Canadian military history

Canada’s military history, including past wars and operations. Archives, research, art and film. Military medals, badges and flags. War memorials and museums near you.

Services and information

History and heritage

History of the people and organizations that fought for Canada.

Wars and operations

Wars, missions and operations of Canada’s forces.

Medals and decorations

Honours, decorations, orders and medals. Apply for a medal or order a replacement.


Commemorative events, memorials and programs that honour Canadian soldiers and their sacrifices.

Military Identity System

Ranks and insignia, official dress, drill and heritage manuals.

Memorials, monuments and cemeteries

Memorials and monuments to remember the men and women who served Canada.

Classroom materials

Lesson plans, fact sheets, teachers’ guides and learning activities about Canada’s military history.

Military museums, art and films.

Canada’s military history in museums, art and films.


William Redver Stark

Life on the Lines with the 1st Battalion of Canadian Railway Troops.


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