential business information, while requiring that all critical hazard information is disclosed to workers. This program sets the hazard communication standards for the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) – a system based on interlocking federal, provincial, and territorial legislation that ensures the comprehensibility and accessibility of labels and safety data sheets, the consistent application of classification and labelling criteria, and the alignment across Canada of compliance and enforcement activities. The program objective is to ensure that suppliers provide critical health and safety information on hazardous chemicals to Canadian workers. Health 35 31 -4 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Environmental Risks to Health Air Quality The Air Quality program assesses the health risks of indoor and outdoor pollutants, and develops guidelines and standards under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.These efforts support the Government of Canada’s Addressing Air Pollution Initiative, implemented in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada, to manage the potential risks to the environment and to the health of Canadians associated with air quality. The program provides health-based science and policy advice that supports actions by all levels of government to improve air quality and the health of Canadians. Key activities include: carrying out health risk assessments of air pollutants; leading the development of health-based air quality standards and guidelines for indoor and outdoor air; determining the health benefits of proposed actions to reduce air pollution; conducting research on the levels of exposure and health effects of indoor and outdoor air pollutants to inform the development of standards, guidelines, regulations and other actions; and, implementing the Air Quality Health Index (a public information tool providing local air quality levels and health messaging) in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada, and delivering the Heat Resiliency and Climate Change program, including the associated tool of community-based Heat Alert and Response Systems. The program objective is to assess the impacts of air pollution on health; to provide guidance to governments, health professionals and the general public on how to minimize those risks; and to help Canadians adapt to a changing climate through measures intended to manage potential risks to health associated with extreme temperatures. Health 10 97 87 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to additional resources received in-year for Addressing Air Pollution and Clean Growth and Climate Change.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Environmental Risks to Health Health Impacts of Chemicals The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 provides the authority for the Health Impacts of Chemicals program to assess the impact of new and existing substances that are manufactured, imported, or used in Canada and manage the potential health risks posed by these substances. This program activity links closely with Health Canada’s Health Products, Food Safety and Nutrition, Consumer Product Safety and Pesticides program activities, as the Food and Drugs Act, the Pest Control Products Act, and the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act provide the authority to manage the health risks associated with substances in products under the purview of these program activities. The Chemicals Management Plan, implemented in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada, sets priorities and timelines for risk assessment and management for chemicals of concern, as well as the supporting research and bio monitoring initiatives. In addition to the above risk assessment and management activities, this program provides expert health-based advice and support to other federal departments in carrying out their mandates and provides technical support for chemical emergencies that require a coordinated federal response. The program also works with international organizations to advance risk assessment methodologies and activities related to the assessment of both existing and new substances. This program provides expert support, guidance and training to adequately assess risks to human health and the environment posed by chemical contaminants at legacy federal contaminated sites. It also provides activities under Health Canada’s Environmental Assessment Program, including expertise and advice on the potential health effects from the environmental impacts of projects related to air and water pollution, and the contamination of country foods. The program objective is to assess health risks to Canadians posed by substances of concern. Health 552 426 -126 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources within the Department to meet program needs and priorities, as well as the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Environmental Risks to Health Water Quality The Water Quality program works with key stakeholders and partners, such as the provinces and territories, under the authority of the Department of Health Act, to establish the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality(GCDWQ). These guidelines are approved through a Federal, Provincial and Territorial (FPT) collaborative process, and used by all FPT jurisdictions in Canada as the basis for establishing their drinking water quality requirements to manage risks to the health of Canadians. Health Canada’s leadership in the development of drinking water quality guidelines meets the needs of all provinces, territories and federal departments to support their drinking water regulatory regimes. It provides national consistency and economy of scale, and reduces duplication. The GCDWQ are the cornerstone of all federal, provincial and territorial drinking water programs in Canada. The program also works with national and international standard setting organizations to develop health-based standards for materials that come into contact with drinking water. In the delivery of this program, key activities include the development and dissemination of drinking water quality guidelines, guidance documents, strategies and other tools. The program objective is to help manage potential risks to the health of Canadians associated with water quality. Health 35 30 -5 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Food Safety and Nutrition Food Safety The Food and Drug Regulations provide the regulatory framework to develop, maintain, and implement the Food and Nutrition Safety program. The program is the federal health authority responsible for establishing standards, policies, and regulations pertaining to food and nutrition safety; as well as for conducting reviews and for assessing the safety of food ingredients, veterinary drugs for food-producing animals, food processes, and final foods (that are safe for human consumption, which would include both processed foods as well as unprocessed foods). The program conducts risk assessments pertaining to the chemical, microbiological, and nutritional safety of foods. In addition, the program plans and implements food and nutrition safety surveillance and research initiatives in support of the Department’s food standard setting mandate. The program objective is to plan and implement food and nutrition safety standards to enable Canadians to make informed decisions about food and nutrition. Health 557 458 -99 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Food Safety and Nutrition Nutrition Policy and Promotion The Department of Health Act provides the authority to develop, maintain and implement the Nutrition Policy and Promotion program. The program develops, implements, and promotes evidence-based nutrition policies and standards, and undertakes surveillance and monitoring activities. It anticipates and responds to public health issues associated with nutrition and contributes to broader national and international strategies. The program works collaboratively with other federal departments/agencies and provincial/territorial governments, and engages stakeholders such as non-government organizations, health professionals, and industry associations to support a coordinated approach to nutrition issues. The program objective is to target both Canadian intermediaries and consumers to increase knowledge, understanding, and action on healthy eating. Health 35 42 7 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to an increase in requirements of the Healthy Eating Campaign.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Health Products Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals The Food and Drug Regulations, Safety of Human Cells, Tissues and Organs for Transplantation Regulations, and the Processing and Distribution of Semen for Assisted Conception Regulations provide the regulatory framework to develop, maintain, and implement the Biologics and Radiopharmaceuticals program, which includes blood and blood products, viral and bacterial vaccines, gene therapy products, tissues, organs, and xenografts, which are manufactured in Canada or elsewhere. Health Canada verifies that regulatory requirements for the safety, quality, and efficacy of biologics and radiopharmaceuticals are met through risk assessments, including monitoring and surveillance, compliance, and enforcement activities. In addition, the program provides information to Canadians and key stakeholders, including health professionals such as physicians and pharmacists, to enable them to make informed decisions about the use of biologics and radiopharmaceuticals. The program objective is to ensure that biologics and radiopharmaceuticals in Canada are safe, effective and of high quality. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Canadian Blood Services: Blood Safety and Effectiveness Research and Development, and Contribution to Strengthen Canada’s Organs and Tissues Donation and Transplantation System. Health 398 436 38 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources within the Health Products program based on operational requirements.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Health Products Medical Devices The Medical Devices Regulations provide the regulatory framework to develop, maintain, and implement the Medical Devices program, which includes medical devices used in the treatment, mitigation, diagnosis, or prevention of a disease or an abnormal physical condition in humans. Health Canada verifies that regulatory requirements for the safety, quality, and efficacy of medical devices are met through risk assessments, including monitoring and surveillance, compliance, and enforcement activities. In addition, the program provides information to Canadians and key stakeholders, including health professionals, such as physicians and pharmacists, to enable them to make informed decisions about the use of medical devices. The program objective is to ensure that medical devices in Canada are safe, effective and of high quality. Health 346 247 -99 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to the calculation of planned FTE figures being based on the Drugs and Medical Devices program using its full revenue authority. FTE utilization is a reflection of workforce requirements based on actual workload.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Health Products Natural Health Products The Natural Health Products Regulations provide the regulatory framework to develop, maintain and implement the Natural Health Products program, which includes herbal remedies, homeopathic medicines, vitamins, minerals, traditional medicines, probiotics, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. Health Canada verifies that regulatory requirements for the safety, quality, and efficacy of natural health products are met through risk assessments, including monitoring and surveillance, compliance, and enforcement activities. In addition, the program provides information to Canadians and key stakeholders, including health professionals such as pharmacists, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, herbalists and naturopathic doctors, to enable them to make informed decisions about the use of natural health products. The program objective is to ensure that natural health products in Canada are safe, effective and of high quality. Health 157 178 21 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to a reallocation of resources within the Health Products program based on operational requirements.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Health Products Pharmaceutical Drugs The Food and Drug Regulations provide the regulatory framework to develop, maintain and implement the Pharmaceutical Drugs program, which includes pharmaceutical drugs for human and animal use, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, disinfectants, and sanitizers with disinfectant claims. Health Canada verifies that regulatory requirements for the safety, quality, and efficacy of pharmaceutical drugs are met through risk assessments, including monitoring and surveillance, compliance, and enforcement activities. In addition, the program provides information to Canadians and key stakeholders, including health professionals, such as physicians and pharmacists, to enable them to make informed decisions about the use of pharmaceutical drugs. The program objective is to ensure that pharmaceutical drugs in Canada are safe, effective and of high quality. Health 1021 872 -149 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to the calculation of planned FTE figures being based on the Drugs and Medical Devices program using its full revenue authority. FTE utilization is a reflection of workforce requirements based on actual workload.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Pesticides The Pest Control Products Act provides Health Canada with the authority to regulate and register pesticides under the Pesticides program. In the delivery of this program, Health Canada conducts activities that span the lifecycle of a pesticide, including: product assessment for health and environmental risks and product value; risk management; post-market surveillance, compliance and enforcement; changes in use, cancellation, or phase-out of products that do not meet current standards; and, consultations and public awareness building. Health Canada is also an active partner in international efforts (e.g., North American Free Trade Agreement; Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Regulatory Cooperation Council) to align regulatory approaches. These engagements provide access to the best available science to support regulatory decisions and promote consistency in the assessment of pesticides. The program objective is to protect the health and safety of Canadians relating to the use of pesticides. Health 461 434 -27 The variance of 27 in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Radiation Protection Dosimetry Services The Dosimetry Services program monitors, collects information, and reports on occupational exposure to radiation to radiation workers and their employers, to dosimetry service providers and to regulatory authorities. Dosimetry is the act of measuring or estimating radiation doses and assigning those doses to individuals. Under the program, the National Dosimetry Services provides radiation monitoring services on a cost-recovery basis to workers occupationally exposed to radiation, and the National Dose Registry provides a centralized radiation dose record system for all occupationally exposed workers in Canada using a dosimetry service. The program objective is to ensure that Canadians exposed to radiation in their places of work who are monitored by the Dosimetry Services program are informed of their radiation exposure levels. Health 72 58 -14 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Radiation Protection Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Protection The Environmental Radiation Monitoring and Protection program conducts research, monitoring and risk management activities under the authority of the Department of Health Act and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Implementation Act. The program covers both naturally occurring forms of radioactivity and radiation, such as radon, and man-made sources of radiation, such as nuclear power. In the delivery of this program, key activities include: delivering in collaboration with targeted partners an education and awareness program on the health risks posed by radon in indoor air and how to reduce those risks; conducting risk assessments on the health effects of radiation; installing, operating and maintaining monitoring stations and reporting environmental radiation monitoring data; and, fulfilling the requirements under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Implementation Act in support of nuclear non-proliferation. This program is also responsible for coordinating the Federal Nuclear Emergency Plan. In the case of a nuclear emergency that requires a coordinated federal response, Health Canada coordinates the federal technical/scientific support to provinces/territories and provides key technical response capabilities. The program objectives are to ensure that Health Canada is prepared to respond to a nuclear emergency and to help inform Canadians of potential harm to their health and safety associated with environmental radiation Health 76 90 14 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to in-year resources received for Addressing Air Pollution.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Radiation Protection Radiation Emitting Devices Under the authority of the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, this program regulates radiation emitting devices, such as equipment for clinical/analytical purposes (X-rays, mammography, ultrasound), microwaves, lasers, and tanning equipment. In the delivery of this program, key activities include: compliance assessment of radiation emitting devices, research into the health effects of radiation (including noise, ultraviolet and radio frequencies); and, development of standards and guidelines for the safe use of radiation emitting devices. The program objective is to provide expert advice and information to Canadians, as well as to other Health Canada programs, federal departments, and provincial authorities so that they may fulfil their legislative mandates. Health 36 32 -4 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly the result of management's efforts to stabilize and control salary requirements through personnel departures and delays in staffing vacant positions.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Substance Use and Abuse Controlled Substances Through the administration of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and its regulations, the program regulates the possession, production, provision and disposition of controlled substances and precursor chemicals. Key activities include: reviewing and updating the regulatory framework and Schedules for controlled substances and precursor chemicals as required; administering regulations for licensing and compliance monitoring activities; analyzing seized materials (Drug Analysis Services); providing training as well as scientific knowledge on illicit drugs and precursor chemicals; providing assistance in investigating and dismantling clandestine laboratories; monitoring the use of drugs through surveys; and working with national and international partners for the recommendation of appropriate and scientifically sound drug analysis procedures. As a partner in the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy (CDSS), Health Canada supports initiatives to address illicit drug use and problematic prescription drug use, including: education; prevention; health promotion; and treatment for Canadians, as well as compliance and enforcement initiatives. The program objective is to authorize legitimate activities with controlled substances and precursor chemicals, while managing the risks of diversion, problematic use and associated harms. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP), Drug Treatment Funding Program, and Grant to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. Health 279 388 109 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to the costs for the preparation to regulate and legalize cannabis.
Department of Health Health risks and benefits associated with food, products, substances, and environmental factors are appropriately managed and communicated to Canadians. Substance Use and Abuse Tobacco Control The Tobacco Act provides the authority for the Tobacco Control program to regulate the manufacture, sale, labelling, and promotion of tobacco products. The Tobacco Control program also leads the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy, in collaboration with federal partners, as well as provincial and territorial governments, which supports regulatory, programming, educational and enforcement activities. Key activities under the Strategy include: compliance monitoring and enforcement of the Tobacco Act and associated regulations; monitoring tobacco consumption and smoking behaviours; and, working with national and international partners to ensure that Canada meets its obligations under the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The program objective is to prevent the uptake of tobacco use, particularly among youth; help those who currently use tobacco to quit; protect Canadians from exposure to tobacco smoke; and regulate the manufacture, sale, labelling and promotion of tobacco products by administering the Tobacco Act. Health 115 134 19 The variance in FTE utilization is mainly due to an increase in resources from plans to ensure that deliverables related to Government of Canada Tobacco priorities were met.
Department of Health The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1994 2243.3 249.3
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Government - Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples. Governance and Institutions of Government First Nation Governments This sub-program supports the core operations and capacity development of First Nations governments, including the professional development of their personnel. Support for community development and capacity building is through collaborative, coordinated and targeted community-driven investments, leveraging partnership wherever possible. Funding is provided to support the costs of core government functions such as the holding of elections, law-making and enforcement, financial management, general administration, and executive leadership. In addition, the sub-program provides advice and support to First Nations on governance matters, and develops and implements legislation and policies that support the modernization of governance frameworks and transparent and accountable governance, while simultaneously overseeing the discharge of the Department’s statutory and regulatory obligations in respect of governance processes under the Indian Act. Activities include — but are not limited to — assistance in establishing governance and associated capacities, processes and mechanisms, such as the development and implementation of community election systems, adoption of open and transparent governance practices, law-making and development of enforcement authorities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grant for Band Support Funding; Grant to Miawpukek Indian Band to support designated programs; Grants to British Columbia Indian Bands in lieu of a per capita annuity; Contributions to promote social and political development in the North and for Northerners; and Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance, administrative and accountability systems. Social Inclusion 415 391 -24
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Government - Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples. Governance and Institutions of Government Indigenous Governance Institutions and Organizations This sub-program provides funding and supports aggregate program delivery and capacity through Indigenous governance institutions and organizations at the local, regional and national levels, including tribal councils and AFOA Canada (formerly Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada). To provide support to First Nation governments wishing to develop capacity and systems in the areas of taxation and financial management, the First Nations Fiscal Management Act institutions receive administrative, policy and financial support to deliver on their legislative mandates under the Act. Funding, as well as tools, training and advice, are also provided to organizations and institutions to support First Nation government efforts to implement the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grant to the First Nations Finance Authority pursuant to the First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act; Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development; and Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance, administrative and accountability systems. Social Inclusion 4 8 4 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents is attributed to program restructuring.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Government - Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples. Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties This Program aims to create and maintain ongoing partnerships to support fulfilment of Canada’s legal obligations pursuant to both pre and post-1975 treaties, while considering ongoing rights and interests of Indigenous peoples. This Program supports Indigenous communities in articulating their interests, participating in economic activities, and managing and developing land and resources, where applicable. It also helps to demonstrate the importance of treaties and related partnerships between the Crown and Indigenous peoples. This is achieved by honouring Canada’s obligations as set out in final settlement agreements and treaties, and by improving collaboration between Canada and Indigenous peoples, and between Canada and pre and post-1975 Treaty groups. Creating and maintaining relationships and partnerships that honour pre and post-1975 treaties contributes to strengthened, healthy, self-reliant and sustainable Indigenous communities while promoting delivery of programs and services vital to the health and advancement of Indigenous peoples. This Program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (S) Indian Annuities Treaty payments; (S) Grants to Aboriginal organizations designated to receive claim settlement payments pursuant to Comprehensive Land Claim Settlement Acts; Grants to First Nations to settle specific and special claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal; Grants to implement comprehensive land claims and self-government agreements; Grants to Participating First Nations and the First Nations Education Authority Pursuant to the First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act; Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives; Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development; and Contributions to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement. Economic Development 80 87 7
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Government - Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples. Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples Consultation and Accommodation This sub-program provides support to internal and external stakeholders to maintain collaboration with Indigenous groups and their representatives. It includes contributions to a representative organization for engagement on developing policy and programs, and advice on how to engage community members on the development of a community plan. In the context of the duty to consult, this support takes several forms, including: assistance to federal departments/agencies in fulfilling the Crown’s duty to consult; engagement with Indigenous groups and representatives, provinces and territories, and industry with regard to that duty; and the negotiation and implementation of consultation protocols/agreements and related contributions (transfer payments). This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development; Contributions to support the basic organizational capacity of representative Aboriginal organizations; Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance, administrative and accountability systems; Federal Interlocutor’s Contribution Program; and Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources and promoting scientific development. Social Inclusion 42 39 -3
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Government - Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples. Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples Métis Relations and Rights Management, and Non-Status Indian Relations This sub-program aims to enhance the representativeness of Métis and non-status Indian organizations and their ability to build partnerships with federal and provincial governments and with the private sector. It also proactively supports the reconciliation of Métis rights. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Federal Interlocutor’s Contribution Program. Social Inclusion 6 7 1 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Government - Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples. Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples Negotiations of Claims and Self-Government Agreements This sub-program supports Canada’s commitment to the negotiation of claims and self-government agreements as the best means for reconciling Aboriginal rights, as recognized and affirmed under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, with the sovereignty of the Crown. It also supports Canada’s commitment to negotiating self-government agreements to address aspirations for greater Indigenous autonomy and self-reliance and to promote good governance. With the participation of provincial and territorial governments, Canada negotiates claims and self-government agreements that provide Indigenous groups with a solid foundation for self-reliance and for the improvement of social, cultural and economic conditions within their communities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives; Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance, administrative and accountability systems; and Contributions to promote the social and political development in the North and for Northerners. Social Inclusion 140 238 98 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Government - Support good governance, rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples. Rights and Interests of Indigenous Peoples Specific Claims This sub-program provides support to address specific claims made by a First Nation against the federal government that relate to the administration of land and other First Nation assets, and to the fulfillment of Indian treaties. The Specific Claims sub-program is an alternative dispute resolution option in which First Nations may participate on a voluntary basis. Key activities include the assessment of the historical and legal facts of the claim; the negotiation of a settlement agreement if it has been determined that there is an outstanding lawful obligation; payment of monetary compensation to First Nations, pursuant to the terms of a settlement agreement or award of the Specific Claims Tribunal; and participation in proceedings before the Specific Claims Tribunal. The Government of Canada made the resolution of specific claims a priority when it announced the Specific Claims Action Plan in 2007, and reiterated its commitment to resolve claims in the 2010 Speech from the Throne. Following that, in the Federal Budget of 2013, funds were identified to continue to ensure that specific claims are addressed fairly and promptly. Resolving specific claims fairly and expeditiously addresses the legal rights of, and provides justice to First Nation claimants, discharges outstanding legal obligations of the Crown, and provides certainty for all Canadians. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to First Nations to settle specific and special claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal; Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development; and Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives. Social Inclusion 46 92 46 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Community Economic Development Administration of Reserve Land This sub-program: creates, monitors and registers the rights and interests in reserve lands (including the Federal Management of Oil and Gas Interests in the Reserve Land Program, which manages and regulates oil and gas development on First Nation reserve lands through Indian Oil and Gas Canada); defines reserve boundaries; and administers land management policies and processes, including additions to reserve. This sub-program further administers band moneys (capital and revenue moneys) — pursuant to sections 61 to 69 of the Indian Act— held within the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the use and benefit of bands and their members. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development; Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development; and Grants to First Nations to settle specific and special claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal. Economic Development 143 163 20 The difference between planned human resources and actual resources mainly reflects an internal reallocation of human resources from Sub-Program 3.2.1.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Community Economic Development Contaminated Sites (On-Reserve) This sub-program supports the assessment and remediation of contaminated sites on reserve lands and on other lands under the Department’s custodial responsibility. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to First Nations for the management of contaminated sites; and Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development. Economic Development 5 17 12 The difference between planned human resources and actual human resources mainly reflects an increase in human resources for the management and remediation of federal contaminated sites based on incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates  (Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan: Phase III and Budget 2016).
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Community Economic Development Investment in Economic Opportunities This sub-program supports First Nations and Inuit communities seeking greater participation in large and complex economic opportunities. Targeted investments provide funding for First Nation and Inuit communities to better pursue economic opportunities. This sub-program also includes adoption of regulations for complex commercial and industrial development projects through the First Nation Commercial and Industrial Development Act which helps to establish increased certainty needed by investors. These activities are critical to successfully partner with the private and public sectors to effectively participate in — and benefit from — key economic opportunities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support land management and economic development. Economic Development 15 20 5 The difference between planned human resources and actual resources mainly reflects an internal reallocation of human resources for the Community Opportunity Readiness Program from Sub-Program 3.2.1.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Community Economic Development Lands and Economic Development Services This sub-program supports communities to effectively build and manage a land base for economic development. Incentive-based funding encourages and supports First Nations seeking to take on additional land-management responsibilities under the Indian Act. It also supports an effective transition toward greater autonomy through modern land-management tools such as the First Nation Land Management Act (FNLMA) and the First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act (FNOGMMA). Targeted funding is available to support training, capacity development, planning, and land and environmental management. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to First Nations for the management of contaminated sites; and Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development. Economic Development 276 238 -38 The difference between planned human resources and actual resources mainly reflects an internal reallocation of Human Resources from sub-program 3.2.1 to other sub-program areas under program 3.2.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Business Capital and Support Services This sub-program provides funding and support to a national network of Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFIs), Indigenous organizations and non-Indigenous organizations to enhance access to capital for Indigenous entrepreneurs. This sub-program also supports ongoing capacity to create and maintain a sustainable network of AFIs to deliver business development services and provide non-repayable and repayable financing to Indigenous entrepreneurs and communities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development. Economic Development 18 14 -4 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Indigenous Entrepreneurship Business Opportunities This sub-program facilitates access by Indigenous businesses to public- and private-sector business opportunities, including federal procurement contracts, using instruments like the Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Businesses, various partnership and participation approaches; capacity and network building; and assistance in establishing business strategies. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development. Economic Development 17 15 -2 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Infrastructure and Capacity Climate Resilience Through the First Nation Adapt program, this sub-program provides funding support to First Nation communities on-reserve to assess and respond to climate change impacts on community infrastructure and emergency management. The program focuses on addressing repetitive and severe climate impacts related to flooding, forest fires and winter road failure.
This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure; and Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources and promoting scientific development.
Economic Development 0 6 6 This sub-program was created in 2016–2017. The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects funding provided through Supplementary Estimates.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Infrastructure and Capacity Education Facilities This sub-program provides funding to: plan, design, construct/acquire, renovate, repair, replace, and operate and maintain band-operated elementary and secondary education facilities (including school buildings, teacherages and student residences) and any related facility services. Provincial school boards are also eligible for funding to plan, design, construct/acquire elementary and secondary education facilities for First Nation students. This sub-program also provides funding to: acquire, replace, and repair furniture, equipment and furnishing for schools, teacherages and student residences; identify education facility needs, and develop education facility plans; and design and implement maintenance management practices. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure. Economic Development 18 38 20 The difference between Planned and Actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates for First Nations infrastructure in Budget 2016.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Infrastructure and Capacity Emergency Management Assistance This sub-program provides funding to protect the health and safety of on-reserve First Nations residents as well as their lands and critical infrastructure. The sub-program promotes the four pillars of emergency management — mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery — by providing funding and overseeing the reimbursement of eligible emergency management costs; providing timely and efficient situational awareness; and developing policy to support emergency management. It further promotes efficiency by accessing existing resources and services of provincial/territorial and First Nation emergency management partners to address on-reserve emergencies as required (with the mandate to reimburse partners for eligible expenses). This sub- program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for emergency management assistance for activities on reserves. Economic Development 21 24 3 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Infrastructure and Capacity Housing This sub-program provides funding for First Nations to: plan and manage housing needs; design, construct and acquire new housing units; as well as renovate existing housing units. Working with First Nations, this sub-program seeks to increase the supply of safe and affordable housing to achieve better housing outcomes for on-reserve residents. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure. Economic Development 20 62 42 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates for First Nations infrastructure in Budget 2016.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Infrastructure and Capacity Other Community Infrastructure and Activities This sub-program provides funding to plan, design, construct, acquire, operate and maintain community infrastructure assets and facilities, as well as coordinate training and undertake capacity-building activities in this area. The goal is to support First Nations in better meeting health and safety standards and provide on-reserve residents with similar levels of service to those off reserve. First Nations identify priorities and needs in their First Nation Infrastructure Investment Plans. Funding is provided for projects based on a priority assessment. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure; Contributions to First Nations for the management of contaminated sites; Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development; and (S) Contributions in connection with First Nations infrastructure. Economic Development 108 146 38 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates for First Nations infrastructure in Budget 2016.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Infrastructure and Capacity Water and Wastewater This sub-program provides funding to plan, design, construct, acquire, operate and maintain water and wastewater systems, including water supply, treatment and distribution, and wastewater collection, treatment and disposal. It also provides funding to: coordinate training and capacity building for activities related to water and wastewater facilities; identify on-reserve water and wastewater infrastructure needs; develop water and wastewater infrastructure capital plans; and design and implement management practices for water and wastewater facilities maintenance. The goal is to support First Nations in meeting health and safety standards and provide on-reserve residents with service levels comparable to those off reserve. First Nations identify priorities and needs and present project proposals to the Department. Funding is provided for projects based on a priority assessment. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure. Economic Development 22 87 65 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates for First Nations infrastructure in Budget 2016.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Strategic Partnerships This Program supports Indigenous community preparedness activities to engage with partners in economic opportunities, including the Strategic Partnerships Initiative (SPI) — an innovative, horizontal program intended to align federal efforts to support Indigenous participation in complex economic opportunities, particularly large regional opportunities and major resource developments. The Strategic Partnership Initiative provides a mechanism for federal partners to collectively identify emerging opportunities, target investment decisions and streamline program application and approval processes to support Indigenous communities at the early stages of large and complex economic opportunities. In doing so, closer partnerships with non-federal partners, including provincial and territorial governments, the private sector and Indigenous communities can be built. By addressing gaps in programming, this ensures that Indigenous peoples can participate in and benefit from priority regional opportunities and major resource developments. This Program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the Aboriginal Economic Development Strategic Partnerships Initiative. Economic Development 68 68 0
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The Land and Economy - Full participation of First Nations, Métis, Non Status Indians and Inuit individuals and communities in the economy. Urban Indigenous Participation This Program supports participation of urban Indigenous individuals and communities in the economy. It is comprised of two streams: Community Capacity Support and Urban Partnerships. The Community Capacity Support stream provides funding to urban Indigenous community organizations to deliver programs and services that are designed to remove barriers and encourage innovative partnerships. The Urban Partnerships stream is comprised of a planning component and an implementation component. The planning component supports communities with multi-stakeholder engagement (private sector, municipalities, Indigenous groups) in the design and development of regional strategic plans and the identification of community priorities. These plans are then shared with the National Association of Friendship Centres which, in turn, implements the priorities through community projects. This Program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support the Improved Urban Aboriginal Strategy. Employment and Income Security 13 13 0
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Northern Governance and People Climate Change Adaptation and Clean Energy Through the Climate Change Preparedness in the North program and the Northern REACHE program (Responsible Energy Approach for Community Heating and Electricity), this sub-program provides funding support to Northern communities, governments, and organizations to address the impacts of climate change and to plan and construct renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources and promoting scientific development Health 1 15 14 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects additional funding provided through Supplementary Estimates for the Northern Responsible Energy Approach for Community Heat and Electricity program (Budget 2016), and jointly for the Climate Change Adaptation and Clean Energy program in the North program and First Nation Adapt program (Budget 2016).
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Northern Governance and People Nutrition North This sub-program aims to improve access to perishable nutritious food for residents of isolated northern communities that lack year-round surface (marine, road or rail). The sub-program provides a retail-based subsidy to registered retailers and suppliers to help reduce the cost of perishable nutritious food in the eligible communities. It is supported by an advisory board that gives Northerners a direct voice in the sub-program. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to support access to healthy foods in isolated northern communities Health 11 12 1
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Northern Governance and People Political Development and Intergovernmental Relations This sub-program facilitates the growth of strong, effective and efficient government structures in the North. The devolution of responsibilities for land and resource management to territorial governments will strengthen northern governance. This sub-program also supports legislation and policy initiatives, the advancement of intergovernmental processes, collaboration with Inuit organizations and governments, the appointment of Territorial Commissioners and general federal-territorial relationships. In addition, it ensures that circumpolar cooperation activities reflect Canadian interests and grants are provided to territorial governments for hospital and physician services.This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources and promoting scientific development; Grants to the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Nunavut for health care of Indians and Inuit; Grants for the Political Evolution of the Territories, Particularly as it Pertains to Devolution; and Contributions to promote social and political development in the North and for Northerners. Health 50 56 6 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects the addition of the human resources for the Inuit Relations activity under this sub-program.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management Contaminated Sites This sub-program ensures that contaminated sites are managed to ensure the protection of human health, safety and the environment for all Northerners by assessing and remediating contaminated sites and supporting the employment and training of Northerners, particularly Indigenous peoples. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources, and promoting scientific development; Transfer Payments to the Government of Yukon for the care and maintenance, remediation and management of the closure of contaminated sites in Yukon; and Transfer payments to the Government of Yukon for the remediation of the Marwell Tar Pit Site to support the Contaminated Sites Program. Environment 5 92 87 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management Land and Water Management This sub-program manages the land and water interests of Northerners, Indigenous peoples, and other Canadians in Nunavut and in lands managed by the Department in the Northwest Territories and Yukon. This is achieved through: the development, approval and implementation of sound land use plans; environmental monitoring; administration of land rights; provision of inspection and investigation services for land use permits and water licences; and management of their securities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources and promoting scientific development; and Grants for the political evolution of the territories, particularly as it pertains to devolution Environment 117 120 3
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Management Petroleum and Minerals This sub-program manages the petroleum and mineral resource interests of Northerners, Indigenous peoples and Canadians generally on federal lands in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut and the northern offshore. This sub-program: manages the rights to Crown petroleum and mineral resources; collects Crown royalties; participates in project assessments and land-use planning; and promotes Indigenous participation in resource development. It regularly engages federal, territorial and Indigenous organizations to consider socio-cultural and environmental sensitivities related to petroleum and mineral activities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources and promoting scientific development. Environment 25 27 2
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Northern Science and Technology Northern Contaminants This sub-program engages Northerners and scientists in researching and monitoring long-range contaminants in the Canadian Arctic. The data generated by this sub-program is used to assess ecosystem and human health, and the findings of these assessments inform policy, resulting in action to eliminate contaminants from long-range sources. This supports the safety and security of traditional country foods that are important to the health of Northerners and northern communities. The sub-program also contributes scientific data to contaminants-related international agreements and assessments, helping to position Canada as an international leader in Arctic science. These international agreements will improve the health of Arctic people and wildlife over the long term. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for promoting the safe use, development, conservation and protection of the North’s natural resources and promoting scientific development; and Contributions to promote social and political development in the North and for Northerners. Research and Development 11 10 -1
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Northern Science and Technology Science Initiatives This sub-program works to position Canada as a leader in Arctic science and technology through the establishment of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station. The Station will be a world-class, year-round, multidisciplinary facility on the cutting edge of Arctic issues that will anchor a strong research presence in Canada’s Arctic to serve Canada and the world. It will advance Canada’s knowledge of the Arctic in order to improve economic opportunities, environmental stewardship and the quality of life of Northerners and all Canadians. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to Support the Advancement of Northern Science and Technology; Contributions to support the construction and maintenance of community infrastructure; and Contributions to Support the Advancement of Northern Science and Technology Research and Development 26 29 3 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The North - Self-reliance, prosperity and well-being for the people and communities of the North. Other claims This Program addresses payments related to the resolution of litigation and/or out-of-court settlements for any claim that cannot be designated to any other existing INAC program. Key activities could include: the assessment of the merits of the claim; the completion of a settlement agreement where appropriate; payment of any monetary compensation and funding and implementation of related activities pursuant to the terms of a settlement agreement and/or direction by a Tribunal or court. Social Inclusion 0 0 0
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Education Elementary and Secondary Education This sub-program supports First Nation decision-making by providing funding to eligible on-reserve students with elementary and secondary education services that are comparable to those required in provincial schools. The sub-program provides funding to First Nations, or organizations designated by First Nations, to pay salaries for on-reserve school teachers and other instructional services, reimburse tuition for on-reserve students who attend provincial schools, provide student support services (e.g. transportation), and enhance education services (e.g. curriculum and language development, teacher recruitment and retention, community and parent engagement in education, and Information Communication Technology capacity). Funding also targets a series of specific initiatives that: support students with identified, high-cost special education needs; improve student achievement levels in reading, writing and mathematics; develop school success plans; implement school performance measurement systems to assess, report on, and accelerate student progress; and encourage students to remain in school and graduate. Additionally, this sub-program invests in tripartite partnerships — amongst First Nations, provincial governments and the Government of Canada — to help First Nations students who move between on-reserve and provincial schools to succeed. This sub-program also includes a number of initiatives that support culturally appropriate education activities, including cultural education centres. It also provides support to First Nations and Inuit youth in their efforts to transition from secondary school to either post-secondary education or the labour market. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement; Grants to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities; Contributions to support First Nations Elementary and Secondary Educational Advancement; and Contributions to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities. Social Inclusion 262 272 10
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Education Post-Secondary Education This sub-program helps eligible First Nation and Inuit students access and succeed in post-secondary education. The sub-program provides funding to First Nations, tribal councils or regional First Nation and Inuit organizations to assist eligible students to pay for tuition fees, books, travel, and living expenses (when applicable). Financial support also targets a series of specific initiatives to: enable eligible First Nation and Inuit students to attain the academic level required for entrance to degree and diploma credit programs through entrance preparation programs offered by Canadian post-secondary institutions; and assist post-secondary education institutions to design and deliver university- and college-level courses that are tailored to the needs of First Nation and Inuit students. This sub-program also provides funding to Indspire — a national, registered non-profit organization — to provide post-secondary scholarships, including matching funds raised by Indspire from non-federal sources, and to deliver programs, such as career conferences, for secondary students in order to help First Nation and Inuit students pursue academic or career opportunities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to support First Nations and Inuit Post-Secondary Educational Advancement; Contributions to increase First Nations and Inuit Youth Participation in Education and Labour Market Opportunities; and Contributions to support First Nations and Inuit Post-Secondary Educational Advancement. Social Inclusion 17 20 3 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. First Nations Individual Affairs Estates This sub-program ensures that the federal government’s responsibilities (pursuant to sections 42 to 52 of the Indian Act) are met by developing policies and procedures, and providing guidance, information and support for the management and administration of Indian estates. The Indian Act provides the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada with exclusive jurisdiction over the administration of estates for First Nations individuals who were ordinarily resident on reserve at the time of their death (decedent estates), or for those declared by the appropriate provincial/territorial authority to be incapable of managing their financial affairs (living estates of dependent adults). The Indian Act also provides the Minister with discretionary jurisdiction to appoint guardians to administer the property of minors. INAC’s role includes approving a will or declaring a will to be void in whole or in part and providing for the administration of both decedent and living estates through the appointment of executors, administrators or guardians. INAC may also act as the administrator or guardian of an estate when there is no one else eligible or willing to do so. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance, administrative and accountability systems. Social Inclusion 40 46 6 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects additional resources reallocated internally.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. First Nations Individual Affairs Registration and Membership This sub-program supports INAC, under the Indian Act, to maintain the Indian Register, determine entitlement to Indian registration, maintain departmentally controlled Band lists and provide advice on matters such as Band divisions and amalgamations. Through client services and partnerships with First Nations, the sub-program seeks to register eligible applicants pursuant to sections 5 to 7 of the Indian Act, and also issue proof of registration documents, such as the Secure Certificate of Indian Status, which identify those eligible to receive programs and services available to registered Indians. A current and accurate Indian Register and issuance of the Secure Certificate of Indian Status are fundamental to the effective and accountable delivery of federal programs and services for eligible users. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): (S) Indian Treaty Annuities; Contributions to Indian bands for registration administration; and Contributions to support Land Management and Economic Development. Social Inclusion 214 212 -2
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Residential Schools Resolution Independent Assessment Process This sub-program supports one of the compensation elements established under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement — the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) — which is a non-adversarial, out-of-court process for claims of sexual abuse, serious physical abuse, and other wrongful acts causing serious psychological consequences to the claimant. The IAP aims to bring a fair and lasting resolution to harm caused by residential schools through a claimant-centered and neutral process. Updates on the IAP are posted quarterly on the Department’s website.This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions for Groups of Indian Residential School survivors who wish to resolve their claim as a group under the Independent Assessment Process. Social Inclusion 40 333 293 The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents primarily reflects incremental funding provided through Supplementary Estimates for the continued implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.The difference between planned and actual full-time equivalents reflects both the increased workload and extended timelines required to process and resolve these claims.
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Residential Schools Resolution Reconciliation This sub-program provides ongoing support for the implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) and promotes reconciliation between Canada and former Indian Residential School students, their families and communities, as well as between Indigenous peoples and other Canadians. Reconciliation supports the implementation of IRSSA by working with the churches that ran the schools to ensure they fulfill their obligations under IRSSA, and by working with Health Canada as it provides health supports under IRSSA. The sub-program promotes reconciliation with an emphasis on leading the implementation of a departmental reconciliation framework and the analysis of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s final report. Social Inclusion 0 0 0
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Social Development Assisted Living This sub-program provides funding for non-medical, social supports services so that seniors, adults with chronic illness, and children and adults with disabilities (both mental and physical) can maintain functional independence. There are three major components to the sub-program: in-home care; adult foster care; and institutional care (institutional care is provided for eligible individuals in need of personal, non-medical care on a 24-hour basis). These services are available to individuals living on reserve or ordinarily resident on reserve who have been formally assessed by a health care professional (in a manner consistent with provincial or territorial legislation and standards), and identified as requiring services but without the means to obtain such services themselves. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to provide income support to on-reserve residents; and Contributions to provide income support to on-reserve residents. Social Inclusion 16 19 3 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Social Development Family Violence Prevention This sub-program provides funding for family violence protection and prevention services that are responsive to community needs for which there are two components. The first component supports women, children and families living on reserve with family violence shelter services by providing funding to core shelter operations. The second component is to support family violence prevention activities by providing funding to Indigenous communities and organizations. The Family Violence Prevention sub-program also works to address issues related to Indigenous women and girls. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to provide women, children and families ordinarily resident on-reserve with protection and prevention services; and Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development. Social Inclusion 12 14 2 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Social Development First Nations Child and Family Services This sub-program provides funding for child and family services supporting the safety and well-being of First Nation children and families who are ordinarily resident on reserve. Culturally appropriate prevention and protection services are delivered by service providers in accordance with provincial or territorial legislation and standards. This sub-program supports: developmental funding for new organizations; maintenance funding for costs associated with maintaining a child in care; operations funding for staffing and administrative costs of an agency; and prevention funding. In 2007, following provincial lead, the First Nations Child and Family Services sub-program started introducing changes focussing on prevention. The goal of the prevention approach is to improve services, family cohesion and life outcomes for First Nation children and families on reserve. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to provide women, children and families ordinarily resident on-reserve with protection and prevention services. Social Inclusion 40 39 -1
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Social Development Income Assistance This sub-program provides funding to First Nations, First Nation organizations and the province of Ontario (under the 1965 agreement) to assist eligible individuals and families living on reserve who are in financial need, through the provision of basic and special needs that are in alignment with the rates and eligibility criteria of reference for provinces or territories. The sub-program also provides funding for service delivery and pre-employment services designed to help clients transition to, and remain in, the workforce. INAC also contributes to the funding of day care services for First Nation families in Ontario and Alberta. income support to on-reserve residents. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Grants to provide income support to on-reserve residents; and Contributions to provide income support to on-reserve residents. Social Inclusion 73 73 0
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The People - Individual, family and community well-being for First Nations and Inuit. Social Development National Child Benefit This sub-program is a joint federal/provincial/territorial child poverty reduction initiative led by Employment and Social Development Canada. The sub-program has two components: a financial benefits component (the federal Canada Child Tax Benefit and National Child Benefit Supplement, and provincial/territorial integrated child benefits) and a reinvestment component (the National Child Benefit Reinvestment). Under the financial benefits component, the Department provides funding to the Yukon Territorial Government for the cost of the Yukon Child Benefit paid to First Nation families. Under the reinvestment component, INAC provides funding for community-based supports and services for children in low-income families for child care, child nutrition, support for parents, home-to-work transition and cultural enrichment.This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment(s): Contributions to provide income support to on-reserve residents. Social Inclusion 6 5 -1 The proportion of the change is not big enough to require an explanation
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1434 1476 42
Department of Industry Advancements in science and technology, knowledge, and innovation strengthen the Canadian economy. Industrial Research and Development Financing Aerospace and Defence Innovation This program supports research and development in the Canadian aerospace, defence, space and security industries through repayable and non-repayable contributions. It fosters innovation and competitiveness by encouraging and leveraging investment in the research and development of new technologies, products, processes and services. The program also stimulates collaboration among research institutes, universities, colleges and the private sector to further refine new and existing products and processes through research and development, learning-by-doing, and innovation. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative and the Technology Demonstration Program. Research and Development 71 41 -30 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is primarily due to a change in requirements for reporting of corporate services functions. Previously, if those functions were reported exclusively in the delivery of one program, they were reported as part of that program. New requirements mean all corporate service functions are reported under Internal Services.
Department of Industry Advancements in science and technology, knowledge, and innovation strengthen the Canadian economy. Industrial Research and Development Financing Automotive Innovation This program supports small- and large-scale initiatives across the automotive supply chain through repayable and non-repayable contributions. The Automotive Innovation Fund supports the production of innovative, greener and more fuel-efficient vehicles through repayable contributions for strategic, large-scale research and development projects in the automotive sector. The Automotive Supplier Innovation Program provides non-repayable contributions to help Canadian-based suppliers gain a competitive edge through new innovative products and processes. The program supports product development and technology demonstration on a cost-shared basis with participating firms to help innovations become commercially viable. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Automotive Innovation Fund and Automotive Supplier Innovation Program. Research and Development 6 7 1
Department of Industry Advancements in science and technology, knowledge, and innovation strengthen the Canadian economy. Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity Science and Technology Partnerships This program oversees implementation of science and technology programs delivered by the Department’s Industry Portfolio partners. It manages federal funding agreements with arm’s length organizations that support Canada’s science, technology and innovation capacity. The program also conducts research and analysis in support of its oversight, governance and management responsibilities. It supports research, education and innovation in post-secondary institutions. It promotes a science and entrepreneurial culture and the development of a pool of talent in the science and technology industry. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Canada Foundation for Innovation, CANARIE Inc, Genome Canada, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mitacs Inc., Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and the Institute for Quantum Computing. Research and Development 27 57 30 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is mainly due to an increase in resources for the Post-Secondary Institutions Strategic Investment Fund and internal reallocations to align with departmental priorities.
Department of Industry Advancements in science and technology, knowledge, and innovation strengthen the Canadian economy. Science, Technology and Innovation Capacity Science and Technology Policy and Analysis This program supports science, technology and innovation (ST&I) by providing analysis and advice and developing policies and programs to improve Canada’s research and development capacity and excellence in Canada’s innovation system. This is accomplished through partnerships, consultation and collaboration with various stakeholders including the private sector, universities and colleges and their associations, provincial/territorial governments, foreign governments and international organizations. This program also works closely with Industry Portfolio partners such as the National Research Council and the federal granting councils within the Industry Portfolio (the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) as well as other science-based departments and agencies to promote horizontal coordination of ST&I policies. This program also supports the activities of the Science, Technology and Innovation Council, an external advisory body that provides Ministers with confidential advice on ST&I policy issues and publicly reports on Canada’s ST&I performance against international standards of excellence. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Council of Canadian Academies. Research and Development 38 43 5 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is mainly due to an increase in resources for the External Relations Directorate.
Department of Industry Canadian businesses and communities are competitive. Community Economic Development Computer and Internet Access This program supports enhanced access to computers and the Internet in communities across the country. Through the Connecting Canadians Program, it funds the extension and enhancement of broadband infrastructure to reach previously underserved communities bringing with it new opportunities for entrepreneurship as well as access to new services. It is also responsible for maintaining current maps of broadband coverage across Canada and for working with other government partners to leverage support for broadband infrastructure. The Computers for Schools Program refurbishes surplus computer equipment donated by the public and private sectors, and distributes it to schools, libraries, not-for-profit organizations and Indigenous communities, ensuring access to digital tools needed for the skills for tomorrow. It also provides youth internship opportunities where young Canadians can gain valuable experience in the field of information and communications technologies. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Youth Internships, Computers for Schools, Computers for Schools – Technical Work Experience Program, and Connecting Canadians Program. Economic Development 27 41 14 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is mainly due to the new Connecting Canadians program.
Department of Industry Canadian businesses and communities are competitive. Community Economic Development Northern Ontario Economic Development This program promotes economic development and diversification, job creation, and sustainable, self-reliant communities in Northern Ontario. This is achieved by providing transfer payments to small and medium-sized enterprises and not-for-profit organizations, including municipalities, municipal organizations, community development organizations and research institutions, in the following priority areas: community economic development, business growth and competitiveness and innovation. As part of the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018, this program also provides support for business and economic development activities that enhance the economic vitality of francophone communities throughout Northern Ontario and encourage sustainable growth. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Northern Ontario Development Program, Economic Development Initiative, and Community Futures Program. Economic Development 87 68 -19 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is mainly due to a change in requirements for reporting of corporate services functions. Previously, if those functions were reported exclusively in the delivery of one program, they were reported as part of that program. New requirements mean all corporate service functions are reported under Internal Services.
Department of Industry Canadian businesses and communities are competitive. Industrial Competitiveness and Capacity Economic Outcomes from Procurement This program implements the Defence Procurement Strategy, which includes the Industrial and Technological Benefits policy and the weighted and rated value proposition (VP). This program also implements the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy VP and manages the monitoring and verification of the former Industrial and Regional Benefits obligations. These seek to improve the economic outcomes from certain defence and security procurements across the country. Economic Development 48 54 6 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is mainly related to new funding for the Defence Procurement Strategy and internal reallocations.
Department of Industry Canadian businesses and communities are competitive. Industrial Competitiveness and Capacity Industry-Specific Policy and Analysis This program supports the creation of a business environment that is conducive to innovation and growth. It provides intelligence, analysis and advice on the challenges and opportunities facing industry as it seeks to be competitive in global markets. Industry-specific analysis is used to inform stakeholders on key issues and policies that are relevant to the competitiveness of targeted industries and their positions within globalized markets and value chains. In collaboration with partners such as industry associations and other government departments, the program develops and disseminates studies, research papers and statistical reports to create an evidence base for informed decision making. Targeted outreach assists industry in better understanding government policy and programs. This program also promotes the adoption and adaptation of new and emerging technologies and skills for business processes, and promotes strategic research and development, marketing, investment and international business development activities. Economic Development 177 166 -11
Department of Industry Canadian businesses and communities are competitive. Small Business Research, Financing and Services Service for Business This program develops strategies and operates programs that are focussed on improving access to relevant government information and services for Canadian businesses, in particular entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including cooperatives. This includes, among other initiatives, the Canada Business Network (CBN) and BizPaL, which, in collaboration with other federal departments and agencies, provincial, territorial and municipal governments and other entities, provide one-stop access to specific government information on programs, services, permits, licences and regulations along with other business-related tools. CBN and BizPaL services are offered through the Internet and toll-free telephone. CBN officer-assisted services are also provided across Canada. The program is responsible for the development and implementation of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s Service Strategy and reports on strategies for reducing paperwork burden on SMEs when complying with government requirements and obligations. Economic Development 48 63 15 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is mainly related to new resources for Improving Support for Entrepreneurs, internal reallocations to meet departmental priorities and a change in requirements for reporting of corporate services functions. Previously, if those functions were reported exclusively in the delivery of one program, they were reported as part of that program. New requirements mean all corporate service functions are reported under Internal Services.
Department of Industry Canadian businesses and communities are competitive. Small Business Research, Financing and Services Small Business Financing and Growth This program helps Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs access financing that would not otherwise be available or would only be available under less favourable terms. Futurpreneur Canada also assists young entrepreneurs through mentoring, where the entrepreneur is matched with an experienced business professional. This program also provides advice and support to the Business Development Bank of Canada and promotes understanding of the challenges small businesses face in adopting business practices that help them to grow and innovate. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Canada Small Business Financing Program and Futurpreneur Canada. Economic Development 47 60 13 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is mainly related to new resources for Small Business Growth.
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Marketplace Competition and Investments Competition Law Enforcement This program is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Competition Act, including provisions enacted by Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, as well as the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, the Precious Metals Marking Act and the Textile Labelling Act. The Competition Bureau (the Bureau) is an independent law enforcement agency whose activities are supported in part by user fees. It seeks to promote and increase compliance with the acts to ensure that anti-competitive conduct does not hinder growth and innovation in the Canadian economy. The Bureau protects and promotes competitive markets by preventing and deterring anti-competitive conduct and deceptive marketing practices. It also reviews merger transactions to ensure their compliance with the Competition Act. This program is also responsible for providing advice to legislators and policy-makers and intervening or making representations before federal and provincial boards, commissions and tribunals, to promote and advocate for the incorporation of competition considerations to achieve policy or regulatory objectives. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 370 334 -36
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Marketplace Competition and Investments Investment Review This program implements the provisions of the Investment Canada Act by ensuring that the Minister of Industry has the information needed to determine whether a significant foreign investment is likely to be of net benefit to Canada and/or whether there are reasonable grounds to believe that an investment could be injurious to national security. This is accomplished by developing investment policy, processing notifications filed by investors, and reviewing transactions within the scope of the Act. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 14 13 -1
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation Consumer Affairs This program promotes the interests and protection of Canadian consumers, to enable them to be effective marketplace participants. It supports policy development, and contributes to intergovernmental harmonization of consumer protection rules, both nationally (under Chapter 8 of the Agreement on Internal Trade) and internationally (through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and International Organization for Standardization). It identifies important consumer issues and develops and disseminates consumer information and awareness tools. The program encourages consumer organizations to reach financial self-sufficiency, which assists them in providing meaningful, evidence-based input to public policy in the consumer interest. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Program for Non-profit Consumer and Voluntary Organizations. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 15 15 0
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation Federal Incorporation This program allows Canadians and businesses (with the exception of financial institutions) to incorporate at the federal level in accordance with the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Boards of Trade Act, the Canada Cooperatives Act and the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act or to carry out transactions under the Canada Corporations Act. It also issues and registers official documents under the Great Seal of Canada. The program’s main lines of business include incorporation and related services (such as amalgamation or corporate charter amendments), dissolution of corporations, rulings on the use of corporate names, the name search service Nuans, collection and dissemination of information on federal companies, compliance and enforcement activities related to the statutes it administers and development of incorporation policy and regulations. The activities of this program are supported by user fees. The program’s activities directly affect Canadian businesses, not-for-profit organizations and other corporate entities. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 82 81 -1
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation Insolvency This program supervises the administration of estates and matters under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and carries out duties under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act through the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, which operates as a vote net revenue organization whose activities are supported in part by user fees. It protects the integrity of the insolvency system by maintaining an efficient and effective insolvency regulatory framework; promoting awareness of the rights and responsibilities of stakeholders; ensuring compliance with the regulatory framework; by being an integral source of information on Canadian insolvency matters; and by developing policy. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 391 399 8
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation Intellectual Property This program develops Canada’s intellectual property policy and administers its system of intellectual property (IP) rights, namely patents, trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies. The Canadian Intellectual Property Office, which operates under a revolving fund supported by user fees, assigns, grants and registers IP rights, legally recognizing certain endeavours of originality and creativity. It also disseminates information related to these rights to businesses, international IP offices, educational institutions, and Canadians. This program represents Canada’s IP interests internationally and ensures that IP policy supports innovation, competitiveness and economic growth and that the benefits of the IP system accrue to Canadians and enable IP owners to protect their innovation investments. Its clients include Canadian and foreign applicants for IP protection, users of IP information and the Canadian business community. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 991 966 -25
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation Market Access This program provides policy, administrative and operational support and advice to the Minister of Industry, the Committee on Internal Trade, its Chair, and other committees or working groups established under the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) or by the committee across the federal, provincial and territorial governments. The purpose of the AIT is to reduce and eliminate, to the extent possible, barriers to the free movement of persons, goods, services and investment within Canada and to establish an open, efficient and stable domestic market. This program also provides policy advice on bilateral, regional, plurilateral and multilateral initiatives, including regulations and standards, impacting Canadian companies’ access to global markets and the development of international marketplace framework policies. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Internal Trade Secretariat Corporation. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 16 17 1
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Marketplace Frameworks and Regulation Trade Measurement This program ensures the integrity and accuracy of measurement-based financial transactions and has sole federal jurisdiction for the administration and enforcement of the laws governing trade measurement in Canada: the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations and the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Regulations. It protects Canadians against loss due to inaccurate measurement at all levels of trade and maintains domestic and international consumer and business confidence in the accurate measurement of goods and services bought and sold on the basis of measure, by ensuring scales, gas pumps, electricity and natural gas meters and other measuring devices used in Canada meet legislative standards for accuracy and performance. This program develops trade measurement requirements, approves prototype measuring devices for use in Canada, assesses measurement accuracy in the marketplace, investigates business and consumer complaints of suspected inaccurate measurement, and compels corrective actions when unfair or improper practices are found. The program also accredits qualified private sector organizations to perform measuring device inspections. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 284 266 -18
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Spectrum, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy Communications Technologies Research and Innovation This program conducts research on advanced communications systems and technologies primarily to support the development of public policy and services for Industry Canada. Research projects involve a combination of in-house activities and partnerships with other government departments, industry and academic organizations. The research performed provides insight into communications technologies, which assists in the development of communications policies, regulations and program delivery, provides support to critical government operations, and establishes ties with industry and academia to facilitate future collaboration and promote innovation in this area. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 205 175 -30 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is primarily due to a change in requirements for reporting of corporate services functions. Previously, if those functions were reported exclusively in the delivery of one program, they were reported as part of that program. New requirements mean all corporate service functions are reported under Internal Services.
