Union Dues Reference Table

Commencing Union Dues Deductions (Appendix B, Section 2)

Initial appointments to the core public administration (Subsection 2.1)
Type of Appointment Effective Date Subject to Collective Agreement Commencing Union Dues
Where there is an initial appointment in a represented position, the Bargaining Agent Identification - Notice of Change (TBS/SCT 340-51) and the Employee Consent to provide personal information (TBS-SCT 340-51a) forms are to be completed as per the Human Resources Information Notice dated .
Indeterminate in a represented position Commence:
Indeterminate in a represented position Commence:
Specified Period of 3 months or more in a represented position to Commence:
Subsequent Appointments or Other Resourcing Options Within the Core Public Administration (Subsection 2.2)
Type of Subsequent Appointment or Other Effective Date Subject to Collective Agreement Ceasing or Commencing Union Dues
When there is a change in bargaining agent, the Bargaining Agent Identification - Notice of Change (TBS/SCT 340-51) and the Employee Consent to provide personal information (TBS-SCT 340-51a) forms are to be completed as per the Human Resources Information Notice dated .

AS-02 represented by PSAC

Promoted in a PG-03 represented by PIPSC

(Audit, Commerce and Purchasing collective agreement)

PSAC dues cease:

PIPSC dues commence:

FI-01 represented by ACFO

Deployed in a PM-04 represented by PSAC

(Program and Administrative Services Collective agreement)

ACFO dues cease:

PSAC dues commence:

PG-03 represented by PIPSC

Reclassified in a AS-04 represented by PSAC

Letter of offer is dated

(Program and Administrative Services collective agreement)

PIPSC dues cease:

PSAC dues commence:

CR-04 represented by PSAC

Subsequent period of a term less than three (3) months

to (2 months)

to (2 months)

(Subject to Collective agreement after completion of 3 months of continuous employment). PSAC dues commence:

AS-04 represented by PSAC

Acting CS-02 represented by PIPSC

to (Computer Systems Collective Agreement)

PSAC dues cease: no change

PIPSC dues commence: no change

AS-04 represented by PSAC

Acting CS-02 represented by PIPSC

  1. to
  2. Subsequently receives an extension to the acting assignment from to
(Computer Systems Collective Agreement)
  1. PSAC dues cease: no change. PIPSC dues commence: no change
  2. PSAC dues cease: . PIPSC dues commence:

PG-03 represented by PIPSC

Acting AS-04 represented by PSAC

to (Program and Administrative Services Collective Agreement)

PIPSC dues cease:

PSAC dues commence:

AS-05 represented by PSAC

Promoted in an excluded position AS-06

The PA CA still applies even though the position is excluded based on the directive on terms & conditions of employment (see definition of relevant collective agreement)
PSAC dues cease:
New proposal for exclusion of a position (Section 5)
Type of Subsequent Appointment or Other Effective Date Subject to Collective Agreement Ceasing or Commencing Union Dues
AS-05 represented by PSAC, position is proposed for exclusion on and not objected to Order declaring that the position is a managerial or confidential position is issued by the PSLRB on The PA CA still applies even though the position is excluded based on the directive on terms & conditions of employment (see definition of relevant collective agreement) PSAC dues should cease on
CS-04 represented by PIPSC, position is proposed for exclusion on and not objected to Order declaring that the position is a managerial or confidential position is issued by the PSLRB on The CS CA still applies even though the position is excluded based on the directive on terms & conditions of employment (see definition of relevant collective agreement) PIPSC dues should cease on
EC-7 represented by CAPE, position proposed for exclusion on and objected to on
  1. Objection on
  2. Objection withdrawn on Order issued on
The EC CA still applies even though the position is proposed for exclusion based on the directive on terms & conditions of employment (see definition of relevant collective agreement)
  1. Subject to the PSLRA, section 76. (2): Union dues must be held in suspense awaiting decision from the Board effective .
  2. Monies held in suspense are remitted to incumbent(s) of the position and union dues cease on .

See Compensation Directive 2006-010.

Return of a position to the bargaining unit (Subsection 5.3)
Type of Subsequent Appointment or Other Effective Date Subject to Collective Agreement Ceasing or Commencing Union Dues
AS-05 excluded position is returned to the PSAC bargaining unit Order declaring that the position is no longer a managerial or confidential position issued by the PSLRB is Dues start on

Union dues arrears, deficiencies and refunds (Section 6)

Employee under deducted - full refund

Scenario Effective Date
When there is a change in bargaining agent, the Bargaining Agent Identification - Notice of Change (TBS/SCT 340-51) and the Employee Consent to provide personal information (TBS-SCT 340-51a) forms are to be completed as per the Human Resources Information Notice dated .

Table 1 Notes

Table 1 – Note 1

Monthly rates may be subject to changes, verify the monthly rate in effect.

Return to Table 1 – Footnote * referrer

Represented FI-01 (ACFO) appointed retroactively to a represented PG-02 (PIPSC):
Compensation Unit is informed:
ACFO dues See Table 1 – Note *($45.00 per month) should have ceased:
PIPSC dues See Table 1 – Note *($55.56 per month) should have commenced:
Steps to be Followed
  • Current ACFO deductions cease in pay system:
  • Current PIPSC deductions commence in pay system:
  • Calculate amount of arrears owing to PIPSC: $166.68 ( to = 3 months X $55.56)
  • Amount to be paid to PIPSC via the departmental finance office: $166.68
  • Compensation advisor to reconcile amount with ACFO and initiate refund to employee via the pay system: $135.00 ( to = 3 months X $45.00)
  • Refund cheque from ACFO released to employee: $135.00
  • Amount of arrears paid to PIPSC to be recovered under the appropriate deduction code from employee's pay, via the pay system: $166.68

Employee over deducted - full refund

Scenario Effective Date
When there is a change in bargaining agent, the Bargaining Agent Identification - Notice of Change (TBS/SCT 340-51) and the Employee Consent to provide personal information (TBS-SCT 340-51a) forms are to be completed as per the Human Resources Information Notice dated .

Table 2 Notes

Table 2 – Note 1

Monthly rates may be subject to changes, verify the monthly rate in effect.

Return to Table 2 – Footnote referrer

Represented AS-01 (PSAC) appointed retroactively to a represented PG-02 (PIPSC):
Compensation Unit informed:
PSAC dues See Table 2 – Note ($80.00 deducted from pay per month) should have ceased:
PIPSC dues See Table 2 – Note ($55.56 per month) should have commenced:
Steps to be Followed
  • Current PSAC deductions cease in pay system:
  • Current PIPSC deductions commence in pay system:
  • Calculate amount of arrears owing to PIPSC: $277.80 (from to = 5 months X $55.56)
  • Amount to be paid to PIPSC via the departmental finance office: $277.80
  • Compensation advisor to reconcile with PSAC amount to be refunded and initiate the refund via pay system: $400.00 (from to = 5 months X $80.00)
  • Refund cheque released to employee from PSAC: $400.00
  • Amount of arrears paid to PIPSC to be recovered under the appropriate deduction code from employee's pay, via the pay system: $277.80

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