Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan - Annex 8

Implementation table

Since 2016, the Government of Canada has brought forward unprecedented investment and a wide range of policy measures to combat climate change. Measures to drive down greenhouse gas emissions and support the transition to a clean economy in a way that creates rather than loses competitiveness, opportunities and jobs have been put in place through climate plans - such as the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (2016), A Healthy Economy and Healthy Environment – Canada’s Strengthened Climate Plan (2020) - as well as through multiple budget commitments.

Tracking and Evaluation in the Government of Canada

The Government of Canada has a well-defined and established process for tracking departmental results and performance. This evaluation process helps to promote accountability for performance information and evaluation, while highlighting the importance of results in management and expenditure decision making, as well as public reporting.

Measures included in this 2030 ERP fall under the Government of Canada’s overall tracking and evaluation processes. In addition to climate-specific reporting processes, such as the Progress Reports required under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, these measures will be reported on as part of the Government’s normal and established evaluation process.

Implementation of measures and strategies introduced to date, as well as new and expanded ones identified in this 2030 ERP, are being tracked. Canada will continue reporting domestically on its climate change efforts through the Annual Synthesis Reports on the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Framework, as well as progress reports (starting in 2023) under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. Continued assessments and tracking also occur under existing reporting cycles (including, but not limited to, requirements under the Federal Sustainable Development Act, federal departmental plans and reports, and joint reporting efforts with provincial and territorial governments).

Many initiatives are also tracked through the Government of Canada’s horizontal initiatives, as required in the Treasury Board Directive on Results. These horizontal initiatives provide an annual, public indication of whether key federal government initiatives are being implemented as planned and achieving the results anticipated. Horizontal initiatives (e.g., clean growth and climate change, Investing in Canada Plan) are reviewed periodically to ensure that they remain current and incorporate newly announced government activities.

In addition, Canada will be summarizing these efforts through its international reporting obligations to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This includes National Communication reports, submitted on a 4-year cycle, and Biennial reports (which will be replaced by Biennial Transparency Reports, beginning in 2024).

Implementation plan: Economy-wide

Putting a price on carbon pollution

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Price on carbon pollution – The federal carbon pollution pricing system has two parts: a regulatory charge on fossil fuels like gasoline and natural gas, and a performance-based emissions trading system for industries, known as the Output-Based Pricing System (OBPS).

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Price of carbon pollution will increase by $10/tonne to $50/tonne on April 1, 2022.

Starting in 2023, the price will increase by $15/tonne per year.

ECCC is working with provincial and territorial governments to ensure their carbon pricing systems align with the strengthened federal benchmark stringency requirements that take effect in 2023.

Return of federal carbon pollution proceeds – The Output-Based Pricing System Proceeds Fund returns proceeds collected to the jurisdiction of origin under the federal OBPS through the Decarbonization Incentive Program (DIP) and Future Electricity Fund (FEF).

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Launched in February 2022.

Co-development process with Indigenous groups to develop fuel charge revenue return solutions.

Applications to the DIP will be accepted on a continuous basis for a minimum of two months starting on February 14, 2022.

ECCC is working with provincial and territorial partners to develop projects under the FEF.

Under development
Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Finalizing the Federal GHG Offset System – Addition of new protocols including:

  • Landfill Methane Recovery and Destruction
  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Refrigeration Systems
  • Enhanced Soil Organic Carbon
  • Livestock Feed Management
  • Improved Forest Management

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Draft regulations published March 2021.

Consultation on first tranche of offset protocols.

Publish final Federal GHG Offset System Regulations in spring 2022.

Once finalized, project activities within approved federal offset protocols will be able to generate offset credits for the purposes of compliance with the federal OBPS.

Production and use of clean fuels

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Clean Fuel Regulations – require liquid fuel (gasoline and diesel) suppliers to gradually reduce the carbon intensity of the fuels they produce and sell for use in Canada over time.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada 

Draft regulations published in December 2020.

Stakeholder consultation undertaken in Winter 2021 - Spring 2022.

Final regulations expected in Spring 2022.

Clean Fuels Fund – De-risks the capital investment for building new or retrofitting or expanding existing clean fuel production facilities.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Program launched on June 21, 2021 with open call for proposals for new clean fuels production projects.

Request for proposals closed on October 13, 2021.

Request for proposals for Indigenous-led projects launched on February 22, 2022.

Call for proposals for biomass supply chain projects will open in Spring 2022.

Project selection for production projects will be made in late spring 2022.

Supporting the transition to a clean growth economy

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Low Carbon Economy Fund – Supports provincial and territorial programs through the Leadership Fund; Challenge Fund provides funding to a wide range of recipients, including provinces and territories, businesses, municipalities, not-for-profits, and Indigenous communities and organizations.

Lead Department: Environment and  Climate Change Canada

The Leadership Fund launched in 2017.

