Organization and Methods (OM) - Rates of pay for certain excluded and unrepresented groups and levels
Current - 2021-2024
Current - 2021-2024
Rates of pay not authorized by a collective agreement (unrepresented)
Table legend
- $) Effective
- A) Effective
- X) Effective - Wage Adjustment
- B) Effective
- Y) Effective - Pay Line Adjustment
- C) Effective
- Z) Effective - Wage Adjustment
Effective date | Rates of pay |
$) | 29,279 to 51,479 |
A) | 30,304 to 53,281 |
X) - Wage Adjustment | 30,683 to 53,947 |
B) | 31,603 to 55,565 |
Y) - Pay Line Adjustment | 31,761 to 55,843 |
C) | 32,396 to 56,960 |
Z) - Wage Adjustment | 32,477 to 57,102 |
Rates of pay will be adjusted within 180 days of signature of the Program and Administrative Services (PA) collective agreement. Changes to rates of pay with an effective date prior to the salary adjustment date will be paid according to Appendix F, as a lump-sum payment. In particular:
Effective date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 |
$) | 43,817 | 46,203 | 48,586 | 50,974 | 53,354 | 55,771 | 58,156 | 60,544 |
A) | 45,351 | 47,820 | 50,287 | 52,758 | 55,221 | 57,723 | 60,191 | 62,663 |
X) - Wage Adjustment | 45,918 | 48,418 | 50,916 | 53,417 | 55,911 | 58,445 | 60,943 | 63,446 |
B) | 47,296 | 49,871 | 52,443 | 55,020 | 57,588 | 60,198 | 62,771 | 65,349 |
Y) - Pay Line Adjustment | 47,532 | 50,120 | 52,705 | 55,295 | 57,876 | 60,499 | 63,085 | 65,676 |
C) | 48,483 | 51,122 | 53,759 | 56,401 | 59,034 | 61,709 | 64,347 | 66,990 |
Z) - Wage Adjustment | 48,604 | 51,250 | 53,893 | 56,542 | 59,182 | 61,863 | 64,508 | 67,157 |
Rates of pay will be adjusted within 180 days of signature of the Program and Administrative Services (PA) collective agreement. Changes to rates of pay with an effective date prior to the salary adjustment date will be paid according to Appendix F, as a lump-sum payment. In particular:
Effective date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 61,418 | 64,110 | 66,738 | 69,363 |
A) | 63,633 | 66,354 | 69,074 | 71,791 |
X) - Wage Adjustment | 64,428 | 67,183 | 69,937 | 72,688 |
B) | 66,361 | 69,198 | 72,035 | 74,869 |
Y) - Pay Line Adjustment | 66,693 | 69,544 | 72,395 | 75,243 |
C) | 68,027 | 70,935 | 73,843 | 76,748 |
Z) - Wage Adjustment | 68,197 | 71,112 | 74,028 | 76,940 |
Rates of pay will be adjusted within 180 days of signature of the Program and Administrative Services (PA) collective agreement. Changes to rates of pay with an effective date prior to the salary adjustment date will be paid according to Appendix F, as a lump-sum payment. In particular:
Effective date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
$) | 66,349 | 69,845 | 73,314 | 76,786 | 80,235 |
A) | 68,671 | 72,290 | 75,880 | 79,474 | 83,043 |
X) - Wage Adjustment | 69,529 | 73,194 | 76,829 | 80,467 | 84,081 |
B) | 71,615 | 75,390 | 79,134 | 82,881 | 86,603 |
Y) - Pay Line Adjustment | 71,973 | 75,767 | 79,530 | 83,295 | 87,036 |
C) | 73,412 | 77,282 | 81,121 | 84,961 | 88,777 |
Z) - Wage Adjustment | 73,596 | 77,475 | 81,324 | 85,173 | 88,999 |
Rates of pay will be adjusted within 180 days of signature of the Program and Administrative Services (PA) collective agreement. Changes to rates of pay with an effective date prior to the salary adjustment date will be paid according to Appendix F, as a lump-sum payment. In particular:
Effective date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 81,700 | 85,370 | 88,956 | 92,594 |
A) | 84,560 | 88,358 | 92,069 | 95,835 |
X) - Wage Adjustment | 85,617 | 89,462 | 93,220 | 97,033 |
B) | 88,186 | 92,146 | 96,017 | 99,944 |
Y) - Pay Line Adjustment | 88,627 | 92,607 | 96,497 | 100,444 |
C) | 90,400 | 94,459 | 98,427 | 102,453 |
Z) - Wage Adjustment | 90,626 | 94,695 | 98,673 | 102,709 |
Rates of pay will be adjusted within 180 days of signature of the Program and Administrative Services (PA) collective agreement. Changes to rates of pay with an effective date prior to the salary adjustment date will be paid according to Appendix F, as a lump-sum payment. In particular:
Effective date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 92,482 | 96,573 | 100,650 | 104,744 |
A) | 95,719 | 99,953 | 104,173 | 108,410 |
X) - Wage Adjustment | 96,915 | 101,202 | 105,475 | 109,765 |
B) | 99,822 | 104,238 | 108,639 | 113,058 |
Y) - Pay Line Adjustment | 100,321 | 104,759 | 109,182 | 113,623 |
C) | 102,327 | 106,854 | 111,366 | 115,895 |
