File CVITP software overview – Part 2: Creating a new tax file – Interview tab (American sign language)
UFile CVITP software overview
Part 2: Creating a new tax file - Interview tab
Income Tax Assistance – Volunteer Program
[Soft background music throughout the video] and [An embedded American Sign Language interpretation video appears throughout the video on the right side]
Image on screen: Title of the video is in the top centre; at the center right-hand, the ITAVP logo shows colourful people holding hands; at the top left-hand corner, vertical colourful bars; at the top right-hand corner, the ITAVP text logo;
Image on screen: Marie-Julie avatar seated an office setting.
Marie-Julie: Hello, my name is Marie-Julie.
This is the second video in our overview of the UFile CVITP software.
In the first video, we shared information on how to install the software, various tabs and functions, and the EFILE-NetFile setup screen.
In this second video, we will go through the software’s Interview tab.
Image on screen: Title: Outline; the key topics appear to the left as the narration goes; to the right, the UFile logo shows a white, half maple leaf against a red background and black letters reading UFile
Marie-Julie: This tab includes topics such as: Identification; Spouse interview type; Current address; Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) questions; Revenu Quebec questions; Quebec prescription drug insurance plan; Solidarity tax credit; EFILE; Revenu Quebec tax data download; and the Interview setup.
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Family Head Identification screen
Marie-Julie: As mentioned at the end of our first video, when you click the Start on a new tax file button, the software will automatically take you to the Identification topic, under the Interview tab. [callouts surround the Interview and Identification tabs on the left-hand-side-menu].
Enter the individual’s information.
The term Family head is used to designate the first person whose identification information is entered in the software. [Family Head tab is highlighted against a darkened screen].
The terms spouse or dependant are used to designate other individuals whose identification information is entered into the software, based on their relationship to the family head [each tab is highlighted against a darkened screen].
When you have entered a person’s name, it will automatically replace the generic terms used by the software.
Mandatory fields will have a red asterisk on the right of the field description [callout surrounds first field with the asterisk visible within the Family Head Identification section]. All these fields must be completed to get to the Review tab, the Tax return tab, and the EFILE tab [green arrows point to each tab in the top menu bar].
If any mandatory information is missing, Error messages will appear at the bottom of your screen [callout surrounds the Error section at the bottom of the screen].
You will notice specific instructions for each page are provided at the top of that page [callout surrounds the instructions section]. You should review this information before filling in any fields.
Use the left-side menu to access the various topics or to return to any of the topics under the Interview tab [the left-side menu is highlighted against a darkened screen].
Clicking Next at the bottom-right of the screen will save the data entered and bring you to the next page in the left-side menu. [callout surrounds the Next button while the rest of the screen is darkened].
As you enter identifying information, additional topics may generate in the left-side menu or you may see tax saving ideas under the Review tab.
For example, if you select Quebec as the province of residence [a green arrow points to the Review tab], the software will automatically add the topics specifically [left-hand menu is highlighted in contrast to a darkened screen] intended for residents of Quebec in the left-side menu. These topics will be identified by a blue fleur-de-lys [four sections containing the blue fleur-de-lys are noted in green on the left-hand-side menu].
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Type of information you wish to provide about your spouse screen
Marie-Julie: If you select married or common-law spouse in the Identification topic [green callout surrounds the field generated], the software will generate the Spouse interview type topic in the left-side menu.
On the Type of information you wish to provide about your spouse page, you will be asked: What information will you provide for your spouse? [callout surrounds the question and information field]
If you select Net income only [callout surrounds Net Income in the drop-down menu], the software will generate the Spouse - basic information topic in the left-side menu.
If you select Complete information [callouts surrounds Complete information (recommended) in the drop-down menu], you will have to prepare a federal and a Quebec income tax return for each spouse.
To add a spouse, click add spouse to the right of the Family head sub-tab or next to the family head’s name [tab highlighted and cursor clicks on it].
To add a dependant, click add dependant on the right of the add spouse sub-tab or the name of the spouse [callout surrounds the tab].
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) questions screen
Marie-Julie: The questions on the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) questions page relate mainly to the federal tax return. Be sure to complete all the fields. [The page is highlighted]
Under the Information about you section [this section is highlighted while the rest of the screen is darkened], select the preferred language of correspondence [callout surrounds “Language of correspondence and of tax return” and drop-down menu answer box, while the cursor rests on the drop-down menu. The rest of the page is darkened.]. This language will be used for the tax returns that are printed and transmitted to the CRA and Revenu Québec. It will also determine the language that the CRA will use to correspond with the individual.
The language you select in this section does not affect the language you use in the software when you are preparing tax returns.
