Information on overpayments resulting from leave without pay due to strike

Date: April 14, 2023

To: Heads of Human Resources, Directors/Chiefs of Labour Relations, and the Public Service Pay Centre

This information bulletin provides information on overpayments resulting from employees who withdraw their services during a strike and are placed on leave without pay (LWOP). It supplements the October 12, 2021 information bulletin – Additional information on the Recovery of overpayments, Emergency Salary Advances and Priority Payments.

Flexibilities for recovery of overpayments, as identified in the October 12, 2021, information bulletin, do not apply when an employee in a legal strike position participates in a strike by withdrawing their services. All leave without pay taken to participate in a legal or illegal strike, without exception, will be recovered from first available funds.

Processing of overpayments of LWOP resulting from a withdrawal of service (strike) must be treated as a priority by managers, as well as human resources and compensation advisors.

All policy-related questions should be directed to your departmental/agency corporate Labour Relations or corporate Compensation official.

Original signed by

Wendy Braithwaite
Director, Compensation Policy, Interpretations, and Pay Administration
Employee Relations and Total Compensation
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

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