The Champions Stream first launched in 2018, second intake in January 2022.

The Leadership Fund provided support toward 51 projects.

The Challenge Fund has supported a total of 81 projects through previous intakes; 57 Champions and 24 Partnerships projects.

The Champion Stream’s second intake will support projects that are completed by March 2025.

Hydrogen Strategy – Call to action that lays out an ambitious framework to position hydrogen as a key contributor to Canada’s climate objectives and positions Canada as a global leader on clean renewable fuels.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Published December 2020.

Implementation ongoing.

Ongoing delivery of working group meetings, and additional analysis to support implementation.

Explore border carbon adjustments as a potential policy tool to inform whether border carbon adjustments (BCAs) are required to address carbon leakage risks. If required, implement BCAs in a way that is effective in addressing carbon risks, takes into account integrated North American supply chains, balances costs for the entire economy and minimizes tensions with trading partners.

Lead Departments: Finance Canada, Environment and  Climate Change Canada, and Global Affairs Canada

Underway. Analysis ongoing, informed by stakeholders’ views (e.g., industry and civil society) gathered in domestic consultations completed in January 2022, as well as by engagement with international partners (e.g., U.S. and EU).

Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) – The CIB is a Crown corporation that operates at arm’s length from the government and is governed by a Board of Directors. Within its $35B allocation over 11 years, the CIB will be responsible for investing at least $15 billion to support projects in the areas of Green Infrastructure, Clean Power, and Public Transit.

Lead: Canada Infrastructure Bank

The CIB is actively participating in projects such as renewable generation and storage, transmission of clean electricity between provinces, territories and regions including to northern and Indigenous communities, district energy systems, and more, as well as projects to reduce emissions such as retrofits, zero-emission buses and electric public transit.

The CIB is required to produce an Annual Report that provides information on how it has met the objectives and achieved outcomes.

2022 Emissions Reduction Plan – New Measures

The Government of Canada will recapitalize and expand the Low Carbon Economy Fund. The funding aims, to leverage further climate actions from provinces and territories, municipalities, universities, colleges, schools, hospitals, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and Indigenous communities and organizations. The Low Carbon Economy Fund will include a new Indigenous Leadership Fund to support clean energy and energy efficiency projects led by First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities and organizations.

To enhance long-term certainty, the Government of Canada will explore measures that help guarantee the future price of carbon pollution. This includes, for example, investment approaches like carbon contracts for differences, which enshrine future price levels in contracts between the government and low-carbon project investors, thereby de-risking private sector low-carbon investments. This also includes exploring legislative approaches to support a durable price on carbon pollution.

The Government of Canada will work to advance Indigenous Climate Leadership

The Government of Canada will accelerate regional growth opportunities and energy systems transformation through Regional Strategic Initiatives that will drive economic prosperity and the creation of sustainable jobs in a net-zero economy and lead engagement across Atlantic Canada to shape a clear path forward for the Atlantic Loop initiative.

The Government of Canada will release a plan to reduce methane emissions across the broader economy, including through regulations which reduce methane emissions from oil and gas (see oil and gas), and landfills (see waste).

Updates on these measures will be provided in 2023 progress report.

Implementation plan: Buildings

GHG emissions profile

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Develop model net-zero energy ready model building code and code for retrofits by 2022

Lead Departments: Natural Resources Canada and National Research Council

Work on both the model building code and alterations to existing building codes is underway and led by the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes.

Publish new national model energy codes with tiered higher energy performance requirements for new homes and buildings in 2022.

Publish alterations to existing buildings codes in 2025.

Green Construction through Wood Program (GCWood) – Provides non-repayable contributions of up to 100% of a project’s eligible incremental costs for the demonstration of innovative uses of wood in low-carbon construction.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Funding opportunities currently closed.

Ongoing until March 31, 2023.

Canada Greener Homes Grant Program – Funding to help homeowners make their homes more energy-efficient, create new jobs across Canada for energy advisors, grow our domestic green supply chains, and fight climate change.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Over 196,400 applications for grants have been received in the national portal and by potential co-delivery partners in QC and NS.

Two applications received from Indigenous groups/representatives, $4.9M distributed to recipients of the initiative.

14 funded projects selected to increase energy advisors to result in approximately 774 new energy advisors and the up-skilling of 110 energy advisors.

Five contribution agreements signed and launched as of March 17, 2022.

Ongoing until 2027.

All contribution agreements for the energy advisor projects to be signed by Fall 2022.

Continued collaboration with related programs (e.g. Canada Mortgage and Housing loan program) to ensure coherence.

Canada Greener Homes Loan program to launch in Spring 2022.

Green and Inclusive Community Buildings – Funding to support green and accessible retrofits, repairs or upgrades of existing public community buildings and construction of new publicly-accessible community buildings that serve high-needs communities across Canada. At least 10% of funding for this program reserved for Indigenous projects and recipients.

