Garnishment and set-offs

This section describes the roles and responsibilities of Finance and the Pay Centre in processing garnishments and set-offs.

On this page

Process definition

Garnishments and set-offs are deductions mandated by the Department of Justice or the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Finance responsibilities

Finance is responsible for:

Upon receipt of notice from the Pay Centre, finance is responsible for:

Pay Centre responsibilities

Upon receipt of notice of any garnishments from the Department of Justice and notice of any set-offs from CRA, the Pay Centre is responsible for:


There is no notification sent to finance related to statutory set-offs details.


CRA will first provide this notice to the Compensation Sector who in turn will provide this to the Pay Centre.

If the employee is separating from the public service, transferring to another department within the public service, or taking a leave, the Pay Centre should inform the employee’s departmental finance organization.

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