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Spectrum, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy Spectrum Management and Regulation This program leads the orderly and secure evolution of Canada’s radio spectrum and telecommunications infrastructure and promotes competition through the development of a coherent and effective regulatory framework, the enforcement of domestic and international requirements and the implementation of internationally negotiated standards and treaties. This provides telecommunication manufacturers and service providers with the favourable conditions they need to develop, introduce and market leading technologies and services. This program issues licences to use specific frequencies of the spectrum to businesses, organizations, and individuals, including on a first-come, first-served basis and through auctions. The program also provides authorizations for the use of spectrum and orbital resources for satellite systems. The program monitors and enforces compliance with licence conditions and regulations. To avoid interference and protect health and safety, this program verifies and monitors compliance with Canadian radiocommunications and telecommunications equipment regulations and legislation. The program also plays a role in protecting critical infrastructure, in making spectrum available for first responders, in supporting the telecommunications industry in times of emergency, in leading cyber resilience initiatives and supporting cyber security. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Radio Advisory Board of Canada. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 530 462 -68 The variance between Planned and Actual FTEs is primarily due to a change in requirements for reporting of corporate services functions. Previously, if those functions were reported exclusively in the delivery of one program, they were reported as part of that program. New requirements mean all corporate service functions are reported under Internal Services.
Department of Industry The Canadian marketplace is efficient and competitive. Spectrum, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy Spectrum and Telecommunications Policy and Legislation This program develops legal and policy frameworks in the areas of spectrum, telecommunications, privacy protection and cyber resilience, including cyber security. It promotes the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian digital economy by regulating commercial conduct and discouraging misconduct in the use of electronic means to carry out commercial activities and by working with the private sector to remove barriers to the use of e-commerce. The program works with international organizations to promote and protect Canadian interests in international discussions, agreements and treaties and to negotiate standards. The program works to update or create legislation as information and communications technologies and their use evolve. It develops policy in support of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, the Telecommunications Act and the Radiocommunication Act. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 66 64 -2
Department of Industry The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1172 1410 238
Department of Justice A Federal Government that is Supported by High-Quality Legal Services. Legal Services to Government Program The Department of Justice provides an integrated suite of high quality legal advisory, litigation and legislative services to the Minister of Justice and to all federal departments and agencies to support them in meeting the Government’s policy and programming priorities and to advance the overall objectives of the government. Services are provided through a network of departmental legal services units co-located with client departments and agencies, specialized legal capacities within national headquarters, and a network of regional offices and sub-offices providing legal advisory and litigation services to federal departments and agencies across the country. Government Operations 3039 3095.8 56.8
Department of Justice A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime The Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime (OFOVC) was created to provide a voice for victims of crime at the federal level and to ensure that the federal government meets its commitments to victims. The Office provides direct information, referral and complaint review services to its primary clients – victims, victims’ family members or representatives, victim serving agencies, and other related stakeholders. The Office also helps raise awareness of systemic issues among all criminal justice and victim serving personnel as well as provides related recommendations and advice to the Government of Canada through the Minister of Justice. In order to fulfill its mandate, the Office promotes access by victims to existing federal programs and services for victims; addresses complaints of victims about compliance with the provisions of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, promotes awareness of the needs and concerns of victims and the applicable laws that benefit victims of crime, including Canadian Victims Bill of Rights and the principles set out in the Canadian Statement of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime; identifies and reviews emerging and systemic issues that negatively impact victims of crime; and facilitates access by victims to existing federal programs and services by providing them with information and referrals. The Ombudsman reports directly to the Minister of Justice and, as such, the Office falls outside the Department’s governance framework. Safety and Security 9.6 8.8 -0.8
Department of Justice A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework Justice System Support Aboriginal and Northern Justice The Department contributes funding to the provinces and territories for programs and services which provides culturally appropriate assistance to Aboriginal people navigating the criminal justice system. The Department also provides funding to a range of recipients who deliver programs which provide culturally relevant alternatives to the mainstream justice system for Aboriginal people. Finally, the Department provides contribution funding to the territories to help ensure that Northern residents have access to legal representation and advice as well as information on the justice system. Funding is provided through the following grants and contributions programs: Aboriginal Justice Strategy, Aboriginal Courtwork Program, and Access to Justice Services Agreements in the Territories. Safety and Security 11.9 13.5 1.6 Realignment of departmental priorities.
Department of Justice A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework Justice System Support Criminal Justice and Legal Representation The Department supports access to justice and the efficient functioning of the Canadian justice system. The Department provides contribution funding to Provinces to help ensure that economically disadvantaged individuals have access to legal advice, representation and information for criminal law, youth criminal justice, and immigration and refugee matters. Provinces, territories, or their legal aid service delivery entities also receive funding for the management and delivery of court-ordered counsel in federal prosecutions, and for legal assistance in national security matters. In addition, grants and contributions funding is also made available to a wide range of other recipients to support: (1) alternatives to incarceration for non-violent drug addicted offenders; (2) Special Advocates in Division 9 proceedings under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; (3) the prosecution of capital market fraud cases; (4) the development of public legal education resources; and (5) projects that assist in developing effective responses to trends and issues effecting Canadian justice policy. This sub-sub program uses funding from the following grants and contributions programs: Legal Aid Program (includes, Criminal Legal Aid, Public Security and Anti-terrorism Legal Aid, Immigration and Refugee Legal Aid and Court Ordered Counsel in Federal Prosecutions), Drug Treatment Court Funding Program, Integrated Market Enforcement Teams Reserve Fund, Special Advocates Program, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit), Hague Conference on Private International Law, and Justice Partnership and Innovation Program. Safety and Security 12.1 11.8 -0.3
Department of Justice A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework Justice System Support Family Justice The Department, through grants and contributions funding, provides support to Canadians experiencing separation and divorce by facilitating effective delivery of programs and services, such as parent education, mediation, support enforcement and child support recalculation, and developing family law information and training resources. Family justice funding assists the provinces and territories to develop and provide family justice services and programs that are aimed at enhancing the capacity of parents to reach appropriate custody, access and support agreements and comply with those agreements. Federal funding also assists non-government organizations in developing family law information and training resources, supports implementation of the Department’s legislative obligations and policy priorities in the area of family justice, and provides support to program evaluation by collecting and reporting on the funding data. This sub-sub program uses funding from the following grants and contributions program: Supporting Families Fund. Safety and Security 2.4 1.5 -0.9 Day to day variations due to staffing processes.
Department of Justice A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework Justice System Support Justice in Official Languages The Department, through grants and contributions funding, provides support to improve access to justice in both official languages to persons navigating the justice system. The Department manages the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund and takes positive measures to fulfill the federal government’s commitment contained in section 41 of the Official Languages Act towards the development of official language minority communities and the promotion of English and French. The Department also manages the Contraventions Act Fund that provides funding to provinces, territories and municipalities where the Contraventions Act is implemented so that they can provide justice services on behalf of the federal government in a manner consistent with the applicable language rights involving compliance with judicial services as set out in sections 530 and 530.1 of the Criminal Code and extra-judicial services as set out in Part IV of the Official Languages Act. This sub-sub program uses funding from the following grants and contributions programs: Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund and Contraventions Act Fund. Safety and Security 2.2 10.3 8.1 Realignment of FTEs between activities to better reflect deparmental activities. (Public Law portion of Official Languages)
Department of Justice A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework Justice System Support Victims of Crime The Department, through grants and contributions funding, aims to give victims of crime a more effective voice in the criminal justice system. As part of the Federal Victims Strategy, the Department provides funding to provincial and territorial governments and non-governmental organizations to increase awareness and knowledge of victim issues, legislation and services available, as well as to develop and deliver victim programs, services and assistance to meet gaps in services for victims of crime. The Department also provides direct, limited, emergency financial assistance to individual victims in certain specified circumstances, including travel for registered victims to attend Parole Board of Canada hearings and Canadians victimized abroad. This sub-sub program uses funding from the following grants and contributions program: the Victims Fund. Safety and Security 4.7 3.8 -0.9 Day to day variations due to staffing processes.
Department of Justice A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework Justice System Support Youth Justice The Department promotes the protection of the public by supporting programs and services which are consistent with the objectives of the Youth Criminal Justice Act. The Department provides contribution funding to the provinces and territories for programs and services aimed at youth in conflict with the law which encourages their accountability, rehabilitation and reintegration into the community; promote diversion from the formal court process where appropriate; and reserve custody for the most serious offenders. Funding is also provided to the provinces and territories for specialized therapeutic programs and services for youth with mental health needs who are convicted of a serious violent offence. Finally, funding is available to a wide range of recipients for projects which encourage a more effective youth justice system, respond to youth justice issues and enable greater citizen and community participation in the youth justice system. Such projects include programs specifically aimed at youth in conflict with the law, training for justice professionals and youth service providers and research. Funding is provided through the following grants and contributions programs: Youth Justice Services Funding Program, Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision Program and the Youth Justice Fund. Safety and Security 3.7 3.7 0
Department of Justice A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system. Stewardship of the Canadian Legal Framework Legal Policies and Laws The Department develops and coordinates all federal justice legislative reforms, policy options, and initiatives that promote a fair, accessible and relevant justice system for the benefit of Canadians. This includes the areas of judicial affairs, criminal justice, victims of crime, youth justice, family justice, official languages, contraventions, illicit drugs (via the National Anti-Drug Strategy), bijuralism, Aboriginal justice, human rights, privacy, access to information, security and terrorism. The Department monitors developments in law, policy and procedure; develops and implements options for law, enforcement and policy reforms through legislation; develops and provides information and services to implement new and existing policies and laws; and provides advice to other federal departments in matters related to justice-related laws and policies. As the administration of justice is an area of shared jurisdiction, the Department works closely with the provinces and territories in support of their responsibility for the day-to-day administration of justice. The Department supports the Minister of Justice throughout the Cabinet and Parliamentary processes with respect to both justice reforms and Parliamentary business involving justice matters such as private members’ bills and Parliamentary reviews. Furthermore, the Department supports the government’s international priorities related to justice - namely, the provision of policy advice in the development of Canada’s international justice policies, the negotiation within bilateral or multilateral fora of international norms, treaties and conventions, the development of legal cooperation programs as well as the provision of legal technical assistance to foreign countries seeking to reform their justice system. Safety and Security 221.1 211.4 -9.7
Department of Justice The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1003.6 950 -53.6
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations Domestic and Continental Defence Operations Ongoing Continental Defence Operations in Cooperation with US Ongoing Continental Defence Operations in Cooperation with the United States aim to protect Canada and North America in accordance with agreements with the United States, Caribbean and Central and South American nations where applicable, that are outside the purview of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). Results are achieved through the employment of forces with the requisite military capabilities to conduct daily continental operations where threats along air, land and sea approaches to Canadian territory are detected, identified, monitored, tracked, deterred, intercepted, diverted and neutralized, as required. This Program includes participation in the US-led Joint Interagency Task Force (South) as well as the employment of military capabilities in support to the United States in accordance with requirements and emergency/contingency plans established through bi-lateral agreements. Results may sometimes also be achieved through application of military capabilities in co-ordination with South American and Caribbean nations. Safety and Security 395 177 -218 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations Domestic and Continental Defence Operations Ongoing Defence Operations through NORAD Ongoing Defence Operations through NORAD seek to provide for the defence of North America in combination with the United States through the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in accordance with the North American Aerospace Defence Agreement. This agreement provides co-ordinated bi-national delivery of both aerospace and maritime warning capabilities as well as related control capabilities to the Governments of Canada and the United States in order to protect against threats that may impact the North American continent. The aerospace warning and control capabilities applied through this Program typically detect, identify, monitor, track, deter, intercept, divert and neutralize manned or unmanned air-breathing vehicles that threaten air sovereignty. They also detect and monitor airborne and maritime vessels that are suspected of illegal drug trafficking and human trafficking/illegal immigrants, and relay information to civilian law enforcement agencies. The maritime warning capabilities applied through this Program provide shared awareness and a mutual understanding of activity within maritime approaches, marine areas, and inland waterways that are in the jurisdictions of Canada and the United States. This Program is conducted within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty and therefore is also a key aspect of trans-Atlantic security and defence. Safety and Security 660 621 -39 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations Domestic and Continental Defence Operations Ongoing Defence, Security and Sovereignty of Canada Operations Ongoing Defence, Security and Sovereignty of Canada Operations aim to ensure constant monitoring and conspicuous presence of military forces in Canadian territory, including the arctic, through the application of military power. When necessary this Program also delivers localized responses against detected aggressors that threaten the security of Canadians, the sovereignty of Canada, or the interests of the Canadian Government. Typical results are achieved through the employment of force elements with the requisite Defence capabilities to conduct surveillance operations; maritime, land, and air patrols; and operations to assert Canada’s sovereignty. Results are typically achieved through this Program by focused execution of: national intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations; presence operations; and intercept operations. Safety and Security 1259 870 -389 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations Domestic and Continental Defence Operations Operations to Defend Canada Against Armed Threats Operations to Defend Canada Against Armed Threats aim to defend Canada against armed threats and provide military power when necessary anywhere in Canada for the purpose of averting major crises where armed aggressors threaten Canadians, Canadian sovereignty, or the interests of the Canadian Government. Results are achieved through the deployment of immediate response force elements and, when required, the mobilization, employment and sustainment of larger follow-on force elements in accordance with the mandated role of National Defence. This Program directly supports Canada and Canadians. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations International Combat Operations International Crisis and Surge Response Operations International Crisis and Surge Response Operations aim to respond to immediate international crises with the potential for armed aggression through the delivery of Defence capabilities. As with the International Operations over Extended Periods Program, Defence capabilities are applied outside of the continent by this Program through the employment of force elements, as appropriate, from the maritime, land and aerospace environments and the joint, common and special force domains. However, the operations undertaken under this Program are expected to be of much shorter duration and often require what is called a surge response. These operations are typically undertaken at the request of the Canadian Government to meet particular expectations which are usually connected to the support of foreign partners which includes allied nations, alliance organizations and the United Nations. The operation in Libya is an example of an operation conducted as part of this Program. Safety and Security 62 62 0
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations International Combat Operations International Operations over Extended Periods International Operations Over Extended Periods aim to meet expectations agreed upon by the Canadian Government and foreign partners, which include allied nations, alliance organizations and the United Nations. Results are achieved through the application of Defence capabilities by force elements outside of the domestic or continental setting. The force elements that achieve this Program’s results are organized into portfolios according to the environments in which they operate – the most fundamental of which are the maritime, land and aerospace environments. There are also force elements that operate across these domains which include joint, common and special force elements. The operations conducted under this Program occur over extended periods during which time certain force elements from across the portfolio are tailored, delivered and sustained within a forum that typically also includes force elements provided by international partners. Examples of past operations conducted as part of this Program are those conducted in Afghanistan and Bosnia. Safety and Security 820 1108 288 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations International Combat Operations Ongoing Defence Operations through Standing NATO Commitments Ongoing Defence Operations through Standing NATO Commitments aim to provide for the ongoing defence of Canada and protect the interests of the Government of Canada through routine participation as an active member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Results are achieved by representing Canadian interests in: defence policies and plans; military standards and doctrine, and best practices; fostering defence diplomacy and international defence relations; and providing Defence capabilities for ongoing operations. Specifically, Canadian interests in defence policy and planning matters are delivered through the Canadian Joint Delegation to NATO and through representation on the NATO Headquarters International Military Staff which facilitates the framing of NATO defence issues in ways commensurate with Canadian interests. Canada’s representation on various NATO organizations also provides an avenue for development of defence policy advice within Canada as well as the progression of defence relations and opportunities to leverage capability development initiatives. A key aspect of this Program is the delivery of Canadian force elements to ongoing NATO operations and to NATO’s response force (NRF) which provides rapid military response to emerging crisis as part of the NATO crisis response system. However this Program does not include participation in extended or crisis response operations that are instead captured under the International Operations Over Extended Periods Program or the International Crisis and Surge Response Operations Program. This Program operates within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty and the National Defence Act. Safety and Security 327 346 19
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement The Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement Program aims to achieve greater interoperability and enhanced delivery of Defence capabilities during on-going, contingency and potential operations in the future in order to support the defence of Canada and Canadian Interests. Results are achieved through the establishment of new bi-national and multinational relations and the strengthening of existing key defence partnerships. This is accomplished through assistance to foreign partners in the form of military training, participation in international fora, the establishment of formal arrangements, the sharing of expertise and operational cooperation. The Military Diplomacy and Global Engagement Program also delivers support to Federal Departments and Agencies, foreign governments, international organizations and alliances. Safety and Security 356 444 88 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement Ongoing Defence Intelligence Operations Ongoing Defence Intelligence Operations aim to increase security and situational awareness essential to Force protection. Results are achieved through surveys and analysis of the many dimensions of the current security environment. It identifies critical patterns, synthesizes trends, and from this information establishes potential impacts, risks and opportunities to inform the execution of ongoing and contingency operations conducted under the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. It also informs the delivery, or potential delivery, of Defence capabilities in the future. Results are achieved through the collection, storage, protection, collation, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence information. These activities are enabled, in part, by collaboration and liaison with national and international partners. Besides supporting each military operation directly, the products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Overarching Control of Domestic and International Operations Program, the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Control Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. This Program is primarily focused on National Defence but also supports Federal Departments/Agencies and international partners. Safety and Security 1628 1544 -84 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement Operational Support Services Operational Support Services aim to provide operational support services for the conduct of military operations. Results are achieved through the deployment and sustainment of forces to distant areas in response to domestic, continental and international operations. Operational support is provided to deployed force elements within a theatre of operations. This Program delivers Defence services such as Surveillance from Space and the provision of Cyber defense. Included in the Support Services is the establishment of Lines of Communications for facilitating coordination of procurement and delivery of a wide variety of materiel, personnel and information services that directly support the deployment and sustainment of military forces and the maintenance of Defence capabilities during military operations. Operational Support Services directly supports Defence. Safety and Security 368 345 -23 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Combat and Support Operations Ongoing Centralized Operations and Operational Enablement Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations seek to ensure there is congruency between operational objectives and higher-level strategic goals associated with the defence of Canada, the protection of Canadian sovereignty, and the interests of the Canadian Government by providing overarching control functions to military operations. Results are achieved by providing the rules and constraints that control each operation; coordinating the provision and allocation of resources; engaging with operational-level partners and other stakeholders to ensure unity of action; and ensuring that structures and processes are in place to manage risk. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by enabling the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program to deliver military efforts. Safety and Security 924 901 -23 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security Assistance to Major Canadian Event Operations Assistance to Major Canadian Event Operations aim to contribute to the Defence of Canada and the security of Canadian citizens through the provision of security and related support for major events. Results are achieved through the maintenance of situational awareness and provision of naval, air, and land Defence capabilities. Operations in this Program will only occur if Defence is tasked by the Government of Canada. Assistance to Major Canadian Event Operations services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies and other levels of Government. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security Canadian Safety and Security Program The Canadian Safety and Security Program aims to enhance Canadian public safety and security. Results are achieved through the delivery of scientific research, technology, analysis and systems in the context of a partnership program instituted by the Federal Government. This Program provides for the identification of capability gaps and the development of potential solutions in order to enhance the collective capabilities of the Canadian Government and its partners to be resilient against global and domestic public safety and security threats. It is led by the Defence Research and Development Canada, Centre for Security Science on behalf of the Government of Canada. Gaps are identified through risk and vulnerability assessments in consultation with experts in the Canadian Safety and Security Program science and technology domains and entities that develop policy, deliver safety and security operations, and synthesize intelligence. The Canadian Safety and Security Program services are provided directly to public safety and security organizations at Canada-U.S., federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal levels. Safety and Security 45 62 17 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security Counter Terrorism, Terrorism Event Response and Consequence Management Operations Counter Terrorism, Terrorism Event Response and Consequence Management Operations aim to contribute to the protection of Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests from terrorist activity. Results are achieved through the conduct of counter terrorism operations both domestically and internationally. This Program delivers unique Defence capabilities to support the Government of Canada and is an integral part of Canada’s Counter-terrorism Strategy. This Program ensures that Canada, through Defence, has the capability to prevent, pre-empt, disrupt, and, if not successful, prepare for and execute any deployment of Defence capability in response to terrorist activity at home or abroad. The breadth of Defence activities includes international areas of operation through various international and global engagements and domestic support to law enforcement. Counter Terrorism, Terrorism Event Response and Consequence Management Operations services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security Defence Services to other Government Departments and Agencies Defence Services to other Government Departments and Agencies aims to support the missions of other Government Departments and Agencies with a law enforcement mandate. Results are achieved through the maintenance of situational awareness and provision of naval, air, land and special operations Defence capabilities in support of other Departments and Agencies as well as provincial governments and other levels of government. Support operations include activities such as counteracting illegal immigration, weapon and explosive trafficking, counter drug operations, the control of drift netting and other forms of illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing. This Program also includes Aid of the Civil Power Operations which responds to any situation where there is a disturbance of the peace that is beyond the capacity of the civil authorities to mitigate. Defence Services to other Government Departments and Agencies are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies, Provincial Governments and other levels of Government. Safety and Security 23 52 29 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security National Search and Rescue Program Coordination National Search and Rescue Program Coordination aims at continuously improving search and rescue services. Results are achieved by coordinating and integrating the efforts of federal, provincial and territorial organizations, and other stakeholders that provide search and rescue services, in order to achieve seamless search and rescue services across Canada. This Program encompasses the services provided by the National Search and Rescue Secretariat. The role of the secretariat is to integrate the efforts of search and rescue partners. National Search and Rescue Program Coordination services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies, level of Governments, other partners from industry, academia, the volunteer community and not-for-profit organizations. The National Search and Rescue Secretariat is Canada’s permanent representative to the International COSPAS-SARSAT Council and also functions as the Head of the Canadian delegation at all COSPAS-SARSAT forums. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Defence Services for Canadian Safety and Security Search and Rescue Operations Search and Rescue Operations seek to provide assistance and safety to persons in distress. Results are achieved by delivering force elements with the requisite capabilities to provide aeronautical and maritime search and rescue response operations within the Canadian Federal Area of Responsibility. This Program delivers the aeronautical and maritime search and rescue system which presently includes the several Joint Rescue Coordination Centres and other search and rescue facilities in conjunction with the Canadian Coast Guard. Search and Rescue Operations services are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies, other levels of Government and the General Public. Safety and Security 610 613 3 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations Domestic and Continental Assistance and Response Operations Domestic and Continental Assistance and Response Operations aim to reduce suffering and to improve the well-being of members of the civil society living in North America. Results are achieved through the delivery of forces elements with the capabilities to conduct domestic disaster relief operations. This Program delivers unique Defence capabilities through modular and scalable responses to mitigate a wide range of crises associated with disasters. Operations in this Program will only occur if Defence is tasked by the Government of Canada. Response activities may include Defence services such as strategic air and sealift, aviation support, medical aid, logistic and engineering support, or provision of security assistance. Domestic and Continental Assistance and Response Operations are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies, other levels of Government and continental partners. Safety and Security 66 63 -3 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations International Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Operations International Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Operations aim to reduce suffering and to improve the well-being of members of the International civil society. Results are achieved through the delivery of forces elements internationally with the capabilities to conduct disaster and humanitarian response operations in support of Government of Canada goals. This Program delivers unique Defence capabilities through modular and scalable responses tailored to address identified gaps in civilian humanitarian capacity. Operations in this Program will only occur if Defence is tasked by the Government of Canada. Response activities may include Defence services such as strategic air and sealift, aviation support, medical aid, logistic and engineering support, or provision of security assistance. International Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Operations are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies and international partners. Safety and Security 9 4 -5 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Operations Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations aim to contribute to the security of Canadian citizens abroad. Results are achieved through the delivery of force elements with the requisite capabilities to conduct operations where the primary focus is the evacuation of Canadian Entitled Personnel or other non-combatants from hostile or potentially hostile environments. Operations in this Program will only occur if Defence is tasked by the Government of Canada. Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations are provided directly to Federal Departments and Agencies and Canadian citizens. Safety and Security 113 2 -111 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Military Heritage and Outreach Military History, Heritage and Awareness The Military History, Heritage and Awareness Program aims to increase awareness of the Canadian military history, heritage, roles, and contributions to Canada and Canadian identity. In addition, this Program serves to encourage interest in the Canadian military profession. Results are achieved through public information by preserving, interpreting, communicating, and showcasing Canada’s military history, traditions, roles, contributions, professionalism, expertise, and values in a wide variety of venues. The Military History, Heritage and Awareness Program services are provided directly to the Canadian public and military personnel. Safety and Security 513 475 -38
Department of National Defence Defence Operations and Services Improve Stability and Security, and Promote Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Services and Contribution to Government Military Heritage and Outreach Youth Program The Youth Program aims to enhance understanding of the Canadian Armed Forces and create an interest in the sea, land and air activities (both military and civilian) while preparing youth for their transition into adulthood through the development of attributes of leadership and community-minded citizenship, encouraging physical fitness, and promoting the traditional cultures and lifestyles reflective of the remote and isolated communities of Canada where some of the youth reside. The Youth Program is provided directly to Canadian youth and represents the largest federally-sponsored youth program in Canada. The Youth Program also has a direct impact on Canadian society as a whole, providing value in having well-rounded and experienced young citizens who are ready to assume their places as tomorrow’s leaders and decision-makers. Cadet Instructors Cadre Officers, Military personnel and the Canadian Rangers are the main sources of instructors involved in providing training to the Youth Program. Safety and Security 306 219 -87 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Development and Research Capability Design, Development and Integration Capability Design and Management The Capability Design and Management Program oversee the execution of activities that conceive, design, develop and introduce new or modify existing Defence capabilities which provide the ability to achieve a desired effect during the execution of a defence operation or the delivery of a Defence service. Defence capabilities are formed of various combinations of force elements, the entities that execute the tasks to achieve desired effects during an operation. This Program applies system-of-systems approaches to describe, analyse, design, and manage each individual capability as a system of capability elements (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and real property) which must be suitably integrated in order to produce new or enhanced force elements. Results are achieved through the oversight of Defence capability requirements specification, conception, and design; and the oversight and coordination of individual capability elements delivery and process specification for force element integration. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Strategic Capability Planning Support Program and the lifecycle management programs responsible for the production, maintenance, and retirement of Defence capability elements. It also influences the Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program. Safety and Security 264 278 14
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Development and Research Capability Design, Development and Integration Concept, Doctrine Development and Warfare Experimentation The Concept, Doctrine Development and Warfare Experimentation Program seeks to achieve predictability and reliability of performance and thereby realize enhanced opportunities for success and reduce the risk of failure when delivering Defence operations and services. Results are achieved by this Program through conception, development, and testing of the principles, methods and approaches that, in turn, become the concepts, doctrine and standards that guide how tasks should be performed at the strategic, operational and tactical levels during the delivery of Defence Combat and Support Operations and Defence Services and Contributions to Government. Innovations in the development and assessment of new concepts and doctrine are enabled through military experimentation services and related modelling and simulation services. Fundamental to this Program is the delivery of services that provide for and the collection, analysis, synthesis and distribution and integration of lessons learned from past operations. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Capability Design and Management Program and the Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations Program. This Program is also a key enabler to the Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program. Safety and Security 421 301 -120 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Development and Research Capability Design, Development and Integration Science and Systems Development and Integration The Science and Systems Development and Integration Program aims to develop and synthesize new knowledge and integrate advancements in science, systems and technology to provide a competitive advantage in military operations and enhance the effectiveness of other defence programs. It also seeks to synthesize information and develop methods and analyses to enable evidence-based decisions concerning the effective use of Defence capabilities and improvements to the delivery of defence programs at strategic, operational and tactical levels across current and future time horizons. Results are achieved by this Program through: the conduct of basic research using scientific methods; the delivery of advanced systems and systems concepts; the testing and evaluation of existing systems and technologies; human systems integration; the development of advanced analyses; and the integration of science into other defence programs. The innovations and advancements in science, systems and technology that are delivered by this Program sustain Defence by enabling the Capability Design and Management Program, the Concept Doctrine Development and Warfare Experimentation Program, and in some cases, the Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations Program. The products and services provided by this Program for the purpose of evidence-based decision making sustain=Defence by enabling each of the sub-programs within Defence Capability Development and Integration Program as well as the Coordination and Command and Control programs that govern delivery of: Defence Combat and Support Operations; Defence Services and Assistance to Government; Defence Ready Force Element Production; and Defence Capability Element Production. This Program also directly supports the management and oversight of Defence as a whole. Safety and Security 1441 1345 -96 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Development and Research Strategic Direction and Planning Support Strategic Capability Planning Support The Strategic Capability Planning Support Program provides the analyses that determine the overarching portfolio of all capabilities that will be required to successfully defend Canada and promote Canadian interests in future time horizons. This is accomplished through the assessments of Defence policy, direction from the Government of Canada, the external environment, internal performance, the strategic threat environment and the envelope of available resources. Modifying the capability portfolio typically requires decisions and precursor initiatives to take place in near-term time horizons and these are either initiated or facilitated by this Program. Results are achieved by this Program through activities that: identify required military effects; determine the capabilities needed to generate these effects; assess current and planned capabilities of defence against these needs; oversee the conception of possible approaches to mitigate capability shortfalls and reduce capability surpluses; facilitate decisions to determine which approaches are to be pursued; and develop high-level plans to enable and align programs that will deliver new capabilities and divest existing capabilities. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Capability Design and Management Program, as well as the Concept, Doctrine Development and Warfare Experimentation Program and the Science and Systems Development and Integration Program. Additionally, the broad evidence-based analyses provided by this Program directly enable the strategic management and oversight of Defence as a whole. This Program also has secondary influence on the co-ordination, development and control programs that govern the lifecycles of the capability elements. Safety and Security 81 84 3
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Development and Research Strategic Direction and Planning Support Strategic Force Posture Planning Support The Strategic Force Posture Planning Support Program aims to maintain the sustainability of Defence’s Force Posture towards the achievement of Government of Canada expectations for Defence operations. Force Posture is a collective term used by Defence to characterize the balance in the operational state of force elements within Defence’s portfolio. Force elements may be in one of three operational states. They are either delivering Defence operations or services, ready to respond to operational contingencies, or in a state of reduced readiness. Readiness, which is an intrinsic part of Force Posture, refers to the capability, responsiveness, quantity and endurance requirements that force elements must meet in order to improve the potential for success and reduce undue risks when they are employed on operations. A balanced Force Posture, including the achievement of readiness targets, must be maintained to achieve effectiveness in the delivery of Defence operations and services across time. This Program establishes and manages the adjustment of near-term Force Posture and readiness targets and provides a bridge to longer-term capability planning. Results are achieved through monitoring, analysis and planning based on strategic direction as well as risk and opportunity assessments. The Strategic Force Posture Planning Support Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Overarching Command and Control of Domestic and International Operations Program, the Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Program, and the management and oversight of Defence as a whole. Safety and Security 21 33 12 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Information Systems Lifecycle Info Systems - Acquisition, Development and Deployment The Info Systems - Acquisition, Development and Deployment Program seeks to expand or enhance the defence secure information systems infrastructure and applications portfolio by delivering acquisition, development and deployment services to meet defence command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance needs. Results are achieved through: development and management services for acquisition and development projects, testing services and deployment services. The Info Systems - Acquisition, Development and Deployment Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Info Systems - Portfolio Management Program which, in turn. provides the materiel elements of Defence capabilities for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 549 475 -74 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Information Systems Lifecycle Info Systems - Portfolio Management The Info Systems - Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that defence information systems infrastructure and applications are managed throughout their lifecycle so that the condition of Defence information system capability elements is suitable to Defence needs and made available for the production of ready force elements, capability development and research, and Defence services. It aims to ensure that command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance application solutions are secure and available in diverse locations where information continuity must be maintained across communication interruptions. This is accomplished through assessment services and identification and coordination for defence information systems acquisition, development, deployment, system management, user support services. The Info Systems - Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 309 323 14 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Information Systems Lifecycle Info Systems - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control The Info Systems - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program seeks to ensure that Defence information systems and applications are secure, managed, coordinated and overseen so that they are available for the production of ready force elements and the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. Results are delivered through planning, design, development, security assessment, implementation, coordination, control, governance, performance management, reporting, relationship and partnership management, and advice services as they relate to defence information systems and applications. The Info Systems - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program sustains Defence by enabling the Information Systems Lifecycle Program. Governance and advisory services also support the Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program of the military personnel and organization, materiel, and real property capability elements as well as the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program, and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 436 348 -88
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Information Systems Lifecycle Info Systems - System Management and User Support The Info Systems - System Management and User Support Program aims to provide Defence information system management and user support in a timely manner and in the required location to produce ready force elements, conduct operations, and deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished through the delivery of divestment, problem resolution support, training, and system support services. The Info Systems - System Management and User Support Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Info Systems - Portfolio Management Program, Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 1633 1788 155
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Materiel Lifecycle Materiel - Acquisition The Materiel - Acquisition Program aims to augment the defence materiel portfolio by delivering acquisition services for defence material, equipment, equipment fleets, and supporting elements. This Program is primarily focused on meeting Defence materiel capability needs to enable readiness training and employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. Results are accomplished through the delivery of Major Capital Project and Minor Capital Project services. The Materiel - Acquisition Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Materiel - Portfolio Management Program which, in turn, provides the materiel elements of Defence capabilities for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 1015 887 -128 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Materiel Lifecycle Materiel - Divestment and Disposal The Materiel - Divestment and Disposal Program seeks to reduce the defence materiel portfolio by delivering divestment and disposal services for material, equipment, equipment fleets and supporting elements. This Program is primarily focused on maintaining the mix and quantity of materiel to meet Defence materiel capability needs. Results are achieved through the delivery of services for asset sales, trade-ins, alternative applications (such as artefacts), donations and monuments, transfers, and scrapping/destruction. The Materiel - Divestment and Disposal Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Materiel - Portfolio Management Program which, in turn, provides the appropriate mix of materiel elements of Defence capabilities for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 90 104 14 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Materiel Lifecycle Materiel - Engineering, Test, Production and Maintenance The Materiel - Engineering, Test, Production and Maintenance Program aims to ensure that defence materials, equipment and services satisfy operational and performance requirements and are in a condition that allows for their safe use at the inception and throughout their lifecycle. Results are accomplished through the delivery of technical review, analysis, examination, testing, certification, quality assurance, and production and maintenance services to the defence materiel portfolio. Also, engineering investigations and analysis services are conducted to address materiel failures as required by the appropriate authorities. The Materiel - Engineering, Test, Production and Maintenance Program sustains Defence by enabling the Materiel - Portfolio Management Program. Safety and Security 6027 6338 311 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Materiel Lifecycle Materiel - Equipment Upgrade and Insertion The Materiel - Equipment Upgrade and Insertion Program seeks to ensure that defence material, equipment, equipment fleets, and supporting elements are upgraded and/or undergo technology insertion. Results are achieved by the delivery of services for maintenance periods, mid-life upgrades and other equipment and platform work programs designed to rejuvenate and update equipment and materiel technologies. The Materiel - Equipment Upgrade and Insertion Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Materiel - Portfolio Management Program which, in turn, makes the materiel element of Defence capabilities available for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 1543 851 -692 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Materiel Lifecycle Materiel - Inventory Management and Distribution The Materiel - Inventory Management and Distribution Program aims to ensure that defence material, equipment, equipment fleets and all supporting elements are made available in a timely manner and in the required location to produce ready force elements, conduct operations, and deliver Defence services. Results are achieved through the delivery of transportation, inventory and warehousing management, inventory control, identification and tracking, and Defence postal services for the materiel elements of Defence capabilities and other relevant military elements. The Materiel - Inventory Management and Distribution Program sustains Defence by enabling the Materiel Lifecycle Program, the Defence Ready Force Elements Production Program, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and Defence Combat and Support Operations as required. Safety and Security 4214 3627 -587 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Materiel Lifecycle Materiel - Portfolio Management The Materiel - Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that defence material, equipment, equipment fleets, and supporting elements, the materiel elements of Defence capabilities, are managed throughout their lifecycle and made available to the production of ready force elements, capability development and research, and Defence services. The Program is primarily focused on ensuring that sufficient types, quantities and mixes of equipment, fleets and associated materials are available and can be delivered to enable the readiness training and the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. This is accomplished through the delivery of defence materiel portfolio management, coordination, and project planning services. This Program oversees and prompts the suite of services which, in turn, ensure that defence materiel portfolio elements are available and in a condition that allows for their use in military readiness training, operations and Defence services. The Materiel - Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 54 222 168
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Materiel Lifecycle Materiel - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control The Materiel - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program aims to ensure that defence material, equipment, equipment fleets and all supporting elements are managed, coordinated and overseen so that they are available for the production of ready force elements and the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. Results are achieved through the delivery of planning, design, development, implementation, coordination, control, governance, performance management, reporting, relationship and partnership management, and advice services as they relate to defence materiel in order to meet Defence readiness needs. The Materiel -Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program sustains Defence by enabling the Materiel Lifecycle Program. Governance and advisory services also support the Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program of the military personnel and organization, real property and info systems capability elements as well as the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Further, this Program includes all international and industrial activities, as well as regulatory programs including coordination and control of the Airworthiness Program as required by the Aeronautics Act. Safety and Security 703 644 -59 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel - Health Care The Military Personnel - Health Care Program aims to enable operational readiness of military personnel by ensuring that Canadian military personnel have access to health services wherever they serve. Given that Canadian military personnel are not covered under the Canada Health Act, the Department of National Defence is mandated to provide health services to members of the Canadian military. Results are achieved through the provision of medical, dental and health care sustainment services. The Military Personnel - Health Care Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel - Regular Force Portfolio Management Program and the Military Personnel - Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program. Safety and Security 4212 3984 -228 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel - Morale and Well Being The Military Personnel - Morale and Well-Being Program seeks to honour the service and unique sacrifices of our military personnel and sustain and help retain military personnel by meeting basic social and lifestyle needs for themselves and their families, similar to those of other Canadians. Results are accomplished through the recognition of military personnel, serving or retired, veterans, deceased military personnel as well as their families, external individuals, and organizations; and through the delivery of support services such as military family support, military chaplaincy services, and casualty support services to the ill and the injured, and their families. The Military Personnel - Morale and Well-Being Program services are primarily focused on military personnel and their families. Safety and Security 2435 2441 6 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel - Occupation Training The Military Personnel - Occupation Training Program seeks to ensure that occupational technical and procedural knowledge and skills are provided to military personnel to make them employable in their respective occupations, exclusive of collective training. Results are achieved through the delivery of initial, intermediate, advanced and specialty occupation training services. The Military Personnel - Occupation Training Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel - Regular Force Portfolio Management Program and the Military Personnel - Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program. Safety and Security 7420 6046 -1374 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel - Professional Development Training The Military Personnel - Professional Development Training Program aims to ensure that military personnel are provided with the requisite professional development, knowledge and skills required by the Canadian Profession of Arms. Results are delivered through the delivery of basic military qualification, university and college education, professional military education and development, second official language training, foreign language training, and workplace values training services. The Military Personnel - Professional Development Training Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel - Regular Force Portfolio Management Program and the Military Personnel - Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program. Safety and Security 8660 10555 1895
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel - Recruitment The Military Personnel - Recruitment Program aims to meet the needs of the military establishment and military occupations. Results are achieved by the delivery of attraction, processing, selection and applicant enrollment services. The Military Personnel - Recruitment Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel - Regular Force Portfolio Management Program and the Military Personnel - Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program by ensuring that the needs of the military establishment and military occupations are met. Safety and Security 419 410 -9 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel - Regular Force Portfolio Management The Military Personnel - Regular Force Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that the Defence military establishment is optimized with sufficient number of Regular Force personnel, in the appropriate military occupations, possessing the necessary knowledge and skills at the appropriate time in order to continually supply Defence readiness and satisfy the requirements for military personnel to ensure the delivery of all other programs. Results are achieved through the management of individual military personnel careers and terms of military service as well as the delivery of selection oversight, succession planning, prior learning assessment review, component transfer, posting and appointment, performance appraisal, and administrative review services. The Military Personnel - Regular Force Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 248 315 67
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel - Reserve Force Portfolio Management The Military Personnel - Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that the Defence military establishment is optimized with sufficient number of Reserve Force personnel in the appropriate military occupations, possessing the necessary knowledge and skills, at the appropriate time in order to continually supply Defence Ready Force Element Production and satisfy the requirements for military personnel to ensure the delivery of all other programs. Results are achieved through the management of individual military personnel careers and terms of military service as well as the delivery of selection oversight, succession planning, prior learning assessment review, component transfer, appointment, performance appraisal, and administrative review services. The Military Personnel - Reserve Force Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 158 171 13 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel - Transition and Release The Military Personnel - Transition and Release Program seeks to transition military personnel to civilian life. Results are accomplished through preparation for civilian employment or retirement and release administration services. This Program also includes termination of military service for deceased military personnel. The services provided by Military Personnel -Transition and Release Program are directed to military personnel. Safety and Security 117 95 -22 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Military Personnel and Organization - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control The Military Personnel and Organization - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program seeks to ensure that military personnel and the Defence organization are managed, coordinated and overseen so that military personnel are continually available to supply Defence readiness and satisfy other Defence program delivery requirements. The Program also ensures that the organization meets requirements for safety, security and justice. Results are achieved through planning, design, development, implementation, coordination, control, governance, performance management, reporting, relationship and partnership management, remuneration and advisory services. The Military Personnel and Organization - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Program. Governance and advisory services also serve Defence by supporting the Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program of the materiel, real property and info systems capability elements as well as the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Control Program, the Overarching Control of Domestic and International Operations, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, and the Military Heritage and Outreach Program. Safety and Security 1574 1412 -162 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Military Personnel and Organization Lifecycle Organization - Security, Protection, Justice and Safety The Organization - Security, Protection, Justice and Safety Program aims to ensure that Defence activities are conducted safely, that the Defence organization is protected and secure from internal and external threats, and that military personnel respect regulations and expectations of the Military Code of Service Discipline. Results are delivered through the coordination and delivery of Military Justice, including the administration of Courts Martial, the delivery of police services, investigation services and criminal intelligence, the provision of custody and detentions services, the development of emergency preparedness tools, the delivery of emergency response services, the delivery of security screening and clearance for personnel and industrial contributors and the delivery of occupational health and safety services and activities. The Organization - Security, Protection, Justice and Safety Program services are directed to members of Defence and the public. Safety and Security 2332 2387 55 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Real Property Lifecycle Real Property - Acquisition The Real Property - Acquisition Program seeks to expand or enhance the defence real property assets portfolio through the delivery of purchase, capital leases, new asset construction, or life extension construction services where and when needed in support of new Defence capabilities. Results are achieved through purchase, lease, exchange, gift, easement, transfer, expropriation services or other means as required. The Real Property - Acquisition Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Real Property - Portfolio Management Program which in-turn provides the real property elements of Defence capabilities for the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 290 51 -239 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Real Property Lifecycle Real Property - Divestment and Disposal The Real Property - Divestment and Disposal Program aims to reduce the defence real property portfolio by addressing surplus defence real property capability elements. Results are achieved through timely divestments of real property where and when required to ensure that Defence maintains a relevant real property mix to meet Defence real property capability needs with a primary. This is accomplished through site identification services, property assessment services, estimate/appraisal services, solicitation process services, consultation services, negotiation services, and agreement development services. The Real Property - Divestment and Disposal Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Real Property - Portfolio Management Program. Safety and Security 25 5 -20 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Real Property Lifecycle Real Property - Environment and Remediation The Real Property - Environment and Remediation Program aims to enable the production of ready force elements through environmentally sustainable Defence activities, and to ensure that Defence reduces its liability related to real property. Results are accomplished through the delivery of awareness initiatives, and environmental assessment, environmental management, natural resources, communication and consultation services. Additionally, the remediation of defence real property capability elements also achieves results through the delivery of site identification, site assessment, site characterizations, and site classification services as well as sampling, testing, risk management and mitigation, and long-term monitoring services. The Real Property - Environment and Remediation Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Real Property Lifecycle Program as well as the Defence Operational Readiness Production Command and Control and Coordination Program, Organization - Security, Protection, Justice and Safety Program, and the Military Personnel and Organization, Materiel, Info Systems - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control programs. Safety and Security 123 162 39 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Real Property Lifecycle Real Property - Operations, Maintenance and Repair The Real Property - Operations, Maintenance and Repair Program aims to provide fundamental services for planned and unplanned maintenance, repair, and overall operation of defence real property capability elements (i.e. buildings, works, and base functions) to ensure its continued availability and suitability to meet the needs of Defence. Results are achieved through real property assets maintenance, repair, and operation services such as grounds keeping, HVAC, waste collection, navigation, air traffic and range control, and the provision of other real property related amenities. The Real Property - Operations, Maintenance and Repair Program sustains Defence by enabling the Real Property - Portfolio Management Program and enables the Defence Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 5446 4533 -913 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Real Property Lifecycle Real Property - Portfolio Management The Real Property - Portfolio Management Program seeks to ensure that defence real property is managed holistically throughout its lifecycle so that the condition of Defence real property capability elements is suitable to Defence needs and made available for the production of ready force elements, capability development and research, and Defence services. This is accomplished through real property assessment services, analysis services, requirement identification services, inventory data management, and service delivery coordination for defence real property acquisitions, operations, maintenance and repairs, divestments, disposals, environmental, and remediation services. The Real Property -Portfolio Management Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Ready Force Element Production Program, the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program, and the Defence Capability Development and Research Program. Safety and Security 227 138 -89
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Capability Element Production Real Property Lifecycle Real Property - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control The Real Property - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program seeks to ensure that defence real property and the natural environment are managed, coordinated and overseen so that it is available for the production of ready force elements and the employment of multi-purpose combat capable forces as well as other Defence services. Results are achieved through planning, design, development, implementation, coordination, control, governance, performance management, reporting, relationship and partnership management, and advice services as they relate to defence real property in order to meet Defence readiness needs and to respond to the Federal Government agenda. The Real Property - Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program sustains Defence by directly enabling Real Property Lifecycle Program. Governance and advisory services also support the Strategic Coordination, Development and Control Program of the military personnel and organization, materiel and info systems capability elements as well as the Operational Readiness Production Coordination and Command and Control Program, the Defence Capability Development and Research Program, and the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Safety and Security 258 143 -115 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Integration Training Aerospace Environment - Integration Training The Aerospace Environment - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements in the aerospace portfolio so they can operate together to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation with reduced risks and better chances for success. Results are achieved through the execution of named training events such as Exercise “MAPLE FLAG”. Air Expeditionary Task Forces are common outputs of this Program however not every named training event will produce a larger force element like a task force. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the aerospace portfolio attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of aerospace force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. Safety and Security 179 224 45 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Integration Training International and Domestic - Interoperability Training The International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements from multiple nations or domestic organizations so that the collective objectives of these cooperative ventures can be achieved. Results are achieved through the execution of international or domestic training events. Recent examples include exercises “RIMPAC, JOINT WARRIOR and TRIDENT FURY”. After partaking in this Program force elements attain abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Force Element Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. Safety and Security 154 62 -92 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Integration Training Joint - Integration Training The Joint - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between joint force elements across different environment portfolios so that collective objectives of a larger joint formation can be achieved. Results are achieved through the execution of training events like “JOINTEX” that increase joint readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements attain abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Joint and Common -Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of joint force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. Safety and Security 87 197 110 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Integration Training Land Environment - Integration Training The Land Environment - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between land force elements appointed in the Army Managed Readiness Plan to achieve their assigned readiness level. Results are achieved through the execution of collective training events such as Exercise “MAPLE RESOLVE” and confirmation activities. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the land portfolio are capable of delivering a broader range of military effects during operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Land Roles -Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of land force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. Safety and Security 3403 1786 -1617
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Integration Training Maritime Environment - Integration Training The Maritime Environment - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of interoperability between force elements in the maritime portfolio so that they can operate together to achieve the collective objectives of a larger formation at reduced risk and with better chances for success. Results are achieved through the execution of training events like “TGEX”. Naval task groups are common outputs of this Program; however, not every training event will produce a larger force element like a task group. This Program facilitates increases in readiness to deal with the complexities of modern warfare. After partaking in this Program, force elements in the maritime portfolio attain new or improved abilities to deliver a broader range of military effects during defence operations. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of maritime force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. Safety and Security 55 49 -6
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Integration Training Special Operations - Integration Training The Special Operations - Integration Training Program aims to increase the level of integration between special operations force elements to achieve their assigned roles and readiness levels. Results are achieved through the execution of collective training events like “DEVIL’S ARROW” and activities focussed on interoperability and capacity building. These activities for Special Operations force elements establish relationships that further synchronize efforts across the military spectrum and multiple agencies, reducing risks and increasing chances of success. This Program sustains Defence by enabling the Special Operations Roles -Readiness Sustainment Program but also by enabling the employment of special operations force elements within ongoing Defence operations or to deliver Defence services. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Production Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production The Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the aerospace portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit but not necessarily as part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through structured managed readiness processes where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and then readied through various foundation training, certification and close-support maintenance/production programs. Within this Program aerospace force elements acquire abilities to deliver a range of military effects according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, the Aerospace Environment -Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. In many cases the readiness targets set for assignment to contingency roles or employment within Defence operations are consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by aerospace force elements through this Program. In other cases force elements must transition to the Aerospace Environment - Integration Training Program before attaining the requisite level of readiness. Safety and Security 1051 3384 2333 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Production Joint and Common - Force Element Production The Joint and Common - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce portfolios of individual force elements that operate across the environmental domains and have attained the ability to operate as a cohesive unit capable of delivering unique capabilities that can be built upon and integrated into a larger task tailored force. Results are delivered through structured readiness production processes where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). Within this Program force elements acquire abilities to deliver a range of military effects according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Joint and Common Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, the Joint - Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. In some cases the readiness targets set for assignment to employment within Defence operations are consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by force elements through this Program. In other cases force elements must transition to the Joint - Integration Training Program before attaining the requisite level of readiness. Safety and Security 908 982 74 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Production Land Environment - Force Element Production The Land Environment - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the land portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit capable of delivering unique capabilities that can be built upon and integrated into a larger task tailored force. Results are delivered through structured processes using the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). Within this Program force elements in the land portfolio acquire abilities to deliver baseline military effects within operational contexts according to baseline training standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Land Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, the Land Environment - Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. In some cases these forces achieve sufficient training objectives to be assigned directly to Defence operations. But in most cases these force elements proceed to the Land Environment - Integration Training Program and when necessary to the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Safety and Security 7415 8137 722 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Production Maritime Environment - Force Element Production The Maritime Environment - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the maritime portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive unit but not necessarily as part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through a tiered readiness process where force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., military personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property) and then readied through various training, certification and close-support maintenance/production programs. Within this Program individual maritime force elements acquire a range of abilities to deliver military effects in operational contexts according to understood concepts and standards. The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, the Maritime Environment - Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Based on the readiness targets set for assignment to contingency roles or employment in Defence operations, force elements may be transferred directly from this Program. However when higher levels of interoperability are required, force elements are first transferred to the Maritime Environment - Integration Training Program. Safety and Security 564 172 -392 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Production Special Operations - Force Element Production The Special Operations - Force Element Production Program seeks to produce individual force elements within the special operations portfolio with the ability to operate as a cohesive organization that is task tailored Special Operations Task Forces or Teams not necessarily part of a larger integrated force. Results are delivered through structured processes where Special Operations force elements are assembled from the fundamental elements of Defence capability (i.e., Special Operations personnel, materiel and information systems, information, and, in some cases, real property). The products provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Special Operations Roles -Readiness Sustainment Program, the Special Operations - Integration Training Program and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Assigned readiness supports the roles for employment within Defence operations and is consistent with the degree of readiness obtained by force elements through this Program. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment The Aerospace Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of fighters, fixed wing transport and utility aircraft, helicopters and other force elements that operate in the aerospace environment and have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. The level of readiness attained by any force elements in the aerospace environment portfolio will decline over time. Those aerospace units assigned roles such as “Air space control” or “Strategic Airlift” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided by this Program through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of aerospace capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Safety and Security 787 802 15
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Joint and Common Roles - Readiness Sustainment The Joint and Common Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of joint and common force elements that have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. Those joint and common force elements assigned roles such as “Air Field Medical Station” or “Operational Recce and Liaison Team” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Safety and Security 158 86 -72 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Land Roles - Readiness Sustainment The Land Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the achieved readiness level of land environment force elements that have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. The level of readiness attained by any force elements in the land environment portfolio will decline over time. Those land units assigned roles such as “Joint Task Force Western Domestic Support” or “Non-combatant Evacuation Operations Land Component” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are achieved through the provision of continuation training and maintenance of vehicles and materiel to posture these forces on specific notice to move timing which ensures that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive when called upon. When these force elements are activated, additional training may be required prior to being employed. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of land capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Safety and Security 5176 4238 -938 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment The Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the readiness state of ships, submarines, and other force elements that operate in the maritime environment and have been assigned to roles requiring them to be ready for operations. If not sustained, the level of readiness attained by any force element in the maritime environment portfolio will decline over time. Those maritime force elements allocated for FP&R tasks requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are provided through the conduct of periodic training, exercises, validation activities, and related production and maintenance activities which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain ready to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the delivery of maritime capabilities to the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Safety and Security 2878 2196 -682 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Force Elements Readiness Sustainment Special Operations Roles - Readiness Sustainment The Special Operations Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program aims to sustain the assigned readiness state of force elements that conduct special operations and have been assigned to roles that require them to be ready for operations on specific notice to move. Those special operations forces assigned roles such as “Immediate Response Task Force” or “Task Force Arrowhead” requiring a specific readiness state must take the appropriate action to maintain the necessary level of readiness. Results are achieved by this Program through a cyclical process that includes the provision of periodic training, exercises, provisioning, equipment maintenance and inspections which ensure that the capabilities attained by these force elements do not degrade and that they remain responsive to fulfill assigned roles when called upon. The products and services provided by this Program sustain Defence by directly enabling the Defence Combat and Support Operations Program or the Defence Services and Contributions to Government Program. Safety and Security 1912 2038 126
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control The Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that aerospace force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Aerospace command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the aerospace environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Aerospace Environment - Force Element Production Program, Aerospace Environment -Integration Training Program, and the Aerospace Roles- Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Special Operations Forces, and Joint and Common - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements. Safety and Security 1385 1048 -337 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Joint and Common - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control The Joint and Common - Force Elements Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that joint and common force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are achieved by developing and maintaining Joint and Common command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the Joint and Common military operations context. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Joint and Common - Force Element Production Program, Joint - Integration Training Program, and Joint and Common Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, and Special Operations Forces - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements. Safety and Security 104 273 169
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Land Environment - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control The Land Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that land force capabilities and elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Land command and control structures that deliver governance through the delivery of: directives, policies and procedures, resource planning and management. It is also responsible to coordinate the force generation of Land Force capabilities and elements for operations performed within the land environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Land Environment - Force Element Production Program, Land - Integration Training Program, and the Land Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as contributes to the Joint and Common programs and the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Aerospace Environment, Special Operations Forces and Joint and Common - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements. Safety and Security 1518 1101 -417 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Maritime Environment - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control The Maritime Environment - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program aims to ensure that maritime force elements are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Maritime command and control structures that deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, resource planning and management, exercise overarching control, and advice and direction for and in the maritime environment. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Maritime Environment -Force Element Production Program, Maritime Environment - Integration Training Program, and the Maritime Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic -Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, Special Operations Forces, and Joint and Common -Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness coordination across all force elements. Safety and Security 752 524 -228 Variances between planned and actual FTEs at the Sub- and Sub-Sub-Program levels are primarily due to a shift in activities across the Program Alignment Architecture.