Lead Department: Infrastructure Canada

Projects from first intake currently under assessment. Planning for a second intake is currently underway.

Energy Efficient Buildings Research, Development and Demonstration program – Inform the development of national building energy codes for both new and existing buildings through provincial/territorial collaborations, R&D, and real-world demonstration projects in all Canadian climate zones.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Projects from the third call selected in summer 2021.

Total of 292 Expressions of Interest & 41 proposals received across all provinces and territories during first and second calls.

Ongoing until 2026.

National Housing Strategy – CMHC is a Crown Corporation that operates at arm’s length from the Government and is governed by a Board of Directors. The Strategy provides funding to help reduce homelessness and improve the affordability, availability and quality of housing for Canadians in need.

Lead Department: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)


Currently accepting applications.

Ongoing review and analysis to explore increased energy efficiency requirements across programs.

CMHC is required to publish an annual report outlining its progress achieved.

National Infrastructure Assessment – Establish a Commission to lead a regular National Infrastructure Assessment.

Lead Department: Infrastructure Canada

Under Development. Infrastructure Canada is working to establish a Commission to carry out the assessment, and provide the Government with impartial, expert and evidence-based advice on challenges and opportunities for major infrastructure in Canada.

Greener Homes Loan Program – This program helps homeowners complete deep home retrofits through interest-free loans worth up to $40,000.

Lead Department: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Under Development.

Program expected to be launched spring 2022.

CMHC is required to publish an annual report outlining its progress achieved.

2022 Emissions Reduction Plan – New Measures

The Government of Canada will invest in, and develop a national net zero by 2050 buildings strategy, the Canada Green Buildings Strategy. Working with partners, the strategy will build off existing initiatives and set out new policy, programs, incentives and standards needed to drive a massive retrofit of the existing building stock, and construction to the highest zero carbon standards. The Buildings Strategy will:

Supporting communities to upgrade homes and buildings, including affordable housing, is key to reaching Canada’s climate goals. To help meet those goals, the following additional investments will be made:

Updates on these measures will be provided in 2023 progress report.

Implementation plan: Electricity

GHG emissions profile

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Phase-out of conventional coal-fired power plants by 2030 – Amend existing coal-fired electricity regulations to accelerate the phase out of traditional coal-fired electricity by 2030.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Regulations in place. Coal-fired electricity to cease as of January 1, 2030.

Regulatory performance standards for new natural gas units and converted coal-to-gas units – Set performance standards for natural gas-fired electricity generation

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Completed – performance standards for new natural gas units and converted coal-to-gas units are in place to ensure efficient technology is used. Regulations in place.

Emerging Renewable Power Program – Support deployment of emerging renewables not yet established commercially in Canada, such as geothermal, tidal and offshore wind.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Program extended to 2026 to accommodate projects with regulatory / financing challenges and due to COVID.


Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program – Investments in smart renewable energy and electrical grid modernization projects.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

As of February 2022, 100 project applications have been received; 72 have been approved under: Established Renewables (e.g. solar, onshore wind, small hydro); Emerging Technologies (e.g. geothermal, energy storage); and Grid Modernization (e.g. microgrids, virtual power plants, and hardware/software to enable grid services). Projects are reviewed and contribution agreements signed on a continuous intake basis.

Off-diesel in rural, remote and Indigenous communities “Off-diesel Hub” – To ensure that rural, remote and Indigenous communities that currently rely on diesel have the opportunity to be powered by clean, reliable energy by 2030. Composed of CERRC and Northern REACHE (see below).

Lead Departments: Natural Resources Canada and  Crown and Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Continue working with the over 200 remote communities in Canada that are reliant on diesel for electricity and heat to transition to renewable energy. New Off-Diesel Hub is expected to launch in 2022.

Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (CERRC) – Support projects that reduce reliance on diesel and other fossil fuels in Canada’s rural and remote communities and industrial sites.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

This program is being delivered through the Off-diesel in rural, remote and Indigenous communities (Off-Diesel Hub). Ongoing.

Northern Responsible Energy Approach for Community Heat and Electricity (REACHE) – Funding for implementing renewable energy projects in off-grid Indigenous and northern communities that rely on diesel and other fossil fuels to generate heat and power.

Lead Department: Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

This program is being delivered through the Off-diesel in rural, remote and Indigenous communities (Off-Diesel Hub).

Applications reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Indigenous Clean Energy Program – Investment, starting in 2021-22, through the Strategic Partnerships Initiative (SPI), to build capacity for local, economically-sustainable clean energy projects in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities and support economic development opportunities.

Lead Department: Indigenous Services Canada

Two Indigenous Clean Energy Initiatives have been approved in BC and Quebec.