You will notice some fields are defaulted to No [callout surrounds the fields]. Be sure to review these questions with the individual and to adjust the answers as needed [cursor scrolling down on page].
Lastly, the sections Elections Canada and the Email notifications from CRA contain required fields [callout and highlight surrounds each section]. Review the questions with the individual and fill these in.
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Revenu Quebec questions
Marie-Julie: The Revenu Québec questions topic relates to the Quebec income tax return [the Revenu Quebec page is highlighted while the screen is darkened].
Review these questions with the individual and adjust the answers as needed.
Pay particular attention to the questions in the Information about you, Solidarity tax credit and Quebec tax shield sections [each section is individually highlighted as mentioned]. Additional topics will be added in the left-side menu [the cursor rests on Revenu Quebec questions tab on the left-side menu], and certain credits will be calculated automatically based on the answers to these questions.
Don’t forget to answer the questions in the Notifications relating to your income tax return [green callout surrounds the header while the section is highlighted. The cursor clicks on the drop down menu and selects “Notification by email.”] and Receiving correspondence online only [green callout surrounds the header while the section is highlighted. The cursor clicks on the drop down menu and selects “Yes.”] sections.
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Quebec prescription drug insurance information
Marie-Julie: The Quebec Prescription Drug Insurance plan page [the screen is highlighted and the cursor rests on the drop-down menu accompanied to “Specify the situation that applied to you in 2023 for the purpose of the Quebec prescription drug insurance” question] is used to indicate whether the individual is covered by a private group insurance plan or by the Quebec Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.
If the individual is covered by the Quebec Prescription Drug Insurance Plan [the question and drop down menu is highlighted, and surrounded with a green call-out; the cursor selects “3- Quebec prescription drug insurance plan, all year”], you must specify whether they are exempt from paying part or all of the contributions to that plan.
An individual has the option of paying their spouse’s contributions to the Quebec Prescription Drug Insurance Plan in this section [the section and drop down menu is highlighted, and the cursor selects “Yes” in the drop down menu. Afterwards, the cursor selects “Next” on the bottom of the page].
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Solidarity tax credit
Marie-Julie: The Solidarity tax credit topic will appear in the left-side menu [the topic is highlighted in the left-side menu] if you answered Yes to Do you wish to apply for the Quebec solidarity tax credit? in the Revenu Québec Questions.
Revenu Québec will use the information entered on this page [the page is highlighted while the rest of the screen is darkened] to determine if the individual is entitled to this credit.
Subsequently, Revenu Québec will calculate and pay the individual the amount to which they are entitled.
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Electronic filing – EFILE screen
Marie-Julie: Under EFILE topic [the topic is highlighted while the rest of the screen is darkened], indicate whether you will use the CRA’s Auto-fill my return service and the EFILE and NetFile Quebec electronic filing services [the page is highlighted and a callout surrounds the question “Will you be using the CRA Auto-fill my return service for this taxpayer?” while the cursor rests on the associated drop down menu].
The Auto-fill my return service automatically completes certain portions of the federal tax return. If you select Yes to the question Will you be using the CRA Auto-fill my return service for this taxpayer? [the individual question is highlighted while the screen is darkened, while a green call-out surrounds the answer “Yes” in the drop-down menu box], an additional question [the additional question that appears afterwards is highlighted] will appear asking you if you have already filed the Authorization request for the individual.
Yes (if eligible) should already be selected for the questions Will you be using EFILE to submit this return to the CRA? and Will you be using EFILE to submit this TP1 return to Revenu Quebec? [callout surrounds each field]
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Revenu Quebec tax data download screen
Marie-Julie: The Revenu Québec tax data download page [the page is highlighted against a darkened screen] asks whether you will use Revenu Québec’s tax data download service to automatically complete certain portions of the Quebec income tax return [a callout and highlight surrounds the field]. Before proceeding [this reminder is highlighted while the rest of the screen is darkened], you must obtain the individual’s consent using the appropriate form or obtain their download code [the cursor clicks on the checkbox].
If you tick Yes, Use Tax data download in this file [the cursor selects Next at the bottom of the page], two additional topics [the topics “Download my information” and “Accept my information” are highlighted] will be automatically added in the left-side menu.
Note that if you use the CRA’s Auto-fill my return service and Revenu Québec’s tax data download service, certain information entered may be duplicated.
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Interview setup screen
Marie-Julie: On the Interview setup page [callout surrounds the tab in the left side menu], select all the situations that may apply to the individual [the page is highlighted]. These include types of income, deductions, and credits that are applicable to them.
You can come back to this page at any time to make changes if needed.
