



Wetlands are some of the planet’s most vital ecosystems. They are an important habitat for wildlife, filter pollution, and provide flood protection. Wetlands also store large amounts of carbon. But they are one of the Earth’s most threatened ecosystem types. Once abundant throughout Canada, wetlands are now increasingly scarce in populated areas. Approximately 70 % of wetlands in southern Canada were lost prior to 1990 — and up to 98 % in densely populated areas across the country.

Wetlands play important roles such as:

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Music begins - slow, attention grabbing, mysterious.

VO: The world is experiencing a climate change crisis

VO: there is hope

The music begins to intensify - building more intrigue and anticipation.

VO: a natural wonder

VO: capable of capturing and absorbing large amounts of greenhouse gases

VO: absorbing greenhouse gases

The music climaxes triumphantly.

VO: Wetlands

The music is now strong and proud.

VO: by conserving wetlands Canada draws on the power of nature to tackle climate change and reduce biodiversity loss

VO: discover more nature-based climate solutions and see nature as something new

VO: See nature as something new

VO: a message from the government of Canada.

Music mimics the Canadian anthem “dun dun dun dun”


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