End of specified period employment

Disclaimer: Changes in your work or life situation

What is a specified period employee?

A specified period employee is employment with a fixed end date and includes the following types of employment:

  • term
  • casual
  • student
  • seasonal

Individuals who are hired for specified period employment are advised in their letter of offer of the date that their employment will end and should therefore not plan on or anticipate continuing employment in the public service after the specified end date as stipulated in their letter of offer.

As an employee hired for a specified period as a term, will I receive notification if my specified period employment is not being extended?

If you are an employee hired for a specified period as a term, you will receive one month’s notice if your term is not being extended under the Treasury Board policy on term employment Section 7.4. The Archived: Term Employment Policy does not apply to individuals hired as casual, student or seasonal.

How should I proceed when I know that I am approaching the end of my specified period employment and my employment is not being extended?

If you are approaching the end of your specified period employment and your employment is not being extended, you will need to follow the following steps:

  • ensure all leave requests have been submitted to your manager and approved prior to your departure
  • ensure your address is updated in the Human Resource Management System. Any outstanding pay cheques/stubs or related statements, such as income tax information slips or retroactive revision, will be forwarded to your home address, unless advised otherwise. It is therefore important that you advise the Pay Centre of any change of home address after your departure
  • provide the Pay Centre with information relative to the disposition of any funds (in other words, retroactive salary revisions, vacation leave pay out etc.) (if applicable)
  • complete your departmental departure form (if applicable)
  • meet with your departmental finance section to make arrangements for the repayment of any outstanding monies owing (in other words salary advance)
  • if you have been contributing to the pension plan (in other words a term of more than 6 months) contact Pension and benefits as soon as possible to obtain and understand the options with respect to your pension entitlement information packages
How will the Pay Centre be notified that my specified period employment will not be extended?

The Pay Centre will set up a bring forward for the end date of your employment. Unless they are provided with the necessary documents to extend your period of employment at least 3 weeks in advance of the end of specified period employment, pay action will automatically be processed to stop salary.

How will I know what benefits I am entitled to?

Upon leaving the public service, the Pay Centre will provide you with a letter informing you about any benefits you many be entitled. This may include information such as your balance of salary, vacation pay, any debt owed to the crown and options with respect to the disbursement of funds.

Your employment may have been such that you may have been required to contribute to the pension plan. Information about your pension options and insurance coverage on leaving the public service can be obtained From: Pension and benefits or through the pension entitlement information packages.

When will my pay account be finalized and payments issued?

Only once the Pay Centre has been notified that there are no outstanding debts owed to the Crown, that all assets have been returned to the departments and that all leave has been recorded, your pay account will be finalized and any outstanding payments for the balance of your salary and any other benefits owing will be requested. The service standards for this type of action is 25 working days.

If I want to make a claim for Employment Insurance, what is the process?

A web-based record of employment will be completed on your behalf and retained at Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. In the event you’d like to make a claim for employment insurance, this information is required in order to establish your eligibility and level of benefits. Information about applying for Employment Insurance benefits can be obtained online at Service Canada or from your local Service Canada office.

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