Digital information management services

The Document Imaging Solutions Centre offers services to convert your records from paper to pixels as well as information management services. Learn about some of our digitizing service offerings and our value proposition.

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We offer various levels of conversion and records management.

Basic conversion

This service consists of converting your paper and oversized documents into images. As with all of our work, we use a thorough quality assurance process. The Document Imaging Solutions Centre can return digital files to the client by external media or an electronic file transfer. Conversion can work with any size of document, from business card to oversized engineering-sized documents, as well as books, microfilm and microfiche and always includes indexing information for quick and easy retrieval.

Records management

In addition to the basic conversion service, our facilities can convert your documents from multiple platforms. We can capture more information with validation against your trusted data. This way, we can manage digital files on your behalf and give authorized users access to them via a secure web portal.

Evidentiary compliance

Do you need to produce digitized records in a court of law? We comply with the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) standards that certify your image as a true copy of the original document.

Our services at a glance
Services Basic conversion service Records management service Evidentiary compliance
Converting documents Yes Yes Yes
Quality assurance Yes Yes Yes
Return digital files Yes Yes Yes
Submit document from multiple platforms n/a Yes Yes
Data validation n/a Yes Yes
Secure access via web portal n/a Yes Yes
Canadian General Standards Board standards compliance n/a n/a Yes

Specialized services

When you need help with special projects, we have a solution.

Mailroom management

Do you want to optimize your mailroom to speed up the response time to your clients? At the front end, we can manage receipt of your documents from various users through a centralized PO Box, email or fax.

We can take on the time-consuming tasks of opening and preparing your documents for scanning.

At the tail end of our service delivery options, we can interface with your information technology to deliver digital files. With this feature, we enable clients to manage their own client base.

Ministerial correspondence

As a complement to mailroom management, the ministerial correspondence solution can help you respond to queries from the general public and private and public sectors faster and more efficiently. With this service, we receive, prepare, scan and triage all incoming mail, emails and faxes. This allows us to then produce and send a standard reply to any simple query. For inquiries that require more thorough research, we provide you with the scanned documents for review and you can then develop your own response quickly and easily.

Archival documents

We can archive and provide secure records management services. Once archived, the images can be accessed through turn-key integration with client IT (information technology) systems. Alternatively, clients can access them online via government intranet. Either option includes a full audit trail.

Once the process is complete, we provide on-site paper document storage and shredding services.

Bibliographic service

Once your documents are scanned, we can share them with Public Services and Procurement Canada's Publishing and Depository Services. This group hosts your files and makes them available to the public through their web portal, Government of Canada Publications.

You can also host files on your own web portal. This service is perfect if you want to make historical documents available for consultation without risking damage to your paper collection.

Government of Canada Publications

Value proposition

Avoid long procurement processes. We've pre-screened an established network of skilled specialists to help complete the work. Other benefits of partnering with Public Services and Procurement Canada's document imaging business include:

We operate on an annual, cost-recovery basis. Our agreements with clients include an estimate based on the total cost per image.

Quality policy: International Organization for Standardization 9001:2015

We strive to be recognized for our excellent work and we value our approach to quality, which allows us to develop, grow and diversify our business. The Imaging and Receiver General Operations Directorate (IRGOD) is committed to maintaining a quality system that meets the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Our quality policy: Our service excellence

Listening to our clients

We provide first-rate client service. We are attentive to the needs of our clients and work to meet them in an effective manner.

Providing quality service

We value innovation in the development of our services, which are unique and highly versatile. Our priority is to deliver service with the best possible value for the Government and for Canadians.

Valuing our employees

We have a dedicated, skilled and versatile workforce. To support our employees, we invest in continuous training and provide opportunities for development and an accommodating work environment.

Improving continuously

We are driven by our commitment to excellence. We progress by building on our experience and we are continuously optimizing our processes and our quality system.

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