Department of National Defence Defence Remains Continually Prepared to Deliver National Defence and Defence Services in Alignment with Canadian Interests and Values. Defence Ready Force Element Production Operational Readiness Production, Coordination and Command and Control Special Operations Forces - Force Element Production, Coordination and Command and Control The Special Operations Forces - Force Element Production Coordination and Command and Control Program seeks to ensure that Special Operations force elements and capabilities are ready to be employed in Defence operations or deliver Defence services. Results are accomplished by developing and maintaining Special Operations Forces command and control structures that exercise overarching control, deliver governance, directives, policies and procedures, coordination, planning, resource planning and management, and advice and direction in all areas and activities for which Special Operations Forces are assigned roles and responsibility. This Program sustains Defence by directly enabling the Special Operations - Force Element Production Program, Special Operations - Integration Training Program, and the Special Operations Roles - Readiness Sustainment Program, as well as the International and Domestic - Interoperability Training Program. Advice and information are also provided to Maritime Environment, Land Environment, Aerospace Environment, and Joint and Common - Force Element Production Coordination and Control programs as required in order to ensure readiness through coordination and synchronization with national and international partners. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Department of National Defence The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 2690 2870 180
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Innovation for New Products and Processes Forest Sector Innovation Canada’s forest sector has experienced a decrease in its market share as a result of changing global and regional demand and increasing competition. To regain its competitive position and compete profitably in a wider array of markets, the sector is focusing on innovation (i.e., research, development and deployment) and moving towards a more diversified and innovative mix of higher-value specialized products, processes and technologies. Through a forest sector innovation system, sector partners can align and pursue common innovation priorities. Through this Sub-program, NRCan brings together various players in the forest sector innovation system – governments, industry, communities (Indigenous and non-Indigenous), and research institutions – to focus on collectively identifying, funding and delivering on the innovation priorities of the sector. NRCan also conducts research with, and provides financial contributions to, FPInnovations, other forest sector research partners, and eligible forest product companies to research, develop and deploy new products, processes and technologies. This Sub-program includes work on the Genomics Research and Development Initiative, the Canadian Regulatory System for Biotechnology, as well as the following transfer payment programs: Forest Innovation Program, Forest Research Institutes Initiative, the Investments in Forest Industry Transformation, and the Aboriginal Forestry Initiative. Economic Development 207 226 19
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Innovation for New Products and Processes Geospatial Innovation Natural resource sectors, such as those engaged in the extraction of valuable minerals, oils, gases and other geological or forest-related material, rely on location-based information to make well-informed production and business decisions. This Sub-program plays a vital leadership role in collaborating with federal, provincial, territorial, and private sector partners to establish the required policies, standards, governance and institutional arrangements necessary to support the provision of location-based information. This includes the GeoConnections transfer payment program, a national partnership initiative designed to facilitate access to and the use of geospatial information in Canada, including data, standards, policies, technologies and partnerships. This Sub-program also develops innovative techniques to transform Earth Observation data into applicable geographic information and provides expertise on the design, calibration and validation of new Earth Observation sensors and missions. The resulting data, technology and knowledge base delivers innovative, cost-effective geospatial science, technology, policy and applications solutions that are built once and used many times. Economic Development 42 47 5 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed reallocation of resources from other program areas.
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Innovation for New Products and Processes Mining Innovation Through this Sub-program, NRCan encourages mining innovation by using a collaborative approach to share financial risks with industry partners, while ensuring that program priorities are aligned with business needs. NRCan also conducts coordinated research to address priorities identified by stakeholders, such as technologies to safely and profitably develop and operate deeper mines, and to process ores, concentrates and recyclable materials that cannot be processed with commercially available technologies. As well, it creates opportunities to develop the next generation of professionals, and supplies certified reference materials to service providers and industry analytical laboratories, which rely on such reference materials to ensure the quality of data that inform mineral investment decisions, determine product value, drive process improvement, and improve confidence in environmental monitoring. Economic Development 47 55 8 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the hiring of students and casual workers related to the Rare Earth Elements & Chromite program and the hiring of additional staff needed to complete project deliverables.
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Investment in Natural Resource Sectors Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals Through this Sub-program, NRCan provides modern geological knowledge that helps to attract further investments in the North and benefits Northerners. It focuses on characterizing and mapping the regional geological context to document new mineral and hydrocarbon potential. In addition to reducing risk and stimulating exploration investments by industry, this geological knowledge also helps enable northern communities to make informed decisions about their future economy and society. The objective of this Sub-program is to promote exploration and long-term sustainable development for vast and untapped resources in Canada’s North. This Sub-program includes the Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals transfer payment program. Economic Development 165 186 21 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to increased student hires along with a redistribution of staff from other program areas.
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Investment in Natural Resource Sectors Geoscience for New Energy Supply Through this Sub-program, NRCan provides the energy sector with strategic resource assessments, methodologies and information required to make investment decisions, which is an important part of sustainable long-term economic growth in Canada. Economic Development 39 61 22 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the redistribution of staff from other program areas.
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Investment in Natural Resource Sectors Major Projects Management Office Initiative The objective of the Major Projects Management Office Initiative is to support timely and effective project reviews and to lead government-wide efforts to modernize the regulatory system for major projects. This includes efforts to improve the alignment of federal and provincial regulatory processes and to ensure effective and meaningful consultation with Indigenous people. Economic Development 28 35 7 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the hiring related to the funding received through Supplementary Estimates for the Interim Strategy for Pipelines.
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Investment in Natural Resource Sectors Mineral Investment Through this Sub-program, NRCan collects socioeconomic data on mineral exploration, deposit appraisal and mine complex development expenditures, physical output from production facilities, and the value of mineral production. It also manages the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act, which requires public reports from resource exploration and extraction companies on payments they make to governments in Canada and abroad. Economic Development 96 91 -5
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Investment in Natural Resource Sectors Targeted Geoscience Initiative Mineral resources are one of the principal economic drivers in many rural and remote Canadian communities. New geoscience knowledge and techniques are required to discover mineral resources in existing and emerging mining areas. Through this Sub-program, NRCan creates new geoscience knowledge that improves understanding of entire mineral systems and helps provide innovative ways for deep exploration knowledge to be used by industry to identify the presence of buried mineral deposits. To do this, NRCan studies key examples of mineral deposits to determine the fundamental processes that lead to ore formation and the characteristics that mark the presence of these deposits. The objective of this work is to foster innovation within the mineral exploration industry, leading to more efficient discovery of new deposits, enhanced global competitiveness of the industry, and sustained economic activity in mining-dependent communities. This Sub-program includes the Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5 (TGI 5) transfer payment program. Economic Development 50 49 -1
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Market Access and Diversification Energy Market Access and Diversification Through this Sub-program, NRCan fosters a competitive Canadian energy sector by working with provinces and territories and internationally, to articulate Canada’s approach to the management of energy resources. It assesses and updates federal energy regulations and policies relating to offshore oil and gas, pipelines, and nuclear; engages domestically and internationally on energy issues; and provides Canadians with information on energy markets. NRCan also engages West Coast First Nations communities on issues related to energy infrastructure development, and coordinates the activities across multiple Government of Canada departments, as well as with the Government of British Columbia and other key players, to increase Indigenous participation in this development. Economic Development 163 170 7
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Market Access and Diversification Forest Products Market Access and Diversification Through this Sub-program, NRCan provides:• Financial contributions to Canadian forest industry associations to support initiatives to expand exports to international markets and increase the use of wood in North American non-residential construction;• Financial contributions and science-based information to industry partners to support the development and dissemination of information products that promote the environmental reputation of Canada’s forest sector in international markets; and• Expertise to other federal departments in support of Canada’s international negotiating positions on trade and environmental issues. This Sub-program includes the Expanding Market Opportunities transfer payment program. Economic Development 70 98 28 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed reallocation of resources from other program areas.
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Market Access and Diversification Mineral and Metal Markets Access and Diversification Canadian producers of minerals and metals require access to export markets since domestic production exceeds domestic demand for many commodities. However, tariffs and non-tariff barriers can constrain exports, as can policies and measures that reduce demand for minerals, metals and products containing metals, and certification schemes that discriminate against Canadian producers. Through this Sub-program, NRCan administers the Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act and regulations that implement Canada’s international obligations under the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, ensuring market access for Canadian diamond producers and users. Economic Development 10 9 -1
Department of Natural Resources Canada's natural resource sectors are globally competitive. Statutory Programs - Atlantic Offshore Through this Program, NRCan monitors and facilitates payment disbursal agreements and transfer payments under the Atlantic Offshore Accord Acts. The Program includes the following programs: Canada Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board; Payments to the Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Resource Revenue Fund; Payments to the Nova Scotia Offshore Revenue Account; Nova Scotia Crown Share Adjustment Payment; and Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board. Economic Development 0 0 0
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Landmass Information Canada’s Legal Boundaries Through this Sub-program, NRCan ensures boundary certainty by proper maintenance of the Canada-US international boundary for law enforcement, land administration, customs and immigration, and transboundary resource management; effective boundary surveys of Indigenous settlement lands to meet Canada’s obligations under land claim settlement legislation and treaties; and statutory registration of legal surveys on Canada Lands (the North, Canada’s offshore area, Indigenous Lands and National Parks), essential to the creation of legal property boundaries. The boundary certainty provided by NRCan through this Sub-program enables effective management of Canada lands and collaboration across jurisdictions, which advance the interests of Canada’s natural resource sectors, both domestically and internationally. Safety and Security 108 106 -2
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Landmass Information Essential Geographic Information This Sub-program ensures access to accurate, authoritative and assured satellite imagery, survey and mapping data, as well as applications and other thematic products or specialty tools to government and non-government users. This Sub-program also maintains geodetic networks to monitor Earth dynamics and provide access to Canada’s fundamental reference system for the measurement of latitude, longitude and elevation. A geodetic reference system consistent with international standards is essential to exploit the full capability of Earth Observation and precise satellite positioning (e.g., GPS). Safety and Security 257 245 -12
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Landmass Information Polar Continental Shelf Logistics Support Through its Polar Continental Shelf Program (PCSP), NRCan coordinates logistics for Canadian government agencies, provincial, territorial and northern organizations, universities and independent groups conducting research, particularly in Canada’s North. Through this work, NRCan supports science and government priorities and contributes to the exercise of Canadian Arctic sovereignty. PCSP services include air transportation to and from remote field camps throughout the Canadian Arctic, field equipment and vehicles across Canada, and fuel for aircraft, equipment and camps. They also include meals, accommodations and working space (including a multi-purpose laboratory) at the PCSP facility in Resolute, Nunavut, and a communications network that links the PCSP with science teams in field camps dispersed throughout the Canadian Arctic. Safety and Security 33 31 -2
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Landmass Information United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Through this Sub-program, NRCan conducts seabed and seismic surveys to compile accurate coordinates on the limits of the continental shelf area, as well as to support Global Affairs Canada with the presentation, interpretation and defence of the scientific evidence included in the formal submission. Canada aims to secure international recognition for this precisely determined extended area over which it may exercise sovereign rights over the natural resources of the seabed and subsoil. Safety and Security 10 5 -5 The decrease between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to staff departures.
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources Climate Change Adaptation Through this Sub-program, NRCan delivers an Adaptation Platform, which brings together industry and professional organizations, federal, provincial and territorial governments, and other organizations to collaborate on shared adaptation priorities. It facilitates the production and exchange of knowledge and tools that help decision makers understand the implications of a changing climate on their operations, and equips them with the tools and information needed to effectively adapt. This Sub-program also delivers scientific analysis on climate change geoscience issues affecting Canada’s North (North of 60 latitude) such as resource development and infrastructure. Safety and Security 22 32 10 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the hiring related to the funding received through Supplementary Estimates.
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources Explosives Safety and Security Through this Sub-program, NRCan administers and enforces the Explosives Act and associated regulations, which govern the manufacture, importation, transportation, sale, distribution and storage of explosives. This includes fireworks and pyrotechnics, and the sale of materials that can be used to produce explosives. NRCan conducts compliance promotion, outreach, inspections, investigations and enforcement of the Act and regulations. It also tests and develops policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and standards, and supplies expertise to other federal government organizations and law enforcement agencies. Safety and Security 58 48 -10 The decrease between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to unforeseen departures and staffing delays.
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources Forest Disturbances Science and Application Through this Sub-program, NRCan conducts research and analysis to develop scientific knowledge of forest disturbances (e.g., pests, fire). This scientific knowledge is used by federal, provincial and territorial governments and agencies (both policy makers and regulators) as well as the forest industry to assess risks, forecast impacts and develop mitigation and adaptation strategies related to pests, fire, and climate change. This Sub-program includes the Invasive Alien Species Strategy for Canada. Safety and Security 225 216 -9
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources Geohazards and Public Safety To enhance the protection of Canadians from hazards, constant monitoring of and effective planning for adverse natural events are required. Such events include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, geomagnetic storms, radiological and nuclear incidents, and tsunamis. Through the provision of hazard information and products, NRCan helps other levels of government, including international government bodies, as well as the private sector and professional organizations to prepare for and mitigate natural disasters. This work also meets NRCan’s obligations for ongoing nuclear test monitoring under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. This Sub-program comprises a research component, which disseminates risk-related information to support the response, recovery and preparedness phases of emergency management. Safety and Security 104 113 9
Department of Natural Resources Canadians have information to manage their lands and natural resources, and are protected from related risks. Protection for Canadians and Natural Resources Materials and Certification for Safety and Security Through this Sub-program, NRCan conducts non-destructive testing to ensure the integrity of safety-critical components in equipment and buildings such as cranes, heavy equipment, nuclear reactors, pipelines and other applications and certifies individuals to a national standard, which is aligned with international standards. NRCan also develops materials solutions to provide increased protection to Canadian Forces personnel and assets, specifically protecting light military vehicles and occupants from the effects of improvised explosive devices, and dismounted soldiers and law enforcement personnel against projectiles and fragmentation devices. Safety and Security 18 26 8 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the hiring of staff.
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources Alternative Transportation Fuels Through this Sub-program, NRCan addresses the barriers to the use of alternative fuels by increasing production capacity, designing and developing education and outreach materials, and facilitating the design, development and updating of codes and standards. This Sub-program includes the ecoENERGY for Biofuels transfer payment program. Environment 23 20 -3 The decrease between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly due to staff departures.
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources Energy Efficiency Through this Sub-program, NRCan encourages the adoption of energy-efficient technologies, products and practices through labelling, by providing information on energy management and training, and by making the stock of housing, buildings and energy-using products more efficient through regulation, codes, standards and energy benchmarking activities. It also makes industrial and vehicle operations more energy efficient through energy management standards and practices. Environment 71 207 136 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the hiring related to the funding received through Supplementary Estimates.
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources Renewable Energy Deployment Through this Sub-program, NRCan develops supportive policy framework for administering marine renewable energy measures in the federal offshore through the Marine Renewable Energy Enabling Measures program. NRCan also supports production of renewable energy through support to projects through the ecoENERGY for Renewable Power and Wind Power Production Incentrive transfer payment programs. Environment 7 7 0
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Energy-efficient Practices and Lower-carbon Energy Sources Support for Clean Energy Decision-Making Through this Sub-program, NRCan evaluates the effectiveness of solutions to the domestic and international environmental impacts of energy development and supports Canadian suppliers of innovative and energy efficient products (which are predominantly small and medium-sized enterprises). NRCan also provides high-quality tools, information and analysis about clean energy and climate change to the public and to government decision-makers, and supports Canada's international actions on climate change. Environment 0 31 31
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Responsible Natural Resource Management Environmental Studies and Assessments Through this Sub-program, NRCan provides expert information and advice to government departments, regulatory bodies and industry to inform regulatory policies, industry practices and environmental assessments conducted under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012. This work serves to guide the planning of natural resource developments and to identify environmental impacts of major resource projects. NRCan information and advice also informs the process of designating new federal parks and protected areas on federal lands with the identification of mineral and energy resource potential. Environment 46 53 7 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the hiring related to the funding received through Supplementary Estimates.
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Responsible Natural Resource Management Forest Ecosystems Science and Application Through this Sub-program, NRCan conducts research, national assessments and monitoring to develop scientific knowledge of Canada’s forest ecosystems. This knowledge is used by governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations for multiple purposes, including developing forest management practices and policies, meet reporting obligations, form negotiating positions, and counter misconceptions of Canada’s forest practices. Environment 140 115 -25 The decrease between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to attritions and the reallocation of resources to other program areas.
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Responsible Natural Resource Management Geospatial Information for Responsible Natural Resource Management This Sub-program provides government departments, regulatory bodies and industry with sound science, and delivers geospatial technology and products that are a fundamental source of information for regulatory frameworks and related environmental assessments. The Sub-program’s focus is primarily on the energy-producing regions of Canada (e.g., oil sands), and the North. Environment 6 10 4 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the reallocation of resources from other program areas.
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Responsible Natural Resource Management Groundwater Geoscience Through this Sub-program, NRCan provides comprehensive groundwater information and expertise, which contributes to sustainable land-use decision making and groundwater management. Groundwater provides up to 80% of rural Canada’s drinking water and is an essential component of ecosystem health. NRCan conducts groundwater mapping and assessment activities on key aquifers to better understand the extent of groundwater systems, their dynamics and vulnerability. NRCan also collaborates with its provincial partners to ensure data and approaches in different jurisdictions are harmonized. This information is disseminated through a web portal used by other departments and levels of government, planners and land-use professionals for decision making. Environment 27 27 0
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Responsible Natural Resource Management Radioactive Waste Management Through this Sub-program, NRCan develops knowledge, innovative technologies, policy and programs to establish long-term management solutions for radioactive waste. Specifically, NRCan is involved in clean-up operations where the original private sector producer no longer exists or cannot be held responsible. This Sub-program includes the Gunnar Mine Remediation transfer payment program. Environment 23 18 -5 The decrease between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly due to employees retiring and delays in staffing.
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Technology Innovation Clean Energy Science and Technology Through this Sub-program, NRCan collaborates with academia, industry and the public sector to research, develop and demonstrate innovative solutions to environmental challenges in the energy sector. The Department also funds, creates and advances new energy knowledge and technologies. The objective is for academia, industry, and the public sector to lay the foundation for the next generation of clean energy technologies and practices to have fewer negative impacts on Canada’s air, land and water. This Sub-program includes the following transfer payment programs: Clean Energy Fund, Sustainable Development Technology Canada's (SDTC) SD Tech Fund, SDTC's NextGen Biofuels Fund, and the Science and Technology Internship Program. Environment 373 535 162 The increase between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to the hiring related to the funding received through Supplementary Estimates.
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Technology Innovation Green Mining Through this Sub-program, NRCan develops and demonstrates innovative mining technologies and practices that eliminate or reduce environmental impacts and financial risks.These technologies and practices also expand domestic and international business opportunities, for mining companies, technology developers and consultants. NRCan identifies business needs, technology gaps and priorities with input from the Canada Mining Innovation Council. Applied research aims to reduce land disturbance; water, energy and hazardous chemical use; waste volumes; and releases to the environment; and to accelerate site restoration. In addition, findings contribute to the scientific, technological and socioeconomic basis for updating federal, provincial and territorial mining and environmental regulations and policies, and inform policy priorities in other countries that drive demand for technologies and services. Environment 60 57 -3
Department of Natural Resources Natural Resource Sectors and Consumers are Environmentally Responsible. Technology Innovation Materials for Energy Through this Sub-program, NRCan performs applied research and development that delivers materials and materials-processing innovations, enabling clean energy production, safe and reliable energy distribution, and more efficient use of energy in areas such as transportation, buildings and industry. Environment 83 61 -22 The decrease between Planned FTEs and Actual FTEs is mainly attributed to staffing delays and the reallocation of resources to other program areas.
Department of Natural Resources The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 939 906 -33
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Border Strategies The Border Strategies Program provides federal policy leadership, coordination and coherence on a variety of border issues, such as customs, immigration, refugees and citizenship, and cross-border law enforcement, in order to ensure that security objectives are achieved in a manner that facilitates the flow of legitimate trade and travel, and reduces security and fraud related risks. The intent of this program is to promote the safety and economic well-being of Canadians through supporting secure and efficient management of Canada’s borders. This program also advances critical infrastructure objectives through effective coordination among federal departments and agencies, as well as partnerships with industry sectors. In order to achieve this result, the program develops and supports a focused border management agenda and leads ongoing dialogue between Canada and the United States on strategic and operational border policy issues, including the implementation of the Beyond the Border Action plan. The program implements cross-border arrangements relating to the movement of goods and people during emergencies, and provides policy advice, leadership and horizontal coordination to Public Safety Portfolio agencies and other federal departments regarding border issues. This program plays a central role in supporting the Government in making fully informed decisions concerning border policy, border management and cross-border law enforcement for the benefit of Canadians. Safety and Security 26 31 5 The variance in FTE is primarly due to staffing requirements in regards to the setup of the Pre-Clearance team. 
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Countering Crime Corrections The program supports the Minister’s public policy leadership role in corrections and criminal justice, specifically with respect to the Minister’s legislative responsibility to initiate, recommend, coordinate, implement and promote policies, programs or projects relating to Correctional Services Canada and the Parole Board of Canada. The program is responsible for providing advice on the strategic priorities of these agencies and on a broad range of national correctional and criminal justice program, policy and legislative issues and activities; leading legislative reforms; and the management of litigation. In fulfilling its mandate, the program leads collaborative efforts with other portfolio agencies and actively works with and supports provincial and territorial partners as well as consulting with other stakeholders such as non-governmental organizations. The program also develops and implements innovative approaches to community justice in Aboriginal communities through contribution funding, as well as facilitating the sharing of information to promote public safety objectives concerning the correctional system generally and in particular with respect to victims through the National Office for Victims at Public Safety Canada. Safety and Security 26 49 23 The variance is explained by 23 FTEs that were to be coded against another program (Crime Prevention).
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Countering Crime Crime Prevention The National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) is a key component of the federal government’s approach to reducing crime. The Strategy’s goal is to reduce offending among those most at risk, such as children, youth and Aboriginal Canadians who demonstrate various risk factors, and to prevent crimes such as drug-related offences, and serious and violent offences from being committed. The Strategy provides national leadership in the development and dissemination of evidence-based crime prevention programs and policies, and supports projects that are responsive and appropriate to community and regional needs. The NCPS provides funding through time-limited grants and contributions to community-based organizations, other levels of government and academia to support the implementation and evaluation of targeted interventions and other measures, as well as the development and dissemination of knowledge and practical tools. The program aims to increase coordination and integration of effective crime prevention policy and programs federally and with the provinces and territories, as well as increase the identification of, and response to, emerging priority issues and orientation of funding programs. Safety and Security 67 42 -25 The  variance is explained by 23 FTEs that were coded against another program (Corrections).
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Countering Crime Law Enforcement Leadership Aboriginal Policing The Department advances this key activity through the administration of the First Nations Policing Program (FNPP).The program provides funding to support policing services that are professional, dedicated and responsive to the First Nation and Inuit communities they serve. The program is delivered through contribution agreements among the federal government, provincial or territorial governments, and First Nations and Inuit communities. The Department conducts performance measurement activities to ensure that credible performance data is being collected to support effective program monitoring and evaluation activities. In addition, the Department provides broad policy advice and conducts relevant research on Aboriginal policing and justice issues, and Aboriginal self-government; and engages stakeholders in developing policy options for improving public safety in First Nation and Inuit communities and for the renewal of the Program. Lastly, the FNPP works collaboratively with other federal, provincial and territorial partners in addressing diverse challenges in First Nation and Inuit communities. Safety and Security 49 50 1
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Countering Crime Law Enforcement Leadership Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Policing Crime and policing issues are ongoing challenges for all societies, including Canada's. Public safety is a core responsibility of government and within this, policing and policing policy is continuously evolving and always a priority. This program’s mandate is derived from the Minister’s legislative responsibilities in initiating, recommending, coordinating, implementing and promoting policing policies, programs or projects, and specific accountabilities associated with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including the establishment of strategic priorities. This program provides strategic policy advice to support the Minister in carrying out these responsibilities. In providing this advice, this program leads collaborative efforts and consultations with key partners, such as provinces, territories and stakeholder associations, to promote information sharing, cohesion and cooperation on cross-cutting issues such as The Economics of Policing and Community Safety Initiatives, firearms policy, security for major events, and RCMP police services agreements. Safety and Security 32 33 1
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Countering Crime Law Enforcement Leadership Serious and Organized Crime Organized crime groups are sophisticated, adaptable, complex and transnational in nature. Responses must therefore be equally multifaceted. This program plays a national leadership role to coordinate portfolio activities, and brings cohesion to agencies and departments to better ensure they are working together effectively to support the Minister and the Government’s agenda. This program involves providing evidence-based research and policy advice, leadership and horizontal coordination for the development of federal, national and international strategies to combat serious and organized crime. It works in collaboration with other federal departments and agencies, provinces and territories, NGOs and international partners, focusing on areas such as human trafficking; child sexual exploitation; illicit drugs; economic and financial crime; organized crime that targets vulnerable communities such as some indegenous communities; witness protection; the DNA regime; contraband tobacco; and developing legislative proposals. Safety and Security 51 53 2
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Emergency Management Emergency Preparedness This sub-program promotes preparedness for emergencies in Canada by supporting the ability of federal institutions and other stakeholders to plan for incidents on an all-hazards basis. It also provides guidance and strategic direction for exercises and training, encourages public awareness, and facilitates interoperability to enhance the manner in which information is shared. This sub-program features the development of all-hazards plans that engage the whole community in managing the life cycle of a potential emergency. This includes maintaining 24/7 situational awareness and early warning; identifying and evaluating risk; developing contingency plans for major events and all-hazard event management; and providing decision-makers with required information in order to better plan and prepare to reduce the vulnerability of people, property, the environment and the economy. The sub-program also leads the management of the Continuity of Constitutional Government program, supporting the three branches of the Constitutional Government of Canada to develop and implement procedures allowing essential functions of government to continue in the event of a large-scale emergency affecting the National Capital Region. As a complement, the sub-program provides guidance to federal institutions in the development of business continuity plans to ensure the sustainability of essential federal services in the event of disruptions to federal entities’ infrastructure and other critical resources. It also assesses and ensures conformity of these plans with standards set out in various legislative and policy instruments. The National Exercise program, which is also included as part of this sub-program, enhances the all-hazards capability to manage emergencies across the country by providing training and learning opportunities for government and members of the emergency management community, as well as opportunities to examine the collective response to emergencies through multi-jurisdictional exercises. Moreover, the Continuous Improvement of Federal Event Response (CIFER) enhances preparedness through improved sharing, tracking, implementing, and reporting on lessons learned and best practices within the federal community. This program uses/administers funding from the following transfer payment: International Association of Fire Fighters, Canada Safety and Security 68 71 3
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Emergency Management Emergency Prevention / Mitigation This sub-program provides federal and national leadership concerning prevention/mitigation, which aims to proactively protect lives, property, the environment, communities and the economy from disasters/emergencies, and to avoid or reduce losses and damages when they do occur. It supports efforts at the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal levels that reinforce the capacity of Canada and its institutions to prevent and mitigate all hazards to the safety and security of Canadians, by leveraging new and existing government programming. This sub-program supports cost-shared financial investments with provinces and territories with the aim of preventing or mitigating the risk of hazards and the impacts of future disasters. The sub-program facilitates risk identification, assessments and risk prioritization within the federal community and within federal, provincial and territorial fora for the purposes of informing responsible risk management and the efficient use of program resources. In addition, the sub-program engages other stakeholders to assist in the identification and prevention/mitigation of disaster risks, and develops strategies and programs geared towards enhancing the knowledge, awareness and capacity for coherent action at all levels. This sub-program also includes the National Search and Rescue Secretariat (NSS) which is responsible for the management and coordination of the National Search and Rescue Program (NSP) and ensures best use is made of search and rescue partners’ diverse resources and capabilities, particularly in the area of prevention programming. Safety and Security 62 70 8 The variance in FTEs is attributed to staffing initiatives which resulted in higher than planned number of FTEs.
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Emergency Management Emergency Recovery This sub-program serves to support the rapid and effective recovery of Canadians and communities from disasters. It includes the provision of financial assistance to Provinces and Territories, upon request, through programs, such as the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements, for recovery from large scale disasters. In recognition of the inter-connectedness between the functions of emergency management, the initial phases of post-event recovery are integrated into event management planning to foster smoother transition from response to recovery, and the inclusion of disaster mitigation is encouraged during recovery in order to reduce the occurrence and impact of future risk and disasters. The goal of this sub-program is to provide leadership and direction at all levels, so that those individuals, businesses and communities impacted by disaster have the resources and support needed to fully recover. Efforts focus on not only rebuilding communities that are safer and more resilient, but also on pre-disaster recovery planning which is intended to better enable those individuals and communities to more rapidly access the necessary resources needed to begin rebuilding lives and communities. At the federal level, the sub-program works with other government departments to foster consistency, coherence and alignment between federal disaster support and assistance to provinces, territories and other stakeholders. Safety and Security 14 17 3 The variance in FTE numbers is attributed to staffing initiatives which resulted in higher than planned number of FTEs.
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. Emergency Management Emergency Response This sub-program leads and coordinates the support to partners across all regions and the delivery of an all-hazard integrated federal response for events that threaten the safety and security of Canadians or the integrity of Canada’s critical infrastructure. It provides 24/7 watch and early warning, as well as strategic-level response coordination on behalf of the Government of Canada in support of partner mandates. The program provides definitive national-level situational awareness (e.g. Notifications, Situation Reports, intelligence products, briefings) to partners and senior decision makers, and to senior officials, provincial governments and/or the private sector. It monitors whole-of-government response capability; plans for and coordinates the federal response to events affecting the national interest; develops recommendations for the deployment and utilization of federal resources; and actions requests for response assistance from federal or provincial/territorial authorities. Working with the provinces, territories and international partners, the program supports the DM and ADM communities when responding to events by providing them with information on evolving events, a mechanism for the implementation of their direction, and identifying issues that need their engagement for resolution. The program contributes to the efficient use of Government of Canada strategic assets and, when offered, the resources of P/T governments. This program also coordinates regional offices to support provincial and territorial partners in addressing emergencies. Safety and Security 107 104 -3
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. National Security Critical Infrastructure Responsibility for critical infrastructure in Canada is shared by Federal and Provincial/Territorial governments, local authorities and critical infrastructure owners and operators. This program exercises national leadership by coordinating with these partners to manage broad-scale protection efforts such as risk analysis, site assessments, plans and exercises. The intent of this program is to develop and implement policies to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure in Canada, including the National Strategy and Action Plan for Critical Infrastructure which sets out a comprehensive approach to risk-management and information sharing. Recognizing that the impacts of critical infrastructure disruptions can extend beyond national borders, the program is also leading an international approach to protecting our vital assets and systems. Safety and Security 38 37 -1
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. National Security Cyber Security The Cyber Security Program aims to ensure that Canada is prepared for and can respond to cyber security threats. It provides whole-of-government leadership and coordination of the development and delivery of policies and programs, and legislative and regulatory frameworks that increase the resiliency and security of Canada’s vital information and systems. The Program contributes to Canada’s ability to address current and emerging cyber issues and helps to ensure that Canada is recognized as a global leader in cyber security. Recognizing that cyber security is a shared responsibility and that everyone has a role to play, the Program facilitates the establishment and upholding of partnerships with provincial and territorial governments, private sector organizations, international counterparts, and academia. The program also enables the coordination of the federal response to cyber events and allows for the dissemination and exchange of cyber security-related information products with domestic and international stakeholders. Public awareness efforts are coordinated with partners, stakeholders and other levels of government. Safety and Security 89 72 -17 The variance can be explained by the number of vacant positions (total of 19 FTEs) in relation to Phase I of Canada's Cyber Security Strategy.
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness A safe and resilient Canada. National Security National Security Leadership This program develops and implements national security policy, legislation and programs that contribute to the Government’s ability to counter current and emerging threats. It is also responsible for assisting the Minister in fulfilling key statutory obligations. The program demonstrates interdepartmental leadership and Portfolio coordination through the implementation of Canada’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the listing of terrorist entities, and the review of foreign investments that raise national security concerns, as well as policy development and involvement in setting national security priorities. The program also exercises important leadership functions by collaborating domestically, internationally, across sectors and with communities to enhance understanding of national security challenges and to actively respond to national security threats. This program also facilitates the engagement of Canadians in a long-term dialogue on national security issues through the Cross Cultural Roundtable on Security, which solicits member views on policies and programs as well as their potential impact on Canadians. Safety and Security 78 83 5
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 374 411 37
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Accommodation Management and Real Property Services Cape Breton Operations This sub-program identifies PSPC as responsible for Cape Breton Operations which includes the overall management of the residual obligations of the former Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC) as well as the real property portfolio of the former Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC). The residual obligations include the management of post employment benefits for former CBDC employees including miners, as well as obligations relating to the monitoring and oversight of environmentally impacted land holdings and mine water management. Also included in this sub program are land management activities on properties transferred from ECBC, with activities such as the management and divestiture of surplus property. Government Operations 19.54 21.79 2.25 The increase  reflects additional work arising from the identification of more than 500 encroachments, and the complexities associated with the development of portfolio divestiture and community engagement strategies.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Accommodation Management and Real Property Services Federal Accommodation This sub-program provides for the accommodation needs of federal organizations by providing and maintaining a cost effective portfolio of office facilities, common use assets and special properties (predominantly conference and training facilities). This sub-program is composed of two primary activities: the provision, on an obligatory basis, of general-purpose accommodation and common use space to support the delivery of government programs; and optimization of real property investments in direct support of the provision of accommodation. Government Operations 863 643 -220 The 25.5% variance between the planned and actual FTEs is due to employees’ salaries that were transferred from the Federal Accommodation to Real Property Services sub-programs
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Accommodation Management and Real Property Services Federal Holdings This sub-program includes a diverse portfolio of federal facilities and activities under the purview of the Minister of PSPC that are grouped for reporting purposes: the stewardship and management of major engineering assets and wharves, as well as the development of strategies for their divestiture; the administration, capital management and leasing services for residential housing units in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut to support the delivery of federal government programs; appraisals for all acquisitions, dispositions and transfers of real estate, as well as the maintenance of related guidelines and policies; and the authoritative interpretation of expropriation legislation and regulations and the implementation of the expropriation process on behalf of the federal government. Government Operations 58.6 49.86 -8.74 The 15% variance between planned and actual FTEs is due to the normal, inherit challenge and cycle of staffing and attrition in human resourcing.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Accommodation Management and Real Property Services Parliamentary Precinct This sub-program provides essential office and special use accommodations space that supports the delivery of the programs and services to the Parliament of Canada. The accommodations space is defined as the buildings occupied in majority by the Senate, the House of Commons and the Library of Parliament and the related premises and grounds, as well as required leases and including swing space and rehabilitated buildings under the Long Term Vision Plan (LTVP) necessary to support their work (constituency offices are excluded). Government Operations 59.5 39 -20.5 The variance between planned and actual FTEs is due to the normal, inherent cycle of staffing and attrition in human resourcing.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Accommodation Management and Real Property Services Payments in Lieu of Taxes This sub-program administers the Payments in Lieu of Taxes program on behalf of the Government of Canada by issuing payments to taxing authorities under the authority of the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act. Local taxing authorities benefit through receipt of payments, which recognizes the services they provide to federal property located in their jurisdictions. Government Operations 48 48.64 0.64 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Accommodation Management and Real Property Services Real Property Services This sub-program provides real property services, on a fee for service basis, to the Federal Accommodation, Federal Holdings and Parliamentary Precinct programs of PSPC, as well as to other departments. Government Operations 2528.4 2704.9 176.5 The 7% variance between the planned and actual FTEs is due to employees’ salaries that were transferred from the Federal Accommodation to Real Property Services sub-programs.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Acquisitions Acquisition Stewardship Acquisition Policy and Strategic Management This sub-sub-program interprets the legislative and policy landscape in support of the management and continuous improvement of government acquisitions, the provision of acquisition related advice, guidance and oversight, including the development and application of standards and guidelines. This is done by developing and implementing tools and instruments to improve the effective and efficient management of the procurement life cycle for the federal government and suppliers. Government Operations 252.6 319.39 66.79 The difference between actual and planned FTEs is mainly due to an increase in capacity related to procurement modernization initiatives, the staffing of vacant positions and increased procurement activity.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Acquisitions Acquisition Stewardship Defence Procurement Strategy Governance This sub-sub-program ensures streamlined and effective decision-making in support of the Defence Procurement Strategy. The sub-sub-program provides strategic analysis, guidance, and advice with a whole-of-government perspective for defence and major Canadian Coast Guard procurements. This is primarily achieved through senior level governance committees which serve as key decision-making bodies for the implementation of the Strategy. Government Operations 0 19.8 19.8 Variance is due to the fact that this sub-sub-program does not have distinct budget authority and is exclusively funded through departmental reallocation.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Acquisitions Acquisition Stewardship Engagement with Clients, Suppliers, and Small and Medium Enterprises This sub-sub-program manages a function that is responsive to the procurement needs of clients and suppliers, including small and medium enterprises. This is achieved by engaging clients (i.e., federal departments and agencies), suppliers, and other stakeholders in identifying best practices in the area of procurement, and in informing the design and management of effective approaches and tools. Engagement with clients, suppliers and small and medium enterprises helps to mitigate risk, identify innovative solutions, enhance competition, and improve client service. Government Operations 93.59 93.16 -0.43 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Acquisitions Build in Canada Innovation Program This sub-program supports Canadian businesses with the entry of their products and services into the marketplace. This is done by providing them with opportunities to test and evaluate their pre-commercial products and services in real world settings throughout the federal government. Government Operations 10.01 12.87 2.86 The difference between actual and planned FTEs is mainly due to an increase in capacity related to procurement modernization initiatives, the staffing of vacant positions and increased procurement activity.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Acquisitions Procurement Services This sub-program provides timely, value-added procurement services to federal departments and agencies to facilitate their acquisition of goods and services. This is achieved through effective contract negotiations and award, and management or use of PSPC standing offers and supply arrangements. This is also achieved by initiating and maintaining dialogue between suppliers and clients throughout the procurement process. Government Operations 1134.85 1172.25 37.4 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Federal Pay and Pension Administration Pay This sub-program administers pay and benefits processes for the Public Service of Canada and other organizations, in accordance with collective agreements, compensation policies and Memoranda of Understanding. Pay and benefits administration includes the development and delivery of services, processes and systems, and the provision of information, training and advice to compensation advisors. For most departments using the government accredited human resources system (Peoplesoft), PSPC also provides all compensation services. Government Operations 767.99 1037 269.01 Increase in unplanned work resulting from challenges incurred with the implementation of Phoenix and the opening of satellite offices in Gatineau, Montreal, Shawinigan, Winnipeg, Halifax and Kingston with more than 200 compensation staff. Government of Canada Pension Centre in Ottawa.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Federal Pay and Pension Administration Pension This sub-program administers the pension plans and benefits for the Government of Canada. Pension administration includes the development and delivery of services, processes and systems, and the provision of information and advice to, and liaison with, employees and pensioners. This permits PSPC to administer pensions in accordance with applicable legislation and policies. Government Operations 791.09 1051.71 260.62 Variance for the Federal Pension Administration program due to the transfer of the Canadian Armed Forces Pension Plan and 230 employees to the Government of Canada Pension Centre in Ottawa.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Integrity Programs and Services Contract Security This sub-program contributes to Canada’s economic and national security agenda by safeguarding Canadian and foreign governments’ sensitive information and assets entrusted to private-sector companies who are under government contract by evaluating, assessing risk, granting security clearances and inspecting private sector companies and their employees, and by negotiating and administering international bilateral industrial security arrangements. Government Operations 234 251 17 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Integrity Programs and Services Controlled Goods This sub-program mitigates the risk of proliferation of tactical and strategic assets, helps strengthen Canada’s defence trade controls, and supports Canada’s domestic and international security interests, through the registration and inspection of private sector individuals and companies possessing, examining or transferring controlled goods. Government Operations 51 39 -12 The difference between actual and planned FTEs is mainly due to delayed staffing actions and streamlining of services.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Integrity Programs and Services Fairness Monitoring and Business Dispute Management This sub-program provides assurance as to the fairness, openness, and transparency of selected departmental activities through the engagement of independent third party fairness monitors to observe all or part of a departmental activity. Business Dispute Management provides conflict prevention and alternative dispute resolution services to contractors, other government departments, and PSPC employees, where PSPC is the contracting authority. Government Operations 12 7.42 -4.58 The difference between actual and planned FTEs is mainly due to delayed staffing actions and streamlining of services.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Integrity Programs and Services Forensic Accounting Services This sub-program provides forensic accounting services to Canadian and international governments, law enforcement agencies and prosecution services primarily on criminal investigations that have a financial component. These services support police investigations, prosecutions and, thus, Canadian and international criminal justice systems by providing specialized advice, forensic accounting reports, and expert witness testimony on the financial aspects of these investigations in an objective, independent and non-technical manner. Government Operations 41.4 38.18 -3.22 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Integrity Programs and Services Integrity Framework This sub-program supports accountability and integrity in PSPC’s procurement and real property transactions. This includes policies, procedures and governance measures to ensure it does business with suppliers that respect the law and act with integrity. This sub program also provides integrity database verifications to ensure suppliers are in compliance with the Integrity Framework. This is also done on behalf of other government departments with whom Memoranda of Understanding are in place. Government Operations 30 22.54 -7.46 The difference between actual and planned FTEs is mainly due to delayed staffing actions and streamlining of services.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Linguistic Management and Services Conference Interpretation This sub-program aims to ensure the provision of conference interpretation services in official languages, in Canada’s Aboriginal languages, in foreign languages and in visual languages to all federal government departments and agencies at events such as international summits, bilateral or multilateral discussions between heads of state/government, intra or inter-departmental conferences and meetings between federal ministers and their provincial or territorial counterparts. It also aims to ensure the provision of conference interpretation services in visual languages to deaf or hard of hearing federal public servants. Government Operations 46 50.01 4.01 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Linguistic Management and Services Terminology Standardization Program As the federal government’s terminology standardization and linguistic authority, the Translation Bureau is mandated with the development, standardization and distribution of terminology in the public service. In this capacity, this sub-program aims to ensure the establishment of terminology and language standards to promote consistency and quality in the government’s communication with Canadians and to optimally manage the government’s terminology expertise and showcase Canada’s collective wealth of linguistic and terminological knowledge. Government Operations 64.13 60.2 -3.93 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Linguistic Management and Services Translation and Interpretation to Parliament This sub-program aims to ensure the provision of timely translation, interpretation and other linguistic services to Parliament. This enables Parliament to function in both official languages and any other languages required. More precisely, the Bureau translates and reviews documents from the House of Commons, the Senate, Senate and House of Commons committees, Members’ of Parliament (MPs) and Senators’ offices, administrative services of both Houses, the Library of Parliament, the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Officer and the Office of the Senate Ethics Officer. It also provides official languages interpretation for the debates in the House of Commons, the Senate, Cabinet and their committees, press conferences and the proceedings of parliamentary associations. Furthermore, interpreters regularly accompany Senators and MPs who belong to parliamentary committees when they travel in Canada and abroad. Furthermore, the Bureau provides real time closed captioning services in French and in English of the Chamber proceedings and televised committees. Government Operations 214 215.23 1.23 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Linguistic Management and Services Translation and Other Linguistic Services This sub-program aims to offer a full, integrated range of language solutions in both official languages, in Canada’s Aboriginal languages, and in over 100 foreign languages. It ensures an effective and efficient provision of quality translation, revision, editing and language advice services at a reasonable cost to the judiciary and federal departments and agencies on a cost recovery basis. Government Operations 800.52 824.07 23.55 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Procurement Ombudsman Review of Procurement Practices This sub-program allows for an independent review of departmental and government-wide procurement practices, and makes recommendations to promote fairness, openness and transparency in federal procurement. Transparency and Accountability 13.25 11.68 -1.57 The difference between actual and planned FTEs is mainly due to delays in staffing processes and employee departures.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Procurement Ombudsman Supplier Complaints This sub-program ensures that complaints from Canadian suppliers regarding the award or administration of contracts, as well as all other contacts to the Office, are addressed in a timely manner by a knowledgeable and independent third party. Transparency and Accountability 13.25 11.69 -1.56 The difference between actual and planned FTEs is mainly due to delays in staffing processes and employee departures.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Receiver General for Canada Receiver General Services This sub-program provides optional bill payment services for departments and agencies, and maintains operations for an optional departmental financial and materiel management system offering. Government Operations 8.98 14 5.02 The difference between actual and planned FTEs is due primarily to the use of additional term employees for cheque redemption activities.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Receiver General for Canada Stewardship of Consolidated Revenue Fund and Accounts of Canada This sub-program safeguards the integrity of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and the Accounts of Canada on behalf of Canadians (receipt, transfer, holding and disbursement of public money and the redemption and settlement of all payments, production of Public Accounts and monthly statements of financial operations) and develops and maintains Receiver General treasury, accounting and reporting systems. Government Operations 280.06 294 13.94 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Asset Disposal This sub-program supports the federal government in disposing surplus moveable or seized goods, including through online GCSurplus. This service allows asset disposal in a transparent and financially sustainable manner. Government Operations 144.5 133.74 -10.76 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Central Relocation Services This sub-program manages a government-wide service that oversees moving operations for the relocation of federal government employees, excluding Department of National Defence and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. This is done by managing and renewing household goods contracts to reduce relocation administrative costs, and ensure a consistent level of service to employees being relocated. Government Operations 5.8 5.42 -0.38 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Client Service Strategy This sub-program leads PSPC’s Client Service Strategy. Government Operations 12 23.35 11.35 Addition of resources to carry out new responsibilities related to departmental client service priorities.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Document Imaging Services This sub-program provides quality and efficient document imaging and data capture offerings as a cost recovery service to federal organizations, leveraging internal and private sector solutions. The service consists of image processing, indexing and secure archiving of electronic records. Modernization of business processes through document imaging enabled services assists departments in reducing processing costs and in some cases, reducing warehousing costs, improves service levels to citizens and unlocks corporate knowledge stored in paper archives for improved decision making. This service is certified against the required Canadian standards for electronic records as documentary evidence for use in legal disputes. Government Operations 39.24 157.57 118.33 The 2016–17 planned FTEs for this sub-program  should have shown as 172, resulting in a variance against actual of 15 FTEs due to lower than expected imaging volumes; the published planned number was understated.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Government Information Services This sub-program provides information to Canadians on Government of Canada, programs and publications and supports the effectiveness of Government of Canada communications activities through the provision of the Depository Services Program, Public Opinion Research Coordination, Advertising Coordination and Partnerships, The Canada Gazette, and Electronic Media Monitoring. Government Operations 117.37 112.11 -5.26 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Government of Canada Administrative Services This sub-program has a horizontal focus in delivering corporate administrative and human resources support services, on cost recovery basis, to achieve efficiencies for client federal organizations. Government of Canada Administrative Services reduces the number of back office administrative IT systems across government; and purchases, creates, modifies and maintains common Government of Canada versions of products, which eliminates duplication in individual departments and agencies allowing them to focus resources on key programs. Government Operations 163.25 151.86 -11.39 The difference is less 10%
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Greening of Government Operations This sub-program aims to accelerate the greening of the government operations by providing government-wide leadership to enable significant reductions in the environmental impact of federal operations within its own operations, and by working with other government departments and agencies to improve the environmental performance of the federal government. This is done through the development of polices, by providing advice and by issuing guidelines pertaining to sustainable development and environmental stewardship. Government Operations 14.75 0 -14.75
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Shared Travel Services This sub-program provides end-to-end travel related tools and services to federal departments and agencies to simplify, efficiently manage, and reduce the cost of government travel. This is achieved by negotiating discount agreements on flights and rail, offering a centralized travel management system, and by disseminating relevant and timely information about government travel. Government Operations 40 33.42 -6.58 Due to delayed staffing to replace employee departures and assignments.
Department of Public Works and Government Services High quality, central programs and services that ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians and meet the program needs of federal institutions. Specialized Programs and Services Standards Development and Certification This sub-program provides standards and conformity assessment services in support of the economic, regulatory, procurement, health, safety and environmental interests of government, industry, and consumers. This is achieved by developing and reviewing standards and certifying products, services and management systems within specified timeframes to ensure consumer confidence. Government Operations 36 25.16 -10.84 Due to planned staffing delayed and staffing reduced to align with current budget.
