



Canada has the longest coastline in the world, linking the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific oceans. These oceans are crucial to the marine plants, animals and to the humans that live there. We rely on the oceans for food and energy resources, plus they play a key role in removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and supporting marine biodiversity. Water (the oceans included) is a finite resource. The water we have on Earth today is all the water we will ever have. That means we need to protect our oceans, rivers, and lakes so our planet can keep supporting us and its many species of plants, animals, and fungi.

If we don’t reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we will see water temperatures rising and increasing sea levels, which will cause more extreme weather events and threaten our marine ecosystems, food security, and more.

Oceans and their coastal ecosystems play an important role in our lives by:

You can help our oceans by:

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