Z) - Wage Adjustment | 102,583 | 107,121 | 111,644 | 116,185 |
Rates of pay will be adjusted within 180 days of signature of the Program and Administrative Services (PA) collective agreement. Changes to rates of pay with an effective date prior to the salary adjustment date will be paid according to Appendix F, as a lump-sum payment. In particular:
Pay notes
- An employee being paid at level OM-DEV shall have their rate of pay increased:
- effective , to a rate of pay within the “A” pay scale which is 3.5% higher than their former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- effective , to a rate of pay within the “X” pay scale which is 1.25% higher than their former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- effective , to a rate of pay within the “B” pay scale which is 3.0% higher than their former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- effective , to a rate of pay within the “Y” pay scale which is 0.5% higher than their former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- effective , to a rate of pay within the “C” pay scale which is 2.0% higher than their former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- effective , to a rate of pay within the “Z” pay scale which is 0.25% higher than their former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- An employee being paid at levels OM-01 to OM-05 shall have their rate of pay increased:
- effective , to a rate within the “A” pay scale which is 3.5% higher than their former rate of pay.
- effective , to a rate within the “X” pay scale which is 1.25% higher than their former rate of pay.
- effective , to a rate within the “B” pay scale which is 3.0% higher than their former rate of pay.
- effective , to a rate within the “Y” pay scale which is 0.5% higher than their former rate of pay.
- effective , to a rate within the “C” pay scale which is 2.0% higher than their former rate of pay.
- effective , to a rate within the “Z” pay scale which is 0.25% higher than their former rate of pay.
- For positions classified as OM, the relevant collective agreement is the Program and Administrative Services (PA).
Approval date:
Archived information
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Rates of pay not authorized by collective agreement
- $) Effective
- X) Effective – wage adjustment*
- A) Effective *
- Y) Effective – wage adjustment*
- B) Effective *
- C) Effective
- D) Effective
Effective Date | Rates of Pay |
$) | 27,046 to 47,551 |
X) - wage adjustment* | 27,262 to 47,931 |
A) * | 27,807 to 48,890 |
Y) - wage adjustment* | 27,863 to 48,988 |
B) | 28,420 to 49,968 |
C) | 28,846 to 50,718 |
D) | 29,279 to 51,479 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 |
$) | 40,474 | 42,679 | 44,880 | 47,086 | 49,285 | 51,517 | 53,720 | 55,926 |
X) - wage adjustment* | 40,798 | 43,020 | 45,239 | 47,463 | 49,679 | 51,929 | 54,150 | 56,373 |
A) * | 41,614 | 43,880 | 46,144 | 48,412 | 50,673 | 52,968 | 55,233 | 57,500 |
Y) - wage adjustment* | 41,697 | 43,968 | 46,236 | 48,509 | 50,774 | 53,074 | 55,343 | 57,615 |
B) * | 42,531 | 44,847 | 47,161 | 49,479 | 51,789 | 54,135 | 56,450 | 58,767 |
C) | 43,169 | 45,520 | 47,868 | 50,221 | 52,566 | 54,947 | 57,297 | 59,649 |
D) | 43,817 | 46,203 | 48,586 | 50,974 | 53,354 | 55,771 | 58,156 | 60,544 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 56,791 | 59,220 | 61,647 | 64,071 |
X) - wage adjustment* | 57,245 | 59,694 | 62,140 | 64,584 |
A) * | 58,390 | 60,888 | 63,383 | 65,876 |
Y) - wage adjustment* | 58,507 | 61,010 | 63,510 | 66,008 |
B) * | 59,677 | 62,230 | 64,780 | 67,328 |
C) | 60,572 | 63,163 | 65,752 | 68,338 |
D) | 61,481 | 64,110 | 66,738 | 69,363 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
$) | 61,287 | 64,517 | 67,723 | 70,929 | 74,115 |
X) - wage adjustment* | 61,777 | 65,033 | 68,265 | 71,496 | 74,708 |
A) * | 63,013 | 66,334 | 69,630 | 72,926 | 76,202 |
Y) - wage adjustment* | 63,139 | 66,467 | 69,769 | 73,072 | 76,354 |
B) * | 64,402 | 67,796 | 71,164 | 74,533 | 77,881 |
C) | 65,368 | 68,813 | 72,231 | 75,651 | 79,049 |
D) | 66,349 | 69,845 | 73,314 | 76,786 | 80,235 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 75,468 | 78,857 | 82,170 | 85,532 |
X) - wage adjustment* | 76,072 | 79,488 | 82,827 | 86,216 |
A) * | 77,593 | 81,078 | 84,484 | 87,940 |
Y) - wage adjustment* | 77,748 | 81,240 | 84,653 | 88,116 |
B) * | 79,303 | 82,865 | 86,346 | 89,878 |
C) | 80,493 | 84,108 | 87,641 | 91,226 |