Department of Public Works and Government Services The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 2700.4 2610.71 -89.69
Department of Transport A Clean Transportation System. Clean Air from Transportation Clean Air Initiatives The Clean Air Initiatives advance the federal government’s environmental agenda in the transportation sector by: promoting and demonstrating ways to reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants; promoting, testing and demonstrating advanced vehicle technologies to reduce transportation greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants from motor vehicles; creating partnerships; and designing, negotiating and managing initiatives for transportation emissions reduction. Environment 2 25 23 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Clean Transportation System. Clean Air from Transportation Clean Air Regulatory Framework and Oversight Deriving its authority from the Railway Safety Act, the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, and the Aeronautics Act, Transport Canada’s Clean Air Regulatory Framework and Oversight program contributes to reducing the air emissions from transportation by creating and implementing regulatory regimes. The program: sets the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from the air, marine and rail sectors; oversees transportation firms’ compliance with their regulatory obligations; represents Canada in discussions to set international standards for air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions in these sectors; provides support to Environment Canada in developing road vehicle greenhouse gas emission regulations; and contributes to developing and implementing instruments to reduce air emissions from Canada’s transportation sector. Environment 13 37 24 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Clean Transportation System. Clean Water from Transportation Clean Water Regulatory Framework Guided by the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, the Marine Liability Act and international conventions, the Clean Water Regulatory Framework program sets the legal and regulatory frameworks that govern the protection of the marine environment from pollution, the introduction of invasive species, and the environmental impact of pollution incidents. Environment 30 28 -2
Department of Transport A Clean Transportation System. Clean Water from Transportation Clean Water Regulatory Oversight The Clean Water Regulatory Oversight program contributes to reducing pollution from vessels by monitoring compliance of marine transportation firms with the Marine Safety regulatory framework through surveillance, inspections, audits, monitoring and enforcement. Environment 52 50 -2
Department of Transport A Clean Transportation System. Environmental Stewardship of Transportation The Environmental Stewardship of Transportation Program fulfills Transport Canada’s responsibilities in working towards an environmentally responsible and resilient national transportation system for Canadians by ensuring compliance with the Department’s environmental obligations in relation to Acts, Regulations, Policies and Guidelines, and the department’s obligations towards Indigenous peoples. The Program: ensures that Transport Canada’s lands and facilities are managed in an environmentally responsible manner in compliance with federal legislation and policies; provides functional support for environmental assessments, including for major resource projects; manages contaminated sites; advises on Indigenous consultation, engagement and treaty negotiations and implementation; and seeks to increase the national transportation system’s resilience to the current and anticipated future climate and extreme weather events. Environment 115 108 -7
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Aviation Safety Aircraft Services The Aircraft Services program provides aircraft, aircraft operations, and aircraft maintenance and engineering, as well as related training services to Transport Canada and other federal government departments and agencies. Safety and Security 352 283 -69 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Aviation Safety Aviation Safety Oversight Service to the Aviation Industry Guided by the standards and regulatory requirements in the Canadian Aviation Regulations, the Service to the Aviation Industry program licenses personnel, provides operating certificates to organizations, and certifies aeronautical products. Safety and Security 348 371 23
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Aviation Safety Aviation Safety Oversight Surveillance of the Aviation System The Surveillance of the Aviation System program, based on risk, monitors aviation industry compliance of the regulatory framework through assessments and validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement. Safety and Security 779 638 -141 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Aviation Safety Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework The Aviation Safety Regulatory Framework program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations, standards, education and awareness activities) based on risk, to promote a harmonized aviation safety regulatory framework for Canadians and Canada’s aviation industry. Safety and Security 253 178 -75 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Aviation Security Aviation Security Oversight The Aviation Security Oversight program supports the aviation industry’s compliance with the regulatory framework through services, assessments and validations, inspections, audits and enforcement. The program also contributes to aviation security through incidence management procedures, plans and tools. Safety and Security 195 194 -1
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Aviation Security Aviation Security Regulatory Framework The Aviation Security Regulatory Framework program develops and uses a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to promote a harmonized aviation security regulatory framework for Canadians and the Canadian aviation industry. Safety and Security 39 46 7 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Aviation Security Aviation Security Technological Infrastructure The Aviation Security Technological Infrastructure program develops, evaluates and provides stakeholders access to standards, research data and best practices for technologies that assist the effective, consistent management of aviation security risks. Safety and Security 53 9 -44 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Marine Safety Marine Safety Oversight The Marine Safety Oversight program is risk-based and supports compliance of the marine industry with the regulatory framework through services, assessments, validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement. Safety and Security 406 407 1
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Marine Safety Marine Safety Regulatory Framework The Marine Safety Regulatory Framework program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to support a harmonized marine safety regulatory framework for Canada’s marine industry (seafarers, commercial vessels and pleasure crafts). This program also works to harmonize Canada’s marine safety regulatory framework with other jurisdictions. Safety and Security 97 100 3
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Marine Safety Navigation Protection Program The Navigation Protection Program is responsible for the administration of the Navigation Protection Act. The main activities are the review and authorization of works in scheduled waters, the management of obstructions in scheduled waters and the enforcement of the prohibitions against depositing or throwing material into navigable waters and dewatering of navigable waters. The program also has an opt-in provision that allows the owners of works in non-scheduled navigable waters to apply for a review under the Act. The program also has responsibilities under the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 to conduct reviews and render decisions under navigation-related authorities, including the Receiver of Wreck Program and the Private Buoy Regulations. Safety and Security 50 47 -3
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Marine Security Marine Security Operations Centres The Marine Security Operations Centres program works to detect, assess, and support a response to threats in Canada’s maritime domain and approaches as a key partner in the marine security operations centres, by conducting threat and risk assessments of vessels entering Canadian waters, and threat assessments of facilities within Canada. The centres also serve as a maritime-centric interface between national and international partners and stakeholders, and support the Marine Security Oversight Program. Transport Canada is a partner in the marine security operations centres along with Canada Border Services Agency, the Canadian Coast Guard, the Department of National Defence and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The threat assessment and the risk assessment performed by inspectors, provides the basis for the establishment of restricted areas within marine facilities and the subsequent access control. Only those who have acquired a marine transportation security clearance would have access to restricted areas. The access control systems would be audited and tested by inspectors in the regions. Failure to control access could lead to enforcement. Safety and Security 44 27 -17 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Marine Security Marine Security Oversight The Marine Security Oversight program is risk-based and supports the marine security industry’s compliance with the regulatory framework through services, assessments and validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement. Safety and Security 65 50 -15 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Marine Security Marine Security Regulatory Framework The Marine Security Regulatory Framework program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to promote a harmonized maritime security regulatory framework for Canadians and the marine industry. Safety and Security 7 23 16 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Motor Vehicle Safety Motor Carrier Safety Guided by the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, the Motor Carrier Safety program achieves safer motor carrier (trucking and busing) operations by: advancing implementation of the National Safety Code (performance standards for commercial vehicle operations); managing a contribution program for provinces and territories towards consistent implementation of the National Safety Code; and by maintaining the Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations for commercial vehicle drivers. Safety and Security 7 4 -3 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Motor Vehicle Safety Motor Vehicle Safety Oversight The Motor Vehicle Safety Oversight program is risk-based and assesses compliance of the motor vehicle manufacturing industry with the regulatory framework through inspections, audits, physical testing and, where necessary, enforcement. Safety and Security 51 38 -13 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Motor Vehicle Safety Motor Vehicle Safety Regulatory Framework The Motor Vehicle Safety Legislative and Regulatory Framework program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to create and maintain a harmonized motor vehicle safety framework for Canadians and Canada’s motor vehicle manufacturing industry. The framework is developed using evidence obtained from field investigations, physical testing of vehicles, collision statistics, and joint regulatory development with our trading partners. Safety and Security 51 37 -14 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Multimodal Safety and Security Emergency Preparedness and Situation Centres The Emergency Preparedness and Situation Centres program works to ensure that Transport Canada is prepared for and able to respond to emerging threats and situations that may impact the national transportation system by collaborating closely with partners throughout the Department, industry, stakeholders and other government departments and/or agencies. The program seeks to ensure that the Department continues to successfully meet its responsibilities under the Emergency Management Act, including the Government of Canada’s emergency management agenda, focusing primarily on preparedness and response activities. Safety and Security 18 33 15 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Multimodal Safety and Security Integrated Technical Training The Multimodal Integrated Technical Training program is responsible for maintaining an integrated technical training branch that is accountable for assessing training needs and designing, developing, delivering and evaluating technical training products and services. The program is also responsible for the management of an integrated learning management system to manage, track and report technical learning, including the hosting of e-learning courses. Safety and Security 91 40 -51 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Multimodal Safety and Security Multimodal Strategies and Integrated Services The Multimodal Strategies and Integrated Services program provides strategic direction and advice on, and leads the coordination of, cross-cutting issues, the delivery of departmental enforcement services and regulatory and policy initiatives affecting transportation in safety and security. This program also directs integrated planning and reporting initiatives for safety and security. It serves as the main departmental point of contact for security and intelligence matters through its liaison with the Canadian intelligence community and its central role in the sharing and analysis of intelligence information. In addition, this program is responsible for processing requisite transportation security clearances for workers within the national transportation infrastructure. Safety and Security 9 86 77 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Rail Safety Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement The Rail Safety Awareness and Grade Crossing Improvement program provides funding for safety improvements at grade crossings and promotes public and stakeholder awareness and education in order to prevent fatalities and injuries. Safety and Security 37 19 -18 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Rail Safety Rail Safety Oversight The Rail Safety Oversight program is risk-based and promotes compliance of the rail industry with the regulatory framework through inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement. Safety and Security 149 153 4
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Rail Safety Rail Safety Regulatory Framework The Rail Safety Regulatory Framework program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations, rules and engineering standards) to promote a harmonized rail safety regulatory framework for the rail industry and the public at large, while ensuring viability of the rail sector. Safety and Security 22 18 -4 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Surface and Intermodal Security The Surface and Intermodal Security Program, guided by the Railway Safety Act, the International Bridges and Tunnels Act, and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, develops, administers and oversees the policies, regulations/voluntary frameworks, standards and guidance material necessary for the secure conduct of surface and intermodal activities. The Program fosters the security of the surface and intermodal transportation system across Canada. Safety and Security 40 41 1
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Transportation of Dangerous Goods Emergency Response for Transportation of Dangerous Goods Required by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Emergency Response program: protects the safety of human life and health, of property and the environment, by providing immediate 24-hour scientific advice, safety precautions and action measures to first responders through the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre (CANUTEC) following an incident involving dangerous goods; attends to dangerous goods incidents and provides onsite response direction by the Transportation of Dangerous Goods’ Remedial Measure Specialist; produces the Emergency Response Guidebook as a tool for initial response during the first 15 minutes at the scene of an accident involving dangerous goods; responds to security threats in partnership with industry; and conducts research on emergency response to releases of chemicals. Safety and Security 25 60 35 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Transportation of Dangerous Goods Transportation of Dangerous Goods Oversight The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Oversight program is risk-based and, supports compliance of industry with the regulatory framework through services, assessments and validations, inspections, audits and, when necessary, enforcement. Safety and Security 90 135 45 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport A Safe and Secure Transportation System. Transportation of Dangerous Goods Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Framework The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulatory Framework program provides a balance of tools (policies, guidelines, regulations and standards) to promote a harmonized regulatory framework for the safe transportation of dangerous goods within Canada and imported to Canada. Safety and Security 31 51 20 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Gateways and Corridors Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative The rapid economic growth of China and other Asia-Pacific countries is reshaping global trade flows. China is now Canada’s second largest trading partner and the growth in Canada-Asia trade traffic is expected to continue. The Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative program works to make Canada the best trade link between Asia and North America. This program coordinates and manages an integrated set of investment (through direct delivery and contributions) and policy measures to: boost Canada’s commerce with the Asia-Pacific region; increase the share of North America bound container imports from Asia; and improve the reliability of the Gateway and Corridor. Economic Development 4 4 0
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Gateways and Corridors Gateways and Border Crossings Fund The Gateways and Border Crossings Fund program works to improve the flow of goods between Canada and the rest of the world by enhancing infrastructure at key locations, such as major border crossings between Canada and the United States. Economic Development 15 10 -5 This is a sunsetting Program.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Airport Infrastructure Airport Authority Stewardship The National Airports System (NAS) is a vital transportation system with significant ties to the Canadian economy. To protect the interests of the federal government as the landlord and to ensure compliance with the terms of their leases, the Airport Authority Stewardship program provides oversight and real property management services for airports whose operation has been transferred to local airport authorities. It also manages residual responsibilities with respect to the commercialized Air Navigation System (ANS). Program activities include: making sure that airport authorities respect the terms of their leases; addressing lease management issues promptly; completing the environmental remediation of ANS lands; managing ongoing liaison with NAV CANADA on property matters; and collecting airport rent revenue. Economic Development 10 9 -1
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Airport Infrastructure Airport Operations Description:In keeping with the National Airports Policy and for the benefit of the communities concerned, the Airport Operations program operates 18 regional, local and remote Transport Canada-owned airports. Economic Development 111 110 -1
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Airport Infrastructure Small Aerodrome Support The Small Aerodrome Support program provides support for airside capital projects through the Airports Capital Assistance Program (ACAP) and also manages legacy commitments that make airport infrastructure and services available to some communities. In keeping with the National Airports Policy, ACAP provides support to eligible non-federally owned airports. Funding is provided for airside safety-related capital projects, which may also extend to non-airside asset protection. It targets airports with a demonstrated financial need to fund the capital expenditures necessary to maintain safety. Legacy commitments are supported by providing financial assistance to: the provincial government through the Labrador Coast Airstrip Restoration Program to maintain airstrips in twelve Labrador communities; and four airports in Québec to cover a portion of operating deficits through the Airports Operations and Maintenance Subsidy Program. Economic Development 23 17 -6 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Marine Infrastructure Canada Port Authority Stewardship The Canada Port Authority Stewardship Program oversees the 18 Canada Port Authorities (CPAs) that manage properties that are federally-owned or subject to federal law. Its goal is to foster a commercially based regime that supports Canadian trade within policy and legislative frameworks. The Program: reviews and approves requests for property acquisitions/dispositions to make sure that they comply with relevant acts and policies and address environmental and Indigenous concerns; oversees the appointment process that must comply with the Canada Marine Act; and reviews and approves requests for amending Canada Port Authority activities, borrowing limits, terms of leases, or for establishing subsidiaries, and compliance with gross revenue charge requirements. Economic Development 7 9 2 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Marine Infrastructure Ferry Services Stewardship and Support The Ferry Services Stewardship and Support program serves Canadians, communities and businesses that depend on ferry services. The program oversees federal government funding for, and involvement in, ferry services across the country. This includes: Crown Corporation Marine Atlantic service that links Newfoundland to the rest of Canada, as per constitutional mandate; three private sector inter-provincial services in Atlantic Canada – including one to the remote community of Îles-de-la-Madeleine under the Ferry Services Contribution Program; and an annual grant to support services in British Columbia. Economic Development 1 9 8 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Marine Infrastructure Port Operations The Port Operations program makes marine facilities at Transport Canada-owned ports available to port users and the communities they serve. It manages and maintains Transport Canada-owned ports including setting and collecting national public port fees at those ports. Economic Development 30 42 12 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Marine Infrastructure Seaway Stewardship and Support Pursuant to the Canada Marine Act, Transport Canada is responsible for protecting the long-term operation and viability of the St. Lawrence Seaway as an integral part of Canada’s national transportation infrastructure. The Seaway Stewardship and Support program oversees the good management, operation and maintenance of the Canadian portion of the Seaway by the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (the Seaway Corporation), for the benefit of seaway users and the businesses and communities that depend on it. The program: administers, negotiates and monitors the federal government’s twenty-year agreement with the Seaway Corporation; provides statutory payments; negotiates and monitors the five-year business plans that sets specific operating and asset renewal cost targets; and oversees the management of non-navigational assets including the transfer of ownership of surplus Seaway properties. Economic Development 8 6 -2 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure Bridge Stewardship Guided by the International Bridges and Tunnels Act and other legislation, the Bridge Stewardship program addresses capacity issues of bridges and tunnels under Transport Canada’s authority to safely meet current and future transportation needs. Specific program responsibilities include: implementing and managing federal contributions and initiatives that address the needs of bridges under federal authority; overseeing international bridge and tunnel operators’ compliance with relevant regulations; establishing and implementing the laws and regulations governing international bridge operators; providing stewardship oversight of the Confederation Bridge as per a constitutional obligation; and making statutory payments to Canadian National Railway Company for the roadway portion of the Victoria Bridge in Montreal. Economic Development 3 2 -1 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure Highway and Other Transportation Infrastructure Support The Highway and Other Transportation Infrastructure Support program benefits road users, stakeholders, and communities through improved highways, bridges, transit systems, and technology systems for transportation and borders, which reduces traffic congestion, accidents and stakeholder/user operating costs. This multimodal program: provides program design guidance; manages federal contributions for improvements to the National Highway System, Canada-United States border infrastructure, transit system initiatives and other transportation infrastructure; develops, oversees and implements federal policy and coordinates infrastructure issues; assesses Building Canada Plan transportation projects; and helps monitor the performance of transportation infrastructure in partnership with stakeholders. Economic Development 21 17 -4 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Infrastructure Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure Rail Passenger Stewardship and Support The Rail Passenger Stewardship and Support program makes national, regional and remote rail passenger services available throughout Canada. The program also: acts as steward over, and administers the annual subsidy to, VIA Rail Canada; monitors and provides policy advice on passenger railway services; administers contributions to private sector companies or First Nations bands operating remote passenger rail services; and provides funding for capital projects that support rail services. Economic Development 3 1 -2 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Marketplace Frameworks Air Marketplace Framework The Air Marketplace Framework program encourages transportation efficiency by fostering a competitive and viable air industry, including airlines, airports and NAV CANADA. It provides opportunities for Canadian airlines to grow and compete successfully in a more liberalized global environment and sets the governance regimes of national air infrastructure providers. Program activities include: establishing laws and regulations (e.g.Canada Transportation Act, Air Canada Public Participation Act) governing the economic behaviour of air carriers and air infrastructure providers; encouraging competition and the development of new and expanded international air services to benefit travellers, shippers, and the tourism and business sectors by managing bilateral and multilateral air service relations; working collaboratively with other government departments and industry stakeholders to promote air transport facilitation policies and initiatives in support of broader Government of Canada industry, trade, travel and tourism objectives such as Gateways and Corridors Initiatives and the Blue Sky International air policy; fostering greater cooperation in the area of civil aviation to support economic activity; and representing the interests of the Canadian aviation sector at the International Civil Aviation Organization. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 32 26 -6 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Marketplace Frameworks International Frameworks and Trade The International Frameworks and Trade program ensures that policy objectives and stakeholder interests regarding transportation system efficiency are advanced at the international level and considered in the formulation of Government of Canada foreign policy and trade negotiation initiatives. It contributes to a coherent, government-wide approach to managing international priorities (such as the Global Markets Action Plan and Canada’s Strategy for Engagement in the Americas), as well as the broader trade, jobs and economic growth agenda, in order to bring maximum benefit to Canadians.Canada’s transportation system is integral to achieving the Government’s objectives with respect to international trade. This function is necessary in order to respond to the Government’s rapidly expanding trade negotiation agenda, and to seize opportunities for Canadian businesses and transportation stakeholders. Activities are geared to establishing relationships and partnerships, domestically and internationally, that will benefit Canada’s medium- and long-term economic development goals and advance the interests of transportation industry stakeholders. As a result of these activities, transportation stakeholders will be provided with further trade/commercial opportunities. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 28 25 -3 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Marketplace Frameworks Marine Marketplace Framework The Marine Marketplace Framework program encourages transportation efficiency by ensuring the appropriate economic policy and legislative frameworks in order to foster a competitive and viable Canadian marine industry. The program is responsible for: developing policies, legislation, and regulations such as the Canada Marine Act and its regulations and the Marine Liability Act; monitoring the Canadian marine industry and ports system; establishing the rules of governance for Canada port authorities; negotiating/adopting international conventions and agreements; establishing the economic regimes governing market entry to both the Canadian marine marketplace and Canadian international marine trade; representing the interest of Canada’s marine sector in international forums such as the International Maritime Organization; and, setting the marine transportation liability regime. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 19 24 5 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Marketplace Frameworks Surface Marketplace Framework The Surface Marketplace Framework program encourages transportation efficiency by fostering healthy and competitive rail and motor carrier industries in Canada and by fulfilling certain federal responsibilities with regard to the Canada Transportation Act (CTA), the International Bridges and Tunnels Act (IBTA) and other international bridge legislation. The program: develops, oversees and implements policy frameworks, legislation, regulations and international agreements such as the Canada Transportation Act(Part 3 - Railway Transportation); establishes economic regimes governing access to the rail industry; oversees freight rail services and the relationships between railways and shippers and passenger rail operations; administers the grain hopper car operating agreements with Canadian National and Canadian Pacificrailways and the Grain Monitoring Program; reviews mergers and acquisitions involving surface modes; reviews conditions of entry into the commercial trucking and bus marketplace; works with provinces, territories and North American partners to harmonize rules affecting surface transportation, such as North American Free Trade Agreement trucking standards; provides analysis and advice regarding the movement of freight in the surface mode, and related issues (e.g.: congestion, road pricing, urban rail, urban encroachment); conducts ongoing national freight transportation system analysis in consultation with key stakeholders; addresses relevant international bridge and tunnel issues such as implementing regulations under the IBTA. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 12 27 15 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport An Efficient Transportation System. Transportation Marketplace Frameworks Transportation Analysis and Innovation The Transportation Analysis and Innovation program conducts research and analysis to advance the understanding of key drivers for change in transportation, and inform policy decisions, with a view to increasing efficiency and promoting innovation and technological advances in the transportation sector. To that end, the program: manages transportation data collection efforts; monitors and reports on performance of the supply chain as well as related trends and outlooks in the transportation system; and conducts economic, and exploratory and applied research to identify and foster the adoption of promising technologies and provide advice regarding that manner. Market integrity, regulation, and competition 67 56 -11 We do not provide a Strategic Outcome/Program/Sub-Program/Sub-Sub-Program explanation of FTE variances. Our Finance team provides a general variance explanation within the Departmental Results Report of the major factors affecting Transport Canada's FTE count for 2016-17.
Department of Transport The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1156.85 1085.52 -71.33
Department of Veterans Affairs Canadians remember and demonstrate their recognition of all those who served in Canada's efforts during war, military conflict and peace. Canada Remembers Program Commemorative Partnership Program This program expands the reach of remembrance programming by providing financial assistance for commemorative initiatives. These initiatives are undertaken by organizations that wish to ensure that the achievements of our Veterans and the fallen are not forgotten. As a result, Canadians have more opportunities to participate in remembrance activities. This program is delivered through operating funds, as well as funding from the following transfer payments: Grant for Commemorative Partnerships and contributions under the Commemorative Partnership Program. Heritage and Culture 10 10.4 0.4
Department of Veterans Affairs Canadians remember and demonstrate their recognition of all those who served in Canada's efforts during war, military conflict and peace. Canada Remembers Program Funeral and Burial Program This program provides financial assistance toward funeral, burial and grave marking expenses of eligible Veterans to recognize their service to Canada. Under the Veterans Burial Regulations, assistance is available for Veterans whose deaths are a result of their service or whose estates do not have sufficient funds for a dignified funeral, burial and grave marking. The Funeral and Burial Program is administered by the Last Post Fund, an independent, non-profit organization, on behalf of Veterans Affairs Canada. This program is delivered through Operating and Maintenance funds, as well as funding from the following transfer payments: Last Post Fund. Heritage and Culture 7 7 0
Department of Veterans Affairs Canadians remember and demonstrate their recognition of all those who served in Canada's efforts during war, military conflict and peace. Canada Remembers Program Memorial and Cemetery Maintenance This program preserves the memory of Canadians who served their country in war and peace by maintaining in perpetuity symbols of remembrance. This includes responsibility for the 14 World War memorials in Europe, grave markers all over the world and two departmental cemeteries in Canada. Graves of more than 110,000 war dead in Europe and in Canada, as well as war memorials overseas, are cared for in collaboration with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. This program also provides funding through an annual grant for the maintenance of the graves of Canadian war dead buried in the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea. The Canadian Virtual War Memorial and the Books of Remembrance are also maintained through this program which is delivered through Operating and Maintenance funds, as well as funding from the following transfer payments: Commonwealth War Graves Commission, United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea, and the Canadian Veterans Association of the United Kingdom. Heritage and Culture 12 12.9 0.9
Department of Veterans Affairs Canadians remember and demonstrate their recognition of all those who served in Canada's efforts during war, military conflict and peace. Canada Remembers Program Public Recognition and Awareness This program pays tribute to Canadian Veterans and those who died in service, and raises awareness of their achievements and sacrifices. This includes organizing commemorative ceremonies and events, both in Canada and overseas, in collaboration with regional, national, and international partners. This program also engages Canadians, most notably educators and youth, in remembrance through a suite of resources and initiatives that tell our country’s military history. It also ensures that first-issue and replacement war-service medals are provided to Veterans, and that the Minister’s Commendation is presented to those who have demonstrated exemplary service to Veterans. This program is delivered through operating funds. Heritage and Culture 65 60.7 -4.3
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Disability and Death Compensation Disability Awards, Critical Injury and Death Benefits The program recognizes and compensates eligible Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans and members, and in some cases surviving spouses/common-law partners and surviving dependant children, for the non-economic effects of service-related disability, death, and/or detention. Compensation is provided in the form of a lump sum Death Benefit, Detention Benefits and Disability Award with options for the Disability Award to be paid in annual payments or a combination of annual payments and lump sum. A lump-sum Critical Injury Benefit is also provided to eligible CAF members and Veterans to address the immediate impacts of the most severe and traumatic service-related incidents occurring on or after April 1, 2006.  This program also compensates eligible Veterans for specially made clothing, or wear and tear on clothing, due to a disability. This program is funded through the following transfer payment: Disability Awards and Allowances and Critical Injury Benefit. Employment and Income Security 451 441.4 -9.6
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Disability and Death Compensation Disability Pension Benefits and Allowances This program recognizes and compensates eligible Veterans as well as Canadian Armed Forces members who applied for a disability pension prior to April 1, 2006, survivors, dependants and, in certain circumstances, civilians for the effects of a service-related disability and/or death. Compensation is provided in the form of a monthly disability pension. The program also provides Clothing Allowance for the distinct effects that disabilities may have on clothing; Attendance Allowance for pensioners who are totally disabled, whether by reason of military service or not, and in need of attendance; Treatment Allowance for the period of time pensioners are hospitalized or receiving outpatient care for a pensioned condition to temporarily compensate at a 100% pension rate for that period of time; and, Educational Assistance of up to four years or 36 academic months for the cost of university, college or trade courses to eligible dependent children of pensioners who died as the result of military service or were pensioned at the 48% rate or greater at the time of death. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Pensions for Disability and Death; Payments under the Flying Accidents Compensation Regulations; Payments of Gallantry Awards; and, Treatment Allowances. Employment and Income Security 276 274.2 -1.8
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Financial Support Program Canadian Forces Income Support Benefit This program ensures that eligible Veterans have a minimum level of family income to meet basic needs while they are engaged in job search activities. This is achieved through a temporary monthly payment which supports low income Canadian Armed Force Veterans who have completed Veterans Affairs Canada’s rehabilitation program but have not yet obtained employment. Program recipients must continue to meet the income test to maintain eligibility for this benefit and some must demonstrate that they continue to seek employment. This program is also available to survivors and/or orphans of Veterans in certain circumstances. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Canadian Forces Income Support Allowance. Employment and Income Security 1 0.9 -0.1
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Financial Support Program Earnings Loss Benefit This program provides income replacement to respond to the economic impact a military career-ending or service-connected health problem may have on a Veteran’s ability to earn income following release from the Canadian Armed Forces. To meet their basic needs, eligible Veterans participating in the Veterans Affairs Canada’s rehabilitation program are provided, post military release, with temporary income replacement in the form of a monthly payment so that their income does not fall below 90% of their gross pre-release military salary. Where a Veteran who had been participating in the rehabilitation program is not able to participate in suitable gainful employment (due to health problems), the income replacement continues until the Veteran reaches the age of 65. This benefit can also be paid to the survivors and/or orphans of a Veteran who dies as a result of a service-related injury or disease until the Veteran would have reached the age of 65 years. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Earnings Loss and Supplementary Retirement Benefit. Employment and Income Security 26 36.1 10.1 Additional resources were hired as a result of program improvements including increasing the financial benefits in the Earnings Loss Program. These resources were required to implement the changes, complete calculations and process payments to Veterans.
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Financial Support Program Permanent Impairment Allowance This program recognizes the impact on employment potential and career advancement caused by severe and permanent service-related disabilities. A monthly allowance is payable to CAF Veterans who have received a disability benefit for health conditions that are creating a permanent and severe impairment and for which Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance Program eligibility have been approved. The allowance is payable at an increased amount to Veterans not capable of suitable gainful employment (because of eligible health problems). This program uses funding from the Earnings Loss and Supplementary Retirement Benefit transfer payment. Employment and Income Security 27 30.7 3.7 Additional resources were hired as a result of program improvements including improved access to the PIA program. These resources were required to implement the changes, complete assessments, calculations, and to process payments to Veterans.
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Financial Support Program Retirement Benefits This program provides eligible Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans with assurance that they will have sufficient funds to meet their basic needs after age 65. The retirement Income Security benefit is a taxable monthly income support benefit available to Veterans who: attain the age of 65 years after March 31, 2006; are designated totally and permanently incapacitated by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) as of the day before the date of their 65th birthday (or, for a limited time, have been designated totally disabled by the Service Income Security Insurance Plan Long Term Disability (SISIP-LTD)); and, have been granted a disability benefit for a service-related disability. This monthly income support ensures that an eligible Veteran’s income does not fall below 70% of the financial benefits which they were eligible to receive from VAC prior to age 65. The Supplementary Retirement Benefit, a taxable lump sum payment providing compensation for lost opportunities to contribute to retirement pensions, is also available to Veterans designated totally and permanently incapacitated by Veterans Affairs Canada. This Benefit is equal to 2% of the total amount of Earnings Loss benefits that were paid to the Veteran before income offsets. Survivors may also be eligible for a benefit under this program, payable after the Veteran would have reached the age of 65 years. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Earnings Loss and Supplementary Retirement Benefit, and Retirement Income Security Benefit. Employment and Income Security 1 1.5 0.5 0.5 of an FTE was devoted to RISB as a result of workload related to administering this benefit.
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Financial Support Program War Veterans Allowance This program provides financial assistance to eligible Veterans, Merchant Navy Veterans, qualified civilians and their survivors, dependants, and orphans. In recognition of war service, qualified persons are provided with a regular monthly income to meet basic needs and/or access to other Veterans Affairs Canada programs. Eligibility for the War Veterans Allowance is determined by the wartime service of a Veteran or qualified civilian, age or health, family income, and residency. A surviving spouse, a surviving common-law partner, or orphan may also qualify for an Allowance. Recipients may also be eligible to receive financial assistance for emergencies or unexpected contingencies through the Assistance Fund. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: War Veterans Allowances and Civilian War Allowances, Assistance in accordance with the provisions of the Assistance Fund Regulations,  Assistance to Canadian Veterans - Overseas District, Veterans Insurance Actuarial Liability Adjustment (statutory), Returned Soldiers Insurance Actuarial Liability Adjustment (statutory), Repayments under Section 15 of the War Service Grants Act  (statutory), and Re-Establishment Credits under Section 8 of the War Service Grants Act  (statutory). Employment and Income Security 5 4.9 -0.1
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services Family Caregiver Relief Benefit The Family Caregiver Relief Benefit provides eligible Veterans with an annual tax-free grant payment. The amount of the grant is indexed every January 1st. This benefit ensures that Veterans continue to get the support they need when their informal caregivers are temporarily unavailable. It allows an informal caregiver to take time off and recharge or attend to his or her own health and well-being, knowing that someone else is providing necessary services and support to the Veteran in his or her absence. This program uses funding from the Family Caregiver Relief Benefit transfer payment. Health 2 1.9 -0.1
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services Health Care Benefits This program provides eligible Veterans, certain Reserve Force personnel, civilians and other individuals with access to appropriate treatment benefits for their health needs. Treatment benefits include medical, surgical or dental examinations or treatment; surgical or prosthetic devices and aids and their maintenance; home adaptations to accommodate the use of devices or aids; preventive health care; pharmaceuticals; and travel and other expenses incurred to access these benefits. This program is delivered through operating funds. Health 369 395.1 26.1
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services Intermediate and Long Term Care This program supports eligible Veterans and other individuals who require a nursing-home type of care to meet their needs. The program works in cooperation with provincial agencies and long-term care facilities to support eligible Veterans and other individuals in an appropriate long-term care setting. This program is delivered through operating funds and from the Contributions to Veterans transfer payment, under the Veterans Independence Program. Health 105 120.7 15.7 An increase of over 113 FTEs in Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services, has resulted in additional resources being dedicated across VAC's sub programs including Intermediate and Long Term Care. This increase would be related primarily to front line resources such as Case Managers and Veteran Service Agents.
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services Rehabilitation Services This program provides Veterans with military career-ending or service-connected health problems (and, in certain circumstances, survivors, spouses, or common-law partners) with funding, after military release, to ensure timely access to the rehabilitation or vocational assistance services needed to improve their functional capacity and employability, and reduce barriers to re-establishment in civilian life. Through this program, Veterans and their families have access to health insurance through the Public Service Health Care Plan, if they are not otherwise eligible. The Department can also provide eligible Veterans and survivors funding for career transition services. Most of these services are funded through operating funds, except for Career Transition Services, which is funded through the Career Transition Services transfer payment. Health 285 338.4 53.4 An increase of over 113 FTEs in Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services, has resulted in additional resources being dedicated across VAC's sub programs including Rehabilitation Services. This increase would be related primarily to front line resources such as Case Managers and Veteran Service Agents.
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services Ste. Anne’s Hospital Ste. Anne’s Hospital supports eligible Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces members and civilians so that their physical, mental and social needs are met. The Hospital provides high quality long term and respite care services as well as a vast range of programs to eligible Veterans and civilians. Through its Day Centre, it is able to offer support services to those still residing in their communities and through the Ste. Anne’s Centre, it provides mental health services to Veterans and Canadian Armed Forces members. This program is delivered through operating funds. Health 0 0 0
Department of Veterans Affairs Financial, physical and mental well being of eligible Veterans. Health Care Program and Re-establishment Services Veterans Independence Program (VIP) This program provides funding to eligible Veterans, certain Reserve Force personnel, civilians, as well as survivors and primary caregivers so that they can access home and community care and support services to meet their physical, mental and social needs. This assistance allows them to remain healthy and independent in their own homes and communities. The services and benefits which may be funded include home care services and personal care (housekeeping, access to nutrition, grounds maintenance, and ambulatory health care), home adaptations and transportation services. Housekeeping and/or grounds maintenance services are also available to eligible survivors and primary caregivers. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Housekeeping and Grounds Maintenance Grant and Contributions to Veterans under the Veterans Independence Program. Health 223 241.4 18.4
Department of Veterans Affairs The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 706 626 -80
Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans' rights to services and benefits that address their needs are considered by the Veterans Affairs Portfolio. Veterans Ombudsman This program provides an independent and impartial opportunity to review complaints submitted by Veterans and other individuals (war service Veterans, Veterans and serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces [Regular and Reserve], members and former members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, spouses, common-law partners, survivors and primary caregivers, other eligible dependants and family members, other eligible individuals and representatives of the afore-mentioned groups). It promotes fair and equitable treatment in accessing the services, benefits and programs from Veterans Affairs Canada. This is accomplished by: providing them with information and referrals to facilitate their access to programs and services; reviewing and addressing complaints arising from the Veterans Bill of Rights and decisions on benefits and services for which there is no right to appeal to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board; reviewing systemic issues related to the Veterans Review and Appeal Board; and identifying and reviewing emerging and systemic issues related to the provisions of the Department’s programs and services and providing information and recommendations to the Minister in relation to those issues. This program is delivered through operating funds. Employment and Income Security 38 32 -6 The OVO ended the year under their planned salary budget as a result of regular human resource planning issues such as employee leave, and staffing delays etc. As a result, the OVO utilized 32 FTEs, while annually they plan for a full complement of 38.
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Business Development and Innovation Business Productivity and Growth Business Productivity and Growth supports western Canadian businesses, business service providers, industry, and research organizations to undertake initiatives to enhance business productivity, competitiveness, and growth of western Canadian SMEs. This is achieved through promoting awareness and adoption of sound management and business practices, and current technology, as well as access to skilled labour. In addition, this sub-program supports some members of the Western Canada Business Service Network and related partners in providing business services and access to capital to targeted client groups such as women, persons with disabilities, and Aboriginal people. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Women’s Enterprise Initiative and the Western Diversification Program. Support of the Canada Business Network is provided through operations and maintenance funding. Economic Development 27 26 -1
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Business Development and Innovation Innovation Capacity Building Innovation Capacity Building strengthens the overall innovation system in the West through capacity building in support of commercialization of knowledge-based products, processes and services. It supports research institutions in acquiring necessary space and equipment to engage in applied research and development or in the development of highly qualified personnel; or to conduct applied research and technology development from proof of concept to validation. It also supports not-for-profit institutions to undertake pre-commercialization activities such as triage, patenting, licensing, disclosures, and bundling of technologies; or to develop and demonstrate the potential of research in pre-commercial applications in order to engage commercial partners. In addition, it supports relevant industry skills training for engineers and scientists, as well as technology skills training for non-technical professionals. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Western Diversification Program. Economic Development 10 12 2 Actual FTEs are higher than planned as a result of the reallocation of FTEs from other departmental priorities.
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Business Development and Innovation Technology Commercialization Technology Commercialization aims to increase the commercialization of knowledge-based products, processes, and service. It supports either not-for-profit entities, which assist small-and medium-sized enterprises (SME), or SMEs directly to engage in advanced technology development, access incremental investments, or sell knowledge-based products, processes, and services. It supports the development and production of prototypes, and demonstration of products, as well as third party certification, testing and quality assurance of specific products. In addition, it supports outreach and promotional activities to attract investment. It also supports the validation of market potential and end-user acceptance, as well as facilitating market-ready knowledge-based products, processes, and services. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Western Diversification Program. Economic Development 41 34 -7 Actual FTEs are lower than planned as a result of the reallocation of FTEs to other departmental priorities.
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Business Development and Innovation Trade, Investment, and Market Access Trade, Investment, and Market Access enhances western Canadian SMEs, research institutes and industry associations’ international business engagement and attracts investment to the region, including opportunities linked to government procurement. It focuses on increasing Western Canada’s participation in global markets (both to source and supply goods and services); strengthening international partnerships; attracting new foreign investment as well as Canadian direct investments abroad to support access to and participation in global value chains. It also strives to strengthen trade-related infrastructure to enhance trade flows in and out of Western Canada, and promotes Western Canada as an attractive destination for international visitors (tourists, students, researchers, and investors). In addition, it supports international research and development partnerships to enhance awareness of Western Canada’s technology capabilities abroad. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Western Diversification Program. Economic Development 25 22 -3 Actual FTEs are lower than planned as a result of the reallocation of FTEs to other departmental priorities.
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Community Economic Growth Community Development Community Development strengthens the viability of the local economy, enhances community capacity, and increases the participation of community members by encouraging and supporting them in grass roots economic development. This sub-program assists communities, including the Official Language Minority Communities (OLMCs), to assess the communities’ needs and develop a community strategic plan in response to those needs. It also provides funding for the implementation of projects, normally identified through community planning, that stimulate economic development and capitalize on the communities’ capacity, strengths, and opportunities. This is achieved through direct funding support for community planning and development projects. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Western Diversification Program. Economic Development 4 4 0
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Community Economic Growth Community Futures Program Community Futures (CF) Program builds the capacity of rural communities to realize their full economic potential by aiding the development and implementation of local solutions to local problems. This sub-program provides financial support to CF organizations to deliver a range of small businesses services including information, counseling, training, and referrals to stimulate small business growth and local employment. In addition, CF organizations provide repayable financing to new and existing enterprises, through locally controlled investment funds. In collaboration with partners and stakeholders, CF organizations also assess the communities’ needs, develop strategic plans in response to those needs, and implement community economic development projects identified in the plans. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Community Futures Program. Economic Development 17 20 3 Actual FTEs are higher than planned as a result of reallocation of FTEs from other departmental priorities.
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Community Economic Growth Infrastructure Programming Infrastructure Programming provides community infrastructure funding in Western Canada to meet the Government of Canada’s commitment to growth and the quality of life of Canadians. It builds and renews infrastructure in rural and urban municipalities across Canada allowing them to compete in the regional, national, and global economy. WD delivers infrastructure programming directly or in partnership with Infrastructure Canada and the four western provincial governments. Transfer payments in support of direct delivery of this sub-program are made through designated program authorities, excluding the Western Diversification Program. Transfer payments in support of delivery of this sub-program in partnership are made through Other Government Suspense accounts originating from Infrastructure Canada under various funding authorities. WD receives operations and maintenance funding for the delivery of partnership programming. Economic Development 17 24 7 Actual FTE utilization is higher than planned as a result of increased activities to support CIP 150.
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Community Economic Growth Targeted Economic Initiatives Targeted Economic Initiatives supports economic activity in western Canadian communities, on a temporary basis through targeted economic stimulus or adjustment, to provide timely responses to the most pressing local needs, consistent with government priorities. Through this sub-program, WD is able to support western Canadian communities facing economic shocks, natural disasters, challenging economic circumstances with potential adverse effects, depressed economic conditions, or development opportunities with anticipated positive impacts. WD provides assistance through dedicated, temporary supplementary funding from the Government of Canada or through the Department’s own special allocations. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Western Diversification Program, as a temporary and targeted measure only, as well as other program authorities, as necessary. Economic Development 0 0 0
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Policy, Advocacy and Coordination Advocacy and Coordination Advocacy and Coordination aims to advance Western Canada’s interests in national policies, priorities, and programs through coordinating effective responses by key stakeholders reflecting improved understanding and awareness of regional issues and opportunities. Stakeholders may include other government departments, industry and industry associations, academia, and the not-for-profit sector. Efforts in this sub-program lead to balanced, regionally-sensitive approaches to western Canadian priorities, coordinated economic development in the West, and increased procurement opportunities in Western Canada. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Western Diversification Program. Economic Development 39 43 4 Actual FTEs are higher than planned as a result of the reallocation of FTEs from other departmental priorities.
Department of Western Economic Diversification A growing and diversified western Canadian economy. Policy, Advocacy and Coordination Economic Analysis Economic Analysis strives to increase understanding of western Canadian challenges, opportunities, and priorities through conducting research and disseminating results to support internal or external policy and program development. This is achieved through externally generated research; or in-house research and analysis involving economic overviews, environmental scans, analysis of federal or other government documents, and sectoral or issue analysis that supports departmental policy, planning, or program development. It includes external consultation on key economic issues or opportunities facing Western Canada with leaders from both the private and public sectors. Transfer payments in support of this sub-program are made under the authority of the Western Diversification Program. Economic Development 16 15 -1
Department of Western Economic Diversification The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 91 92 1
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Biodiversity - Wildlife and Habitat Biodiversity Policy and Priorities This program enables Environment and Climate Change Canada to play a national leading role in engaging stakeholders, provincial and territorial governments, and other federal government departments in Canada’s implementation of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The program provides scientific expertise, guidance and advice to decision makers, and develops policies and initiatives to advance conservation and sustainable development. The program leads and coordinates, at the federal and national level, key initiatives such as biodiversity information reporting and developing and applying models for social, cultural and economic valuation of ecosystem services to support sustainable development decision-making. Strategies used in Canada include the Canadian Biodiversity Strategy and the Biodiversity Outcomes Framework. The program also coordinates the federal government’s response to the 2004 Invasive Alien Species Strategy for Canada, implemented by federal science-based and regulatory departments and agencies, including the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. In addition, Canada participates internationally in the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources, the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, and the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna working group of the Arctic Council. As well, the program serves as the Canadian lead and national focal point for the UN-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Funding provided by the program includes Canada’s annual contribution to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and support for international working groups. This program may also use funding from the Biodiversity – Wildlife and Habitat transfer payment. Environment 20 34 14 This is mainly due to additional resources to the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Biodiversity - Wildlife and Habitat Habitat Conservation Partnerships This program supports the delivery of Environment and Climate Change’s obligations under the Species at Risk Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, and Canada Wildlife Act. It does this by funding projects and encouraging partnership and habitat conservation activities that secure, protect, improve and/or restore important and ecologically sensitive habitat to enhance the survival of wildlife—in particular, species at risk and migratory birds. The program provides mechanisms (e.g., tax incentives, funding initiatives) to engage a variety of organizations and individuals, including private land owners, environmental non-governmental organizations (e.g., land trusts) and other levels of government. Activities under the program include the National Wetland Conservation Fund, which supports on the ground activities to restore and enhance wetlands, helps identify areas where restoration activities should be prioritized, monitors the impacts of on the ground activities (i.e., through scientific assessments), and encourages stewardship and wetland appreciation by a wide variety of partners to build support for future wetland conservation and restoration activities, with a focus on working landscapes. Other activities include the delivery of the Ecological Gifts Program, a tax incentive program for private land owners who donate ecologically sensitive land to qualified recipients, and support for the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP), a Canada–United States–Mexico partnership of federal/provincial/state governments and non-governmental organizations that aims to conserve wetlands in North America. Work under the NAWMP is achieved through participation on the North American Wetlands Conservation Council and Habitat Joint Ventures, and implementation of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. In addition, the program makes an assessed contribution to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention) and to three programs wholly administered by partners—Wildlife Habitat Canada’s Conservation Stamp Initiative, the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Natural Areas Conservation Program, and Earth Rangers. This program may use funding from the following transfer payments: Biodiversity – Wildlife and Habitat, Grants in support of the Natural Areas Conservation Program, and Assessed Contributions to the Ramsar Convention. Environment 30 28 -2
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Biodiversity - Wildlife and Habitat Migratory Birds This program supports actions to protect and conserve migratory bird populations. It is responsible for implementing the Migratory Birds Convention, signed with the United States in 1916, via the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, and associated regulations. Activities include conserving populations, individual birds, and their nests and eggs, as well as efforts to conserve habitats of importance to birds. One of the key activities undertaken in this program is monitoring the status and trends of the wide diversity of bird species, as well as the broad range of landscapes where they occur. Another key component of the program is to undertake research to understand causes of change in bird populations in order to inform future conservation actions, whether for species below accepted targets or for species above their targets (e.g., overabundant species). Conservation actions—both within Canada and in other countries that share responsibility for migratory birds—are undertaken on the basis of the results of the monitoring programs and are informed by the results of research. Conservation actions include the promotion of management practices and stewardship actions that protect and conserve birds and their habitats, mitigation of stressors/factors that affect the population status of birds (including actions on habitats of importance to birds), development of policies and guidance to support the conservation of birds while also minimizing socio-economic impacts of birds (including managing health and safety issues associated with migratory birds), and taking actions to enforce the Act and associated regulations. The Migratory Birds program is delivered in partnership with other governments in Canada and internationally, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, and industry, with coordination through the North American Bird Conservation Initiative – Canada. Client groups include the Canadian public, game-bird hunters, Indigenous peoples (subsistence harvesting), natural resource economic sectors and natural resource users, and other governments (provincial/territorial and foreign). This program may use funding from the Biodiversity – Wildlife and Habitat transfer payment. Environment 153 191 38 This is mainly due to additional resources to the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Biodiversity - Wildlife and Habitat Protected Areas The Protected Areas program supports the delivery of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s obligations under the Canada Wildlife Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, and the Species at Risk Act. The program manages a network of marine and terrestrial protected areas (National Wildlife Areas and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries) to protect key biodiversity areas required for the conservation of Canada’s migratory birds, species at risk, and other wildlife. The Protected Areas program also promotes public awareness and understanding of wildlife and nature conservation and of Environment and Climate Change Canada’s role in conservation efforts. It carries out strategic planning and coordination in support of the establishment of new protected areas, as well as the management of the existing network. It requires the support of the public and close collaboration with provincial and territorial governments, Indigenous groups, other wildlife management or natural resource agencies, non-governmental organizations and property owners. Program activities support initiatives that contribute to the further establishment of National Wildlife Areas, such as the Connecting Canadians to Nature initiative under the National Conservation Plan, the implementation of the Northwest Territories Protected Areas Strategy, and the fulfillment of the Crown’s obligations under the Inuit Impact and Benefits Agreement. The program operates as part of a broader network of protected areas, including those managed by other federal departments (Parks Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada) and provincial and territorial agencies, along with conservation properties owned and/or managed by non-governmental organizations. The program directs research and conducts wildlife and habitat monitoring in its protected areas. Program work also includes landscape conservation assessment and planning, which plays a key role in consolidating species population, observation and habitat data to inform planning and decision making for priority habitat protection and conservation, using regulatory (SAR critical habitat protection) and non regulatory (stewardship funding) tools. This also includes monitoring and reporting on habitat conservation activities with the aim of tracking gains made towards Canada's Biodiversity 2020 and Federal Sustainable Development Strategy goals. This program may use funding from the Biodiversity – Wildlife and Habitat transfer payment. Environment 98 116 18 This is mainly due to funding received throughout the year for the Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement and an allocation of additional resources to the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Biodiversity - Wildlife and Habitat Species at Risk This program’s purpose is to implement the Species at Risk Act (SARA). SARA is the key federal government commitment to prevent wildlife species from being extirpated or becoming extinct, to provide for the recovery of wildlife species that are extirpated, endangered or threatened, and to manage species of special concern to prevent them from becoming endangered or threatened. The program provides for publication of recovery documents, identification of critical habitat, protection of wildlife species and their critical habitat, and progress reports. Species recovery is achieved in part through the Habitat Stewardship Program, the Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk, the Interdepartmental Recovery Fund and the Species at Risk Protection on Agricultural Lands initiative, through which Indigenous peoples and other Canadians are engaged in a variety of conservation and recovery activities for species at risk and protection as well as recovery of critical habitat. The program relies on partnerships with provincial, territorial and other governments, as well as Indigenous peoples and other organizations (e.g., environmental organizations, sector associations). Authority for the program is based on SARA and Canada’s obligations under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act. This program may use funding from the following transfer payments: Biodiversity – Wildlife and Habitat, Habitat Stewardship Contribution Program and Assessed Contribution to CITES. Environment 238 245 7
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Compliance Promotion and Enforcement - Wildlife This program works to conserve and protect the natural environment through compliance promotion and enforcement of the Species at Risk Act, Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act, Antarctic Environmental Protection Act and Canada Wildlife Act. The program promotes compliance through the communication of information, education, and consultation with parties affected by these statutes. It maintains a contingent of enforcement officers whose activities consist of verifying compliance with acts, regulations and permits pertaining to wildlife and Environment and Climate Change Canada protected areas, gathering intelligence, conducting inspections and pursuing investigations regarding alleged offenders. The program also works with INTERPOL as well as the United States and Mexico under the auspices of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation to strengthen wildlife enforcement. These actions aim to reduce damage and threats to biodiversity for the benefit of Canadians and the international community. Environment 125 139 14 This is mainly due to additional resources received throughout the year for Addressing Air Pollution.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Community Engagement EcoAction Community Funding This funding program was established to provide financial support to not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations for community projects that have measurable positive impacts on the environment. Projects funded by EcoAction protect, rehabilitate or enhance the environment and build the capacity of communities and individuals to sustain these activities. Projects are funded in one of four priority areas: clean air, climate change, clean water or nature. The success of EcoAction projects requires the involvement of community members, including volunteers. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: EcoAction 2000 – Community Funding Service. Environment 13 13 0
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Community Engagement Environmental Damages Fund The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF), administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada on behalf of the Government of Canada, provides a mechanism for directing monies received as a result of fines, court orders and voluntary payments related to environmental infractions to priority projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment. Environment and Climate Change Canada works closely with other government departments to ensure that court-awarded fines are used for projects with positive environmental impacts and in a manner as intended by the court. EDF projects, including restoration, environmental quality improvement, research and development, and education and awareness, are managed with oversight from Environment and Climate Change Canada. Eligible recipients include non-governmental organizations, universities and other academic institutions, Indigenous groups, and provincial, territorial and municipal governments. EDF program partners include Transport Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Parks Canada. Environment 4 4 0
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Community Engagement Environmental Youth Employment This program manages the Science Horizons Youth Internship Program, which is part of the federal Youth Employment Strategy led by Employment and Social Development Canada. Under the Science Horizons Youth Internship Program, wage subsidies are provided to qualifying organizations to support youth employment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Funding recipients include small and medium enterprises, post-secondary educational institutions, provincial and municipal governments, and non-government organizations across Canada. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions for the Science Horizons Youth Internship Program. Environment 1 2 1 This is mainly due to a realignment of resources between programs.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Ecosystem and Environmental Assessments and Monitoring This program consists of a consolidated range of activities that support the assessment, evaluation and management of Canada’s ecosystems in a sustainable manner. The program’s diverse components provide scientific expertise, guidance and advice to decision makers across different levels of government, environmental and non-governmental organizations, industry, the research community and the general public. The program aims to ensure that ecosystem information and environmental effects of development proposals can be factored into decisions. The program activities involve conducting research, monitoring, assessing and reporting on the health of ecosystems and biodiversity. It includes collaboration with Alberta to implement an industry-funded, scientifically rigorous, environmental monitoring program for the Oil Sands region that integrates air, water, land and biodiversity components and results in an enhanced understanding of cumulative effects and environmental change. Environment and Climate Change Canada participates in federal environmental assessments, including those in the North, and contributes scientific expertise in territorial and provincial environmental assessments, which collectively provide a platform for the Department to contribute to the health of ecosystems. Elements of this program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Sustainable Ecosystems. Environment 213 180 -33 This is mainly due to a realignment of resources between programs.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Ecosystems Partnerships This program coordinates and oversees initiatives in targeted ecosystems in the Atlantic, Pacific and northern regions of Canada with the goal of ensuring their health, productivity and long-term sustainability. The program focuses on building partnerships, supporting actions, and strengthening collaboration between several levels of government, academia, industry, Indigenous groups and non-governmental organizations to enhance science and research and share knowledge and information in order to increase our understanding of and help to protect and restore these ecosystems. In Atlantic Canada, the Atlantic Ecosystem Initiatives supports collaborative ecosystem-based projects that lead to action to maintain healthy habitats and biodiversity, improve water quality, and address the impacts of climate change. The Gulf of Maine Initiative promotes effective conservation and responsible development in the Gulf of Maine Ecosystem through partnerships and collaboration. In Pacific and Northern ecosystems, including the Okanagan Basin and the Salish Sea, work continues on the development and implementation of water balance models and ecosystem health indicators to support informed decision-making on economic development, land use planning and the protection of habitat and biodiversity. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Sustainable Ecosystems. Environment 5 20 15 This is mainly due to additional resources received throughout the year for the Great Lake Nutrient Initiative.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Great Lakes This program provides leadership, oversight, coordination, funding and governance mechanisms for the Great Lakes Ecosystem Initiative by managing, delivering and reporting on a number of key initiatives: the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health, Great Lakes Nutrient Initiative, Great Lakes Action Plan, and Action Plan for Clean Water (Great Lakes sediment remediation implementation). Work encompasses policy development, issues management, planning, reporting, coordination of science and monitoring, and the development, implementation and analysis of agreements, plans and initiatives. The program works in collaboration with other federal departments and other levels of government in Canada and the U.S., Indigenous groups, conservation authorities and watershed management agencies, municipalities, environmental organizations and stewardship networks. Specifically, it implements Remedial Action Plans and Lakewide Action and Management Plans to improve environmental quality and achieve the vision of a healthy and prosperous Great Lakes ecosystem. Through the Great Lakes Action Plan, it works to restore beneficial use impairments in identified Areas of Concern, and implements contaminated sediment remediation projects through the Action Plan for Clean Water. Through the Great Lakes Nutrient Initiative, it also works to determine phosphorus targets and identify possible actions to reduce levels that contribute to harmful algae. The program monitors and assesses the water quality and ecosystem health of the Great Lakes and develops action plans and strategies to address evolving and historic issues of concern in the Great Lakes, including species and habitat protection, chemicals of concern to Canada and the United States, and the identification of climate change impacts on Great Lakes water quality. The program also regularly reports federally and provincially through the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health and bi-nationally through the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, including specifically through the State of the Great Lakes reports on environmental indicators, the Progress Report of the Parties (Canada-U.S.), updates on Lakewide Action and Management Plans, Canada-Ontario Agreement Progress Reports, and a report on groundwater science. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Sustainable Ecosystems. Environment 84 90 6
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Lake Simcoe/South-eastern Georgian Bay This program provides financial and technical support through the Lake Simcoe/South-eastern Georgian Bay Clean-Up Fund to implement priority projects through contributions to citizens, non-governmental organizations, provincial ministries, conservation authorities, land owners, universities and industry. The Fund also supports key research within federal departments. Priority objectives of the Fund are to support projects that: improve monitoring, assessment and information required to improve decision-making for phosphorus reduction strategies; conserve critical aquatic habitat and associated species through targeted aquatic habitat protection, restoration and creation; reduce rural and urban non-point sources of nutrients, including implementation of best management practices for soil, crops, livestock, etc.: creation and rehabilitation of wetlands and naturalization of watercourses; and reduce discharges of phosphorus from point sources, including sewage, combined sewer overflows and urban storm water systems. This includes support to develop and test innovative approaches to manage urban storm water and wastewater. The initiative is administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada in consultation with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Province of Ontario, the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority and other key stakeholders. Program investments are expected to improve water quality for recreational use, substantially reduce phosphorus loads from urban and rural sources, advance the restoration of a sustainable cold-water fishery, and restore ecological integrity. This initiative is a key component of the government’s Action Plan for Clean Water and supports commitments of the federal government related to the Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Sustainable Ecosystems. Environment 13 15 2 This is mainly due to additional funding received throughout the year for the Great Lake Nutrient Initiative.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Lake Winnipeg The Lake Winnipeg Basin Initiative (LWBI) focuses on three key areas: science (research, modelling and monitoring); transboundary partnerships; and the implementation and administration of the Lake Winnipeg Basin Stewardship Fund, which provides financial support for high-impact, solution-oriented projects aimed at reducing nutrient loads and improving the long-term ecological health of the lake and watershed. The program works with existing water governance bodies to explore options and opportunities to cooperatively develop and support implementation of a basin-wide nutrient strategy, in addition to providing a forum for communication. This includes working with the Province of Manitoba to continue implementation of the Canada-Manitoba Memorandum of Understanding Respecting Lake Winnipeg, which provides for a long-term collaborative and coordinated approach between the two governments to support the sustainability and health of the Lake Winnipeg Basin. The program financially supports the Lake Winnipeg Research Consortium to facilitate and enhance community-led scientific research via the only lake-based research vessel in existence (i.e., the Motor Vessel Namao). As well, the program financially supports the ongoing development and expansion of the single-window web information portal, housed at the University of Manitoba, to better promote and enable data sharing and analysis with partners and other networks, in order to support research on Lake Winnipeg. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Sustainable Ecosystems. Environment 22 22 0
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems St. Lawrence This program provides leadership, oversight and coordination to the overall governance of the St. Lawrence Action Plan and reports results achieved collectively by the Government of Canada and Government of Quebec. It works to establish cooperative partnerships between the federal and provincial governments and non-governmental organizations in order to address biodiversity conservation, water quality improvement, and sustainability of beneficial uses. It also supports stakeholder participation in collaboration processes and communities in improving environmental quality through grants and contribution agreements. The program conducts and coordinates research, monitoring and prediction activities in the St. Lawrence with other federal and provincial departments and releases regular reports on the state of the St. Lawrence, fact sheets on 21 environmental indicators, and the results of the St. Lawrence Action Plan. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Sustainable Ecosystems.
