Healthy Canadians podcast video gallery

Browse through episodes of the Healthy Canadians podcast.

Podcast episodes
Title Description Key words

Living with a serious illness (part two): Planning ahead and navigating tough conversations

Season 2, episode 8. Advance care planning is something you can do while you are healthy and continue to do after a diagnosis of a serious illness.

In Part Two of our two-part series on serious illness and palliative care, we focus on the importance of planning ahead and navigating the sometimes difficult conversations that come with it.

Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman welcome back Dr. Samantha Winemaker, Palliative Care Physician, Associate Professor at McMaster University and Hsien Seow, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care, Professor at McMaster University.

caregiver, terminal illness, home care, life limiting illness, podcast, grief


Here, there and everywhere: Environmental chemicals and contaminants

Season 2, episode 7. Every day, we are exposed to chemicals and pollutants - in our air, food and water. There are chemical substances in the products we use at work, at home and at play. While chemicals play an essential role in our daily lives, some chemical substances can negatively affect our health and the environment if poorly managed.

Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman sit down with Tyler Pollock, PhD, Scientist with the Environmental Health Science and Research Bureau at Health Canada, to discuss lesser-known facts about environmental chemicals and contaminants.

They chat about the chemicals that surround us, potential exposures, and how this all comes into play in our day-to-day lives.

environmentally dangerous substances, harmful substances, hazardous materials, hazardous products, hazardous substances, health effects, biomonitoring


9-8-8 (part two): What happens when you call or text?

Season 2, episode 6. The 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline provides moments of connection that create hope, support recovery and save lives. Their vision is a Canada where suicide is prevented because everyone can access help when they need it the most.

In Part Two of our two-part series on the 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline, we explore the service, walk you through what happens when you call or text, and talk about the importance of eliminating the stigma around reaching out for help.

Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman welcome back Dr. Allison Crawford PhD, MD, Chief Medical Officer, 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline, and Aaron, a 9-8-8 responder.

A heads up before you listen that this episode deals with potentially sensitive subject-matter around suicide and mental health. Please find resources linked below, if you or someone you care about needs support. If your safety is at risk, call 911 right away.

mental health, emergency services, three-digit hotline, prevention, talk, call, text, podcast, Healthy Canadians


Something I ate? Your role in food safety

Season 2, episode 5. Most of us have eaten something that just didn't sit right. This is why food safety is so important – and we all have a role to play

Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman sit down with Dr. Sandeep Tamber, Research Scientist, with Health Canada's Food and Nutrition Directorate, to talk about food safety and foodborne illnesses in Canada.

Join us to learn more about food safety best practices and practical tips to help you avoid food-borne illness.

food-borne illness

food poisoning listeria monocytogenes


food contamination escherichia coli clostridium botulinum shigella shigellosis salmonellosis


Deep breath, deep dive: Air quality and your health

Season 2, episode 4. Most people in Canada are exposed to air pollution every day while inside and outside their homes. Air pollution comes from a variety of sources, and even at low levels, has an impact on human health.

Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman sit down with Angelos Anastasopolos, PhD, Scientist with the Water and Air Quality Bureau at Health Canada. They explore how air quality can affect our health and what we can do about it.

Air Quality Health Index ventilation breathing


9-8-8 (part one): About Canada's suicide crisis helpline

Season 2, episode 3. The 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline is a safe space to talk, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. If you are thinking about suicide, or you're worried about someone else, you can call or text 9-8-8 toll free.

In Part One of our two-part series on the 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline, we talk about what it is, how it works and who it's there to help.

Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman speak with Dr. Allison Crawford PhD, MD, Chief Medical Officer, 9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline, and Aaron, a 9-8-8 responder.

A heads up before you listen that this episode deals with potentially sensitive subject-matter around suicide and mental health. Please find resources linked below, if you or someone you care about needs support. If your safety is at risk, call 911 right away.

mental health, emergency services, three-digit hotline, prevention, talk, call, text


Climate change bites: Infectious diseases, ticks, and a warming world

Season 2, episode 2. Infectious diseases, pathogens (living things that cause disease) and vectors (living things that spread disease) are sensitive to changes in the environment and climate.

Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman chat with Dr. Nick Ogden, Director of the Public Health Risk Sciences Division with the Public Health Agency of Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory. Using ticks and Lyme disease as a case study, this episode explores the impact that climate change has on the spread of infectious diseases in Canada.

It even peers into the future a bit to explore emerging concerns and provide practical tips to protect yourself against vector-borne illness.

Temperature, Pathogen, Vector, Spread, Exposure, Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Prevention


Living with a serious illness (part one): A palliative approach to care

Season 2, episode 1. Palliative care is a holistic approach that treats a person with serious illness of any age, and in any setting. In Part One of our two-part series on serious illness and palliative care we address some misconceptions around palliative care and shed light on what a palliative approach to care looks like in practice.

Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman chat with Dr. Samantha Winemaker, Palliative Care Physician, Associate Professor at McMaster University and Hsien Seow, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care, Professor at McMaster University.