SPI has entered into a partnership with Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) to provide advisory, outreach, and technical support in advancing Indigenous Clean Energy initiatives across the country.


Smart Grids Program – Funding for utility-led projects to reduce GHG emissions, better utilize existing electricity assets, and foster innovation and clean jobs for the demonstration of smart grid technologies and deployment of smart grid integrated systems.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Twenty-one projects are on-going, one completed.

Ongoing until 2023.

Strategic Interties – Funding for studies to help build new inter-provincial electricity transmission infrastructure projects, such as the Atlantic Loop, with the support from the Canada Infrastructure Bank.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada


Ongoing until 2025.

Ongoing discussions with provinces on various interties.

Small Modular Reactor Action Plan Implementation Continue the implementation of Canada’s Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Action Plan to satisfy the 27 federal actions committed to under the plan.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

SMR Action Plan released in December 2020, follow-on action underway. Federal investments in three major SMR projects (~$100M). National Indigenous Advisory Council for Canada’s SMR Action Plan established, convened. Draft Radioactive Waste Policy Framework released (February 2022). Completion of review of the Nuclear Liability and Compensation Act (March 2022).

Inaugural SMR Leadership Table meeting scheduled for April 2022.

Finalization of Radioactive Waste Policy Framework.

Under development
Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Clean Electricity Standard – Work with provinces, territories, utilities, industry and interested Canadians to ensure that Canada’s electricity generation achieves net-zero emissions by 2035.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Under development.

Discussion paper released in March 2022.

Public consultations underway.

Draft regulations will be brought forward by the end of 2022.

2022 Emissions Reduction Plan – New Measures

Continued and enhanced support for the deployment of commercially ready renewable energy technologies will support grid decarbonization in the near term. Looking out to 2050, investments in emerging technologies such as geothermal, tidal, SMRs, carbon capture and storage, and electricity storage will allow Canada to be a world leader in these new technologies.

To support the development and deployment of these technologies, the Government will make additional investments:

To help connect regions with clean power, the Government will:

Updates on these measures will be provided in 2023 progress report.

Implementation plan: Heavy industry

GHG emissions profile

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Regulations – Regulations to support the phase down of consumption of HFCs and prohibiting the import and manufacturing of products containing or designed to contain HFCs.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada


Regulations in place.


Clean Growth Program – A program to invest in clean technology research, development, and demonstration in the Canadian energy, mining, and forestry sectors. This program covers five areas of focus: Reducing greenhouse gas and air-polluting emissions; Minimizing landscape disturbances and improving waste management; Producing and using advanced materials and bioproducts; Producing and using energy efficiently; Reducing water use and impacts on aquatic ecosystems.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Underway (more than 45 projects confirmed). Program is coming to the end of its original funding cycle on March 31, 2022.

Strategic Innovation Fund – Net Zero Accelerator Initiative – Invests in projects to support Canada’s largest industrial GHG emitting sectors reduce emissions, help position key industrial sectors to be successful in the net-zero global economy of 2050, and assist in establishing Canada as a clean technology leader capitalizing on new growth opportunities, including a domestic battery ecosystem.

Lead Department: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Project intake and assessment underway.

To date, 8 NZA projects have been announced, totaling approximately $450M in investment.


New investments to be announced in the near future.

Cutting Corporate Taxes for Zero Emissions Technology – The Government of Canada proposed in Budget 2021 to reduce by half the general corporate and small business income tax rates for businesses that manufacture zero-emission technologies.

Lead Department: Finance Canada

Consultations held in 2021. Government is currently analyzing feedback to help inform decisions on proposed tax rate reductions.

Net Zero Challenge – supporting large industrial emitters to develop and implement plans to transition their facilities to net-zero emissions by 2050.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Under Development.

Publish technical guide in spring 2022.

Launch Challenge in spring/summer 2022.

Under development
Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Net Zero Challenge – supporting large industrial emitters to develop and implement plans to transition their facilities to net-zero emissions by 2050.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Under Development.

Publish technical guide in spring 2022.

Launch Challenge in spring/summer 2022.

Enhancing Canada’s Supply of Critical Minerals – Create a Critical Minerals Centre of Excellence to coordinate federal policy and programs, and work with provincial/territorial governments, Canadian industry, and with allied foreign governments to stimulate the development of Canadian critical mineral value chains. In addition, support targeted research and development (R&D) for upstream critical minerals processing and battery precursors and related materials engineering.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Under Development.

Launch of the Critical Mineral Centre of Excellence webpage in spring 2022, as well as an R&D funding stream in spring/summer 2022.

Continue engagement on and release of Canada’s Critical Minerals Strategy in spring/summer 2022.

2022 Emissions Reduction Plan – New Measures

The Government of Canada will expand the Industrial Energy Management System to support ISO 50001 certification, energy managers, cohort-based training, audits, and energy efficiency-focused retrofits for key small-to-moderate projects that fill a gap in the federal suite of industrial programming.

