Change to the Payment in Lieu of Designated Paid Holidays for Part-Time Students

Date: March 1, 2024

To: Heads of Human Resources, Directors or Chiefs of Labour Relations, Compensation, and the Public Service Pay Centre

The purpose of this information notice is to advise organizations in the core public administration (Schedules I and IV of the Financial Administration Act) of an upcoming amendment to the Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment for Students (the Directive).

Effective April 1, 2024, the Directive will be amended so that, on a go-forward basis, all part-time students will be paid 4.6% of straight-time hours worked in lieu of designated paid holidays (including the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30).

Any questions regarding the above should be directed to your organization’s Corporate Labour Relations or Corporate Compensation representatives who, if required, will direct their questions to the interpretations team within the Employee Relations and Total Compensation Sector using the designated form.

Original signed by

Wendy Braithwaite
Director, Compensation Policy and Pay Administration
Employee Relations and Total Compensation
Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

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