Privacy Impact Assessment Summary for Government of Canada Financial and Material Management (GCFM) Solution

Description Of The Project

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) Government of Canada Financial and Material Management (GCFM) is a financial and management solution that provides business service functionality to GC departments and agencies across a wide spectrum of financial transactions.  This solution addresses capacity, business continuity and control risks repeatedly identified by departments and agencies concerning their aging financial and material management (FM) systems’ services. GCFM intends to go-live with its initial target population of approximately 8,000 users (replacing 17 FreeBalance Cluster departments).  The solution will be expanded in successive phases, adding incremental FM functionality, and on-boarding additional Departments and agencies in successive years.

The GCFM solution will be delivered on a centralized basis with a foundation of a common SAP S/4HANA solution integrated with other solution components managed by a centralized SAP Centre of Expertise (COE).

Why The PIA Was Necessary

This Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for GCFM was conducted to:

 Of note:

This current PIA is part of the overall Security Assessments and Authorization (SA&A) processes.  At the time of this report, the SA&A was still in progress. The finalization of the SA&A process may require an update to this PIA, considering the significant impact a security vulnerability may have on privacy risks.

PIA Findings

Several dependencies have been noted and will need follow-up, namely:

Risk Summary

There remain some risks to address, including:


  1. Advise the user departments of the details of the MOUs so that all levels of their organization from executives to operational and technical support are aware that they own their data, and are responsible for its security and privacy, and must follow government guidelines to that end.
  2. User departments must do their own PIAs in keeping with the TBS Directive on Privacy Impact Assessment. Departments must ensure their usage of data with GCFM does not differ from that agreed to in the MOU.
  3. Related policy, procedures or process documents should be referenced within the GCFM documentation in a more granular fashion to support privacy requirements.
  4. Roles and responsibilities need to be further detailed into specific processes and procedures. When faced with specific processes, it may be that staff of individual on-boarder departments are losing sight of their departmental obligations towards the privacy and accuracy of their own data.  They may view those concerns as ‘out of scope’ for the specific work they are doing or the responsibility of the system itself, as a separate entity.
  5. Processes handling private information, as identified in the Recommendations section, still need to be verified as how the data sets are limited and controlled specifically to the on-boarder Table Summarizing GCFM Business Processes Calculated Risks. This is in addition to the safeguards that are being assessed currently by the appropriate SA&A processes.
  6. Verification that safeguards in support of on-boarder GCFM privacy awareness and training provided by TBS are enough for the requirements of the business processes and roles before live release dates.
  7. Periodic reporting of log analysis activity of security team or internal audit.  Log analysis tools and search utilities offer powerful method of inference of application and component log data, where knowledge of source address, transaction type, frequency of activity, and various other heuristics may be used to infer the personal information of the subject plus the type of transaction activity.

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