Seminar notes: Doing business with the Government of Canada

Procurement Assistance Canada


Opportunities for smaller and diverse businesses

Contracting with the Government of Canada

Spending authorities within the Government of Canada

Registering as a supplier

Increasing the participation of Indigenous businesses in procurement

Building networks

Know your business and know your clients

Other organizations

Open procurement data

Low dollar value procurement

Competitive procurement

Note: There are standard policies that apply to all government purchases, whether or not they are explicitly stated in solicitation documents. You can learn more by consulting the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual and Supply Manual.

Standing Offers

Supply Arrangements

Registering to provide professional services

Collaborative procurement

Non-competitive procurement

According to Canadian Government Contract Regulations, sole source purchasing can only be undertaken under the following four circumstances.

Advance Contract Award Notice

Requests for Information

Bidding on opportunities

To bid or not to bid?

Attention to detail

Ask questions during the procurement process

Submitting your bid

Security requirements

Contract Security Program

Mandatory electronic fingerprints

Mandatory credit checks

For more information on security requirements

Federal Contracting Fraud Tip Line

Starting work

Purchase orders


Next steps

Get assistance

If you need help understanding the federal procurement process or registering for a procurement business number:

Electronic procurement solution

The Government is moving federal procurement online. During this transition, you may be able to bid on some tender opportunities through the electronic procurement solution. Find out more.

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