Environment 23 20 -3 This is mainly due to a realignment of resources between programs.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Sustainable Ecosystems Sustainability Reporting and Indicators The Sustainability Reporting and Indicators program provides consolidated information to Parliament and Canadians on key environmental issues in Canada and related federal government activities, specifically through the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) and the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) initiative. To support the Federal Sustainable Development Act, this program ensures that Environment and Climate Change Canada meets its obligation to lead the implementation, tracking and reporting of the FSDS  , whose mandate is to support and foster transparency and accountability to the public and Parliament. In accordance with the Act, a strategy is tabled in Parliament every three years, setting out the federal sustainable development goals, targets and implementation strategies. In addition, this program provides, at least once every three years, a report on the federal government’s progress in implementing the FSDS. The CESI is integral to the implementation of both the FSDS and Environment and Climate Change Canada’s broader public information mandate. Through close collaboration with science and data experts across the federal government, CESI develops and regularly reports on a wide range of environmental indicators used to track and report on the progress of the FSDS and to keep Parliament and Canadians informed and up-to-date on the state and trends of environmental issues of concern, including air quality and climate, water quality and availability, and protecting nature. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Sustainable Ecosystems. Environment 58 50 -8 This is mainly due to a reduction of spending under the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) Initiative.
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Water Resources Hydrometric Services This program provides critical hydrometric data, information and knowledge needed by Canadian jurisdictions to make informed water management decisions. The information provided by this program protects the health and safety of Canadians by supporting the goals and mandates of all levels of government that manage water. The data is used for flood forecasting, emergency response, infrastructure design and scientific research. The data is essential for improving economic efficiency in the agriculture, hydroelectricity and transportation sectors. Domestic and international water management boards under program 1.2.2. and international, federal, provincial, territorial and municipal agencies rely on the outputs of this sub program for regulation of, and response to, changing water levels and flows. Under the Canada Water Act, the monitoring activities of this program are carried out through cost shared bilateral agreements between Environment and Climate Change Canada and each of the provinces and territories (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada represents Nunavut). These agreements create the national framework within which Environment and Climate Change Canada collects, interprets and provides water level and flow information. Environment 226 225 -1
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Water Resources Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems Health This program conducts research and monitoring activities to report on freshwater quality and aquatic ecosystem health of waters within the federal mandate and to contribute to informed decision making on public policy and regulations related to water management in Canada (e.g., under the Canada Water Act, Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Fisheries Act, and International Boundary Waters Treaty Act). The program monitors and reports on the status and trends of fresh water quality and aquatic ecosystem health at provincial, territorial and international boundaries, within federal lands, and on nationally significant bodies of water using a cooperative and risk-based approach. The program identifies the hydrologic and aquatic ecosystem impacts of climate change and variability to inform adaptation planning and mitigation actions, including responsible resource development, and to support the development of domestic and international climate and water policy decision making. The program includes collaboration with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Fisheries and Oceans Canada to deliver data and information to inform the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program, a food safety program that aims to protect the health and safety of shellfish-consuming Canadians and that maintains international market access for Canada’s shellfish exports. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions in support of Water Resources. Environment 317 334 17
Department of the Environment Canada's natural environment is conserved and restored for present and future generations. Water Resources Water Resource Management and Use This program supports integrated water management decisions at the federal, provincial, and territorial levels. It promotes and enables the application of science-based information to inform decision making in an integrated and coherent manner consistent with the Department of the Environment Act, International Boundary Waters Treaty Act, Canada Water Act and International River Improvements Act. The program coordinates water quality and water quantity science and monitoring to inform decisions, policy development and management approaches. It provides science, engineering and monitoring information to domestic water boards and Canada-US water boards (e.g., International Joint Commission boards) and contributes Departmental expertise to these water boards in order to regulate water levels and flows to protect ecosystems and a wide range of socio-economic interests related to domestic and Canada-U.S. transboundary waters. Environment 28 43 15 This is mainly due to a realignment of resources between programs.
Department of the Environment Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions. Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians Climate Information, Predictions and Tools This program generates new knowledge and information about past, present and future states of the climate system and how it functions, as well as on the changing composition of the atmosphere and related impacts. Its work includes: developing global and regional climate models and scenarios; detecting human influence on climate change in Canada, including extremes; understanding the North and the Canadian cryosphere; and tracking atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases and aerosols across Canada, including in remote locations. These activities increase understanding of the impacts of climate change on society, economic sectors and ecosystems. Results from the program’s analysis and research activities provide the scientific basis for policy development, mitigation, adaptation planning and decision-making for programs such as the Federal Adaptation Policy Framework, as well as products, services and tools to Canadians. In particular, climate services inform and assist users in adapting to both present climate variability and medium- to long-term changes in climate. The program shares data, science and information with all levels of government in Canada, academia, industry, consortia, standards councils, and the national and international scientific community, including organizations such as the World Meteorological Organization, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The program meets responsibilities under the Department of the Environment Act, Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1999), Emergency Management Act (2007), National Research Council Act (Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes), and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (articles 4 and 5: monitoring and research). This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions in support of Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians. Environment 159 141 -18 This is mainly due to a realignment of resources between programs.
Department of the Environment Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions. Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians Health-related Meteorological Information This program provides forecasts, tools, data and information on atmospheric conditions that affect health, such as air quality, extreme temperatures and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It supports the mandates of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Health Canada and many provincial government agencies, along with public and non-governmental health agencies. The program includes work on the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI), info smog, UV Index forecast and other projects that assist Canadians in making informed decisions to protect their health and reduce pollution, and that enable health agencies to help vulnerable populations respond to changing atmospheric conditions. It is delivered across Canada through collaborations promoting data and information dissemination. Collaborators include the media, public health agencies at all levels of government, provincial environment agencies and non-governmental agencies. This program also makes use of systematic observations and monitoring of air pollutants, including data collected under the Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN) program, stratospheric ozone and UV radiation in the atmosphere. The program hosts the World Brewer Calibration Centre and World Ozone and UV Data Centre, operated on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization and used by over 75 government agencies around the world. The Centre generates a number of products delivered from various stratospheric ozone and UV observation sources, which are available online for use by the public and international meteorological community. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions in support of Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians. Environment 14 57 43 This is mainly due to new resources received for Addressing Air Pollution Initiative.
Department of the Environment Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions. Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians Weather and Environmental Observations, Forecasts and Warnings This program provides 24/7 weather warnings and atmospheric and environmental forecasts and information, with lead times of minutes to weeks. Its purpose is to help Canadians and a variety of economic sectors anticipate dangerous meteorological events to allow sufficient time to protect themselves and their property. Product and service quality depends upon research, science, modelling, and the supercomputing capacity managed by Shared Services Canada. The program is delivered through collaborations involving data, science and information distribution in Canada and internationally. Collaborators are the media, all levels of government, academia, other national meteorological services, and research and space agencies. The program meets responsibilities under the Department of the Environment Act and Weather Modification Information Act, and supports other departments acting under the Emergency Management Act (2007). This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Assessed Contributions to the World Meteorological Organization and Grants and Contributions in support of Weather and Environmental Services for Canadians. Environment 887 899 12
Department of the Environment Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions. Weather and Environmental Services for Targeted Users Meteorological Services in Support of Air Navigation The Aviation Weather program provides a range of aviation weather services, including forecasts and warnings 24 hours/day, 365 days/year. The services are provided under a cost-recovery agreement with NAV CANADA, Canada’s air navigation system operator, and support decision-making throughout the aviation industry, including domestic and international airlines and the regulating body, Transport Canada. Information supports both tactical and strategic decisions to optimize air transportation safety and efficiency. Environment 142 127 -15 This is mainly due to a realignment of resources between programs.
Department of the Environment Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions. Weather and Environmental Services for Targeted Users Meteorological Services in Support of Military Operations This program provides the Department of National Defence (DND) with the meteorological and oceanographic information, predictions and tools needed for the operations of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in Canada and abroad. It is a collaborative program, operating under a memorandum of understanding with DND, responding to CAF-specific needs and recovering its incremental costs from DND. The program is critical to CAF operations, as it contributes to the effectiveness and safety of tactical, operational and strategic missions and exercises within Canada and in various active military areas globally. It also supports DND’s legal and statutory responsibilities under the Aeronautics Act, the legal foundation for military aviation safety. Environment 101 78 -23 This is mainly due to a realignment of resources between programs.
Department of the Environment Canadians are equipped to make informed decisions on changing weather, water and climate conditions. Weather and Environmental Services for Targeted Users Meteorological and Ice Services in Support of Marine Navigation This program provides mariners, marine industries and regulatory agencies with forecasts of the weather, sea state and ice conditions 24/7. It supports the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the World Meteorological Organization and the International Hydrographic Organization by providing meteorological information for Canadian and international Arctic waters, and supports the goals and mandates of the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The program helps marine industries and other interests operating in Canadian waters, including organizations involved in shipping, fisheries and resource extraction, to make tactical decisions (such as ship routing), in order to maximize their safety and efficiency. As a key collaborator, the CCG broadcasts information generated by this program to marine interests and provides in-situ weather, sea-state and ice information through their fleet operations to Environment and Climate Change Canada. The program also provides detailed sea- and lake-ice analyses and forecast information to CCG under a cost-recovered arrangement in support of the CCG ice management responsibilities. The program meets responsibilities under the Department of the Environment Act, Oceans Act and Fisheries Act. It also supports commitments to the IMO, International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. Environment 145 127 -18 This is mainly due to a realignment of resources between programs.
Department of the Environment The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 1375 1433 58
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Climate Change and Clean Air Climate Change and Clean Air Regulatory Program Industrial Sector Emissions This program aims to reduce emissions of air pollutants (APs) and greenhouse gases (GHGs) from industrial sectors under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999). Key activities include the development of GHG standards and regulations for electricity, oil and gas, and emissions-intensive trade-exposed sectors and the finalization of AP standards, regulations and other risk management instruments for major industrial sectors and equipment types, as part of the Air Quality Management System. This also includes negotiating and developing equivalency agreements with interested provinces or territories. It is responsible for reporting requirements under CEPA 1999 for tracking and reporting releases of harmful substances and for the design and implementation of an electronic data collection and management system, which provides a harmonized system for reporting on GHG and AP emissions. The program provides information to Canadians and decision makers about the environmental and health impacts associated with air pollutants. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Climate Change and Clean Air. Environment 181 491 310 This is mainly due to new resources for activities under Clean Growth and  Climate Change and Addressing Air Pollution Initiatives.
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Climate Change and Clean Air Climate Change and Clean Air Regulatory Program Transportation Sector Emissions Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, this program aims to reduce emissions from transportation sources (vehicles, engines and fuels) through key activities such as the delivery of sound science and scientific advice, the development of greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutant regulations and the implementation and administration of those regulations. These activities also include scientific testing and emissions verification to ensure compliance with standards. In addition, the program works with Transport Canada to address air pollutant and GHG emissions from maritime shipping, through development of new domestic and international standards, and recommends practices for marine vessels in collaboration with the International Maritime Organization. As well, it shares information and identifies areas of joint interest with provinces and territories toward reducing emissions through the Mobile Sources Working Group. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Climate Change and Clean Air. Environment 48 140 92 This is mainly due to new resources for activities under Clean Growth and  Climate Change and Addressing Air Pollution Initiatives.
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Climate Change and Clean Air Environmental Technology The program objective is to improve the environmental performance of technologies and processes, particularly with respect to clean air, climate change and sustainable development. The program achieves its results by providing policy analysis, technical and scientific support, and program oversight to select Government of Canada environmental or energy programs such as Sustainable Development Technology Canada and the Green Municipal Fund. This program may also use funding from the Climate Change and Clean Air transfer payment. Environment 56 56 0
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Climate Change and Clean Air International Climate Change and Clean Air Partnerships This program leads the development and implementation of international agreements and cooperation programs to address air pollution and climate change. This includes coordinating the development of Canada’s policy and negotiating positions and participation in relevant international fora. The program leads and participates in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and complementary international processes that help shape and implement collective actions to address climate change. It also leads Canada’s participation in international partnerships, notably the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to reduce short-lived climate pollutants, the Arctic Council Task Force on Black Carbon and Methane and the Global Methane Initiative. The program meets international obligations by contributing to organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research. It works under the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement to manage transboundary air pollution, implements the U.S.-Canada Clean Energy Dialogue to support bilateral collaboration on clean energy priorities, and participates in the Commission for Environmental Co-operation (CEC) to address common issues related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The program also participates in negotiations to implement the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, and coordinates Canada’s participation under the Montreal Protocol and its Multilateral Fund towards the gradual elimination of ozone-depleting substances and promotes the control of hydrofluorocarbons at a global level. This program may use funding from the following transfer payments: Climate Change and Clean Air, Assessed contribution for Canada’s share of the CEC budget and Grants under the Montreal Protocol. Environment 24 40 16 This is mainly due to new funding for activities under Clean Growth and   Climate Change and Addressing  Air Pollution initiatives.
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Compliance Promotion and Enforcement - Pollution This program contributes to minimizing damage and threats to the natural environment and biodiversity through the promotion and enforcement of legislation administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada. Activities focus on pollution, including the release of toxic substances to air, water or land, and the import and export of hazardous waste that presents a risk to the environment and/or human health. The program maintains a contingent of compliance promotion and enforcement officers. Compliance promotion officers deliver activities to increase regulatees’ awareness, understanding and compliance with regulations and other risk management instruments under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and the Fisheries Act, with the goal of increasing effectiveness in achieving desired environmental results. They also provide information on risk management instrument requirements, the benefits of compliance and the potential penalties of non-compliance, when applicable. Enforcement officers, on the other hand, conduct inspections to verify compliance with laws and regulations, gather intelligence, take enforcement action to bring offenders back into compliance, and pursue investigations where necessary. This program collaborates with international and domestic partners to strengthen transboundary environmental enforcement. Officers are provided training and are often supported by scientific analyses and expertise, including science advice to support enforcement actions. In addition, the program is supported by scientific analysis and expertise for the development and implementation of new and updated regulations. Environment 276 340 64 This is mainly due to new resources received for Clean and Growth and Climate Change and Addressing Air Pollution Initiatives.
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Substances and Waste Management Contaminated Sites This program is primarily directed to Environment and Climate Change Canada’s responsibilities in supporting the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP). The FCSAP is a 15-year Government of Canada horizontal program aimed at reducing environmental and human health risks from known federal contaminated sites and associated federal financial liabilities. Fifteen federal departments (including Environment and Climate Change Canada), agencies and consolidated Crown corporations responsible for contaminated sites are currently involved in the FCSAP program, either as custodians of sites or in a supporting role. Environment and Climate Change Canada’s responsibilities include hosting the FCSAP Secretariat, developing guidance and program policies, providing expert support to federal custodians for the assessment and remediation/risk management activities at their sites, and completing assessment and remediation/risk management activities at its own contaminated sites. In addition, the FCSAP Secretariat coordinates implementation of the Shared Sites Policy Framework. Environment 3 49 46 This is mainly due to increased temporary funding received for the renewal of the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP).
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Substances and Waste Management Effluent Management This program supports management of risks to the environment and human health from the discharge and deposit of waste residues into water (e.g. effluent). This is achieved through the development, implementation and administration of strategies and programs, such as pollution prevention plans, regulations, codes of practice, guidelines and environmental performance agreements. Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and Fisheries Act, the program addresses waste discharges and substances of concern in the effluent of industrial and public sectors, including but not limited to mining and processing, forest products, municipal wastewater and other sectors. Key activities include: conducting policy research and risk analysis; developing and implementing regulations and other control instruments; assessing the results of environmental effects monitoring conducted by regulated facilities; providing technical advice to environmental assessments; and acting as the focal point for the Fisheries Act pollution prevention provisions (FA-PPP). Specifically, the program administers the FA-PPP, including the development of risk management instruments, and administers the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations, Metal Mining Effluent Regulations and Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations to control or manage the deposit of deleterious substances into water in order to reduce the threats to fish and fish habitat and to human health from fish consumption. Program delivery requires collaboration with partners (including other federal government departments, other levels of government and associations) and consultation with industry, Indigenous groups and other stakeholders. Environment 47 55 8 This is mainly due to increased temporary funding received for the renewal of the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP).
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Substances and Waste Management Environmental Emergencies This program protects Canadians and their environment from the effects of emergency pollution incidents, through the provision of science-based expert advice and regulations. Specifically, it aims to reduce the frequency and consequences of emergency pollution incidents through five major activities: prevention, preparedness, response, recovery, and research and development. Prevention involves providing expert advice to proponents of large development projects through the environmental assessment process and regulating chemical facilities to develop and implement environmental emergency plans. Effective preparedness is built on role clarity, effective decision-making and communication, and trust and cooperation among government, industry and communities. During an emergency response, the National Environmental Emergencies Centre is Environment and Climate Change Canada’s focal point for provision of scientific advice, such as weather forecasting, contaminant trajectory modelling, the fate and behaviour of hazardous substances, sensitivity mapping, the establishment of clean-up priorities, and the protection of sensitive ecosystems and wildlife, such as migratory birds and species at risk, as well as the protection of culturally significant sites. Recovery activities include assessing damage and providing advice to polluters on repairing environments damaged by environmental emergencies. By providing trusted, science-based expert advice and information in a variety of formats, the program is able to assist emergency response agencies and industries in making responsible decisions about the environment before, during and after an environmentally significant pollution incident. Environment 88 84 -4
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Substances and Waste Management Marine Pollution This program assesses, controls and monitors the disposal at sea of wastes and other matter, and advises on marine pollution from ships. As of 2010, the program is responsible for assessing and controlling the risks to the environment resulting from Canadian activities in the Antarctic. The program uses a mix of regulatory and non-regulatory instruments to prevent marine pollution. It addresses impacts on sediments and other wastes, administers prohibitions and controls, and assesses and issues permits for disposal at sea and Antarctic expeditions. Two cost-recovery fees are applicable to disposal at sea permits: an application fee assessed on all permits, and a permit fee assessed on dredged and inert inorganic material. The program conducts research and develops decision-making and monitoring tools and standards and makes contributions to the federal coordination of marine pollution prevention (ship-sourced). Relevant legislation for the program includes the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, including Part 7, Division 3 (Disposal at Sea), and the Antarctic Environmental Protection Act, 2003. International obligations include the London Convention and Protocol, the Antarctic Treaty and the Madrid Protocol. The program also works to advance Canadian positions to influence global rules aimed at reducing and managing global marine pollution from all sources. This program may use funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions in support of Substances and Waste Management. Environment 34 29 -5 This is primarily due to the decrease in funding for the World Class Tanker Safety System.
Department of the Environment Threats to Canadians and their environment from pollution are minimized. Substances and Waste Management Substances Management This program is responsible for assessing and managing risks to the environment from all existing substances identified under the Chemicals Management Plan, as well as from new substances (upon notification by industry of their import or manufacture). The program uses science-based risk assessment, priority setting and timely regulatory actions (or other measures where appropriate) to manage risks associated with substances determined to be harmful. It works to improve substance management through research and monitoring, cyclical updates of the Domestic Substances List, tracking of pollutant releases (through reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory) and ongoing performance assessment of control-risk measures. The program uses regulations and other control measures under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Part 4 and 5, Controlling Toxic Substances) to address the risk posed by substances of concern throughout their life cycle (e.g., released to air, water, soil and sediments from industrial processes, consumer and commercial products, or end-of-life products and waste). Also included is the international and interprovincial movement of waste and hazardous recyclable material. The program maintains transparency with stakeholders through consultation processes, including engagement at the national and international levels. International engagement occurs through such organizations as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United States-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council. International obligations include commitments under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm and Vienna Conventions, the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and the Minamata Convention on Mercury. This program may use funding from the following transfer payments: Contributions in support of Substances and Waste Management and Assessed Contributions to the OECD. Environment 441 408 -33
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Quebec's regions have a growing economy. Business Development Business Performance The goal of this sub-program is to increase Quebec enterprises’ performance and competitiveness. To face global competition, the Quebec economy is confronted with the challenge of enhancing productivity. Productivity gains can be achieved among other things through investment carried out by Quebec enterprises. In fact, in the context of growing global competition, Quebec enterprises wishing to expand or to ensure their survival have to innovate and convert their ideas into business opportunities, enhance their productivity and penetrate new markets. CED assists enterprises from the different regions of Quebec to help them meet these challenges. It does so by encouraging them to invest to optimize their production and increase their efforts with respect to innovation, technology transfer, commercialization and exports. CED also supports the structuring of business networks in which enterprises operate. CED’s intervention in this sub-program is aimed at enterprises and non-profit organizations that support enterprises or entrepreneurs. CED acts on enterprises’ performance through its grants and contributions program, the QEDP. Economic Development 99 109 10 In order to better meet the needs of businesses and regions, we have reallocated some FTEs between our programs in accordance with our ministerial authorizations. As a result, there is a decrease in FTEs for  Entrepreneurship Support, Regional Engagement and Infrastructure Modernization sub-programs for the benefit of Business Performance, Regional Investment and Community Futures sub-programs .
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Quebec's regions have a growing economy. Business Development Entrepreneurship Support This sub-program is aimed at increasing the pool of enterprises in Quebec. CED hopes to contribute to enhancing entrepreneurial dynamism throughout Quebec in order to promote the growth and development of new entrepreneurs. To do so, on the one hand CED encourages business pre-startups and startups, and, on the other hand, it supports the survival of existing enterprises by promoting succession planning and supporting business transfer. In this sub-program, CED provides support primarily to enterprises or through non-profit organizations that support enterprises or entrepreneurs, such as entrepreneurship centres, incubators, and transfer and spinoff organizations. CED contributes to supporting entrepreneurship through its grants and contributions program, the QEDP. Economic Development 25 13 -12 In order to better meet the needs of businesses and regions, we have reallocated some FTEs between our programs in accordance with our ministerial authorizations. As a result, there is a decrease in FTEs for  Entrepreneurship Support, Regional Engagement and Infrastructure Modernization sub-programs for the benefit of Business Performance, Regional Investment and Community Futures sub-programs .
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Quebec's regions have a growing economy. Regional Economic Development Regional Engagement This sub-program is aimed at supporting local communities as they take charge of their development so as to strengthen the economic base of Quebec’s regions. Local accountability with regard to local economic development and the synergy with which stakeholders interact are success factors in eliciting the establishment of growth-generating projects. CED sustains the growth and diversification of Quebec communities by supporting engagement and joint action by the various stakeholders, the planning of their economic development, canvassing, pursuit of funding and implementation of structuring, recovery or diversification initiatives. In this sub-program, CED intervenes primarily through non-profit organizations. This sub-program aims to support investments in the regions through its grants and contributions program, the QEDP. Economic Development 6 1 -5 In order to better meet the needs of businesses and regions, we have reallocated some FTEs between our programs in accordance with our ministerial authorizations. As a result, there is a decrease in FTEs for  Entrepreneurship Support, Regional Engagement and Infrastructure Modernization sub-programs for the benefit of Business Performance, Regional Investment and Community Futures sub-programs .
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Quebec's regions have a growing economy. Regional Economic Development Regional Investment This sub-program is aimed at increasing investment in the different regions of Quebec so as to strengthen and diversify their economic activity base. Quebec’s regions are faced with global competition, and must stand out to attract the investments needed to maximize their economic growth. Quebec must build on its current strengths, such as: a diversified economy, including, among other things, access to the North American market, niches of excellence, skilled workers, an enviable quality of life, abundant resources and distinctive tourism. CED supports regions in their efforts to acquire the equipment necessary to harness their assets in order to stimulate business and generate economic benefits. It also does so by enhancing promotion of regional assets with a view to increasing tourist spending and the attraction of foreign direct investment through foreign firms and international organizations. This sub-program aims to support investments in the regions through its grants and contributions program, the QEDP. Economic Development 15 20 5 In order to better meet the needs of businesses and regions, we have reallocated some FTEs between our programs in accordance with our ministerial authorizations. As a result, there is a decrease in FTEs for  Entrepreneurship Support, Regional Engagement and Infrastructure Modernization sub-programs for the benefit of Business Performance, Regional Investment and Community Futures sub-programs .
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Quebec's regions have a growing economy. Strengthening Community Economies Community Futures Program This sub-program is aimed at assisting local economic development in rural areas in order to strengthen the economies of Quebec communities. It implements a national program called the Community Futures Program (CFP). The CFP contributes to strengthening the ability of rural communities to diversify their economic base to foster long-term prosperity and sustainability. By means of the CFP, CED encourages access to capital, availability of consulting services and support for local projects and Quebec rural communities’ planning and socio-economic development. CED delivers the CFP in Quebec by supporting the Community Futures Development Corporations and Business Development Centres, by means of contribution agreements. Economic Development 12 17 5 In order to better meet the needs of businesses and regions, we have reallocated some FTEs between our programs in accordance with our ministerial authorizations. As a result, there is a decrease in FTEs for  Entrepreneurship Support, Regional Engagement and Infrastructure Modernization sub-programs for the benefit of Business Performance, Regional Investment and Community Futures sub-programs .
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Quebec's regions have a growing economy. Strengthening Community Economies Infrastructure Modernization This sub-program is aimed at ensuring sound and effective management of infrastructure programs in order to strengthen the economy of Quebec’s communities. Quality public infrastructure is a key factor in economic development. CED acts as Infrastructure Canada’s delivery partner for the administration in Quebec of the Building Canada Fund (Communities and Large Urban Centres component). This grants and contributions program is the subject of an agreement between Infrastructure Canada and the Quebec government and is aimed primarily at municipalities. Economic Development 4 0 -4 In order to better meet the needs of businesses and regions, we have reallocated some FTEs between our programs in accordance with our ministerial authorizations. As a result, there is a decrease in FTEs for  Entrepreneurship Support, Regional Engagement and Infrastructure Modernization sub-programs for the benefit of Business Performance, Regional Investment and Community Futures sub-programs .
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Quebec's regions have a growing economy. Strengthening Community Economies Targeted and/or Temporary Support This sub-program is aimed at providing targeted and/or temporary support for Quebec communities’ economic activity in order to stabilize or strengthen their economies. CED provides support to Quebec communities facing economic shocks, natural disasters or situations that can have an adverse impact on their economic development, and that are facing serious economic development issues or are presented with development opportunities likely to have a positive impact on the regions. This sub-program is aimed primarily at enterprises and non-profit organizations. CED intervenes in this sub-program through temporary or dedicated additional funding from the Government of Canada or specific funds allocated by CED through its grants and contributions program, the QEDP. Economic Development 30 30 0
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 132 140 8
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Business Development Business Growth and Productivity A number of studies indicate that Ontario’s productivity lags behind its U.S. counterparts. As a result, southern Ontario needs to increase productivity to remain competitive in the global economy. This sub-program provides repayable and non-repayable contributions to for-profit and not-for-profit corporations to help improve productivity of individual businesses, industry sectors, and economic clusters so that southern Ontario can be more competitive. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives. Economic Development 17 20 3 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Business Development Business Investment This sub-program is necessary because one of the largest challenges to the southern Ontario economy is the lack of access to capital by start-ups to help commercialize their ideas, particularly since the economic downturn. To remain competitive and be a leader in the knowledge-based economy, access to capital is necessary for the success of southern Ontario businesses and the overall economic prosperity of the region. This sub-program provides non-repayable contributions to not-for-profit organizations offering mentorship, entrepreneurial support and seed financing to help new businesses grow and succeed; as well as angel investor networks to encourage increased investment in new businesses. Repayable contributions are also provided to start-up businesses to accelerate the commercialization of new products, processes and practices by leveraging private sector investment. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives. Economic Development 13 16 3 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Business Development Business Services Through this sub-program area, FedDev Ontario is helping companies of differing stages and sizes pursue business opportunities that impact the local, regional and national economies. Ensuring access to the right information and services; including reducing barriers for those looking to start, manage or grow their business are essential to the long-term prosperity of southern Ontario. Through client-focused service that aims to reduce the complexity of dealing with multiple levels of government and provide strategic guidance, southern Ontario businesses can make well-informed decisions that will contribute to their success through sound planning, market research and the use of strategic business information.As a member of the Canada Business Network, Canada Business Ontario provides information on federal and provincial programs, and services and regulations, free of charge for businesses located across Ontario.Additionally, FedDev Ontario helps southern Ontario firms respond to business opportunities in aerospace and defence industries including by leveraging the policy on Industrial and Technological Benefits that is applied on large military procurements and facilitating collaborations between these businesses and defence prime contractors. FedDev Ontario also promotes the industrial and technological capabilities of these firms to defence prime contractors. Economic Development 21 19 -2 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Community Economic Development Community Futures Program Rural southern Ontario continues to face persistent challenges: limited sources of capital for small- and medium-sized enterprises; consistently lower economic performance; declining number of available jobs; an aging workforce; and youth out-migration. Research has indicated that a region’s prosperity is intricately linked to the economic well-being of rural communities. The Community Futures Program is a national program that provides funding to Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) so that they can help rural communities develop their local economy and long-term sustainability. CFDCs generally focus on the following four business lines: business loans, business counselling, strategic community planning and priorities and, community economic development projects. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Community Futures Program. Economic Development 14 10 -4 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Community Economic Development Eastern Ontario Development Program The economic challenges facing rural eastern Ontario have been exacerbated in recent years as a result of the global recession and the pressures facing the manufacturing sector. Facing new economic realities, the region is continuing to undergo adjustments, restructuring, and related challenges. Eastern Ontario’s relatively large rural working age population is characterized by a higher share of older workers, and the region’s youth are leaving the area for other opportunities. Furthermore, the economic hardship felt by workers, families and communities in this region is reflected in its relatively lower wages and household incomes, a lower labour force participation, and a higher proportion of people receiving employment insurance benefits when compared to Ontario overall. This sub-program advances economic development in rural eastern Ontario. Through the Eastern Ontario Development Program, FedDev Ontario is collaborating with the 15 Community Futures Development Corporations in eastern Ontario and the Eastern Ontario Community Futures Development Corporations Network Inc. to promote the growth of new and existing businesses in rural communities. Funding is directed to recipients whose projects focus on business growth, community innovation and/or collaborative economic development. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Eastern Ontario Development Program. Economic Development 7 4 -3 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Community Economic Development Infrastructure Delivery The Infrastructure Delivery sub-program includes the delivery of funding on behalf of other government departments and in partnerships with other orders of government to provide assistance to not-for-profit, private and public sector entities for a range of infrastructure priority areas. This sub-program includes community infrastructure investments that help support a prosperous economy for Ontario and Canada by maintaining and continuing to attract highly skilled workers, businesses and investors. It also supports innovation in various industries, particularly the construction sector, by promoting modernization, the implementation of new technologies, and the acceleration of product development to market, thereby positioning the province and the country to better compete in the global knowledge-based economy. Economic Development 16 22 6 During 2016-17 FedDev Ontario adjusted the staff resources to address the increased volume of projects delivered through the Canada 150 Infrastructure Program. Resources were realigned to address a high workload program.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Community Economic Development Official Language Minority Communities This sub-program is necessary to help ensure the long-term economic growth and sustainability of official language minority communities in southern Ontario. It is also part of the Government of Canada’s Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013–2018.This sub-program includes a national program—the Economic Development Initiative—which provides funding to Francophone and bilingual organizations to help create jobs and promote economic development and sustainable growth in Francophone communities. Through this funding, official language minority communities are better able to strengthen innovation, entrepreneurship, and partnerships within their regions and work to sustain their economic activities. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Economic Development Initiative. Economic Development 6 1 -5 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Community Economic Development Regional Diversification By bringing not-for-profit organizations and private sector/community partners together to build on economic advantages, this sub-program aims to respond to regional challenges and opportunities, and develop mechanisms for creating competitive and resilient communities. This sub-program supports the long-term development of stronger, more diverse economies in southern Ontario communities through the leveraging of unique regional assets and local expertise to attract new investment and opportunities for regional economic growth and development. Funding will support projects that: enhance business attraction, investment and employment opportunities in southern Ontario regions and communities; strengthen regional businesses and clusters with the goal of economic diversification and sustainability; develop and expand collaborative efforts to strengthen regional assets and competitiveness; and improve the economic circumstances of communities facing distress. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives. Economic Development 7 3 -4 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Technological Innovation Advanced Manufacturing This sub-program promotes the long-term growth, productivity, and competitiveness of Ontario’s manufacturing sector, which is undergoing significant transformation. This is achieved through repayable contributions to eligible Ontario manufacturing firms and non-repayable contributions to not-for-profit organizations. This includes research institutions, centres of excellence, and post-secondary institutions located in Ontario that are collaborating with an anchor firm to benefit the manufacturing sector. Manufacturing is critical to Canada’s prosperity, provides high-quality, well-paying jobs, and is an important contributor to strong economic growth in Ontario. This sub-program supports: large-scale, incremental, and transformative advanced manufacturing activities intended to increase productivity; development and/or adoption of cutting-edge technologies, leading to product, process, and technological innovations; projects that will create spillover benefits for manufacturing clusters and/or global supply chains; and collaborations between the private sector, research institutions, and post-secondary institutions. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Advanced Manufacturing Fund. Research and Development 9 10 1 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario A Competitive Southern Ontario Economy. Technological Innovation Commercialization Partnerships This sub-program supports collaborative arrangements through which firms can combine individual offerings into more coherent, customer-facing solutions. Known as “innovation ecosystems,” these collaborations are a mechanism to support businesses in commercializing research and are well positioned in various industries to exploit emerging marketable ideas and capitalize on the assets and knowledge of businesses, post-secondary institutions, and not-for-profit organizations. The prosperity of southern Ontario has lagged behind international competitors in part due to the gap between innovation and commercialization and lower levels of business investment in research and development. Canada ranks high in discovery and advancement of science, but is less effective in converting research, new ideas and technologies into products and services of commercial value. This sub-program provides non-repayable contributions to post-secondary institutions and not-for-profit organizations within southern Ontario to promote business-led partnerships focused on creating and commercializing innovative products, technologies and services that are able to compete globally. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Southern Ontario Prosperity Initiatives. Research and Development 10 9 -1 FedDev Ontario Sub-Program reporting includes small FTE amounts, minor fluctuations in staffing can results in variances greater than 10%.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 112 112 0
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada A Canadian financial system resistant to money laundering and terrorist financing. Compliance Program FINTRAC’s Compliance Program is responsible for ensuring compliance with Part 1 of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) and associated regulations. The compliance program utilizes a risk based approach to deliver enforcement, relations and support activities that help ensure compliance with legislative and regulatory obligations that apply to individuals and entities operating in Canada’s financial system. Safety and Security 161 150 -11
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada A Canadian financial system resistant to money laundering and terrorist financing. Financial Intelligence Program FINTRAC’s Financial Intelligence Program, mandated by the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA), is a component of the broader national security and anti-crime agenda. The program strives to disrupt the ability of criminals and terrorist groups that seek to abuse Canada’s financial system and to reduce the profit incentive of crime. The main method of intervention used by the program is to analyze reported financial transactions and other information the Centre is authorized to receive and collect under the PCMLTFA to produce financial intelligence products including tactical case disclosures and strategic intelligence products that are relevant to the investigation, prosecution or understanding of money laundering and terrorist financing activities. Safety and Security 150 152 2
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 53 51 -2
Immigration and Refugee Board Resolve immigration and refugee cases before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. Admissibility Hearings and Detention Reviews Renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding foreign nationals or permanent residents who are alleged to be inadmissible to Canada pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act  (IRPA); and foreign nationals or permanent residents who are detained under IRPA authority. Safety and Security 90 87 -3
Immigration and Refugee Board Resolve immigration and refugee cases before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. Immigration Appeal It renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding sponsorship applications refused by the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship; certain removal orders made against permanent residents, refugees and other protected persons and holders of permanent resident visas; appeals by permanent residents outside of Canada who have been found not to have fulfilled their residency obligation; and appeals by the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness against a decision of the Immigration Division on admissibility. Safety and Security 125 130 5
Immigration and Refugee Board Resolve immigration and refugee cases before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. Refugee Appeal Renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding appeals against a decision made on a refugee protection claim of the Refugee Protection Division. International Engagement 120 91 -29 Appointments and reappointments of Governor in Council decision makers did not keep pace with vacancies.
Immigration and Refugee Board Resolve immigration and refugee cases before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law. Refugee Protection Renders quality decisions and resolves cases in a timely manner regarding refugee protection claims made by persons in Canada, and pre-removal risk assessments of persons subject to a removal order. International Engagement 405 407 2
Immigration and Refugee Board The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 245 261 16
Library and Archives of Canada Canada's documentary heritage is preserved and accessible to current and future generations. Access to documentary heritage This program provides access to original and digital versions of LAC collections by making them known and available. LAC provides access to the collections through consultation and reproduction services, as well as loans to other institutions. These services are available at various locations across Canada, in person, online, and through other channels. LAC also provides access through public programming in the form of exhibitions and events led by LAC or carried out in collaboration with other institutions. LAC expands access by developing web features, including contextual information and databases, as well as by increasing the amount of documentary heritage available online through collaborative digitization initiatives. LAC provides access to government records in accordance with the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, including to the personnel files of members of the Canadian Forces and former federal employees. Finally, the Documentary Heritage Communities Program provides financial contributions to promote Canada’s local documentary heritage institutions, to facilitate access to their collections and to increase their capacity by preserving them in a sustainable. Heritage and Culture 275 328 53 The variance between the number of planned and actual FTEs is due to the transfer of employees from one branch to another following a reorganization in LAC’s Operations Sector that affected programs 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 2.3, as well as a small increase due to the hiring of personnel to meet growing needs related to access.
Library and Archives of Canada Canada's documentary heritage is preserved and accessible to current and future generations. Documentation of Canadian society One of the pillars of LAC’s mandate is to evaluate and acquire Canada’s documentary heritage to reflect Canadian society and make it available to current and future generations. LAC’s holdings consist of published and unpublished information resources in a variety of formats and media, both analogue and digital.This program includes all activities aimed at evaluating, acquiring and processing Canada’s documentary heritage, which includes ensuring its authenticity and significance to Canadians. This program results in a collection that remains relevant to Canadians.LAC’s acquisitions are governed by legislation, as follows:• the Legal Deposit of Publications Regulations and the Library and Archives of Canada Act, whereby Canadian publishers must deposit a copy of all their publications with LAC;• the Library and Archives of Canada Act, whereby federal government records of archival and historical value must be transferred to LAC once their retention period has expired.LAC is also mandated to acquire records of archival and historical value created by private individuals, non-government organizations and the private sector that represent Canadian society—past and present. Lastly, LAC is mandated to acquire a representative sample of the documentary material of interest to Canada that is accessible to the public without restriction through the Internet or any similar medium. Heritage and Culture 142 113 -29 The variance between the number of planned and actual FTEs is due to the transfer of employees from one branch to another following a reorganization in LAC’s Operations Sector that affected programs 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 2.3.
Library and Archives of Canada Canada's documentary heritage is preserved and accessible to current and future generations. Stewardship of documentary heritage LAC manages a vast collection of materials in a wide variety of formats, both digital and analogue, to ensure their long-term preservation and accessibility. Traditional and cutting-edge archival and preservation techniques ensure the long-term preservation of relevant materials in both analogue and digital formats. The special-purpose buildings under LAC’s custody, such as the Preservation Centre, the Nitrate Film Preservation Facility, and the high-density collection storage facility, help prevent the deterioration of records and preserve their long-term integrity.The stewardship of these records includes all management activities and strategies aimed at ensuring the integrity, authenticity and availability of Canada’s documentary heritage. There are various types of stewardship activities: those related to the physical management of the collection, such as storage; those involving restoration and preservation, which include reducing deterioration of records and repairing already damaged records; and those associated with reproduction and the making of replacement copies, which ensure the preservation and availability of records that would otherwise be too fragile to access.For digital records, innovative strategies are implemented to maintain access and to ensure that the content is protected through proper transfer and storage. Heritage and Culture 142 165 23 The variance between the number of planned and actual FTEs is due to the hiring of personnel to meet growing needs in digitization for preservation purposes.
Library and Archives of Canada Current government information is managed to support government accountability. Collaboration in the management of government records Working collaboratively with central agencies, federal departments and agencies, intergovernmental committees and other stakeholders, LAC plays a lead role in developing standards, tools and best practices for information management and recordkeeping. LAC helps federal institutions to manage their information resources by:• providing advice on recordkeeping and records management;• preparing and delivering training and awareness sessions to federal public servants through seminars and forums on recordkeeping;• establishing networks in the Government of Canada information management community; and• coordinating initiatives that support the efforts of federal libraries and their respective departments. Transparency and Accountability 67 44 -23 The variance between the number of planned and actual FTEs is due to the transfer of employees from one branch to another following a reorganization in LAC’s Operations Sector that affected programs 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 2.3, as well as to departures related to the closing of the Pacific and Atlantic regional service centres.
Library and Archives of Canada Current government information is managed to support government accountability. Development of disposition authorizations To enable effective recordkeeping within federal institutions, Library and Archives Canada (LAC) issues records disposition authorizations. These authorizations specify the records to be transferred to LAC at the end of their active use based on their historical interest. Other records are disposed of by the creating institution at the end of their retention period. Transparency and Accountability 25 41 16 The variance between the number of planned and actual FTEs is due to the transfer of employees from one branch to another following a reorganization in LAC’s Operations Sector that affected programs 1.1, 1.2, 2.1 and 2.3.
Library and Archives of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 223 212 -11
Military Grievances External Review Committee The Chief of the Defence Staff and members of the Canadian Armed Forces have access to a fair, independent and timely review of military grievances. Independent Review of Military Grievances The Military Grievances External Review Committee, an independent tribunal, reviews military grievances referred to it pursuant to section 29 of the National Defence Act which provides a statutory right for an officer or a non-commissioned member who has been aggrieved, to grieve a decision, an act or an omission in the administration of the affairs of the Canadian Armed Forces; this is, with certain narrow exceptions, the only formal complaint process available to members of the Canadian Armed Forces. The Committee provides findings and recommendations to the Chief of the Defence Staff and the member who submitted the grievance. The findings and recommendations may also identify issues with policies or other matters of broad concern. The Committee conducts its review as informally and expeditiously as the circumstances and the considerations of fairness permit. The Committee reports the results of its activities through its annual report and various publications. Government Operations 32 29 -3
Military Grievances External Review Committee The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 14 12 -2
Military Police Complaints Commission The Military Police Complaints Commission (MPCC) ensures that the Canadian Forces Military Police has the highest standard of conduct according to law and police best practices, and is free from interference in its investigations. Complaints Resolution This program aims to successfully resolve complaints about the conduct of Military Police members as well as complaints about interference in Military Police investigations by overseeing and reviewing all complaints and requests for review. This program is necessary to help the Military Police to be as effective and as professional as possible in their policing duties and functions. Safety and Security 11 10 -1
Military Police Complaints Commission The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 19 16 -3
National Energy Board The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 158.8 160.5 1.7
National Energy Board The regulation of pipelines, power lines, energy development and energy trade contributes to the safety of Canadians, the protection of the environment and efficient energy infrastructure and markets, while respecting the rights and interests of those affected by National Energy Board decisions and recommendations. Energy Information Program Under this program, the supply, demand, production, development, transmission and trade of energy are analyzed to ensure the requirements of Canadians are appropriately met. Advice is provided on energy issues of interest. The Board uses energy information to inform its regulatory decisions and to produce publicly available assessments of energy trends, events and issues that may affect Canadian energy markets and the supply and demand for energy. Economic Development 42.4 37.3 -5.1 Variance due to realignment of FTEs from Energy Information program to Internal Services in support of Policy on Results implementation.
National Energy Board The regulation of pipelines, power lines, energy development and energy trade contributes to the safety of Canadians, the protection of the environment and efficient energy infrastructure and markets, while respecting the rights and interests of those affected by National Energy Board decisions and recommendations. Energy Regulation Energy Regulation Development This sub-program provides the energy sector and affected stakeholders with the regulatory expectations required for the development and operation of energy infrastructure and for oil and gas exploration and development activities in lands and offshore areas as defined in s.3 of the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act. The NEB develops and communicates regulations, guidance materials and related processes to ensure its regulatory expectations are clear and useful. The NEB actively seeks opportunities for improvement through amendments to regulations and guidance, non-mandatory goals and guidance, and other direction provided from time to time. Economic Development 29.5 34.7 5.2 Variance due to the realignment of FTEs from Energy Regulation to a new Core Responsibility - Engagement - in support of DRF implementation.
National Energy Board The regulation of pipelines, power lines, energy development and energy trade contributes to the safety of Canadians, the protection of the environment and efficient energy infrastructure and markets, while respecting the rights and interests of those affected by National Energy Board decisions and recommendations. Energy Regulation Energy Regulation Implementation, Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Through this sub-program, the NEB makes informed decisions and recommendations on issues and applications related to energy development, energy infrastructure, energy transportation, energy trade and related activities. As an independent regulatory tribunal, the NEB actively involves those affected by its regulatory decisions through public hearings and other engagement activities.The Board verifies and enforces compliance with regulatory requirements and expectations such as those set out in the Board regulations, and terms and conditions of approvals. The NEB conducts its monitoring and enforcement activities under eight regulatory implementation programs: integrity, emergency management, safety management, damage prevention, financial regulation, respecting rights and interests, security, and environmental protection. Through monitoring and enforcement, the NEB holds regulated entities accountable for results in the Canadian public interest. The public interest is inclusive of all Canadians and refers to a balance of economic, environmental and social considerations that changes as society’s values and preferences evolve over time. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment:National Energy Board Participant Funding Program. Economic Development 264.7 242 -22.7
National Film Board Canadian stories and perspectives are reflected in audiovisual media and accessible to Canadians and the world. Accessibility and Audience Engagement Conservation and preservation NFB productions, regardless of the work’s original source, are preserved and digitized in order to ensure their permanence and their accessibility to Canadians and the world, now and in future generations. This activity reduces the risks of technological obsolescence, minimizes the effects of time on the media on which works are recorded, and guarantees the physical security of works. Preservation and conservation require suitable tools and systems for identification, management, archiving and restoration. As Canadians’ media consumption migrates on-line, it is imperative that high-quality innovative Canadian content is available to them. Without a concerted conservation and preservation activity, this cultural heritage is at risk of loss. Heritage and Culture 15 27 12 The variance can be explained by a change in the methodology for allocating FTEs to post-production services, when they had previously been primarily allocated to production activities. The methodology was reviewed and improved in order to reflect the portion of internal technical services dedicated to the delivery of products in a variety of physical and digital formats.
National Film Board Canadian stories and perspectives are reflected in audiovisual media and accessible to Canadians and the world. Accessibility and Audience Engagement Consumer access and engagement This sub-program delivers Canadian audiovisual works to Canadian and international consumers. It exists to allow individual consumers to access and engage with Canadian cultural products that reflect our history and values and that interpret Canada to Canadians and to other nations. In so doing, national and international consumers share in a dynamic Canadian culture and heritage. Delivery mechanisms include the distribution, marketing and commercialization of audiovisual works via a diverse catalogue, the development of diversified markets and channels, i.e.: theatrical, television and Internet/mobile and hard goods in Canada and abroad. Heritage and Culture 71 86 15 The variance can be explained by a change in the methodology for allocating FTEs to post-production services, when they had previously been primarily allocated to production activities. The methodology was reviewed and improved in order to reflect the portion of internal technical services dedicated to the delivery of products in a variety of physical and digital formats.
National Film Board Canadian stories and perspectives are reflected in audiovisual media and accessible to Canadians and the world. Accessibility and Audience Engagement Educational and institutional access and engagement This sub-program enables Canadian and international educational and institutional groups to provide Canadian cultural products and their inherent values to their members and students. It supports the distribution and the use of Canadian audiovisual works and content, which include educational workshops and pedagogical activities to Canadian and international educational and institutional audiences. NFB productions and content must be widely accessible, promoted and distributed to Canadian and international Educational markets (teachers, schools, school boards, colleges, universities and ministries of education) , as well as Institutional markets (public libraries, social and health services, community and cultural associations and businesses) to engage Canadian youth and to support their educational activities. Delivery mechanisms include the distribution, marketing and commercialization of audiovisual works via a diverse catalogue, the development of diversified channels, i.e.: Internet, mobile and hard goods in Canada and abroad. Heritage and Culture 43 39 -4
National Film Board Canadian stories and perspectives are reflected in audiovisual media and accessible to Canadians and the world. Accessibility and Audience Engagement National and international industry outreach Through this sub-activity, the NFB enables the Canadian and international audiovisual industry to participate in the promotion of Canadian culture and heritage via private and public sector partnership. These partnerships facilitate the exchange of knowledge and creativity, foster a close collaboration with industry in major festivals and markets (i.e. MIP, BANFF, Hotdocs, Sunny Side of the doc) through panel discussions, Q&A, competitions, awards, etc...)Activities also include the marketing and promotion of NFB audiovisual works and thematic compilations in major national and international festivals/markets as well as events of significance (such as Oscars nominations, World Expositions, Quebec City’s 400th anniversary), and the marketing and promotion of retrospectives of the NFB and its notable filmmakers (Norman McLaren, Pierre Perrault, Alanis Obomsawin.) Heritage and Culture 21 16 -5 The difference is due to a change in methodology for the allocation of expenses (FTEs) to different activities. The methodology was revised and improved to better reflect the activities.
National Film Board Canadian stories and perspectives are reflected in audiovisual media and accessible to Canadians and the world. Audiovisual production This program activity contributes to Canadians’ understanding of the issues facing our country and raises awareness of Canadian viewpoints around the world. As a public sector producer, the NFB produces original audiovisual works that reflect diverse Canadian perspectives, including cultural, regional and aboriginal, and emanate from the diverse creators and communities that make up the country. This program activity operates where the private sector doesn’t, allowing creators to explore artistic and technological advances in form and content. It also ensures the identification, development and nurturing of talent and creative skills, within filmmaking and other creative communities. NFB programming is necessary to ensure that Canadians have access to diverse voices and content in both official languages. It promotes Canadian culture and values in events of national historic and cultural significance. As Canadians’ media consumption migrates online, the NFB provides leadership in the creation of innovative digital content in both official languages. Production activities include the conceptualization, research, development and production of documentaries, animation films, new media content and other emerging forms. Heritage and Culture 191 164 -27 The variance can be explained by a change in the methodology for allocating FTEs to post-production services, when they had previously been primarily allocated to production activities. The methodology was reviewed and improved in order to reflect the portion of internal technical services dedicated to the delivery of products in a variety of physical and digital formats.
National Film Board The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 51 64 13
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Industrial Research Assistance Program The program contributes to the growth and prosperity of Canadian small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) by stimulating innovation, adoption and/or commercialization of technology-based products, services, or processes in Canada. This is done through: 1) technical and related business advice and networking facilitated by a cross-Canada network of field professional staff; 2) cost-shared merit-based contributions; and 3) contributions supporting employment of post-secondary graduates. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Contributions to Firms; Contributions to Organizations; Youth Employment Program (YEP); Contributions to the Canadian HIV Technology Program (CHTD), Business Innovation Access Program and Canada Accelerator and Incubator Program. Economic Development 410 369 -41 The actual FTE deployment of 369 fell short of the planned deployment of 410. The difference is primarily due to the difficulty in recruiting Industry Technology Advisors because of their unique skill set.  Beyond this specific challenge, IRAP staffing follows the regular fluctuations of recruiting staff, retirements and turnover.