Updates on this measure will be provided in 2023 progress report.

Implementation plan: Oil and gas

GHG emissions profile

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) – Funding to support capital investments, clean technology deployment and research to reduce methane and other GHG emissions reductions from onshore and offshore oil and gas.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

As of March 2022, the ERF’s Onshore Deployment Program has funded 93 projects across Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Manitoba, reductions.

Onshore Deployment Program:

March 31, 2022:
Close of the third intake period

March 31, 2023:
All funding allocated

March 31, 2024:
All projects must be completed

Under development
Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Investment Tax Credit for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage – The government has proposed the introduction of an investment tax credit for capital invested in carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects with the goal of reducing emissions.

Lead Department: Finance Canada

Consultations ran from June to December 2021. The government intends to make the investment tax credit available in 2022.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Strategy – Establish a vision and plan to accelerate the CCUS industry in Canada so that it can realize its GHG reduction and commercial potential.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Input on initial and revised versions received from federal partners, provinces and territories, and stakeholders and Indigenous organizations (June 2021-March 2022). Publication expected in 2022.

Oil and Gas Methane Regulations – Current federal regulations require the oil and gas sector to reduce methane emissions by 40-45% below 2012 levels by 2025 The government has also committed to develop measures to further reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas sector to at least 75% of 2012 levels by 2030.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Methane review paper released in December 2021. Discussion paper on achieving 2030 methane emissions target released March 25, 2022. Webinars to be launched as part of the consultation period. 

Oil and Gas Emissions Cap – Cap oil and gas sector emissions at current levels and ensure that the sector makes an ambitious and achievable contribution to meeting the country’s 2030 climate goals. Reduce emissions at a pace and scale needed to align with the achievement of net-zero emissions by 2050, with five-year targets to stay on track.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada and Natural Resources Canada

Under development. Publication of a discussion paper in spring 2022, followed by formal engagement of provinces, industry, stakeholders and Indigenous groups.

Implementation plan: Transportation

GHG emissions profile


Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Light-duty on-road vehicle emissions regulations

  • Align pre-2026 regulations to more stringent US standards;
  • Amendments to ensure post-2025 regulations are aligned with U.S. Regulations

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada


Engagement with stakeholders and U.S. regulators (including Federal and State) expected to begin in early 2022.

Draft regulations expected in 2022-23, following U.S. final rule.

Mandatory requirement that all new light-duty vehicle sales be zero-emission by 2035

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Discussion paper published in December 2021 including options for interim (pre-2035) targets.

Public consultation ended in January 2022.

Draft regulations expected in 2022-23.

Heavy-duty on-road vehicle emissions regulations

  • Amendments to ensure post-2025 regulations are aligned with most stringent standards in North America.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Discussion paper published in December 2021.

Public consultation ended in January 2022.

Work with U.S. EPA on post-2025 regulations.

Draft regulations expected in 2023-24.

iZEV for LDV – Incentives for Zero Emission Vehicles (iZEV) program to support adoption of ZEVs in Canada.

Lead Department: Transport Canada

Underway. Program ongoing.

Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) –The ZEVIP supports building electric vehicle (EV) chargers and hydrogen refuelling stations across Canada.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Underway. New Request for Proposals to be launched in 2022.

Green Freight Assessment Program –The Green Freight Assessment Program (GFAP) was launched in 2018 to help companies make data-driven investment decisions to reduce their emissions and fuel costs.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Projects being completed.

Contributed to the review and analysis of over 6000 medium and heavy duty vehicles with the resulting Implementation Projects funding over 2700 retrofits.

Program sunsetting on March 31, 2022

Clean transportation RD&D program – Advances multi-modal research, development and testing of clean technology solutions for Canada’s transportation system.

Lead Department: Transport Canada

18 clean transportation RD&D projects supported since 2017 ($1.6M).

In December 2021, TC posted a new request for proposals (RFP) that closed on February 16, 2022.

In March 2022, the Minister of Transport approved 13 new contribution projects to advance clean aviation, rail and marine RD&D ($1.8M).

Support successful recipients in advancing their domestic clean-technology research, demonstrations or pilots in fiscal years 2022-23 to 2024-25.

Next call for proposals anticipated in 2024.


Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Collaboration with rail sector through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Railway Association of Canada to reduce locomotive emissions.

Lead Department: Transport Canada

Memorandum of Understanding with the rail industry was renewed to cover 2018 to 2022. Renew MOU for period of 2023-2027.


Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Public transit funding – Support the expansion of large urban transit systems, the electrification of public transit fleets, active transportation infrastructure and transit solutions for rural communities while establishing the federal government’s permanent commitment to transit funding.

