Testimonials about events and conference management services

Here’s what clients say about our events and conference management services.

Department of National Defence, Defence Leadership Symposium, Ottawa

“Many thanks [provided] for your support throughout. Your attention to details, sound advice and team spirit has largely contributed to the success of the event. It was said by our two co-chairs and by most in attendance that this was the best Defence Leadership Symposium they attended.”

Department of National Defence: Recommendation to a colleague

‘‘The Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) person we hired, [provided] knowledge and experience in the domain of large and secure event planning surpassed expectations. The fees that PSPC charge are for labour and equipment rental which is way cheaper than contracting out. The representative knows everyone in Ottawa that regularly supports events (service providers, Logistics Account Executive (LAE)s, catering, etc.). She was actually also hired to plan a chief of defence staff level conference last fall in Halifax, again glowing reviews and a very successful conference.”

Employment and Social Development Canada

“I would like to express my many thanks to you all for the success we achieved in providing the technical solution to the Deputy Ministers Town Hall Event. I was very impressed with the high level of professionalism you demonstrated throughout the planning phase and with the self-control you all exhibited during the event itself. I welcome any opportunity to work with you all in the future.”

Global Affairs Canada

“I would like to express our sincere thanks to you and your team for your excellent work and cooperation in the planning and execution of the Israeli state visit. I know how much effort goes into each site and congratulate you for pulling it all together so seamlessly.”

Public Safety, Roundtable, Winnipeg

“… it was also a very successful event!! Thanks for all your efforts to make it look seamless. Looking forward to future opportunities to work together!”

Public Services and Procurement Canada, Science and Parliamentary Infrastructure Branch

“Just a quick note to say thanks for all your effort in making Canada Day 2019 a great success. Everything went super smooth this year and it was all because of your expertise and the amount of effort and hours you all put in to the event. We are always the ones working in the background and it is important to acknowledge the fact the show wouldn’t happen without you guys. It is always a pleasure to work with such a great team. Thanks very much guys.”

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

“On behalf of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Science and Technology Organization’s Collaboration Support Office, I would like to thank you for your support of the recent Systems Analysis and Studies Panel Business Meeting 2019. […] This was a major Systems Analysis Studies (SAS) event and the Government of Canada, Operational Support and Event Management responded well to the challenge of organizing such an important meeting. […] On behalf of the SAS Chairperson, all the members of the Panel and the Science and Technology Organization’s Collaboration Support Office, I would like to express our deepest appreciation for the superb organization and the outstanding support over the three days. [The] support greatly contributed to the success of the meeting and made the event run flawlessly.”

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