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Aerospace This sub-program advances product and process technologies to enhance the prosperity of the aerospace industry sector in Canada that is striving to remain competitive in the face of razor-thin margins and increasing regulatory demands. The sector is important to the Canadian economy as a major contributor to manufacturing trade and for hundreds of thousands of skilled jobs at all levels of the supply chain. It is also important for its impacts on the transportation costs of materials and products that drive the economy. Results are achieved through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development services in addition to custom technical services in specialized facilities, such as testing and prototyping, for transferring or advancing technologies into deployed solutions and improved practices for the marketplace. Economic Development 391.8 398.9 7.1
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Aquatic and Crop Resource Development In collaboration with industry, this sub-program develops improved varieties of crops and develops technologies for maximizing crop value and converting biomass to enhance the prosperity and global market share of the Canadian agriculture, bio-product, and natural health product industry sectors. This includes development and validation of value-added goods – from natural ingredients and health products through to chemicals and industrial oils and other products – for leveraging Canada’s abundance of aquatic and crop resources. Results are achieved through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development services in addition to specialized technical services for transferring or advancing technologies into deployed solutions and improved practices for the marketplace. Economic Development 217.7 220 2.3
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Automotive and Surface Transportation This sub-program provides technical knowledge and advances product and process technologies for producing more fuel-efficient, affordable, and environmentally-responsible ground vehicles and for delivering engineering solutions to complex technology challenges facing surface transport industries including heavy vehicle and rail. This is important for reducing transportation infrastructure and costs and for enhancing Canada’s share of ground vehicle supply chains and for enhancing the prosperity of the ground vehicle industry sector in Canada as it is faced with growing environmental concerns, competitive pressures, and stringent regulations. The Canadian economy relies on advanced manufacturing sectors such as the ground vehicle industries as major economic drivers, accounting for a significant portion of manufacturing trade, and therefore must remain competitive. Results are achieved through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development services in addition to specialized technical services, such as testing, prototyping and system integration, for transferring or advancing technologies into deployed solutions and improved practices for the marketplace. Economic Development 260.4 270.1 9.7
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Construction This sub-program provides technical knowledge and it advances product and process technologies to enhance the prosperity of the Canadian construction industry sector as it faces critical challenges in responding to expectations for better performing and more affordable buildings and infrastructure while striving to remain competitive in the global marketplace. The success of this sector is critical as a major contributor to Canada’s GDP, employing millions of individuals, and managing assets valued in the trillions of dollars. Results are achieved through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development and standardization services in addition to custom technical services -- such as testing, product and process validation, prototyping, and system integration in field and in specialized facilities -- for transferring or advancing technologies into deployed solutions and improved practices for the marketplace. Economic Development 178.3 196.3 18 The difference between planned and actual FTEs reflects increased program delivery in response to client demand.
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Energy, Mining and Environment This sub-program develops and advances technologies and techniques for enhancing the innovation capacity and growth of Canada’s natural resources and utility sectors. These sectors are important contributors to Canada’s GDP that are challenged by volatile global markets and growing environmental pressures. To remain sustainable, industries in these sectors require technologies to reduce production costs. Results are achieved through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development services in addition to specialized advisory and technical services for transferring or advancing technologies into industrial solutions for the marketplace. Economic Development 192.5 201.2 8.7
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Human Health Therapeutics In collaboration with industry, this sub-program develops vaccines and biologics for enhancing the prosperity of the Canadian bio-therapeutics industry, and to provide more effective treatments to Canadians. Activities include developing biologic materials for treating and preventing infectious and chronic diseases, and technologies to deliver therapeutics from circulation in the blood to the central nervous system. Results are achieved through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development services in addition to specialized technical services for transferring or advancing technologies into deployed solutions and improved practices for the marketplace. Economic Development 299.4 331.6 32.2 The difference between planned and actual FTEs is associated with anticipatory growth required to increase the capacity and capability to address imminent applied research needs.
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Information and Communication Technologies In support of Canada’s digital economy, this sub-program applies leading-edge expertise in software development, semiconducting materials and photonic device design and fabrication to design, validate, demonstrate and deliver both physical and software solutions that lead to new market opportunities for industries in Canada’s information and communication technology (ICT) sector. These technologies will address the explosive growth of data and escalating needs for greater connectivity, as well as revolutionary ways to use computers to make decisions, synthesize information, and discover new knowledge, thereby increasing Canada’s global share of the growing ICT market. Results are achieved through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development services in addition to specialized technical services in state-of-the-art facilities for transferring or advancing technologies into deployed solutions and improved practices for the marketplace. This includes custom manufacturing of novel components for innovative photonic, electronic, and opto-electronic devices. Economic Development 217.2 239.7 22.5 The difference between planned and actual FTEs is associated with growth required to increase the capacity and capability of the subprogram to address research needs as well as deliver on significant increases in contract services as indicated by the performance indicators.
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Medical Devices This sub-program applies expertise in biochips, nano-materials, micro-devices, in vitro diagnostics, imaging, optical bio-photonics, medical simulation, and radio-frequency engineering and electronics to develop and advance technologies for enhancing the prosperity of the medical device industry as it strives to respond to increasing demands for equipment and supplies that are faster, more accurate, more informative, more affordable and less invasive. The industry is important for its growing contribution to Canada’s GDP and its contribution to effective and efficient health care. Results are achieved through provision of industry-driven technical services and multi-disciplinary collaborative research. Economic Development 67 63.7 -3.3
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Ocean, Coastal, and River Engineering This sub-program develops and advances technologies and standards for safe and effective operations in Canada’s vast ocean, coastal and river environments, including the Arctic. This is important for lowering barriers for natural resource development and for enhancing the prosperity of the Canadian marine transportation and water resource sectors facing costly challenges of harsh environments (ice, wind, waves, currents), extreme weather events (floods, "100 year wave"), and coastal erosion. Results are achieved by working with Canadian industry through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development services in addition to custom technical services, such as testing, prototyping, numerical modeling, and system integration in specialized facilities, for transferring or advancing technologies into deployed solutions and improved practices for the marketplace. Economic Development 104.8 107.2 2.4
National Research Council of Canada Canadian businesses prosper from innovative technologies. Technology Development and Advancement Security and Disruptive Technologies This sub-program builds and validates emerging technology platforms (such as nanotechnology, quantum technologies and the convergence of nano-, bio- and information technologies) that can be applied in a range of industries to sustain Canada’s industrial competitiveness by opening new markets and value networks for Canadian industries in tomorrow’s economy. Efforts focus on applications for addressing national security challenges because security and defence innovation players are amongst the earliest adopters of such technologies from which broader commercial adaptations ultimately evolve, replacing existing technologies. Results are achieved through multi-disciplinary collaborative research and development services in addition to specialized technical services in state-of-the-art facilities for ultimately introducing disruptive and transformational technology solutions into practice and the marketplace. Economic Development 159.2 158 -1.2
National Research Council of Canada Research and Development infrastructure for an innovative and knowledge-based economy. Science Infrastructure and Measurement Measurement Science and Standards As mandated under the National Research Council Act and also the Weights and Measures Act, this sub-program investigates and determines standards and methods of measurement for Canada’s national measurement system. This national metrological system is critical for underpinning trade and commerce in the global economy. The sub-program supports international metrological treaties and arrangements to establish and maintain foreign recognition and acceptance of Canada’s standards and measures that are critical for participation in multi-lateral and free-trade agreements. The sub-program provides a wide variety of calibration and measurement services that underpin the accuracy of millions of measurements conducted annually in public and private sector testing and calibration laboratories. In addition, the sub-program provides expert assessments and formal recognition of the measurement capabilities of industrial calibration laboratories. This effort is important for providing Canada’s trading partners with confidence in the reliability of Canadian industries’ measurements and test certifications of compliance to regulatory and product standards that govern trade. The sub-program also develops measurement standards for emerging technologies that open new global market opportunities for Canadian industries. Research and Development 164.1 166.6 2.5
National Research Council of Canada Research and Development infrastructure for an innovative and knowledge-based economy. Science Infrastructure and Measurement National Science Infrastructure This sub-program manages Canada’s astronomical observatories as mandated in the National Research Council Act, and it compiles and disseminates astronomical data while leveraging access to international observatories for Canadian researchers in astrophysics. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Contributions to the International Astronomical Observatories Program. Research and Development 114.3 124.5 10.2
National Research Council of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 972.3 1023.4 51.1
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Discovery - Advancement of Knowledge Canada First Research Excellence Fund This sub-program offers eligible Canadian postsecondary degree/diploma granting institutions the opportunity to turn their key strengths into world-leading capabilities and become global research leaders in research areas of strategic importance to Canada, including but not limited to: advanced manufacturing, the environment and agriculture, health and life sciences, information and communication technologies, and natural resources and energy. This sub-program is necessary to help Canadian postsecondary institutions compete with the best in the world for talent and partnership opportunities, to make breakthrough discoveries, and to excel globally in research areas that will create long-term economic advantages for Canada. It uses funding from the following transfer payment: Canada First Research Excellence Fund. Research and Development 0 0 0
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Discovery - Advancement of Knowledge Discovery Research This Sub-Program promotes and enables global excellence in discovery research in Canada. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council `s discovery-based grants support long-term, ongoing programs of research as well as shorter-term research projects. The Council also offers substantial and timely additional resources to select researchers in order to accelerate progress and maximize the impact of their research program. In addition, the Council supports a limited number of large international activities, opportunities, or projects that are of high priority in the context of advanced research in Canada. These are led by world-class Canadian researchers and are comprised of teams that will generate substantial impact for the benefit of Canada. Having a solid capacity for basic research across a broad spectrum of natural sciences and engineering disciplines is necessary to ensure that Canada remains at the leading edge of knowledge creation. It ensures that Canada can access and exploit science and technology developments from other countries, and forms the foundation for innovation and the training of the next generation of scientists and engineers. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 51 72 21 The variance is due to a change in the reallocation of internal services to programs, based on TBS’s Guide on Recording and Reporting of Internal Services Expenditures effective April 1, 2015
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Discovery - Advancement of Knowledge Research Equipment and Resources This Sub-Program supports the purchase or development of research equipment and the maintenance of unique research resources. Funds are also used to facilitate researchers’ access to major and unique research resources in Canada and abroad. Grants are awarded through a competitive peer review process. This activity is necessary because, in addition to funds to carry out research, top scientists, and engineers need state-of-the-art equipment and resources to conduct research at world-class levels. Access to equipment and resources plays an important role in attracting the best minds to Canada and keeping them here. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 11 13 2 Level of vacancy lower than planned.
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Innovation - Research Partnerships College and Community Innovation This Sub-Program increases the capacity of colleges and polytechnics to support innovation at the community and/or regional level. The program design and funding stimulate new partnerships and increased entrepreneurship and assist colleges and polytechnics to take risks and be nimble in developing new ways of working with local businesses and industries to spur innovation and economic growth. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: College and Community Innovation Program, College-University Idea to Innovation, and the Industrial Research Chairs for colleges. Research and Development 18 21 3 Level of vacancy lower than planned.
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Innovation - Research Partnerships Commercialization of Research This Sub-Program supports the development of commercially promising technologies and promotes the transfer of knowledge and technologies to Canadian companies for commercialization. Strengthening Canada’s record in commercialization is necessary to achieve business growth, job creation, and a stronger, more resilient economy. By means of grants awarded through competitive peer review processes, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council aims to support the development of pre-competitive technologies and to help build the capacity of Canadian universities and colleges to work with industry and fuel economic growth. Federal investments serve to leverage significant amounts of private funding. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Grants and Scholarships and the Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research. Research and Development 10 11 1
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Innovation - Research Partnerships Industry-Driven Collaborative Research and Development This Sub-Program fosters collaborations between university researchers and industry, as well as other sectors, to develop and transfer new knowledge to Canadian-based organizations. It offers a range of industry-driven programs that stimulate innovation in the Canadian economy and encourage greater science and technology investment by the private sector. These partnership programs and projects address real-world challenges that are relevant to industry, help build sustainable relationships between the two sectors, and connect people and skills. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 74 79 5
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Innovation - Research Partnerships Networks of Centres of Excellence This Sub-Program fosters partnerships among universities, industry, government and not-for-profit organizations. This program helps to harness the creativity and inventiveness of the best minds in various disciplines and sectors to find solutions to critical issues of importance to Canada using internationally competitive research, building on multi-sectoral partnerships; and, accelerating the use of multidisciplinary research results by organizations that can use them for economic, social, and environmental benefit. The program is jointly administered by the three federal granting agencies through the Network Centres of Excellence Secretariat. The networks supported through this program operate as virtual institutes to carry out research and knowledge/technology transfer activities among the participating organizations. The networks put in place well-defined strategies to transfer knowledge to users, ensuring that discoveries and technological advances are turned into social and economic benefits for all Canadians. The networks supported by this activity are designed to develop Canada’s economy and improve the quality of life of Canadians. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Networks of Centres of Excellence and Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence. Research and Development 10 11 1
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Innovation - Research Partnerships Research in Strategic Areas This Sub-Program supports research projects and activities in selected areas of national importance and in emerging areas that are of potential significance to Canada. This program is necessary to take advantage of Canada’s established excellence in research and innovation, and to build capacity in areas that are critical to the Canadian economy. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council invests in research areas that have been carefully selected as strategic priorities for the country. These investments support a range of activities such as research projects and networks. Funded activities share the common goal of connecting researchers with end users in order to enable the transfer of knowledge/technology and expertise that increases Canadian prosperity. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 15 18 3 The variance is due to a realignment of resources for the implementation of Federal Budget 2015; to support collaborations between companies and researchers
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. Innovation - Research Partnerships Training in Industry This Sub-Program supports students and recent graduates during short or longer term research internships in Canadian companies. The support allows them to gain Research and Development experience in industry and encourages them to consider careers in industry. Canadian companies benefit from the advanced research skills of these trainees and gain access to new knowledge in their area of activity. The awards are leveraged by the host company, which contributes to the salary of the student or fellow. The program supports an increase in the number of highly qualified people in Canadian industry to strengthen Canadian innovation. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Industrial Research and Development Internship Program and Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 5 6 1 The variance is due to the Industrial R&D Internships (IRDI) sub-program having been transferred to the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development on April 1st, 2016
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. People - Research Talent Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships This Sub-Program provides financial support to outstanding eligible scholars pursuing Master’s or Doctoral studies in a Canadian university. This program is necessary to ensure a reliable supply of highly qualified personnel to meet the needs of Canada’s knowledge economy. Supplementary funding is available in the form of Foreign Study Supplements to select recipients of Canada Graduate Scholarships to build global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional, short-term research experiences at research institutions outside of Canada. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Canada Graduate Scholarships. Research and Development 9 11 2 The variance is due to a change in the reallocation of internal services to programs, based on TBS’s Guide on Recording and Reporting of Internal Services Expenditures effective April 1st, 2015
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. People - Research Talent Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships This Sub-Program supports postdoctoral researchers from Canada and abroad in order to attract the very best postdoctoral fellows to further their training and carry out research in Canada. Up to 25 percent of these awards can be held abroad to allow Canadian postdoctoral fellows the opportunity to gain valuable international experience. This program helps reinforce Canada’s standing as a global player in research excellence and higher learning and as a destination of choice for the most gifted students and researchers. The high level of support provided ensures that these fellowships are internationally competitive. Awards provide a two year stipend to the recipient. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 1 1 0
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. People - Research Talent Canada Excellence Research Chairs This Sub-Program offers eligible Canadian degree-granting institutions the opportunity to establish highly remunerated research chairs at their institutions in research areas of strategic importance to Canada, including but not limited to: environmental sciences and technologies; natural resources and energy; health and related life sciences and technologies; and information and communication technologies, including the digital economy. This program is necessary to attract the highest calibre of researchers for Canada’s future prosperity. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Canada Excellence Research Chairs. Research and Development 0 0 0
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. People - Research Talent Canada Research Chairs This Sub-Program provides support to research chairs in the form of salary and research funding to attract and retain some of the world’s most accomplished and promising minds. This program assists Canadian universities, together with their affiliated research institutes and hospitals, achieve the highest levels of research excellence and to become world-class research centres in today’s global, knowledge-based economy. Eligible nominees are full professors or associate professors and emerging scholars who may range from recent Doctoral graduates to associate professors. National and international researchers can be chair holders. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 0 0 0
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. People - Research Talent Scholarships and Fellowships This Sub-Program supports a significant number of students at various stages of their university studies. At the undergraduate level, support for 16-week research internships in universities aims to nurture and develop students’ aptitudes towards research in the natural sciences and engineering and encourage them to undertake graduate studies and pursue a research career in these fields. At the postgraduate level, students earn a Master’s or Doctoral degree in a domestic and/or foreign institution, after having spent time in an academic and/or industrial setting. The Council also supports the development of innovative training programs that encourage collaborative and integrative approaches, address significant scientific challenges associated to Canada’s research priorities, include the acquisition of professional skills, and facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce. Postdoctoral Fellowships provide support to promising doctoral graduates to further their research training in Canada or abroad. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 19 23 4 The variance is due to a re-alignment of resources in this sub-program
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. People - Research Talent Science and Engineering Promotion This Sub-Program stimulates the public’s interest in science, math, and engineering and encourages the next generation of students to consider careers in these fields, helping to ensure that Canada has an ongoing supply of future discoverers and innovators. These activities are necessary as Canada has fewer university students enrolled in the natural sciences and engineering disciplines and fewer doctoral students graduating and working in these fields, relative to most Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council awards grants to support activities of community-based organizations, museums, science centres and universities that stimulate the interest of young people and students and improve school performance in science and mathematics, notably groups that are under-represented in the Natural Sciences and Engineering, such as women and Indigenous People. In addition, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council offers several prizes that recognize and highlight Canadian achievements in training, research, and innovation. This sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 6 7 1 The variance is due to a re-alignment of resources in this sub-program
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Canada is a world leader in advancing, connecting and applying new knowledge in the natural sciences and engineering. People - Research Talent Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships This Sub-Program provides financial support to students who have achieved exceptional success in their studies and who demonstrate high potential in the pursuit of a doctoral program in a Canadian university. Both Canadian and international students are eligible for a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. This program is necessary to attract and retain world-class doctoral students by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies, as well as leadership skills. A high-level steering committee, assisted by international review committees ensures that the best and brightest students are chosen as recipients of the scholarships. Awards allow students to fully concentrate on their studies and work with the best research mentors in their chosen field in Canada. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships. Research and Development 1 2 1 Not material
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 164 137 -27
Northern Pipeline Agency The planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline project is efficient and expeditious while ensuring environmental protection and social and economic benefits for Canadians. Oversee the Planning and Construction of the Canadian Portion of the Alaska Highway Gas Pipeline Project Oversee and regulate the planning and construction of the Canadian portion of the Alaska Highway Natural Gas Pipeline Project. Economic Development 4 1 -3 To align with the reduction in the AHGP project activities for the foreseeable future, the Agency has scaled down its operations to a minimal level while continuing to fulfill Canada’s ongoing obligations as set out in the Act.
Office of Infrastructure of Canada Public Infrastructure for a More Prosperous Canada. Funding for Provincial-Territorial Priorities This program provides predictable funding to each province and territory to enhance Canada’s public infrastructure system. Federal payments to provinces and territories are made in accordance with the terms and conditions of signed funding agreements, including federal acceptance of Capital Plans and Expenditure Reports. Funding through this program leverages additional contributions from other funding partners to increase overall investment in public infrastructure for Canadians. Payments may be made up-front and cost-sharing provisions apply to a Capital Plan as a whole, and not the individual initiatives within a Capital Plan. This program uses funding from the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Base Fund transfer payment. Economic Development 1 3 2 The 2016-2017 Planned FTE was lower than the 2016-2017 Actual FTE, as the FTE requirement under this program changed during 2016-2017.
Office of Infrastructure of Canada Public Infrastructure for a More Prosperous Canada. Infrastructure Investments in Smaller Communities and Rural Areas This program invests in infrastructure projects in small communities and rural areas to support local and/or regional priorities and economies. Funding through this program leverages additional contributions from other funding partners for eligible infrastructure projects. Funding may be jurisdictionally allocated. Payments are provided based on eligible costs incurred with respect to signed contribution agreements. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the New Building Canada Fund-Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component-Small Communities Fund and the Building Canada Fund-Communities Component. Economic Development 16 17 1 Explanation for variance is not required for variance of less than 10%.
Office of Infrastructure of Canada Public Infrastructure for a More Prosperous Canada. Investments in National Infrastructure Priorities This program directs funding to infrastructure projects that help to advance national priorities that are important to Canadians. Funding is provided through merit-based review of proposals (by Infrastructure Canada or the Federation of Canadian Municipalities), or notional allocations to provinces and territories. Funding through this program leverages additional contributions from other funding partners for eligible infrastructure projects or capacity-building initiatives. Payments are provided as work progresses under the terms of signed contribution agreements. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the New Building Canada Fund-National Infrastructure Component, Green Infrastructure Fund, Border Infrastructure Fund, Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway Fund, Public Transit Infrastructure Fund, Clean Water and Wastewater Fund, Asset Management Fund and Capital Building for Climate Change Challenges Fund (CB3CF). Economic Development 24 34 10 The 2016-2017 Actual FTE was higher than the 2016-2017 Planned FTE as in 2016-2017 the Department started the implementation of new programs and initiatives under Phase 1 of the Investing in Canada Plan.
Office of Infrastructure of Canada Public Infrastructure for a More Prosperous Canada. Large-Scale Infrastructure Investments This program invests in infrastructure projects of national, regional and/or local significance. Funding through this program leverages additional contributions from other funding partners for eligible infrastructure projects. Funding may be jurisdictionally allocated. Actual payments are provided as work progresses under the terms of signed contribution agreements. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: the New Building Canada Fund-Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component-National and Regional Projects, Building Canada Fund-Major Infrastructure Component and the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund. Economic Development 72 75 3 Explanation of variance is not required for variance of less than 10%.
Office of Infrastructure of Canada Public Infrastructure for a More Prosperous Canada. New Bridge for the St. Lawrence Corridor Project In support of the Government of Canada’s economic and safety priorities, this program ensures the overall delivery of the new bridge for the St. Lawrence corridor project in Montreal, Quebec. Infrastructure Canada is the project authority charged with overseeing the delivery of this project which will provide a safe, secure and efficient crossing for local residents, commuters and commercial traffic. The new bridge and its corridor will contribute to the increased capacity and efficiency of gateway and corridor infrastructure regionally and nationally. The project is to be carried out as a public-private partnership. Economic Development 74 47 -27 The 2016-2017 Planned FTE was higher than the 2016-2017 Actual FTE in 2016-2017 as the FTE requirement under this program changed during 2016-2017.
Office of Infrastructure of Canada Public Infrastructure for a More Prosperous Canada. Permanent and Flexible Infrastructure Funding In support of community infrastructure for Canadians, this program provides long-term and predictable funding for municipalities, supporting long-term municipal planning and asset management in order to address infrastructure priorities. Funding is provided to build and rehabilitate public infrastructure based on overall compliance with the terms and conditions of the governing agreements. Federal funding is provided up-front and does not need to be used in the year it is provided. This program uses funding from the Gas Tax Fund transfer payment. Economic Development 23 15 -8 The 2016-2017 Actual FTE was lower than the 2016-2017 Planned FTE, as the FTE requirement under this program changed during 2016-2017.
Office of Infrastructure of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 171 194 23
Office of the Auditor General Through legislative auditing, we contribute to a well-managed and accountable government for Canadians. Legislative Auditing We conduct independent audits and studies that provide objective information, advice and assurance to Parliament, territorial legislatures, governments and Canadians. Economic Development 0 555 555
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer An Accessible Electoral Framework that Canadians Trust and Use. Electoral Engagement This program promotes and sustains the Canadian electoral process. It provides Canadians with electoral education and information activities so that they can make informed decisions about their engagement in the electoral process. It also aims to improve the electoral framework by consulting and sharing electoral practices with other stakeholders. Government Operations 67 71 4
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer An Accessible Electoral Framework that Canadians Trust and Use. Electoral Operations This program allows Elections Canada to deliver fair and efficient electoral events whenever they may be required so that Canadians are able to exercise their democratic right to vote during a federal general election, by-election or referendum by providing an accessible and constantly improved electoral process responsive to the needs of electors. Government Operations 216 262 46 The difference is mainly a result of the requirement for additional temporary employees to close the 42nd general election, to conduct by-elections and to support electoral operations.
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer An Accessible Electoral Framework that Canadians Trust and Use. Regulation of Electoral Activities This program provides Canadians with an electoral process that is fair, transparent and in compliance with the Canada Elections Act. Within this program, Elections Canada is responsible for administering the political financing provisions of the Act. This includes compliance monitoring, disclosure and reporting of financial activities. Government Operations 82 87 5
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 122 143 21
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women Equality between women and men is promoted and advanced in Canada. Advancing Equality for Women Through this Program, SWC supports action and innovation by investing in initiatives that work to bring about equality between women and men. The Program provides grant and contribution funding to Canadian organizations to support community-based action by carrying out projects that will lead to equality in communities across Canada. Funded projects occur at the national, regional, and local levels and work to help create conditions for success for women in Canada. Projects address the economic and social situation of women and their participation in democratic life. They are diverse in nature and scope and apply a variety of approaches and strategies to address the complexity of the issues affecting women. Specifically, the Program invests in projects that incorporate gender considerations, and increase and strengthen access to a range of opportunities, supports, information, resources and services, tools, etc. Projects involve diverse stakeholders, including women’s and community organizations, public institutions and the private sector. The Program also facilitates collaboration, networking and partnerships to promote equality and the advancement of women in Canada. SWC facilitates networking; develops partnerships where needed to address horizontal issues impacting women and girls; shares knowledge; and assists organizations working to advance women’s equality to gain access to expertise, resources, and tools. Employment and Income Security 38 43 5 Increase in FTE due to meeting the needs of the Women's Program, including for the first time projects exclusively targeting Indigenous women and girls.
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women Equality between women and men is promoted and advanced in Canada. Strategic Advice, Expertise and Promotion of Gender Equality This program undertakes communication activities to promote Agency initiatives and key commemorative dates (i.e. International Women’s Day, Women’s History Month, International Day of the Girl and the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women) to increase awareness/build knowledge about the status of women in Canada, as well as to engage Canadians in efforts to advance gender equality. To further advance gender equality, the government requires federal organizations to take gender considerations into account in legislation, policies and programs. The Program plays a lead role in building the capacity of federal organizations to use Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by providing information, tools, training, expert advice and access to networks. GBA+ informs decision-making and increases the likelihood that legislation, policies and programs meet the needs of diverse groups of women and men. This Program acts as a knowledge broker, exploring gender gaps/issues, providing strategic analysis and advice and facilitating collaboration among key stakeholders, including federal organizations and others, in order to influence decision making and action. Transparency and Accountability 18 19 1
Office of the Co-ordinator, Status of Women The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 42 51 9
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary. Canadian Judicial Council Delivery of programs for Canadians and administrative support to the various committees established by the Council, which is made up of all of the Chief Justices and Associate Chief Justices in Canada as well as senior judges from the superior courts in Nunavut, Yukon and the Northwest Territories. Safety and Security 10 10 0
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary. Federal Judicial Affairs Federal Court Reports Publishes the Federal Courts Reports (FCR), which are the official reports of the decisions of the Federal Court of Appeal and of the Federal Court, pursuant to section 58 of the Federal Courts Act. Only decisions that are of significance or importance are published. Safety and Security 8 8 0
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary. Federal Judicial Affairs Judges Language Training Provide language training services in both official languages to federally appointed judges. Safety and Security 5 5 0
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary. Federal Judicial Affairs Judicial Appointments Secretariat Administration of the judicial appointments process on behalf of the Minister of Justice in a way that treats all candidates for judicial office fairly and in which assessments are completed expeditiously and thoroughly. Safety and Security 3 3 0
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary. Federal Judicial Affairs Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission Administration of the Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission to inquire into the adequacy of the salaries and other amounts payable under the Judges Act and into the adequacy of judges’ benefits generally. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary. Federal Judicial Affairs Services to Judges Provide financial services; human resources, compensation and pension services; information management/technology services; and international cooperation activities, to federally appointed judges in the superior courts in Canada. Safety and Security 34.5 31.5 -3
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs An independent and efficient Federal Judiciary. Payments Pursuant to the Judges Act Payments of salaries, allowances and annuities to federally appointed judges, and their survivors, in the superior courts and courts of appeal in Canada. Safety and Security 0 0 0
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 5.5 5.5 0
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 6 6 0
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying Transparency and accountability in the lobbying of public office holders contribute to confidence in the integrity of government decision-making. Compliance and Enforcement The OCL conducts monitoring and compliance verification activities to ensure that registrable lobbying activity is properly reported, and information provided by lobbyists is accurate and complete. Suspected and alleged non-compliance with the Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct is reviewed and, where appropriate, formal investigations are undertaken to ensure compliance with the Act and the Code. The Commissioner reports findings and conclusions in Reports on Investigation submitted for tabling in Parliament. The OCL also reviews applications for exemption from the five-year post-employment prohibition on lobbying. Transparency and Accountability 8 8 0
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying Transparency and accountability in the lobbying of public office holders contribute to confidence in the integrity of government decision-making. Outreach and Education The OCL undertakes research to inform the development and delivery of its education and outreach products and activities. Outreach activities raise awareness about the requirements of the Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct. Outreach audiences include but are not limited to lobbyists, their clients and public office holders. Transparency and Accountability 7 7 0
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying Transparency and accountability in the lobbying of public office holders contribute to confidence in the integrity of government decision-making. Registry of Lobbyists The OCL maintains an online Registry that makes information about lobbying activities public, including which designated public office holders were lobbied and on what subjects. The Registry is easy to use, searchable and downloadable. The OCL reviews and approves lobbyists’ registrations. It also provides advice and technical support related to the Registry, the Lobbying Act and the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct. Transparency and Accountability 7 7 0
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages Rights guaranteed by the Official Languages Act are protected and linguistic duality is promoted as a fundamental value of Canadian society. Promotion of Linguistic Duality Through this program, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (OCOL) works with Parliamentarians, federal institutions and other organizations subject to the Official Languages Act, official language communities and the Canadian public in promoting linguistic duality. OCOL builds links between federal institutions, official language communities and the different levels of government to help them better understand the needs of official language communities, the importance of bilingualism and the value of respecting Canada’s linguistic duality. To fulfill its role in that promotion, OCOL conducts research, studies and public awareness activities as well as intervenes with senior federal officials so that they instill a change in culture to fully integrate linguistic duality in their organizations. Transparency and Accountability 53 54 1
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages Rights guaranteed by the Official Languages Act are protected and linguistic duality is promoted as a fundamental value of Canadian society. Protection of Language Rights Through this program, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages investigates complaints filed by citizens who believe their language rights have not been respected, evaluates compliance with the Official Languages Act by federal institutions and other organizations subject to the Act through performance measurements and audits, and intervenes proactively to prevent non-compliance with the Act. As well, the Commissioner may intervene before the courts in cases that deal with non-compliance with the Official Languages Act. Transparency and Accountability 61 63 2
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 46 41 -5
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner The Communications Security Establishment performs its duties and functions in accordance with the laws of Canada and with due regard for the privacy of Canadians. The Communications Security Establishment Commissioner's Review Program The program activity provides independent review by the Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner of the lawfulness of the activities of the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) to determine whether they complied with the laws of Canada in general and, in particular, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the National Defence Act, the Criminal Code and the Privacy Act. The program activity also includes undertaking any investigation the Commissioner considers necessary in response to any complaint filed by Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. If the Commissioner believes that CSE may not have complied with the law, he is required to inform the Minister of National Defence and the Attorney General of Canada. In addition, the Commissioner has a duty under the Security of Information Act to receive information from persons who are permanently bound to secrecy if they wish to claim a public interest defence for divulging classified information about CSE. Safety and Security 8.5 8.5 0
Office of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 3 3 0
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 5 4 -1
Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada The problems of offenders in the federal correctional system are identified and addressed in a timely fashion. Ombudsman for Federal Offenders Through this program, the Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI) conducts investigations of individual offender complaints regarding acts, omissions, decisions and recommendations of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). It also has a responsibility to review and make recommendations on CSC's policies and procedures associated with the areas of individual complaints, to ensure that systemic areas of complaint are identified and appropriately addressed, and to review all Section 19 investigations performed by CSC following the death or serious injury to an inmate. Safety and Security 31 32 1
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Compliance and enforcement activities under the Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act are conducted by the Commissioner of Canada Elections in an independent, impartial and fair manner. Compliance This program supports the integrity of Canada’s electoral process by enabling the Commissioner of Canada Elections to ensure compliance with the Canada Elections Act and the Referendum Act.This includes the use of non-punitive and informal corrective measures in response to certain situations of non-compliance and the conclusion of compliance agreements with offenders. Democratic Institutions 12 12 0
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Compliance and enforcement activities under the Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act are conducted by the Commissioner of Canada Elections in an independent, impartial and fair manner. Enforcement This program supports the integrity of Canada’s electoral process by enabling the Commissioner of Canada Elections to act in an independent manner in conducting investigations under the Canada Elections Act and the Referendum Act, and taking enforcement measures to respond to situations of non-compliance. This also includes deciding which matters will be referred to the Director of Public Prosecutions for possible prosecution and what charges will be recommended. Democratic Institutions 8 8 0
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Criminal and regulatory offences under federal law are prosecuted in an independent, impartial and fair manner. Drug, Criminal Code and Terrorism Prosecution Program This program supports the protection of Canadian society against crime through the provision of legal advice and litigation support during police investigations, and the prosecution of: all drug offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and any related organized crime offences throughout Canada, except in Quebec and New Brunswick, where the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions prosecutes such offences only where charges are laid by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; proceeds of crime offences; pursuant to understandings with the provinces, Criminal Code offences where they are related to drug charges; all Criminal Code offences in the three territories; terrorism offences; and war crimes and crimes against humanity offences. This program activity also involves the promotion of federal/provincial/territorial cooperation on criminal justice issues of mutual concern. Safety and Security 691 667 -24
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions Criminal and regulatory offences under federal law are prosecuted in an independent, impartial and fair manner. Regulatory Offences and Economic Crime Prosecution Program This program supports the protection of Canadian society against crime through the provision of legal advice and litigation support to federal investigative agencies, and the prosecution of : offences under federal statutes aimed at protecting the environment and natural resources as well as the country’s economic and social health (e.g., Fisheries Act; Income Tax Act; Copyright Act; Canada Elections Act; Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999; Competition Act; Customs Act; Excise Act; and the Excise Tax Act); offences involving fraud against the government; capital market fraud offences; and any organized crime offences related to the foregoing offences. This program also includes the recovery of outstanding federal fines and the promotion of federal/provincial/territorial cooperation on criminal justice issues of mutual concern. Safety and Security 160 177 17 The increase in FTEs of more than 10% is due to a realignment of workload between prosecution programs.
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 119 116 -3
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 7 6 -1
Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner Wrongdoing in the federal public sector is addressed and public servants are protected in case of reprisal. Disclosure and Reprisal Management Program The objective of the program is to address disclosures of wrongdoing and complaints of reprisal and contribute to increasing confidence in federal public institutions. It aims to provide advice to federal public sector employees and members of the public who are considering making a disclosure and to accept, investigate and report on disclosures of information concerning possible wrongdoing. Based on this activity, the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner will exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the review, conciliation and settlement of complaints of reprisal, including making applications to the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Tribunal to determine if reprisals have taken place and to order appropriate remedial and disciplinary action. Transparency and Accountability 23 20 -3 The difference between planned and actual FTE are due to the periods of vacancies and time required to staff new positions.
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions A financially sound and sustainable Canadian public retirement income system. Actuarial Valuation and Advisory Services Services to Public Sector Pension and Insurance Programs This program involves the preparation of statutory actuarial valuations of various federal public sector employee pension and insurance plans. These valuations estimate the financial status of these plans as required by legislation. Pursuant to the Public Pensions Reporting Act, this program involves preparing statutory triennial actuarial reports on the financial status of federal public sector employee pension and insurance plans covering the federal Public Service, the Canadian Forces, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the federally appointed judges and Members of Parliament. This program provides actuarial information to decision makers, parliamentarians and the public, thereby increasing transparency and confidence in Canada’s retirement income system. It serves the public interest by ensuring good governance of the plans, appropriate disclosure in the actuarial reports and contributing to the overall accountability of the plans sponsor to various stakeholders. This program also involves the provision of sound actuarial advice that assists different government departments in the design, funding and administration of these plans. As part of this program, the Chief Actuary submits the actuarial reports to the President of Treasury Board. Employment and Income Security 19 17 -2 Fewer FTEs due to a higher number of vacant positions and longer periods than anticipated to staff them.
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions A financially sound and sustainable Canadian public retirement income system. Actuarial Valuation and Advisory Services Services to the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Program This program involves the preparation of statutory actuarial valuations and providing expert actuarial advice and services on the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) Program. These valuations estimate the financial status of these plans and programs as required by legislation. This program estimates long-term expenditures, revenues and current liabilities of the Canada Pension Plan and estimates long-term future expenditures for Old Age Security programs. Pursuant to the Canada Pension Plan and the Public Pensions Reporting Act, the Office of the Chief Actuary prepares statutory triennial actuarial reports on the financial status of these programs, as required by legislation. Employment and Income Security 13 10 -3 Fewer FTEs due to a higher number of vacant positions and longer periods than anticipated to staff them.
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions A financially sound and sustainable Canadian public retirement income system. Actuarial Valuation and Advisory Services Services to the Canada Student Loans and Employment Insurance Programs Pursuant to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, the Employment Insurance Act, and Department of Employment and Social Development Act this sub-program involves preparing statutory actuarial valuations of the Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP) and performing the statutory actuarial forecasts and estimates necessary to set the Employment Insurance premium rate under Section 66 of the Employment Insurance Act. Employment and Income Security 5 5 0
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions A safe and sound Canadian financial system. Regulation and Supervision of Federally Regulated Financial Institutions Approvals and Precedents Federally regulated financial institutions are required to seek regulatory approval for certain types of transactions. This program involves evaluating and processing applications for regulatory consent; establishing positions on the interpretation and application of the federal financial institutions’ legislation, regulations and guidance; identifying precedential transactions that may raise policy or precedent-setting issues; and developing recommendations that recognize the need to allow institutions to compete effectively and take reasonable risk. Economic Development 30 29 -1
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions A safe and sound Canadian financial system. Regulation and Supervision of Federally Regulated Financial Institutions Regulation and Guidance This program involves advancing and administering a regulatory framework of rules and guidance that promotes the adoption by regulated financial institutions of sound risk management practices, policies and procedures designed to plan, direct and control the impact on the institution of risks arising from its operations. This program includes the issuance of various forms of guidance, which may include guidelines and advisories as well as input into federal legislation and regulations affecting financial institutions; contributions to accounting, auditing and actuarial standards; and involvement in a number of international regulatory activities. Economic Development 91 85 -6
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions A safe and sound Canadian financial system. Regulation and Supervision of Federally Regulated Financial Institutions Risk Assessment and Intervention OSFI regulates and supervises financial institutions to determine whether they are in sound financial condition and are complying with their governing statute law and supervisory requirements.This program involves the administration and application of an effective supervisory process to assess the safety and soundness of regulated financial institutions by evaluating an institution’s risk profile, financial condition, risk management processes, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This program includes activities to monitor and supervise financial institutions; monitor the financial and economic environment to identify emerging issues; and intervene on a timely basis when a financial institution’s business practices may be imprudent or unsafe, by exercising supervisory powers to take, or require management or boards to take, necessary corrective measures to protect depositors and policy holders. Economic Development 312 303 -9
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions A safe and sound Canadian financial system. Regulation and Supervision of Federally Regulated Private Pension Plans This program involves regulating and supervising federally regulated private pension plans to determine whether they are meeting minimum funding requirements and are complying with their governing laws and supervisory requirements. This program provides risk assessments of pension plans covering employees in federally regulated areas of employment. It ensures timely and effective intervention and feedback to protect the interests of plan members and beneficiaries, while recognizing that plan administrators are ultimately responsible and that plans can fail to pay the expected benefits. This program also provides a balanced relevant regulatory framework and a prudentially effective and responsive approvals process. This program incorporates activities pertaining to risk assessment and intervention, regulation and guidance, and approvals and precedents related to federally regulated private pension plans under the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act. The costs for this program are recovered from pension plan fees based on the number of members in each federally regulated pension plan. Employment and Income Security 26 26 0
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 188 197 9
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada Rights under the Access to Information Act are safeguarded. Compliance with Access to Information Obligations The Access to Information Act is the legislative authority for the oversight activities of the Information Commissioner, which are: to investigate complaints from requestors and corporations; to initiate complaints in respect of any other matter relating to requesting or obtaining access to records under this Act; to report the results of investigations/reviews and recommendations to complainants, government institutions, and Parliament; to pursue judicial interpretation; and to provide advice to Parliament on access to information matters. The Office of the Information Commissioner supports the Commissioner in carrying out these activities. Transparency and Accountability 71 61 -10 The OIC lapsed $1.8 million in 2016–17, including $1.2 million in salary funds because positions remained vacant throughout the year, resulting from regular annual turnover of 10 percent, retirements and long-term leave. This also accounts for the variation in FTEs.
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 72 73 1
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada The privacy rights of individuals are protected. Compliance Activities This program oversees compliance with federal privacy legislation for public- and private-sector organizations, thus contributing to the protection of Canadian’s privacy rights. Through this Program, the OPC investigates privacy-related complaints and responds to inquiries from individuals and organizations, reviews breach reports and has the power to initiate its own investigations when warranted (Commissioner initiated complaints). Through audits and reviews, the OPC also assesses how well organizations are complying with requirements set out in the two federal privacy laws, and provides recommendations on Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), pursuant to the Treasury Board Directive on Privacy Practices. This program is supported by a legal team that provides specialized advice and litigation support, and a research team with senior technical and risk-assessment support. Transparency and Accountability 81 88 7
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada The privacy rights of individuals are protected. Public Outreach This Program promotes public awareness and understanding of rights and obligations under federal privacy legislation. Through this program, the OPC delivers public education and communications activities, including speaking engagements and special events, exhibiting, media relations, and the production and distribution of promotional and educational material. Through public outreach activities, individuals are informed about privacy and personal data protection. Such activities also enable federal and private-sector organizations to better understand their obligations under federal privacy legislation. Transparency and Accountability 21 16 -5 Planned FTEs are estimated at the time that plans are elaborated. Variances related to actual FTE can be explained by staff turnover, and differences in approaches to deliver the program during the year based on organizational priorities.
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners of Canada The privacy rights of individuals are protected. Research and Policy Development This program advances privacy knowledge, develops policy positions and provides strategic advice on the full range of privacy issues to Parliamentarians, government institutions and private sector stakeholders. Through this program, the OPC serves as a centre of expertise on emerging privacy issues in Canada and abroad by researching trends and technological developments, monitoring and analysing legislative and regulatory initiatives, providing strategic legal, policy and technical advice on key issues, and developing policy positions that advance the protection of privacy rights in both the public and private sectors. An important part of the work involves supporting the Commissioner and senior officials in providing advice to Parliament on potential privacy implications of proposed legislation, government programs, and private-sector initiatives. Since 2004, the Program includes the administration of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Contributions Program that funds independent privacy research and related knowledge translation initiatives, to advance knowledge and promote the practical application of that knowledge in ways that enhance privacy protection for Canadians. Transparency and Accountability 29 20 -9 Planned FTEs are estimated at the time that plans are elaborated. Variances related to actual FTEs can be explained for instance by staff turnover, and differences in approaches to deliver the program during the year based on organizational priorities.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites Management Heritage Canal Management This program involves water management and the management of bridge and dam infrastructure at heritage canals for the benefit of Canadians. Water management encompasses maintaining navigation by managing the flow and level of water, mitigating flooding, supporting hydro where applicable, fostering recreational use and providing municipal water at the following five heritage canals: Trent-Severn Waterway, the Rideau, Lachine, Chambly, and Saint-Ours canals. The management of heritage canal infrastructure includes activities such as the operation, maintenance and improvement of bridges and dams at all nine heritage canals. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Safety and Security 87 136 49 This variance is primarily due to higher than planned FTEs because of fluctuations in the nature of the infrastructure initiative to address the backlog of deferred work on heritage canals.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites Management Highway Management This program involves the management of the Trans-Canada and provincially numbered highways infrastructure within national parks and one national historic site. The operation, maintenance and improvement of these highways benefit Canadians and visitors to Parks Canada’s heritage places and includes snow removal, inspections, repairs and replacement of highway surfaces, retaining walls, bridges and culverts. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Safety and Security 171 147 -24 This variance is primarily due to lower than planned FTEs because of fluctuations in the nature of the infrastructure intitiative to address the backlog of deferred work on highway assets.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Canals, Highways and Townsites Management Townsite Management This program involves the provision of municipal services and the management of related infrastructure to support residents and visitors in the five townsites of Field (Yoho National Park), Lake Louise (Banff National Park), Wasagaming (Riding Mountain National Park), Waskesiu (Prince Albert National Park), and Waterton (Waterton Lakes National Park). Municipal services include drinking water, sewage treatment, road maintenance, snow removal, and garbage pick-up and disposal. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Safety and Security 42 41 -1
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Conservation National Historic Site Conservation This program aims to ensure the commemorative integrity of national historic sites, including heritage canals on Parks Canada lands. This program includes the evaluation of resources including buildings and engineering works, archaeological sites, landscapes, and historical and archaeological objects to determine their heritage value. The heritage value of resources is considered in all decisions affecting cultural resources, such as buildings and engineering works. This includes setting priorities for their management, monitoring their condition and assessing impacts of interventions. Key activities reflect the management regime for Parks Canada administered national historic sites such as the preparation of commemorative integrity statements for national historic sites, commemorative integrity assessments, compliance activities, monitoring and conservation actions to maintain or improve the condition of cultural resources. This program also includes fulfilling legal responsibilities assigned to Parks Canada by the Species at Risk Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Environment 178 180 2
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Conservation National Marine Area Conservation This program aims to protect and conserve national marine conservation areas by ensuring that they are managed and used in an ecologically sustainable manner for the lasting benefit of Canadians and coastal communities without compromising the structure and function of the ecosystems with which they are associated as mandated under the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act. This program also includes fulfilling legal responsibilities assigned to Parks Canada under the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act, the Species at Risk Act, and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. To implement this program, Parks Canada carries out applied science, monitoring and reporting, management of marine resource uses, active management, ecological restoration, species recovery, and environmental impact assessment and compliance activities. Some of these activities are undertaken in collaboration with other federal or provincial authorities, the general public, stakeholders, partners, and local and Indigenous communities. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Environment 20 26 6 This variance is primarily due to higher than planned FTEs dedicated to establishing new marine conservation areas.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Conservation National Park Conservation This program aims to maintain or restore ecological integrity in national parks through protection, conservation, restoration or mitigation activities, as mandated under the Canada National Parks Act. To implement this program, Parks Canada carries out applied science, monitoring and reporting, active management, ecological restoration, species recovery, environmental impact assessment, fire management and compliance activities. Some of these activities are done in collaboration with the general public, stakeholders, partners, local and Indigenous communities. This program also includes fulfilling legal responsibilities assigned to Parks Canada by the Species at Risk Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Environment 652 715 63
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Conservation National Urban Park Conservation This program aims to protect the natural and cultural heritage of diverse landscapes at the national urban park as mandated under federal legislation. It includes conserving natural and cultural resources, protecting or recovering species at risk, promoting a vibrant farming community and sustainable farming practices and engaging people from local communities and across Canada in conservation. To implement this program, Parks Canada carries out applied science, monitoring and reporting, active management, ecological restoration, cultural resource preservation, restoration and rehabilitation, species recovery, environmental impact assessment, fire management, archaeology and compliance activities, most of which is done in collaboration with the general public, stakeholders, partners, local and Indigenous communities. This program also includes fulfilling legal responsibilities assigned to Parks Canada by the Species at Risk Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Environment 9 9 0
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Conservation Other Heritage Places Conservation This program provides support for national historic sites not administered by Parks Canada, Heritage Lighthouses administered by Parks Canada and the Gravesites of Canadian Prime Ministers; and provides conservation advice on other protected heritage areas (Federal Heritage Buildings, Heritage Railway Stations, other Heritage Lighthouses, and Canadian Heritage Rivers). Parks Canada aims to ensure that nationally significant heritage value is protected and known and that Canada’s examples of nationally or internationally significant natural and cultural heritage are safeguarded so that they can be experienced by current and future generations. Parks Canada has responsibilities for the protection and conservation of 12 of the 18 World Heritage Sites in Canada, and the Agency’s involvement in World Heritage is governed by an international convention to which Canada is a signatory. Parks Canada’s National Cost-Sharing Program for Heritage Places is used to provide contribution funding to non-federally owned national historic sites to support their conservation. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Parks Canada provides an annual grant in support of the International Peace Garden, on the borders of North Dakota and Manitoba, as a memorial to peace between Canada and the United States. Environment 15 15 0
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Establishment National Historic Site Designation This program involves supporting the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada in the designation of places, persons, and events of national historical significance. It includes screening nominations, performing historical and archaeological research, preparing submission reports, and obtaining ministerial approval, as well as systems planning, consultation with proponents and key stakeholders, and providing information to the general public. As most nominations for designation come from the public, the participation of Canadians in the identification and commemoration of places, persons, and events of national historic significance is a key element of the program. The Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada reviews all eligible nominations and recommends subjects to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, who makes the final decision regarding official designations. National historic sites, persons, and events reflect the determination and ingenuity of Canadians, and illustrate the richness and diversity of our nation’s history. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 10 15 5 This variance is primarily due to higher than planned FTEs dedicated to designations of historic places, persons and events.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Establishment National Marine Conservation Area Establishment This program aims to establish at least one national marine conservation area in each of Canada’s 29 marine regions, in accordance with the National Marine Conservation Areas System Plan. The expansion and completion of the system will protect and conserve representative examples of the diversity of Canada’s oceans and Great Lakes, and provide opportunities for Canadians to experience, understand and appreciate these places. Five steps are involved in the process to establish a national marine conservation area: identify areas representative of a marine region; select an optimum national marine conservation area candidate from the list of representative areas; assess the feasibility of establishing the proposed marine conservation area through studies and consultations, including the development of an interim management plan; negotiate new national marine conservation area agreements, including any that may be required with Indigenous peoples or organizations; and formally establish the national marine conservation area in legislation. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 3 11 8 This variance is primarily due to higher than planned FTEs dedicated to establishing new marine conservation areas and an increase in the number of students as a result of additional funding received in 2016-17 dedicated to the expansion of the Agency's Youth Employment Strategy.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Establishment National Park Establishment This program entails the establishment of at least one national park in each of Canada’s 39 natural regions, in accordance with the National Parks System Plan. The completion of the system will protect representative examples of Canada’s natural diversity, and provide opportunities for Canadians to experience, understand and appreciate these places. Five steps are involved in the process to establish a national park: identify areas representative of a natural region; select an optimum national park candidate from the list of representative areas; assess the feasibility of establishing the proposed park through studies and consultations; negotiate new park agreements, including any that may be required with Indigenous peoples or organizations; and formally establish the national park in legislation. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 4 8 4 This variance is primarily due to an increase in the number of students as a result of additional funding received in 2016-17 dedicated to the expansion of the Agency's Youth Employment Strategy.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Establishment Other Heritage Places Designation This program involves commemorating or designating federal heritage buildings, Canadian Heritage Rivers, heritage lighthouses and heritage railway stations. It also supports the nomination of World Heritage Sites in Canada which recognize natural and cultural heritage of outstanding universal value. Parks Canada works with other government departments, other levels of government and a wide range of partners to identify and recognize significant heritage places through their designation. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. A grant is also provided to support the Trans Canada Trail Foundation’s Fundraising Campaign. Heritage and Culture 16 15 -1
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Promotion and Public Support Heritage Places Promotion Heritage places promotion aims to help Canadians become aware of the places Parks Canada administers, their natural and historical heritage, and the work carried out to protect and present them. Targeted initiatives are responsive and relevant to audiences’ needs and interests and are informed by social science research. A wide range of interactive and learning experiences including music, art and film initiatives are offered at venues such as festivals, sporting events, museums, zoos and aquariums in major urban areas. The reach and relevance of these initiatives are enhanced through collaboration with stakeholders and partners and by maximizing positive coverage through broadcast news, mass, specialized and social media. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 250 265 15
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Heritage Places Promotion and Public Support Partnering and Participation This program encourages the participation of partners and stakeholders and leads to new or expanded opportunities for Canadians to discover and develop a sense of connection to their protected heritage places. Partnering arrangements advance shared or complementary goals and objectives, and result in a wide range of collaborative activities including program delivery, promotional campaigns, contests, scientific and academic research, learning tools and new products. Partners include private sector organizations as well as other government departments, NGOs, academic institutions, and Indigenous partners, who in a number of places co-manage national heritage places. Stakeholders engage with Parks Canada through a wide variety of activities such as the Minister’s Round Table, formal and informal consultation processes, and the national volunteer program. Stakeholders include individuals, groups and organizations that have an interest in Parks Canada and ensure that Canadians’ needs and priorities are clearly expressed and inform Parks Canada’s actions and direction. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 117 105 -12 This variance is primarily due to delays in the establishment of new parks.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Visitor Experience Heritage Canal Visitor Experience This program fosters opportunities for Canadians and international visitors to discover, experience, enjoy and develop a sense of personal connection to Canada’s heritage canals. The nine heritage canals include the Trent-Severn Waterway and the Rideau, Lachine, Carillon, Chambly, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Saint-Ours, Sault Ste. Marie, and St. Peters canals. This program includes a range of land and water-based activities, services, and products associated with pre-visit planning, the on-site visit, and post-visit communications. It includes tourism marketing, trip planning information, reception, orientation, interpretation (e.g., exhibits, audio-visual material), recreational activities, compliance, visitor safety services, and visitor facilities (e.g., visitor reception centres, locks). The program is supported by market and visitor analytics, trend analysis, and performance measurement. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 233 271 38 This variance is primarily due to an increase in the number of students as a result of additional funding received in 2016-17 dedicated to the expansion of the Agency's Youth Employment Strategy.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Visitor Experience National Historic Site Visitor Experience This program fosters opportunities for Canadians and international visitors to discover, experience, enjoy and develop a sense of personal connection to national historic sites administered by Parks Canada. This program includes a range of activities, services, and products associated with pre-visit planning, the on-site visit, and post-visit communications. It includes tourism marketing, trip planning information, reception, orientation, interpretation (e.g., period animation, demonstrations, guided walks, exhibits, audio-visual material, technology applications), recreational activities, special events, merchandise, compliance, visitor safety services, and visitor facilities (e.g., visitor reception centres, washrooms, trails). The program is supported by market and visitor analytics, trend analysis, and performance measurement. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 439 518 79 This variance is primarily due to higher than planned FTEs due to fluctuations in the nature of the infrastructure initiative to address the backlog of deferred work on visitor experience assets and an increase in the number of students as a result of additional funding received in 2016-17 dedicated to the expansion of the Agency's Youth Employment Strategy.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Visitor Experience National Marine Conservation Area Visitor Experience This program fosters opportunities for Canadians and international visitors to discover, experience, enjoy and develop a sense of connection to Canada’s national marine conservation areas. This program includes a range of activities, services, and products associated with pre-visit planning, the on-site visit, and post-visit communications. It includes tourism marketing, trip planning information, reception, orientation, interpretation (e.g., presentations, exhibits, audio-visual materials), recreational activities, special events, merchandise, compliance, visitor safety services, and visitor facilities (e.g., visitor reception centres, docks, day-use areas). The program is supported by market and visitor analytics, trend analysis, and performance measurement. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 17 21 4 This variance is primarily due to an increase in the number of students as a result of additional funding received in 2016-17 dedicated to the expansion of the Agency's Youth Employment Strategy.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Visitor Experience National Park Visitor Experience This program fosters opportunities for Canadians and international visitors to discover, experience, enjoy and develop a sense of personal connection to Canada’s national parks. This program includes a range of activities, services, and products associated with pre-visit planning, the on-site visit, and post-visit communications. It includes tourism marketing, trip planning information, reception, orientation, interpretation (e.g., guided walks, presentations, exhibits, audio-visual material, technology applications), recreational activities, special events, merchandise, compliance, visitor safety services, and visitor facilities (e.g., visitor reception centres, campgrounds, trails, park roads). The program is supported by market and visitor analytics, trend analysis, and performance measurement. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 1212 1400 188 This variance is primarily due to higher than planned FTEs due to fluctuations in the nature of the infrastructure initiative to address the backlog of deferred work on visitor experience assets and an increase in the number of students as a result of additional funding received in 2016-17 dedicated to the expansion of the Agency's Youth Employment Strategy.