Lead Department: Infrastructure Canada


Active Transportation Fund applications are being accepted for both the planning and capital funding streams between January 27, 2022 and March 31, 2022. Applications for planning and capital projects from eligible Indigenous recipients will be accepted on an ongoing basis.

Ongoing intake for the Zero-Emission Transit Fund.


Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Collaboration at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to address emissions from maritime shipping by developing new international standards and recommended practices for marine vessels, and development and implementation of new Canadian regulations.

Lead Department: Transport Canada

Implementation of the IMO’s short-term GHG reduction measures, come into force on January 1, 2023, to improve the carbon intensity of shipping. Medium and long-term measures including market-based measures now being discussed at the IMO. At upcoming IMO meetings over the next year, Canada will continue to work on advancing lifecycle assessment guidelines, mid- and long-term measures and the revision of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy.


Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Collaboration with aviation sector through Canada’s Action Plan to Reduce GHG Emissions from Aviation This voluntary plan identifies key on-going and planned initiatives to reduce GHGs and includes a fuel efficiency target.

Lead Department: Transport Canada

The Action Plan was signed in 2012 and includes annual reporting of progress against a fuel efficiency target. Develop a new Action Plan to decarbonize Canada’s aviation sector in 2022.

Supporting the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the development of new international standards and recommended practices to reduce emissions, and domestic implementation.

Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is a way to manage emissions from the international aviation industry. It’s one way that the ICAO member countries, including Canada, are working towards carbon neutral growth for international aviation from 2020 onwards.

Lead Department: Transport Canada

The Canadian CORSIA regulations for monitoring, reporting and verification came into effect on January 1, 2019 and the regulations for the offsetting elements of CORSIA came into effect on January 1, 2021. The ICAO 41st General Assembly to be held in the Fall 2022 will consider a long-term aspirational goal for reducing emissions from international aviation and the results of the 2022 CORSIA periodic review.


Under development
Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Off-road zero emissions equipment regulations

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Under development.

Discussion paper expected in Spring/Summer 2022.

Consultations on discussion paper.

Draft regulations expected in 2023-24.

2022 Emissions Reduction Plan – New Measures

The Government of Canada will develop a light duty vehicle (LDV) ZEV sales mandate, which will set annually increasing requirements towards achieving 100% LDV ZEV sales by 2035, including mandatory interim targets of at least 20% of all new LDVs offered for sale by 2026 and at least 60% by 2030.

Launch an integrated strategy to reduce emissions from medium-and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs) with the aim of reaching 35% of total MHDV sales being ZEVs by 2030. In addition, the Government will develop a MHDV ZEV regulation to require 100% MHDV sales to be ZEVs by 2040 for a subset of vehicle types based on feasibility, with interim 2030 regulated sales requirements that would vary for different vehicle categories based on feasibility, and explore interim targets for the mid-2020s.

In support of these objectives, the following investments will be made:

Updates on these measures will be provided in 2023 progress report.

Implementation plan: Agriculture

GHG emissions profile

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Agricultural Climate SolutionsLiving Labs Stream – Provides funding for the co-development, testing, adoption, dissemination and monitoring of technologies and practices, including beneficial management practices (BMPs), that sequester carbon and/or mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

*part of the Natural Climate Solutions Fund

Lead Department: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 

Project assessment is underway. Ongoing until 2031.

Agricultural Climate SolutionsOn-Farm Climate Action Fund – Support for farmers in adopting beneficial management practices (BMPs) that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of nitrogen management, cover cropping, and rotational grazing practices.

*part of the Natural Climate Solutions Fund

Lead Department: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

12 recipient organizations announced February, 2022.

Ongoing until 2024.

Projects expected to launch in 2022.

Agricultural Clean Technology Program – Provides funding for research, innovation and adoption of clean technology that will support a low carbon economy and drive sustainable growth in the agriculture sector.

Lead Department: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 

Project assessment is underway. Ongoing until 2028.

Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Funding to strengthen the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector, helping to promote continued innovation, growth and prosperity. Within the $2-billion cost-shared programs and activities, an estimated allocation of up to $438 million has been made available to address environmental sustainability and climate change issues.

Lead Department: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Support for on-farm adoption of beneficial management practices that address environmental issues, including climate change.

Ongoing until 2023.

Next agricultural policy framework under development with Climate change and environmental protection identified as a priority area.

Under development
Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Fertilizer emission reduction target – 30% reduction in GHG emissions from fertilizer from 2020 levels, by 2030.

Lead Department: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Engagement with 22 industry stakeholders and 11 provinces and territories in spring 2021.

Public consultation document published in March 2022.

Stakeholder engagement ongoing until June 2022.

2022 Emissions Reduction Plan – New Measures

The Government of Canada will provide funding to the Agricultural Climate Solutions: On-Farm Climate Action Fund. This funding will allow the program to top-up funding for some current successful applicants, broaden support to additional key climate mitigation practices, extend the program past its current end date of 2023/24, and support adoption of practices that contribute to the fertilizer emissions target and Global Methane Pledge.

