Tips and tricks to apply for a job at Shared Services Canada

Want to join our team, but applying to the government seems complicated? Here’s a guide with tips and tricks for a seamless application process.

First thing first, you need to create an account in Then start the search for the perfect job for you. To find Shared Services Canada (SSC), go to the left menu of the Job search page. You can filter by work location, job types, but also by GC organizations. You will find Shared Services Canada in the dropdown menu. Click "Add" and then click on the "Search Jobs" button.

Note: Once you’ve created your account, click "Sign up for email alerts" at the bottom of the left-hand menu. Since many SSC jobs are posted for only a short time, this helps you to never miss an opportunity!

Check out the Treasury Board of Canada Cracking the Code video to help you with your application process.

Tip 1

Identify your qualifications

  1. Think back to any work, school, special projects or volunteer experience to help you identify your key accomplishments, achievements and success stories.
  2. Refer to any end-of-year employee performance evaluations and any comments or feedback that you can use as examples during the application process.
  3. Include any job awards you received or special praise for contributing to a project.
  4. Consider all the relevant skills you have developed over the years.

Quick tip

Carefully read the whole job poster to see which skills are essential and which the employer considers as assets. Most GC jobs applications will ask you to fill a form with screening questions. Make sure your résumé matches those qualifications.

Tip 2

Create a solid résumé

Your résumé is important for demonstrating your skills, experience and knowledge. Make sure it is complete, concise and well-structured.

  1. Always start with the most current information – education, experience and qualifications – in chronological order.
    Be sure to: 
    • Add dates to titles
    • Have bullets
    • Use action verbs
  2. One to three pages is enough. Respect character limits, if the job poster includes them.
  3. Update your résumé regularly. Keep a master copy and update your personal information in your account profile.
  4. Make sure you include any languages that you read, write and speak (Try the self-assessment-tests).
  5. Avoid acronyms and abbreviations.

Tip 3

Write clear responses to screening questions

In the application process you will most likely see a section for screening questions.

Trick: Simply saying you did something does not prove you meet the qualification! You need to provide concrete examples of HOW you did it.

To do so, try the STAR method.

For example: If an essential qualification requires experience supervising a team, you should clearly state:

  • how many years of experience you have
  • where you gained that experience and when (specific dates)

Note: You may also provide detailed examples of how you supervised a team. You can list as many examples as you want, but keep it clear and concise.

More tips and tricks!

Review your application to be sure it:

  • demonstrates that you meet all essential criteria and assets
  • has no spelling errors or typos

Quick tip

Try word processing software (such as Word) to draft and spell-check your answers before copying them into the job application form.

When in the GC job portal, be sure to:

  • save periodically to avoid losing your work
  • always save before closing your browser—the system will not save your work
  • address any error message you receive and use the save button again before leaving the section
  • check if there is a word limit for each text box

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