D) | 81,700 | 85,370 | 88,956 | 92,594 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 85,427 | 89,207 | 92,973 | 96,753 |
X) - wage adjustment* | 86,110 | 89,921 | 93,717 | 97,527 |
A) * | 87,832 | 91,719 | 95,591 | 99,478 |
Y) - wage adjustment* | 88,008 | 91,902 | 95,782 | 99,677 |
B) * | 89,768 | 93,740 | 97,698 | 101,671 |
C) | 91,115 | 95,146 | 99,163 | 103,196 |
D) | 92,482 | 96,573 | 100,650 | 104,744 |
*Rates of pay will change within 180 days from July 31, 2019. With respect to implementation of retroactive and prospective changes to compensation, rates prior to the salary change will be paid as lump-sum payments:
- Year 1: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to a 2% economic increase and 0.8% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 2.816%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
- Year 2: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 increases plus a 2% economic increase and a 0.2% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 5.082%. The revised pay rates will be reflected on the employee’s pay statements upon implementation of prospective salary increases
Pay Notes:
- An employee being paid at level OM-DEV shall have his /her rate of pay increased:
- On , to a rate of pay within the "X" performance range which is zero point eight percent (0.8%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "A" performance range which is two percent (2.0%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "Y" performance range which is zero point two percent (0.2%) higher than his /her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "B" performance range which is two percent (2.0%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "C" performance range which is one point five percent (1.5%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "D" performance range which is one point five percent (1.5%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest dollar ($1).
- An employee being paid at an OM-01 to OM-05 level shall, on the relevant effective date of adjustment to the rates of pay, be paid in the X, A, Y, B, C or D scale of rates at the rate shown immediately below his/her former rate:
- On , to a rate of pay within the "X" scale which is zero point eight percent (0.8%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "A" scale which is two percent (2.0%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "Y" scale which is zero point two percent (0.2%) higher than his /her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "B" scale which is two percent (2.0%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay
- On , to a rate of pay within the "C" scale which is one point five percent (1.5%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "D" scale which is one point five percent (1.5%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay.
- For positions classified as OM, the relevant collective agreement is that applying to the Program and Administrative Services Group (PA)
Approval date: .
Rates of pay not authorized by collective agreement
- $) Effective
- A) Effective
- B) Effective
- X) Effective – Restructure
- C) Effective
- D) Effective
Effective Date | Rates of Pay |
$) | 25,607 to 45,020 |
A) | 25,927 to 45,583 |
B) | 26,251 to 46,153 |
X) – Restructure | 26,382 to 46,384 |
C) | 26,712 to 46,964 |
D) | 27,046 to 47,551 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 |
$) | 38,320 | 40,409 | 42,492 | 44,581 | 46,663 | 48,776 | 50,861 | 52,951 |
A) | 38,799 | 40,914 | 43,023 | 45,138 | 47,246 | 49,386 | 51,497 | 53,613 |
B) | 39,284 | 41,425 | 43,561 | 45,702 | 47,837 | 50,003 | 52,141 | 54,283 |
X) – Restructure | 39,480 | 41,632 | 43,779 | 45,931 | 48,076 | 50,253 | 52,402 | 54,554 |
C) | 39,974 | 42,152 | 44,326 | 46,505 | 48,677 | 50,881 | 53,057 | 55,236 |
D) | 40,474 | 42,679 | 44,880 | 47,086 | 49,285 | 51,517 | 53,720 | 55,926 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 53,769 | 56,069 | 58,366 | 60,662 |
A) | 54,441 | 56,770 | 59,096 | 61,420 |
B) | 55,122 | 57,480 | 59,835 | 62,188 |
X) – Restructure | 55,398 | 57,767 | 60,134 | 62,499 |
C) | 56,090 | 58,489 | 60,886 | 63,280 |
D) | 56,791 | 59,220 | 61,647 | 64,071 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
$) | 58,027 | 61,083 | 64,119 | 67,155 | 70,171 |
A) | 58,752 | 61,847 | 64,920 | 67,994 | 71,048 |
B) | 59,486 | 62,620 | 65,732 | 68,844 | 71,936 |