The Government of Canada will provide funding for a resilient agricultural landscapes program to support carbon sequestration, adaptation and address other environmental co-benefits.

The Government of Canada will triple funding for the Agricultural Clean Technology program by broadening and expanding the scope of the program.

The Government of Canada will invest in transformative science for a sustainable sector in an uncertain climate and net-zero economy for 2050. This funding will support fundamental and applied research supporting a path to net zero emissions, knowledge transfer, and developing metrics.

Updates on these measures will be provided in 2023 progress report.

Implementation plan: Waste

GHG emissions profile

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Food Waste Reduction Challenge – A five-year challenge to incentivize developing and deploying innovative new solutions to reduce food waste across the supply chain.

Lead Department: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Underway. Grand prize winners will be announced in summer 2023 for innovative business models and spring 2024 for innovative technologies.

Zero Plastic Waste – Comprehensive approach towards Canada’s goal of zero plastic waste by 2030 that includes investing in research through Canada’s Plastics Science Agenda, innovation through Canadian Plastics Innovation Challenges, support to industry-led plastic waste reduction initiatives, community action to prevent, reduce and remove plastic pollution through the Zero Plastic Waste Initiative, and the implementation of the Canada-wide action Plan on Zero Plastic Waste.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Underway. Ongoing until 2027.

Minimum Recycled Content Regulations for Certain Plastic Manufactured Items – Government of Canada commitment to develop new regulations that will set minimum recycled content requirements for certain plastic products and packaging of at least 50 percent by 2030.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Public consultation on a technical issues paper is in process

Public consultations conclude the end of March 2022.

Draft regulations will be posted for a public comment period as early as late 2022.

Under development
Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Regulations – Commitment by the Government of Canada to place a ban on harmful single-use plastics, such as checkout bags, cutlery, foodservice ware made from or containing problematic plastics, ring carriers, stir sticks and straws

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Proposed regulations published in December 2021 for a public comment period that ended in March 2022. Finalize regulations.

International legally binding agreement on plastic pollution – Government of Canada will continue to play a leadership role on plastic pollution internationally, particularly in the development of a new international legally binding agreement on plastic pollution.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

New - under development.

Preparatory meeting and first negotiating session to occur in 2022.

Aim at completing negotiations for a new international legally binding agreement by 2024.

Landfill Methane Regulations – Government of Canada commitment in the strengthened climate plan to develop new federal regulations to increase number of landfills that collect and treat methane.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Discussion paper released in January 2022.

Public consultations underway until April 2022.

PT and Indigenous engagement to continue in 2022.

Draft regulations are under development and will be published in Canada Gazette Part 1 for public comment by winter 2024.

Implementation plan: Nature-based solutions

GHG emissions profile

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Nature-Smart Climate Solutions Fund – Provides funding for projects that conserve, restore and enhance wetlands, peatlands and grasslands to store and capture carbon.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Call for proposals closed Jan 2022.

Ongoing until 2031.

Financing of first tranche
of projects in 2022.

2 Billion Trees Program – Provides funding to support tree-planting efforts by provinces, territories, third part organizations and Indigenous organizations in order to plant 2 billion trees across Canada.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Initiated engagement towards co-development of governance for $500M Indigenous funding stream.

Call for proposals currently closed.

Funded projects for 30 million trees.

Ongoing until 2031.

Proposals for new projects will be evaluated and begin to be signed in spring 2022.

Nature-Based Climate Solutions Advisory Committee – Provides expert advice to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) on Natural Climate Solution Fund’s delivery of programs to ensure the achievement of maximum emissions reductions, while also delivering biodiversity and human well-being co-benefits.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada led Secretariat

Meetings initiated and ongoing.

Next meeting scheduled for June 2022; Advisory Committee Strategy Discussion will be scheduled with the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change.

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) – Lands, waters, and ice where Indigenous leadership is a defining attribute in the decisions and actions that protect and conserve an area. These projects help to improve connectivity, advance Indigenous-led conservation and reconciliation, and have co-benefits for species at risk or carbon storage.

Lead Departments: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Parks Canada

Underway. Ongoing until March 31, 2026.

25 X 25 and 30 X 30 – The Government of Canada committed to conserving a quarter of Canada’s lands and a quarter of its oceans by 2025 and working toward conserving 30 percent of each by 2030.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Underway. Ongoing until March 31, 2026 e.g. through recent investments made under Enhanced Nature Legacy: to Biosphere Reserves, National Wildlife Areas, Canada Target 1 Challenge, Bilateral Nature Agreements, Priority Places, Other effective area based conservation measures (OECMs), Natural Heritage Conservation Program and Ecological Gifts for new protected and conserved areas.
Under development
Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Natural Infrastructure Fund – Supports projects that use natural or hybrid approaches to protect the natural environment, support healthy and resilient communities, contribute to economic growth, and improve access to nature for Canadians.