Parks Canada Agency Canadians have a strong sense of connection to their national parks, national historic sites, heritage canals, and national marine conservation areas and these protected places are experienced in ways that leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Visitor Experience National Urban Park Visitor Experience This program fosters opportunities for Canadians and international visitors to discover, experience, enjoy and develop a sense of personal connection to Canada’s national urban park. This program includes a range of activities, services, and products associated with pre-visit planning, the on-site visit, and post-visit communications. It includes tourism marketing, trip planning information, reception, orientation, interpretation (e.g., guided walks, presentations, exhibits, audio-visual material, technology tools), recreational activities, special events, merchandise, compliance, visitor safety services, and visitor facilities (e.g., visitor reception centres, campgrounds, trails). The program is supported by market and visitor analytics, trend analysis, and performance measurement. The General Class Contribution Program is used to provide contribution funding. Heritage and Culture 26 9 -17 This variance is primarily due to lower than expected FTEs for Rouge National Urban Park due to delays in land transfer agreements.
Parks Canada Agency The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 958 1107 149
Parole Board of Canada Conditional release and record suspension decisions and decision processes that safeguard Canadian communities. Conditional Release Decisions Conditional release is based on the principle that community safety is enhanced by the gradual release of offenders to the community when appropriate.  Quality decisions based on the risk of re offending, in conjunction with effective programs and treatment, and effective community supervision all contribute to the process.Through this program, PBC staff provides timely, accurate information for Board member decision making, and develops training and policies that are essential tools for risk assessment and decision making. Safety and Security 326 321 -5
Parole Board of Canada Conditional release and record suspension decisions and decision processes that safeguard Canadian communities. Conditional Release Openness and Accountability This program ensures that PBC operates in an open and accountable manner, consistent with the provisions of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA). This program works with victims of crime and the general public by providing information, including access to the Board’s registry of decisions, as well as providing assistance for observers at hearings. The program also works to encourage citizen engagement, investigates tragic incidents in the community, monitors the Board’s performance and reports on conditional release processes. Safety and Security 44 44 0
Parole Board of Canada Conditional release and record suspension decisions and decision processes that safeguard Canadian communities. Record Suspension Decisions/Clemency Recommendations A record suspension is designed to support the successful reintegration of an individual into society where appropriate. It is a formal attempt to remove the stigma of a criminal record for people found guilty of a federal offence and who, after satisfying their sentence and specified waiting period, have shown themselves to be responsible law abiding citizens. Through this program the PBC screens applications for completeness and eligibility of each applicant, collects information for decision making and develops policy to guide decision processes. This program is also responsible for assessing requests and providing recommendations under the Royal Prerogative of Mercy (i.e. clemency) and providing advice to the Board on the merits of each case. Safety and Security 65 59 -6
Parole Board of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 60 56 -4
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canadians are protected from excessive prices for patented medicines sold in Canada and stakeholders are informed on pharmaceutical trends. Patented Medicine Prices Regulation Program The PMPRB is an independent quasi-judicial body that is responsible for ensuring that the prices that patentees charge for patented medicines sold in Canada are not excessive based on the price review factors in the the Act. To make this determination the Board must consider each of the following factors: prices at which the medicine and other medicines in the same therapeutic class have been sold in Canada and in the seven comparator countries listed in the Patented Medicines Regulations (Regulations); changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI); and in accordance with the Act, such other factors as may be specified in any regulations made for the purposes of the price review.1 Under the Act, and as per the Regulations, patentees are required to file price and sales information for each patented medicine sold in Canada, for the duration of the patent(s). Board Staff reviews the introductory and ongoing information filed by patentees, for all patented medicines sold in Canada. When it finds that the price of a patented medicine appears to be excessive, Board Staff will conduct an investigation into the price. An investigation could result in: its closure where it is concluded that the price was non-excessive; a Voluntary Compliance Undertaking (VCU) by the patentee to reduce the price and offset excess revenues obtained as a result of excessive prices through a payment and/or a price reduction of another patented drug product; or a public hearing to determine if the price is excessive, including any remedial order determined by the Board. In the event that the Board Hearing Panel finds, after a public hearing, that a price is or was excessive, it may order the patentee to reduce the price and take measures to offset any excess revenues. This program, by reviewing the prices charged by patentees for patented medicines sold in Canada, protects Canadians and the health care system from excessive prices.

1. When consideration of the foregoing factors does not enable the Board to make a determination as to whether the medicine is or has been sold at an excessive price, it may also consider the cost of making and marketing the medicine and such other factors it believes are relevant in the circumstances.
Health 40 31.1 -8.9 The variance in large part is due to a higher than anticipated staff turnover in the program area and an overstated original estimate of FTEs needed. The planned number of FTEs required for this program was adjusted for 2017-18.
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board Canadians are protected from excessive prices for patented medicines sold in Canada and stakeholders are informed on pharmaceutical trends. Pharmaceutical Trends Program The PMPRB reports annually to Parliament through the Minister of Health on its price review activities, the prices of patented medicines and price trends for all drugs, and R&D expenditures as reported by pharmaceutical patentees. In supporting this requirement, the pharmaceutical trends program provides complete and accurate information on trends in manufacturers’ prices of patented medicines sold in Canada and on patentees’ research-and-development expenditures to interested stakeholders including: industry (i.e., brand-name, biotech, generic); federal, provincial and territorial (F/P/T) governments; consumer and patient advocacy groups; third party payers; and others. This information also provides assurance to Canadians that the prices of patented medicines are not excessive. In addition, as a result of the establishment of the National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System (NPDUIS) by F/P/T ministers of health the federal Minister of Health requested that the PMPRB conduct analysis of price, utilization and cost trends for patented and non-patented prescription drugs so that Canada’s health system has more comprehensive, accurate information on how all prescription drugs are being used and on the sources of cost increases. This function is aimed at providing F/P/T governments and other interested stakeholders with a centralized credible source of information on all prescription drug prices. Health 12 13.3 1.3 The variance is due to an understated original estimate of FTEs needed. The extra FTEs required were reallocated from the regulatory program.
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 19 19.3 0.3
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Advice and Support to Cabinet and Cabinet Committees Integration across the federal government PCO provides active leadership on effective policy integration across the federal government so that policy, legislative and management proposals take into account the full range of departmental and Public Service-wide perspectives and issues related to implementation, such as communications, parliamentary affairs, intergovernmental relations, legal and budget impacts. PCO coordinates the management of deputy minister level meetings and provides expert advice to the Clerk of the Privy Council on a broad range of policy and management issues. As part of this role, PCO leads a medium-term planning process across government, which develops and refines policy proposals for the Government’s consideration across a range of emerging global and national trends (e.g., economic, social, demographic, environmental and technological). Democratic Institutions 39 30 -9 The decrease in FTES is mainly a result of staff turnover, delays in staffing and a realignment of priorities by program activity.
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Advice and Support to Cabinet and Cabinet Committees Operation of Cabinet committees PCO helps coordinate the operation of Cabinet and Cabinet committees, including assisting in agenda-setting and meeting management and by providing secretarial support and expert advice to the Cabinet and the Chairs of Cabinet committees on the full range of issues and policies they address. PCO also prepares Orders in Council and other statutory instruments to give effect to Government decisions. Democratic Institutions 69 72 3
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Advice and Support to the Prime Minister and Portfolio Ministers Intergovernmental affairs PCO provides advice and support to the Prime Minister as the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs on bilateral and multilateral engagement with provinces and territories and the management of the federation and strengthening of national unity. In support of the development and implementation of the Government’s agenda and priorities, PCO provides an intergovernmental lens on policy and program initiatives. Democratic Institutions 24 28 4 The increase of FTEs is mainly to support the increased federal government engagement with the provinces and territories as part of the Budget 2016 initiatives.
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Advice and Support to the Prime Minister and Portfolio Ministers International affairs and national security PCO provides advice and support to the Prime Minister on matters related to: international trade; Canada-U.S. relations; engagement with other key partners, including Mexico and the European Union; development assistance; international humanitarian assistance and disaster relief; foreign and defence policy; security and intelligence; and emergency management. With respect to these subject areas, PCO coordinates advice and provides active leadership across the federal public service. It also produces intelligence assessments of major international developments and trends in political, economic and security fields. PCO provides active leadership to the intelligence assessment community (federal departments and agencies as well as other partners) and supports interdepartmental committees to maximize the effectiveness of intelligence community resources. Democratic Institutions 89 83 -6
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Advice and Support to the Prime Minister and Portfolio Ministers Issues, policies, machinery, communications and appointments PCO provides advice and support to the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers on a wide range of issues and policies, including those pertaining to social, economic, intergovernmental, international, security, parliamentary and legal matters. PCO also provides advice on the constitutional principles of our system of government and the prerogative responsibilities of the Prime Minister, such as the machinery, structure and organization of government. PCO coordinates government-wide communications in support of the Government's legislative and policy agenda, programs and services, and citizen engagement in government decision making. PCO also provides advice and support on Governor in Council appointments and manages open, transparent and merit-based selection processes for the majority of GIC appointments. Democratic Institutions 190 226 36 The increase in FTEs is primarily related to Budget 2016 priorities such as engagement activities for electoral reform, the creation of a Results and Delivery Unit and Youth Secretariat; and support for open, transparent and merit-based Governor in Council Appointments.  This is partially offset by decreases related to temporary initiatives.
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Advice and Support to the Prime Minister and Portfolio Ministers Legislation, parliamentary issues and democratic reform PCO provides advice and support to the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, and the Minister of Democratic Institutions on the development, coordination and implementation of the Government’s legislative and parliamentary programs and democratic reform agenda. PCO supports these portfolio ministers in their policy responsibilities, and participation in Cabinet committees and parliamentary activities. PCO supports and coordinates the government-wide process of Parliamentary Returns. PCO also provides advice and operational support for the introduction and progression of legislative initiatives, with a particular emphasis on priority bills. Democratic Institutions 28 30 2
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Advice and Support to the Prime Minister and Portfolio Ministers Offices of the Prime Minister and portfolio ministers The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and the offices of portfolio ministers have the budgets to carry out their operations. In addition, PCO provides telecommunications and audio-visual support, as well as technical support for the Prime Minister during his domestic and international visits. Furthermore, PCO’s Executive Correspondence Services manages both inbound and outbound correspondence for PMO and portfolio ministers. Democratic Institutions 187 157 -30 The decrease in FTEs is attributable to changes in staffing and two ministerial shuffles.
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Commissions of inquiry PCO provides commissions of inquiry with financial and administrative support. As part of this work, PCO can, when necessary, provide ongoing administrative advice and support in the following areas: staffing; acquisition services; contracting; financial services; access to funding; records management; payroll support; publishing information online; translation; legal services; security; and systems support. Transparency and Accountability 0 12 12 The increase in FTEs is related to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.  No Inquiry took place last year.
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Public Service Leadership and Direction Business transformation and Public Service renewal PCO supports government-wide initiatives to offer improved and more responsive services to Canadians, to enhance productivity and to find better ways of doing business, in order to advance the vision of the Public Service set out in Blueprint 2020. PCO provides strategic advice on whole-of-government transformation, Public Service renewal and other management reforms, including through the Central Innovation Hub. In this context, PCO also supports deputy minister-level committees chaired by the Clerk of the Privy Council, as well as committees of external advisors. Government Operations 25 26 1
Privy Council Office The Government's agenda and decision making are supported and implemented and the institutions of government are supported and maintained. Public Service Leadership and Direction Management of senior leaders PCO provides advice and support to the Prime Minister and the Clerk of the Privy Council on the human resources management of senior leaders, in order to foster a Public Service with the capacity and talent needed to deliver the Government’s agenda. As part of this work, PCO supports the development of senior leaders; undertakes succession planning; and, implements the performance and talent management programs. Government Operations 6 7 1 The increase in FTEs is mainly due to a realignment of priorities by program activity.
Privy Council Office The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 297 275 -22
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Chronic (non-communicable) Disease and Injury Prevention The Chronic (non-communicable) Disease and Injury Prevention Sub-Program works across sectors to design, deliver and expand innovative solutions for prevention in collaboration with the not-for-profit and private sectors to address complex public health problems. The Sub Program emphasizes population health approaches that address common risk and protective factors for chronic diseases. The Sub-Program’s premise is that no one sector alone can meaningfully address the causes of chronic disease and injury, and that the combined resources and expertise of a wide range of partners are required to identify and generate sustainable solutions to improve the health of the population. Also within this Sub Program, work is undertaken to conduct public health research and surveillance, with an emphasis on tracking and understanding the common risk and protective factors for chronic diseases and injuries across the life course, and utilizing emerging sources of surveillance information and methods of collection where possible. The Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Canadian Diabetes Strategy, Economic Action Plan 2015 Initiative – Brain Health, Healthy Living Fund, Concussions, Men’s Health, Integrated Strategy for Healthy Living and Chronic Disease (Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease Program, Enhanced Surveillance for Chronic Disease, and Observatory of Best Practices), Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative, and the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy. Health 190 177 -13
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Conditions for Healthy Living Healthy Child Development The Healthy Child Development Sub-Sub-Program supports improvement of maternal and child health outcomes, and encourages positive health and development throughout the stages of infancy and childhood. Current research demonstrates that building resilience, developing empathy, exposing children to healthy eating practices and promoting breastfeeding can substantially compensate for adverse socio-economic conditions throughout their life. Through social science research, population health and community-based interventions, the Sub-Sub-Program works to promote positive physical, social and cognitive development, and reduce health inequalities in order to set a positive trajectory for sustained health throughout the life course. The Sub-Sub-Program engages key stakeholders to identify and address shared priorities related to healthy childhood and adolescent development, including fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, maternal and infant health, oral health, positive parenting practices and health status in Indigenous and Northern communities. It supports interventions to assist pregnant women, children, adolescents and families who face circumstances such as low socio-economic status, family violence, poor mental health and isolation. As well, it facilitates development and use of practice guidelines, frameworks for action, training, tools and supports which benefit the Canadian population, their families, other jurisdictions, national non-governmental organizations and public health practitioners. The Sub-Sub-Program provides funding through the following transfer payments: Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP), Community Action Program for Children (CAPC), Aboriginal Head -Start in Urban and Northern Communities (AHSUNC), Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH). Health 118 93 -25 Actual FTE’s were less than planned primarily due to delays in staffing.
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Conditions for Healthy Living Healthy Communities The Healthy Communities Sub-Sub-Program aims to improve the community capacity to contribute to better health outcomes for Canada’s population, including those who are vulnerable and at-risk. Evidence demonstrates that supportive social and physical community environments can have a positive impact on health status through the life course. Certain populations such as seniors, new Canadians, Indigenous Peoples or those living with a communicable or infectious disease, are more likely to experience health challenges that can be prevented or mitigated in a community context. By engaging federal departments, other levels of government and stakeholders, the Sub-Sub-Program implements shared priorities in disease prevention and health promotion initiatives. The Sub-Sub-Program develops, adapts and implements promising or innovative population health and community-based initiatives and interventions that equip communities to support the population, including those affected by a communicable disease, in living the healthiest, most productive lives possible. The Sub-Sub-Program facilitates the exchange and uptake of evidence-based information to inform decision making for policy and programs and improve public health outcomes within communities. The Sub-Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Nutrition North Canada, Innovation Strategy, and programs for survivors of family violence. Health 208 187 -21 Actual FTE’s were less than planned primarily due to delays in staffing.
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Foodborne Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases The Food-borne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Sub-Sub-Program seeks to reduce the risk of food-borne, water-borne, environmental and zoonotic diseases in Canada which have the potential to adversely impact the health of Canada’s population. By examining the interrelationship between the environment, animals and human health, the Sub-Sub-Program develops and disseminates measures to help address the risks associated with infectious disease threats such as Salmonella, E.coli O157, West Nile virus, Legionella, Listeria and, emerging antimicrobial resistance in the food chain (i.e., animals, food, and humans). The Sub-Sub-Program undertakes national surveillance of food-borne illness zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance in the food chain, conducts targeted research projects aimed at reducing infectious disease emergence, and manages Canada’s national and international response to food- and water-borne disease outbreaks. It also addresses the risk associated with rising global population mobility through enhancing evidence-based information. The Sub-Sub-Program works with federal, provincial, territorial and regional stakeholders as well as international public health organizations to help address emerging global food-borne, water-borne, environmental and zoonotic infectious diseases, in keeping with Canada’s obligations under the International Health Regulations. Health 88 98 10 Actual FTEs were higher than planned due to funding received to support Lyme disease and a reallocation of FTEs to support the Climate Change Program.
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Immunization The Immunization Sub-Sub-Program seeks to protect Canada’s population from the health risks associated with vaccine preventable diseases, thereby reducing the burden of infectious disease and making Canada’s health care system more sustainable. The Sub-Sub-Program also allows Canada to meet its international obligations and commitments under the International Health Regulations. Working collaboratively with the provincial and territorial governments as well as with other stakeholders, intermediaries and researchers largely through the National Immunization Strategy, the Immunization Sub-Sub-Program plays a leadership role in activities that: secure a vaccine supply so that the Canadian population has timely access to safe, effective, economical and equitably distributed vaccines; support surveillance related to coverage and vaccine safety; enhance outbreak response; strengthen immunization research, innovation and development; and update goals for national vaccine preventable diseases and vaccination  coverage rates. The Sub-Sub Program fosters, promotes and strategically manages surveillance, science and research to support evidenced-based public health decisions and actions by providing policy, process and knowledge leadership through: the collection and analysis of data; and the dissemination of timely, evidence-based guidance, decision-support tools, research and knowledge exchange and information products. Finally, the Sub-Sub Program supports the work of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization, which provides science-based expert advice on the use of existing and new vaccines for Canadian jurisdictions. Health 40 45 5 Actual FTEs were higher than planned primarily due to funding received to improve vaccination coverage rates in Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Infectious and Communicable Diseases The Infectious and Communicable Diseases Sub-Sub-Program supports the prevention and control of infectious diseases by monitoring emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases which are identified by the Agency as leading causes of hospitalization and morbidity and mortality in Canada, and by developing strategic approaches to reduce the likelihood of infection. The Sub-Sub-Program assesses and models public health interventions, monitors and reports risk factors and trends associated with infectious diseases and works collaboratively with federal, provincial, territorial and international partners to develop national approaches to manage infectious disease threats including antimicrobial resistance, and helps prevent the transmission of these infections (such as healthcare-associated infections, sexually-transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, vaccine-preventable diseases, influenza, MERS-CoV and other respiratory infectious diseases). The Sub-Sub-Program also seeks to reduce the risk and incidence of infections and injuries associated with blood transfusions and organ transplantation by providing knowledge products to federal, provincial, and territorial health care experts. This Sub-Sub-Program, informed by science, uses this knowledge to prepare for and prevent infectious disease outbreaks and generate guidelines, education materials, frameworks and reports to guide decision making to support public health action. These activities inform national action plans and global responses to prevent and control infectious diseases, in accordance with the International Health Regulations. The Sub-Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund, and the Blood Safety Program. Health 205 194 -11
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Security Biosecurity The Biosecurity Sub-Program helps protect Canadians from threats to public health associated with the use of human and terrestrial animal pathogens and toxins. This Sub-Program has specific responsibility under the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act, the Human Pathogens and Toxins Regulations, and select sections of the Health of Animals Regulations to promote, monitor and enforce safe and secure biosafety practices and laboratory environments. Through the fostering of a foresight-based collaborative Canadian framework for pathogen oversight and accountability, the Sub-Program further contributes to public health security by assessing and addressing emerging risks and by mitigating risks posed by the malicious use of pathogens with the intent to harm. The Sub-Program employs a risk and performance-based approach for promoting compliance, ensuring compliance, and responding to non-compliances. The Sub-Program provides information, educational resources and technical assistance to assist regulated parties to achieve compliance. The Sub-Program authorizes the conduct of regulated activities through licensing and certification, monitors compliance with regulatory requirements through inspections and audits, and applies a graduated enforcement approach to correct non-compliance. The regulated activities for which licenses are issued are related to six distinct sectors: Academic, Hospital, Private Industry, Public Health, Environmental Health, and Veterinary/Animal Health. The Sub-Program also promotes coordinated pathogen oversight and capacity building between pathogen regulators and security partners domestically and internationally. Safety and Security 81 79 -2
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Security Border Health Security The Border Health Sub-Program helps protect Canadians from the introduction and spread of communicable disease across borders through administration and enforcement of the Quarantine Act and the Potable Water Regulations for Common Carriers under the Department of Health Act. The Sub-Program includes quarantine services for travellers, cargo and conveyances at Canadian ports of entry. It also includes a risk-based public health inspection program for passenger conveyances (including aircraft, trains, cruise ships and ferries) and ancillary services (such as flight kitchens and terminals). The Sub-Program provides ship sanitation inspections pursuant to the International Health Regulations (IHR). The Border Health Security Sub-Program promotes coordinated border health measures by creating linkages between key border departments and agencies, including the Canadian Border Services Agency, Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Safety and Security 65 61 -4
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Health Security Emergency Preparedness and Response The Emergency Preparedness and Response Sub-Program is the central coordinating point among federal, provincial, territorial and non-governmental public health partners. The Sub-Program is also responsible for strengthening the nation’s capacity to help prevent, mitigate, prepare and respond to public health events/emergencies. In order to meet these goals, the Sub-Program’s interventions include emergency preparedness, emergency planning, training and exercises, ongoing situational awareness and risk assessment, maintenance of a Health Portfolio Operations Centre, coordination of inter-jurisdictional mutual aid, deployment of surge capacity to provinces and territories, and deployment of Microbiological Emergency Response Teams and associated mobile laboratories. The Sub-Program seeks to protect all persons living in Canada and provides surge capacity to provinces and territories and fulfills Canada’s international obligations for events, such as infectious disease outbreaks, pandemic influenza and bioterrorism. In addition, it coordinates response to natural or man-made disasters and preparedness for mass gatherings and high profile events. The Sub-Program enables the Agency to meet its obligations under the Emergency Management Act and International Health Regulations. Safety and Security 169 173 4
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Public Health Infrastructure Public Health Information and Networks The Public Health Information and Networks Sub-Program exists to enable public health partners to work collaboratively to address existing and emerging public health infrastructure issues and to ensure that public health professionals and partners have access to reliable, actionable public health data and information. It does this by facilitating coordination and collaboration among international, federal, provincial, and territorial partners. It establishes structures to facilitate access to accurate and reliable information, tools and models required by Canadian public health professionals and other stakeholders. With partners the Sub-Program provides leadership on the development of collaborative strategies, plans and responses to public health emergencies, emerging issues and those affecting the sharing of information for effective surveillance and action. The Sub-Program also invests in tools and processes to inform public health practice, providing evidence and applied knowledge, for effective decision-making. The Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payments: National Collaborating Centres for Public Health, and the International Health Grants Program. Health 91 105 14 Actual spending was less than planned primarily due to the realignment of resources.
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Public Health Infrastructure Public Health Laboratory Systems The Public Health Laboratory Systems Sub-Program is a national resource providing Canada with a wide range of highly specialized scientific and laboratory expertise and access to state-of-the-art technologies. The Sub-Program informs public health professionals at all levels of government to enable evidence-based decision making in the management of, and response to diseases and their risk factors. The Sub-Program conducts public health research, uses innovative approaches to advance laboratory science, performs reference laboratory services, contributes to public health surveillance, provides outbreak response capacity and leads national public health laboratory coordination. The Sub-Program also addresses public health risk factors arising from human, animal and environmental interactions by conducting research, surveillance and population risk analysis. These combined efforts work to inform infectious disease-specific strategies and prevention initiatives. The knowledge generated and translated by the Sub-Program supports the development and implementation of national and international public health policies, guidelines, interventions, decisions and actions that contribute to the lifelong health of the population. Health 540 551 11
Public Health Agency of Canada Protecting Canadians and empowering them to improve their health. Public Health Infrastructure Public Health Workforce The Public Health Workforce Sub-Program contributes to the development and maintenance of a Canadian public health workforce which has the ability to respond to public health issues and requirements at any time. Working with federal, provincial and territorial partners and stakeholders, the Sub-Program provides training and support to public health professionals to develop and maintain their ability to carry out core functions and respond effectively and cooperatively to public health events. The Sub-Program takes a leadership role in developing; identifying core competencies; coordinating and delivering training; strengthening national response capacity for disease outbreaks and public health events/emergencies, and providing funding to strengthen and advance the use of research to improve public health policies and practices. The Sub-Program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Public Health Scholarship and Capacity Building Initiative. Health 92 87 -5
Public Health Agency of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 611 276 -335
Public Service Commission A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency. Oversight of Integrity in Staffing and of Non-Partisanship Audit and Data Services The Audit and Data Services sub-program conducts independent organizational and government-wide audits to support the oversight activities of the PSC; and supplies data services, information, studies and analysis on the Public Service to support the enabling activities of the PSC and of departments and agencies. These contribute to providing objective information, advice and assurance to Parliament, and ultimately Canadians, about the integrity and effectiveness of the appointment process, including the protection of merit and non-partisanship. Government Operations 96 75 -21 The PSC is restructuring some of its operations to support the New Direction in Staffing. In this context, several positions remained vacant in order to preserve maximum flexibility. The situation is now being resolved.
Public Service Commission A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency. Oversight of Integrity in Staffing and of Non-Partisanship Investigations The Investigations sub-program conducts investigations into appointment processes (public servants and members of the public) to ensure that they respect the value of merit, including the absence of political influence. The Investigations sub-program also conducts investigations into allegations of improper political activities by public servants to ensure the respect of the principle of non-partisanship. In exceptional cases, this sub-program may include use of the PSC’s broader audit authority, which covers anything within its mandate as defined in the PSEA. Government Operations 30 30 0
Public Service Commission A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency. Oversight of Integrity in Staffing and of Non-Partisanship Monitoring The Monitoring sub program ensures that departments and agencies respect the appointment values and legislative requirements of the PSEA in the context of their delegated authorities and non-delegated authorities retained by the PSC. It includes analysis and feedback to organizations based on results from monitoring tools and activities such as reports and visits. Government Operations 10 10 0
Public Service Commission A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency. Staffing Services and Assessment Assessment Through the PSC’s Personnel Psychology Centre and regional client services units, the Assessment sub-program provides assessment-related products and services in the form of research and development, consultation, assessment operations and counselling for use in staffing, selection and development throughout Departments / Agencies. These standardized assessment instruments, professional services and leading edge techniques such as e-testing support efficient, merit-based appointments through accurate and fair assessment of qualifications including second official language requirements. Government Operations 240 171 -69 The PSC is restructuring some of its operations to support the New Direction in Staffing. In this context, several positions remained vacant in order to preserve maximum flexibility. The situation is now being resolved.
Public Service Commission A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency. Staffing Services and Assessment Enabling Infrastructure The Enabling Infrastructure sub-program includes the maintenance and ongoing development of the systems and processes linking those who seek federal public service employment opportunities with hiring departments and agencies. The system supports staffing and recruitment activities — including student and graduate recruitment programs. Government Operations 48 52 4
Public Service Commission A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency. Staffing Services and Assessment Staffing Services The Staffing Services sub-program includes the development and delivery of staffing services and programs to departments and agencies and to Canadians, including public servants. The PSC staffing services include comprehensive staffing services at all levels as well as student and graduate recruitment programs. These services are designed to help federal departments and agencies select qualified individuals for positions across a range of occupations and levels within the public service. Government Operations 55 58 3
Public Service Commission A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency. Staffing System Integrity and Political Impartiality Delegation, Political Activities, Official Languages and Priority Administration The Delegation, Political Activities, Official Languages and Priority Administration sub-program administers the delegation of appointment authorities to departments and agencies through articulated delegation instruments, learning products and services, staffing advice, intelligence gathering to support the PSC oversight function and support to organizations — enabling delegate appointment and appointment-related authorities to the most suitable level (s) and full exercise of their delegated staffing authority. This sub-program is also responsible for the administration of the political activities regime and the determination of eligibility for the legislated mobility provisions, monitoring and providing expert advice on the use of the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order and the administration of priority entitlements established under the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) and the Public Service Employment Regulations. Government Operations 48 41 -7 The PSC is restructuring some of its operations to support the New Direction in Staffing. In this context, several positions remained vacant in order to preserve maximum flexibility. The situation is now being resolved.
Public Service Commission A highly competent, non-partisan and representative public service, able to provide service in both official languages, in which appointments are based on merit and the values of fairness, access, representativeness and transparency. Staffing System Integrity and Political Impartiality Staffing and Non-Partisanship Policies, Advice and Support The Staffing and Non-Partisanship Policies, Advice and Support sub-program develops and advances strategic policy positions and directions on merit and non-partisanship in the federal public service. It also develops, interprets and provides advice and guidance on the Staffing Management Accountability Framework and PSC policies, regulations and exclusion approval orders related to staffing and non-partisanship; it ensures departments and agencies, managers and human resources professionals receive relevant policy information, advice and support in a timely manner. It develops the PSC position on policy issues raised in complaints brought to the Public Service Staffing Tribunal. Government Operations 73 51 -22 The PSC is restructuring some of its operations to support the New Direction in Staffing. In this context, several positions remained vacant in order to preserve maximum flexibility. The situation is now being resolved.
Public Service Commission The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 229 225 -4
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada The administration of Canada's final court of appeal is effective and independent. Court Operations In order to render its decisions, the Court requires the support of the Office of the Registrar in the management of its caseload from the receipt of an application for leave to appeal up to and including the release of a judgment on appeal. This support includes providing services to the litigants; reviewing applications for leave to appeal and preparing advice as to whether leave to appeal should be granted; preparing summaries of the leave applications; providing procedural advice; reviewing and summarizing factums where leave to appeal is granted; receiving, controlling and preserving all incoming case documentation; tracking various time periods to ensure compliance by the parties with the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada; recording proceedings on appeals; answering queries with regard to cases; editing and summarizing decisions of the Court; publishing decisions in the Canada Supreme Court Reports, in accordance with the Supreme Court Act; and providing law library services with an extensive collection in both print and electronic formats to support legal research undertaken by users within the Court and members of the legal community. Democratic Institutions 146 137 -9
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada The administration of Canada's final court of appeal is effective and independent. Payments to Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada Pursuant to the Judges Act The Judges Act is an Act respecting all federally appointed judges and thereby applies to the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada. The Judges Act specifies the salaries of the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada and prescribes other payments to be made to them, namely allowances for relocation, representation, incidentals, conferences, as well as annuities. The Office of the Registrar processes these payments, as required by the Judges Act. Democratic Institutions 0 0 0 No FTEs attributed to this program.
Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 68 67 -1
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canada's police provide international collaboration and assistance while maintaining a rich police heritage nationally. Canadian Police Culture and Heritage Musical Ride This Sub-program promotes the heritage and traditions of the RCMP and Canada to Canadians and the international community, and helps to raise money for local charities by organizing and performing local shows of the Musical Ride. The Musical Ride’s Canadian Tour travels to approximately 45 to 55 Canadian communities in two different provinces every year, over a period of 85 to 100 days. It also performs at international venues upon request using a cost recovery model. Destinations for the Musical Ride’s tour are chosen from among requests from communities, and the final schedule is drafted to align the tour with the priorities of divisional Commanding Officers, other government departments, and/or community partners. Typically, these priorities support public outreach programs or RCMP recruiting initiatives in contract policing communities. In addition to the tour, the Musical Ride also provides riders in red serge for ceremonial events and parades hosted by the RCMP or by other government partners. Typical events can include memorial services or visits by foreign dignitaries. Funding for this Sub-program covers the equitation training of RCMP members, the breeding, training and support of the required horses, and all logistics associated with the Musical Ride’s tour and performances. Heritage and Culture 79 73 -6
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canada's police provide international collaboration and assistance while maintaining a rich police heritage nationally. Canadian Police Culture and Heritage Partnerships and Heritage This Sub-program promotes and protects the RCMP’s image by the following means: it ensures representation of the RCMP and Canada at major events by building and leveraging strategic partnerships with other government departments and non-profit and private sector organizations; it regulates the use of the RCMP’s image, trademarks and technology by the general public and industry by managing sponsorships and licensing agreements; it documents and preserves the RCMP’s heritage and answers related enquiries from the general public; and, it coordinates the RCMP’s participation in public and departmental ceremonial or special events such as the Sunset Ceremonies, funerals, memorial services, or visits by members of the Royal Family. This Sub-program also manages the RCMP’s representation in both domestic and international special events by reviewing and authorizing requests for members in red serge. Funding for this Sub-program covers all administrative tasks and logistical support/resources to carry out these responsibilities, as well as legal and administrative fees related to the management of intellectual property. Heritage and Culture 14 16 2 Two new FTEs were hired during the year.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canada's police provide international collaboration and assistance while maintaining a rich police heritage nationally. International Policing Operations Capacity Building Mission This Sub-program contributes to global stability by developing and promoting tools that address transnational crime and counter-terrorism issues. It provides training, advice, mentoring and subject matter expertise to countries to help strengthen their law enforcement institutions over the long-term. Capacity building training is conducted on topics related to various investigative and criminal intelligence techniques. This Sub-program engages international stakeholders and partners to achieve the Government of Canada’s foreign policy objectives and supports RCMP operations. Costs are shared by the RCMP and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development under the auspices of the Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program (ACCBP) and the Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program (CTCBP). International Engagement 4 4 0
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canada's police provide international collaboration and assistance while maintaining a rich police heritage nationally. International Policing Operations Liaison Mission Under authority of the RCMP Act, this Sub-program maintains a network of Liaison Officers posted in strategic locations abroad to provide operational support and assistance to Canadian law enforcement agencies in the detection, prevention and investigation of criminal offences contrary to Canadian laws. Through INTERPOL, the Sub-program serves as the principal link between Canadian and international law enforcement communities and coordinates international requests for assistance with the appropriate Canada law enforcement agencies. The Sub-program optimizes efforts to prevent and combat transnational crime by sharing information and promoting assistance in criminal investigations between Canada and INTERPOL member countries. It also sustains bilateral and multilateral relationships to bolster the effectiveness of policing operations both domestically and internationally. International Engagement 97 96 -1
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canada's police provide international collaboration and assistance while maintaining a rich police heritage nationally. International Policing Operations Peacekeeping Mission Through the Canadian Police Arrangement, this Sub-program manages the deployment of Canadian police officers to various missions around the world. More specifically, it selects, trains, supports and deploys Canadian police personnel to international peace operations, international criminal courts, tribunals, and commissions to support police reform; responds to international crises; and promotes the rule of law in fragile and conflict-affected states. Police officers from the RCMP as well as municipal and provincial police services voluntarily participate in peace keeping missions. By assisting foreign police to maintain law and order, Canadian police, in cooperation with international partners, help create a safer and more stable environment. This in turn paves the way for long-term development and can also prevent illicit activities from spilling across borders into other countries, including Canada. International Engagement 99 74 -25 The decrease was primarily due to a ramp down as a result of near completed missions.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Advanced Police Training Canadian Police College This Sub-sub-program provides training to the Canadian law enforcement community through various venues, including the two campuses of the Canadian Police College (Ottawa, ON and Chilliwack, BC) and onsite at other agencies, both national and international. The College provides advanced and specialized police sciences (e.g. forensic identification, technological crime, explosives) as well as executive and leadership training. Safety and Security 77 57 -20 The variance is largely due to the planned FTEs figures not being revised downward following initiatives stemming from the Deficit Reduction Action Plan. The variance is also attributed to delays in staffing processes.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Advanced Police Training National Law Enforcement Training This Sub-sub-program provides training to provincial and federal government organizations and law enforcement agencies to assist in the fight against criminal activity. It also helps develop partnerships across agencies to further learning and sharing of best practices. Incremental costs are recovered from the requesting agency. Safety and Security 24 25 1
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Canadian Firearms Program Firearms Investigative and Enforcement Services This Sub-sub-program provides specialized firearms services to frontline law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prosecution of persons or organizations involved in the illegal movement and criminal use of firearms. This is done by gathering evidence, tracing firearms, analyzing trends, and maintaining the Firearms Reference Table. The RCMP provides training and advice to firearms prosecutors through its Crown Attorney program, and works closely with the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and INTERPOL. It is also directly involved in providing assistance to international groups, such as the United Nations and Organization of American States, and technical advice in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD) to the G8 and Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), on operational issues related to illicit firearms. Safety and Security 54 55 1
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Canadian Firearms Program Firearms Licensing and Registration This Sub-sub-program has a legislative mandate to administer the Firearms Act, related Regulations, and provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada. It enhances public safety by periodically screening all firearm licence applicants and maintaining a database of 1.9 million licensed individuals and businesses, thereby reducing the risk that firearms are in the possession of persons that may pose a risk to public safety. This Sub-sub-program works collaboratively with law enforcement organizations, provincial Chief Firearms Officers (CFOs), and other public agencies. It governs the safe use and storage of firearms, and maintains records of restricted and prohibited firearms. It also designs and is responsible for the delivery of Canadian firearms safety courses, and advises the Commissioner of Firearms and the Minister with respect to the Firearms Act and Regulations. This Sub-sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Firearms Act. Safety and Security 332 327 -5
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Scientific, Technical and Investigative Support Canadian Criminal Real Time Identification Services This Sub-sub-program provides direct operational support to the Canadian law enforcement, criminal justice and public security communities as well as international partners such as the FBI and INTERPOL for criminal, civil and immigration purposes. The Sub-sub-program maintains Canada’s national repository of criminal records and biometric (i.e. fingerprint) information. It is also responsible for maintaining and making accurate and up-to-date criminal record information available to authorized agencies in accordance with federal laws. Criminal record information is used by the Canadian law enforcement community to combat crime, and by authorized agencies for civil purposes, such as conducting civil screening for employment, volunteer work, adoption requests and vulnerable sector checks. In addition, the Sub-sub-program conducts fingerprint-based criminal record checks for civil screening purposes, including vulnerable sector checks. Safety and Security 300 298 -2
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Scientific, Technical and Investigative Support Canadian Police Centre for Missing and Exploited Children This Sub-sub-program provides direct operational support to the national and international law enforcement community in the areas of crimes of interpersonal violence and missing person investigations. Operational support includes responding to threats of on-line child exploitation, assisting with missing persons and unidentified remain investigations and administration of the National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) and the Violent Crimes Analysis System (ViCLAS) databases. Safety and Security 61 59 -2
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Scientific, Technical and Investigative Support Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) This Sub-sub-program provides a secure online database of information on subjects, vehicles, boats and properties, as well as other tactical information, that may be linked to criminal justice and public safety activities. Access to this information may be granted to specific users within the Canadian law enforcement community, other investigative bodies, and strategic partners worldwide. The first component consists of a central police database that provides information to public safety partners on crimes and criminals. The second component consists of the Police Information Portal, which is an integrated master indexing and records management gateway, allowing police agencies to access certain information published by police partner agencies. The third component consists of the Public Safety Portal, a web based query tool that allows public safety partners to access limited police occurrences in accordance with their respective legislated mandate and legal authority. CPIC is the only national, fully integrated and secure law enforcement and public safety communication tool. Safety and Security 66 55 -11 The variance in FTEs was due to delays in staffing.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Scientific, Technical and Investigative Support Criminal Intelligence Service Canada This Sub-sub-program is responsible for the delivery of comprehensive and relevant criminal intelligence products and services to the national law enforcement community and other stakeholders responsible for public safety. Criminal Intelligence Service Canada represents the only formal national intelligence networking structure of Canadian law enforcement at the municipal, provincial, territorial and federal levels committed to exchanging timely information and intelligence on organized and serious crime in Canada. The products and services produced by this Sub-sub-program are designed to inform policing partners, government and other stakeholders about the scope and direction of organized crime groups, their facilitators and criminal markets in Canada, and assist law enforcement leaders in making decisions regarding organized crime enforcement priorities. Participating agencies commit to: contributing information to a common, national intelligence database; collecting and sharing information for the production of integrated threat assessments; and using the resulting threat assessments for enforcement priority setting. Safety and Security 41 43 2
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Scientific, Technical and Investigative Support Integrated Forensic Identification Services This Sub-sub-program establishes, implements, monitors and improves all necessary policies, standards, processes, tools, technology, training, best practices and health and safety directives for forensic identification. These include crime scene forensic examinations, identification and collection of exhibits for scientific analysis, fingerprint analysis, footwear impression comparisons, tire track comparisons, forensic facial imaging analysis, forensic video analysis and disaster victim identification. In addition, this Sub-sub-program commands front line operational units across Canada for bloodstain pattern analysis investigation, Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear substances and Explosives (CBRNE) crime scene investigation, and forensic, scientific and aerial reconnaissance imaging. In providing services to the Canadian law enforcement community, the Sub-sub-program ensures that the RCMP provides consistent crime scene examinations, so that all analysis and comparison of evidence meets or exceeds court standards for forensic opinion evidence. Safety and Security 44 46 2
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Scientific, Technical and Investigative Support National Forensic Laboratory Services This Sub-sub-program provides law enforcement with forensic identification and analysis of exhibit materials used as evidence. This involves the examination, interpretation and reporting of evidence related to physical and/or biological material exhibits from, or pertaining to, a crime scene or criminal investigation. It ensures that the processes used for forensic analysis are scientifically valid and reliable and are based on the application of the scientific method. Support is provided to evidence related to biology services (e.g. DNA analysis), document and counterfeit examinations, trace evidence, explosives, toxicology, and firearms. Safety and Security 333 326 -7
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Canadian Law Enforcement Services Scientific, Technical and Investigative Support Science and Strategic Partnerships (Forensic) This Sub-sub-program maintains the National DNA Data Bank, assisting law enforcement agencies by using DNA evidence to connect crime scenes and to link crime scenes to convicted offenders. This Sub-sub-program also provides scientific and technical review and strategic advice to senior management on all matters of science and technical issues involving the Forensic Science and Identification Services mandate and operations. Safety and Security 32 28 -4 The variance in FTEs was due to delays in staffing.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Contract Policing Aboriginal Policing This Sub-sub-program provides enhanced policing services to address the policing needs of Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal peoples under the terms of the Community Tripartite Agreements and the First Nations Policing Program. Costs are shared by federal and provincial/territorial governments. RCMP services include enforcement of the laws of Canada under various federal and provincial laws, including most notably the Criminal Code, Youth Criminal Justice Act, provincial statutes and band bylaws. Safety and Security 478 485 7
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Contract Policing Municipal Policing This Sub-sub-program addresses the law enforcement needs of municipalities across Canada by providing RCMP policing services under the terms of Municipal Police Service Agreements between Public Safety Canada and the client governments. Costs of policing services are shared by the federal and municipal governments. RCMP services include enforcement of the laws of Canada under various federal and provincial laws, including most notably the Criminal Code, Youth Criminal Justice Act, provincial statutes and municipal bylaws. Safety and Security 5631 5658 27
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Contract Policing Provincial/Territorial Policing This Sub-sub-program addresses the law enforcement needs of provinces and territories by providing RCMP policing services to all provinces (except Ontario and Quebec) and all three territories under the terms of Police Service Agreements between Public Safety Canada and the client governments. Costs of policing services are shared by the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. RCMP services include enforcement of the laws of Canada under various federal and provincial laws, including most notably the Criminal Code, Youth Criminal Justice Act, and provincial statutes. The Sub-sub-program also provides an RCMP presence at select airports, as a contracted police service provider to the Airport Authority in accordance with Transport Canada Aerodrome Security Regulations, to protect travellers and transportation infrastructure. Safety and Security 9809 9900 91
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Federal Policing Criminal Intelligence Under authority of the RCMP Act and the RCMP Regulations, this Sub-sub-program provides comprehensive, timely, relevant and quality information and intelligence, as well as in-depth analysis of emerging criminal threats to increase situational awareness for the RCMP and the Government of Canada. It uses information sharing processes to identify, investigate, disrupt and eliminate organized crime networks and potential terrorist threats in Canada and abroad. The Sub-sub-program develops human sources that contribute information to national security and serious organized crime investigations, and provides operational support to RCMP units and partner agencies regarding the development and management of human sources. Additionally, the Sub-sub-program ensures the security of Canada’s marine transportation system and maritime borders by maintaining a 24/7 operations centre to share information amongst federal, provincial and municipal partners. Safety and Security 571 573 2
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Federal Policing Federal Policing General Investigations Under the authority of the RCMP Act, the Criminal Code of Canada, and federal statutes, this Sub-sub-program contributes to the safety and security of Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests by preventing, detecting, denying and responding to criminal activity. The Sub-sub-program uses an integrated approach, based on information received from intelligence, the public, partners, and stakeholders, to respond to complaints, and to reduce vulnerabilities to criminal activity through inland and border investigations. Assistance is provided to the general public and/or other departments, stakeholders and agencies with complaints or requests relating to the Criminal Code of Canada and/or federal statutes. Safety and Security 871 719 -152 The decrease is as a result of attrition and re-allocation to where resources are required based on priorities.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Federal Policing Federal Policing Operations Support Under authority of the RCMP Act, the RCMP Regulations, the Witness Protection Program Act, the Criminal Code of Canada, and federal and provincial statutes, this Sub-sub-program performs the essential task of supporting, advancing and enabling operations by providing specialized support, direction and training to operational units. It therefore allows for the seamless, relevant and timely exchange and assessment of operational information and intelligence in support of federal policing investigations and operational situational awareness. It delivers a national witness protection program; undercover and covert operational techniques; guidance on the electronic storage, organization, management and disclosure of information collected as part of a major investigation; assistance to police personnel in their preparation for disclosure; as well as a centrally coordinated response to issues arising from public inquiries and civil litigation stemming from federal criminal investigations. It also provides support to front line police personnel by highly trained members who have the capability of employing specialized equipment and tactics. This Sub-sub-program responds to and resolves incidents that are beyond the response capabilities of regular police personnel due to the high risk of violence. Safety and Security 448 468 20
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Federal Policing Federal Policing Project-Based Investigations Under the authority of the Criminal Code of Canada, the Security Offences Act, the Security of Information Act, the Precursor Control Regulations, and federal statutes, this Sub-sub-program contributes to the safety and security of Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests by preventing, detecting, denying and responding to criminal threats. The Sub-sub-program conducts major criminal investigations into serious and organized crime to reduce its impact on Canada and Canadian interests; financial crime to maintain the integrity of the Canadian economy, government, and financial systems; and national security threats to support and protect Canada’s national security. This is coordinated through project-based teams that are modeled on major case management principles. Safety and Security 2313 2285 -28
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Federal Policing Protective Services Under authority of the RCMP Act and RCMP Regulations, this Sub-sub-program provides, within or outside Canada, security services for the Governor General, the Prime Minister, ministers of the Crown in right of Canada, and judges of the Supreme Court of Canada. The RCMP also provides security for visiting heads of state, foreign diplomats in Canada and their residences, internationally protected persons (IPPs) as defined in Section 2 of the Criminal Code, and persons designated by the Minister of Public Safety as requiring security. The RCMP guards and protects designated buildings and other property of Her Majesty in right of Canada, and directs and oversees the implementation of a sustainable and integrated security framework for all major events. Through the Canadian Air Carrier Protective Program, it places covert, tactical operatives, known as In-Flight Security Officers (IFSOs) on board select domestic and international flights. This Sub-sub-program protects identified ‘at-risk’ flights and routinely assesses and validates foreign IFSO programs prior to the placement of their IFSOs on flights destined to Canada. In order to prevent and react appropriately to any threat or situation confronting or impeding designated clients, the Sub-sub-program coordinates protective operations and ensures oversight and compliance with established policies. Safety and Security 802 812 10
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Federal Policing Public Engagement Under authority of the RCMP Act, this Sub-sub-program works with communities to enhance public safety and reduce victimization of Canadians, by mobilizing the public in combatting and reducing the influence of crime in Canada. By engaging various segments of Canada’s population, the RCMP works with community representatives to address concerns and develop mutual goals and appropriate communication tools. In collaboration with other government partners, the RCMP participates in several community consultative groups and schedules workshops and discussions about public safety and cultural diversity topics. The Sub-sub-program also produces training tools and products that are timely and relevant to police officers to help enhance public safety. Safety and Security 47 34 -13 The decrease is as a result of attrition and re-allocation to where resources are required based on priorities.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Technical Services and Operational Support Air Services Operations This Sub-sub-program provides direct operational capability in technical and specialized areas of airborne law enforcement, enabling front-line members to preserve the peace, uphold the law and prevent and investigate crime. It delivers safe and cost effective service to the RCMP and recognized external clients. The RCMP has a fleet of 38 aircraft (including 29 fixed wings and 9 rotary wings) which are located across Canada to enhance operations. Qualified resources and well-maintained aircraft are essential to support RCMP operations. Safety and Security 65 61 -4
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Technical Services and Operational Support Operational Readiness and Response This Sub-sub-program provides a central point of contact for emergency management and incident response across the RCMP, ensuring a coordinated and timely response to any emergencies, critical incidents, or disasters. This involves maintaining specialized teams and resources such as emergency response teams, emergency response medical teams, Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear substances and Explosives (CBRNE) responders, crisis negotiators, and incident commanders. The Sub-sub-program also includes the National Operations Centre, a fully secure and integrated command and control centre for centralized monitoring and co-ordination during critical incidents and major events. Business continuity planning and emergency management focuses on preparedness and workforce resilience as mandated by the Emergency Management Act. Safety and Security 48 52 4
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Technical Services and Operational Support Protective Technologies This Sub-sub-program provides technologies and systems to protect individuals and assets for which the RCMP is responsible. This entails the deployment and implementation of electronic, mechanical and armoured security systems for the protection of Internationally Protected Persons and Very Important Persons, major events, undercover members, witnesses, safe houses, crime scenes, exhibits and sensitive operational sections of the RCMP. It also ensures that RCMP members operate in a safe environment and that exhibits, sensitive information and investigations are protected. Safety and Security 122 125 3
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Technical Services and Operational Support Scientific Services/Technologies This Sub-sub-program offers analytical tools, systems and scientific methodologies to enhance criminal investigations in the study of criminal activity. It encompasses specialized operational and analytical investigative capabilities for Canadian and international policing communities with services including criminal and geographic profiling, polygraph and statement analysis. Safety and Security 28 26 -2
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Criminal activity affecting Canadians is reduced. Police Operations Technical Services and Operational Support Technical Investigations This Sub-sub-program ensures the availability of state of the art technological tools and procedures for the RCMP and other law enforcement agencies to assist in the investigation of criminal and terrorist activities. This includes the lawfully authorized interception of communications, covert entry and surveillance, seizure and forensic analysis of digital devices. It also provides expertise regarding the criminal use of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear substances and Explosives (CBRNE). Safety and Security 964 931 -33
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Incomes are secure for RCMP members and their survivors affected by disability or death. Transfer Payments Members Injured on Duty - Compensation, VAC Disability Pension This Sub-program provides both financial and health care assistance to members of the RCMP who suffer a permanent work-related illness or injury that causes loss in quality of life. This Sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grant to compensate members of the RCMP for injuries received in the performance of duty. Employment and Income Security 0 0 0
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Incomes are secure for RCMP members and their survivors affected by disability or death. Transfer Payments RCMP Pension Continuation Act Payments This Sub-program administers pension payments for officers, non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and constables who enrolled in the RCMP Pension Continuation Act (PCA) program prior to March 1st, 1949 and did not opt into its successor pension program, the RCMP Superannuation Act. The PCA is a defined benefit program that provides a lifetime benefit for RCMP members and their survivors. The program does not currently have any contributors and once payments conclude for current recipients, it is expected that the PCA will be abandoned. This Sub-program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Pensions under the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act (PCA) (statutory). Employment and Income Security 0 0 0
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Incomes are secure for RCMP members and their survivors affected by disability or death. Transfer Payments Survivor Income Plan This Sub-program was designed to meet the needs of the survivors of members who have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. The Sub-program’s goal is to compensate a family for the income lost with the death of the member, such that their net income remains at the same level. Employment and Income Security 0 0 0
Royal Canadian Mounted Police The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 5309 5463 154
Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee Fair and transparent labour relations decision-making that reinforces accountability. Appeal case reviews The Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee (ERC) is an independent administrative tribunal that contributes to fair and equitable labour relations and helps to reinforce accountability at all levels within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).Other than the courts, the ERC is the only independent review mechanism available to RCMP members and management for labour relations matters. The ERC conducts impartial reviews of appeals of certain conduct measures imposed on RCMP members and of written decisions regarding harassment complaints, revocations of appointments, discharges, demotions and ordered stoppages of pay and allowances. Case files dealing with these matters are referred to the ERC for review by the RCMP pursuant to sections 33 and 45.15 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act and section 17 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Regulations. In conducting its reviews of referred case files, the ERC considers the entire file record that is provided by the RCMP which can include statements from members (complainants, respondents and others), video or audio records and testimony from witnesses, historical human resources file materials and other documentation. Once a review has been completed, the ERC provides findings and recommendations to the Commissioner of the RCMP (as the final decision maker) and to the parties. The ERC’s findings and recommendations are directed at ensuring that the general principles of administrative law and labour law are respected and that the requirements of the RCMP Act and other relevant legislation, such as the Canadian Human Rights Act, are adhered to in decision making. In some cases, the ERC makes recommendations for broader change or for actions that might be taken to address issues raised in a file (e.g., changes in RCMP policies or management practices, or additional or new training for RCMP members or managers).Access to summaries of ERC findings and recommendations and to ERC reports and discussion papers is provided to RCMP members and the public through the ERC’s website and publications, and through presentations or other outreach to RCMP members. Government Operations 8 8 0
Security Intelligence Review Committee Canadian Security Intelligence Service performs its duties and functions in accordance with the law, policy and ministerial direction. Investigations The Committee conducts investigations into complaints made against CSIS, denials of security clearances, Minister’s reports in regards to the Citizenship Act and matters referred pursuant to the Canadian Human Rights Act. If jurisdiction is established, investigations include a quasi judicial hearing presided over by one or more Committee members. The time required to complete an investigation will vary in length depending on the complexity of the file, the quantity of documents to be examined, the number of hearing days required, the availability of the participants and the various procedural matters raised by the parties. On completion of an investigation, SIRC issues a final report containing its findings and recommendations, if applicable. Democratic Institutions 8.5 6.8 -1.7
Security Intelligence Review Committee Canadian Security Intelligence Service performs its duties and functions in accordance with the law, policy and ministerial direction. Reviews SIRC conducts reviews of CSIS activities to evaluate their effectiveness, appropriateness and compliance. The Committee develops an annual research plan identifying reviews to be conducted each year, examines CSIS operations, provides a retrospective examination and assessment of specific CSIS investigations and functions, examines information concerning CSIS’s activities, assesses CSIS compliance, and issues findings and recommendations. The objective is to provide Parliament, the Minister of Public Safety and Canadians with a comprehensive picture of CSIS’s operational activities, and assurance that CSIS is acting in accordance with the rule of law. Democratic Institutions 16 10.2 -5.8
Security Intelligence Review Committee The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 6.5 8 1.5
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Cyber and IT Security Services Cyber and IT Security Management Services These services ensure adherence to established security policies and standards to protect and preserve information and to manage and control information security risks through architecture, governance, compliance co-ordination and reporting for partner and client organizations. These services also include supply chain integrity services, security policy compliance, security architecture, designs, controls, assessments, performance and compliance, security audit co-ordination and other related services. Government Operations 187 95 -92 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Cyber and IT Security Services IT Environment Protection Services These services provide physical security measures to data centres that serve Government of Canada departments and agencies to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to information, IT assets and data centre facilities. This includes the protection and disposal of sensitive data centre IT media in appropriate containers designed to resist fire, environmental damage and unforeseen hazards (for both on­site and off­site storage). It also includes the use of TEMPEST protection for data centres to ensure emanations by radiated signals do not contain compromising information. IT Environment Protection Services also involve personnel identification services that support the establishment of trust in personnel and others who require access to government data centre facilities, systems and networks, including security requirements for personnel screening. Government Operations 5 1 -4 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Cyber and IT Security Services Identification, Authentication and Authorization Services These services enable the management of access to computer systems, applications or networks by providing security measures and obtaining information and data to validate user identity. These services include authentication, authorization, encryption, non-repudiation and credential management services for Government of Canada departments and agencies. They also provide access management, directories, identity management, password management, privilege management, password self-service and single sign-on. Government Operations 106 148 42 FTE growth as a result of Budget 2016 funding to secure Government of Canada information technology infrastructure and information
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Cyber and IT Security Services Perimeter Defence, Detection, Response, Recovery and Audit Services This sub-sub-program provides cyber and IT security operations and IT infrastructure security services. The Cyber and IT Security Operations Centre provides 24/7 protection, detection, response and recovery services for partner and client organizations as part of the SSC Cyber and IT Security Operations framework. The centre also provides vulnerability management services to ensure the compliance and integrity of the SSC infrastructure, as well as cyber intelligence through the Government of Canada Computer Incident Response team to inform the government authorities of current vulnerabilities and mitigations to put in place. These services are delivered through close collaboration with lead security agencies and partner and client organizations by constantly monitoring, auditing and testing Government of Canada systems and sharing cyber intelligence. IT infrastructure security services safeguard devices, networks and data for partner and client organizations from various forms of malware and intrusion into government networks and systems. They also enable the Operations Centre services to monitor and assist in the mitigation of unauthorized access, misuse or denial of network-accessible resources and data. This is achieved through strategic planning, design, engineering and implementation of enterprise-wide IT security infrastructure. Products and services also include network access controls, firewalls, security gateways, secure remote access, anti-malware, intrusion detection and prevention, data-loss prevention, and security information and event management systems. Government Operations 187 300 113 FTE growth as a result of Budget 2016 funding to secure Government of Canada information technology infrastructure and information
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Cyber and IT Security Services Secure Communications Services These services support the enterprise-wide need to create, store and transmit information at the classified (up to Secret) level, by consistently applying Government of Canada security and Information Management policies and by providing streamlined service management and holistic IT security design and management. These services include office automation, classified information exchange, classified voice/video communications to Government of Canada and non-Government of Canada entities, in-service support to Government of Canada classified networks, reporting, accounting and procuring assets for SSC’s partner and client organizations. Government Operations 20 12 -8 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Distributed Computing Services Desktop and Office Productivity Suite Services These services ensure the reliable, secure and cost-effective provision of, and technical support for, desktop and office productivity suite applications and LAN-based standard utilities for partner and client organizations. These services include the procurement, installation, configuration, operation, protection and de-installation of desktop and standardized office suite software (such as word-processing, presentations and spreadsheets), and record and document management applications, as well as LAN-based standard utilities (such as anti­virus, security, data-handling tools and client­side printing utilities). The procurement of software via SSC is a mandatory service. The installation, configuration, operation, protection and decommissioning of software are optional. Government Operations 39 21 -18 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Distributed Computing Services Email and Mobile Enterprise Server Services These services provide partner and client organizations with support for email and mobile device management functionality, including the transmission of emails, the scheduling of events and the deployment of configuration policies and applications to mobile devices. These services also include the procurement, configuration, management and protection of email services and mobile device enterprise servers. Government Operations 306 146 -160 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Distributed Computing Services File / Print Services These services provide partner and client organizations with support to user and group access for the storage, retrieval and protection of documents, distributed computing services, data files and shared workgroup folders. These services also include the provision of “server­side” print services, and file sharing and management servers. Government Operations 50 34 -16 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Distributed Computing Services Remote Access Services These services provide partner and client organizations with support to remote end users with complete access to the standard distributed computing desktop components, applications and data via access over a Secure Remote Access, dial-in or wireless service. These services include remote access software, hardware and communications software. Government Operations 11 11 0
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Distributed Computing Services Workstation Services These services help ensure partner and client organizations are provided with reliable, secure, and cost-effective delivery of local physical workstation hardware for accessing and using Distributed Computing Services applications. They include the procurement, installation, configuration, operation, protection and decommissioning of devices, operating systems, Internet browsers and corporate portals. The procurement of hardware via SSC is a mandatory service. The installation, configuration, operation, protection and decommissioning of devices are optional. Government Operations 150 112 -38 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Production and Operations Computing Services (Data Centres) Dedicated Application Hosting and Management Services These services provide partners and clients with a fully managed, secure, reliable and scalable multi-tier platform, including standardized application and database middleware, which enables partner and client organizations to host and manage their data and business applications. The service provides a standard approach to using these platforms in non-production (development and testing), pre-production and production environments, as required by partners’ and clients’ system development life cycles. Government Operations 455 445 -10
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Production and Operations Computing Services (Data Centres) Facilities Management Services These services encompass SSC’s data centre facilities supporting IT business programs for partner and client organizations while adhering to the established Government of Canada security requirements. These services cover the full life cycle (e.g. provisioning, configuration, maintenance and monitoring) of physical assets that support functions associated with physical security, conditioned power distribution, backup power, climate control, fire suppression, IT cabinets and cabling. Government Operations 205 193 -12
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Production and Operations Computing Services (Data Centres) Utility Computing Services These services deliver a fully managed infrastructure solution that offers secure, reliable and scalable computing, providing all partner and client organizations with the required processing capabilities. These cloud-based services utilize infrastructure-as-a-service technology, which includes physical or, more often, virtual machines. The operational support system can host large numbers of virtual machines with the ability to scale services up and down, while supporting application hosting requirements. Government Operations 1615 1671 56
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Telecommunications Services (Data, Voice and Video) Conferencing Services These services enable video, web and audio conferencing between public and private facilities and devices to support more effective and efficient communication and collaboration among partner and client organizations. Existing Government of Canada equipment and infrastructure, as well as industry solutions, are leveraged to provide the capacity to deliver conferencing services. Government Operations 103 91 -12 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Telecommunications Services (Data, Voice and Video) Contact/Call Centre Services (Data and Voice Network Infrastructure) These services include the provisioning and management of the contact centre and toll-free components to enable communications between external stakeholders (the general public and the private sector) and internal stakeholders (Government of Canada programs), as well as Government of Canada internal support functions. The services are delivered using both internal and external equipment and infrastructure to allow for communications via various media channels. Government Operations 86 65 -21 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Telecommunications Services (Data, Voice and Video) Data Network Infrastructure Services These services provide infrastructure support to partner and client organizations for all data network traffic on the network, through the management of network hardware and infrastructure. These services include support for client access connectivity and network and management operational activities. Government Operations 997 899 -98
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Telecommunications Services (Data, Voice and Video) Inter- and Intra- Data Centre Network Services These services provide interconnectivity of network elements between transmission facilities and computing facilities for partner and client organizations. They include network and management operational activities for inter- and intra-data centre network infrastructure and hardware (including network switches and routers, optical network devices, etc.). Government Operations 69 45 -24 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada Modern, reliable, secure and cost-effective information technology infrastructure services to support government priorities and program delivery. Information Technology Infrastructure Services Telecommunications Services (Data, Voice and Video) Voice Network Services These services include the provisioning and management of all voice service components, including telephony devices, to enable local and long-distance voice communications between internal stakeholders (Government of Canada employees) and external stakeholders (the general public and the private sector). The services are delivered through traditional means (Centrex and Public Branch Exchange [PBX] infrastructure), as well as through modern VoIP and cellular services infrastructure, leveraging carrier software and hardware environments. Government Operations 464 400 -64 SSC faced challenges in hiring and retaining staff due to budget pressures and a competitive labour market, both within and outside the federal public service.
