Registering for direct deposit of payments in lieu of taxes

As an authorized representative of a Canadian taxing authority, you can register to receive your payments in lieu of taxes by electronic payment, which directly deposit funds into the taxing authority’s bank account. To register for electronic payment, complete the following form. This form can be also used if your taxing authority changes financial institution, the branch of its financial institution, or its account number.

On this page


Privacy disclaimer

Applies to sole proprietors  only: Collection of the information requested on this form is voluntary. This  information is collected for the purpose of offering Direct Deposit services to  Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) suppliers and is important to  facilitate the processing of your electronic funds transfer. Non-completion of  this form will result in your cheque being processed manually, which may take  longer. The personal information is maintained in Personal Information Bank  number PSU 912 and is protected from disclosure in accordance with the  provisions of the Privacy Act. Under the Privacy Act, you have  the right to request access to your personal information and request  corrections should you believe that your personal information is erroneous or  incomplete. The records are retained for six years following the last  administrative action and then destroyed.

Electronic payments request form

Protected A when completed

Type of request (required)
Type of payment (required)
Vendor information
Banking information

For wire payments only
Payment contact
Privacy consent

Authorization: I, as the person entitled to receive payments, authorize the Receiver General for Canada to deposit the payments electronically into the account specified above until further notice. I acknowledge that all the banking information provided will be captured into the Departmental Financial System. I have read and understand this form.

Administrative use only

Will any payment exceed $5,000.00?
Banking details entered into SIGMA

Entered by:

Test transaction successful, written confirmation attached (excludes wire payments)

Payments exceeding $5,000.00

Supplier profile “created” in Web Standard Payment System (SPS)

Created by:

Supplier profile “authorized” in Web SPS

Authorized by:

Supplier profile “confirmed” in Web SPS

Confirmed by:

For more information

Contact Payments in Lieu of Taxes Program

From: Public Services and Procurement Canada

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