Space science

Space science

Astronauts, life in space, satellites, the Northern Lights, the International Space Station and more.

Services and information


Canada's astronauts, life as an astronaut, living in space and human space missions.

The Northern Lights

The Northern Lights, solar activity and more.


Canada's contributions to space astronomy, Canadian telescopes and astronomy basics.

International Space Station

The orbiting laboratory, the crew, robotics, the experiments and how they benefit Canadians.

Resources to inspire young people

Educational content and games to help inspire young people to study science, technology, engineering and math.

Multimedia and social media

Photos, videos, social media, educational resources, webcasts and podcasts about space.

Discover benefits of space

Some examples of how space benefits Canadians and all of humanity.

Space exploration

Using Canadian technology in planetary space missions, including simulations.

Space technologies and applications

Space technology development and the grants, contributions and contracts available to Canada's space sector.

Upcoming space-related events

Public events organized or supported by the Canadian Space Agency.

Satellites in our everyday lives

Canadian satellites tasked with Earth observation, communications, scientific research and exploration.

History of Canada in space

The Canadarm, the launch of Alouette I, excellence awards and Canadian space milestones.

Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre

Operation of observatories, of a national data centre, and development of advanced astronomical instruments.


What we are doing

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