Shared Services Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 945 907 -38
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada has the institutional capacity to enable research and research-related activities in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering and health. Canada First Research Excellence Fund The program provides financial support in the form of grants to Canadian universities and colleges to excel globally in research areas that create long-term economic advantages for Canada. The program helps competitively-selected institutions implement ambitious and focused strategies to attract and retain talent, develop partnerships across sectors nationally and internationally, and undertake cutting-edge research. Consequently, the program will contribute to enhancing Canada’s competitiveness in the global, knowledge-based economy, improving Canadians’ health, and enriching our social and cultural life. The program is administered by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council on behalf of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Canada First Research Excellence Fund. Research and Development 6 6 0
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada has the institutional capacity to enable research and research-related activities in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering and health. Indirect Costs of Research This program provides support to institutions in the form of grants in the social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and engineering and health. This program is necessary to build institutional capacity for the conduct of research and research-related activities to maximize the investment of publicly-funded academic research. This program helps to off-set the central and departmental administrative costs that institutions incur in supporting research, which are not attributable to specific research projects, such as such as lighting and heating, maintenance of libraries, laboratories and research networking spaces, or for the technical support required for an institution’s website or library computer system, ultimately helping researchers concentrate on cutting-edge discoveries and scholarship excellence, and ensuring that federally-funded research projects are conducted in world-class facilities with the best equipment and administrative support available. The program is administered by the SSHRC-hosted Canada Research Chairs secretariat on behalf of the three research granting agencies. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Indirect Costs of Research. Research and Development 2 2 0
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Connection - Mobilization of Social Sciences and Humanities Knowledge Individual, team and partnerships knowledge mobilization grants This program provides grants to support the knowledge mobilization activities of scholars and researchers working as individuals, in teams, and in formal partnerships with the academic, public, private and/or not-for-profit sectors. This program is necessary to build links between the social sciences and humanities research community and potential users of research to maximize the impact of research beyond academia, and allow for fruitful exchanges and the multi-directional flow of knowledge, foster an entrepreneurial spirit. Funding opportunities support the dissemination of research results via publications of various types such as scholarly journals and books; the organization of events for researchers to meet, discuss, compare and plan research activities; and the co-creation, synthesis and application of research knowledge. The program leverages external funding through collaborative knowledge partnerships. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 8 11 3 The variance is due to a change in the reallocation of internal services to programs, based on Treasury Board Secretariat’s Guide on Recording and Reporting of Internal Services Expenditures, effective February 29, 2016.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Connection - Mobilization of Social Sciences and Humanities Knowledge Networks of Centres of Excellence This program provides support to partners in the form of grants through Canada’s three granting agencies. Centres supported through SSHRC focus on social sciences and humanities issues and support large-scale, virtual research networks that bring together partners from academia, industry, government and not-for-profit organizations. This program is comprised of the Networks of Centres of Excellence, the Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research and the Business-Led Centres of Excellence. This program is necessary to harness the creativity and inventiveness of the best minds in various disciplines and sectors to find solutions to critical issues of importance to Canada using internationally competitive research, building multi-sectoral partnerships and accelerating the use of multidisciplinary research results by organizations that can use them for economic, social, and environmental benefits to Canada. This includes creating centres to advance research and facilitate the commercialization of technologies, products and services within priority areas and help to increase private sector investments in Canadian research and support training of skilled researchers. This program uses funding from the following transfer payments: Networks of Centres of Excellence and Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence. Research and Development 0 0 0
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Connection - Mobilization of Social Sciences and Humanities Knowledge Research-based knowledge culture This program provides support to social sciences and humanities researchers, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and the organization in the form of prizes and operations and maintenance funds. This program is necessary to develop and sustain a research-based knowledge culture in the social sciences and humanities by honouring and bringing recognition to researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows whose originality and outstanding contribution to research have enriched Canadian society, by supporting brokering activities aimed at building capacity in other sectors to engage in social sciences and humanities research activities and promoting the use of research knowledge to the benefit of Canadian society. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 2 2 0
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Insight - New Knowledge in the Social Sciences and Humanities Individual, team and partnership research grants This program provides grants to support research in the social sciences and humanities conducted by scholars and researchers working as individuals, in teams, and in formal partnerships, including international initiatives. This program is necessary to build knowledge and understanding and develop new research questions from disciplinary, interdisciplinary and/or cross-sector perspectives. It supports initial-stage research, experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas, research on complex and important topics, including those that transcend the capacity of any one scholar or institution and ongoing collaboration and mutual learning. Funding ranges from $7,000 to $2.5M over one to seven years. The program leverages external funding through collaborative partnerships. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 51 60 9 The variance between planned and actual FTEs is due to an increase from Budget 2015, for partnership activities between academic researchers, business and other partners; an increase from Budget 2016, for investigator-led discovery research in the social sciences and humanities; and a change in the reallocation of internal services resources to programs, based on Treasury Board Secretariat’s Guide on Recording and Reporting of Internal Services Expenditures, effective February 29, 2016.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Insight - New Knowledge in the Social Sciences and Humanities Institutional research capacity grants This program provides grants to Canadian post-secondary institutions for the development of research capacity in the social sciences and humanities. This program is intended to increase research excellence and strengthen research capacity by covering expenses that include the start-up costs of research centres, support for visiting scholars (travel and stipend), help for emerging scholars to become competitive in national-level grants competition and support for national and international dissemination and collaboration. Funding ranges from $5,000 to $30,000 per year for a maximum of three years. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 2 3 1 The variance between planned and actual FTEs is due to an increase from Budget 2015, for partnership activities between academic researchers, business and other partners; an increase from Budget 2016, for investigator-led discovery research in the social sciences and humanities; and a change in the reallocation of internal services resources to programs, based on Treasury Board Secretariat’s Guide on Recording and Reporting of Internal Services Expenditures, effective February 29, 2016.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Talent - Attraction, Retention and Development of Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program This program provides fellowships to top-tier postdoctoral researchers in the social sciences and humanities from Canada and around the world, enabling them to pursue research opportunities at Canadian postsecondary institutions. A limited number of fellowships are also awarded to top-ranking individuals who have completed a PhD in Canada to pursue research opportunities at foreign institutions. These prestigious two-year fellowships, valued at $70,000 per year, aim to reinforce Canada’s standing as a global player in research and as a destination of choice for promising researchers at an early stage in their careers. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 1 2 1 The variance is due to a change in the reallocation of internal services to programs, based on Treasury Board Secretariat’s Guide on Recording and Reporting of Internal Services Expenditures, effective February 29, 2016.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Talent - Attraction, Retention and Development of Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) program This program provides scholarships to Canadian master’s and doctoral students in the social sciences and humanities who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in their undergraduate and graduate studies. The program is necessary in order that graduate students develop the research skills needed to become highly-qualified personnel and research leaders of the future. Scholarships are tenable only at eligible Canadian universities; master’s scholarships are worth $17,500 (one payment for 12 months) and doctoral scholarships $35,000 per year (for 36 months). This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Canada Graduate Scholarships. Research and Development 15 18 3 The variance is due to a change in the reallocation of internal services to programs, based on Treasury Board Secretariat’s Guide on Recording and Reporting of Internal Services Expenditures, effective February 29, 2016.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Talent - Attraction, Retention and Development of Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities Canada Research Chairs This program provides support to research chairs in the form of salary and research funding to attract and retain talent in the social sciences and humanities. National and international researchers can be chair holders. This program is necessary in order to strengthen research excellence, improve research training of highly qualified personnel, improve universities’ capacity to generate and apply new knowledge and promote the best possible use of research resources through strategic institutional planning and collaboration among institutions and between sectors. Tier I Canada Research Chairs have a value of $200,000 per year, and Tier 2 Canada Research Chairs have a value of $100,000 per year. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 14 14 0
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Talent - Attraction, Retention and Development of Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities SSHRC Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships program This program provides fellowships to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers with a demonstrated record of achievement in their studies and research skills. This program is necessary to support the training of highly qualified personnel, develop and retain the best and most promising research talent in the social sciences and humanities, and expand the research qualifications of emerging scholars of the highest potential at an important time in their research careers. Doctoral Fellowships are valued at $20,000 per year for between 12 and 48 months and are tenable at any recognized university in Canada or abroad.Postdoctoral Fellowships are valued at $38,000 per year for 12 or 24 months and are tenable at Canadian or foreign universities and research institutions and provide stipendiary support to non-tenured PhD graduates to undertake new research, publish research findings, develop and expand personal research networks, broaden teaching experiences and become competitive in national research competitions.Doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers who choose to take their fellowships abroad benefit from the opportunity to expand their knowledge and build theinternational linkages necessary to ensure success in the globalized 21st century. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Grants and Scholarships. Research and Development 14 15 1
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada is a world leader in social sciences and humanities research and research training. Talent - Attraction, Retention and Development of Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships This program provides scholarships to doctoral students in the social sciences and humanities who demonstrate an exceptionally high standard of achievement and leadership potential. This program is necessary to attract outstanding doctoral students from abroad and to retain top Canadian doctoral students to help build world-class research capacity. The program brands Canada as a venue for excellent research and encourages scholarship recipients to stay and lead the next generation of researchers in Canada. Canadian and international students are eligible to be nominated for a Vanier Scholarship, which is valued at $50,000 per year for three years, offering a value and prestige comparable to other internationally recognized scholarship programs. This program uses funding from the following transfer payment: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships. Research and Development 1 2 1 The variance is due to a change in the reallocation of internal services to programs, based on Treasury Board Secretariat’s Guide on Recording and Reporting of Internal Services Expenditures, effective February 29, 2016.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 105 93 -12
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Censuses Census of Agriculture The Census of Agriculture program conducts the quinquennial Census of Agriculture, and produces and publishes economic series on the agriculture sector that flow to the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts to form the agriculture component of the GDP, and thereby satisfy requirements of the Federal–Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations. Information from this program is used to improve the register of farms for the purpose of conducting surveys and censuses to ensure proper survey coverage using samples that are as small as statistically possible and thereby minimizing response burden. The program provides a comprehensive picture of the agriculture sector at the national, provincial and sub-provincial levels, and is mandated by the Statistics Act. Small-area and benchmarking data, produced from the Census of Agriculture, are critical to industry structural analysis, crisis management, environmental programs, pesticide management, carbon credits, water-use planning and protection, rural development, and traceability. No other comprehensive source of these data currently exists, and coverage of farms of all sizes is important. In some sectors and regions, small farms are significant to the economy, and data are required for policy and program development. Transparency and Accountability 208 186 -22 The decrease in actual FTEs versus planned FTEs is explained by adjustments made in planned salary expenditures, due to budget being brought forward from fiscal year 2016-17 to 2017-18, as approved through the agency’s strategic planning process.
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Censuses Census of Population Program The Census of Population program plans, develops and implements all collection, data processing and dissemination of the decennial and quinquennial censuses of population—Canada’s national inventory of key socio-economic phenomena. The Census of Population program provides a statistical portrait of Canada and its people. The Census of Population produces population counts that are the basis for updating population estimates, which are used to determine transfer payments for Canada Health and Social Transfer, the Health Reform Transfer, Equalization and Territorial Formula Financing. The program is also the only source of standard information for low levels of geography and small populations, which are needed to meet legislative requirements, and to satisfy key policy requirements defined by government needs, or to satisfy non-governmental organizations’ and businesses’ need to plan and evaluate programs and make informed decisions. Because the Canadian census is conducted every five years, and the questions are similar, it is possible to compare results in order to see what changes to Canada’s population have occurred over time. The census includes every person living in Canada on Census Day, as well as Canadians living abroad, either on a military base, attached to a diplomatic mission, at sea, or in port aboard Canadian-registered merchant vessels. Persons in Canada, including those holding a temporary resident permit, study permit, or work permit, as well as their dependents, are also part of the census. The Census of Population, mandated in the Constitution Act, underlies the delineation of federal electoral districts (therefore representation in the House of Commons) and plays a critical role in the Constitutional amending formula. The Fair Representation Act requires population estimates to determine the number of Federal Electoral Districts and the Federal Electoral Act requires the use of population counts to redraw the boundaries of these districts every 10 years. This program is mandated in many statutes and acts including the Statistics Act, the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, the Federal–Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, the Canada Council for the Arts Act, the Provincial Subsidies Act, the Railway Relocation and Crossing Act, the Industrial and Regional Development Act, the Income Tax Act, the Canada Pension Plan Act, the Old Age Security Act, the War Veterans Allowance Act and constitutional amendments. Transparency and Accountability 1546 1224 -322 The decrease in actual FTEs versus planned FTEs is explained by adjustments made in planned salary expenditures, due to budget being brought forward from fiscal year 2016-17 to 2017-18, as approved through the agency’s strategic planning process. Furthermore, FTEs vary slightly as a result of variances between the average salary rates paid and the estimated average salary rates used in calculations at the planning stage.
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Economic and Environmental Statistics Analysis of Economic and Environmental Statistics The Analysis of Economic and Environmental Statistics program directs, coordinates and conducts a broad range of data-development initiatives and statistical analyses on topics in macro- and microeconomics including productivity, firm entry and exits, and job creation and destruction. These activities serve four main functions:(1) To generate new data that can be used by the analytical community(2) To demonstrate how these data can be used to provide analysis of relevant issues that dominate public debate(3) To contribute to improved quality by vetting Statistics Canada data to assess their fitness for various uses(4) To provide in-depth feedback and quality assurance to a wide range of the data-producing units within Statistics Canada. The results of the data-development initiatives and analyses are disseminated through a number of different ways, including the Economic Insights publication; the Canadian Productivity Review and Canadian Economy in Transition and Economic Analysis Research Papers series; external academic journals; and presentations made at conferences. The Analysis of Economic and Environmental Statistics program oversees the Canadian Centre for Data Development and Economic Research, which allows outside analysts from governments, research institutions and academia to make use of business microdata under controlled conditions within Statistics Canada for research purposes. Strategic partnerships are entered into with highly trained economists to undertake important policy-relevant economic research on topics such as productivity, international trade, investment patterns and firm dynamics, while assuring the confidentiality and security of data. Transparency and Accountability 27 39 12 The increase in actual FTEs versus planned FTEs is largely related to a realignment of programs between Analysis of Economic and Environmental Statistics and Internal Services.
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Economic and Environmental Statistics Economy-wide Business Statistics The Economy-wide Business Statistics program plans, directs, coordinates and controls the provision of statistical information and advice to governments, private organizations and institutions on financial and taxation statistics for enterprises; capital spending; property values; consumer and industrial prices; small businesses; science, technology, innovation and the digital economy. The program also tracks the size, financial structure and ownership characteristics of the corporate sector in Canada and has responsibility for measuring production in the finance and insurance industries.

Data is produced on the Corporation Returns Act and the Financial and Taxation Statistics for enterprises, as well as Canada's merchandise export and import statistics and related price and volume indices (customs and balance of payments basis).

This program supplies the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts with data required by the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations and the Comprehensive Integrated Tax Coordination Agreement.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI), and other price indexes (industrial product prices, services producer prices, non-residential construction prices, new housing prices, machinery and equipment prices, and farm input prices) are named in numerous acts (such as Canada Pension Plan Act and the Old Age Security Act) for various reasons: the adjustment of income tax basic deductions and inflation indicators in the Government of Canada–Bank of Canada Agreement on Inflation Control Targets.

The indexes are also required by the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts to satisfy the Fiscal Arrangements Act, and the Special Data Dissemination Standard with the IMF.
Transparency and Accountability 523 470 -53 The decrease in actual FTEs versus planned FTEs is largely related to a realignment of programs between Economy-wide Business Statistics and Macroeconomic Accounts. In addition, the agency received funding in year for the enhancement of Canada’s financial and wealth statistics which was announced as part of Budget 2016.
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Economic and Environmental Statistics Environmental Statistics The Environmental Statistics program integrates environmental and socio-economic information into sets of statistics relevant for the analysis of relationships between human activity and the environment in Canada. The primary outputs for this program are time-series estimates of various components of Canada’s environmental wealth (water, ecosystems, sub-soil minerals), natural resource usage, pollution flows, environmental protection expenditures and household environmental behaviours. As well, a detailed, geographically referenced database is maintained, which facilitates environmental studies by eco-region or by drainage area. The program includes an annual analytical publication entitled Human Activity and the Environment, which is widely used by schools, as well as by federal, provincial and territorial government policy makers. Short analytical articles are also released through the EnviroStats publication. Program outputs are used by Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, provincial government departments, various media outlets, private sector organizations, international institutions, and the general public. Transparency and Accountability 57 52 -5
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Economic and Environmental Statistics Industry Statistics The Industry Statistics program plans, directs, coordinates and controls the provision of statistical information and advice on a broad range of industrial sectors. These range from distributive trades, manufacturing, transportation and other service industries, to governments, private organizations and institutions. It also produces timely statistics concerning the activities of the agriculture sector and its participants. This is achieved by conducting annual and sub-annual surveys of manufacturing, transportation and retail and wholesale trade. The program also includes annual and sub-annual surveys on farm income and prices, and crop and livestock production and inventories. The program supplies the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts with data required by the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, and the Special Data Dissemination Standard with the IMF. Data are required as part of Canada’s participation in the North American Free Trade Agreement under the snapback provision and the Bank Act regulations, Section 427. The program also satisfies the information requirements of Transport Canada, the Canadian Transportation Agency, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, other federal government departments, provincial governments, international organizations, industry associations, the academic community and the public at large. The program also assists large, complex, business enterprises with data-collection requirements. Transparency and Accountability 507 532 25
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Economic and Environmental Statistics Macroeconomic Accounts The Macroeconomic Accounts program provides a conceptually integrated framework of statistics and analysis for studying the evolution of the Canadian economy. The accounts are centred on the measurement of production of goods and services, and the purchase and sale of goods and services in domestic and international markets. Corresponding price indexes are derived, and estimates of economic activity in real or inflation-adjusted terms are prepared. Monetary flows are tracked among the five major sectors of the economy: households, non-profit institutions serving households, corporations (financial and non-financial), governments, and non-residents. Saving, investment, assets, liabilities, and national wealth are measured. This program also produces statistics on international trade, economic transactions and on Canada’s assets and liabilities with the rest of the world, of which the primary output is the balance of payments and the international investment position. This program also produces financial and employment statistics for the Canadian public sector; more specifically, revenues, expenditures, assets, liabilities and debt statistics for the federal, provincial, territorial and municipal levels of government, including government health and education institutions. The program supports various statutory requirements, including the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, the Comprehensive Integrated Tax Coordination Agreement, and the Special Data Dissemination Standard with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Its outputs, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), balance sheet and financial flows, provincial economic accounts, the input–output tables and the various satellite accounts, such as the Tourism Satellite Account and the Pension Satellite Account, are vital to the policy development and program responsibilities of the Bank of Canada; Finance Canada; Industry Canada; Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada; and several other federal, provincial and territorial departments and agencies. Its outputs are also widely used in the private sector. Transparency and Accountability 261 342 81 The increase in actual FTEs versus planned FTEs is largely related to a realignment of programs between Macroeconomic Accounts and Economy-wide Business Statistics.  In addition, the agency received funding in year for the enhancement of Canada’s financial and wealth statistics which was announced as part of Budget 2016.
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Socio-Economic Statistics Analysis of Socio-economic Statistics The Analysis of Socio-economic Statistics program plans, directs, coordinates and conducts a range of statistical analyses, as well as data-development initiatives and micro-simulation modelling. Results are disseminated through a variety of means including Statistics Canada’s research paper series, in publications such as Economic Insights and Health Reports, in external academic journals and through presentations provided at conferences. Substantive areas of analysis that are of interest to policy makers, academics, business leaders and individuals include population aging and its impacts on labour markets and health care needs; wait times and access to health care; Indigenous health; the economic circumstances of immigrants; population health status and health systems; the impact of diseases and health determinants; trends in income distribution, including both low income and vulnerable populations; geographic patterns, including across Canada’s major cities; labour force dynamics; education outcomes, labour compensation; and pensions and retirement adequacy. These activities serve four main functions and audiences: (1) Providing high-quality and often leading-edge analyses on important contemporary topics for the general public (2) Providing information of direct relevance to matters of current policy concern (3) Contributing, more generally, to the corpus of national and international research in the peer-reviewed literature (4) Providing an important quality assurance role to verify the accuracy and relevance of the statistics produced in order to assist users in interpreting the data, and to develop relevant concepts for the production of statistics. Transparency and Accountability 29 34 5 The increase in actual FTEs versus planned FTEs is largely due to an in year investment approved through the agency's Integrated Strategic Planning Process.
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Socio-Economic Statistics Demographic, Aboriginal and other Social Statistics The Demographic, Aboriginal and other Social Statistics program produces Canada’s quarterly and annual post-censal and inter-censal population estimates and population projections, which are used by all levels of government, the private sector, researchers and non-government organizations. Population estimates are used to satisfy the statutory requirements of the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, including the Canada Health and Social Transfer, the Equalization Program, and the Wait Times Reduction Transfer. Territorial estimates are used in the Territorial Formula Financing. Population estimates are used to allocate federal seats to provinces under the Fair Representation Act. Population estimates must be used in connection with the following legislations: the Canada Pension Plan Act, the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act, the Canada Student Loans Act, and the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act. Data include components of population growth, namely estimates of births, deaths, immigration, total emigration, change in non-permanent residents, and inter- and intra-provincial migration. This program also enables access to microdata for research purposes and produces information and analytic outputs on key social issues. Through the General Social Survey, information on immigration, visible minorities, religion, ethnicity, language, social identity, giving and volunteering, victimization, youth, families, gender, seniors, time use, care giving and receiving, and social well-being are collected. The information is used to support various pieces of legislation, including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Citizenship Act, the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, the Official Languages Act, and the Employment Equity Act. The Demographic, Aboriginal and other Social Statistics program provides information and subject-matter expertise to help support the policy interests of Employment and Social Development Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Justice Canada, Canadian Heritage, and Status of Women Canada. It is also responsible for providing subject-matter expertise, coordination and integration in the collection, analysis and dissemination of data about Indigenous people, on topics such as education, use of Indigenous languages, labour activity, income, health, communication technology, mobility, and housing conditions, which are used by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada and Indigenous governments and organizations. Transparency and Accountability 125 134 9
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Socio-Economic Statistics Health and Justice Statistics The Health and Justice Statistics program provides statistical information and analysis about the state of health of Canadians, as well as criminal and civil justice in Canada. It also conducts the ongoing Canadian Community Health Survey and the Canadian Health Measures Survey, collects the data for and maintains Canada’s vital statistics, as well as the Canadian Cancer Registry. Health information is used to assist and support health planners and decision makers at all levels of government, to sustain demographic and epidemiological research, and to report to the Canadian public about their collective health and health-care system. Vital statistics data are used by the Population Estimates Program, whose results, in turn, are used for the Equalization Program. The National Justice Statistics Initiative strives to develop, implement and manage an effective national justice statistics program through the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, which is the operational arm of a federal–provincial–territorial partnership. The rationale for this program stems from a memorandum of understanding with Justice Canada, and Cabinet decisions where Statistics Canada was named a partner in the National Justice Statistics Initiative. The program administers several surveys on police-reported crime, homicide, police administration, adult and youth criminal courts, civil courts and adult corrections, as well as surveys on expenditures and personnel, and key-indicator reports on adult and youth corrections. The program also administers the Family Violence Statistical Program funded by the Family Violence Initiative. Transparency and Accountability 448 415 -33
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Socio-Economic Statistics Labour, Education, Income and Tourism Statistics The Labour, Education, Income and Tourism Statistics program provides indicators that measure the economic well-being of Canadians based on information from the labour market, income, expenditures and wealth, pensions, housing and education fields. In addition, the program also provides statistics on tourism. Indicators are produced at various frequencies. Labour market estimates, which are among the most timely and important measures of the overall performance of the Canadian economy, are reported monthly. A multi-dimensional picture of the financial well-being of Canadian families and individuals is provided through an annual survey on income and expenditures, as well as a periodic measurement of wealth. Indicators collected through tax data complete the picture. Information on pension funds is provided quarterly, and information on pension plans is provided yearly. The program also has a comprehensive set of pan-Canadian education statistics and analysis that is released yearly. Tourism indicators are released monthly. The program supplies data to the Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts, the Tourism Satellite Accounts, and the balance of payments. The program collection mandate stems from requirements in the Employment Insurance Act, the Judges Act, the Senate and the House of Commons Act, the Canada Pension Plan Act, and the Quebec Pension Plan Act, and the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations. The outputs of this program support economic, social and monetary policy, and governments, financial institutions and researchers alike rely heavily on these outputs to monitor the impact of policies and programs. Specific user agencies include Finance Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Industry Canada, Destination Canada, and the Bank of Canada. Transparency and Accountability 545 558 13
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Statistical Infrastructure Continuity and Quality Maintenance Program The Continuity and Quality Maintenance program coordinates aspects of the Agency’s Integrated Strategic Planning Process to ensure the continuity and quality maintenance of programs. Transparency and Accountability 194 23 -171 The decrease in actual FTEs versus planned FTEs is mainly the result of:
· Budget earmarked for anticipated future pressures from the renewal of collective bargaining agreements;
· Unused amounts being brought forward to 2017-18 to support the Agency's Integrated Strategic Planning Process.
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Statistical Infrastructure Operational Statistical Services The Operational Statistical Services program comprises those activities and services relating to the collection of data from respondents; the entry of data into computer systems; the coding of data into standard categories; and the processing of data obtained from other government organizations or administrative sources, rather than directly from respondents. This program includes activities associated with the release of the Agency’s information to the public. Examples include the production of online databases and the dissemination of Statistics Canada’s official release vehicle, The Daily. The program also oversees the hiring and training of interviewers to support ongoing, ad-hoc and cost-recovery surveys; and provides a data-user advisory services function through the Statistical Information Service. Transparency and Accountability 542 481 -61 The decrease in actual FTEs versus planned FTEs is related to an internal realignment between the Statistical Infrastructure program and Internal Services program.
Statistics Canada Canadians have access to timely, relevant and quality statistical information on Canada's changing economy and society for informed debate, research and decision making on social and economic issues. Statistical Infrastructure Professional Statistical Services The Professional Statistical Services program develops sound statistical methodology, standardized concepts and classifications (including geographic concepts) and information about the agency’s surveys and statistical programs; and prepares and maintains registers of households, farms and other businesses and organizations for the purpose of conducting surveys and censuses. This program is also responsible for acquiring statistical data from Canada Revenue Agency and other administrative sources to make these data available to other programs throughout the Agency. The program also undertakes methodological research activities aimed at providing practical solutions related to survey and questionnaire design, the analysis of survey data, and other specific topics and provides expert advice on survey methodology and quality assurance within and outside the Agency. The program also provides Agency-specific legal services relating to the Statistics Act and to data-sharing agreements. In addition, the Professional Statistical Services program carries out research and development activities relating to a number of areas such as statistical methodology, data collection, and operational activities; and assists large, complex business enterprises with data-collection requirements. Transparency and Accountability 253 261 8
Statistics Canada Specific client needs for high-quality and timely statistical services are met. Cost-Recovered Statistical Services Cost-recovered Services related to Economic and Environmental Statistics The Cost-recovered Services related to Economic and Environmental Statistics program produces high-quality, cost-recovered economic and environmental outputs that meet the needs of specific federal, provincial and territorial institutions and other clients.This program designs, implements, analyzes and disseminates the results of large-scale or complex surveys and newly created databases for external clients to provide useful information to the broadest possible spectrum of users. Examples include the financing surveys for small and medium-sized enterprises, the digital economy, Internet use, bio-products, business and household energy use, and household interaction with the environment.Cost-recovered analytical projects, research and database creation, including those conducted at the Canadian Centre for Data Development and Economic Research, and micro-simulations are also part of this program. Transparency and Accountability 0 0 0
Statistics Canada Specific client needs for high-quality and timely statistical services are met. Cost-Recovered Statistical Services Cost-recovered Services related to Socio-economic Statistics The Cost-recovered Services related to Socio-economic Statistics program produces high-quality, cost-recovered socio-economic outputs that meet the needs of specific federal, provincial and territorial institutions and other clients.This program designs, implements, analyzes and disseminates the results of large-scale or complex surveys and newly created databases for external clients to provide useful information to the broadest possible spectrum of users. Examples include surveys on public service employment, employment insurance and labour market, young Canadians, literacy and education, Indigenous peoples, community-related activities such as resiliency, and health-related activities including tobacco use.It also produces high-quality, cost-recovered programs that provide access to Statistics Canada’s public-use and confidential microdata, including the Data Liberation Initiative, which provides access to Public Use Microdata Files in the libraries of post-secondary institutions. Other services include operating the Research Data Centres, which supply secure access to detailed microdata files in 26 universities and one research institute across Canada, as well as the Real Time Remote Access program, which provides access remotely, in more or less real time, to researchers who submit codes and receive automatically-vetted output back.This program also includes cost-recovered analytical projects and research, the Longitudinal Immigration Database, and population projections for specific sub-populations (microsimulations) or based on customized sets of assumptions. Transparency and Accountability 0 0 0
Statistics Canada Specific client needs for high-quality and timely statistical services are met. Cost-Recovered Statistical Services Cost-recovered Services related to Statistical Infrastructure The Cost-recovered Services related to Statistical Infrastructure program produces high-quality, cost-recovered outputs related to statistical infrastructures that meet the needs of specific federal, provincial and territorial institutions and other clients. An example is the imaging/data capture of the E311 Travel Declaration Cards for Canadians for the Canadian Border Services Agency and Services Canada.As a member of the international statistical community, Statistics Canada is an active participant in the development of statistical methods, standards and techniques. The Agency engages with international organizations and other countries, with the aim of supporting Canada’s international responsibilities in statistics, offering technical assistance, as well as enhancing its own statistical program. Transparency and Accountability 0 0 0
Statistics Canada Specific client needs for high-quality and timely statistical services are met. Cost-Recovered Statistical Services Cost-recovered Services related to the Censuses The Cost-recovered Services related to the Census programs produces high-quality, cost-recovered outputs related to the censuses that meet the needs of specific federal, provincial and territorial institutions and other clients.This program designs, implements, analyzes and disseminates the results of large-scale or complex surveys for external clients to provide useful information to the broadest possible spectrum of users. Examples include linking the census database to other surveys or administrative databases for analytical purposes, as well as producing statistics for small geographic areas. Transparency and Accountability 0 0 0
Statistics Canada The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 519 653 134
The National Battlefields Commission The Battlefields Park of Quebec is a prestigious, natural, accessible, safe and educational historic and urban site. Conservation and Development As part of this program activity, the National Battlefields Commission (NBC) preserves the legacy of the Battlefields Park for future generations. To do so, the NBC ensures infrastructures maintenance and improvement when required, the horticultural landscape, and offers a protected site for all Canadian and foreign users and visitors. Heritage and Culture 22 22 0
The National Battlefields Commission The Battlefields Park of Quebec is a prestigious, natural, accessible, safe and educational historic and urban site. Public Education and Services The purpose of this program activity is to showcase the history of the site and its cultural, recreational and natural treasures so as to emphasize its dual role as a historical and a city park. In support of this program, the National Battlefields Commission welcomes visitors, puts on exhibits and educational activities, provides quality public services, and disseminates information to users and visitors from both Canada and abroad. Heritage and Culture 19 20 1
The National Battlefields Commission The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 18 17 -1
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Decision-Making Support and Oversight Cabinet Decision Support Through the Cabinet Decision Support sub-program, the Secretariat supports decision-making by providing advice regarding resource allocation, risks, compliance with rules and policies, and alignment with the Government of Canada’s objectives and priorities. The sub-program’s objective is to provide the Treasury Board and other Cabinet committees with the best possible advice and analysis pertaining to departmental submissions to achieve results for Canadians.This sub-program achieves its results by reviewing Treasury Board submissions and Memoranda to Cabinet and providing advice and guidance. The Secretariat provides a challenge function in reviewing any Cabinet proposal. It also supports the Treasury Board as a committee of ministers in considering Governor in Council regulations and orders-in-councils. Government Operations 227 227 0
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Decision-Making Support and Oversight Expenditure Analysis and Allocation Management Through the Expenditure Analysis and Allocation Management sub-program, the Secretariat provides advice and analysis related to government expenditures, including compensation. It also supports decision making by providing reliable, detailed and timely information to Parliament and to the public, and by reporting on spending and resource allocation. The objective of this sub-program is to promote accountability and transparency in the management of government expenditures.This sub-program achieves its results by working with federal departments and agencies—as well as with most Crown corporations—and by conducting research and analysis on expenditure trends to support expenditure planning, resource allocation and results-based decision making.This sub-program also includes expenditures on whole-of-government reporting to Parliament and to Canadians.The primary legislation underpinning this sub-program’s activities is the Financial Administration Act, as well as the appropriation Acts associated with the Estimates. Government Operations 116 110 -6 Actual spending and FTEs were lower than planned, mainly due to staffing delays.
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Government-wide Funds and Public Service Employer Payments The Government-Wide Funds and Public Service Employer Payments program accounts for funds that are held centrally to supplement other appropriations, from which allocations are made to, or payments and receipts are made on behalf of, other federal organizations. These funds supplement the standard appropriations process and meet certain responsibilities of the Treasury Board as the employer of the core public administration, including employer obligations under the public service pension and benefits plans.The administration of these funds falls under the Expenditure Analysis and Allocation Management sub-program and the People Management Policy sub-program, but their financial resources are shown separately in the PAA for visibility and reporting purposes. Government Operations 0 0 0
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Government-wide Programs Design and Delivery Government-Wide Operations Through the Government-Wide Operations sub-program, the Secretariat provides other departments and agencies with access to shared operations, services, and information technology systems. The Secretariat also provides support to small departments and agencies, where specific expertise is required or capacity limitations exist, in order to generate cost-savings and develops and maintains information technology tools that promote a more collaborative and efficient public service. The objective of the sub-program is to improve the efficiency of government organizations.Activities under this sub-program are performed with groups of government organizations to facilitate government business. The services and systems are developed and maintained by the Secretariat, sometimes in partnership with other organizations. Government Operations 98 122 24 Actual spending and FTEs were higher than planned, mainly due to the internal reallocation from the Pensions and Benefits sub-program to the Government-Wide Operations sub-program and the establishment of the Centre for Greening Government.

Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Government-wide Programs Design and Delivery Labour Relations Through the Labour Relations sub-program, the Secretariat supports the Treasury Board in its role as employer by overseeing labour management and compensation operations for the core public administration.The Secretariat negotiates collective agreements with employee bargaining agents and oversees employer representation at recourse for labour relations, classification, pay equity, staffing, and terms and conditions of employment. It also provides advice and guidance to departments and agencies on labour relations and compensation issues.This sub-program is underpinned by legislation, such as the Financial Administration Act, the Federal Accountability Act, the Public Service Labour Relations Act, and the Public Service Employment Act. Government Operations 75 73 -2 Actual FTEs aligned with planned FTEs.
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Government-wide Programs Design and Delivery Pensions and Benefits Through the Pensions and Benefits sub-program, the Secretariat supports the Treasury Board as manager of the federal public service pension plan and as the pension plan and group benefits plan sponsor. The objective of this sub-program is to provide consistent pensions and benefits to employees across the core public service.The Secretariat oversees administration of the public service pension plan, providing direction to Public Works and Government Services Canada, and undertakes management and oversight responsibilities for other federal pension and benefits programs. These responsibilities include program development and management of pensions, benefits, and disability and sick leave. The Secretariat also manages stakeholder relations, provides information to pension and benefits plan members on entitlements, and communicates changes to the public service pension plan. It supports the Secretary and the Treasury Board in setting the terms and conditions relating to eligibility, premiums, contributions, and other arrangements.The Secretariat is also responsible for insurance benefits plans, which include health care, dental and disability benefits for public service employees, pensioners and their dependents. This responsibility involves oversight of the plan contracts, communications, and cost initiatives. Government Operations 131 92 -39 Actual FTEs were lower than planned FTEs, mainly due to the internal reallocation from Pensions and Benefits to Government-Wide Operations sub-programs and the deferral of project activity and funding for the Workspace Wellness Productivity Strategy into future years.
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Government-wide Programs Design and Delivery Transformation Leadership Through the Transformation Leadership sub-program, the Secretariat reviews existing administrative systems and processes, and provides the platform for transformational initiatives across the Government of Canada to promote improvements—primarily but not exclusively, in back office functions. The objective of this sub-program is to achieve long-term savings by redesigning Government of Canada operations where the benefits outweigh the costs.The Secretariat develops and pilots leading-edge enterprise tools, systems, and services to initiate change and help identify lessons learned in support of government-wide implementation. Government Operations 79 211 132 Actual spending and FTEs were higher than planned, mainly due to new funding received from Budget 2016 to support the Enabling Functions Transformation as well as transfers-in from other government departments and agencies.
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Management Policies Development and Monitoring Externally-Facing Policy Through the Externally Facing Policy sub-program, the Secretariat provides strategic direction and guidance to departments and agencies to effectively manage Government of Canada services to, and communications with, the Canadian public. In addition, it provides management and oversight of the government’s regulatory function, for the benefit of citizens and stakeholders. The sub-program’s objectives are to promote high-quality, beneficial, consistent and open relationships and interactions between the Government of Canada and citizens and other stakeholders, and to reduce regulatory compliance burdens on business that may inhibit growth, productivity and innovation.The Secretariat provides strategic direction and guidance in the areas of Government of Canada services, communications and regulations; and, monitors the policy compliance of departments. This includes community development, learning and outreach activities. Government Operations 67 51 -16 Actual spending and FTEs were lower than planned, mainly due to internal reallocations made to the Transformational Leadership sub-program during the year to better align resources with operational activities and priorities pertaining to Open data and Web renewal initiatives. These decreases were offset by the transfer of Regulatory Cooperation Council Secretariat from the Privy Council Office to the Secretariat.
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Management Policies Development and Monitoring Financial Management Policy Through the Financial Management Policy sub-program, the Secretariat provides direction to federal organizations on proper stewardship of taxpayers’ dollars and government assets. This sub-program works to strengthen financial management, management of real property and materiel, investment planning and project management, and procurement across the federal public service. The objective of the sub-program is to promote sound stewardship and value for money, and provide direction on standardizing the management of public resources across the Government of Canada, in such areas as financial management and assets and acquired services.This sub-program provides policy direction and leadership to organizations by developing and maintaining policies, guidance and practices; nurturing sustainable and professional communities (e.g., finance, procurement, materiel management, real property); monitoring departmental performance and compliance; and helping to improve the overall efficiency of government operations. This includes community development, learning and outreach activities.The primary legislation issuing program authority is the Financial Administration Act. Government Operations 89 89 0
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Management Policies Development and Monitoring Information Management and Information Technology Policy Through the Information Management and Information Technology Policy sub-program, the Secretariat provides strategic direction and leadership to federal institutions on record keeping, business intelligence, data management, web content management, access to information, and privacy protection and management of cyber-security and information technology. This sub-program enables information to be safeguarded as a public trust and managed as a strategic asset. The Secretariat creates an environment that promotes open information and allows Canadians to exercise their right to access and use information, where personal information is protected against unauthorized collection, use and disclosure. The sub-program encourages the continual improvement of Information Management and Information Technology across the Government of Canada by promoting principles and standards that support the achievements of government-wide transformation objectives and enable departmental priorities.The sub-program develops and maintains policy instruments, encourages collaboration between government institutions, monitors and oversees departmental policy compliance and provides leadership. This includes community development, learning and outreach activities. Government Operations 88 102 14 Actual FTEs were higher than planned, due to the implementation of the initiative to enhance Access to information.
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Management Policies Development and Monitoring Organizational Management Policy Through the Organizational Management Policy sub-program, the Secretariat provides leadership and direction in the areas of results-based management, risk management, internal audit, evaluation, and non-information technology security. Organizational management policies support ongoing improvement to the relevance, effectiveness and value for money of programs and operations across the Government of Canada. The Secretariat is also responsible for the strategic direction and coordination of the Management Accountability Framework to support and improve the practices and accountability of deputy heads across departments and agencies. The objective of this sub-program is to promote effective and standard corporate management practices across the Government of Canada.The Secretariat develops and maintains policy instruments, engages with functional communities to build capacity and promote management excellence, and monitors policy compliance in the area of corporate management. This includes community development, learning and outreach activities. Government Operations 71 51 -20 Actual spending and FTEs were lower than planned, mainly due to internal reallocations made to better align resources and with priorities relating to the cyber security project and other projects.
Treasury Board Secretariat Good governance and sound stewardship to enable efficient and effective service to Canadians. Management Policies Development and Monitoring People Management Policy Through the People Management Policy sub-program, the Secretariat supports activities of the Treasury Board in its role as the employer of the core public administration. This sub-program provides policy frameworks, strategic engagements and HR services delivery infrastructure for high performance and leadership excellence in people management. It enables prudent fiscal management of resources in the areas of classification, total compensation (e.g., collective bargaining, wages and salaries, terms and conditions of employment, pensions and benefits) and labour relations.In support of deputy heads and to inform Parliament and Canadians about people management, this sub-program develops and monitors the implementation of policy frameworks in such areas as executive management, classification, values and ethics and official languages. It establishes people management performance indicators; assesses and reports on organizations’ performance in people management; and collects and provides data on the public service. This includes community development, learning and outreach activities.This sub-program is underpinned by legislation such as the Financial Administration Act, the Federal Accountability Act, the Public Service Labour Relations Act, the Public Service Employment Act and the Official Languages Act. Government Operations 183 213 30 Actual spending and FTEs were higher than planned mainly due to the launch of a new Executive Leadership Development Program to strengthen the leadership community across the public service. As well as new initiatives such as the organisation design excellence exercise which aims to modernize the executive cadre in the federal public service, the Indigenous Youth Summer Employment Program and Building a Better Canada which seeks to attract and retain the next generation of public servants.
Treasury Board Secretariat The following program supports all strategic outcomes within this organization. Internal Services Internal Services are groups of related activities and resources that are administered to support the needs of programs and other corporate obligations of an organization. These groups are: Management and Oversight Services; Communications Services; Legal Services; Human Resources Management Services; Financial Management Services; Information Management Services; Information Technology Services; Real Property Services; Materiel Services; Acquisition Services; and Travel and Other Administrative Services. Internal Services include only those activities and resources that apply across an organization and not to those provided specifically to a program. Internal Services 578 581 3
Veterans Review and Appeal Board An independent and fair appeal process for disability pension, award and allowance decisions made by Veterans Affairs Canada. Veterans Review and Appeal Board The Veterans Review and Appeal Board’s program delivers the independent review and appeal process for disability pension and disability award decisions made by Veterans Affairs Canada. It provides two levels of appeal for Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces members, Royal Canadian Mounted Police applicants, and their families who are dissatisfied with their disability pension, disability award, and critical injury benefit decisions. The Board conducts hearings and issues written decisions. The Board’s other key functions include hearing reviews and appeals of special award decisions made by Veterans Affairs Canada relating to attendance allowances, exceptional incapacity allowances and clothing allowances; hearing the final level of appeal for War Veterans Allowance decisions; and adjudicating compassionate award applications. Employment and Income Security 102 92 -10

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