Lead Department: Infrastructure Canada

Under Development. Small Project Stream is expected to be launched in 2022.

2022 Emissions Reduction Plan – New Measures

To meet Canada’s 2030 target and lay the groundwork to net-zero emissions by 2050, the Government of Canada will invest additional funding in the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund to deliver additional emission reductions from nature-based climate solutions. The Fund supports projects that conserve, restore and enhance wetlands, peatlands, and grasslands to store and capture carbon.

Updates on this measure will be provided in 2023 progress report.

Implementation plan: Enabling

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Clean Growth Hub – A whole-of-government focal point for clean technology. The Hub helps clean technology innovators and adopters navigate the federal system of funding and services while enhancing coordination on federal clean technology programs.

Lead Departments: Natural Resources Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Underway. Ongoing until March 2024.

Energy Innovation Program – Funding to support research, development, and demonstration projects, and other related scientific activities that advance clean energy technologies.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada

Clean Fuels and Industrial Fuel Switching stream: proposals under review.

CCUS stream: Call for proposals under review.

Canadian Emissions Reduction Network: call for proposal closed in 2019; projects were announced in July 2020.

Breakthrough Energy Solutions Canada: program closed; winners selected in 2020.

Clean Fuels and Industrial Fuel Switching stream: invitation to submit Full Project Proposals to be issued in Spring 2022.

CCUS stream: Applicants to be notified of project status in Spring 2022.

Federal support to Sustainable Development Technology Canada – To support start-ups and to scale-up companies to enable pre-commercial clean technologies to successfully demonstrate feasibility and enable early commercialization efforts.

Lead Department: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada 

Underway. Ongoing.

Just Transition for Canadian Coal Power Workers and Communities: Task Force – To provide reports on how to make the transition away from coal-fired electricity a fair one for Canadian coal workers and communities.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Completed. N/A

Just transition legislation and comprehensive action Support the future and livelihood of workers and their communities in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Lead Department: Natural Resources Canada, Economic and Social Development Canada, and Regional Development Agencies

Consultations on legislation is underway with workers, unions, Indigenous Peoples, employers, communities, and provinces and territories. Consultations to be completed by May 31, 2022.

Green Bonds – Support investments that pursue environmental objectives benefitting all Canadians, which could include projects that support climate mitigation adaptation, biodiversity and conservation, and pollution prevention and control.

Lead Departments: Environment and Climate Change Canada and Finance Canada

Canada’s Green Bond Framework was released in March 2022.

Issued inaugural 7.5 year $5 billion green bond, with the final order book of over $11 billion.

The Government is aiming to issue $5 billion in green bonds annually.

Climate Action and Awareness Fund - To support projects that help build capacity and raise awareness in an effort to reduce Canada’s GHG emissions.

Lead Department: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Provided funding for projects in 2020-21 and 2021-22.

  • Youth climate awareness stream: 10 projects ($37M);
  • Community-based climate action: 58 projects ($54M); 2nd intake proposals under assessment.

Climate research at Canadian think tanks and in academia stream: call for proposals date to be determined.

Climate science and technology stream: proposals under assessment.

Announce project recipients following assessments.

Implementation plan: Greening government

Current meaures Status Upcoming milestones

Greening Government Strategy Updated Targets/Policies

  • New federal buildings are net-zero and major building retrofits are low-carbon;
  • Reduce embodied carbon in construction projects by 30% starting in 2025;
  • Ensure 75% of domestic office floor space (new leases and lease renewals) will be in net-zero carbon climate resilient buildings starting in 2030
  • Leverage Government of Canada’s purchasing power to support emerging clean technologies
  • ensure 100% of light duty fleet are zero-emission vehicles by 2030

Lead Department: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Updated targets and policies released in 2020. Implementation ongoing.

Federal Low-Carbon Fuel Procurement Program – The LCFPP will support the purchase and use of low-carbon intensity liquid fuels by federal departments for the operations of their air and marine fleets.

Lead Department: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat


2022 Procurement process launched for marine low-carbon fuels.

2023 Standing Offers established for supply of marine low-carbon fuels.

Federal Clean Electricity Fund – Public Service and Procurement Canada is implementing, on behalf of Government of Canada, a procurement strategy to provide clean electricity to the federal community in order to address the Greening Government Strategy commitment to use 100% clean electricity by 2025 at the latest.

Lead Department: Public Service and Procurement Canada


Request for Proposals for Alberta Bulk Clean Electricity scheduled to close on June 1, 2022.

Request for Proposals for National Renewable Energy Certificates scheduled to close on June 2, 2022.

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