X) – Restructure | 59,783 | 62,933 | 66,061 | 69,188 | 72,296 |
C) | 60,530 | 63,720 | 66,887 | 70,053 | 73,200 |
D) | 61,287 | 64,517 | 67,723 | 70,929 | 74,115 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 71,453 | 74,660 | 77,798 | 80,981 |
A) | 72,346 | 75,593 | 78,770 | 81,993 |
B) | 73,250 | 76,538 | 79,755 | 83,018 |
X) – Restructure | 73,616 | 76,921 | 80,154 | 83,433 |
C) | 74,536 | 77,883 | 81,156 | 84,476 |
D) | 75,468 | 78,857 | 82,170 | 85,532 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) | 80,880 | 84,460 | 88,026 | 91,605 |
A) | 81,891 | 85,516 | 89,126 | 92,750 |
B) | 82,915 | 86,585 | 90,240 | 93,909 |
X) – Restructure | 83,330 | 87,018 | 90,691 | 94,379 |
C) | 84,372 | 88,106 | 91,825 | 95,559 |
D) | 85,427 | 89,207 | 92,973 | 96,753 |
Pay Notes:
- An employee being paid at level OM-DEV shall have his /her rate of pay increased:
- On , to a rate of pay within the "A" performance range which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "B" performance range which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "X" performance range which is zero point five percent (0.5%) higher than his /her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "C" performance range which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
- On , to a rate of pay within the "D" performance range which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay, rounded to the nearest multiple of one hundred dollars ($100).
- An employee being paid at an OM-01 to OM-05 level shall, on the relevant effective date of adjustment to the rates of pay, be paid in the A, B, X, C or D scale of rates at the rate shown immediately below his/her former rate:
- On , to a rate of pay within the "A" scale which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "B" scale which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "X" scale which is zero point five percent (0.5%) higher than his /her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "C" scale which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "D" scale which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/ her former rate of pay.
- For positions classified as OM, the relevant collective agreement is that applying to the Program and Administrative Services Group (PA)
- Approval date: .
Rates of pay not authorized by collective agreement
- $) Rates prior to
- A) Effective
- B) Effective
- C) Effective
Effective Date | Rates of Pay |
$) Prior to | 24,309 to 42,737 |
A) | 24,734 to 43,485 |
B) | 25,105 to 44,137 |
C) | 25,607 to 45,020 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 |
$) Prior to | 36,376 | 38,360 | 40,337 | 42,321 | 44,297 | 46,303 | 48,281 | 50,265 |
A) | 37,014 | 39,032 | 41,043 | 43,061 | 45,072 | 47,113 | 49,127 | 51,146 |
B) | 37,569 | 39,617 | 41,659 | 43,707 | 45,748 | 47,820 | 49,864 | 51,913 |
C) | 38,320 | 40,409 | 42,492 | 44,581 | 46,663 | 48,776 | 50,861 | 52,951 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) Prior to | 51,044 | 53,227 | 55,406 | 57,587 |
A) | 51,936 | 54,158 | 56,376 | 58,594 |
B) | 52,715 | 54,970 | 57,222 | 59,473 |
C) | 53,769 | 56,069 | 58,366 | 60,662 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 |
$) Prior to | 55,085 | 57,985 | 60,868 | 63,749 | 66,612 |
A) | 56,048 | 59,000 | 61,933 | 64,865 | 67,778 |
B) | 56,889 | 59,885 | 62,862 | 65,838 | 68,795 |
C) | 58,027 | 61,083 | 64,119 | 67,155 | 70,171 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) Prior to | 67,830 | 70,874 | 73,855 | 76,875 |
A) | 69,017 | 72,114 | 75,146 | 78,220 |
B) | 70,052 | 73,196 | 76,273 | 79,393 |
C) | 71,453 | 74,660 | 77,798 | 80,981 |
Effective Date | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
$) Prior to | 76,778 | 80,177 | 83,562 | 86,960 |
A) | 78,122 | 81,580 | 85,025 | 88,482 |
B) | 79,294 | 82,804 | 86,300 | 89,809 |
C) | 80,880 | 84,460 | 88,026 | 91,605 |
Pay Notes:
- An OM-Dev employee not yet at the salary range maximum shall have his or her rate of pay increased:
- On , to a rate within the "A" performance pay range which is one point seven five (1.75%) higher than his or her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate within the "B" performance pay range which is one point five percent (1.5%) higher than his or her former rate of pay.
- On to a rate within the "C" performance pay range which is two percent (2.0%) higher than his or her former rate of pay.
- Approval date:
Page details
- Date modified: