Electronic Traveller Health Information Project

Fairness monitor request for information report: January 25, 2024

Addendum to final report: Not applicable

Submitted to: Director, Fairness Monitoring Program

Submitted by: P1 Consulting Inc.

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Attestation of assurance

The fairness monitor (FM) hereby provides the unqualified assurance statement below concerning the Request for Information for the Electronic Traveller Health Information (eTHI) Project procurement up to and including the conclusion of the request for information (RFI) phase.

It is our professional opinion that the process we observed or monitored was carried out in a fair, open and transparent manner.

Original signed by:

Stephanie Braithwaite
Director of Fairness Services
P1 Consulting Inc.

Martin Cukierman
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Laws
Member of Law Society of Ontario
Senior Consultant
P1 Consulting Inc.

Project requirement

P1 Consulting Inc. was engaged on July 24, 2023 as a FM to observe the industry engagement process for the eTHI Project issued by issued by Public Works and Government Services Canada on behalf of Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) under solicitation WS4056891315. P1 Consulting Inc. is an independent third party with respect to this activity.

This report covers the activities of the FM, during the RFI activities from the date of our engagement until January 25, 2024.

PHAC is planning to develop and deploy its next generation case management, as pre-pandemic PHAC systems used during COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of the eTHI project is to provide a robust, scalable and agile case management solution that will manage information on travellers’ point of entry, entry dates, contacts and symptoms, and Quarantine Act or emergency order obligations through a digital work environment and leveraging technology. The eTHI system will be used for the management of incidences of other communicable diseases governed by the Quarantine Act or per emergency orders in response to a future public health crisis, as required. The objectives of the RFI were to inform industry of the requirement, receive industry feedback and invite industry to participate in the RFI process.

We reviewed all of the information provided and observed all relevant activities as described within this report.

This report includes:

  • our attestation of assurance
  • a summary of the scope and objectives of our assignment
  • relevant observations from the activities undertaken

Fairness monitoring engagement and observations

In accordance with the terms of our engagement, we:

  • familiarized ourselves with the relevant documents
  • observed the RFI activities which included the one-on-one industry meetings
  • identified fairness-related matters to the contracting and technical authorities when applicable
  • ensured that responses and actions were reasonable and appropriate

Specifically, as part of our engagement we reviewed the RFI documentation which was posted on CanadaBuys on June 15, 2023 and closed on July 14 2023, prior to our engagement.

We also monitored the one-on-one meetings which took place between August 3, 2023 and September 29, 2023 with interested suppliers to discuss their RFI responses. During and subsequent to the meetings we monitored the communications with industry provided to us by the contracting authority (CA), providing input from a fairness perspective.

The RFI summary document, identified as HT218-234191/B, was reviewed by the FM prior to posting on CanadaBuys under solicitation WS4056891315. All comments provided by the FM related to fairness were adequately addressed by the CA.

Reference documents

Documents related to RFI WS4056891315 are available on CanadaBuys or through the project office.

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