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, T4 and employment income screen
Marie-Julie: Once you have selected the specific situations, click Next [a callout surrounds the Next button at the bottom-right of the screen] and the topics corresponding to the boxes you have ticked will be displayed in the left-side menu, ready to be filled out [a callout surrounds the additional topics that have appeared on the left-side menu].
When you click a topic [the page is highlighted, and the cursor rests on the “+” sign next to the “T4 and RL-1 (Releve 1) income earned in Quebec with QPP contributions” selection], the related income slips, deductions, and/or credits can be selected by clicking on the plus sign (+) next to each item [callout surrounds the plus sign and cursor clicks on it].
This will generate pages in the left-side menu where income amounts, deductions, and other required information is entered [a callout surrounds these topics in the left-side menu].
Image on screen: UFile CVITP 2021, T4 – Statement of Remuneration Paid screen and a T4 slip
Marie-Julie: For example, if you click the plus (+) sign next to T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned in Quebec with QPP contributions [callout surrounds the highlighted tab], the topic T4 Income will be added to the left-side menu under T4 and employment income [a callout surrounds the highlighted topic in the left-side menu].
If you click T4 income in the left-side menu, the page T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid (RL-1) with QPP Contributions [a callout surrounds the title while the page is highlighted] will open. This page displays the fields that correspond to the boxes on the T4 and RL-1 slips [a callout surrounds these fields].
Image on screen: T4 slip
Marie-Julie: Enter the information from each tax slip into the software. The total amounts for all the tax slips will be calculated automatically [close up image of the T4 slip appears on screen then fades out].
Image on screen: RL-1 slip
Marie-Julie: For example, if an individual has several T4 and RL-1 slips, the software will report the total on the tax returns [close up image of the RL1 slip appears on screen then fades out].
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, T4 income screen
Marie-Julie: If the tax slip includes a box that is not shown on the screen, scroll down to the Other information field to select additional options [the section is highlighted and the cursor clicks on the drop-down menu].
When you enter the name of the issuer or employer in the software [this section is highlighted], they automatically appear in the left-side menu [this tab is highlighted on the left-hand side menu]. This makes it easier to identify and review a tax slip.
To change the data entered on a tax slip [the cursor rests on the topic on the left-side menu], click the name of the slip in the left-side menu.
If you need to delete a slip, click the minus (-) sign [a callout surrounds the minus sign] to the right of the slip name.
Click Next to continue to the next topic [a callout surrounds the Next button].
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Other income screen
Marie-Julie: Some tax situations do not appear in the Interview setup. Instead, they may be under Other income or Other information slips in the left-side menu [callout surrounds the tabs].
For example, you must click Other information slips [a callout surrounds the tab] to enter the information from the RC210 and RL-19 slips.
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Other deductions and credits screen
Marie-Julie: The Other deductions and credits topic will only appear in the left side menu [callout surrounds the highlighted tab] if it is selected in the
Interview setup, under Other topics.
This page is where topics such as the Northern residents deduction are located [a callout surrounds the topic within the page].
Image on screen: UFile CVITP, Interview tab, Ontario tax credits screen
Marie-Julie: The Quebec Tax Credits topic [callout surrounds the tab in the left side menu] is added to the left-side menu once you select Quebec as the province of residence under the Identification topic.
Image on screen: Marie-Julie avatar speaking in an office setting
Marie-Julie: This concludes the second video in our UFile CVITP software overview series. I hope this demonstration was helpful.
We encourage you to watch the third and last video in our series on the software to learn more about UFile CVITP. The third video is about the review and electronic transmission of tax returns using the software.
We also invite you to visit the Installing the tax software and its functions section of the ITAVP learning guide for more information related to the software provided as part of the program.
Image on screen: Left aligned, the ITAVP website information appears in a grey box and above a computer icon with a checkmark; right aligned, the ITAVP dedicated helpline information appears in a grey box and above a cell phone icon;
Marie-Julie: Note that the learning guide contains information on various training topics, such as the steps to prepare income tax returns, different types of income and deductions that most individuals using the income tax assistance program will be eligible for, as well as various resources including useful links, contacts and forms.
You can also contact the agents of the confidential telephone lines reserved for volunteers if you have questions about the UFile CVITP software, to obtain information about tax topics or to order forms.
Finally, please note that this video and the learning guide were designed exclusively for ITAVP organizations and volunteers. Therefore, they should not be shared with people who are not part of the program.
Image on screen: Marie-Julie avatar speaking in an office setting
Marie-Julie: Thank you for supporting the ITAVP.
See you soon!
Text on screen: opyright: His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, represented by the Canada Revenu Agency, 2024.
Image on screen: Canada Revenue Agency logo; Revenu Québec logo; Canada wordmark and animated Canada flag
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