Caregiver, terminal illness, home care, life limiting illness


Talking about health Season 1, episode 9. Host, Megan Beahen sits down with Mark Morrissey, a behavioural scientist with the Public Health Agency of Canada. Mark and Megan discuss how we can effectively talk about potentially sensitive health topics using a behavioural science approach. Health communication, Trust in information, Behavioral science, Decision-making, Information overload, Confirmation bias, Public health, Empowerment, COVID-19, Health decisions, Cognitive overload, Misinformation, Digital literacy, Expert trust, Behavioral psychology, Changing recommendations, Decision fatigue, Media literacy 2024-01-31
Behind the Science: Oral health and overall health Season 1, episode 8. Host, Madeline Poplett, speaks with Lisette Dufour, Senior Oral Health Advisor with Health Canada and dental hygienist, about the surprising links between oral health and our overall health. Gum disease, Periodontal disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Lung disease, Heart disease, Chronic diseases, Blood pressure, Medication side effects, Xerostomia, Asthma inhalers, Dry mouth, Candidiasis, Dementia, Obesity, Statistics Canada, Mobile clinics, Dental health 2023-12-20
Oral health Season 1, episode 7. Host, Megan Beahen, sits down with Lisette Dufour, Senior Oral Health Advisor and a dental hygienist with more that 40 years of experience. Lisette and Megan talk about the importance of a healthy mouth throughout our lifetime. Dental care, Dental hygiene, Preventative measures, Dental anxiety, Dental appointments, Pregnancy and oral health, Baby oral care, Children's oral health, Teen oral health, Adult oral health, Senior oral health, Brushing techniques, Flossing tips, Fluoride in toothpaste, Access to dental care, Government oral health programs, Public health initiatives, Dental insurance, Canada Dental Benefit, Canada Dental Care Plan 2023-12-13
Behind the Science: HIV self-test kits Season 1, episode 6. Host, Madeline Poplett, and Adrian Betts, Executive Director of the AIDS Committee of Durham Region, talk about HIV self test kits and the importance of knowing your status. HIV home test kit, Harm reduction services, Injection drug use, Privacy in testing, User-friendly test, Blood drop test, Antibody detection, Testing process, Obtaining a test kit Test accuracy, Testing window, Test results interpretation, Confirmatory test, Post-test counseling, HIV treatment, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP), High-risk behavior, Sexual health awareness, Stigma reduction 2023-12-06
HIV: Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)

Season 1, episode 5. Thanks to the advances in HIV science over the last decades, people living with HIV who are on medication and maintain an undetectable amount of virus in their blood can lead a long, healthy life without the fear of passing HIV to their sexual partner. This is the powerful message behind "Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)".

In this episode of the Healthy Canadians podcast, host Megan Beahen speaks with Adrian Betts, Executive Director of the AIDS Committee of Durham Region, and Claudette Cardinal, Peer Indigenous Research Associate of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, about how the life-changing science on Undetectable = Untransmittable has transformed what it means to live and love with HIV.
Antiretroviral therapy, HIV transmission, Stigma, Access to care, Discrimination, Indigenous communities, LGBTQ+ HIV activism, Medical research, HIV prevention, Undetectable viral load, HIV testing, Health disparities, Medication access, Awareness campaigns, Health education, HIV treatment, Disease stigma 2023-11-29
Behind the Science: Antimicrobial Resistance and Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections Season 1, episode 4. Host, Madeline Poplett, speaks with Anna-Louise Crago, Senior Epidemiologist with the Public Health Agency of Canada, about the link between sexually transmitted and blood borne infections and antimicrobial resistance. AMR, Microbes, Antibiotics, Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Resistance, Infections, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Drug resistance, STIs, STDs, Treatment, Bacterial infections, HIV, Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Mycoplasma genitalium, Susceptibility tests, Phage therapy 2023-11-20
Antimicrobial resistance Season 1, episode 3. Host, Megan Beahen, speaks with Anna-Louise Crago, Senior Epidemiologist with the Public Health Agency of Canada, about antimicrobial resistance, how it affects all of us, and what we can do to reduce its impacts. Epidemiologist, AMR Task Force, Antibiotics, Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Funguses, Drug resistance, Superbugs, Multidrug resistant infections, Antivirals, HIV medication, Mutation, MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), Infection control, Point of care testing, Prescription practices, Sulfa drugs, Penicillin, Amoxicillin 2023-11-15
Behind the Science: Radon and climate change

Season 1, episode 2. This week on Healthy Canadians - Behind the Science, host Madeline Poplett sits down with Kelley Bush, Manager of Radon Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement with Health Canada, to talk about radon and its relationship with climate change.

Radon risk, Radon mitigation, Home construction, Building codes, Energy efficiency, Radon levels, Research studies, University of Calgary, Energy efficiency audit programs, Environment and Climate Change, Canada, Awareness, Health risks, Collaboration, Adaptation, Mitigation strategies, Public awareness 2023-11-08
Radon risk Season 1, episode 1. Host, Megan Beahen, sits down with Kelley Bush, Manager of Radon Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement with Health Canada, to talk about radon in our homes, the risks and the solutions. Cancer, Radon awareness, Radon-induced lung cancer, Radon levels, Radon testing, Radon mitigation, Radioactive gas, Uranium decay, Radon exposure, Indoor air quality, Home ventilation, Public awareness, Lung cancer prevention, Residential radon, Radon detection, Radon research, Radon history 2023-11-01

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