Greening government

Greening government

The Government of Canada is transitioning to net-zero, climate-resilient and green operations

Services and information

Greening Government Strategy

Key strategy with targets for real property, fleet, procurement and climate resilience.

Greenhouse gas emissions: inventory and reporting

Track Government of Canada energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts

Greening Government Fund

Supports innovative approaches to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in federal operations

Strategy Implementation

Understand how the Greening Government Strategy is being implemented

Green Procurement Reporting

Track Government of Canada progress on the procurement and use of green products and services that minimize environmental impacts

Areas of focus

Real property

Greening Real Property

Efforts to make federal buildings more environmentally friendly

Vehicles and fleet

Federal vehicles and fleet

Federal government actions to green the federal fleet


Green procurement

Buying goods and services with a reduced environmental impact

Climate resilience

Enhancing resilience to climate change

Our commitment to reduce damage and disruption related to the impacts of climate change

Low-carbon fuel procurement

Clean fuels for the air and marine fleets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from government operations

Buyers for Climate Action

Collaboration between large green buyers to lower carbon emissions through procurement

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