Update phone numbers (ACO.k2)

General information

This page provides you with the opportunity to update your phone number information. You must provide the following information:

Definitions and explanations

This is a list of phone country codes. A phone country code must be entered for each number you want to update.

Effective on

This is the effective date of your new phone number(s). Select the down arrow beside each box (Year, Month, Day), and choose from the list provided. For each phone type (home, work, cell) you can enter only one future dated phone number.


This button will take you to the page that displays the new numbers that you entered or the number(s) you removed.

Welcome Page

This will take you out of the secure "Change my address" site and back to the "My Account" Welcome Page.

Log out

This will take you out of the secure "Change my address" site.

Page details

Date modified: