Air quality

Air quality

Health effects, research and data, air pollutants, emissions inventories, sustainability indicators.

Services and information

Air Quality Health Index

Local conditions, determine risk, improve air quality, calculate the index, videos and publications.


Air quality forecasts, Smog warnings, Air Quality Index (Québec only), partners.

Air quality and health

Health effects of indoor and outdoor air contaminants and air pollution.

Air quality research and science

Air pollutants, acid rain, ozone, smog, particulate matter, mercury, measurement methods, data sets.

Air quality monitoring networks and data

Urban, rural and specialized data, data analysis and archiving.

Air pollution

Criteria air contaminants, persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals, toxics, acid rain, smog, ozone.

Air quality sustainability indicators

Outdoor concentrations of particulate matter, ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, VOCs.

Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory: overview

Annual report, online data query tool, trends, air quality health data.

Black Carbon Emissions Inventory

Annual report, fine particulate matter, wood burning, on-road emissions, polar warming.

Participation in international environmental agreements

Compendium of Canada’s engagement in international agreements on air quality.

Wildfire smoke and air quality

Alerts, smoke predictions, forecasts, weather conditions, health, FireWork.


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Air pollution and air quality in Canada

Learn about air pollution and its impact on air quality and on your health.

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